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Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 1
Gold, an elemental marvel coveted by civilizations since antiquity, stands as a symbol of wealth,
prestige, and endurance. Throughout history, numerous sources of this precious metal have been
discovered and mined across the globe. However, amidst the vast array of gold deposits, certain
locales have emerged as unparalleled in their quality, purity, and significance. In this
comprehensive report, we embark on a journey to explore and unveil the epitome of gold - the
finest specimens on Earth.

From the glittering treasures of ancient civilizations to the meticulously crafted artifacts of modern
jewelry, gold has woven its shimmering threads into the fabric of human history. The allure of gold
transcends cultural boundaries, serving as a universal symbol of prosperity and power. The
legendary wealth of empires such as ancient Egypt, Rome, and the Inca Empire bore testament
to the enduring value of this noble metal.

The formation of gold deposits is a complex geological process that spans millions of years. These
deposits are primarily sourced from hydrothermal fluids, magmatic activities, and sedimentary
processes. The world's most exceptional gold deposits often originate from regions rich in
geological anomalies, such as tectonic plate boundaries and ancient volcanic belts. The intricate
interplay of geological factors gives rise to gold deposits of unparalleled purity and richness.

The finest gold exhibits a remarkable array of characteristics that distinguish it from lesser
specimens. Exceptional purity, measured in karats, is a hallmark of superior gold. The highest
quality gold boasts purity levels nearing 24 karats, signifying near-total absence of impurities.
Furthermore, the color and luster of premium gold are unparalleled, radiating a brilliant sheen that
captivates the beholder. Additionally, the crystalline structure of superior gold often manifests in
exquisite formations, further enhancing its aesthetic appeal and collectible value.

Several regions across the globe are renowned for producing the most exquisite gold specimens
known to humanity. The Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa stands as a legendary epicenter of
gold mining, yielding vast quantities of high-grade gold ore. The "Golden Triangle" in Western
Australia represents another iconic locale, boasting some of the world's largest and most
productive gold mines. Other notable sources include the Carlin Trend in Nevada, USA, and the
Yanacocha mine in Peru, each renowned for their exceptional quality and abundance of gold.

The pursuit of the finest gold has driven relentless innovation in mining technologies and
techniques. Modern mining operations employ state-of-the-art equipment, including advanced
drilling rigs, automated haulage systems, and sophisticated ore processing facilities. Furthermore,
the advent of environmentally sustainable mining practices has revolutionized the industry,
mitigating the ecological impact of gold extraction while maximizing efficiency and yield.

Beyond its intrinsic value as a precious metal, gold holds profound cultural and economic
significance worldwide. It serves as a cornerstone of monetary systems, underpinning currencies
and financial stability. Moreover, gold plays a pivotal role in cultural rituals, religious ceremonies, 1
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

and artistic expression across diverse civilizations. Its timeless allure continues to captivate the
human imagination, transcending the boundaries of time and geography.

In conclusion, the quest for the finest gold represents a testament to humanity's enduring
fascination with this noble metal. From its geological genesis to its cultural and economic
significance, gold stands as an unparalleled symbol of wealth, beauty, and prestige. Through
centuries of exploration, innovation, and ingenuity, mankind has unlocked the secrets of the
world's most exceptional gold deposits, revealing treasures of unrivaled purity and allure. As we
continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, the allure of gold remains
undiminished, shining as brightly as ever amidst the sands of time.

Questions (1-5):
1. The purpose of this passage is to ….
A) Describe the historical significance of gold.
B) Analyze the geological factors contributing to the formation of exceptional gold deposits.
C) Explore the characteristics of the finest gold specimens.
D) Explain the cultural and economic significance of gold.

Answer: D) Explain the cultural and economic significance of gold.

Discussion: Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menjelaskan secara mendalam signifikansi budaya
dan ekonomi dari emas. Teks tersebut membahas bagaimana emas bukan hanya sebagai simbol
kekayaan dan prestise, tetapi juga bagaimana ia memainkan peran penting dalam budaya, ritual
keagamaan, seni, dan ekonomi global.

2. What technological advancements have revolutionized gold mining operations?

A) Steam-powered machinery
B) Automated haulage systems
C) Manual drilling rigs
D) Traditional sluice boxes

Answer: B) Automated haulage systems

Discussion: Inovasi teknologi seperti sistem pengangkutan otomatis telah merevolusi operasi
pertambangan emas modern. Sistem ini meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas dalam ekstraksi

3. What are the iconic sources of the finest gold mentioned in the text?
A) The Witwatersrand Basin
B) The Golden Triangle
C) The Carlin Trend
D) The Yanacocha mine

Answer: A) The Witwatersrand Basin 2
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Discussion: Ciri khas dari emas berkualitas tertinggi adalah tempat asalnya. Dalam teks tersebut,
daerah-daerah seperti Witwatersrand Basin, Golden Triangle, Carlin Trend, dan Yanacocha mine
disebutkan sebagai sumber emas terbaik.

4. The word “pinnacle” in line 14 is closest in meaning to:

A) Summit
B) Base
C) Decline
D) Plateau

Answer: A) Puncak
Discussion: Kata "pinnacle" dalam konteks ini mengacu pada titik tertinggi atau puncak, yang
mirip dalam arti dengan "summit".

5. “The process of gold formation involves complex geological activities over millions of
years”. What evidence from the passage best supports this conclusion?
A) The mention of geological anomalies like tectonic plate boundaries contributing to gold
B) The discussion on the historical significance of gold in ancient civilizations.
C) The exploration of modern technological advancements in gold mining operations.
D) The analysis of the cultural and economic significance of gold worldwide.

Answer: A) The mention of geological anomalies like tectonic plate boundaries

contributing to gold deposits.
Discussion: Teks tersebut membahas bagaimana faktor geologi tertentu, seperti batas lempeng
tektonik, berkontribusi pada pembentukan endapan emas yang luar biasa. Bukti ini mendukung
kesimpulan bahwa proses pembentukan emas memang melibatkan aktivitas geologi kompleks
selama periode waktu yang sangat panjang. 3
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 2
In the landscape of global finance, few individuals command as much respect and influence as
Larry Fink, the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of BlackRock. As the head of the world's largest
asset management firm, Fink has emerged as a pivotal figure in shaping the direction of capital
markets, investment strategies, and corporate governance practices. Through his visionary
leadership and unwavering commitment to innovation, Fink has propelled BlackRock to the
forefront of the financial industry, establishing it as a powerhouse with unparalleled influence and

Larry Fink's journey to prominence in the world of finance is a testament to his exceptional talent,
strategic acumen, and relentless drive for success. Born on November 2, 1952, in Los Angeles,
California, Fink displayed an early aptitude for finance and economics. After earning a degree in
political science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Fink went on to pursue a
career on Wall Street, where he quickly distinguished himself as a rising star.

