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Date : ………………..………………………………
Part : 1 INTRO : What do we eat & drink?

Activity 1 • Answer the questions below.

1. What is food? ...............................................................................................................................................
2. What do we eat? ..........................................................................................................................................
3. What do we drink? .......................................................................................................................................

Activity 2 • Listen to complete the following exchanges, and then name the pictures below.

What’s your favourite vegetable,

What’s your favourite vegetable? What’s your favourite vegetable?
1 2 3
Mm, I like ................................... Oh! I like ................................... No yuck, I like ................................

What’s your favourite vegetable,

What’s your favourite vegetable? What’s your favourite vegetable?
do you like pumpkin?
4 5 6
No, my favourite vegetable is I like ................................ with
I like ...................................
.................................. salad dressing.

What’s your favourite vegetable? What’s your favourite vegetable? What’s your favourite vegetable?

7 I really like ....................................

8 9
I like .................................. I like ................................
It’s so good.


a. b. c. d. e.

f. g. h. i. j.

Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................ ?

1 2 3
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................ ?

4 5 6
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................. ? Do you like ................................ ?

7 8 9
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.


a. b. c. d. e.

f. g. h. i. j. 21
Activity 3 • exercises
1. Do you like to eat fruits? What's your favourite one?
2. In your opinion, what's the most delicious fruit?
3. What kind of fruit juice do you like to drink?
4. Do you like to eat fruit salad? What fruits you like to have in a salad?
5. Some people say "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?" What does this mean?
6. Which fruit you adore to smell?
7. Do you like vegetables? What's your favourite one?
8. Are you or would you like to be vegetarian?
9. Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why or why not?
10. What kind of vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?
11. Do you cultivate fruits or vegetables in your garden?

Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 2 LISTENING : Ordering Food

Activity 1 • Before you listen, answer the following questions.

1. Do you like to eat out?
2. How often do you eat out?
3. Do you eat out with your friends or with your family?
4. What do you normally order?

Activity 2 • Now, listen to complete the dialogue and answer the questions.
Waiter : Next, please! What would you like?
Mike : Can I have a ............................................. , please?
Waiter : A ....................... ...................... or ....................... ......................... .......................?
Mike: ................................ ............................. ............................., please.
Waiter : Anything else?
Mike: Yeah, I'd like some .................................. ...................................
Waiter : Would you like a ...................................... ?
Mike: Yes, can I have an ........................... ..............................., please?
Waiter : OK, so that’s one ....................... ....................... ......................, one .......................
...................... and an ....................... ........................ What’s your table number?
Mike: Table 3. How much is that?
Waiter : That’s £8.37, please.
Mike: Here you are.
Waiter : Thank you ... that’s £10.00 ... and £1.63 change. Next, please ...
1. Where are the people who speak in the audio? ..........................................................................................
2. Who are these people? ................................................................................................................................
3. What does Mike order? ................................................................................................................................
4. How much does he pay? .............................................................................................................................

Activity 3 • After you listen, complete the following menu and order your food in pairs.

MENU Waiter : Hello Sir, hello Madam. Welcome.

MAIN COURSES DESERTS & DRINKS Clients : Hello! Thank you so much.
............................... ............................... Waiter : What would you like to eat, madam?
15DH 15DH Woman : I would like ……………………………………………………………………..
............................... ............................... Waiter : And what would you like to drink?
30DH 10DH Woman : I will have ……………………………………………………………………....
............................... ............................... Waiter : Would you like anything else?
80DH 17DH Woman : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

............................... ...............................
Waiter : And you sir, What would you like to eat?
25DH 9DH
Man : I will try ………………………………………………………………………………..
............................... ............................... Waiter : Would you like a drink?
35DH 6DH
Man : ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
............................... ............................... Waiter : Anything else?
20DH 8DH Man : …………………………………………………………………………….……………….
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 3 READING : Food Around the World

Activity 1 • Before you read, name these products.

Meat products

1. .......................................... 2. ............................................. 3. ........................................... 4. .............................................

Grain products

1. .......................................... 2. ............................................. 3. ........................................... 4. .............................................

