1871 Slides

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Rise of nations

- 1871 AD -
Truce Rules
Ai wars - 1872
Player wars - 1873
Golden Rules
These rules apply in ALL situation

Roleplay Adequately roleplay all actions relating to war, alliances, or land deals

Stack Limit 250K for Infantry, 1K for tanks

Behavior I will kick/ban annoying and obnoxious players.

Alternate Accounts Alts will be banned, make sure you are also in the Discord Server

No Dismantling Major empires may not be dismantled

Host has Final Say You WILL listen to me

Table of contents
01 02 03
Context Rules 1 Rule 2
Events of 1871, before and Rules regarding other than Rules regarding warfare
beyond warfare

04 05 06
Nation Info Significant Wars Scramble for Africa
Missions and information Context for relevant wars Rules regarding the Berlin
for nations Conference and subsequent
Scramble for Africa
- 1871 -
1871 takes place during the conclusion of the Franco - Prussian war and the
beginning of ‘New Imperialism.’

Most notably, the German Empire is established, a new super power in Europe. A
renewed sense of imperialism is instilled across Europe leading to the Scramble
for Africa.

In the East, Emperor Meiji commands the emergent Empire of Japan, quickly rising
to superpower status in the East.

This Roleplay will last from 1871 - 1899 in 2 sessions

Major Events (1871 -1899)

Withdrawal of Germany from France (1871-72)

Paris Commune (1871)
Meiji Restoration (Ongoing)
Qing Revolts (Ongoing)
American Reconstruction (Ongoing)
Great Sioux War (1876)
British Egypt (1882)
Scramble for Africa (1885 - completion of colonization)

KRAKATOA!!!!! (1883)
Rules Part I
Forts Do not spam forts, only use them along borders/mountain ranges and on major cities

Factories Do not spam factories (for lag reasons) Sell 200 consumers to host

Ethnic Unifications Ethnic unifications are highly encouraged

Colonies You may NOT spawn units in direct Colonies

Majors Wars involving majors must be mediated by the HOST

Regime Changes Socialist or anti-monarch uprisings require 4 years of rp (will result in new nation being
made in some cases)

Ideologies Liberalism for Republics, Socialism for nations that have completed 4 years of rp,
Nationalist for tribes and Kingdoms. Additionally you may remain on non-aligned if you

Developing DO NOT develop direct colonial holdings

Rules Part II
Auto Capture Do NOT use auto capture on players, only AI.

Capital Sniping Do NOT capital snipe

Front Lines Keep your front lines consistent, do not skip cities

Artillery 200 Artillery per front, unless specified otherwise

Shore Bombardment Shore Bombardment is allowed

Units Anti aircraft, aircraft carriers, submarines, and aircraft are banned

Stack Limit 250K for Infantry, 1K for tanks. Naval units do not have stack limits

Victory Parameters Must occupy ⅔ including Capital, or inflict 4 million casualties on the war leader, (10
million for Qing), if a war participant suffers 2 million casualties they must white peace

Spawning DO NOT spawn units in direct colonial holdings, must have them shipped from your
Rules Regarding Alliances

In order to prevent an early world war or unbalanced wars, nations will be limited to
3 alliances.

Of these 3 alliances only ONE can be a major power.

Under NO circumstances may you ally 2 or more super powers.

Nation Categories

Majors Regionals Minors

Nations with global or Nations that hold solid Any nation that is not in
major influence regional power either previous categories
I.e United Kingdom I.e Brazil I.e Serbia

Look for these Symbols at the top right of each nation page
Imperial Germany
Following the Franco - Prussian war, the German Confederation transcends into the German
Empire, headed by Prussia.
It is the emergent superpower in Europe causing its neighbors, notably the UK, to worry.

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Empire of Steel Artillery Expert - 300 Artillery limit per front Infantry - 900,000
Indemnity payments - Start with 1 Billion Tanks - 3,000
Strong Military and Logistics - 300K stacks Allowed Battleships - 2
Exercise hegemony in
Destroyers - 10
mainland Europe by Frigates - 18
defeating Russia in any Mission 2 - Großdeutschland Africa Mission - Mittelafrika
Win a war against Austria, Austria Establish the African Empire by
Reward - Transfer of Polish must be allied to either UK or connecting Cameroon to East
Kingdom to German Spain (heavy rp required) Africa
lordship + Creation of
Reward - Sudetenland + Austrian Reward - 3 Billion + Tier 4 in all
Baltic Duchy under concessions african colonies
German lordship
United Kingdom
Regarded as the most powerful and influential polity of the late 19th century, the United
Kingdom has much on its hands. For now it moves to contain the German threat, and end
the troublesome Boer republics, hindering their South African operations.