In 1988, Fink co-founded BlackRock alongside seven partners, including Robert S. Kapito. What
began as a modest investment management firm has since grown into an industry titan, boasting
over $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM) as of 2022. Under Fink's stewardship,
BlackRock has expanded its global footprint, with offices in over 30 countries and a diverse range
of investment products and services catering to institutional and individual clients alike.

One of Fink's most notable achievements at BlackRock has been his advocacy for sustainable
investing and corporate stewardship. Recognizing the growing importance of environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment decision-making, Fink has championed the
integration of sustainability principles into BlackRock's investment strategies. In his annual letters
to CEOs and shareholders, Fink emphasizes the need for companies to prioritize long-term value
creation, responsible governance, and stakeholder engagement.

Beyond his role at BlackRock, Larry Fink has emerged as a prominent voice on issues ranging
from climate change to income inequality. As a member of various advisory boards and
committees, including the World Economic Forum's International Business Council, Fink
leverages his influence to advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth and
social progress. His efforts to address systemic challenges facing the global economy have
earned him widespread recognition and accolades from peers and industry experts alike.

Fink's leadership style is characterized by a blend of vision, pragmatism, and empathy. He is

known for his ability to inspire and empower those around him, fostering a culture of collaboration,
innovation, and excellence within BlackRock. Fink's hands-on approach to leadership, coupled
with his deep understanding of financial markets and macroeconomic trends, has enabled
BlackRock to navigate volatile market conditions and deliver consistent returns for its clients.

As BlackRock continues to chart new frontiers in asset management and investment innovation,
Larry Fink remains at the helm, guiding the firm with wisdom, foresight, and integrity. His legacy
as a pioneer in the financial industry is secure, and his impact on global markets and society at 4
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

large is profound and enduring. In an era defined by rapid change and uncertainty, Larry Fink and
BlackRock stand as beacons of stability, stewardship, and responsible capitalism, shaping the
future of finance for generations to come.

Questions (6-10):
6. It is implied from the passage that ….
A) Larry Fink played a pivotal role in co-founding BlackRock.
B) BlackRock manages less than $1 trillion in assets.
C) Larry Fink's advocacy for sustainable investing is not reflected in BlackRock's investment
D) Larry Fink's leadership style lacks vision and pragmatism.

Answer: A) Larry Fink played a pivotal role in co-founding BlackRock.

Discussion: Di paragraf ke-3, kalimat pertama ("In 1988, Fink co-founded BlackRock alongside
seven partners, including Robert S. Kapito."), teks tersebut menyebutkan bahwa Larry Fink
adalah salah satu pendiri BlackRock pada tahun 1988, yang menunjukkan peran krusialnya
dalam pendirian perusahaan tersebut.

7. The word “titan” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:

A) Giant
B) Dwarf
C) Average
D) Moderate

Answer: A) Giant
Discussion: Kata "titan" umumnya merujuk pada sesuatu yang memiliki ukuran, kekuatan, atau
pengaruh yang besar, yang sinonim dengan "raksasa". Dalam konteks ini, istilah "titan" digunakan
untuk menggambarkan betapa besar dan berpengaruhnya BlackRock di industri keuangan.

8. What is the main idea of the passage?

A) Larry Fink's personal background and early career achievements.
B) The historical evolution of BlackRock as a financial institution.
C) Larry Fink's leadership and the global influence of BlackRock.
D) The challenges faced by BlackRock in managing assets under $1 trillion.

Answer: C) Larry Fink's leadership and the global influence of BlackRock.

Discussion: Teks tersebut secara utama membahas peran kepemimpinan Larry Fink di
BlackRock dan dampak signifikan perusahaan tersebut secara global. Ini membahas kontribusi
Fink, pertumbuhan BlackRock, dan dampaknya pada pasar keuangan, menunjukkan bahwa
gagasan utamanya berkisar pada kepemimpinan Fink dan pengaruh global BlackRock.

9. The word “distinguished” in line 10 could best be replaced by ….

A) Recognized 5
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B) Separated
C) Notable
D) Differentiated

Answer: A) Recognized
Discussion: Kata "distinguished" dalam konteks ini mengimplikasikan diakui atau dihargai karena
keunggulan atau pencapaian, sehingga membuat "dikenal" menjadi penggantian yang paling

10. Why has Larry Fink advocated for sustainable investing and corporate stewardship
within BlackRock?
A) Due to pressure from shareholders
B) To align with global environmental initiatives
C) Because of personal financial interests
D) To improve short-term profitability

Answer: B) To align with global environmental initiatives

Discussion: Larry Fink telah mendukung investasi berkelanjutan dan kepemimpinan perusahaan
yang bertanggung jawab di BlackRock untuk selaras dengan inisiatif lingkungan global dan
mengatasi pentingnya faktor lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola (ESG) dalam pengambilan
keputusan investasi. 6
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 3
Nebulae, celestial phenomena scattered across the vast expanse of space, captivate the
imagination with their ethereal beauty and enigmatic allure. These cosmic clouds, composed of
gas, dust, and stellar remnants, serve as celestial nurseries, stellar graveyards, and cosmic
laboratories, offering profound insights into the mysteries of the universe. In this explanation text,
we delve into the mesmerizing world of nebulae, exploring their origins, diversity, and significance
in shaping the cosmos.

Nebulae originate from the remnants of dying stars or the birthplaces of new ones, where
gravitational forces and stellar winds sculpt clouds of gas and dust into intricate shapes and
structures. These clouds primarily consist of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the
universe, along with traces of helium and other heavier elements. As stars within nebulae undergo
nuclear fusion or explode in spectacular supernova events, they enrich the surrounding interstellar
medium with newly synthesized elements, perpetuating the cycle of stellar birth and death.

The three main types of nebulae include Emission Nebulae, Reflection Nebulae, and Dark
Nebulae. Emission Nebulae glow brightly as they are energized by nearby stars, emitting light of
various colors as electrons within their gas clouds recombine with ionized atoms. The iconic Orion
Nebula is a prime example of an emission nebula, showcasing vibrant hues of red, pink, and blue.
Reflection nebulae, as the name suggests, reflect the light of nearby stars, illuminating
surrounding gas and dust clouds with a soft, bluish glow. These nebulae often appear as wispy,
translucent clouds against the backdrop of dark interstellar space. Dark nebulae, also known as
absorption nebulae, obscure the light of stars behind them, appearing as opaque patches against
the backdrop of brighter celestial objects. These dense clouds of dust and gas serve as stellar
nurseries, where new stars and planetary systems are born amidst their shadowy depths.

