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Movie Script Summary

Author: Josniel Rodríguez Castiñeiras

Title: Unnamed


Zach was an 18 year old boy and, unlike all boys his age, he always was worried about
the tragedies of the world, like terrorism, extinctions, wars, etc.
Zach also wanted to be a DJ so bad he made is own turntable system and played it at his
parent’s home garage, for the misfortune of his grumpy neighbors and for the pleasure
of his high school friends.
He would train his skills every weekend so he could perform at his high school prom,
where he was a senior student.
One day he was looking for an item for his turntable system in an antiques shop,
because he could not afford a new item at the electronics shop, when he saw an old
turntable system in the back of the shop covered with spider web, but despite that, he
was right away attracted to it and he bought it with all the money he had in his pockets,
not even remembering of the item he needed to get in the first place.
When he got home and cleaned the turntable system he noticed a red button on the item
that read “Time Beat” and was about to press it when his friends arrived and interrupted
him by asking what was that thing. He started to play it and his friends were thrilled
with the sounds the antique was producing and started to dance in an old fashion,
creating a general laughing fit.
In the middle of that he noticed again the red button and he pressed it, after that he
continued to play the turntable system and noticed that when he turned the discs with
his hands was like time was following the commands of the disc. When he played
clockwise time accelerated and things happened faster and faster, but when he played
anticlockwise things were going back in time until they reached the point when his
friends rushed into the garage, at that point he stopped playing and things began to
happen again as he has already experienced it, so he pressed again the red button and sat
down without believing what just had happened.
After thinking about what happened all night, the next day he decided he was going on a
mission to save the world from its doom, and he armed himself with a bag of history
books and old clothes he found in his grandparents’ house.


Some missions he accomplished

- July 20, 1944. Operation Valkyrie: During the meeting in the Wolf's Lair
conference room, he placed the briefcase with the bomb between Hitler’s legs.
- April 4, 1968. When James Earl Ray was about to shoot Martin Luther King, Jr.,
he pushed the rifle out of Ray’s hands and it landed on the street, frustrating the
- September 10, 2001. He passed to the FBI a list of the 19 hijackers of al-Qaeda
that were about to perform the terrorist attacks and in the next morning they
were all arrested at the airport.
But no matter what he did, no matter what human catastrophe he prevented, no matter
what politician or scientist he saved, every time he returned to the present, the world
was always in the same condition: increasing global warming, massive animal
extinctions, thriving terrorism and wars, rising hunger and poverty…


Frustrated by his constant failed attempts to save the world and make it better for all its
inhabitants, he went back to 1875 Central Park and lay in the grass with the sun in his
eyes, thinking about what he did wrong and how he could achieve his goal.
Then he heard a group of kids playing in the grass near their parents, who were having a
picnic, and smiled while he watched how much fun they were having. One of the kids
ran to his mother and asked for a cookie, which she gave him wrapped in a paper, he
happily went back to his friends and tossed the paper in the grass. When Zach saw him
doing that he went to meet the kids and explained them that they must not litter because
it can cause a lot of damage to the planet in a larger scale and that the future depended
on their attitudes today.
When he came back to the present with more questions than answers, he was surprised
to discover that the world was different, better, people were friendlier and happier, most
of them living in harmony with nature. Of course there were still problems in the world,
but they were minimum compared to “his” world. This time humanity was going in the
right direction.


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