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Graveyard of Pax Britannia - 3 Billion Starting Cash

Along with your Indian

Africa Mission - Egypt Africa Mission 2 - Cape to Cairo Infantry - 800,000
subjects, defeat
Tanks - 4,000
afghanistan! Successfully acquire Egypt as a Successfully acquire a land Battleships - 5
subject from the Ottomans. bridge from Cape town to Cairo Destroyers - 16
Reward - Partition of during the Scramble! Frigates - 22
Afghanistan into princely Reward - Egypt becomes your
and Raj states puppet, Cape to Cairo mission Reward - 4 Billion + 6
possible now infrastructure throughout
African colonies
Imperial Russia
Russia is in a unique position to capitalize off Ottoman decline. Their growing influence in
the Balkans could prove invaluable for the future.

Starting Modifiers: Infantry - 1,000,000

Serfdom Abolished - Start with tier 2 in European Russia Tanks - 2,000
Mission - Bully the Turks Growing Influence - May freely join any Balkan independence wars Battleships - 1
Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 10
Participate in 2 or more
independence or
conquest wars against the
Ottomans Mission 2 - Last of the Khans
Africa Mission - Sagallo Africa Mission 2 - Madagascar

Conquer the remaining Colonize 1 tile of Djibouti and Protect Prove you aren’t a joke and
Reward - 4 billion + khanates of Central asia the colony by establishing relations successfully colonize
International zone with orthodox Ethiopia Madagascar
established in Reward - 1 Billion
Constantinople Reward - 2 Billion + Reward - 1 Billion + regional
Djibouti/Somaliland gained islands gained
Ottoman Empire
The Ottomans are in heavy decline, however there is still hope. The Tanzimat reforms are
their last hope at effectively modernizing to keep up with Europe.

Should they fail, their destiny is to be carved up, no different than Africa

Mission - Legacy of the Starting Modifiers:

Infantry - 900,000
Tanzimat Decline - No starting cash, cannot train units Tanks - 2,000
Tanzimat reforms - Tier 6 dev/inf in and around the Capital Battleships - 1
Destroyers - 6
Pay 4 billion to the host Frigates - 14

Reward - Tier 6 dev/inf in Africa Mission - End of Ali Pasha’s Legacy Mission 2 - Secure the Balkans
all cities + Allowed to train
Defeat any European power attempting to Defeat Russia or Austria in a war.
seize egypt, or quell any Egyptian Reconquer Greece
Reward - Remain a great power + 5 billion
Reward - 5 Billion
Third French Republic
Following the Franco - Prussian war, France is near ruin. The north is occupied by
Germany, and they must complete indemnity payments to get it back.
Paris is seized by the Paris Commune who seek to establish a Socialist hell!

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Revenge! Defeat! - Must pay 1.5 billion in parts or in whole to regain Infantry - 800,000
Northern France from Germany Tanks - 2,600
Paris Commune - Capital lost and relocated to Southern coast
Defeat Germany in any Battleships - 2
war. (Must be a major Africa Mission - Fashoda Mission 3 - Alliance Destroyers - 10
participant in said war) Frigates - 18
Establish a landbridge from Establish the Franco -
Reward - Regain West to East Africa, Russian alliance! MUST
diplomatically or physically commit to anywar the other
Alsace/Lorraine + Minor
win the Fashoda is involved in.
concessions confrontation
Reward - 1 Billion
Reward - 3 Billion + Tier 4 in
all african colonies
Empire of Japan
In the aftermath of the Boshin War Imperial rule is restored in Japan headed by Emperor
Meiji! With the meek Tokugawas gone, Japan can fully realise its power.

