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 What is a political system?

 Political system of Pakistan and it's Background.
 Government and it's Branches:
☆ (1) Legislative (2) Executive - (3) judiciary.

 National Assembly of Pakistan.

 Senate and its Members.
 Prime Minister. As Head of the State.
 President - His Qualification - powers - Disqualification.
 MNAS and Their Qualification.
 Senators and Their Qualification.
 Governor - Qualification - Oath - Removal
 Chief Minister - Qualification - Miscellaneous points
 MPA - Their Qualification.
 Supreme Court judges Qualification - powers.
 High court - Qualification
Political System of Pakistan

What is Politics? What is a system? And discuss in detail the political

system of Pakistan?


The word “Politics”, has been stemmed in Greek Civilization because this was

derived from the work “police”. The word police had been used for Greek city-

states, usually called as police.

Aristotle and other Greek political scientists have used this word for the

administration of these city-states which were nearly 158 in numbers.

What is a System?


A system means an appropriate arrangement of components of an object or

factors of a process.

In a system, we are highly concerned with the proper arrangement of various

process. Because politics has been divided into two major categories as given

below ;

(1) Minor politics: Proper operation of office etc.

(2) Major politics: It deals with complex operations on national or

international level.
What is political system?

Political system is a process through which we govern a department, a

government, a state or even a huge union of states.

As we have already discussed that politics has been divided into two sub-

categories which are Minor politics and Major politics.

Minor political system operates in a small apartment, an institute or even on a

tribal level. Through this political system they solve their internal issues and try

to make a favourable environment for their living.

Major politics deals with the problems on a major level as provincial, national

or international level.

Political System of Pakistan and its Background:


It took a long time to frame an appropriate and an effective system for better

operation of our country and its development.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has predicted for two years duration

about our construction.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was in favour of presidential system but the rest were

insisting for a parliamentary system. Parliamentary system was mainly backed

up by Liquat Ali Khan and other parties as National Awami Party, led by

Mullana Baashani of Bangal.

In the initial stages, Mullana Shabeer Ahmed-e-Usmani and his company

members prepared Objective Resolution which was Liaquat Ali Khan and his

companions in Basic Principles Committee.

Muhammad Ali Boughra had presented a constitutional formula but failed and

was assassinated as well.

Prime Minister Rehmat Ali gave Pakistan the constitution of 1956 but

unfortunately on October, 7, Martial Law and General Ayub Khan took the total

authority in hand on 27th of October 1957.

General Ayub Khan framed another constitution of 1962 with the help of justice


It was a presidential system and he had framed it in his own interests.

Eventually, after a long time, during the regime of Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto, we

framed the constitution of 1973. It was prepared by 75 members committee,

who were all members of National Assembly and this was a Parliamentary


Political system is a process through which we govern a state. A state has 4 or 5


(1) Territory, (2) Population (3) Government

(4) Sovereignty and (5) Recognition

In a political system, we are mainly concerned with the 3 rd element, which is


A Government has been composed of 3 main branches, which are given below:

(1) Legislative (2) Executive and (3) Judiciary

(1) Legislative:

It makes laws for the operation of a government. Legislative is then composed

of National Assembly and Senate.

National Assembly and Senate make a pass laws.

(2) Executive:

Executive is that branch of government which implements the prepared laws of

the state legislature. Executive plays a vital role in a state’s progress. Police ,

army and other operational agencies are parts of Executive.

(3) Judiciary:

Judiciary is that branch of government which gives punishment or put fine over

those who violate the government law.

This division of power had been introduced by Montesquieu and it’s the part of

our constitution of 1973.

As we have adopted a parliamentary system in our country so mainly the Prime

Minister of our country is the center of powers.

Before going to discuss the conditions for our prime minister, its needed to

discuss the National Assembly and Senate.

