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Adsorption-Dryers for Divided Solids

1st Edition Jean-Paul Duroudier

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Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids
Industrial Equipment for Chemical Engineering Set
coordinated by
Jean-Paul Duroudier

Adsorption – Dryers for

Divided Solids

Jean-Paul Duroudier
There are no such things as applied sciences,
only applications of science.
Louis Pasteur (11 September 1871)

Dedicated to my wife, Anne, without whose unwavering support, none of this

would have been possible.
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The observation is often made that, in creating a chemical installation, the

time spent on the recipient where the reaction takes place (the reactor)
accounts for no more than 5% of the total time spent on the project. This
series of books deals with the remaining 95% (with the exception of oil-fired

It is conceivable that humans will never understand all the truths of the
world. What is certain, though, is that we can and indeed must understand
what we and other humans have done and created, and, in particular, the
tools we have designed.

Even two thousand years ago, the saying existed: “faber fit fabricando”,
which, loosely translated, means: “c’est en forgeant que l’on devient
forgeron” (a popular French adage: one becomes a smith by smithing), or,
still more freely translated into English, “practice makes perfect”. The
“artisan” (faber) of the 21st Century is really the engineer who devises or
describes models of thought. It is precisely that which this series of books
investigates, the author having long combined industrial practice and
reflection about world research.

Scientific and technical research in the 20th Century was characterized by

a veritable explosion of results. Undeniably, some of the techniques
discussed herein date back a very long way (for instance, the mixture of
water and ethanol has been being distilled for over a millennium). Today,
though, computers are needed to simulate the operation of the atmospheric
distillation column of an oil refinery. The laws used may be simple statistical
xiv Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

correlations but, sometimes, simple reasoning is enough to account for a


Since our very beginnings on this planet, humans have had to deal with
the four primordial “elements” as they were known in the ancient world:
earth, water, air and fire (and a fifth: aether). Today, we speak of gases,
liquids, minerals and vegetables, and finally energy.
The unit operation expressing the behavior of matter are described in
thirteen volumes.
It would be pointless, as popular wisdom has it, to try to “reinvent the
wheel” – i.e. go through prior results. Indeed, we well know that all human
reflection is based on memory, and it has been said for centuries that every
generation is standing on the shoulders of the previous one.

Therefore, exploiting numerous references taken from all over the world,
this series of books describes the operation, the advantages, the drawbacks
and, especially, the choices needing to be made for the various pieces of
equipment used in tens of elementary operations in industry. It presents
simple calculations but also sophisticated logics which will help businesses
avoid lengthy and costly testing and trial-and-error.

Herein, readers will find the methods needed for the understanding the
machinery, even if, sometimes, we must not shy away from complicated
calculations. Fortunately, engineers are trained in computer science, and
highly-accurate machines are available on the market, which enables the
operator or designer to, themselves, build the programs they need. Indeed,
we have to be careful in using commercial programs with obscure internal
logic which are not necessarily well suited to the problem at hand.

The copies of all the publications used in this book were provided by the
Institut National d’Information Scientifique et Technique at Vandœuvre-lès-

The books published in France can be consulted at the Bibliothèque

Nationale de France; those from elsewhere are available at the British
Library in London.

In the in-chapter bibliographies, the name of the author is specified so as

to give each researcher his/her due. By consulting these works, readers may
Preface xv

gain more in-depth knowledge about each subject if he/she so desires. In a

reflection of today’s multilingual world, the references to which this series
points are in German, French and English.

The problems of optimization of costs have not been touched upon.

However, when armed with a good knowledge of the devices’ operating
parameters, there is no problem with using the method of steepest descent so
as to minimize the sum of the investment and operating expenditure.

Humid Air Water Cooling Towers

1.1. Properties of humid air

1.1.1. Absolute humidity and relative humidity

We shall base our discussion here on the most common case, which is
that of a mixture of air and water vapor. The conclusions drawn can easily be
transposed to apply to gaseous mixtures of a different nature.

The absolute humidity of an air–water vapor mixture is written as Y. It is

the mass (in kg) of water vapor associated with 1 kg of dry air.

The air is saturated with vapor when the partial pressure of the vapor PV
is equal to the vapor pressure π (t) corresponding to the temperature of the

The relative humidity is the ratio:


The saturation rate is the ratio of the absolute humidity Y of a given

mixture to the humidity Ys which it would have had if it were saturated.

The absolute humidity of humid air is easily calculated as a function of

the partial vapor pressure PV :
18 × PV
29 × (P − PV )
2 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

We shall let “B” represent the ratio 18/28.94 = 0.622, and Y is written:

B PV Bεπ
Y= = [1.1]
P − PV ( P − ε π )

1.1.2. Enthalpy of humid air

The enthalpy of water vapor at a given temperature can be determined in

two different ways, which yield the same result.

By definition, the enthalpy of a pure substance is:

H = U + PV

U: internal energy.

In drying, we do not take account of the mechanical work due to the

variations in the term PV, so any variation in enthalpy is due to an exchange
of heat and the enthalpy of a pure vapor, along with the internal energy,
depends solely on the temperature.

It is usual to take the origin of enthalpies at 0οC. Put differently, the

enthalpy of water at 0οC is null, but this is simply a convention.

The enthalpy of water vapor at tοC is equal to the heat applied in one of
the following two processes:

Vaporization of the water at 0οC and heating of the vapor to tοC;

Heating of the water to tοC and vaporization at tοC.

In the first case, the heat applied is: L 0 + C V t.

In the second case, C E t + L t .

L 0 and L t : latent heats of state-change of water at 0οC and at tοC.

Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 3

These two values express the enthalpy of the water vapor in accordance
with the principle of initial state and final state. For a function of state,
t t
H V = L 0 + ∫ CV dt = ∫ CE dt + L t
0 0

The indices V and W refer respectively to the vapor and water.

In practical terms, the enthalpies of water and vapor are expressed,

according to Cadiergues [CAD 78], by his equations 8 and 9:

HE =
0.2374 + 4.015 × 10−5 t − 2.721× 10−7 t 2
HV = 2500.8 + 1.8266 t + 2.818.10−4 t 2 − 1.0862.10−5 t 3
H E and H V : gravimetric enthalpies of water and vapor: J.kg ;

t: temperature °C.

The gravimetric enthalpy of dry air varies little with the temperature:

H G = 1006 t + 0.05 t 2 ( J.kg )


The enthalpy of humid air in relation to the mass of dry air is, finally:

H GH = H G + Y H V [1.2]

When we know the temperature and enthalpy H GH , it is easy to obtain Y.

[CAD 78] gives a general expression for HGH (t, Y).

1.1.3. Density of humid air

Let PG0 be the density of dry air in normal conditions. The density of dry
air still at the pressure of 1 bar, but at the absolute temperature T is,
according to the Boyle–Mariotte law:

ρG = ρG0 =
4 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Now consider 1 m3 of humid air. The molar fraction of the water vapor is:

18 Y
yV = =
1 +Y B+Y
29 18

T: absolute temperature: K;

P: pressure: Pa;

Y: in humid air, the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry

The mass of dry air occupying the volume V at the pressure P is:

mG = M G n = M G

The density of that air is, as we have just seen:

mG M G P
ρG = = [1.3]

Now consider 1 m3 of humid air. The partial pressure of the dry air in that
mixture at the total pressure P is P (1 − y V ) , and the mass of dry air present

M G P (1 − y V )
mG = = ρG (1 − y V )

The mass of humid air making up this mixture occupying 1 m3 is:

⎛ Y ⎞ B (1 + Y )
ρGH = m G (1 + Y ) = ρG ⎜ 1 − ⎟ (1 + Y ) = ρ G [1.4]
⎝ B+Y⎠ B+Y


B MG 0.622 × 29 1
= =
R 8314 461
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 5

Thus, we can write:

M G P (1 + Y ) B P (1 + Y )
ρ GH = = [1.5a]
RT ( B + Y ) T × 461 ( B + Y )

As the molecular mass of a gas is proportional to its density, the mean

molecular mass of the humid air is:

B (1 + Y )
M GH = M G [1.5b]
(B + Y)
The volume VGH of humid air corresponding to 1 kg of dry air is:

1 + Y 461
VGH = = ( 0.622 + Y ) T
ρ GH P

1.1.4. Vapor pressure of water

The vapor pressure of water is given by:

⎡ 17.0057 t ⎤
π ( t ) = exp ⎢ 6.4145 +
⎣ 233.08 + t ⎥⎦

π (t): pressure of the water vapor: Pa;

t: temperature of the water: °C.

1.1.5. Transfer coefficients and Lewis number

Remember that the Prandtl number Pr is

C: specific heat capacity of the fluid: J. kg −1.o C−1 ;

µ: dynamic viscosity of the fluid: Pa.s. = kg.m-1.s-1;

J: unit of work: kg.m².s−2 ;

6 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

λ : heat conductivity of the fluid: J .s −1.o C−1 .m −1.

The Schmidt number Sc is

ρ: density of the fluid: kg.m-3;

D: diffusivity of the solute in the fluid: m2.s-1.

The Prandtl number and the Schmidt number are dimensionless, as is the
Pr CρD
Lewis number, which is the ratio = .
Sc λ

Let us now consider operation in the turbulent regime. The heat transfer
coefficient is of the form:

α= j( Re ) Pr1/3

The material transfer coefficient is:

β= j( Re ) Sc1/3

α: heat transfer coefficient: W.m −2 .o C−1 ;

β: material transfer coefficient: m.s-1;

δ: reference length: m.