Starting Modifiers:
Meiji Restoration - 3 Billion starting cash, tier 2 dev/inf in all cities
Mission - Empire of the Sun Modernized Military - 300K Stacks and 350 Artillery allowed against QING only

Defeat Qing in any war

Infantry - 750,000
Reward - 3 Billion - Joseon Tanks - 1,600
freed + Taiwan ceded + Battleships - 3
Liaodong Peninsula ceded Destroyers - 12
Frigates - 20
United States of America
Still recovering from the American Civil war, the United States is in a unique position to
achieve global influence.

Starting Modifiers:
Post War - Reduced population in the South
Reconstruction - Not allowed to expand at all
Mission - Reconstruction Infantry - 1,000,000
Tanks - 4000
Reach tier 6 throughout all Battleships - 2
of Continental united Destroyers - 12
Mission 2 - Great Power
states Frigates - 18
Support independence
Reward - 10 Billion - movements in the Americas
Recovered population in against European powers, or win
the South - the Spanish - American War
Reconstruction ends
Reward - 5 Billion + Superpower
status solidified
Great Qing
Cursed like every other Chinese dynasty, Qing China is plagued by famine, rebellion,
invasion, and plagues.
Along with encroaching European powers, Japan has become a new threat to Qing’s

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Not for Sale Unfit Emperor - Start with 0 research, military, and political power Infantry - 6,000,000
Under equipped Army - Must remain on massed attack+CANNOT TRAIN Tanks - 0
Defeat Japan or Russia in Battleships - 0
a war Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 10
Reward - 10 Billion Mission 2 - Return to Borneo

Victory against Japan - See Sino - Japanese If Langfang still exists, subjugate
war slide 57 it. If not, invade Borneo and
Victory against Russia - Regain outer establish a colony
manchuria + Northern Sakhalin

Reward - 5 Billion
Austria - Hungary
Established after the Austro-Prussian War, the once great Austrian Empire has turned into
a dual monarchy losing some power over its Hungarian realm. Can the two work together
or will they be each others downfall?

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Balkan Monitor Dual Monarchy - Hungary starts as a puppet of Austria Infantry - 700,000
Tanks - 2,000
Capitalize on the Battleships - 0
Russo-turkish war by Destroyers - 8
occupying Ottoman Mission 2 - Indivisible Africa - Morocco Madness
Frigates - 16
Bosnia. (Mission can only be initiated by Hungary)
Win a civil war between both Successfully colonize Morocco
Reward - Bosnia ceded, monarchs (2 years rp build up) during or after the Scramble for
Reward - 4 billion, Africa
regardless of Ottoman In case of Austrian Victory - Reintegrate the
defeat or victory in Hungarian realm
Reward - 2 billion
Russo-Turkish war In case of Hungarian Victory - Independent
Hungarian Kingdom
Kingdom of Italy
Following its unification not too long ago, the Kingdom of Italy is ready to expand its
influence. Options in Europe are limited, instead Africa may be our only choice!

Starting Modifiers:
Heightened Nationalism - 2000 Starting research + 750 million starting cash

Mission - Revenge P.II Infantry - 700,000

Tanks - 2,000
Win a war against the Battleships - 1
Austro - Hungarians. Destroyers - 8
Mission 2 - North Africa Realised Africa - East Africa Realised
Frigates - 16
Reward - Dalmatia + Tyrol
gained + 2 billion Conquer Tripolitania and Tunis Successfully colonize Eritrea,
from the Ottomans during or Somalia, and Ethiopia during or
after the Scramble for Africa after the Scramble

Reward - 4 billion Reward - 2 billion + Colonial

subject established
Kingdom of Spain
Spain is tormented by revolts in the Philippines and Caribbean, and to make matter worse,
Carlist insurgents mount constant attacks across the nation!

Starting Modifiers:
Carlist Wars - Rebels hold small pockets of land
Loss of the New World - 0 starting cash
Mission - The Right Path Infantry - 700,000
Tanks - 2,000
Defeat the Carlists (Do not Battleships - 1
invade until 2 years have Destroyers - 10
passed) Mission 2 - Guess Who’s Back Africa - Waning power
Frigates - 18

Reward - Remain a Successfully conquer Hispaniola Successfully subjugate Morocco

kingdom, or establish a during or after the scramble for
republic upon rping King Reward - 4 billion africa
Amadeo’s abdication
Reward - 2 billion + Colonial
subject established
Kingdom of Portugal
Suffering a fall from grace similar to Spain, Portugal still has hope of retaining and
expanding its influence.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Nice try Infantry - 600,000