(1) National Assembly of Pakistan:

Our national Assembly consisted of 342 members which are divided on the

basis of population. It’s list is given below:

General Seats Female Total Seats

Balochistan 14 3 17

K.P.K 35 8 43

Sindh 61 14 75

Punjab 148 35 183

FATA 12 - 12

CIT 2 - 2

272 60 332


Christians: 4

Hindu: 4

Sikh and Parsi: 1

Qadyani: 1

Total Seats for Minorities = 10

Now it has been changed with the passage of 25th amendment of July 25, 2018

Present Arrangement:

General Seats Female Total Seats

Balochistan 15 4 20

K.P.K 45 10 55

Sindh 61 14 75

Punjab 141 32 173

CIT 3 3

266 60 326

And 10 seats were reserved for minorities and mentioned before.

The 25th Amendment emerged FATA into K.P.K and its separates

representatives were put into K.P’s portion.

(2) Senate:

In senate the representation has been given to each province on equal basis,

unlike the National Assembly where representation had been given on the basis

of Mass proportion.
Senate before 25th Amendment:

Each province had equal members and Senate at this time consisted of 104

members, in which 8 members were taken from FATA.

Senate after 25th Amendment:

FATA lost it’s 8 members after being merged into K.P.K and now the total

strength of our Senate is 96 in numbers.

Here its needed to discuss the qualifications of Prime Minister, President, Chief

Minister, MNA’s, Governor and MPA’s. Along with this the voting process will

also be discussed.

(1) Prime Minister as State Representative:

In the present constitution of 1973, the Prime Minister has been declared as the

representative of State and the head of executive. The Prime Minister will be

elected through election for the duration of 5 years.

According to article 92, the president is supposed to called the head of the

majority party in the National Assembly. Due to parliamentary System in

Pakistan the Prime Minister is the main center of Power.

Conditions for Eligibility:

There are a few fundamental points to be mentioned about the eligibility of

Prime Minister.

a. He must be a Muslim

b. Eligible or Ex-member of National Assembly.

c. Not less than 35 years of Age.

In the absence of Prime Minister, the Speaker of National Assembly will hold

that position. Prime Minister will choose member for his cabinet from

parliament and would handle this list to president, who will take their oaths

according to article 92 of the 1973 constitution.

Vote of Non-Confidence:

Vote of non-confidence will not be admitted until they choose another member

qualified for this position. Vote of non-confidence will not be admitted during

budget discussion of parliament.

Voting must be conducted within 3 to 7 days regarding vote of non-confidence.

If they passed vote against Prime Minister, President will the other member, and

the former cabinet will be reserved.

If once they lose majority against Prime Minister, the next vote of non-

confidence will not be held before the completion of six months. There are

some other points as well.


He is the representative of the state. He is the head of the state. He has much

more powers than others but all of these powers are directed by the Prime

Conditions for Qualification:

(1) He must be Muslim

(2) His age must not be less than 45 years.

(3) He should be qualified for the membership of National Assembly.


He has many powers which are all by name and directed by the Prime Minister.

Procedure for Election:

Any member of National Assembly or Senate could enroll the name of a

presidential candidate in the election commission of Pakistan. It is needed to

attach the proclamation of the presidential election, signed by any member of

National assembly or Senate.

Their election will be contested on concealed ballet. Single transferrable vote

would also be applaudable and the one with a clear majority will be elected as

the president of Pakistan.

His oath of obedience will be taken by the Chief Justice of Pakistan. He will be

elected for 5 years and cannot contest presidential elections more than two



(1) Mental Disturbance

(2) Completion of his five years duration

(3) Vote of non-confidence

Powers of President:

(1) Dissolve the Assembly:

According to Article 48(2) (b) President can dissolve the National Assembly by

the order of Prime Minister. And he can also dissolve it at the absence of Prime

Minister, when vote of non-confidence has been passed against Prime Minister

and another member is not yet selected.

(2) Economic power:

Budget procedure is completely in control of President and a budget bill could

not be passed without its ratification by the president. He can reserve money

from state treasury without anyone’s permission for any developmental projects.

