BRD For Social Security Bracket

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Global HR Management Solution

Business Required Document for Payroll

Feature Name: Social Security Bracket

Table of Contents
Feature Name: Social Security Bracket.............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Audience ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Requirements .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Non-functional Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 4
3. Design Specification .................................................................................................................................................. 5

3.1 User Interface Design.......................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Implementation Details ............................................................................................................................................ 6

4.1 Integration with Existing Payroll Functions .................................................................................................. 6

4.2 Compliance with Spanish Social Security bracket Regulations ................................................................ 7
5. Testing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 Unit Testing ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.2 Integration Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 7
5.3 User Acceptance Testing .................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

6.1 User Manual .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

6.2 Payroll module ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Configuration Data .............................................................................................................................................. 8
In the configuration data HR Admin defining all the configuration like HR allowance, professional group,
ledger mapping, Social Security bracket etc. ............................................................................................................ 8
7. Future Changes ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

7.1 Scalability............................................................................................................................................................... 9
8. Flexibility for Future Social Security Bracket Changes ................................................................................. 9
Feature Name: Social Security Bracket
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements, design, and implementation details for
adding the "Social Security bracket" functionality to the Nawras HR payroll module,

1.2 Scope

The scope includes the development of a dynamic web page within the HR Admin interface to
manage and administrate Social Security bracket. The module should be compliant with user-friendly
interface for efficient administration.

1.3 Audience

This document is intended for developers, testers, and stakeholders involved in the implementation
and administration of the Nawras HR payroll module.

2. Requirements
2.1 Functional Requirements

User Authentication: Ensure that only authorized payroll administrators can access and manage
Social Security bracket details.
Employee Information: Ability to associate Social Security bracket details with individual employee
Social Security bracket: Implement a mechanism to calculate Social Security bracket based on the
employee's salary, which is defined in Salary Group.
Reporting: Generate reports summarizing income Social Security bracket details for employees.

2.2 Non-functional Requirements

Performance: The system should respond promptly even with a large number of employees.

Scalability: The module should scale gracefully to accommodate future growth.

Compliance: Adhere to Spanish regulations and accommodate future changes.

3. Design Specification
3.1 User Interface Design

Create an intuitive web interface within the Payroll Admin section for managing Social Security
bracket information.

1. Social Security bracket List:


Year Job Category Minimum Base Maximum Base Actions

2022 Category A $30,000 $50,000 Edit / Delete
2022 Category B $40,000 $60,000 Edit / Delete
2023 Category A $32,000 $52,000 Edit / Delete
2023 Category B $42,000 $62,000 Edit / Delete
2024 Category A $35,000 $55,000 Edit / Delete
2024 Category B $45,000 $65,000 Edit / Delete
Add New Bracket

2. Add New Social Security bracket:

 ID: [Auto-generated]
 Year [Auto-generated]
 Job Category: [List View]
 Minimum Base: [Input]
 Maximum Base: [Input]
 Action: [Edit/Delete]
 Save Button
3. Edit Social Security bracket:

 ID: [Read-only]
 Minimum Base: [Editable Input Field]
 Maximum Base: [Editable Input Field]
 Update Button
 Cancel Button
4. Delete Confirmation:

 Confirmation Message: "Are you sure you want to delete This Social Security bracket [ID]?"
 Confirm Message: " This Social Security bracket [ID] is already linked with Employee Data"
 Confirm Button
 Cancel Button
5. Notifications:

 Success Message: "Social Security bracket updated successfully."

 Error Message: "Failed to update Social Security bracket. Please try again."
6. Additional Considerations:

 Validation: Ensure that input fields are validated for proper data types and ranges.
 Responsive Design: Make the interface responsive for various screen sizes.
 Sorting: Allow sorting of the table based on different columns.
 Search: Include a search bar to quickly find specific brackets.
 Pagination: Implement pagination if there are a large number of brackets.
7. UI Flow:

1. Viewing Brackets:
 HR Admin logs in and navigates to the " Social Security bracket " section.
 The admin views a list of existing Social Security bracket.
2. Adding a New Social Security bracket:
 The admin clicks on the " Add Social Security bracket " button.
 Fills in the required details in the form.
 Clicks on the "Save" button to add the new Social Security bracket.
3. Editing a Social Security bracket:
 The admin clicks on the "Edit" button for a specific Bracket.
 Modifies the necessary details in the editable fields.
 Clicks on the "Update" button to save the changes.
4. Deleting a Social Security bracket:
 The admin clicks on the "Delete" button for a specific bracket.
 A confirmation message appears.
 If This Social Security bracket already link to employee data, then give the message” It is already linked
with Employee data”
 The admin clicks on the "Confirm" button to delete the bracket.

4. Implementation Details
4.1 Integration with Existing Payroll Functions

Seamlessly integrate the Social Security bracket with existing payroll functions, ensuring a cohesive user

Sample Social Security bracket calculation

Assumptions: sample

 Employee's annual salary in salary Group: 60,000

 Job Category A


 It means maximum deductible base value is 55,000* social security percentage/100 for 2024-
year for job category A

4.2 Compliance with Spanish Social Security bracket Regulations

Implement algorithms and validations to comply with the current Social Security bracket, allowing for
future updates.

5. Testing
5.1 Unit Testing

Perform thorough unit testing to validate the functionality of individual components.

5.2 Integration Testing

Verify the seamless integration of the income tax module with the existing payroll system.

5.3 User Acceptance Testing

Conduct user acceptance testing to ensure that the module meets the requirements of payroll

6. Documentation
6.1 User Manual

We will share a comprehensive user manual to guide payroll administrators on using the new Social
Security bracket
6.2 Payroll module

Nawras HR payroll module “Configuration Data” menu will navigate to define Social Security bracket

Pyroll Module

Transactions Configuration Data Reports

6.3 Configuration Data

In the configuration data HR Admin defining all the configuration like HR allowance, professional
group, ledger mapping, Social Security bracket etc.

6.4 Social Security Bracket

ID Year Job Category Minimum Base Maximum Base Actions
Edit /
1 2022 Category A $30,000 $50,000 Delete
Edit /
2 2022 Category B $40,000 $60,000 Delete
Edit /
3 2023 Category A $32,000 $52,000 Delete
Edit /
4 2023 Category B $42,000 $62,000 Delete
Edit /
5 2024 Category A $35,000 $55,000 Delete
Edit /
6 2024 Category B $45,000 $65,000 Delete

7. Future Changes
7.1 Scalability

Design the module to scale effortlessly as the number of employees and data volume increases.

8. Flexibility for Future Social Security Bracket Changes

Build the system to accommodate changes in Social Security bracket with minimal disruption.

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