The reference length δ is the same for both transfers.

Experience shows us that, in the turbulent regime, the function j (Re) is

the same for α and β. The result of this is that:
1/3 1/3
α λ ⎛ Pr ⎞ λ λ ⎛ CρD ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ = Le1/3 = ⎜ ⎟
β D ⎝ Sc ⎠ D D⎝ λ ⎠
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 7

If, as is the case for the water–air system, the Lewis number is equal to 1,

λ α
= Cρ and = Cρ = CGH ρGH [1.6]
D β

CGH: specific heat capacity of the humid gas: J.kg-1.°C-1.

1.1.6. Wet-bulb thermometer equation

Let us write that the cooling of the gas serves to vaporize the water in the
sleeve surrounding the wet-bulb thermometer.

α ( t G − t H ) = βΛ ( C H − CGH )

α: heat transfer coefficient: W.m −2 .o C−1 ;

Λ : molar latent heat of vaporization: J.kmol-1;

β: material transfer coefficient: m.s-1;

CGH: concentration of the vapor in the gas: kmol.m-3;

CH: concentration of the vapor at equilibrium with the sleeve of the

wet-bulb thermometer: kmol.m-3.

Let us set:

L: latent heat of vaporization per kg of vapor: J.kg-1;

C’H and C’G: concentration in mass: kg.m-3.

According to equation [1.2]

C′ = ρGH = ρG
1+ Y B+ Y
The material transfer is written:
⎛ YH YGH ⎞
βΛ ( CH − CGH ) = βL ( C'H − C'G ) = βLρG B ⎜ − ⎟
⎝ B + YH B + YGH ⎠
8 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

The equation of the wet-bulb thermometer can be written thus, according

to equation [1.6].

0 = α ( t GH − t H ) + βΛ ( CGH − CH )
⎛ YGH YH ⎞
= βCGH ρGH ( t GH − t H ) + βLρG B ⎜ − ⎟
⎝ B + YGH B + YH ⎠

However, according to equation [1.5b]:

(1 + YGH ) B
ρ GH = ρ G
( B + YGH )

⎡ 1 + YGH ⎛ YGH YH ⎞ ⎤
0 = βρ G B ⎢ C GH ( t GH − t H ) + L ⎜ − ⎟⎥ [1.7]
⎣⎢ B + YGH ⎝ B + YGH B + YH ⎠ ⎥⎦

CGH: specific heat capacity of the humid gas: J.kg-1.°C-1

or indeed, by setting (1 + YGH ) CGH #C GH and B + YGH # B + YH

CGH ( t GH − t H ) + L ( YGH − YH ) = H GH − H H = 0 [1.8]

This equation is known as the wet-bulb thermometer equation.

The cooling of the air is compensated by its enrichment in water. The

enthalpy of the air in contact with the wet-bulb thermometer does not vary.

1.2. Mollier diagram

In Europe, there is a tradition of representing the properties of humid air

using the Mollier diagram [MOL 23].

On this diagram, established at atmospheric pressure, the ordinate axis

shows the enthalpy of the humid air and the abscissa axis the absolute
humidity Y of the air.
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 9

In addition, we plot the lines corresponding to constant values of the

properties of the air:

1) Lines ε = const.
We know that ε =

Conversely: t H = t ( π ) = f ( PV / ε )


PV =


⎛ PY ⎞
t H = f ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ε (B + Y) ⎠

2) Lines PV = const.
PV =
B+ Y

These lines, therefore, are vertical.

3) Lines t = const.
The enthalpy of the humid air expressed in relation to the dry air is
written, in accordance with equation [1.2]:


These lines are therefore straight lines whose ordinate at the origin is HG
and whose slope is HV. As the enthalpy of the vapor includes its latent heat,
that slope is steep.
10 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

4) Lines ρGH = const.

From the expression of ρ GH (equation [1.4]), we derive that of tGH, which
is the temperature of the humid air:

P (1 + Y )
t GH = × − 273
ρ GH x 0.622 ( 0.622 + Y )

The temperature decreases slightly when Y rises from zero. Apart from
this restriction, the curves ρGH = const. are similar to the lines t = const.

5) Lines tH = const. (constant humid temperature)

As the humid temperature is constant, the humidity YH is too, because
these two properties are linked by the saturation (see equation [1.1], where
ε = 1 ).

The wet-bulb thermometer equation (see equations [1.7] and [1.8]) can be
used to calculate tGH if we know tH and YGH:

L tH
t GH = t H + σ ( YH − YGH ) [1.9]

−1o −1
C GH : specific heat capacity of the humid air: J.kg C

t GH : so-called “dry” temperature of the gaseous mixture: οC


We can easily deduce the enthalpy (see section 1.2).

The lines tH = const. are curves with a slight positive slope. Indeed, we
can write approximately:

H GH ( t H ) # L O YGH + CGH t H + σ L ( YH − YGH )

Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 11

L is the mean value of the latent heat between t GH and t H

H GH ( t H ) #CGH t H + σ LYH + YGH ( LO − σ L ) = const. + YGH ( L − σ L )

We can clearly see that the coefficient of YGH is low, because σ is nearly
equal to 1 for the air–water system.

To increase the accuracy, it is customary to establish the Mollier

diagrams in such a way that the two axes form an angle ranging, depending
on the case, between 120° and 170°, so that the lines t H = const. become
practically horizontal.

A diagram for humid air is to be found at the end of Dascalescu’s book

[DAS 69]. [MOL 23] gives a smaller-scale model.

As the enthalpies HG and HGH and the humidity Y are relative to the unit
mass of dry air, the mixing law applies, provided that each component is
weighted by its mass of dry air. In the diagram, the mixture is the barycenter
of the images of the components. This property is useful in performing the
calculations for a dryer where the air is recycled.

1.3. Measurement of the humid temperature

1.3.1. Wet-bulb thermometer and psychrometer

The wet-bulb thermometer serves to measure the humid temperature tH of

the air. Its bulb is surrounded by a wick that is immersed in the water.
Therefore, that wick is constantly soaked with water.

Figure 1.2 illustrates this device.

The psychrometric gap is the difference between the dry temperature t GH

and the humid temperature t H :

t GH − t H = (YH − YGH )
12 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Remember that:

B yH π
; y H = H ; σ = ( Lu )
YH =
1 − yH P

For the air–water system, the coefficient σ is very close to 1, on

condition that the Chilton–Colburn analogy is verified, meaning that we are
in the turbulent regime.

Lu: Luikov number. This number is very close to 1 for water vapor in air.
The Luikov number is none other than the Lewis number.

π H : vapor pressure of water at tH: Pa.

L: latent heat of vaporization of water from the liquid state (at

temperature tH) to the vapor state (at temperature tG): J.kg-1.

Figure 1.1. Shape of the Mollier diagram

A psychrometer is a device made up of two temperature probes:

– one measures the dry temperature t GH ;

Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 13

– the other measures the humid temperature t H .

In order for the measurement of tH to be correct, the Chilton–Coburn

analogy must be valid, meaning that we must be in the turbulent regime
around the probe. It is recommended that the gaseous flow rate be greater
than 2 m.s-1.

Figure 1.2. Wet-bulb thermometer

1.4. The cooling tower

1.4.1. Description of the tower

As regards the internal packing of the tower, in the past, stacks of

horizontal planks of wood were used. Each layer was laid at a right angle
from the layers above and below it. However, this device was rather heavy,
and the surface usefully wetted by the water did not surpassed 30% of the
total surface area of the planks.

Today, plates of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) are used, arranged vertically

and parallel to one another on a given level. On a level, the vertical plates are
at a right angle to the plates on the levels above and below it.
14 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Thus, at least 70% of each face of a plate is wetted by the liquid. In

addition, these plates are significantly lighter than the wooden planks, which
produces a saving in terms of the construction of the tower.

The tower is often in the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid. Any vertical

section passing through the axis is a hyperbola. That surface is engendered
by a straight line inclined in relation to an axis, situated at a certain distance
from that axis and rotating around it. This configuration ensures the best
possible mechanical strength to support the internal packing, as well as the
weight of the water which runs off.

As regards the partial coefficient αL of heat transfer on the side of the liquid,
readers can refer to the discussion in section 3.3.5 of [DUR 16b]. We would do
the same for the coefficient β G of material transfer on the side of the air.

1.4.2. Calculation of the tower

The equilibrium curve, also known as the saturation curve, is calculated

as follows.

The partial pressure of the water vapor is:

PV = Py V = or indeed Y = V
B+Y P − PV

At the air–water interface, the equilibrium is established so that:

Bπ ( t )
PV = π ( t ) and Y = = Y(t)
P − π(t)

Referring to development 1.1.2, the equation of the equilibrium curve (E)

is therefore:

H ( t ) = HG ( t ) + Y ( t ) HV ( t )

The slope of the operating line is obtained by writing that the heat lost by
the water is gained by the air.

WE CE d tE = WG dHGH
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 15

Figure 1.3. Graphical construction for the

numerical calculation of the height of the tower


= = const.
d tE WG

The temperatures of the water at inlet and outlet tE1 and tE2 are known, as
is the humid temperature of the exiting air tGH1, and consequently, so too is
the enthalpy HGH2 of the incoming air.

The enthalpy HGH1 of the exiting air is given by the overall heat balance
of the tower.

t E1 − t E 2 WG
16 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Thus, the operating line is perfectly determined.