Nebulae play a crucial role in the cosmic ecosystem, serving as the birthplaces of stars, planets,
and even the building blocks of life itself. They provide astronomers with valuable insights into the
processes of star formation, chemical enrichment, and galactic evolution. Moreover, nebulae
serve as celestial landmarks, guiding astronomers in their quest to unravel the mysteries of the
universe and explore the far reaches of space.

In recent decades, advancements in astronomical technology have enabled scientists to study

nebulae in unprecedented detail, unveiling their intricate structures, dynamics, and origins. Space
telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have captured breathtaking images of nebulae
across the electromagnetic spectrum, shedding light on their diverse characteristics and cosmic

In conclusion, nebulae stand as cosmic marvels that enrich our understanding of the universe
and inspire awe and wonder in people around the world. From the vibrant hues of emission
nebulae to the enigmatic shadows of dark nebulae, these celestial clouds offer a glimpse into the
grandeur and complexity of the cosmos. As we continue to explore the cosmos and unravel its
mysteries, nebulae will remain beacons of cosmic beauty and symbols of the boundless wonders
that lie beyond our earthly realm. 7
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Questions (11-15)
11. Which of the following is true about dark nebulae, according to the first passage?
A) Dark nebulae emit light of various colors.
B) Dark nebulae serve as celestial nurseries for star formation.
C) Dark nebulae obscure the light of stars behind them.
D) Dark nebulae reflect the light of nearby stars.

Answer: C) Dark nebulae obscure the light of stars behind them.

Discussion: Nebula gelap, juga dikenal sebagai nebula serapan, adalah awan padat yang
menghalangi cahaya bintang di belakangnya, sehingga tampak sebagai bintik-bintik hitam di
antara objek-objek langit yang lebih terang. Ini tercermin dari teks yang menggambarkan bahwa
nebula gelap, juga dikenal sebagai nebula serapan, menyembunyikan cahaya bintang di baliknya,
muncul sebagai bintik-bintik gelap melawan latar belakang objek langit yang lebih terang.

12. The word “they” in paragraph 3, line 2 refers to:

A) Emission nebulae
B) Reflection nebulae
C) Dark nebulae
D) Astronomers

Answer: A) Emission nebulae

Discussion: Di dalam kalimat: “Emission Nebulae glow brightly as they are energized by nearby
stars, emitting light of various colors as electrons within their gas clouds recombine with ionized
atoms.” terlihat bahwa kata ganti ‘they’ merujuk ke Emission Nebulae.

13. What is the primary composition of nebulae?

A) Hydrogen and helium
B) Oxygen and nitrogen
C) Carbon dioxide and methane
D) Iron and nickel

Answer: A) Hydrogen and helium

Discussion: Ini dinyatakan dalam paragraf pembuka teks: "These cosmic clouds, comprised of
gas, dust, and stellar remnants..." yang mengindikasikan bahwa nebulae utamanya terdiri dari
gas dan debu, dengan komposisi utama terdiri dari hidrogen dan helium.

14. What role do dark nebulae play in the cosmos?

A) They emit light of various colors.
B) They serve as celestial nurseries for star formation.
C) They obscure the light of stars behind them.
D) They reflect the light of nearby stars.

Answer: C) They obscure the light of stars behind them. 8
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Discussion: Hal ini terdapat dalam paragraf tentang "Dark Nebulae": "Dark nebulae, also known
as absorption nebulae, obscure the light of stars behind them..." yang menjelaskan bahwa nebula
gelap, atau disebut juga nebula serapan, menyembunyikan cahaya bintang di belakangnya.

15. Why is studying nebulae important for astronomers?

A) To observe the vibrant hues of emission nebulae.
B) To understand the role of dark matter in the universe.
C) Because nebulae offer insights into the processes of star formation and cosmic evolution.
D) To determine the age of the universe.

Answer: C) Because nebulae offer insights into the processes of star formation and
cosmic evolution.
Discussion: Hal ini terdapat dalam paragraf ke-3 tentang "Dark Nebulae": "Dark nebulae, also
known as absorption nebulae, obscure the light of stars behind them..." yang menjelaskan bahwa
nebula gelap, atau disebut juga nebula serapan, menyembunyikan cahaya bintang di
belakangnya. 9
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 4
The concept of time travel has long captured the human imagination, inspiring countless works of
science fiction and fueling speculation about the possibility of traversing the fabric of time. Central
to many time travel narratives is the idea of the "butterfly effect," a phenomenon borrowed from
chaos theory, which posits that small changes in initial conditions can lead to drastically different
outcomes over time. In this explanation text, we delve into the intriguing concept of the butterfly
effect in the context of time travel, exploring its implications, challenges, and paradoxes.

The butterfly effect, first proposed by mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz in the
1960s, suggests that seemingly insignificant events can have profound and far-reaching
consequences. The name "butterfly effect" originates from the metaphorical example of a butterfly
flapping its wings in one part of the world, causing a chain reaction of atmospheric disturbances
that ultimately lead to a tornado forming in another part of the world.

In the context of time travel, the butterfly effect implies that even the smallest alteration to the past
could result in significant changes to the future timeline. For example, a traveler journeying back
in time and inadvertently stepping on a butterfly could set off a chain of events that ultimately
prevent their own existence or drastically alter the course of history.

The butterfly effect poses profound implications for the feasibility and consequences of time travel.
It suggests that attempting to alter the past, even with the noblest of intentions, could have
unintended and unpredictable consequences, potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes or

One of the most famous examples of the butterfly effect in time travel fiction is the grandfather
paradox, in which a time traveler inadvertently prevents their own existence by altering a crucial
event in their family's history, such as the survival of their grandfather. This paradox highlights the
inherent instability and complexity of altering the past and the potential for creating self-referential
loops or contradictions.

Given the inherent unpredictability of the butterfly effect, time travelers face formidable challenges
in navigating the temporal landscape. They must tread carefully to avoid inadvertently altering
key events or causing irreparable damage to the fabric of reality. Moreover, they must grapple
with the ethical implications of wielding such immense power over the course of history and the
lives of countless individuals.

