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Worksheet: Analyzing "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant

*Please copy the answers in your notebooks.*

Part 1: Understanding Short Stories
1. Essential Elements of a Short Story
 Setting:
The setting refers to the time and place in which the story unfolds. Consider how the setting
influences the characters and events in "The Necklace."
 Characters:
Identify the main characters and their traits. Discuss how their personalities contribute to the
story's development.
 Plot:
Summarize the main events of the story in chronological order. Pay attention to the cause-
and-effect relationships between events.
 Conflict:
Explore the conflicts in "The Necklace." Are they internal or external? How do the conflicts
move the narrative forward?
 Resolution:
Examine how the story concludes. Is the resolution satisfying? Does it tie up loose ends or
leave room for interpretation?
 Theme:
Identify the main themes in the story. How do these themes relate to the characters and
 Point of View:
Analyze the narrative perspective. Is the story told in first person, third person limited, or
omniscient? How does the choice of point of view affect your understanding of the characters
and events?
 Symbolism:
Explore any symbols present in the story. Consider how these symbols contribute to the
deeper meaning of "The Necklace."
Part 2: Freytag's Pyramid
3. Understanding Freytag's Pyramid
 Exposition:
Introduce the main characters, the setting, and the initial situation. What is life like for the
Loisels before the inciting incident?
 Inciting Incident:
Identify the event that sets the central conflict in motion. How does Mathilde's desire for a
luxurious lifestyle become the driving force of the story?
 Rising Action:
Explore the events leading up to the climax. How do Mathilde's choices and actions escalate
the conflict?
 Climax:
Examine the turning point of the story. When does the tension reach its peak? How does the
revelation about the necklace change the course of the narrative?
 Falling Action:
Discuss the events that follow the climax. How do the characters respond to the consequences
of Mathilde's actions?
 Resolution:
Explore the final outcome of the story. How are the characters and their lives different from
the beginning? Is there a moral or lesson to be learned?

Part 3: Critical Thinking

5. Impact of the Twist
Discuss how the twist in "The Necklace" affects the plot and theme. How does the
unexpected revelation contribute to the overall impact of the story?
6. Symbolism in "The Necklace"
Explore the symbolism of the necklace and other elements in the story. How do these
symbols enhance the reader's understanding of the characters and the narrative?
7. Point of View Analysis
Consider the story from a different character's point of view. How might the narrative change
if told from Monsieur Loisel's perspective or Madame Forestier's perspective?

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