By writing that the density of heat flux lost by the water is gained by the
air, we obtain:

β 'G ( H I − H GH ) = − α L ( t I − t E )

The index I represents the water–air interface situated on the equilibrium

curve (E). The values HGH and tE characterize the air and water at a given
level in the column. On the basis of the point (HGH, tE) on the operating line,
it is possible to determine the point representing the interface on the curve
(E) by writing the slope of the correspondence line OE.

H I − H GH ∝
= − 'L [1.10]
tI − tE βG

We know αL (see section 3.3.5 of [DUR 16b]), but we need to calculate β 'G .

According to equation [1.9], the equation for the dimensions of the

coefficient β 'G is:

kg m kg
⎡⎣β'G ⎤⎦ = 2
= × 3 = [β G ] × [ c ]
sm s m

In the gaseous phase, the driving force must be expressed as being a

difference between the concentrations for water vapor.

The concentration of the water vapor in the humid gas is:

c VGH = = as PV =

M V : molar mass of the water vapor: kg.kmol

The concentration at the interface is:

cI =
R T (B + YI )
( kg.m )
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 17

β G is then measured in m.s-1, which is the traditional unit for measuring

that transfer coefficient. Therefore, it is calculated by using the usual
correlations (see section 3.3.5 of [DUR 16b]).

Finally, the flux density of vapor from the liquid to the gas is:

N V = βG ⎜ − ⎟=β ( YI − YGH ) ( kg.m −2 .s−1 )
R T ⎝ B + YI B + YGH ⎠ RT

The latent heat provided to the gas is:

β G L P M V ⎛ YI YGH ⎞
L NV = ⎜ − ⎟
RT ⎝ B + YI B + YGH ⎠

L: latent heat of vaporization of the water: J.kg −1.

The heat transfer coefficient α G is given by:

αG = CGHβG' = CGH x c x βG = CGH x βG x
−1o −1
C GH : specific heat capacity of the humid gas: J.kg C .

Finally, the heat flux density from the water to the gas is:

βG P M V ⎡ ⎛ YI YGH ⎞ ⎤
Φ= ⎢ CGH ( t I − t GH ) + L ⎜ − ⎟⎥
RT ⎣⎢ ⎝ (B + YI ) B + YGH ⎠ ⎥⎦

Note the similarity with equation [1.7].

The term in square brackets is very close to the difference in enthalpies:

( HI − H GH )


Φ = β 'G ( H I − H GH )
18 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

In addition, the coefficient β 'G is:

β'G =

The variation dHGH in enthalpy of the humid gas for the interfacial area
dA is then given by:

WG = βG' ( H I − H GH )

By integrating, we find the total heat exchange surface area A necessary:

A = 'G
βG ∫H
E2 I − H GH

We can divide the arc E1E2 in Figure 1.3 into n intervals. At each point
Ei, we would know HIi and tIi. From this, we deduce HGH and tE by the
intersection of the operating line with the correspondence line passing
through HIi and tIi.

The interfacial surface area A is then:

WG n
⎡ Δ H GHi ⎤
β 'G
∑⎢H ⎥
1 ⎣ Ii − H GHi ⎦

Δ HGHi =
( HGH,i+1 − HGH,i−1 )

There are cross-current cooling towers in which liquid air circulates

horizontally. In such cases, we need to bring in the correction coefficient F,
which is that used for heat exchangers. We then have:

A parallel
A cross =
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 19

F can be calculated using the relations and curves found by [BOW 40].

1.4.3. Cross-current tower

Certain authors introduce the overall coefficient of enthalpy transfer K’.

To do so, they simply write:

β 'G ( H GHI − H GH ) = K ′ ( H* − H GH ) = K ′ ( H* − H GHI ) + K ′ ( H GHI − H GH )

(where H* = H* (tE), equation of the equilibrium curve).

Divide the first and third terms in these two equations by β 'G (HGHI –
HGH) K’:

( H* − HGHI )
K' β'G β'G ( HGHI − HGH )


β 'G ( H GHI − H GH ) = α L ( t E − t I ) > 0


1 1
= ' +
( H* − HGHI ) = 1 + C
K' βG α L ( t E − t I ) βG' αL

The coefficient C is the slope of the equilibrium curve (E).

The transfer surface is then, with a cross-current:

WG 1 dH
A= ∫
K ′F 2 H − H GH

F is the correction coefficient found by [BOW 40].

20 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

1.4.4. White plume of air exiting the tower (in winter)

If the plume of white vapor blows across a road or an airport runway, for
instance, serious accidents could occur.

The outgoing air, which is very humid, mixes with the very cold ambient
air. In the Mollier diagram, the gas resulting from the mixture is the
barycenter of the images of the two gases making up the mixture. If that
barycenter is on the side oversaturated in relation to the saturation curve, we
see a fog forming. In order to avoid this, we simply need to warm up the air
exiting the tower. Indeed, the thermal power needed will be much less than
the thermal power exchanged in the tower, and the expense will be moderate
(though not very eco-friendly). The two possible means of heating are:
– a gas burner;
– a finned-tube heat exchanger.

[CAM 76] discusses an example of each of these ways of working.

1.4.5. Natural-draft tower

We shall suppose that the thermal study of the tower has been carried out
for various values of the flowrate WG of air counted dry. Thus, we know the
value of t GH and YGH as a function of the height h in the tower for each
value of WG .

The density of the humid air can be deduced from this:

ρGH ( h, WG ) = ρGH ( t GH ( h ) , YGH ( h ) , WG )

The static air pressure at the base of the tower is then:

PBa ( WG ) == g ∑ρ GH dh
If the external pressure of the atmosphere is PAtm , then the driving
pressure is:
PMo ( WG ) = PBa ( WG ) − PAtm = PBa ( WG ) − PAtm gh
Humid Air Water Cooling Towers 21

The pressure drop in the tower due to friction is:

Δ PF ( W ) = ζ ∑ ρ GH VGH

VGH is the velocity of the humid gas in the tower and ζ is the pressure-
drop coefficient, which depends on the geometry of the tower.

WG (1 + Y ( WG , h ) )
VGH ( h, WG ) =
ρ GH ( h, WG ) A

A: area section of the tower available to the air: m².

The driving pressure must balance out the forces of friction.

ρ Mo ( WG ) = Δ PF ( WG )

This equation sets the value of the air flowrate counted dry WG , which
must pass through the tower in order, by natural draft, to obtain a given
degree of cooling for the water.

Furger [FUR 68] proposed a different, less-explicit calculation method.


Adsorption and
Ion-exchange Chromatography

2.1. General

2.1.1. Adsorption of a gaseous impurity

The principle of adsorption of gaseous impurities is to run the gaseous

mixture to be purified through a column of adsorbent. The impurity is fixed
to the particles of adsorbent. The second step is to regenerate the adsorbent
by subjecting it to the passage of a gas which desorbs and entrains the

Figure 2.1. Adsorption and regeneration

in columns with four-way valves
24 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Desorption can be achieved either by lowering the pressure or by

increasing the temperature.

The transition between adsorption and regeneration is achieved by

rotating the two quarter-turn valves by 90 degrees.

Figure 2.2. Adsorption and desorption

In Figure 2.2, we see:

– in part A on the left, the profiles of the concentrations in the column;
– in part B on the right, the evolution over time of the concentration in
the fluid output from the column.

In Figure 2.2(B), pertaining to adsorption, starting at time tB, the output

concentration leaves the value near to zero which was specified. Thus, the
specification is no longer satisfied. We say that it is broken. The time tB is the
breaking time. The curves in B are breakthrough curves.

2.1.2. The different ways of working in chromatography [TIS 43]

There are three modes of operation in chromatography.

Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 25

Figure 2.3. Elution curves for solutes

2.1.3. Frontal analysis

In frontal analysis (Figure 2.3), the region between the first and second
fronts pertains to the solute that is least kept in the pure state. All the other
regions pertain to mixtures.

Suppose the column is imbibed with pure solvent. We then introduce the
solution of A, whose concentration is cA.

By the piston effect, the solution pushes the pure solvent out of the
column, which corresponds to the volume vcε. Then, the solid in the column
becomes charged in the solute A until it reaches saturation. At that point:

vc (1 − ε ) ρA = v r cA

The vr is the so-called “delay” volume. During the saturation of the

column, the solution has been stripped of the solute A, and the solvent comes
out in the pure state. The corresponding volume of liquid is vr.

The volume of pure solvent recovered at the output is therefore:

v A = εv c + v r

Then, the solution passes through the column without any modification.
Note that the equilibrium coefficient is:
qA vr
KA = =
c A (1 − ε ) v c
26 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Thus, we have the expression of the delay volume vr = KA (1 − ε) vc.

If the isotherm is not linear and if it is favorable, then the ratio

KA = qA/cA will decrease when cA increases, and vr will decrease too.

Let us now examine the case where two solutes are present and where A
is less adsorbed than B – i.e.:

KA < KB and vA < vB

When A and B have been adsorbed, a volume (vB − vA) at the observed
concentration cAobs has come out of the column. In the column remains
K 'A (1 − ε ) vc cA in the solid and finally ε vc cA in the liquid volume of the
column. These three volumes are, together, equal to the total volume

v B c A = ( v B − v A ) c Aobs + K 'A (1 − ε ) v c c A + ε v c c A

where cAobs is the concentration of A in the effluent during the fixation of B,

and K 'A is the equilibrium coefficient of A in the presence of B. We deduce:

c Aobs v B − K A (1 − ε ) vc − εvc
cA vB − vA

It is only when KA = K 'A that cAobs = cA, meaning that the concentration cA
of the feed is equal to the concentration cAobs of the volume vB – vA.
Otherwise, all the terms involved in that relation can be found directly by
measuring, except for K 'A , which we can then obtain by using the above
relation. Remember that K 'A is the equilibrium coefficient of A in the
presence of B.

