Ocm4 2023

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Dr. Howaida Mahmmoud Barakat
What Kind of Changemaker Are you?

Lewin’s Change Management Model

If you truly want to understand

something, try to change it.
- Kurt Lewin A German-Americanpsychologist,
known as one of the modern
pioneers ofsocial,organizational,
andapplied psychologyinthe
United States..
The 3-Stage Model of Change

Why does change occur?

What must be done to deliver change in the best way possible?

An existing Moving towards A new state

state new ways of altogether!
Phase I – Unfreezing

Prepare the organization to accept that changes are needed by:

ü Recognize the need for change
ü Create an awareness of it among employees
ü Create a compelling narrative that explains why the current way of doing things
cannot be continued.
ü Begin at the foundation by questioning the ideas, values, attitudes, and behaviors
that define the company.

This is the most challenging and stressful aspect of the change process because altering
the “how things are done“, means throwing everyone and everything off balance.

Expect strong reactions from people and a (managed) crisis.

When people are uncertain about change, they will often make choices based on their
fears rather than anticipating gains or rewards.
Determine what needs to change
ü What is the problem?
ü How do we need to act now?
ü What do we need to change, and how did the problem occur?
ü Ensure there is strong support from senior management.
ü What is the current situation like?
ü Who are we going to rely on for support?
ü How does senior management feel about this change, and what can be done
to ensure they’re active participants in making it happen?
Create the need for change
ü Why do we need to change, and what is the threat of not changing?
ü How can you do this as quickly and efficiently as possible so that everyone
feels a sense of urgency around making it happen?
ü What are some activities or actions which will help bring people on board
with your idea and show them how it will help improve their work and the
company as a whole?
ü How can we incorporate these activities into our overall strategy so that they
are effective, but not distracting from what’s really important right now?
Manage and understand doubts and concerns that people have about the change
ü Who is likely to resist this idea?
ü What are some of their concerns, and how can they be addressed effectively so that you’re able to
move forward with your plan while also showing people why it’s necessary for them to do
something different in order for the whole company to succeed?
ü How can these concerns be addressed in a way that will help remove the resistance to change and
allow people to focus on how they want the entire company to move forward?
ü What’s the plan for overcoming this resistance, making sure it doesn’t occur again, and maintaining
momentum going forward so we continue with the right changes?
ü How can we keep people moving forward with this change, even if it takes some time to do so and
doesn’t happen quickly or easily?
Phase II – Change

Once the organization is ready to move:

ü begin acting on ideas.
ü eliminate any resistance that currently exists by focusing on short-term wins
and a clear communication strategy.
ü gain support and momentum, by showing that change holds practical value for
the organization and can contribute to productivity gains or increased financial
performance in some way.
ü use a “selling” strategy on key influencers rather than trying to convince
everyone at once. Engaging the right people, will help promote ideas and bring
others on board.
ü celebrate milestones and victories along the way, to reinforce people’s belief
that they are making progress while feeling good about themselves in general.
Communicate the change
ü How are the changes you’re making going to impact people, and what will they
need to know?
ü Who needs to be involved in this process so it’s as effective as possible for everyone
ü What information do your employees or stakeholders really need from you so they
can continue working effectively?
ü How will you communicate this information, and how often?
ü What are some activities or elements of your communication strategy that could be
distracting from what’s really important right now if they’re not implemented
ü What’s the plan for maintaining momentum going forward so you continue with the
right changes in an effective way despite the obstacles that you may encounter
along the way?
Dispel rumors and address concerns
ü What are some of the key issues or questions people have about what’s going on,
and how can they be addressed effectively?
ü How can you dispel rumors or address concerns in an efficient way so that people
don’t have to worry about the things going wrong, but instead feel comfortable with
the changes they’re asked to make?
ü How can you address these concerns in a way that shows people why the changes
you’re making are necessary, and where they fit into the bigger picture?
ü How can you move past these concerns in a way that doesn’t let problems fester and
cause more damage, but instead helps them be resolved quickly?
Empower action
ü How can you empower people to be part of the change process and not just
passive participants?
ü What are some activities or actions that will help people feel like they’re part of
the change process and can actively influence what happens instead of just being
told what to do?
ü How can you empower these people in a way that shows them how their plans,
ideas, or concerns fit into your overall strategy so you can collectively move
Phase III – Refreezing
ü The organization moves from making changes to “business as usual” (the
new status quo)
ü The organization is now much stronger than before and more capable of
dealing with future challenges.
ü Everyone has bought into the changes and is committed to maintaining

