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Experimental Study of the Effect of Transverse Oscillation on Convection Heat

Transfer From a Circular Cylinder

Article in Journal of Heat Transfer · August 1997

DOI: 10.1115/1.2824121


56 195

3 authors, including:

Chin-Hsiang Cheng
National Cheng Kung University


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Experimental Study of the Effect
C.-H. Cheng
of Transverse Oscillation on
H.-N. Chen
Convection Heat Transfer From
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
a Circular Cylinder
Tatung Institute of Technology,
Taipei, Taiwan, The present study is concerned with heat transfer characteristics of forced convective
Republic of China flows over a transversely oscillating cylinder. The effect of oscillation of the cylinder
on heat transfer coefficient and flow pattern is evaluated by experimental measure-
ment. A modified transient test method and a flow visualization technique are em-
W. Aung ployed to determine the heat transfer coefficient and to observe the flow pattern,
Fellow, ASME respectively, for various dimensionless oscillation frequencies (Sc), dimensionless oscillation amplitudes fA/DJ, and Reynolds numbers (Re). The ranges of these
Division of Engineering Education parameters considered in this study are 0 < Sc =s 0.65, 0 < A/D s= 0.628, and 0
and Centers, ±s Re =s 4000. Results show that the heat transfer coefficient can be significantly
National Science Foundation, increased by the oscillation of the cylinder. Two effects that enhance the heat transfer
4201 Wilson Boulevard, performance are found, namely, the lock-on effect and the turbulence effect. A maxi-
Arlington, VA 22230 mum of 34 percent increase in heat transfer is found within the parameter ranges
considered in this study. Agreement of the present data is found with previous numeri-
cal studies; however, an existing approximate method, which ignores the lock-on
phenomenon but which is commonly used to estimate the effect of oscillation on heat
transfer, is found to be inapplicable in this study.

Introduction frequency. Secondly, the drag force is appreciably increased

with the maximum value found near the midpoint of the reso-
Heat transfer between a stationary circular cylinder and its nance regime. This is known as the lock-on phenomenon that
surrounding viscous fluid stream has been a problem of great
has been studied by many authors (for example, Griffin and
interest in the past several decades. This problem is frequently
Ramberg, 1974; Hurlbut, Spaulding and White, 1982; Chilukuri,
encountered in thermal devices such as heat exchangers, nuclear
1987; Karniadakis and Triantafyllou, 1989), and the resonance
reactors, and hot-wire anemometers. The understanding of the
regime is often referred to as the lock-on regime. However,
vortex-shedding phenomenon behind the cylinder is one of the
fundamental challenges to fluid-dynamics researchers and, when the cylinder is forced to oscillate at a frequency higher
hence, has been pursued extensively. It is recognized that the than the lock-on frequencies, vortices will again be shed at the
Reynolds number is a dominant parameter governing the flow natural shedding frequency, independent of the oscillation of