Scientists and philosophers continue to debate the feasibility and ethical ramifications of time
travel, grappling with questions of causality, free will, and the nature of reality. While time travel
remains firmly entrenched in the realm of speculative fiction, the concept of the butterfly effect
serves as a thought-provoking lens through which to explore the complexities of temporal
dynamics and the fragility of the spacetime continuum.

In conclusion, the butterfly effect in time travel represents a fascinating intersection of science,
philosophy, and storytelling, offering insights into the interconnectedness of events across time 10
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

and space. While the concept may remain speculative, it serves as a powerful metaphor for the
fragility of causality and the profound implications of our actions on the fabric of reality. As we
continue to ponder the mysteries of time travel, the butterfly effect reminds us of the delicate
balance between cause and effect, and the enduring allure of exploring the unknown realms of

Questions (16-20)
16. It can be inferred from the passage that the butterfly effect becomes significant when
A) Time travelers attempt to alter major historical events.
B) Small changes in initial conditions lead to drastically different outcomes.
C) Time travel narratives explore the complexities of causality.
D) Scientists debate the feasibility of time travel.

Answer: B) Small changes in initial conditions lead to drastically different outcomes.

Discussion: Dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat di dalam teks “In the context of time travel, the
butterfly effect implies that even small changes to the past could result in significant
changes to the future timeline” bahwa efek kupu-kupu menjadi signifikan ketika perubahan
kecil dalam kondisi awal dapat mengakibatkan hasil yang sangat berbeda di masa depan. Ini
sesuai dengan konsep dasar dari efek kupu-kupu, di mana perubahan kecil dalam keadaan awal
dapat memiliki konsekuensi besar dan jauh di masa mendatang, sesuai dengan apa yang
dijelaskan dalam teks.

17. The following contains true information in paragraph 2, EXCEPT ….

A) The butterfly effect was first proposed by Edward Lorenz in the 1960s.
B) The butterfly effect suggests that small changes in initial conditions can lead to significant
C) The name "butterfly effect" originates from the metaphor of a butterfly flapping its wings.
D) The butterfly effect only applies to weather patterns and atmospheric disturbances.

Answer: D) The butterfly effect only applies to weather patterns and atmospheric
Discussion: Kalimat ini tidak sesuai dengan teks karena efek kupu-kupu (butterfly effect) tidak
hanya berlaku untuk pola cuaca dan gangguan atmosfer. Efek kupu-kupu merupakan konsep
yang lebih umum dari teori kekacauan yang diperkenalkan oleh Lorenz dan berlaku untuk banyak
konteks, termasuk perjalanan waktu dan perubahan sosial.
Kalimat dalam teks: "Central to many time travel narratives is the idea of the "butterfly effect," a
phenomenon borrowed from chaos theory..."

18. What does the word “it” in paragraph 4, sentence 2 refer to?
A) The concept of time travel
B) The butterfly effect
C) The fabric of time
D) The fragility of causality 11
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Answer: B) The butterfly effect

Discussion: Di dalam kalimat “It suggests that attempting to alter the past ….” terlihat jelas bahwa
kata ganti it mengacu ke ‘The butterfly effect’.

19. Which paragraph defines the concept of the butterfly effect?

A) Paragraph 1
B) Paragraph 2
C) Paragraph 3
D) Paragraph 4

Answer: B) Paragraph 2
Discussion: Paragraf kedua menjelaskan konsep dari efek kupu-kupu. Ini menggambarkan
bagaimana efek kupu-kupu pertama kali diusulkan oleh Edward Lorenz dan memberikan
penjelasan tentang bagaimana perubahan kecil dalam kondisi awal dapat memiliki konsekuensi
besar di masa depan.
Kalimat dalam teks: "The butterfly effect, first proposed by mathematician and meteorologist
Edward Lorenz in the 1960s, suggests that seemingly insignificant events can have profound and
far-reaching consequences."

20. The word "feasible" in the sentence "Scientists continue to debate the feasibility of
time travel" is the opposite to ….
A) Possible
B) Practical
C) Unrealistic
D) Achievable

Answer: C) Unrealistic
Discussion: Kata "feasibility" berarti kemungkinan atau kelayakan, sehingga kata yang
berlawanan adalah kata yang mengindikasikan sesuatu yang tidak realistis atau tidak mungkin.
Dalam konteks ini, kata "unrealistic" merupakan lawan kata yang tepat dari "feasible". 12
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Text 5
In recent decades, rapid advancements in robotics technology have transformed various aspects
of human life, revolutionizing industries, healthcare, and daily routines. As we look ahead to the
year 2030, the future of robots appears both promising and complex, with profound implications
for society, economy, and humanity as a whole. In this advanced analytical exposition, we explore
the trajectory of robotics development, the opportunities it presents, and the challenges it entails
in the coming decade.

By 2030, robotics technology is poised to reach unprecedented levels of sophistication, driven by

breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and materials science. Robots of
the future will possess enhanced cognitive abilities, allowing them to perceive, reason, and adapt
to dynamic environments with human-like intelligence. Additionally, advancements in materials
and manufacturing techniques will enable the creation of robots that are more agile, durable, and
versatile, capable of performing a wide range of tasks across diverse domains.

The future of robots in 2030 holds immense potential to revolutionize various sectors and
industries. In manufacturing, robots equipped with advanced sensors and AI algorithms will
streamline production processes, increasing efficiency, precision, and productivity. In healthcare,
robots will play a vital role in patient care, assisting healthcare professionals in surgeries,
diagnostics, and rehabilitation, thereby improving outcomes and reducing medical errors.
Moreover, in agriculture, robots will automate tasks such as planting, harvesting, and monitoring
crop health, addressing labor shortages and enhancing food production in a sustainable manner.

While the proliferation of robots promises to deliver numerous benefits, it also raises significant
socio-economic concerns that must be addressed. The widespread adoption of robotics
technology may lead to job displacement and exacerbate income inequality, particularly in sectors
heavily reliant on manual labor. Furthermore, ethical considerations surrounding the use of
autonomous robots, such as privacy, safety, and accountability, require careful deliberation and
regulatory oversight to ensure responsible deployment and mitigate potential risks.

As robots become increasingly integrated into society, ethical considerations surrounding their
interactions with humans and the environment become paramount. Issues such as algorithmic
bias, data privacy, and the ethical treatment of robots themselves demand thoughtful reflection
and proactive measures to safeguard human rights and dignity. Additionally, as autonomous
robots take on roles traditionally performed by humans, questions arise regarding the
redistribution of wealth and resources to ensure equitable access to the benefits of automation.