Tanks - 2,600
Challenge Dutch authority Battleships - 2
in the Malay Archipelago Destroyers - 10
by winning a war and Africa - Pink Map Frigates - 16
establish Portuguese East
Enforce the Pink Map by
conquering a corridor from
Angola to Mozambique, before
Reward - Various islands or after the Scramble for Africa
and concessions made to
Portugal - 3 Billion Reward - 2 billion + Colonial
subject established
Kingdom of Denmark
Following its disastrous defeat in the 2nd Schleswig war, Denmark has lost wealth, power,
and honor. Can it reclaim its dignity?

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Revenge! Infantry - 600,000

Tanks - 2,600
Win a war against Battleships - 1
Germany Destroyers - 8
Frigates - 14
Reward - Regain lands lost Mission 2 - Kalmar Krazy Africa - Return to Africa
+ 6 billion + minor
concessions from any Win a war against Sweden - Either buy back or forcefully
German colonies Norway regain the Gold Coast from the
Reward - 8 Billion + Union over
sweden and Norway Reward - 2 billion + Ghana
Kingdom of Sweden-Norway
Although Sweden’s glory days are long gone, they still hold strong influence over the
nordic region as well as a union over Norway

Starting Modifiers:
Union - Norway is a Puppet of Sweden

Mission - That’s Mine Infantry - 650,000

Tanks - 2,200
Win a war against Russia Battleships - 1
Destroyers - 18
Reward - Duchy of Finland Frigates - 14
transferred to Swedish Mission 2 - Regime Change? Africa - Kongo Krazy
Win a civil war between the two Successfully colonize the Kongo
kingdoms during or after the Scramble for
Reward - Winner subjugates the
other or Sweden annexes Reward - 10 billion
Kingdom of Netherlands
The Dutch have lost much of their once legendary colonial reputation following the break
away of Belgium and many of their colonies. However new prospects in the East Indies are
bringing great wealth to them. But many other nations eye the East Indies with greed , can
they defend it?

Mission - Me again! Starting Modifiers: Infantry - 650,000

Union - Luxembourg starts as your subject Tanks - 2,200
Win a war against Belgium Battleships - 2
Destroyers - 14
Reward - Annex Belgium + Frigates - 20
3 billion Mission 2 - It’s MINE! Mission 2 - The Skibidi Question

Regain South Africa Conquer the remaining nations

in Malaya
Reward - South Africa returned
to the Dutch + 3 billion Reward - 3 billion
Kingdom of Belgium
Lead by the freaky ass King Leopold II, Belgium is a relatively new nation following their
independence from the Dutch. Although their power and influence is minimal, the Berlin
Conference may change that!

Starting Modifiers:
Mission - Minor Scuffle Freaky Ass King - All colonies remain direct holdings rather than subjects Infantry - 580,000
Tanks - 1,800
Win a war against the Battleships - 1
Dutch Destroyers - 12
Frigates - 14
Reward - Luxembourg Africa - Kongo Krazy
transferred to Belgian
lordship + Major Successfully colonize the Kongo
concessions in the East during or after the Scramble for
Indies Africa

Reward - 10 billion
Balkan Nations (Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria)

Following the decline of the once great Ottomans, the Balkans are beginning to edge
closer to dominance over the Balkan region.
Infantry - 300,000
Starting Modifiers:
Tanks - 800
Nationalist Fervour! - Start with 600 million cash
Battleships - 0
Mission - And Stay Out! Destroyers - 8
Frigates - 12
Win any war against the

Reward - Expansion of Mission 2 - Tsar-ry Ottoman

territory + 4 billion +
100,000 added to infantry As Bulgaria, win a war against
limit the Ottomans

SPECIAL: This is a repeatable mission Reward - Eastern Rumelia +

Macedonia + Thrace
Russian Subjects (Finland, Poland)

Although Russian power is at its peak, there is still chance for these nations to be free!