pattern, and in the range 5 < Re < 50, there exists a pair of the cylinder.
steady and symmetric laminar vortices behind the cylinder. For Since the oscillation of the cylinder has a profound influence
Re > 50, the flow acquires an unsteady and asymmetric feature. on vortex shedding and on the drag force exerted on the cylin-
The vortex pairs appear to periodically shed downstream, and der, one may reasonably expect that the effect of cylinder oscil-
a vortex street is formed in the wake of the cylinder. The pre- lation on heat transfer will be likewise appreciable. To evaluate
dominant frequency of vortex shedding which is referred to as this effect, Martinelli and Boelter (1938) oscillated a circular
the natural shedding frequency ( / ) may be measured to deter- cylinder of 19 mm diameter in water and found a 500 percent
mine the Strouhal number. The Strouhal numer, defined b y / D / increase in heat transfer for free convection.
Mo. is essentially a function of Reynolds number; nevertheless, For forced convection, Kezios and Prasanna (1966) reported
it is nearly a constant with a value of 0.2 over a range of a 20 percent increase in the average heat transfer coefficient
Reynolds number varying from 300 to 104 (Blevins, 1977). A from a cylinder vibrating transversely in cross-flow. Saxena and
review of the literature pertinent to the unsteady wake is pro- Laird (1978) considered a 22 mm diameter cylinder trans-
vided by Griffin and Hall (1991). versely oscillating in an open water channel for a flow at Re =
As the cylinder is forced to oscillate transversely in a direc- 3500. They observed a 60 percent increase in heat transfer. In
tion normal to the flow stream, a nonlinear interaction occurs, an earlier study performed by Sreenivasan and Ramachandran
particularly as the cylinder oscillation frequency (sc) ap- (1961), a copper cylinder, 8.7 mm in diameter, was forced to
proaches the natural shedding frequency ( / ) . This interaction oscillate transversely in an air stream with a velocity varying
involves two major phenomena. Firstly, in the wake, the natural from 5.78 to 28.05 m/s. The double amplitude of oscillation
shedding frequency is suppressed and the vortex shedding oc- ranged from 0.75 to 3.2 cm and the oscillation frequency from
curs at the same frequency as that of the cylinder, and the 200 to 2800 cycles/min. No appreciable change in the heat
resonance will be maintained over a certain range of forced transfer coefficient was observed. Leung, Ko, and Ma (1981)
found that for Re < 15,000, heat transfer may be enhanced as
either oscillation frequency or amplitude is increased; however,
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF the oscillation effect becomes weaker as the Reynolds number
HEAT TRANSFER . Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division September is increased. On the other hand, numerical solutions have also
20, 1995; revision received January 17, 1997; Keywords: Flow Visualization,
Forced Convection, Measurement Techniques. Associate Technical Editor:
been presented in a few reports. Karanth et al. (1994) provided
S. Ramadhyani. the data for the flows over an in-line or transversely oscillating