Dairy products

1. .......................................... 2. ............................................. 3. ........................................... 4. .............................................

Activity 2 • While you read, do the tasks below.

Hello! My name is Anya. In Russia, we usually have

Solyanka for dinner. It is a Russian soup with
cucumbers, onion, tomato and some lemon. My
family loves it with lamb, but my sister and I like it
with beef. It is yummy with beans.

 Yuval’s family have the same breakfast.

 Chinese people always use knives and forks to eat.
 Solyanka is delicious with beans.
Vegetables Fruits Drinks Grains Dairy Meat
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -

Activity 3 • After you read, discuss these questions.

1. What do you normally have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
2. Which one is better,
▪ the Moroccan breakfast or the Israeli one?
▪ The Moroccan lunch or the Chinese one?
▪ The Moroccan dinner or the Russian one?
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 4 GRAMMAR : Some / Any

Activity 1 • Complete the spider gram with the food items you still remember, and then categorize
them according to the table.

Countable foods Uncountable foods


Activity 2 • Listen to complete these exchanges, and then add more foods to the table above.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
Man: Care for ........................... ...........................? Man: Do we have ........................... ...........................?
Woman: I would love ............................ Woman: We have ............................ Maybe three eggs.
Man: Cream or ...........................? Man: OK, and do we have ........................... ...........................?
Woman: No sugar, but I’ll take a little cream, please! Woman: No, we don’t have ........................... cheese.
Man: Oh, you know what, we don’t have ............. cream. Is milk OK? Man: Oh, that’s too bad. I want to make an omelette.
Woman: That’s fine. Woman: Well, I can go to the store and buy some.
Man: No, that’s OK. I’ll just have toast.

Activity 2 • Do the tasks below.

3. Fill in the blanks with some or any.
1. What’s the difference between some and any in meaning?
a. We need ...................... bananas.
▪ I have some potatoes in the fridge. b. You can't buy ...................... cheese in this shop.
Some : ............................................................................ c. We haven't got ...................... oranges at the moment.
d. Peter wants to buy ...................... fish.
▪ I don’t have any potatoes in the fridge.
e. She always takes ...................... sugar with her coffee.
Any : ..............................................................................
f. There aren't ...................... onions in my kitchen.
g. I have ...................... cookies for you.
2. Go back to the exchanges to tick the correct options. h. There are ...................... apples on the table.
- We use some with : - We use any with :
 Affirmative sentences  Affirmative sentences 4. Complete the dialogue.
 Negative sentences  Negative sentences Jasmine : I want to prepare ............... cookies. (you/have)
 Interrogative sentences  Interrogative sentences ............... ............... ............... ............... eggs?

 Countable nouns  Countable nouns Nancy : I’m sorry, I (not/have) ............... ............... ...............,
 Uncountable nouns  Uncountable nouns but I have ............... chocolate.

Jasmine : That’s great, so I only need ............... eggs.

Activity 3 • Picnic Time : Imagine we are going on a picnic. Make a list of

six kinds of food or drink that you are going to bring with you.

o Ask your classmates and answer their questions using this model.
- Student A: Have you got any water?
- Student B: Yes, I've got some water?
- Student A: What about carrots, have you got any?
- Student B: No, I haven’t got any. Ask Youssef.
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 5 WRITING : Sentences to Dialogue

Activity 1 • Before you write, answer the following questions.

1. Do you ask for the menu card if you go to a restaurant or a snack shop?
2. Have you ever thought of trying vegan meals?
3. How much time do you normally waiter before the waiter serves your food?

Activity 2 • Now let’s write. Unscramble the following sentences to make a dialogue.

Waiter: You have to wait 20-25 minutes sir.

Waiter: Sorry sir, we don’t have diet coke right now.
Waiter: Yes sir, we have really good quality. We are famous here for roast chicken.
Waiter: Good evening sir, how can I help you?
Waiter: Yes of course. It’s £115. How was the food?
Waiter: Do you need anything else, sir?
Waiter: Yes sir, are you vegan or non-vegan?
Waiter: Okay, what would you like to drink?
Waiter: Thanks a lot sir.
Waiter: Here is your menu sir, please take a look. And tell me what you would like to have.
Waiter: Okay, what would you like for dessert?
Waiter: You can have Pepsi, normal Coke, or energy drinks.