In conclusion, the future of robots in 2030 holds immense promise for advancing human
capabilities, enhancing productivity, and addressing societal challenges. However, realizing this
vision requires a holistic approach that balances technological innovation with ethical
considerations, regulatory frameworks, and social responsibility. By embracing the opportunities
presented by robotics while addressing the associated challenges, we can chart a path towards
a future where humans and robots coexist harmoniously, enriching our lives and shaping a more
prosperous and equitable world. 13
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Questions (21-25)
21. The purpose of this passage is to …..
A) Analyze the current state of robotics technology.
B) Predict the specific advancements robots will achieve by 2030.
C) Explore the opportunities and challenges posed by the future of robots in 2030.
D) Advocate for the widespread adoption of robotics technology in various industries.

Answer: C) Explore the opportunities and challenges posed by the future of robots in 2030.
Discussion: Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menyelidiki peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi
oleh masa depan robot pada tahun 2030. Teks ini membahas potensi perkembangan teknologi
robotika, sekaligus membahas dampak sosial, ekonomi, dan etika yang timbul dari penggunaan
robot di berbagai sektor. Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban C adalah yang paling sesuai dengan
tujuan keseluruhan dari teks ini.

22. The word “sophistication” in the sentence "By 2030, robotics technology is poised to
reach unprecedented levels of sophistication" is closest in meaning to…..
A) Complexity
B) Simplicity
C) Immaturity
D) Inefficiency

Answer: A) Complexity
Discussion: Kata "sophistication" dalam konteks ini mengacu pada tingkat kemajuan atau
kompleksitas yang tinggi dalam teknologi robotika. Ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2030,
teknologi robotika akan mencapai tingkat kecanggihan atau kompleksitas yang belum pernah
terjadi sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, kata "sophistication" dalam kalimat tersebut memiliki makna
yang paling dekat dengan "kompleksitas".

23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the second passage?

A) Robots will only be used in manufacturing industries by 2030.
B) Robots in healthcare will not assist healthcare professionals in surgeries.
C) Robots are not expected to contribute to agricultural automation in the future.
D) Robots will assist in patient care and diagnostics in healthcare by 2030.

Answer: D) Robots will assist in patient care and diagnostics in healthcare by 2030.
Menurut teks, pada tahun 2030, robot di sektor kesehatan diharapkan akan memainkan peran
penting dalam perawatan pasien dan membantu dalam proses diagnostik. Hal ini dinyatakan
dalam bagian yang menyatakan bahwa "Robots will play a vital role in patient care, assisting
healthcare professionals in surgeries, diagnostics, and rehabilitation." Oleh karena itu, pilihan D
adalah yang benar.

24. Why is it important to address the socio-economic implications of robotics

A) To emphasize the benefits of automation in various sectors. 14
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

B) To ensure equitable access to the benefits of technological advancements.

C) To promote the widespread adoption of robotics technology.
D) To advocate for increased funding for robotics research.

Answer: B) To ensure equitable access to the benefits of technological advancements.

Discussion: Penting untuk menangani implikasi sosial-ekonomi dari teknologi robotika untuk
memastikan bahwa manfaat dari kemajuan teknologi tersebut dapat dinikmati secara adil oleh
semua orang. Ini termasuk mengatasi masalah ketimpangan ekonomi, akses terhadap lapangan
kerja, dan distribusi kekayaan yang dihasilkan oleh otomatisasi.

25. Why are ethical considerations surrounding robotics interactions crucial?

A) To limit the advancement of robotics technology.
B) To ensure the accountability of robotics developers.
C) To maximize profits in the robotics industry.
D) To accelerate the deployment of autonomous robots.

Answer: B) To ensure the accountability of robotics developers.

Discussion: Pertimbangan etika seputar interaksi robotika penting untuk memastikan bahwa
pengembang teknologi robotika bertanggung jawab atas implikasi sosial, etika, dan moral dari
produk-produk mereka. Ini melibatkan aspek-aspek seperti privasi, keamanan, dan perlakuan
yang adil terhadap individu dan lingkungan. 15
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 6
In today's digital era, the proliferation of online platforms and social media has democratized the
flow of information, empowering individuals to share news and opinions with unprecedented
speed and reach. However, this newfound freedom comes with inherent risks, as misinformation,
disinformation, and hoaxes spread virally across cyberspace, undermining trust in the integrity of
information. In this advanced analytical exposition, we delve into the importance of data checking
as a crucial tool in combating hoaxes and preserving the credibility of information in the digital

HOAX, defined as deliberately fabricated or misleading information spread with the intent to
deceive, poses significant threats to individuals, communities, and societies at large. With the
advent of social media and instant messaging platforms, hoaxes can quickly go viral, reaching
millions of people within minutes and shaping public perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.
Moreover, the anonymity and interconnectedness of online spaces make it increasingly
challenging to distinguish between factual information and deceptive content, amplifying the
impact of hoaxes on society.

Data checking, also known as fact-checking or verification, plays a pivotal role in mitigating the
spread of hoaxes and safeguarding the integrity of information. At its core, data checking involves
critically evaluating the accuracy, reliability, and credibility of sources and claims before sharing
or endorsing them. This process entails cross-referencing information with multiple sources,
verifying the credentials of sources, and scrutinizing the context, tone, and agenda of the content
in question.

By engaging in rigorous data checking practices, individuals can identify and debunk hoaxes,
misinformation, and disinformation, thereby preventing the propagation of false narratives and
preserving the trustworthiness of information sources. Moreover, data checking empowers
individuals to become discerning consumers of information, equipping them with the skills and
knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the digital information landscape and make
informed decisions.

While data checking holds immense potential to combat hoaxes and misinformation, it is not
without challenges and limitations. The rapid pace of information dissemination, coupled with the
sheer volume of online content, can overwhelm individuals and undermine their ability to verify
information effectively. Additionally, the prevalence of echo chambers and filter bubbles in online
spaces can reinforce confirmation biases and hinder critical thinking, making it difficult to
challenge entrenched beliefs and narratives.

Furthermore, the spread of hoaxes is often fueled by malicious actors seeking to manipulate
public opinion, sow discord, or achieve political or ideological objectives. These actors may
employ sophisticated tactics, such as deepfakes, bots, and coordinated disinformation
campaigns, to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting audiences, making it increasingly difficult to
discern truth from falsehood. 16
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

In conclusion, the importance of data checking in avoiding hoaxes cannot be overstated in an age
dominated by digital information. By cultivating a culture of critical thinking, skepticism, and
responsible information consumption, individuals can mitigate the spread of hoaxes and uphold
the integrity of information sources. Moreover, concerted efforts from governments, tech
companies, media organizations, and civil society are needed to combat the root causes of
hoaxes and foster a digital ecosystem that prioritizes truth, transparency, and accountability.
Ultimately, by embracing data checking as a fundamental practice in information consumption,
we can collectively work towards building a more informed, resilient, and trustworthy society in
the digital age.

