Performance Issue in Sap

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Performance issue in sap:

What areas you will check if user complained performance on one report/program?

1. Narrow down the problem.. like how many users and what kind of users are facing
the problem. Some times some set of users will face performance issue, it may be
due to some changes which might have gone into production system recently. Look out
for the latest imported transport request.
Check STAD report ,FS, ora arch usage, table spaces,R3trans -d and database
status,SAP/Hana license,hana/log status(use reclaim log)
2. Space monitoring : db02 check space for all table space. Also check for PSAPUNDO
3. SAP Buffer Memory monitoring : ST02 : See the swapping in buffers
4. Look for the logs in SM21 and dump in st22
5. Check the status of your all work processes. Do you have sufficient work
processes available. Check if you have proper number of update work processes
available, Check the enqueue process, It should be in waiting status most of the
time. If everything is fine then check the work process logs. Some times if you are
logged into a application server and it may have some connection issue with the
database instance. Check it with nipping.
6. CHeck the user distribution via log on groups
7. Check resource quota allocation for RFC group. You should not specify all work
process to be used by RFC logon group.
8. Check for jobs which may be using parallel generator option which usually uses
many dialog ork processes.
9. Check the alert log for the database. If check point is taking long time then
the issue may be with improper configuration of redo log size and groups
10. check sm58 , if you find many trfcs in executying phase then check is there any
issue with the destination system.
11. Check basis update statistics jobs.
12. Check in ST04 if you find few sqls which are using more than 5 % of overall
database load then you need to tune the SQL. Check if the SQL stmt is using for a
proper index.
13. Check which are the main tables which has been used by the users who are facing
performance issue. CHeck there update statistics and indexes storage quality. Also
check the fragmentation for tables. If required rebuild index , reoraganize
tables , update statistics for the tables.

14. Check the IO . If there is bad response time for few disks then contatct to
your IO team
SE30 - gives you a run time analysis and points out the issues more at design time.
ST05 - Is the most useful if you want to track time taken for execution of each of
the sections. SM50 - Will give you a work process overview, not sure at a program
level how can it help you.

I would like to use St05 personally.

SQL Trace (ST05) we use for performance tuning
In se38,you have a report and you want to test the performance of that report
ST05 tells about the summary of sql statements used in that program.
ST02 --> Memory management ST03 --> Dialog Service
OS06 --> Operating System SCI --> Code Inspector
Ask abap team if its customized program or else raise ticket to SAP

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