Starting Modifiers:
Nationalist Fervour - 600 Million Starting Cash
Polish Legacy - Poland starts with Max infantry and cavalry tech
Infantry - 500,000
Tanks - 1,000
Mission - Step 8 Reznov, Battleships - 0
Freedom! Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 8
Win a war against Russia

Reward - Poland and Mission 2 - Hussars Charge! Mission 3 - No One’s Safe Mission 4 - Death Blow
Finland gain
independence + minor As Poland, win a second war As Poland, win a war against As Poland, win a war against
concessions + 6 billion against Russia Germany Austria - Hungary

Reward - 4 billion + Major Reward - 4 billion + Major Reward - 4 billion + Major

concessions made to Poland concessions made to Poland concessions made to Poland
Paris Commune
With the collapse of French authority in and around Paris, the people have seized power! A
new society by the people for the people, no more oppression by hand of the elite!

Starting Modifiers: Infantry - 500,000

The People's Commune! - Start with Socialism
Support of the People! - Start with maximum manpower
Tanks - 1,000
Mission - Red France New Path - Cannot colonize or seize colonial holdings Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 4
Win a war against the Frigates - 8
French Republic

Reward - 10 billion +
seizure of all mainland
french territory + Republic
of France re-established in
Algeria + Assume Frances
Middle East
Arabian Emirates (Nejd, Jabal Shammar)

Following the decline of the once great Ottomans, the Arabs are one step closer to
regaining Arab control from Arabia!

Starting Modifiers:
Nationalist Fervour! - Start with 600 million cash
Mission - Desert King Infantry - 550,000
Tanks - 1,200
Win a war against the Battleships - 0
Other Emirate Destroyers - 4
Mission 2 - Arab Revolt! Mission 2 - Consolidation Frigates - 8
Reward - Loser annexed
by Victor Pay 2 billion to incite the Arab Conquer the Entire Arabian
revolt in Hejaz, Syria, and Iraq. Peninsula
Win a war against the Ottomans
Reward - 8 Billion + Choice to
Reward - Hejaz + Medium Establish Kingdom of Arabia
concessions from Syria and Iraq
Oman(s) (Imamate of Oman, Sultanate of Oman, Sultanate of Zanzibar)

A succession crisis has left Oman in shambles. The once great transcontinental empire has
fallen apart. With skillful leadership, the realm may be united once again!

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Unification! Infantry - 500,000

Tanks - 1,200
As any of the Omani Battleships - 1
Empire successors, Destroyers - 8
conquer the other states Frigates - 16
Mission 2 - Kingdom Come
Reward - Omani Empire Defeat the Trucial states
re-established + 5 billion
Reward - Trucial states annexed
+ 1 billion
Yemeni States (Lahej, Baidah, Najran, Qu’aiti)

The Yemeni nations sit in a great position to capitalize off trade, however any ambitious
moves are destroyed by either the Ottomans or British!

Starting Modifiers:
Trade Crazy! - Start with 600 million cash (ask host to give)
Mission - King of Yemen Infantry - 300,000
Tanks - 1,400
Unite the Yemeni states Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 8
Reward - Kingdom of Frigates - 12
Yemen Established + 4
Sublime State of Iran
Ottoman decline serves as a good time for the Persians to strike at their eternal foe.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Abbas’s Legacy Infantry - 750,000

Tanks - 1,800
Win a war against the Battleships - 0
Ottomans Destroyers - 8
Mission 2 - Abbas’s Right Frigates - 16
Reward - Regain parts of
Iraq and Anatolia + 5 Defeat Afghanistan in a war
Reward - Regain part of
Khedivate of Egypt
Establish by the great Muhammad Ali Pasha, Egypt has remained independent is all but
name. Perhaps with the sight of Ottoman decline, Egypt can secure total independence.

Starting Modifiers:
Canal Profits! - Start with 800 million cash
Mission - Khedivate Krazy Infantry - 700,000
Tanks - 2,000
Win an independence war Battleships - 1
against the Ottomans Destroyers - 10
Mission 2 - Might as Well be Mine Frigates - 16
Reward - Independance +
4 billion + Minor Announce the seizure of the Suez
Canal, may face war with France
concessions made to and UK. (Only available after
Egypt independence)

Reward - Canal ceded + 6 billion

Central Asia (Qoqon, Khiva, Bukhara)

The Age of Khans is nearing its end. The once great Khanates have been overrun,
conquered to reduced to petty rump states. Perhaps an emerging power can change that?