Questions (26-30):
26. According to the passage, why is data checking considered crucial in the digital age?
A) To amplify the spread of misinformation.
B) To reinforce confirmation biases.
C) To combat the proliferation of hoaxes.
D) To create echo chambers in online spaces.

Answer: C) To combat the proliferation of hoaxes.

Discussion: Menurut teks, data checking dianggap penting dalam era digital untuk melawan
penyebaran hoaks dan memastikan kebenaran informasi. Ini karena data checking
memungkinkan individu untuk mengidentifikasi dan menolak hoaks serta mencegah penyebaran
narasi palsu.

27. What is the primary role of data checking, as discussed in the text?
A) To promote the spread of hoaxes.
B) To verify the accuracy of information.
C) To reinforce confirmation biases.
D) To undermine critical thinking skills.

Answer: B) To verify the accuracy of information.

Discussion: Peran utama dari data checking, sebagaimana dibahas dalam teks, adalah untuk
memverifikasi akurasi, keandalan, dan kredibilitas sumber dan klaim sebelum dibagikan atau
didukung. Ini dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi informasi secara kritis sebelum dipercayai atau
dibagikan kepada orang lain.

28. What is the significance of data checking in combating hoaxes, according to the
A) It exacerbates the spread of misinformation.
B) It strengthens echo chambers in online spaces.
C) It safeguards the credibility of information.
D) It promotes the proliferation of disinformation. 17
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Answer: C) It safeguards the credibility of information.

Discussion: Menurut teks, data checking memiliki peran penting dalam melawan hoaks dengan
menjaga kredibilitas informasi. Dengan memeriksa dan memverifikasi informasi sebelumnya,
individu dapat memastikan bahwa informasi yang dibagikan adalah benar dan dapat dipercaya.

29. Which paragraph emphasizes the challenges and limitations of data checking?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

Answer: D) 4
Discussion: Paragraf ini menyoroti tantangan dan keterbatasan dalam melakukan data
checking, termasuk volume besar konten online dan keberadaan ruang online yang menguatkan
kecenderungan konfirmasi bias dan mempersulit pemikiran kritis.

30. The term "echo chambers" in the passage refers to:

A) Online platforms for sharing news and opinions.
B) Spaces where confirmation biases are reinforced.
C) Techniques used by malicious actors to spread hoaxes.
D) Processes for fact-checking and verifying information.

Answer: B) Spaces where confirmation biases are reinforced.

Discussion: "Echo chambers" dalam teks merujuk pada ruang online di mana kecenderungan
konfirmasi bias diperkuat, sehingga menghambat kemampuan individu untuk mempertanyakan
keyakinan dan narasi yang telah ada. 18
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 7
Cloning technology, once confined to the realm of science fiction, has emerged as a
groundbreaking scientific tool with far-reaching implications for human health, agriculture, and
conservation. Despite controversies surrounding its ethical and moral implications, cloning
technology offers a myriad of potential benefits for human beings. In this advanced analytical
exposition, we explore the transformative potential of cloning technology and its positive impact
on various aspects of human life.

One of the most promising applications of cloning technology lies in the field of medicine. Cloning
techniques, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), hold the potential to revolutionize organ
transplantation and regenerative medicine. By cloning a patient's own cells, scientists can
generate personalized stem cells for tissue repair and organ replacement, mitigating the risk of
rejection and eliminating the need for immunosuppressive drugs. Moreover, cloning technology
opens avenues for studying and treating complex genetic diseases, offering hope for millions of
patients worldwide.

Cloning technology also offers significant benefits in agriculture by improving crop yields,
enhancing livestock breeding, and preserving endangered species. Through cloning, farmers can
propagate high-yielding crop varieties and livestock with desirable traits, such as disease
resistance and enhanced nutritional content. Additionally, cloning technology enables the
preservation of genetic diversity and the conservation of endangered species, safeguarding
biodiversity and ecosystem stability in the face of environmental threats and habitat loss.

Cloning technology plays a crucial role in advancing scientific research by providing valuable
animal models for studying human diseases and testing new therapies. Transgenic animals
generated through cloning techniques allow scientists to investigate the underlying mechanisms
of diseases, develop novel treatments, and evaluate the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical
interventions. Furthermore, cloning technology enables the production of genetically modified
animals for biopharmaceutical production, offering a sustainable and scalable approach to
manufacturing therapeutic proteins and vaccines.

While cloning technology offers immense potential benefits, it also raises ethical and regulatory
concerns that must be addressed to ensure responsible and ethical use. Issues such as animal
welfare, genetic diversity, and the commodification of life require careful consideration and robust
regulatory frameworks to mitigate potential risks and safeguard ethical principles. Additionally,
public education and engagement are crucial in fostering informed discussions and shaping
policies that balance scientific progress with ethical considerations.

Cloning technology holds tremendous promise for human beings, offering transformative benefits
in medicine, agriculture, and scientific research. By harnessing the power of cloning technology
responsibly and ethically, we can unlock its full potential to improve human health, enhance food
security, and advance our understanding of the natural world. However, concerted efforts are
needed to address ethical, legal, and social concerns surrounding cloning technology, ensuring
that its benefits are realized in a manner that respects human values, dignity, and integrity. 19
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Ultimately, by embracing cloning technology as a tool for innovation and progress, we can pave
the way for a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Questions (31-35):
31. According to the passage, what is one potential benefit of cloning technology in the
field of medicine?
A) Increased risk of organ rejection in organ transplantation.
B) Generation of personalized stem cells for tissue repair.
C) Limited applications in regenerative medicine.
D) Inability to study and treat genetic diseases.

Answer: B) Generation of personalized stem cells for tissue repair.

Discussion: Menurut teks, salah satu manfaat potensial dari teknologi kloning dalam bidang
kedokteran adalah generasi sel punca yang dipersonalisasi untuk perbaikan jaringan. Dengan
menghasilkan sel punca yang berasal dari pasien sendiri, ilmuwan dapat mengembangkan terapi
regeneratif yang disesuaikan, mengurangi risiko penolakan dan menghilangkan kebutuhan akan
obat imunosupresif.