By using “primes” to indicate the equilibrium coefficients K 'A and K 'B of

each solute in the presence of the other, we can write:

c Aobs K ' − K 'A

= 'B
cA K B − K Aobs
Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 27

KAobs is the equilibrium coefficient of A alone present in the solution.

Often, the affinities for the solid are very different, and this analysis
method loses accuracy.

2.1.4. Development by elution (with the initial solvent)

After having fixed the solutes in the column, we perform elution with the
same solvent as that of the solution A and B, i.e. the initial solvent.

In the filtrate, we obtain “bands” of concentration which are essentially

rectangular if the isotherms A and B are linear and independent of one
another. Otherwise, we obtain two concentration profiles in the form of
distinct, asymmetrical bell curves, and these curves become flatter as the
height of the column increases.

When adsorption is weak, it is advisable to use the initial solvent, because

then we are near to the linear case.

The resolution between two peaks (or two bands) obtained by elution is
expressed by:

t Ri − t Rj
(σ i + σj )

The standard deviations σi and σj are obtained as shown in Figure 2.5(A).

The property which takes care of the quality of the resolution is the

qi c j
sij =
ci q j

2.1.5. Development by displacement (“pushing”)

If the development is carried out with a strongly-adsorbed solvent

different to the initial solvent, the solute moves in the column in front of the
solvent, which pushes it forward. Thus, if there are multiple solutes adsorbed
in the column, we see the appearance of a series of zones, clearly separated
28 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

from one another (without mutual mixing). Each zone corresponds to a

solute, and its concentration no longer depends on the length of the column.
The concentration of each zone is characteristic of each solute. The
drawback of this approach is that each zone is in direct contact with those
surrounding it, and there are no separations with pure solvent. Therefore, we
need to introduce solutes with intermediary affinities, to separate the zones
we wish to isolate. The thickness of a zone is proportional to the quantity of
solute introduced.

The velocity U of the train of “bands” is determined by the pusher (see

section 2.5.2).

U= u
1+ 1− ε P
ε dc P

qP and cP: concentration of the pusher in the solid and in the liquid:

In order for the solutes to move at the same velocity, we need to be on

their isotherm at a concentration such that:

dqi dq P
= = const. ∀i
dci dcP

If that equality is not possible for a solute k, it is because it is very poorly

adsorbable and because we have:

dq i dq P
< whatever the value of cK
dck dcP

An independent band will then progress at the head of the train.

Using the “pusher” method, thus, we can separate out solutes which are
present at a very low quantity in the feed.

Consider two solutes such that A is adsorbed less than B.

If the two solutes A and B have a Langmuirian isotherm, at the end of the
band of A, the concentrations cA and qA decrease, and the equilibrium
Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 29

coefficient (dq/dc)A increases, so that gradient may become equal to the

value (dq/dc)B and, therefore, we may see a mixture of bands A and B. This
phenomenon limits the usefulness of the pusher method. One possible
solution is, in advance, to adsorb the product A to the solid in a very small
quantity before carrying out the adsorption-pushing operation.

2.2. Modes of feeding an adsorption column

2.2.1. Rectangular injection – brief injection

Over a time period tp, we introduce the volume V0 of fluid at a constant

concentration c0 (or, better put, at a constant composition).

Now consider the Dirac distribution (generally known as brief injection).

To do so, consider a number ε as small as possible, and a volume of fluid V0.
We can choose a volume V such that:

V − V0 < ε

According to Dirac, we can choose a concentration c0 such that for c>c0,

we have:

c × V − V0 = M

M is expressed in kg or kmol. We then write:

Μ = Μ × δ ( V0 )

Figure 2.4. Feeding of a column

30 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Indeed, δ(V0) has a modulus equal to 1. This is the Dirac distribution

at the point V = V0 (see Figure 2.4(B)). The Dirac distribution is the
idealization of a feed of low mass and quasi-instantaneous (brief injection).

2.2.2. Step feed

We may decide to feed an adsorption column from time t = 0 onwards,

with a constant concentration of the fluid c0, and even more generally with a
constant composition. This is what is known as a step concentration profile
(see Figure 2.4(C)).

2.3. Transfer parameters

2.3.1. Axial dispersivity of the fluid phase

The coefficient of dispersion is called dispersivity here, because it is

measured in the same units as diffusivity: namely m².s-1.

The dispersivity Da can be obtained for gases and liquids by Gunn’s

expression [GUN 87].

Da ReSc Re 2 Sc 2 3 ⎡ ⎛ −4 (1 − ε ) α12 ⎞ ⎤ ε
(1 − p ) + 4 p (1 − p ) ⎢ exp ⎜
= ⎟⎟ − 1⎥ +
U I d 4α1 (1 − ε ) ⎜
16α1 (1 − ε ) ⎝ ( )
2 2
⎣⎢ p 1 − p ReSc ⎠ ⎦⎥ τ ReSc

α1: first root of the zero-order Bessel function J0(x) for the first species

α1 = 2.4048

ε: porosity (empty fraction in volume) of the bed;

Re: Reynolds number

Re =
Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 31

u: interstitial velocity of the fluid: m.s-1


U: velocity of the fluid in an empty bed: m.s−1;

d: diameter of the particles: m;

ρ:density of the fluid: kg.m-3;

Sc: Schmidt number

Sc =

μ: viscosity of the fluid: Pa.s;

Dm: diffusivity of the solute: m².s-1;

p: probability for an axial displacement given by Table 2.1.

The probability p depends, amongst other things, on the shape of the


Particle shape Τ P
Spheres 1.4 0.17 + 0.33 exp (-24/Re)
Cylinders 1.93 0.17 + 0.29 exp (-24/Re)

Table 2.1. Probability for an axial displacement

τ: tortuosity of the bed.

If the cylinder is not full but hollow, the coefficient 0.29 is replaced by
the coefficient 0.20, and the tortuosity is 1.8. However, in terms of
adsorption and chromatography, the particles tend to be spheroidal.


The fluid is a liquid progressing through a porous medium composed of

spheroidal particles.
32 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

ε = 0.4 U = 0.01 m.s −1 D m = 10−9 m 2 .s −1

d = 5.10−5 m ρ = 1000 kg.m −3 μ = 10 −3 Pa.s

10−3 0.01 × 5 × 10−5 × 1000

Sc = = 1000 Re = = 0.5
1000 × 10−9 10−9

p = 0.17 + 0.33exp ( −24/0.5)

p = 0.17

Da × 0.4 0.5 × 1000 0.52 × 10002

( )
= 1 − 0.17 + ×
0.01 × 5.10−5 4 × 2.40482 × 0.6 16 × 2.40484 × 0.36
⎡ ⎛ 4 × 0.6 × 2.40482 ⎞ ⎤ 0.4
0.17 × 0.833 ⎢exp ⎜ − ⎟ − 1⎥ +
⎣ ⎝ 0.17 × 0.83 × 500 ⎠ ⎦ 1.4 × 500

Da × 0.4
= 24.8 + 1297.8 × 0.0972 × (−0.173) + 0.00057
0.01× 5.10−5

2.977 × 0.01 × 5.10−5

Da =

D a = 3.72.10 −6 m 2 .s −1

2.3.2. Transfer coefficient for fluid–solid material transfer

[NAK 58] put forward the following correlation for the transfer
coefficient kf.

kf =
( 2 + 1, 45 Re1/ 2 Sc1/3 ) (m.s−1)

D: diffusivity of the solute transferred: m2.s-1;

dp: diameter of the particles: m;

Re: Reynolds number;

Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 33

Sc: Schmidt number;

U: velocity of the fluid in an empty bed: m.s−1;

μ: viscosity of the fluid: Pa.s;

ρ: density of the fluid: kg.m−3.


Liquid Gas
D 2×10 dp = 5 × 10 m -5
μ 10−3 16×10−6
U 0.001 0.1
ρ 1000 1.3
Ud p ρ 0.05 0.4
Re =
μ 500 0.72
Sc =
β 2.10−9 1.7.10−5
5.10−5 5.10−5
( 2 + 1.45 × 0.050.5 × 5000.33 ) ( 2 + 1.45 × 0.40.5 × 0.720.33 )
β = 4.10−5 m.s −1 β = 0.95 m.s −1


[WIL 66] proposed a method for calculating the transfer coefficient

across the liquid film, but Guiochon et al. [GUI 06] give that relation in the
following form:

0.0015 < Re < 1.09 0.33 0.33

Sh = Re Sc
55 ε

55 < Re < 1050 0.25 0.69 0.33

Sh = Re Sc
34 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Sh is the Sherwood number

kf dp
Sh =

kf: material transfer coefficient: m.s-1;

dp: diameter of the particles: m;

D: diffusivity in the liquid: m².s-1.

2.3.3. (Balance) equation for the fluid

We have two equations: one for the fluid and the other for the solid
particles. Let us begin with the fluid.