Starting Modifiers:
Manpower Pool- Start with maximum manpower (ask host to give)

Mission - Great Khanate Infantry - 650,000

Tanks - 6,000
Unite the Khanates Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 3
Reward - 6 Billion Frigates - 6

Mission 2 - Return to Khorasan Mission 3 - Genghis’s Legacy Mission 4 - Boo!

Win a war against Persia Win a war against Russia Win a war against Qing

Reward - Khorasan ceded + 3 Reward - Greater Central Asia Reward - Mongolia and Eastern
billion ceded Qing ceded
Emirate of Afghanistan
Afghanistan sits in a perilous spot, surrounded by hostile nations.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Durrani’s Legacy Infantry - 600,000

Tanks - 800
Win a war against Persia Battleships - 0
and British India Destroyers - 2
Frigates - 4
Reward - Medium
concessions made to
Afghanistan + 5 billion
British India (British raj, Princely states)

Following the collapse of Mughal, then Maratha power in the subcontinent, India was
overrun by the British, establishing direct and indirect rule over the region.

Starting Modifiers:
Loyal Subject- The British Raj may NOT revolt or declare independence
Mission - Status Quo? Infantry - 450,000
Tanks - 1,000
Win a war between the Battleships - 1
two states Destroyers - 8
Frigates - 12
Reward - Raj Victory -
Status Quo Mission 3 - Expand the Raj!

Princely Victory - Win a war against Afghanistan

Formation of Princely
Reward - Afghanistan made into
India princely state
South East Asia (Burma, Dai Nam, Siam, Cambodia, Cochinchina)

English and French influence steadily grows in this region. France to the East and the UK to
the West. These powers must be expelled before they grow to powerful.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Expel the Europeans Infantry - 500,000

Tanks - 1,000
Win a war against the UK or Battleships - 0
France Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 10
Reward - Europeans expelled
from South East Asia
Malaya ( Johor, Aceh, Sulu, Sarawak, Brunei, Lanfang)

The Dutch have overrun the archipelago, if the sultanates are to survive they must expel
these monsters.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Expel the Europeans Infantry - 500,000

Tanks - 1,000
Win a war against the Dutch Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 14
Reward - Europeans expelled Frigates - 20
from Malaya
Mission 3 - Great Melayu!

Unite the Malay Archipelago

Reward - 10 billion

(Sulu and Sarak exempt)

Great Joseon
A rough history of being passed from power to power, the people of Joseon have had

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Cha Qing Infantry - 500,000

Tanks - 1,000
Win a war against Qing Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 8
Reward - Protectorate status Frigates - 10
removed + 6 billion + minor
United Mexican States
A storied past of civil war and foreign invasion, the Mexican state may still be able to claim
its lost territories!

Starting Modifiers:
Unstable Government- Subject to civil wars
Mission - What’s the Alamo? Infantry - 700,000
Tanks - 1,800
Win a war against the United Battleships - 0
States Destroyers - 8
Frigates - 10
Reward - 20 billion + Mission 3 - Unfinished Business
Territories lost in the
Mexican - American war Conquer the central American
states excluding Panama

Reward - 4 billion
United States of Colombia
Once a great power in the North, now they are left in shambles.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Gran who? Gran me. Infantry - 600,000

Tanks - 1,000
Win a war against Venezuela Battleships - 0
and Ecuador. Destroyers - 8
Frigates - 10
Reward - Full annexation of
Venezuela and Ecuador + 2
Cuban Revolutionaries
Long have the Cuban people suffered under Spanish cruelty. But as trouble brews in
Spain, freedom may finally be in reach.

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - End the Captaincy Infantry - 650,000

Tanks - 1,800
Win a war against Spain Battleships - 1
Destroyers - 10
Reward - Cuban Republic + 2 Frigates - 16
billion Mission 3 - Empire of Cuba

Conquer the Hispaniola

Reward - 4 billion
Senusiyya (REMOVED)
A secret order of mystics deep in the Egyptian and Libyan deserts, the Senusi order is not a
power to be trifled with.

Starting Modifiers:
Clandestine Operations- May surprise attack any North African power, can only take 3 tiles
Mission - Ott - Oh man!