Customer: No, thanks. How much time will you take for the order?
Customer: Can I have the bill?
Customer: Yeah, that was pretty good. I am impressed.
Customer: Good evening. Can you please show me the food menu card?
Customer: I will try the chocolate ice-cream.
Customer: Okay, I will have half roast chicken with two buttered toasts.
Customer: Non-vegan.
Customer: Okay, no problem.
Customer: Then what are the options?
Customer: How is your roast chicken? Is it good?
Customer: I will take Pepsi. Give me half-litter Pepsi.
Customer: Do you have diet coke?

- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ............................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : .....................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
- Customer : ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
- Waiter : .............................................................................................................................................................

Activity 3 • After you write. Role-play the dialogue above (You can order the food you like).

Date : ………………..………………………
Part : 6 BOOST : Fruits (1)

Introduction • All around the world, there are different types of fruit. Some fruit is big and some
fruit is little. Bananas, apples, and oranges are types of fruit.
- Do you like to eat fruit?
- What is your favourite fruit?

Chapter 1 • Where Fruit Grows. Chapter 2 • Different Fruit.

Fruit grows on plants. Trees are a type of plant. There are many different types of fruit. Fruit can
Some types of fruit grow on big trees. Apples, be green, red, orange, yellow, white, purple,
oranges, peaches, and mangoes grow on big blue, or black! Fruit can be long or short, oval or
trees. Some mango trees are very tall. round. What shapes can you see here?

Some types of fruit grow on little plants.

Some fruit plants grow on the ground. A jackfruit can be 1 meter long.
Strawberry plants grow on the ground.

Some fruit plants are thin, but they Different types of fruit grow in different places.
grow tall. Kiwi plants are tall and thin. Bananas and mangoes grow in hot, rainy places.
Lemons and oranges grow in hot places. Apples
and strawberries grow in cool places. What fruit
grows where you live?

Chapter 3 • Fruits and Seeds. Chapter 4 • New Fruit Plants.

All types of fruit have seeds. Some types of fruit have What do seeds do? Seeds make new plants!
many little seeds. A dragon fruit has many little seeds. Old fruit falls from a plant to the ground. The
fruit rots. The seeds from the fruit go into the
Some types of fruit have one big seed. A mango has
ground. New plants grow from the seeds.
one big seed. Open some fruit to see the seeds inside!
How a new fruit plant grows:
1. A seed in the fruit makes a new plant.
A strawberry has seeds on the outside! 2. Leaves make food for the new plant so it
can grow.
3. Flowers grow on the plant.
Some types of fruit are soft. Oranges,
4. The flowers get old and the petals fall
strawberries, and peaches are soft. from the plant.
Some types of fruit are hard. Nuts are 5. New fruit grows.
hard. Nuts have seeds inside. 6. Old fruit falls to the ground and rots.

Conclusion • Exercises.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 7 READING : The Moroccan Tagine

Activity 1 • Before you read, answer the following questions.

1. Do you love cooking?

2. What can you cook?
3. Name the following ingredients and utensils you use to cook from the list.
Garlic - Water - Chilli pepper - Spoon - Knife - Spices - Olives - Olive oil

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Activity 2 • Now, let’s read to do the tasks below.

To prepare a Moroccan Tagine, you need to wash the vegetables first. After that, slice onions and place them in the base
of the tagine. Then, add garlic and olive oil. Next, put meat in the centre of the tagine. After that, mix the Moroccan
spices with a spoon, and then distribute some of the spice mixture over the meat and onions. The spices will meld with
the oil and liquids to make a flavourful sauce. After that, peel the vegetables and cut them into medium pieces with a
knife. Next, add them to the meat. Arrange vegetables in the centre and add some more spice mixture. Following this,
you can dress up the tagine with some olives or a chilli pepper. The last step is pouring some water carefully. Finally,
place the tagine on the stove. Let it cook on a medium fire.


a. What do you need to prepare a Moroccan tagine? ............................................................................................
b. What should you do before you use vegetables? ...............................................................................................
 You should add meat before onions.
 You should add water after vegetables.