474 / Vol. 119, AUGUST 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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Reynolds number, the turbulence intensity in the wake is in-
o o creased with either the frequency or amplitude. Therefore, it is
expected that the critical Reynolds number for the turbulence
O D to occur will be reduced when the cylinder is oscillating. The
range of the Reynolds number considered in this study is 0 <
Re =s 4000, which is designed to be located in the transition
range so that both the lock-on and turbulence effects may be
Fig. 1 A circular cylinder oscillating in a uniform stream
The second parameter is the dimensionless frequency of os-
cillation of the cylinder (Sc), which is varied in the range 0 =s
cylinder under a condition that exactly lies within the lock-on
Sc =s 0.65 (with oscillation frequency sc varied from 0 to 25
regime at Re = 200. Cheng, et al. (1997) predicted both the
Hz). The third parameter, the dimensionless oscillation ampli-
lock-on and unlock-on flows at Re < 300 and found a 13
tude {AID), is in the range 0 < A/D < 0.628. The diameter
percent increase in the heat transfer caused by the lock-on effect.
of the cylinder is fixed at 16 mm.
To the authors' knowledge, the numerical studies by Karanth
et al. (1994) and Cheng et al. (1997) probably are the only
published numerical reports regarding the effects of oscillation Experimental Apparatus and Procedure
on the heat transfer. Although limited to low Reynolds number Experimental Apparatus. The layout of the wind tunnel
flows, these two studies have provided numerical data which is given in Fig. 2. In order to visualize the flow, the test section
are valuable toward understanding the augmentation mechanism of this suction-type wind tunnel, which has a 300 mm X 300
for heat transfer. mm cross section, is made with transparent perspex plates of
Based on the aforementioned studies, it may be concluded 10 mm thickness. An entrance contraction section and a two-
that the oscillation effect on heat transfer can be significant stage honeycomb section are placed in front of the test section.
under certain conditions. The existing information, however, is The honeycomb section contains about 4000 subchannels, each
still insufficient for practical application since the mechanisms with a length-to-diameter ratio of 20. The air velocity may be
of heat transfer enhancement are not fully understood. More- varied in the range 0 ~ 4.0 m/s by means of a frequency
over, some inconsistency remains in the data reported by the regulator connected to the fan motor.
various authors. The time histories of the temperatures of the cylinder, mea-
The present study is thus conducted to investigate experimen- sured by three K-type thermocouples distributed at three differ-
tally the heat transfer enhancement mechanisms caused by cyl- ent longitudinal locations along the cylinder, are recorded in a
inder oscillation and to provide the first confirmation of the personal computer for later data analysis. The thermocouples
numerical predictions on the lock-on effects presented by Kar- are mounted on the downstream face of the cylinder to eliminate
anth et al..(1994) and Cheng et al. (1997). For these purposes, possible disturbance to the incoming fluid flow. The cylinder
a modified version of the transieht test method adopted by Sree- is made of pure copper so that the entire cylinder is maintained
nivasan and Ramachandran (1961), Scott (1970), and Ahmed at a uniform temperature in the cooling process. Bakelite caps
et al. (1982) is employed in this study for measuring the heat are attached to both ends of the cylinder to reduce heat losses
transfer coefficient. To clearly observe the flow pattern, espe- from the ends. Figure 3 shows the layout of the test cylinder
cially the lock-on phenomenon, the flow field is visualized by as well as the installation and the longitudinal locations of the
using smoke generated by means of kerosene oil. A comparison thermocouples. The length and the diameter of the cylinder are
is provided between the present experimental data and those 250 mm and 16 mm, respectively, with a length-to-diameter
from the previous studies. ratio greater than 15. Temperature measurements along the lon-
A schematic diagram for the present problem is shown in Fig. gitudinal direction on the cylinder show that the error associated
1. A circular cylinder of diameter D is oscillating transversely in with a two-dimensional assumption is within 1.4 percent. The
a uniform fluid stream. Three dominant parameters are varied cylinder is heated by an electric heater until a sufficiently high
in this investigation. The Reynolds number, representing quanti- temperature is reached. Both the cylinder and the electric heater
tatively the strength of the air flow, ranges from 0 to 4000 (with are initially placed inside the wind tunnel; however, once the
air velocity w0 ranging from 0 to 4 m/s). According to the cylinder is hot enough, the heater is taken out from the wind
existing information (e.g., Blevins, 1977), the transition range tunnel and the test starts. The electric heater is composed of
from unsteady laminar to turbulent flow in the wake of a station- two symmetrical upper and lower halves. Each half is composed
ary cylinder is 150 < Re < 300. The wake may become fully of a heating plate and a copper block. The copper blocks, in-
turbulent when 300 < R e < 300,000. However, the turbulence serted between the heating plates and the cylinder, are designed
may appear earlier when the cylinder is oscillating. At a fixed to yield uniform heating.

