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Market Trend Report.

Workplace wellness is a trend that has been gaining traction in recent years (Mattke et al.,
2013). Companies are moving beyond traditional employee wellness programs to create
more comprehensive programs that focus on the whole person, including physical, mental,
and emotional health (Cooper et al, 1994). This trend is driven by a number of factors,
including the desire to attract and retain top talent, the need to reduce healthcare costs,
and the recognition that employee well-being is critical to the success of a business.
One way companies are enhancing their workplace wellness programs is by offering more
flexible work arrangements, such as remote work and flexible scheduling (Casey and
Grzywacz, 2008). This allows employees to better manage their work-life balance, which can
lead to improved physical and mental health.
Another way companies are investing in workplace wellness is by offering wellness benefits
beyond the standard gym memberships and health screenings (DeVries, 2009). These
benefits can include things like mental health counselling, financial wellness programs, and
even on-site clinics.
The implications of this trend for South African marketers are significant. As companies
begin to prioritize employee wellness, they will likely seek out products and services that
can support these efforts. For example, there may be an increased demand for healthy food
and beverage options in the workplace, as well as products and services that can help
employees manage stress and improve mental health.
Brand reputation: Companies that prioritize employee wellness and well-being are likely to
have a positive brand reputation (Raj, 2018). This can help attract customers who value
social responsibility and may lead to increased loyalty among existing customers.
Increased productivity: By investing in workplace wellness, companies can potentially
increase employee productivity and reduce absenteeism due to illness or stress. This can
lead to improved business outcomes and profitability.
Talent attraction and retention: As mentioned earlier, workplace wellness is a key factor in
attracting and retaining top talent. Companies that invest in wellness programs may have a
competitive advantage when it comes to recruiting and retaining skilled employees
(Minnesh, 2006).
Regulatory compliance: In some cases, companies may be required to offer certain wellness
benefits or comply with workplace health and safety regulations. Marketers should be
aware of any relevant regulations or policies that may impact their products or services.
Overall, the workplace wellness trend is likely to have a significant impact on the marketing
landscape in South Africa. Marketers who are able to provide products and services that
support employee wellness and well-being are likely to be well-positioned for
success in this market.
1. Cooper, C. L., & Cartwright, S. (1994). Healthy Mind; Healthy Organization— A Proactive
Approach to Occupational Stress. Human Relations, 47(4), 455–471.
2. Mattke, S., Liu, H., Caloyeras, J., Huang, C.Y., Van Busum, K.R., Khodyakov, D. and Shier, V.
(2013). Workplace Wellness Programs Study: Final Report. Rand health quarterly, [online]
3(2), p.7. Available at:
3. Casey, P.R. and Grzywacz, J.G. (2008). Employee health and well-being: The role of
flexibility and work-family balance. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 11(1), pp.31–47. Doi:
4. DeVries, G.T. (2009). Innovations in Workplace Wellness: Six New Tools to Enhance
Programs and Maximize Employee Health and Productivity. Compensation & Benefits
Review, 42(1), pp.46–51. Doi:
5. Raj, A.B. (2018). Employee Well-being through Internal Branding: An Integrated Approach
for Achieving Employee-based Brand Outcomes. Global Business Review,
p.097215091877916. doi:
6. Minnesh, K. (2006). The Human Factor I: Attracting, Retaining, and Motivating Capable
People - ProQuest. [online] Available at:
origsite=gscholar&cbl=49080 [Accessed 25 Mar. 2023].

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