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1. Analysis Situation, analyzie cust. Profile & the whole business value
2. Give 5 Why situation -> Find pain point
3. Emphasize the objective & criteria
4. Use methods to solve the problem (through people, process & tools) (use decision
making tree)
5. Find a catchy tagline as the solution (all in solution)
6. Prepare 3 alternative strategy
7. Prepare the “rational” side, why do you choose that answer?

1. Insightful & Helpful
2. Try to handle the flow of discussion, or just partake in several role:
● Ketua, Leader or the decision maker (who remembers everyone)
● Moderator
● Timekeeper
● Sekretaris
● Problem Solver
● The one who summarizes the whole point
3. Collaborate your ideas with other people opinion (such as bilang nambahin, atau jadi
terinspirasi, atau as simple as agree kalo opini dia bagus)
4. Tanya ulang just to make sure (biar carmuk hehe)
5. Align your priority with the rest of the team members
6. Empowering other member
7. Rapihin pembicaraan, make sure it’s on track
8. Give insight from background case

Tips & Trick:

1. Kalem – Tetap tenang, coba kenalan satu sama lain, atur emosi
2. Analisis – Baca cepet, use fishbone, SWOT, Porter, etc. Give more value
3. Komunikasi – Baik & santun, mengendalikan diri sendiri. Danger opini orang + catet. Terima
& counterpart opini dengan baik
4. Insiatif – As simple as “yuk kita mulai bahas dari poin 1 ya” “Mungkin biar lebih terkontrol,
mungkin kita bisa bagi peran kita dulu”
5. Waktu – Pinter2 bagi waktu, bagi waktu untuk ngobrol sama yang lain

Another one
1. Concinving – meyakinkan! You look good, you feel good. Saat ngomong beri solusi, sadar
2. Read a lot – Rajin baca, mana yang banyak baca, yg pemikiran terstruktur, kasih reference &
kasih simpulan
3. Komunikasi, Leadership, Inisiatif, Team Work, Emosi, Analitis, Adaptasi

1. Be dominant
2. Ngang ngeng ngong gajelas
3. Mematahkan opini orang lain tp ga kasih feedback constructive & ga ada alesan yg jelas
4. Terlalu emosi, kayak berapi2 gitu, harus kalem, tenang, sophisticated

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