Win a war against any colonial

power attempting to seize Infantry - 500,000
Tripolitania Tanks - 600
Battleships - 0
Reward - 2 billion + Expansion Destroyers - 2
into Tuareg sahara Frigates - 4
Sultanate of Morocco
Surrounded by the French and Spanish, Morocco is in a perilous situation being at risk of

Starting Modifiers:

Mission - Survive the Scramble Infantry - 600,000

Tanks - 800
Win any war against a Battleships - 0
European nation during or Destroyers - 10
after the Scramble for Africa Frigates - 18

Reward - 6 billion + exempt

from being invaded
Boer Republics (Transvaal Republic, Orange Free State)

Remnants of Dutch South Africa, the Boer republics continue to defy British authority in
the Cape Colony.

Starting Modifiers:
Terrain Expert- Start with Max research power
Mission - Afrikaans Empire! Infantry - 600,000
Tanks - 400
Defeat the British in the Boer Battleships - 0
wars! Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 8
Reward - 6 billion + annex Mission 3 - Expand the Empire
Cape Colony, Natal, and Zulu.
Defeat Portugal in a war

Reward - 4 billion + Annex

southern Mozambique
Infantry - 600,000
Tanks - 400
Battleships - 0
Destroyers - 4
Frigates - 8

Unmentioned Central
Special Sioux Limit Unmentioned South American and Caribbean
Infantry - 800,000 American Nations Nations
Tanks - 0 Infantry - 650,000 Infantry -400,000
Battleships - 0 Tanks - 1,000 Tanks - 1,000
Destroyers - 0 Battleships - 0 Battleships - 0
Frigates - 0 Destroyers - 10 Destroyers - 6
Frigates - 16 Frigates - 12
Great Sioux War 1876 A.D

Sioux Nation United States

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

Expansion into Midwest Annexed by US 8 Billion + Annex Sioux

-10 Billion
Russo - Turkish War 1877 A.D

Russian Empire Ottoman Empire

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

Free access to Bosphorus Rebellious Balkan
Minor Concessions in All Balkan states except
+ Minor concessions in nations fully annexed +
Caucasia Bulgaria made
the caucuses Negative Modifiers
War of the Pacific 1879 A.D

Chile Bolivia/Peru

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

Loss of Northern territory
Annex Bolivia's Cost + Southern Territory Medium concessions
Loss of land to chile
given to Argentina from Chile
Sino-French War 1884 A.D

Qing France

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

10 billion + France French Indochina Annex Vietnam +
expelled from Indochina established + treaty ports establish French
Expulsion from East Asia
and Southern China to France Indochina + Treaty ports
across China
Sino - Japanese War 1894 A.D

Qing Japan

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

Loss of lordship over
10 billion + End of Annexation of Taiwan -10 billion + Return to
Joseon +
negative modifiers and Liaodong Peninsula isolationist policy
Taiwan/Liaodong ceded
Chincha Island War (Ongoing)

Chile, Peru, Ecuador,

Spain Bolivia

Victory Defeat Victory Defeat

Re-establish minor
BANISHED! From south Must give minor colonies
colonies throughout 5 billion for all
America to spain
South America
The Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference will take place in 1880, kicking off the
Scramble for Africa!

Nations will be able to use points to ‘claim’ regions and start

Rules -
Each of the Following nations gets point(s) to claim a region. Note that these will NOT be
exact borders, if you successfully colonize the region, there will be minor deviations.

If two nations claim the same region they must decide who receives it by war or diplomacy.

Some nations such as Portugal or the UK already have large colonies, if another nation
claims that region you are at risk of a colonial war in which you will be kicked out if you lose.
If the claimant decides not to go to war then they will colonize AROUND your holdings.

Note: Colonial war fighting may ONLY occur in the region of dispute.

Each region is worth 1 point (1pts). Lets say the UK and Russia both claim region 13, instead
of war or diplomacy, the UK can use BOTH points to overrule Russian claims.
Region 1 - France
United Kingdom(2pts)
Region 2 - Italy
Russia(1pts) Region 3 - UK
France(2pts) Region 4 -
Italy(1pts) Region 5 - France
Spain(1pts) Region 6 - Denmark
Portugal(1pts) Region 7 - Portugal
Denmark(1pts) Region 8 - UK + Austria
Sweden - Norway(1pts) Region 9 - Sweden
Region 10 - Spain
Region 11 -
Austria - Hungary(1pts) Region 12 - Boers
Region 13 -
Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:

Libre Baskerville

Source Sans 3

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