A = amplitude of oscillation of cylinder Nupt = peak value of Nusselt number in t = time
Ac = surface area of cylinder lock-on regime T = temperature of cylinder
Bi = Biot number, hDlkc Nu0 = overall Nusselt number for a sta- Ta = ambient temperature
c = heat capacity of cylinder material tionary cylinder T-, = initial temperature of cylinder
D = cylinder diameter Re = Reynolds number, uaDlv Tf = film temperature, (T, + Ta)/2
/ = natural shedding frequency of fluid sc — frequency of oscillation of cylin- T = time-averaged temperature
h = heat transfer coefficient der u0 — free stream velocity
H = time-averaged heat transfer Sc = dimensionless frequency of oscil- Vv = vibrational velocity of cylinder
coefficient lation of cylinder, scDlu0 VR = resultant velocity
kc = thermal conductivity of cylinder Sc0 = dimensionless natural shedding
kf = thermal conductivity of fluid frequency or dimensionless oscil- Greek Symbol
L = cylinder length lation frequency at the peak of v - kinematic viscosity of fluid
m = mass of cylinder lock-on regime
Nu = overall Nusselt number, hD/kf St = Strouhal number, fDlua

Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 1997, Vol. 119 / 475

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vibration valve

air „
= i 1 I
— thermocouple
/""^ light

r n
—/mo ton—

20 : 1 1 1 JS-SBC 1
. •
A/D converter It amplifier FC 0

Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the test system

The free stream velocity in the test section is measured by a techniques that has been widely used in low Reynolds number
hot-wire velocimeter that has been carefully calibrated and is flows. In this study, smoke is produced in a smoke generator
valid for velocity measurement in the range of 0.1 ~ 50 m/s. by vaporizing kerosene oil and introducing it into the flow
A Scotch-Yoke oscillation exciter is designed to carry the cylin- through a smoke rake placed in front of the test section. The
der and produce a sinusoidal oscillation of 0 ~ 10 mm in photographs of the visualized flow patterns are taken by using
amplitude and 0 ~ 20 Hz in frequency. The arm of the exciter a camera and a light unit installed outside the test section.
is extended into the test section from the top to oscillate the
cylinder. The turbulence intensity inside the test section is obvi- Measurement Procedure. The frequency regulator and the
ously influenced by the oscillation of the cylinder even though exit valve are adjusted to set the air velocity for a desired
care has been taken to reduce the disturbance from the oscilla- Reynolds number. The cylinder is initially heated by an electric
tion exciter and the fan motor. The intensity of turbulence mea- heater to reach a sufficiently high temperature (say 85°C). The
sured at the inlet of the test section is approximately 0.005 at Scotch-Yoke oscillation exciter imparts a sinusoidal oscillation
Re = 4000, Sc = 0.3, and AID = 0.628. to the cylinder at a desired oscillation condition, and then the
Numerous methods have been developed for air flow visual- cooling process starts. The personal computer receives the tem-
ization. Smoke flow visualization is one of the most effective perature and velocity data from the thermocouples and the velo-
cimeter, respectively, and records the thermal history of the
cylinder until the latter is cooled to the ambient temperature.
The values of Ti and then Nu are calculated for each test by
using the temperature data recorded in the computer. The fre-
quency and amplitude of the oscillation can be varied and dis-
played digitally. For flow visualization, the smoke generator is
switched on. It only takes several minutes for the initiation of
the kerosene smoke. The smoke is fed to the smoke rake placed
in front of the test section. Clear smoke filaments may be ob-
tained by properly adjusting the mass flow rate of the smoke
and the position of the rake.

Data Reduction. The transient test method adopted in this

study for determining the heat transfer coefficients is a modified
version of the method used by Sreenivasan and Ramachandran
(1961), Scott (1970), and Ahmed et al. (1982). The theory
underlying this method has been described in these previous
studies; however, some modifications are needed when applying
the method to the measurement of heat transfer from a periodi-
cally oscillating body.
In describing the cooling process of an oscillating cylinder,
it is convenient to separate the temperature and the heat transfer
coefficient each into a time-averaged quantity and a periodically
fluctuating component. Denoting the time-averaged temperature
thermocouple and time-averaged heat transfer coefficient by f and h, and their
copper bakelite fluctuations by T' and h', respectively, one may write:

T(t) = TO) + T'O) (la)

hO) = Kt) + h'O) (lb)


T =
At f Tdt (la)

Unit : mm
h= hdt (2b)
Fig. 3 Layout of cylinder and the installation of thermocouples At
476 / Vol. 119, AUGUST 1997 Transactions of the ASME

