Brood Terrors

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Brood Terrors

These monstrous rodents are thought to have once been

giant rats subjected to twisted, mutating forces shortly after
birth. Their mutations grant them regenerative powers and
rapid growth, which drives a ravenous hunger, leading the
brood terror to devour all its litter mates and quickly grow
beyond the size of a typical giant rat.
A fully grown brood terror is a ravenous monster whose
bloated body belies its incredible speed, which it uses to run
down prey and rip them apart with disease-ridden fangs.
Subterranean races prize brood terrors as deadly mounts.
But, riding one is a dangerous proposition, for even if the
brood terror doesn't devour its rider, should it be slain in
combat, it will explode in a mass of poisonous filth deadly to
enemy and ally alike.
Brood terrors are subject to various mutations that make
them even more terrifying. Some may exhale cones of
noxious gas that can infect their victims with deadly diseases,
while others might grow whip-like tails that grapple and pull
in their prey. Whether these mutations are unnatural
adaptations to extreme environments or the result of
deranged experiments is anyone's guess.
Brood Terror Tactics
Without guidance, brood terrors don't display sophisticated
tactics. However, they become fearless and berserk as they
near death and instinctively try to position themselves near
as many foes as possible for their death burst.

Brood Terror Keen Smell. The brood terror has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Huge monstrosity, chaotic evil
Overwhelming Mass (4). The first time each turn that
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) the brood terror hits a creature with an attack, it deals
Hit Points 172 (15d12+75) an extra 4 damage per ally it has within 5 feet of its
Speed 60 ft. target that isn't incapacitated. The brood terror can
benefit from up to 3 allies this way.
Regeneration. The brood terror regains 10 hit points at
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. If the
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) brood terror takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't
function at the start of the brood terror's next turn.
Skills Perception +8
Damage Immunities necrotic
Condition Immunities poisoned Multiattack. The brood terror makes two attacks, one
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 with it's claws and then one with it's bite.
Languages ━
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
target. Hit: 21 (6d4 + 6) piercing damage plus 10
(3d6) necrotic damage. At the end of its turn, each
Blood-Crazed. When the brood terror hits a creature creature bitten by the brood terror must succeed on a
with its bite attack and deals damage, the brood terror DC 12 Constitution saving throw or contract a disease.
goes berserk for the next minute. While berserk this A creature has disadvantage on this saving throw if it
way, it can make a bite attack as a bonus action, and was bitten more than once during the turn. The
attack rolls against it have advantage. diseased creature is poisoned and berserk. Every hour,
Crevice Crawler. The brood terror can move through and the diseased creature must repeat the saving throw,
stop in a space large enough to fit a creature one size reducing its hit point maximum by 10 (3d6) on a
smaller than it without squeezing. failure, and ending the disease on a success. The
creature dies if this disease reduces its hit point
Death Burst When the brood terror dies, it explodes in a maximum to 0. This hit point reduction lasts until the
burst of poisonous filth. Each creature within 20 feet of disease is cured.
it must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage. 1
much damage on a successful one.
Brood Terror Mutations
If you wish to create a brood terror with added capabilities, New Condition: Berserk
you can apply one or more mutations from the Brood Terror Berserk creatures gain the following effects unless
Mutations table. For each mutation you apply, increase the an ability states otherwise:
brood terror's CR by 1. The creature can only use its movement to
Brood Terror Mutations move closer to an enemy it can see or hear.
The creature can only use its action, bonus
d4 Mutation action, and reaction to make melee attacks or
Pestilent Breath. (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest) move closer to an enemy it can see or hear.
As an action, or as a bonus action while Berserk, the The creature can't maintain concentration on
brood terror exhales decay in a 30-foot cone. Each spells or other effects.
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 16 The creature can't be frightened or charmed.
Constitution saving throw or take 21 (4d6) necrotic
damage and contract a disease of the brood terror's
bite. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
much damage and doesn't contract the disease.
Brood Terror Loot
Lash Tail. The brood terror gains a tail attack, which can
The valuable items looted from brood terrors will generally
be used as part of its Multiattack: Melee Weapon
come from whatever can be harvested from them. This
Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 11
harvesting can usually be done using a Wisdom (Survival)
2 (1d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
or Intelligence (Nature) check. However, you may allow
creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16) and pulled 15 players proficient with specific tools to harvest items related
feet toward the brood terror. The brood terror cannot to that tool. For example, a character might make a Wisdom
use its tail on another target until the grapple ends. (Leathworker’s Tools) check to harvest hide. Alternatively, you
can roll for the loot randomly using a flat modifier.
Cancerous Carapace. (3/Short or Long Rest) Whenever
the brood terror regains hit points from its Brood Terror Loot Table
3 Regeneration feature, it gains a +1 bonus to AC and The following table describe the number of items and value
saving throws for the next minute. This effect can of those items the players are able to loot depending on the
stack up to three times. result of their check or the results of your roll. If they're
Warp Claws. When the brood terror hits a creature with making checks, you can have them make a separate check for
its claws, the target suffers a Warp Wound for the next each creature they're looting or use one check for multiple
minute. Each Warp Wound reduces the creature’s AC creatures at once to save time.
by 1 and imposes a -1 penalty to all Constitution
saving throws. This effect cannot reduce a creature's Brood Terror Loot Table
AC below 1. Looting Check Result or 1d20 + 3 Loot
1-7 1 50gp Items
Brood Terrors in Your Adventures 8-12 1d4(2) 50gp Items
The following table provides you with some ways you can 13-18 1d4(2) 100gp Items
incorporate these monstrous rats into your adventures.
19-23 1d6(3) 100gp Items
Brood Terror Adventures
24+ 1d4(2) 200gp Items
d4 Plot Hook
A lab rat subjected to horrific experiments devoured all Example Brood Terror Loot Names
1 its litter mates as it mutated into a horrendous brood You can give the different types of items unique names based
terror before escaping captivity. on their material and value to help differentiate them from
A warlord of an underground tribe has cemented his one another. The following tables provide example names.
2 status by acquiring a brood terror mount which he
rides into battles against the surface dwellers. Example Brood Terror Item Names
Swarms of different types of rats have begun launching 1d4 5sp Item 1gp Item 12p Item
3 surface side raids from the sewers, with each attack 1 Fractured Brood Brood Terror Prime Brood
being led by a brood terror. (Bone) Terror Bone Bone Terror Bone
Rumor has it that a brood terror is loose in some 2 Stringy Brood Brood Terror Prime Brood
4 nearby caves and being hunted by ambitious warriors (Flesh) Terror Meat Meat Terror Meat
who wish to capture it as a mount.
3 Clotted Brood Brood Terror Prime Brood
(Fluid) Terror Blood Blood Terror Blood
Brood Terrors Art Credit
4 Tattered Brood Brood Terror Prime Brood
Typhoid Rats - Dave Kendall, Wizards of the Coast (Hide) Terror Hide Hide Terror Hide

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