The concentration c of the solute in the fluid varies over time with the
velocity dc/dt in each segment of the column, of thickness ∆z. This variation
is can be attributed to three phenomena:

– convection:
⎡ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ⎤ ∂c
ε ⎢ uc − u ⎜ c + Δz ⎟ ⎥ = −εu Δz
⎣ ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎦ ∂z

– dispersion by diffusion (Fick’s law)

⎡ ∂c ∂c ∂ 2c ⎤ ∂2c
ε ⎢ −Da + Da + Da 2 Δz ⎥ = εDa 2 Δz
⎣ ∂z ∂z ∂z ⎦ ∂z

For these equations, the notations are as follows:

ε: fraction of the volume of the column occupied by the fluid (porosity);

u0: velocity of the fluid in an empty bed: m.s−1;

c: concentration of the solute in the fluid: kmol.m−3 or kg.m−3;

z: length along the column: m;

Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 35

The concentration expressed per m3 of the column is εc;

Da: axial dispersion coefficient along the column. We can call that
coefficient the dispersivity, by analogy to the diffusivity which is measured
in the same units: m2.s-1;

– exchange of solute with the solid phase. The exchange surface

expressed in relation to the volume of the column is:
(1 − ε )

Hence, the exchange of solute in relation to the volume of the column is:

k (1 − ε ) ( c * −c )

dp: diameter of the particles: m;

k: transfer coefficient: m.s−1;

c*: concentration at equilibrium with the surface of the solid.

Finally, the equation is written:

∂c ∂ 2c ∂c (1 − ε ) 6 c * −c
= Da 2 − u + k ( ) [2.1]
∂t ∂z ∂z ε dp

For the calculations, it is necessary to use dimensionless values i.e.:

t z kR u0L u0R
τ= x= Bi = Péf = Pés =
Lu L Ds Da Ds

R is the radius of the particles, supposed to be spherical, and is therefore

equal to dp/2. The numbers Bi and Pef are the Biot number and the Péclet
number. L is the length of the column. Ds is the diffusivity in the solid.
36 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

The equation for the fluid becomes:

∂c 1 ∂ 2 c ∂c L3 (1 − ε ) Bi ( c * −c )
= − −
∂τ Péf ∂x 2 ∂x R ε Pés

When several solutes are involved, the solute with index j assigns that
index to the following properties:

k j , Dsj ,Bi j , Péfj ,Péfj

The index j ranges from 1 to k (which, in this instance, is the number of



For diffusion inside the solid particles, the differential equation is given
in section 3.5 of [DUR 16].

2.3.4. Initial conditions and boundary conditions

1) Fluid
At the input to the column (x = 0)

= Pef ( c0 − c F ) x =0

cF: concentration of the feed;

c0: concentration at the input.

At the output from the column:

=0 x =1

The initial condition is expressed by the concentration profile of the fluid

along the column

c = c ( 0, x ) τ=0
Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 37

2) Particles
At the center of a spherical particle, symmetry dictates that:

=0 ρ=0

At the surface of the particle, the exchange equation is expressed by:

= Bi ( c * −c ) ρ=1
∂ρ ρ = 1

The initial concentration in the particles is supposed to be uniform in

each particle, but that concentration in each particle depends on the abscissa
x and on the initial concentration of the fluid.

cs = cs ( 0, x ) for τ = 0

2.4. Height equivalent to a theoretical plate

2.4.1. Graphical determination of tR, the standard deviation σ and

the parameter k’

Let us examine the instantaneous concentration c at the output from the

column as a function of time. The band corresponding to the solute shows a
maximum, whose abscissa value is precisely equal to the retention time tR of
the solute (see Figure 2.5(A)).

If we now take, as a function of time, the concentrations at the output of

the column fed by a step function, we obtain an S curve which can be
assimilated to an error function which is the integral of the Gaussian bell
curve. Let us mark the abscissas of the corresponding points on the error
function at 15.9% and 84.1%. The distance between these two points is
precisely equal to twice the standard deviation σ of the bell curve (see
Figure 2.5(B)).
38 Adsorption – Dryers for Divided Solids

Figure 2.5. Concentration at the output

On condition that the column is the same in both cases, another way of
measuring the difference 2σ is to plot (in Figure 2.5(A)) the horizontal with
ordinate 0.61cmax. This line intersects the “bell curve” at two points, whose
abscissa values are the distance 2σ apart.

We know that:

t R = (1 + k ') t 0 = (1 + k ')

Hence we have the value of k’ (the capacity parameter). Refer to

section 2.4.2.

u: intergranular velocity of the fluid: m.s-1;

t0: residence time of the fluid: s.

2.4.2. Concept of capacity parameter

The capacity parameter at a given place in the column is:

1 − ε dq
k' =
ε dc
Adsorption and Ion-exchange Chromatography 39

If we look at the case of linear adsorption, i.e.:

= const. = a

then the capacity parameter is the ratio:

mass of solute in the solid

k '0 =
mass of solute in the fluid

We often see the situation approach linear chromatography if the

concentration of the sample introduced into the column is near to zero. In
this case, k’ takes the value k '0 :

#const. if c < ε (small quantities)

The residence time of the fluid phase in the column is:

L Lε
t0 = =
u u0

u0: velocity of the fluid in an empty bed: m.s-1;

u: interstitial velocity of the fluid: m.s-1.

The residence time t0 is all the greater when the adsorption of the solute
practically does not vary the fluid volume and thus the velocity u.

The time that the solute spends in the solid phase is:

k ' = t0k '

The overall retention time of the solute in the column is:

t R = t 0 + t 0 k ' = (1 + k ') t 0
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
bewildered absorption. Her cheeks turned somewhat red, she looked
around and smiled. Finally she said, “I hear the beautiful Ave Maria
so clearly, just as if it were being played in this very room.” We
strained our ears again but could not hear what Mother claimed she
was hearing.
I tried desperately to lose myself in the quotation which Father had
just read, but Jemmy kept coming to my mind. I was afraid they had
killed her. Father said, “Most of the Russian people usually are kind
to animals.” Those were comforting words, but was Yurovsky a
Russian? I was depressed with the thoughts about Jemmy, added to
the off-key singing of the guards downstairs. Mother also noticed that
they seemed unusually noisy this night, and they were drinking
entirely too much. Father laid the book down and said: “The best
thing we can do is to go to bed and forget about it.”
That evening as Father crossed the hall he saw several extra guards
examining some rifles in the middle of the hall near the doors
between the office and the stairway. When they saw Father, they
lowered the butts of their rifles to the floor. Father knew every make
of gun. He said, “These are the high-powered, German army rifles
holding usually five cartridges; they can be fired singly or in rapid
succession.” Olga replied, “I remember at the hospital, soldiers used
to come with their bones shattered and their flesh mutilated. We
always knew the type of gun which inflicted such wounds. Russian
guns caused clean wounds.” Then Father added, “If Wilhelm had
enough poison, he would have poisoned all the bullets.” This was the
last time he mentioned the Kaiser’s name. It was four or five hours
before the tragedy.
Father knew the Kaiser was obsessed with the thought of victory at
any cost, victory even if it meant the sacrifice of the Kaiser’s own
godson, my brother, whom he had vowed to protect according to our
religion; also the sacrifice of his own cousins, my parents, and their
daughters, too, for whom on his last visit in 1912 he had professed
so much love. All this must have been on his conscience. Yet
Holland gave refuge to this man who enslaved Russia and his own
country as well.
These German guns which Father saw were frightening but we could
not believe and it did not even come to our minds that Wilhelm, bad
as he was, would permit the assassination of our family. We knew
that Germany had demanded that our family should be delivered to
Moscow unharmed; apparently the German High Command had
learned of the character of our jailers.
Later I heard that the assassination was not known to Wilhelm until
afterwards and that the German High Command was responsible, as
well as some of our Allies, for all the catastrophe in my land. They
had sent, or permitted, these men to come to Russia in order to bring
about a revolution. They knew that if the old government should
recover power it would not be pleasant for those responsible for the
terrible killings and robberies they had caused in my country.
After my escape I was told that, when the Kaiser heard of the killing
of our family and of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth and some of the
other Romanovs, the Kaiser was beyond himself. He cried bitterly for
hours, saying: “I have lost my best friend. Nicky was my best friend. I
loved them all. My hands are clean. Why have the other cousins
permitted such crimes to take place? My conscience is clean. I did
not know what they were doing. I had nothing to do with it. It was
Mirbach and Ludendorff, supported by those Nicky believed were his
In the last hours at Ekaterinburg Father spoke and his words are still
fresh in my mind. He said: “It is the end of Russia, but of the Allies,
too. They have dug their own graves and soon they too will lie in
them, and Germany will pay retribution for her deeds of treachery.
No one can escape consequences, no matter what they do to avoid
them; sooner or later they will have to pay. The taste of blood is an
epidemic and it will soon flow all over the world.”
Wilhelm could not bring disgrace on Father before the people of
Russia, but he did bring disgrace on himself before the world.
The orders to kill the entire Romanov family came direct to Voykov,
Beloborodov, Goloshchekin from the top Bolshevik leaders: Trotsky,
Lenin, Sverdlov, Apfelbaum and the other men I have mentioned
previously. They exchanged telegrams daily. On the 16th of July
Yurovsky had a long talk with the men in Moscow. In the afternoon
when Yurovsky came into our sitting room, Mother got up and went
into her bedroom. He boasted that he, Sverdlov, Beloborodov and
other comrades in Ekaterinburg were connected by telephone the
entire morning talking with the comrades in Moscow. Dr. Botkin told
us later that Yurovsky had talked with Trotsky, Lenin and others and
that Goloshchekin or Sverdlov, or both, had just returned from
Moscow, and that there had been a great deal of activity and
excitement at the office.
In fact the Kremlin leaders were responsible for sending the Austro-
Hungarians and Letts to guard the house inside for the last two
weeks. Father remarked, “They use the same tactics as the Chinese
did in the Boxer rebellion. But the danger here has come to the
native people in their own land but not to foreigners.”
These two weeks our lives had hung by a thread and on the 16th of
July between 9:00 A.M. and 12:30 P.M. our destiny was sealed.
During my escape my rescuer told me that all the guards outside the
house—they were Russians—were given vodka to drink—as much
as they could consume. None of them knew what was to take place
inside that night. He also told me that one of his friends was told by
one of the outside guards that the crime never would have taken
place if the guards inside had been Russians and if the guards
outside had not all been given free drinks late that evening. These
outside guards, Russians, would have turned their guns on the
foreigners because their humiliation was at its summit.
On Tuesday, July 16th, in the early evening, we heard directly below
our rooms what we thought was the moving of large and heavy
objects. The noise disturbed the whole household. We went to bed
at 10:30 but could not sleep. Drunken voices from outside
penetrated into all our rooms. Yurovsky’s room was on our floor
somewhat removed from our quarters. From his room came the
sounds of lewd talking. Soon we heard heavy footsteps approaching
in our direction. The light went on and then a deep voice was heard.
It was Yurovsky’s.
He entered the room and then went on into Father’s room. Soon
Father appeared in the doorway and in a faltering voice told us to
hurry and get ready as we had to leave within the next forty minutes.
While we were washing and dressing, we prayed and quietly cried.
We were almost ready when another guard came in, telling us not to
pack any of our belongings as there was no time. We took only a few
essential things. Tatiana ran into our parents’ bedroom and helped
Alexei to put on his braces over his limbs while Olga packed Alexei’s
medicine. He was still ill and quite helpless and began to weep as
did we sisters.
We girls dressed in white blouses and lightweight gray skirts and
jackets and carried top coats, which bore some of our treasures
sewn inside. Father and Alexei were dressed in military coats;
Mother in a black suit. When we were ready, Dr. Botkin came in with
a small bag and a coat on his arm.
The last few minutes before we left, we went to our knees and
fervently prayed before an ancient icon of Christ and shared the holy
prosphora given us by the priest on the previous Sunday. This icon
for centuries had been handed down from one Russian sovereign’s
family to another. All our treasures had been catalogued for many
years; there was a description of each piece with its origin and
history. We carried this icon to Tobolsk and Ekaterinburg. We knew
that it was the oldest and the most venerated of all the icons and
more valuable than those that were embellished with gold and silver
and studded with precious stones.
This framed cloth icon was said to have been made from the towel
that was used by Jesus to wipe the perspiration and blood from His
face before His crucifixion and it pictured clearly, though faintly, the
imprint of His face. Subsequent tests disclosed that the cloth of the
icon was made of the same material that was used in Jerusalem at
the time of Christ, and that the spots and outline of the face were of
human blood and perspiration. It was further shown that no human
hand could have made this icon and for that reason it was called in
Russian “Nerukotvorenny Spas” which means: No-hand-created
Saviour. We left our rooms with a prayer on our lips.
My heart was pounding and a cold chill ran over my body as I was
again struck with the violent force of the premonition which had
haunted me all day long, ever since I awoke with a horrible dream
early that morning. I had dreamed that I stood in the doorway of a
very small wooden house somewhat like a fishing shack. It stood on
a wooden platform. Presently I sensed that the little shack was
floating on waters which were gradually rising from below the
surface. As I looked through the mist I could see nothing around but
water: no forest or mountain which could produce any safety. Not a
murmur or a sound or a ripple could be heard. The depressing,
lonely quietness engulfed me. I knew I was sinking slowly.
I was haunted by this nightmare when a man came into the dining
room where the family had assembled, together with Dr. Botkin, Ivan
Kharitonov and Anna Demidova. The man asked, “Are you ready?”
Father answered, “Right, we are.” “Follow me, please,” the man said.
Before we left the dining room Anna, who had with her two pillows, a
blanket and a tiny bag, handed one of the pillows to Tatiana.
Concealed in the pillows were some of our jewels.
With his lantern shedding a feeble light the man now led us along the
hall and down the stairway into the courtyard. Father’s strong and
protective arms were carrying Alexei who was crying from fear.
Suddenly I remembered our dogs. “Jemmy,” I said tearfully. “My dog,
please let me have her.”
“You will get your dogs downstairs,” shouted one of the men.
With our help, Mother followed behind Father. The man moved his
lantern from side to side to give a better light to the stairway. Mother
almost fell as we reached the ground floor and passed into the yard.
We saw shadows moving around in the court. The air was cool and
the night was bright.
We re-entered the same building, passed through a hallway, and
entered the second room on the right. It was approximately the same
arrangement as upstairs. This was probably where we had heard the
noises earlier in the evening from my sisters’ and my room. It had
sounded as if furniture and other heavy objects were being moved.
This room was about the size of our sleeping room and had not one
single piece of furniture in it.
Dr. Botkin and Anna were told to put their small bags on the far side
of the room, and we, too, had to put our jackets and top coats in the
same place. The house was on an elevation so that these rooms
were actually on the ground floor, I think one step up or down.
Yurovsky went ahead of Father. In the hall he said something to
Father, pointing to the first door we had just passed. Father held
Alexei until three chairs were brought. Then he placed Alexei on one
of the chairs and left the room. Mother sat on the left side of Alexei.
About eight men were there when we came in. Probably some who
followed us had been the shadows in the courtyard. They were
dressed partly in civilian and partly in foreign military uniforms. All
had revolvers stuck in their holsters and hand grenades attached to
their belts.
Trup had been compelled to follow us. He had been ill for some days
and had not been on hand to care for Father’s personal things. The
guards had either failed to arouse him earlier or his fate had been
decided at the last minute, for he appeared in his night garment and
carried his clothes on his arm. We had not been allowed to see him
frequently during his illness. He was not more than thirty-four or
thirty-five. He looked much thinner and was almost blue in the face.
Tatiana rearranged the pillow which she had taken from Anna to
make Alexei more comfortable, while we waited for Father to come
back. In four or five minutes the group of men separated into two
groups. Father walked between them. His face was ashen and the
“Otsu mark” on his forehead was red like fire. His left shoulder and
the left side of his face just below his eye were twitching. He pulled a
handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his face and took the chair next
to Alexei on the latter’s right side. What this man Yurovsky had said
to Father in that room no one will ever know. Father preceded
Yurovsky who was followed by others and who remained standing in
the middle of the group.