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where the time interval At must be taken sufficiently large Hf
compared with the time scale of an oscillation cycle; however,
in order to provide enough data points for further analysis, At Nu
KSW McAdams(1954)
should not be too large. Typically, in this study, At varies o Present study
from 5 to 20 seconds depending on the oscillation frequency, Present correlation
covering a number of oscillation cycles. The magnitudes of the
fluctuation terms T' and h' in the above equations were evalu-
ated numerically by Cheng et al. (1997). If there is no vibration, nr
T' = h' = 0, and the problem becomes that of a stationary
Nu = 0.85BRe
It is important to note that for the physical conditions consid-
ered in this study, the Biot number Bi is of order 10 ~3. This
implies that the internal conductive resistance of the cylinder
is much lower than the external convective resistance. Recall
that, generally, if Bi < 0.1, the temperature distribution be-
comes nearly uniform throughout a solid. It is commonly ac- 10° 10s
cepted that the error caused by such a "lumped-capacity-body" Re
assumption is less than five percent provided that Bi is less than Fig. 4 Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number for stationary
0.1 (Ozisik, 1985). cylinder
The energy equation for the cylinder at any instant in the
cooling process is
by comparing them with the existing information. The overall
mc — + hAc(T - Ta) = 0. (3) Nusselt number for the stationary cylinders is compared with
dt the data provided by Mc Adams (1954). As shown in Fig. 4,
Nu is treated as a function of Re. It is observed that the present
Taking the time average for Eq. (3) and introducing Eqs. ( l a ) experimental results are in good agreement with the existing
and ( l b ) into the result lead to: data. Based on the present experimental results, a correlation
formula expressing the relationship between the Nusselt number
mc 1- hAAT Ta ) = Q (4) and the Reynolds number for a stationary cylinder is obtained
dt as
in which the second-order fluctuation term has been neglected Nu = 0.658 Re 0475 (9)
and the time averages of the fluctuation quantities,

At r
T 'dt

have been set equal to zero.

which is valid for 100 < R e s 4000. Note that Eq. (9) does
not reflect the Prandtl number effect; therefore, it may be ap-
plied only to air flows.
Figure 5 shows the influence of oscillation frequency (Sc)
and amplitude (AID) of the cylinder on the overall Nusselt
The initial condition of Eq. (4) is number at Re = 200. The measured data are correlated by
T = T, at t = 0 (5) means of a least square regression method described by Bene-
dict (1969). Note that the data at Sc = 0 are associated with
where T, is the initial temperature of the cylinder provided by the stationary cylinder. It is observed that at AID = 0.138, it
the electric heater before a test starts. is only when the cylinder oscillates at a frequency close to the
Equation (4) is integrated and, by using Eq. (5), we obtain natural shedding frequency (in this case, Sc = 0.16), that the
the following: Nusselt number is appreciably increased. Outside this regime
the heat transfer is almost unaffected by the oscillation. A simi-
hAc lar feature is found also for AID = 0.314. This phenomenon
In (T - Ta) = - t + In (T, - Ta). (6)
mc illustrates the fact that at Re = 200 basically the entire flow
field is unsteady but laminar as long as the cylinder is forced
The measured time history of the time-averaged temperature of
the cylinder is used in conjuction with the theoretical solution
given by Eq. (6) to determine the time-averaged heat transfer
coefficient /J for each case. Once the time-averaged heat transfer
coefficient (h) is obtained, the overall Nusselt number given Nu
by Air flow
Nu (7) A/D=0.826

can be calculated, and the dependence of the overall Nusselt

number on Re, Sc, and AID may then be evaluated. Note that A/D=0.3H
all the properties of the fluid and the copper cylinder appearing
in the above equations are evaluated at the film temperature
{T, + T„) A/D=0.138

Experimental Results and Discussion 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Heat Transfer Performance. For each of the more than Sc
two hundred data runs executed, the overall Nusselt number Fig. 5 Variation of Nusselt number with dimensionless oscillation fre-
has been evaluated. The experimental results are first verified quency and amplitude at Re = 200

Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 7 7

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NU Nu/Nu„ Air flow A

Air flow A/D=0.314
Re=1000 /A \ A Re=1000

1.1 - D
y y
/ \A

1.0 I ' r-r^-"^ u 0 /


> 1 1 • 1 1 1 . 1 I I 1 1 1 1 , I 1 1 • •

15 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Fig. 7 Variation of Nusselt number with dimensionless oscillation fre-
Fig. 6 Variation of Nusselt number with dimensionless oscillation fre- quency under various Reynolds numbers at AID = 0.314
quency and amplitude at Re = 1000

the peak values for AID = 0.138 and AID = 0.314 found in
to oscillate at a small amplitude. In these situations the lock-on Figs. 5 and 6 cannot yet be fully explained, and one should be
effect is the dominant mechanism enhancing the heat transfer. very careful in drawing any conclusion at this time.
However, when the cylinder is forced to oscillate at a suffi- Figure 7 shows the dependence of the overall Nusselt number
ciently high amplitude or frequency the wake of the cylinder on the oscillation frequency at AID = 0.314 under various
may become turbulent. Note that when the amplitude is elevated Reynolds numbers. Plotted in Fig. 7 is the quantity Nu/Nu 0 ,
to 0.628, the curve still exhibits a peak value in the lock-on where Nu0 denotes the overall Nusselt number for the stationary
regime; however, here, as the frequency is increased past the cylinder case. Three observations may be made with regard to
natural shedding frequency (Sc > 0.23), the magnitude of the Fig. 7. Firstly, it is obvious that at the lowest Reynolds number
Nusselt number first decreases and then increases to an even (Re = 200), no change in Nu can be seen outside the lock-on
higher value. This indicates a second heat transfer augmenting regime; however, at Re = 1000, the turbulence effect produces
mechanism that appears at higher frequencies and amplitudes. a significant increase at high-frequency cases, even outside this
The most likely factor leading to the increase of the heat transfer regime. Secondly, if Sc and AID ate fixed, the Nusselt number
is turbulence, which may be caused by a higher relative velocity increases with the Reynolds number. Thirdly, the value of Sc,
between the fluid and the cylinder. The turbulent wake of the corresponding to the peak of lock-on regime of each curve,
cylinder oscillating at higher frequency will be observed later indicates the natural shedding frequency (Sc0), which is a func-
by means of the flow visualization technique. It is important to tion of the Reynolds number. The measured data for Sc0 at
note that the turbulence effect may produce a greater heat trans- different Reynolds numbers are displayed in Fig. 8. These data
fer increase than the lock-on effect. are found to be close to the existing information on the natural
To provide further insight into the heat transfer augmenting shedding frequency provided by Blevins (1977).
mechanisms, Fig. 6 shows the experimental results of Nu at Detailed information on the increase in the Nusselt number
various values of Sc and AID for Re = 1000. As in Fig. 5, the caused by the lock-on effect is given in Table 1. This table
lock-on effect plays a dominant role in heat transfer enhance- shows the peak values of the Nusselt number in the lock-on
ment in the low-amplitude case (AID = 0.138); however, when region, in terms of Nu r a /Nu 0 , at different Reynolds numbers
AID is increased to 0.314, the effect of turbulence becomes and amplitudes. A maximum of 16 percent increase in the Nus-
important when Sc is greater than approximately 0.25. More- selt number at Re = 1000 and AID = 0.314 is observed. As
over, at AID = 0.628, the turbulence effect dominates the heat noted previously, the turbulence effect may produce a higher
transfer behavior of the cylinder throughout the entire range of
Sc, and as a result no lock-on effect can be found. Further, in
this particular case Nu increases monotonically with Sc and a 0.3
maximum of 34 percent increase in heat transfer is reached at
Sc = 0.3.
In Fig. 5 it is found that for AID = 0.138, the peak value of
the lock-on regime occurs at a frequency slightly lower than
that observed for AID = 0.314. However, as will be seen in the 0.2
section on uncertainty analysis, the uncertainty in dimensionless
frequency (Sc) may reach 10.21 percent at Re = 200. The
unavoidable uncertainty may be one of the possible factors
leading to the slight difference in peak values for AID = 0.138 KGX£ Blevins (1977)
and AID = 0.314. On the other hand, from Fig. 6, which shows 0.1 — ° Present study
the data for a higher Reynolds number (Re = 1000), it seems
that the trend is reversed and for AID = 0.138 the peak occurs
at a frequency higher than that for AID = 0.314. However, the
heat transfer mechanisms are very different for these two cases.
Obviously, for AID = 0.138 the lock-on effect is the only -1_L i l I
mechanism enhancing heat transfer, while for AID = 0.314,
turbulence appears to be the second major factor. The mixed Re
effect of lock-on and turbulence in the intermediate regime is Fig. 8 Dimensionless natural shedding frequency as a function of Reyn-
an area that requires further studies. Therefore, the inversion in olds number, compared with the data of Blevins (1977)