Use a “consolidation” strategy:

ü Review what has been accomplished
ü Celebrate successes
ü Resolve any outstanding issues that may have come up along the way.
ü Take a step back to understand where things went wrong and learn from
mistakes rather than repeat them.
Anchor the changes into the culture
ü How are these changes going to be communicated to the staff, and what’s the
best way to do that?
ü How can you anchor these changes into your culture so people don’t feel like
they’re constantly changing what’s expected of them?
ü How can you make sure that these changes aren’t just a temporary fix, but a
part of the way you’ll do things moving forward?
ü How can you make sure these changes are fully integrated into your company
culture and not constantly modified so people know how to act regardless of
what’s being asked of them in different situations?
Develop the ways to sustain the change
ü What’s the best way to sustain the change moving forward so it becomes a part of what you do as an
ü How can you develop sustainable practices that will help keep everyone focused on these changes and
how are they going to positively impact everyone involved, rather than just making them feel like
there’s one more thing they have to think about?
ü What can you do to sustain this change and avoid constantly going back to the drawing board, but
instead making it become part of your process moving forward?
ü Create a reward system that reinforces the change you want to see.
ü What are some other things that can be done to keep these changes going forward so people don’t feel
like they’re obliged to do something, but instead become aware it’s part of what drives the company?
Establish a feedback system
ü What are some ways you can measure the success of these changes so people can tell if they’re
actually effective, and how do you want to be notified about them?
ü How will this change process fit into your weekly/monthly reporting structure in order to keep
everyone accountable for what’s going on?
ü What are some activities that will help you evaluate the success of these changes, and how will this
feedback loop look moving forward?
ü How can you establish a feedback system that ensures people know what they’re working towards,
and how can they measure their success based on what’s being asked of them?
ü What are some activities that you should do in order to determine if these changes are actually
working as expected so people don’t feel like they’re always guessing about the impact of what
they’re doing?
Adapt the organizational structure where necessary
ü What are some ways of adapting the organizational structure to accommodate these changes?
ü How do you need to adjust your reporting structures in order for everyone involved with this
change effort to not just feel like they’re carrying an additional workload, but also that it’s
necessary and a part of meeting their overall goals moving forward?
ü What are some goals which make sure the organizational structure is set up in a way that allows
people to be successful, and how will it be adjusted if there’s a need to shift things around?
ü How can you adapt the current organizational system so these changes don’t impose more work
on everyone involved without having an impact on their overall performance numbers or their
ü What else can you do to adjust your current organizational system to l help people meet their
goals moving forward, rather than just making them feel like there’s another thing they have to do
without getting anything out of the deal?
Celebrate success!
ü What are some ways to celebrate the success of these changes?
ü How will you reward those involved for what they’ve done to help make this change a reality?
ü What are some ways to celebrate this change so people feel like it’s worth their time and effort,
rather than just something they’ve had to do because the management said so?
ü How can you make sure these changes aren’t just seen as a burden, but as something people
truly want to be a part of?
ü How can you celebrate the success of these changes in order for everyone involved to feel like
they’re not the only ones pulling their weight, but to feel what they do matters and impacts the
overall company’s goals?
✅ proactive approach to change
✅ create sustainable changes that are part of company’s culture
✅ focus on people as the source of change and learning
✅ people don’t have to feel they’re making changes just to meet the latest management
✅ people feel like the change is a part of what drives the company, rather than an obligation

❌ doesn’t lend itself well to quick or short-term change initiatives.
❌ It can be complicated to implement.
❌ Doesn’t produce quick results and drive change quickly

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