32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of cloning technology in

A) Improving crop yields.
B) Enhancing livestock breeding.
C) Preserving genetic diversity.
D) Increasing habitat loss for endangered species.

Answer: D) Increasing habitat loss for endangered species.

Discussion: Tidak ada yang disebutkan sebagai manfaat teknologi kloning dalam pertanian
adalah meningkatkan hilangnya habitat untuk spesies yang terancam punah. Sebaliknya,
manfaatnya termasuk meningkatkan hasil panen, meningkatkan pembiakan ternak, dan
melestarikan keragaman genetik.

33. What is the primary role of cloning technology in advancing scientific research?
A) Providing animal models for studying human diseases.
B) Promoting the spread of misinformation.
C) Limiting access to therapeutic proteins and vaccines.
D) Exacerbating genetic diseases.

Answer: A) Providing animal models for studying human diseases.

Discussion: Peran utama teknologi kloning dalam memajukan penelitian ilmiah adalah
menyediakan model hewan untuk mempelajari penyakit manusia. Melalui teknik kloning, ilmuwan
dapat menghasilkan hewan transgenik untuk menyelidiki mekanisme penyakit, mengembangkan
terapi baru, dan mengevaluasi keamanan dan efikasi intervensi farmasi. 20
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

34. In the context of the passage, what are some ethical and regulatory concerns
associated with cloning technology?
A) Animal welfare, genetic diversity, and the commodification of life.
B) Increased transparency and accountability in scientific research.
C) Encouraging public engagement and informed discussions.
D) Balancing scientific progress with ethical considerations.

Answer: A) Animal welfare, genetic diversity, and the commodification of life.

Discussion: Beberapa kekhawatiran etis dan regulasi yang terkait dengan teknologi kloning
adalah kesejahteraan hewan, keragaman genetik, dan komodifikasi kehidupan. Ini memerlukan
pertimbangan yang cermat dan kerangka kerja regulasi yang kokoh untuk mengatasi risiko
potensial dan melindungi prinsip-prinsip etis.

35. Which of the following is the opposite word to the term "benefits" as discussed in the
A) Advantages
B) Disadvantages
C) Opportunities
D) Advancements

Answer: B) Disadvantages
Discussion: Kata "disadvantages" merupakan konsep yang berlawanan dengan kata "benefits".
Dalam konteks teks, "benefits" merujuk pada manfaat atau keuntungan yang didiskusikan
sebagai hasil dari teknologi kloning. Sebaliknya, "disadvantages" merujuk pada kerugian atau
kelemahan yang mungkin terkait dengan teknologi tersebut. 21
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 8
Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth, has long captivated the imagination of explorers,
scientists, and conspiracy theorists alike. Shrouded in ice and surrounded by secrecy, Antarctica
is a land of extremes, harboring mysteries that continue to puzzle and intrigue us. In this advanced
analytical exposition, we delve into the enigmatic world of Antarctica, exploring its geological
wonders, scientific discoveries, and enduring mysteries.

Antarctica is a continent of superlatives, boasting some of the most extreme and inaccessible
environments on the planet. Beneath its vast ice sheets lie ancient mountain ranges, hidden
valleys, and subglacial lakes, offering tantalizing glimpses into Earth's geological history. The
discovery of fossilized remains, including those of dinosaurs and prehistoric plants, provides clues
to Antarctica's once lush and temperate past, sparking debates among scientists about its role in
continental drift and climate change.

Despite its harsh and unforgiving conditions, Antarctica serves as a living laboratory for scientists
seeking to unravel the mysteries of our planet and the universe beyond. From studying the
dynamics of ice sheets and climate change to investigating extremophiles in its icy waters,
Antarctica offers unparalleled opportunities for scientific research and discovery. Recent
expeditions have uncovered new species, ancient meteorites, and evidence of past civilizations,
fueling speculation about Antarctica's significance in the history of life on Earth.

Antarctica's remoteness and inaccessibility have given rise to a myriad of myths, legends, and
conspiracy theories that continue to fascinate and perplex us. From tales of lost civilizations and
hidden pyramids to rumors of secret military bases and extraterrestrial encounters, Antarctica has
become a blank canvas upon which our wildest imaginations run wild. While many of these claims
remain unsubstantiated, they underscore the allure of Antarctica as a symbol of human curiosity
and the unknown.

As human activity in Antarctica increases, so too do the challenges of preserving its pristine
environment and delicate ecosystems. Climate change, pollution, and overfishing threaten to
disrupt the fragile balance of Antarctica's ecosystems, jeopardizing the survival of its iconic
wildlife, including penguins, seals, and whales. Conservation efforts, international agreements,
and sustainable tourism practices are essential to safeguarding Antarctica's unique biodiversity
and ensuring its continued protection for future generations.

Antarctica remains a realm of mystery and wonder, offering tantalizing glimpses into Earth's past,
present, and future. From its awe-inspiring landscapes and scientific discoveries to its enduring
enigmas and conservation challenges, Antarctica holds a special place in the human imagination.
By fostering international cooperation, scientific exploration, and responsible stewardship, we can
unlock the secrets of Antarctica and preserve its unparalleled beauty and significance for
generations to come. 22
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Questions (36-40):
36. According to the passage, what is one of the enduring mysteries surrounding
A) Its geological wonders
B) Its role in continental drift
C) Its hidden valleys and subglacial lakes
D) Its tales of lost civilizations and secret military bases

Answer: D) Its tales of lost civilizations and secret military bases

Discussion: Salah satu misteri yang berkelanjutan seputar Antartika adalah cerita tentang
peradaban yang hilang dan basis militer rahasia. Meskipun banyak klaim seperti ini belum
terbukti, mereka mengilustrasikan daya tarik Antartika sebagai simbol dari rasa ingin tahu
manusia dan yang tidak diketahui.

37. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a scientific discovery made in Antarctica?
A) Studying extremophiles in icy waters
B) Uncovering evidence of past civilizations
C) Investigating the dynamics of ice sheets
D) Discovering new species and ancient meteorites

Answer: B) Uncovering evidence of past civilizations

Discussion: Salah satu penemuan ilmiah yang tidak disebutkan dalam teks adalah menemukan
bukti peradaban masa lalu di Antartika. Meskipun ada bukti fosil yang mengungkapkan kehidupan
prasejarah di wilayah itu, tidak ada bukti yang mendukung keberadaan peradaban manusia di

38. What is the primary challenge faced in preserving Antarctica's environment?

A) Overfishing and pollution
B) Climate change and pollution
C) Extinction of iconic wildlife
D) Lack of scientific research

Answer: B) Climate change and pollution

Discussion: Tantangan utama yang dihadapi dalam menjaga lingkungan Antartika adalah
perubahan iklim dan polusi. Perubahan iklim dapat menyebabkan pencairan es dan peningkatan
suhu, sementara polusi dapat mengancam ekosistemnya yang rentan.