I was on my Mother’s left side and Dr. Botkin was behind her on her
right. My sisters were a few steps behind us. The men stood about
eight feet away facing us. I am sure the others thought as I did that
we were trapped, and there was nothing to do or say.
When Father entered the room, Mother started to raise herself.
Suddenly she trembled and fell back into the chair as her head
slumped to her right shoulder toward Alexei. Then I screamed and
grabbed Dr. Botkin’s arm. While I was screaming, Yurovsky said
something, exactly what, I did not hear. Simultaneously, I heard
After this I was somewhat conscious. Still I felt no pain and did not
see anyone fall but my lips were frozen cold and I felt very clammy
and there was a violent ringing in my ears. I wanted to get up but I
felt as if I were paralyzed, and lost consciousness entirely.
How long I lay in blackness, which held me floating between life and
death, I cannot tell. Was it hours or days? I do not know. All too soon
I awoke from oblivion to realization and horror. I had no sensation of
coming back to life. All at once I knew I was alive and in pain. My
mind was clear, I was cold and conscious of some terrible
catastrophe. At first I shrieked frightfully; then I was afraid to breathe
and to open my eyes. I knew I had just come to from
unconsciousness. I began to feel the increasing pain and shiver from
the wet cold, and became convinced that I was not dreaming. But a
fear came over me. First I thought that I fell on the floor and got hurt,
and that they, thinking I was dead, had buried me alive without a
coffin, and that my grave was not yet sealed. I tried to control my
shrieks realizing too well what had happened, though all was
perfectly quiet now. Still I did not wish to open my eyes for fear of
what I would see. I was cold and in great pain. My neck seemed
swollen. I felt a tightness around my nose and swelling below my left
The others: Were they beside me? Were they alive but afraid to
move? I began to wonder. In the darkness I could feel no body
warmth; I could hear no sound of breathing. Suddenly, it came to me.
I remembered the anguished screams. I lay in a hush, a silence that
was all the more pronounced by contrast with the noise and frantic
screams before. It was the silence of death and the tomb. I opened
my right eye, just a little. Quickly I closed it. My left eye was so
swollen, it could not open. The air was heavy and there was a smell
of damp earth. I listened. Surely someone must be near me. I moved
my hands cautiously. I could feel on my right a crumbly earthen wall.
Was I in a tomb? Buried alive? My eye flew open. I could see a tiny
opening a little distance above.
I made a move, only to feel excruciating pain. I felt nauseated. My
head pounded with pain. When the convulsion passed away, I lay
exhausted, wet, clammy, awaiting the death I could not escape. Now
I did not want to escape. I wanted to die. How long could I last in this
tomb? Dear God, let it be quick! Why did they not bury us together?
We always wanted to be together, in life and in death. My convulsive
noises had brought nothing but silence. I was frightened and so ill. I
began to weep chokingly. My cries resounded through the
hollowness, increasing my feeling of loneliness. If only someone
would hear and end my agony. My ears rang, my head reeled with
dizziness. My nausea returned. Once more I was in the grip of a
After The Tragedy
Suddenly I felt a hand on my forehead. I stiffened with terror,
unable to cry or even feel nausea. Was it the hand of death? Now I
was cold all over, except my head—the hand warmed my forehead.
The hand lifted. I waited for the weapon to plunge. I could not look. I
kept my eye closed. I waited. The suspense would hold no longer.
I opened my eye a little. I could see a candle light. My eye opened
wider. I saw a woman coming toward me. I screamed and shut my
eye. Again I felt the warm hand on my forehead. I was hardly
breathing. I waited another eternity. The hand went away. As I lay
there in fear, I wondered if it was a real woman or a vision. She was
no one I had seen before. She came closer again and lifted a
container of water to my lips, but I could not lift my head to drink it.
“Where does it hurt you?” she said in Russian, but with a foreign
accent. I wanted to answer, but no words came. I pointed to my
stomach and gagged a little. It was too much effort. I began to feel ill,
writhing in nausea. I felt a thin slice of preserved lemon thrust
through my lips. My lips smarted. I clutched them with my hand.
There was something wrong with my lips, my left arm, my head, my
ankle and nose. She had bandaged my abdomen. I was too
miserable to care. The lemon preserve soothed the nausea. I sucked
it eagerly but hardly tasted it, it was so washed with tears. I lay there
stupefied as my eye fastened on the lighted candle. It was so
frightening, so bewildering: the tomb, the candle, the woman. The
flame flickered and almost went out as she moved.
Again startled, my eye moved around to find that once more the
woman was creeping down the wall; a few steps and she was at my
side. She lifted the candle nearer, placed it on the little table beside
my bed, set down a basin of water, threw back my covers, and
began to undo the bandage about my stomach. Without a glance at
my face she washed my wound and deftly rebandaged it. Still
without looking at my face, she unbandaged my leg, bathed and
bandaged it again. She dressed my head wounds, washed my face
and hands, picked up her basin and disappeared up the wall and
through the ceiling.
Fascinated and yet horrified, I stared at the spot where she
disappeared. Suddenly two feet appeared again, a skirt, a woman
coming down. She was at my side and placed another thin slice of
this rare lemon preserve to my lips. She looked at me for a minute.
Then she climbed up the wall and was gone.
I did not know where I was, but now I could see a trap door and a
ladder of not too many rungs leading up to it. I have a clear picture of
the woman’s face as she nursed me. She had nice features, black
eyes; the hair, perhaps dark brown once was now partly gray and
pulled back tight into a knot at the back of her head. She seemed no
older than my Mother. Her hands were long and slender; she was tall
and thin. She did not look like a peasant, but her general
appearance told me she was no stranger to hardship. She was
confident and efficient but did not seem to be a professional nurse.
For a moment I forgot my aches and pains. I wanted to know who
this person was. How did an utter stranger happen to be with me?
How did I get here? How long ago had things happened? Perhaps
several days, since I felt crusted dry blood on the left side of my
eyebrow, nose and cheek. My hair was matted and stiff with blood,
crumbs of dried blood covered my pillow. My left leg was so sore I
could hardly move it. My finger nails were packed with stained
matter. But where was my family? I was afraid to think. My head
hammered, my jaws ached, my ears rang. Every little emotion—
every motion—was an agonizing experience. I must have cried
myself to sleep, for I awoke sobbing. Perhaps it was a nightmare. It
could not be that I, the little one, always protected and spared could
be alone. Now the woman was moving about near me. Were they,
too, being cared for by strangers? I sobbed until sleep overtook me.
There was no way of measuring time. I wept until I slept to wake up
sobbing until I wept myself to sleep again.
After the sobbing a violent nausea seized me and the woman rushed
up the ladder to bring me a drink of water. She sponged my lips and
fed me with a spoon. All too soon I discovered why my lip was sore.
My two upper front teeth were broken and driven almost through the
upper lip. One of these front teeth had been filled in Tobolsk by Dr.
Kostritsky who took care of Mother’s false tooth and Father’s teeth.
Several of my teeth, in the lower left jaw, were also loose; they
merely were in place. There was a small hole in my right cheek and
a piece of flesh was missing.
Sleep was the only respite. Wakefulness brought nothing but horror
and haunting thoughts. I welcomed sharp pain as it distracted my
thinking. How long this orgy of weeping and sleeping kept up I have
no idea. Occasional moments of composure wedged themselves in
as I realized I felt better. Immediately desperation drove me into
fresh weeping. I wanted to die. I was afraid to think.
All the time the woman worked tirelessly to make me comfortable. I
could not help but feel sorry to see her climb up and down the ladder
to bring me something when her efforts seemed to do me so little
good. She was thorough but gentle. She changed my dressings
often. While she busied herself with me, I kept my eyes closed—the
sight of her accentuated my loneliness. She seemed cruelly
impersonal as she worked over me. She wanted to do a good and
thorough job. If she would only speak to me, give me some sign of
sympathy, that I might know she felt friendly! She always avoided
meeting my eyes, eyes that now squinted through smarting slits, so
sore were they from constant crying.
Her care was faithful but she seemed oblivious to the hungry soul
inside me. She washed my scalp wound but made no attempt to
comb my matted hair. Each passing day there were fewer and fewer
bits of dried blood on the pillow. Finally she cut my hair on the two
spots of my scalp in order to keep the wound clean. The deep round
hole in front of my ankle and the wounds in my back were still
The torments of my mind partially overcome, I wanted to ask
questions, yet I did not. As long as I did not know definitely, I could
hope. At such moments I was almost glad of the woman’s lack of
sympathy. Her most expressive kindness was when she placed her
hand on my head when I felt nauseated, but that hand was too much
of a reality and always a fresh spur to loneliness. The nausea
attacks became routine under the incessant crying. The woman did
everything in her power to relieve them, everything except to extend
a sympathetic word.
Uncertainty was tearing my heart. One minute I longed desperately
for the woman to talk. The next minute I watched her with horror for
fear she would. Perhaps she was waiting for me to grow strong
enough to hear the truth—the last thing I wanted to hear. If I could
only be told that the others were being cared for, I would not murmur
at this temporary separation, and the pain would not be so great.
The moment came when my torture boiled to the surface. The
woman was dressing my wounds when the desire to know the
answers became overwhelming.
“Where am I?” I whispered.
She hesitated, then in a low voice I could hardly catch, she said, “In
a little room underneath a house.” Then she added, after a pause, “It
is very dangerous; never talk aloud lest someone might hear.”
“The others?” I gasped. It was out—the question. If I could only
retrieve it. Suspense. I thought she never would answer. She turned
her face away and said, “All gone. Please ask me no more, that is all
I know.” She rushed to the ladder and went away.
All gone. I had known it all the time but would not admit it. Yet
everything had happened so quickly, I could not be sure. The
excitement, the running up and down the stairs, the confusion, the
room filled with rough-looking men. The woman with dishevelled
hair; who was she? Was all this a vision or a reality? To this day I’ll
never know. Yurovsky, the most vicious man in the world swaggered
after Father, whispering things I could not hear. Father’s shocked
face, Mother’s trembling, her slumping back in her chair: all this
horror together kept reappearing in my consciousness. The words,
“All gone,” whirled around my head flying out at me from all
directions at once. Those soft blue clouds which I imagined carried
them rapidly through the clear skies. I still could not believe it.
Perhaps only Father and Mother are gone, and brother and sisters
are somewhere in a prison.
Another period of oblivion ended. Consciousness returned to find the
woman bending over me. The sight of her brought back a realization
of the horrible truth; the family was no more, only I was left. No, it
could not be. Now I wanted her to tell me more, but she shook her
head. I understood.
Frantic with the hopelessness of it all, I shivered down into my
covers. My foot struck something solid but warm. It was a bed
warmer, a hot stone wrapped in a cloth. Using my uninjured foot I
manoeuvred it so that I got my hands on it. To me it was more than
stone, more than warmth. I now felt the woman was sympathetic and
underneath her still exterior I discovered a new companionship.
In spite of longing to die, I awoke from each sleep more alive. Each
awakening brought a little less suffering and pain. I could now turn
my head with less pain and without dizziness. The nausea attacks
were almost gone—I was getting better. Sleep was the great healer:
the vitality of youth swayed the balance.
With real resentment I allowed the woman to tend to my wounds.
