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Universidad de Costa Rica

Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)

Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

Proposed Course Syllabus


PF-0317 Technological (Digital) Resources for Language Learning is an elective four-

credit course for the M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language given over one
semester, three hours a week.

Students will finish the course with a solid understanding of educational technology,
including how to use computers, how to access information on the Web, and most
importantly how to integrate computers and educational technology in the EFL
classroom curriculum. It will be 100% virtual D/O course (D/O= Distance/Online)


The purpose of this course is to provide an overall perspective of the roles of new
technological advances in the field of second language learning. Although different
approaches and theories will be addressed, emphasis will be given to hands-on
practices in the use of computers for language learning and digital material
development. One major goal is to provide students with knowledge of technology that
enhances their personal and professional productivity.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Identify and apply the approaches, principles, tools, and resources in online
teaching and learning.

2. identify the different tools for computer-based materials.

3. use productivity apps efficiently in the foreign language classroom.

4. integrate new technologies in the EFL curriculum.

Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

5. create digital materials by using productivity software programs and tools for
education to support their courses.

6. experience an e-Learning modality.


The main objective of this course is to provide students with the means to bridge the
gap between theory and practice in the use of new technological advances in the
foreign language classroom. Students will have access to the content of the course
over the Internet by accessing the web site Students will
be assigned out-of-class readings to be discussed in class--- students will be
expected to read extensively and critically to support their teaching experiences with
theoretical concepts. Besides, students will be responsible for creating interactive
digital activities, which will be presented to the class. Active individual participation is
expected in presentations, class discussions and work sessions in Zoom, as the goal
is to learn from each other’s knowledge and experience. e-Learning components will
be implemented where students are expected to work independently and
collaboratively through specific tasks that will be presented via Zoom or uploaded to
the website, sent by email, or through any other tool the professor indicates.


e-Learning article presentation.................................................................. 10%

Mini-Projects…............................................................................................ 70%

Team project................................................................................................ 20%

Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

e-Learning article presentation (individually)

Students will be in charge of choosing an article to read and analyze. They will prepare
a video podcast analyzing what was learned in the article of their choice. The video
podcast will be sent to the professor as requested, who will then share it on the group’s
website for everyone to see. The video podcast will be evaluated by your peers as well
as by the professor.

Mini-projects (individually or in pairs)

These consist of the adaptation and creation of interactive digital activities developed
during the semester. These are done individually or in pairs. (70%) Students will have to
create visuals and develop and/or adapt activities (materials) for the different macro
skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and micro-skills (vocabulary, pronunciation,
and grammar) addressed to their specific EFL teaching/learning situation. The activities
created must work in a virtual environment. Students should select a specific population
(real or fictitious) and adapt or design materials portraying any of the macro and micro-
skills. The population can be general English or ESP. Note: Students currently
enrolled in the Practicum can work in their ESP course.

Team project

In groups of 3 or 4, students will create a unit in which all macro and micro-skills are
addressed. The team must apply the skills learned throughout the semester. Note:
Students currently enrolled in the Practicum can work in their ESP course.

The project must include:

a) A general description of the unit, specific objectives, and software/tools used.
b) A specific description of the skills addressed, and procedures.
c) A description of the target population, and the teaching environment
Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

For the development of the unit lesson plan, the practicum format must be followed.
Each exercise should be backed up with clear and concise objectives, topic/function,
timing, audience, procedure, and recommendations if any.
Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

Tentative Chronogram

WEEK 1: August 11th Introduction to the course

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 2: August 18th Best practices for teaching online

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 3: August 25th Teaching and learning online and teacher presence

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 4: September 1st Scouting the territory, different resources, and


Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 5: September 8th Pedagogical features for effective teaching and

learning Online

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

WEEK 6: September 15th Assessment, feedback and student’s achievement

in the online course

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 7: September 22nd Classroom management

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 8: September 29th Simple, practical and pedagogical-based tips


Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 9: October 6th Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 10: October 13th Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 11: October 20th Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020

WEEK 12: October 27th Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 13: November 3rd Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 14: November 10th Mini-projects

Technology tools to support teaching and learning

WEEK 15: November 17th Team projects

WEEK 16: November 24th Team projects

WEEK 17: December 1st Team projects


- Final grades: Friday, December 8th

Universidad de Costa Rica
Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (SEP)
Maestría Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
PF-0317 Digital Resources for Language Learning
Instructor: Mag. Roxana Chévez Herra
Phone number: 70768128
Whatsapp Group link:
Modality: High virtuality
Semester II 2020


Pawan, Faridah & Wiechart, Kelly & Warren, Amber & Park, Jaehan. (2016). Pedagogy
and Practice for Online English Language Teacher Education.

Vai, M. & Sosulski, K. (2015). Essentials of Online Course Design: A Standards-Based


Ko, S. & Rossen, S. (2017). Teaching Online: A Practical Guide.

Boettcher, J. & Conrad, R. (2016) The Online Teaching Survival Guide Simple, and
Practical Pedagogical Tips.

*Some other materials taken from different sources may also be part of the course
(readings, videos, listening activities, and others).

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