A. B. C. D. E.

Activity 3 • After you read, discuss the following points.

1. Do you like to eat the Moroccan tagine?
2. Do you like it with beef, lamb, fish, or chicken?
3. How do you prepare tagine? Is it like the recipe in the text?
4. Can you provide another recipe to make tagine?
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 8 WRITING : A Recipe

Activity 1 • Before you write, imagine you are not a student. Today, you are a chef cook.
Work with your partner to fill in the recipe below with the information needed.

A recipe for .....................................................................................................

Preparation time ............................
Cook time .........................................



Kitchen verbs

Activity 2 • Now, let’s write. Use the information you have to complete the recipe


Activity 3 • After you write, answer the following questions.

o What is the difference between healthy food and junk food?

o Which one do you prefer?

Date : ………………..……………………………
Part : 9 SPEAKING : Inviting people

Activity 1 • Analyse the following pictures to complete the collocations from the list.

a can - a piece - a glass - a slice - a cup

...................... of tea. ...................... of coffee. ...................... of water. ...................... of milk.

.................... of chocolate. ...................... of cake. ...................... of pizza. ...................... of soda.

Activity 2 • Use the collocations above to complete the following dialogue.

• Categorize the expressions in the dialogue according to these tables.

Would you like a ................. of ................... , Sally?
Inviting people to eat/drink
Yes, thank you so much.
- .........................................................................

Do you want a ...................... of ....................... ? - .........................................................................

Yes, but only a small slice. Accepting invitations

- .........................................................................
You Roger! Would you like a .......... of ............. ?
- ........................................................................
Thank you, but I’m not thirsty. • Role-play the dialogue
Declining invitations using the foods you like.
Do you want a ...................... of ....................... ?
- .........................................................................

I’m sorry, I’m not hungry. But thanks. - .........................................................................

Activity 3 • Like other countries, in Morocco we have our table manners that we respect.
Read the following table manners to categorize them into do’s and don’ts.

The Moroccan Table Manners

Eat with your right hand.

Wash your hand before eating.
Eat before everybody is present.
Eat from the spot in front of you.
Put your elbow on the table.
Say Bismi-llah (in the name of Allah) before you start eating.
When you finish eating, say alhamdu-lillah (praise and thanks be to Allah).
Speak with your mouth full.
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 10 GRAMMAR : Quantifiers

Activity 1 • Read the following dialogue to decide whether the statements are true or false.

Daughter: Mom, I want to make Moroccan soup.

How many tomatoes do I need?
Mother: You need a lot of tomatoes, one kilo.
Daughter: What about onions?
Mother: You don’t need many onions, just a few. One or two.
Daughter: Ok. And how much water do I need?
Mother: You need a lot of water, two litters.
Daughter: What about meat?
Mother: You don’t need much meat, just a little. Only 200 grams.
 The daughter needs a few tomatoes.

Daughter: Thank you, mother.  She needs a lot of onions.

Mother: You’re welcome.
 She needs a little water.

 She needs a lot of meat.

Activity 2 • Go back to the dialogue above to do the tasks below.

2. Find the quantifiers that each
1. Tick the correct option. picture represents.

Use it with Many Much A lot of A few A little

Affirmative sentences
Negative sentences
Interrogative sentences
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns

Activity 3 • Fill in the blanks with the quantifiers given.

Much - many - a lot of

a few - a little
a. - How ……………………………………. potatoes do we need to make fried potatoes?
- We don’t need ……………………………………. just two. I usually eat ……………………………………. biscuits
with ……………………………………. chocolate for
b. - How ……………………………………. rice is in the kitchen?
- There isn’t ……………………………………. rice, only 100 grams. We need to buy some. breakfast. For lunch, my mother prepares a
tagine with ……………………………………. carrots,
c. - Do we need ……………………………………. oranges to make the juice?
potatoes, tomatoes, and …………………………….
- Yes, we need ……………………………………. oranges because there are seven guests.
meat. As for dinner, we have ………………………….
d. - Do you need ……………………………………. lamb to cook lunch?
apples and drink ………………………………. milk.
- Yes, I need……………………………………. lamb, because we are hungry.