39. In the context of the passage, what is the significance of Antarctica's geological
A) They offer opportunities for scientific research.
B) They fuel conspiracy theories and legends.
C) They provide evidence of lost civilizations.
D) They highlight the continent's extreme environments. 23
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Answer: A) They offer opportunities for scientific research.

Discussion: Keajaiban geologi Antartika memberikan kesempatan bagi penelitian ilmiah. Melalui
penelitian tersebut, ilmuwan dapat mempelajari sejarah geologis bumi dan memahami
dampaknya terhadap lingkungan serta perubahan iklim.

40. Which term is used to describe Antarctica's pristine environment and delicate
A) Pristine
B) Fragile
C) Robust
D) Endangered

Answer: B) Fragile
Discussion: Istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan lingkungan dan ekosistem yang
rentan di Antartika adalah "fragile". Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan Antartika sangat
sensitif terhadap gangguan dan perubahan, sehingga perlu dilindungi dengan hati-hati. 24
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Text 9
Education has been the cornerstone of human civilization, shaping societies, nurturing intellects,
and fostering progress since ancient times. As we explore the origins of formal education, we
uncover the fascinating story of the first educational institution in the world. In this advanced
analytical exposition, we delve into the historical context, significance, and enduring legacy of this
pioneering institution.

The quest for knowledge and enlightenment dates back to the dawn of human civilization, with
early societies recognizing the importance of transmitting knowledge from one generation to the
next. The emergence of agriculture, writing systems, and organized religion in ancient civilizations
such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China laid the foundation for formal education. It was within
these cultural and intellectual contexts that the first educational institutions began to take shape,
providing instruction in subjects ranging from mathematics and astronomy to philosophy and

The establishment of the first educational institution marked a pivotal moment in human history,
symbolizing humanity's collective pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. These institutions served as
centers of learning, scholarship, and intellectual discourse, attracting students and scholars from
far and wide. Through rigorous study, debate, and experimentation, students gained insights into
the mysteries of the universe, honed their critical thinking skills, and contributed to the
advancement of human knowledge in diverse fields.

The legacy of the first educational institution reverberates through the annals of history, shaping
the trajectory of education and scholarship for millennia to come. From the ancient libraries of
Alexandria and Nalanda to the medieval universities of Bologna and Oxford, the spirit of inquiry
and discovery ignited by these early institutions continues to inspire generations of learners and
educators around the world. Their enduring legacy serves as a testament to the enduring power
of education to transform lives, empower communities, and drive progress in society.

While the first educational institution paved the way for the democratization of knowledge and the
advancement of human civilization, it also faced numerous challenges and transformations over
time. Societal changes, technological advancements, and ideological shifts have reshaped the
landscape of education, giving rise to diverse educational philosophies, methodologies, and
systems. Today, education remains a dynamic and evolving field, as educators, policymakers,
and scholars strive to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.

In conclusion, the first educational institution in the world stands as a testament to humanity's
enduring quest for knowledge, enlightenment, and progress. From its humble beginnings in
ancient civilizations to its global impact on education today, this pioneering institution has left an
indelible mark on the fabric of human history. As we reflect on its historical significance and
enduring legacy, we are reminded of the transformative power of education to shape minds,
empower individuals, and build a brighter future for generations to come. 25
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Questions (41-45):
41. According to the passage, what is the significance of the first educational institution in
human history?
A) It symbolizes humanity's pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
B) It marks the beginning of formal education worldwide.
C) It serves as a center for intellectual discourse and scholarship.
D) It restricts education to a privileged few individuals.

Answer: A) It symbolizes humanity's pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

Discussion: Menurut teks, salah satu arti penting dari lembaga pendidikan pertama dalam
sejarah manusia adalah bahwa itu melambangkan upaya manusia dalam mencari pengetahuan
dan kebijaksanaan. Lembaga ini menjadi pusat diskusi intelektual dan kesarjanaan, menarik
siswa dan sarjana dari berbagai tempat.

42. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a challenge faced by the first educational
institution over time?
A) Societal changes and technological advancements
B) Reshaping the landscape of education
C) Democratization of knowledge and advancement of civilization
D) Ideological shifts and transformations in education

Answer: C) Democratization of knowledge and advancement of civilization

Discussion: Tantangan yang tidak disebutkan sebagai tantangan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga
pendidikan pertama dari waktu ke waktu adalah demokratisasi pengetahuan dan kemajuan
peradaban. Meskipun lembaga ini memainkan peran penting dalam demokratisasi pengetahuan
dan kemajuan peradaban, tantangan ini tidak dijelaskan secara spesifik dalam teks.

43. What is the enduring legacy of the first educational institution?

A) Its role in shaping the trajectory of education and scholarship
B) Its resistance to change and evolution over time
C) Its exclusive focus on traditional subjects and methodologies
D) Its limited impact on global education systems

Answer: A) Its role in shaping the trajectory of education and scholarship

Discussion: Warisan abadi dari lembaga pendidikan pertama adalah perannya dalam
membentuk lintasan pendidikan dan kesarjanaan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruhnya masih
dirasakan dalam dunia pendidikan hingga saat ini.

44. In the context of the passage, what role did early societies play in the development of
the first educational institution?
A) They recognized the importance of transmitting knowledge.
B) They restricted access to education to elites and nobility.
C) They hindered the progress of formal education.
D) They ignored the significance of intellectual pursuits. 26
Bahasa Inggris Pembahasan TO 1 BUMN 2024 Reading

Answer: A) They recognized the importance of transmitting knowledge.

Discussion: Peran awal masyarakat dalam perkembangan lembaga pendidikan pertama adalah
bahwa mereka mengakui pentingnya mentransmisikan pengetahuan. Masyarakat awal
menyadari pentingnya memperkenalkan pengetahuan kepada generasi berikutnya.

45. What term best describes the nature of education in ancient civilizations?
A) Static
B) Dynamic
C) Rigid
D) Adaptive

Answer: B) Dynamic
Discussion: Istilah yang paling sesuai untuk menggambarkan sifat pendidikan dalam peradaban
kuno adalah "dinamis". Ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan dalam peradaban kuno berubah-ubah
dan berkembang seiring waktu, sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan masyarakat pada saat
itu. 27

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