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Simple past regular and irregular verbs

I. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs.

Detective Granger: Ok, Mr. Thomas. Please just relax and tell me what the problem is.
Mr. Thomas: It´s my wife. She ______________ (1. leave) the house yesterday evening and she
_________________ (2. Negative / come) back.
Detective Granger: When ___________________ (3. you / see) your wife for the last time?
Mr. Thomas: Yesterday evening, at about nine thirty.
Detective Granger: Tell me what happened yesterday. _____________________ (4. you / do) anything
Mr. Thomas: No, it _________________ (5. be) just a normal day. We ___________________ (6.
wake) up at seven. I ___________________ (7. have) breakfast. Then I
_______________ (8. drive) to work. I think my wife__________________________
(9. go) shopping.
Detective granger: When _________________________ (10. you / come) home?
Mr. Thomas: (11. arrive) home at about seven thirty. I _____________________ (12. sit) down
and ______________ (13. read) the newspaper, and _________________ (14. check)
my email. We _____________ (15. have) dinner at about eight. After dinner, I
_______________ (16. watch) TV.
Detective Granger: ______________ (17. you / speak) to your wife at all? What ___________________
(18. she / say) to you?
Mr. Thomas: We ______________ (19. negative / talk) during dinner. After dinner she
_________________ (20. say), ¨This isn´t a life. I need to go out. ¨ She
_________________ (21. call) a taxi. I _____________________ (22. hear) the taxi
about fifteen minutes later. She ______________________ (23. take) her bag and
her coat and ______________________ (24. close) the door. She
______________________ (25. negative /say) goodbye.
Detective Granger: I see, sir. I think I know why she ___________________ (26. leave).

II. Wh/ questions about the preceding story

1. Who ___________________________________? Mr. Thomas talked to Detective Granger.

2. Where _________________________________? I think Mrs. Thomas went to the beach.
3. What __________________________________? She took her bag and her coat with her.
4. Why ___________________________________? To talk about why his wife disappeared.
5. When __________________________________? Yesterday
6. How long _______________________________? About 15 minutes.

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