Activity 4 • Make guesses about your classmates, and then ask them to check if your guesses are right or wrong.

Complete these sentences to make your guesses Complete these sentences to check your guesses
I think you drink .............................. cups of tea every day. How .............................. cups of tea do you drink every day?
I think you eat .............................. cheese for breakfast. How .............................. cheese do you have for breakfast?
I you drink .............................. milk before you sleep. How .............................. milk do you drink before you sleep?
I think you can eat .............................. slices of pizza. How .............................. slices of pizza can you eat?
I think there are .............................. people in your family. How .............................. people are there in your family?
Date : ………………..…………………………
Part : 11 LISTENING : Vitamins

Activity 1 • Before you listen, try with your partner to match the vitamins to what they do and the foods they are in.

A • • Supports energy metabolism. •

B1 • • Supports normal vision and skin health. •

B2 • • Supports skin, bone and tooth growth. •

B6 • • Promotes red cells. • •

C • • Promotes bone mineralization. •

D • • Helps break down fatty acids. •

Activity 2 • Now, let’s listen to take as much notes as possible.

1st listening 2nd listening

3rd listening Listen to complete the paragraph with the correct words.
Our bodies need ............................................, that’s a fact. If we don’t get enough vitamins, we become .............. But how
do we know if we’re getting enough vitamins. I worry about that. Especially because a lot of the .................... I eat isn’t so
healthy. I wonder how many vitamins there are in .................... and .................... ..................... I know I should ....................
more .................... and .................... – that’s where the vitamins are. I thought about buying vitamin pills and vitamin
supplements. But then I didn’t like the idea of this. I read these are not so good for you. I really need to read up on vitamins.
I have no idea what they do. Where do I get vitamin A and what does it do? I know .................... .... comes from fruit. I guess
I should start eating more fruit.

Activity 3 • After you listen, use the notes you have and the information in activity 1 to write a paragraph about:
o The importance of vitamins to our bodies.
o Why these vitamins are good.
o In what foods we can find them.

Date : ………………..………………………
Part : 12 BOOST : Fruits (2)

Introduction • Let’s remember.

Chapter 1 : Where fruit grows.
What do you Chapter 2 : Different fruit.
remember? Chapter 3 :Fruits and seeds.
Chapter 4 : New fruit plants.

Chapter 5 • Fruit and Animals. Chapter 6 • How to Eat From.

Many animals eat fruit.

Open a fruit and look inside! Can
Birds, monkeys, and mice
you see the skin, flesh, and seeds?
eat fruit. They eat it in the
trees and on the ground. Many animals eat
little fruit seeds. Animals don’t eat very big fruit seeds. Some fruit skin isn’t good to eat. We peel the
skin. Then we eat the flesh inside. We can do this
Some animals carry fruit to a new place. with lychees, mangoes, and bananas. Some fruit
Then they eat it. They drop fruit seeds on skin is good to eat.
the ground. New plants grow from the
seeds. It’s good for plants to grow in a new We wash the fruit skin with cold water.
place. They can grow big and tall. Then we eat the skin and flesh. We can
do this with apples, peaches, and grapes

Chapter 7 • Food and Drink. Chapter 8 • It’s Good for You!

We use soft fruit to make jam. We use
Fruit is good for your heart, eyes, and skin.
fruit to make cakes and cookies, too.
Fruit is good for your body. It can stop you
Olives and tomatoes are types
getting sick. Fruit helps you to walk, run, play,
of fruit. We use tomatoes to make pizza.
learn, and grow.
We press olives to make olive oil.
We use olive oil to cook food. You can eat fruit when you are hungry.
We press some fruit to make fruit juice. You can eat fruit when you are thirsty, too.
Do you like to drink orange, apple, or Fruit has water inside. It stops you being
pineapple juice? We mix some fruit with thirsty!
milk or ice cream to make milkshakes. It’s good to eat two or three different types
of fruit every day. Fruit is good for you!

Conclusion • Exercises.

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8


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