But he is bound to give his ratification with 7 days. Otherwise the bill will be

considered as passed.

(3) Ordinance:

According to article 232, president will declare State of Emergency and the

1973 constitution has also given him the authority to issue an Ordinance in this


An ordinance is usually issued during the absence of National Assembly and

would be enacted for 4 months but after the formation of National Assembly it

could be eradicated before 4 months or could also be changed into law.

A President also has some more powers but they are only by name.
MNA: Member of National Assembly:

According to the current laws of Pakistan, we have 326 members of National

Assembly. They are directed proportionally and into two main groups. The

Ruling Party and the Opposition.


(1) Citizenship of Pakistan is required.

(2) 25 years of age is must and to be enrolled in electoral list.

(3) Not being a bankrupt

(4) No evidences of blasphemy

(5) No evidences of treachery against Pakistan.

(6) Not being declared as a criminal in government record.


Currently our Senate has 96 members and they are elected from all the

provinces on equal basis. They also contribute a lot to the system.


(1) Citizenship of Pakistan is needed.

(2) 30 years of age is must.

(3) No evidence of treachery against Pakistan be found.

(4) Not being declared as criminal by the state.

(5) Being qualified for the MNA’s post.


His is the head of a province, where, he has been appointed as president is on

the Federal level. He has also being given a lot of powers but they are all by

name and controlled by the Chief Minister of the relevant province.

According to article 101 of the current constitution of Pakistan, every province

will have a Governor, who will be appointed by the president.

Conditions for Eligibility:

(1) 35 years of age is must.

(2) Being qualified in regard to all conditions required for an MNA.

(3) President can remove him, in case of non-eligibility.


The Chief Justice of High Court of that relevant province would take his oath.


President can remove him, if he does not fulfill the above condition or the

points being mentioned for president’s non qualification.

Chief Minister:

He is the main authority in a relevant province, as Prime Minister is on federal

level. After the General election, Governor will held a meeting of provincial
Assembly and elect the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and then he will call the

man of majority vote for the position of Chief minister.


(1) He will take vote of confidence within 7 days from Provincial Assembly.

(2) He could be of any religion.

(3) He must protect the Islamic ideology of Pakistan.

Miscellaneous Points;

According to Article-132, a Governor can remove any member of Provincial

Assembly by the Order of Chief Minister. Chief Minister can send his

resignation to the Governor of the relevant province. There could be so many

other points.

MPA: Member of Provincial Assembly:

Each province has its own members of its provincial assembly. There number

depend upon the proportion of masses.


(1) Pakistani Citizenship is required.

(2) Age should not be less than 25 years.

(3) Being registered in the electoral list of the relevant province.

(4) To fulfill all conditions required for parliamentary membership.

Each province has various number of members depend upon the population.

Supreme Court:

It contains a Chief Justice and a few more judges, whose number would be

appointed by President or parliament. Chief Justice would be appointed by

President and the rest with his permission by the president.


(1) Citizenship of Pakistan

(2) Five years experience as Judge of High Court or

(3) Experience as advocate for 15 years in High Court.


See the following articles in the 1973 constitution.

Article # 184

Article # 185

Article # 186

High Court:

Each province is supposed to have High Court. Initially, Sindh and Balochistan

and a single High Court but later on each was given a separate High Court.


(1) Pakistani citizenship is required.

(2) Age should not be less 45 years.

(3) 10 years experience as an advocate in High Court.

(4) 10 years being appointment in Pakistani Judiciary.

High Court judge would appointed by the Chief Justice of High Court and the

relevant governor.

Federal Shariat Court:

It contains 8 Muslims judges. One will be Chief Justice, 3 would be highly

expert in Sharia or Islamic Jurisdiction.

It would make laws in accordance to Islamic jurisdiction.


1) Dr. Safdar Mehmood.

2) Dr. Bakhtiyar.

3) Dr. Sultan.

4) W.State Arghawan.

5) Hamed Khan.

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