Since they were not serious enough to let me die, I had no desire to
examine them to ascertain their nature. So far I had received very
little nourishment from taking food, partly because I was afraid the
nausea might return.
She brought me some delicious soup with a strong flavor and
containing some barley. It was nourishing; I could almost feel an
increased strength as I took it. Yet I did not want to get well. The
woman gave me good care, but it seemed to be mistaken kindness.
Now that I knew the worst, she seemed more distant than ever. It
was as if she feared for her own life. She did what was necessary
and departed quickly. But why was she nursing me? I could not
understand it. I only knew I was alone and could not die. Hauntingly
the prayer we sisters had written together kept coming to my mind. I
tried to say it but the words had lost their meaning.
Over and over haunting thoughts catapulted into my mind. How did I
escape the death intended for the whole family? Why did they want
to do away with us? We could have gone abroad, never to return, if
we could only have kept together. I remembered Mother’s frequent
words, that the throne had brought nothing but unhappiness to our
family. We all loved our Motherland and would have been content to
live as ordinary citizens in some obscure part of it.
Had Father suspected this ending? When he carried his head erect,
was he looking forward with hope or was he facing death squarely to
show how bravely a Tsar could die? At the price of disloyalty to
Russia, he could have saved his life. Not he, not Mother, nor any of
us could be tempted to save ourselves at Russia’s expense. Except
when his epaulettes were removed, I had never seen Father bitter,
but only infinitely sad that he could not spare his people the tragedy
of a revolution. The ruthless propaganda would not let the nation
know him for what he was—one who wanted to do right and do it
well. Father was the victim of the Kaiser’s intrigue. Mother was
misunderstood. She had done only what she thought was best for
Russia. Now I could see it all. From the very first, there had been no
We had been moved to Tobolsk, further inland, making our escape
less possible. Siberia was far from Finland, the mecca of fugitives.
Father had believed Kerensky who assured him we would be safer in
the hinterland—far safer as targets!
I hoped and prayed that Mother’s heart had failed her before the
assassins’ bullets reached her. I hoped that she had cheated
Yurovsky and his fellow-murderers. This would have given me great
satisfaction. He at no time fooled Mother. She knew, suspected, and
understood it all. She and Olga had uncanny discernment.
We believed God would always take care of us. The little intuitive
prayers that arose within us, when suddenly confronted with a fresh
persecution; the strength that we received in adjusting ourselves to
new humiliating requirements; the exaltation we felt in the sense of
God’s guidance. All these underlined the idea, “Though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou
art with me.” Perhaps if we had not trusted so exaltingly, we might
have done more to help ourselves.
These were my thoughts of despair when suddenly I heard voices in
my cell, faint voices, but I could understand this much: the man said,
“Organized parties are searching everywhere, in the woods, in the
houses. They have found nothing. No one suspects us, but you can
see we are in danger.” He said much more than that, but this is all I
could understand.
“Which one of your sisters was very tall?” the woman asked.
“Tatiana,” I replied excitedly.
Turning to the man she said, “It is too bad. Just think, she too, could
be alive if ...”, her voice faded away, as if she was trying to keep me
from hearing.
“If what?” I burst out with a cry and tried to get out of bed only to fall
back in pain. When I gained my composure, I looked for the man, but
he was gone. The woman was still there.
“Tell me, ‘if what?’” I pleaded, as I stretched out my hand to her.
“Please do not ask any questions. I cannot answer,” she said, as she
rushed to climb the ladder.
Was there no end to my tortures? I was so near to a little truth, then
to lose it forever. Tatiana. What could have happened that she did
not come through ... as I had. Together we might have found
something to live for. That man ... who could he be? He had the
same kind of accent as the woman. From what I had heard him say,
it did not seem as if he had been one of the actual rescuers. He
spoke as if he had heard through someone else; as if he were
connected with the rescuers in some manner. He, too, was
frightened, all because of me. Had they saved me for a humane
reason or had they stolen my body to rob it and finding me alive
thought it safer to nurse me back to health than to dispose of me?
For the first time I began to observe my surroundings. The place was
tiny with a ceiling so low a good-sized person standing could easily
touch the ceiling with his head. The width and length seemed about
nine by ten feet. All four walls were of dirt with little roots protruding.
The floor was also plain earth, covered by a braided oval straw mat
extending from my bed almost to the ladder. Now I could see plainly
about what I had first taken to be my unsealed grave. Close to the
ceiling was a small window, a dirt-stained pane of glass about five by
eight inches which let almost no light through. I was lying on an army
cot. On the opposite wall was a wooden ladder leading to the trap
door. To the right of the ladder was a wooden bench covered with
blankets, which looked as if it had been used as a bed. Beside me
was a small marble-topped table with a drawer. A small candle on
the table lighted the room. A chair was the only other object in my
The question came to my mind, what had become of my clothes—
my white blouse, gray plaid skirt? Now I was clad in a white cotton
nightdress, much too large for my frail body. It probably belonged to
this woman. And where were my shoes? Had the man discovered
the precious stones in the heels? Had they found the other stones
which were sewn in my clothes, especially inside the buttons? We
sisters had some money in the belts of our skirts. What had become
of all that?
They could have everything if only they would tell me about Tatiana.
The man knew why she had not come through, and so did the
woman, yet they would not talk to me. The man thought I could be
moved, but he soon discovered I could not stand on my feet. The
woman’s hand was on my covers; then I felt sudden warmth in my
shivering body. The stone was back, good and hot, nicely wrapped. I
curled around it.
Gradually my body marched on toward recovery; my head had
ceased to throb. I could turn it easily. Immediately the woman
sensed this progress and removed the bandages. My wounds were
less painful. Again with her uncanny insight into my condition, she
placed the pillow behind me and sat me up in bed.
One day when I was sitting up in bed, I noticed on the table next to
me a brown lump. It looked like a section of a dried apple. I picked it
up; it gave me a feeling of horror, and I quickly dropped it on the
army blanket covering my bed. As I looked at it closely, I saw a
familiar design. I unfolded a small portion of it, and recognized the
edge as the handkerchief that was given me by Grandmother, who
also gave one to each of my sisters. I could not imagine where this
handkerchief had come from. I remembered that when our rooms
had last been searched, I had picked it up from the floor and had
placed it on a small table in Mother’s room. I do not remember taking
it when we rushed to get dressed that final night, nor did I intend to
use this fine lace handmade keepsake. I must have picked it up
absent-mindedly. According to the woman, when I was brought into
the dugout that fateful morning, the handkerchief was clutched tightly
in my hand. I had brought it with me when we left Tsarskoe Selo to
Tobolsk and then to Ekaterinburg. I intend to place it in the museum
which I plan to establish. Mother had beautiful laces and had brought
a few small pieces with her to Tobolsk. Fearing they might be
mishandled, these valuable laces were to be divided among us
The woman cared for me quite frequently, although I had no clock to
mark the passing hours, nor was there any sunshine by which to
conjecture the time of day. During my convalescence she let me
wear a white cotton jacket which had starched pleating around the
neck and down the front. This bed jacket was far too large for me,
but it was her best. The sheets on my bed were of a coarse cotton;
so was the pillow case. The latter was edged with a peasant lace
and was buttoned together. Over the sheet, she had placed a warm
army blanket.
The room was dark, day hardly distinguishable from night. The little
window high up near the ceiling was covered on the outside with
hay, as I later discovered. A little light did penetrate into this dugout,
but at night she hung a dark cloth over this pane. My eyes were sore
from the lighted candle and I put it out except when she cared for
me. I had no book or magazine or newspaper. No calendar to mark
the time of year or the day of the month. I had no idea whether it was
summer or fall. My room was always cool and damp and the days
As I lay in this dark mustiness, I had time to think about everything
that took place during my seventeen years with my dear family.
There were so many sudden changes in the political hysteria, that I
wondered if in my thoughts I was confused! It was unbelievable that
actually such developments really had taken place. One day I asked
the woman, whether all the turmoil was a reality or just a nightmare!
“No!” she replied, “it is true.”
Propped up in bed, from this vantage point, I was able to see and
hear the man, should he ever come back. I would judge whether he
was friend or foe. Whatever the man might be, I was sure the woman
had nothing to do with my rescue beyond the determination to make
me well. But I remember the words, “You see how careful we must
be.” That sounded as if they were working together. Perhaps others
were involved, others saved? When the man should come back I
was determined to find out all the events from him, from my last
recollection to the present time. The questions they had asked me
gave me hope that Tatiana had been saved.
Absorbed in these thoughts, I was unaware that someone had come
down the ladder until I suddenly realized the man stood beside me.
Behind him was the woman holding a lighted candle. Waves of fresh,
sweet air wafted out from his clothes.
“Good evening,” he said, “it is cool outside.” “How do you feel?” he
My lips said, “Better, thank you,” but all the time I was thinking, he
sounds friendly. I will ask him.
Before I could open my mouth to form the words, his manner
became serious, almost severe. “Never speak out loud,” he warned.
“Only in a whisper. It is very dangerous.”
He wheeled around and was gone up the ladder without another
word. The woman followed.
I looked hard at that man and felt satisfied he was not one of the
Ekaterinburg guards, nor was he anyone I had ever seen before. In
his shabby English clothes I could not be sure what he was. He
carried himself erect like a soldier, his hair was well-groomed and he
had an easy manner. He looked at me squarely without self-
consciousness and delivered his orders without hesitation.
The woman usually carried my food on a rough, wooden tray.
Gradually, she brought me more solid food. Occasionally I had some
potato; fresh fish was on my regular diet. When eating solid food I
had to be very careful as I was afraid that I might swallow some of
the teeth that were broken at the roots.
I found one disfigurement after another. I could chew only on the
right side of my mouth. Feeling around my head, I realized I was
covered with welts, one more painful than the other. I also
discovered two long grooves, one on the right side of my head, back
of the ear, about an inch long, which still remained very painful. I
wondered if this pain was the result of the accident or was inherited
from my Mother who had a sensitive spot on her head. Her
hairdresser had to be very careful when arranging her hair. Mine
might have been caused by the bullet that had grazed my head. The
pain indicated that my nose, too, was broken.
A deformed, partly toothless girl at seventeen, alone in a world that
did not care. My only consolation was that in spite of everything the
Lord continued to be beside me.
Beneath the bandage of my stomach, no part was shot away. I could
not find a bullet hole; instead, my skin was covered with traceries as
though cut by myriads of flying glass. The woman seemed pleased
that I was well enough to take an interest in my wounds. She actually
volunteered the information that she had pulled out small pieces of
blue glass from my flesh. She spread honey over my abdomen and
finally the honey drew the glass slivers out.
She asked, “Do you remember carrying any glass container with

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