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The Egyptian British International School

Science department

Term 1 projects
Year 8 Unit: Respiration

Project title: helping white blood cells Learners book page 33 Teachers guide page: 36
to protect us from pathogens

Objectives:1. discuss how scientific knowledge is developed through collective understanding and
scrutiny over time
2. Describe how Science is applied across societies and industries and in research .
3. Evaluate issues which involve or require scientific understanding

Brief description of the project: Our white blood cells are amazing at keeping us safe from pathogens.
Most of the time, they manage to destroy the pathogens so that we recover quickly from an infection. But
there are some pathogens that white blood cells cannot destroy in time. The virus that causes rabies is one
of these. If the rabies virus gets into a person’s body, the body needs outside help in order to stop the virus
spreading. Without treatment, most people die if they are infected with the rabies virus
Discovering what causes rabies
Who first discovered the cause of rabies, and when did they do this?
How rabies is transmitted
How can a person be infected with rabies? What are the symptoms of the disease? What other viruses
are transmitted similar way and their treatment?
Preventing rabies
In which countries is rabies most common? What can people these countries do to reduce the risk of
getting rabies?
Treatment for rabies
What should someone do if they have been bitten by an animal with rabies? How do rabies vaccines help
our white blood cells to fight the virus? Does this virus have different strains? Do they have the same
vaccine and treatment?
Based on the above research how do you think we have to deal with stray dogs ? do we have to take
further procedures with them?

Task 1 in your group you will have to conduct a research about the above aspects.

How will it be assessed? [include the task sheet or rubric]

I am going to assess the content
Task 2 presentation of the report
Using a presentation rubric I will assess the project
Year 8 Unit: properties of materials

Project title: the secret formula Learners book page Teachers guide page 52


Brief description of the project:

Task 1

How will it be assessed? [include the task sheet or rubric]

Task 2

How will it be assessed? [include the task sheet or rubric]

Year Unit:

Project title: Learners book page Teachers guide page


Brief description of the project:

Task 1

How will it be assessed? [include the task sheet or rubric]

Task 2

How will it be assessed? [include the task sheet or rubric]

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