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Table 1 Data of Nu P , /Nu 0 at different Re and AID Table 2 Comparison of lock-on heat transfer at Re = 200
between the present experimental data and existing numeri-
Nu PL /Nu 0 cal solutions (Karanth et al., 1994; Cheng et al., 1997)
Re AID = 0.138 AID = 0.314 Nu^/Nuo
200 1.03 1.04 Present
500 1.05 1.08 experimental Karanth et al. Cheng et al.
1000 1.09 1.16 AID data (1994) (1997)

0 1 1 1
0.14 1,03 — 1.016
Nusselt number once the Reynolds number or the dimensionless 0.2 — 1.016* —
0.3 1.04 — 1.0388
amplitude is further increased. 0.4 1.05*
The numerical predictions performed by Karanth et al. — —
0.5 — — 1.075
(1994) and Cheng et al. (1997) are also verified with the present 0.63 1.10 — —
experimental data. Since the solutions in these studies are lim- 0.7 — — 1.125
ited to the low Reynolds number regime, only the data in the ;
lower Reynolds number range should be used for comparison. Values taken from Fig. 8 presented by Karanth et al. (1994).
Figure 9 displays the comparison of the lock-on effects between
the numerical predictions by Cheng et al. (1997) and the present
information regarding the turbulence effects is definitely
experimental data, at Re = 200 and AID = 0.138, in the form
of Nu/Nuo versus Sc/Sc0 plots. Each of these two sets of data
exhibits a distinctive jump in the heat transfer in the lock-on Attention is now directed at an approximate method proposed
regime, even though the predicted values are, in general, slightly by Van Der Hegge Zijnen (1958) and Sreenivasan and Rama-
lower than the measured results. The discrepancy between the chandran (1961), which is commonly used to yield a fast esti-
numerical and the experimental results indicates a complicated mate for the oscillation effect on heat transfer. In this approxi-
interaction in the lock-on regime between the fluid flow and mate method, the analysis starts from the correlation formula
the oscillating cylinder, which is inherently difficult to predict between Nu and Re for the stationary cylinders. Recall that Eq.
exactly by means of numerical methods. Inspite of this, the (9) is valid for 100 < Re < 4000. We follow this approach
agreement is good. Comparison at other Reynolds numbers also and start from this equation.
show similar agreement but will not be discussed here. Following Van Der Hegge Zijnen (1958) and Sreenivasan
and Ramachandran (1961), Eq. (9) may be rearranged as
The data of Nu^/Nuo at Re = 200 presented by Karanth et
al. (1994) and Cheng et al. (1997) are given in Table 2. The Nu = Cug475 (11)
present experimental results are also shown for comparison. It 0A15
is found that the numerical predictions match the experimental with C = 0.658 (Dlv) ; u0 is the free stream velocity.
data quite well. Upon imposing a vibrational velocity VV, the resultant veloc-
In accordance with the numerical data presented by Cheng ity of fluid, as seen by the oscillating cylinder, is
et al. (1997), a correlation formula expressing the dependence VK = V ( M § + Vv 2 ).
of NUM, on the Reynolds number and the dimensionless ampli-
tude may be obtained as Replacing u0 in Eq. (11) with VR, we obtain
Nu«. = 0.68 Re 0485 Pr 04 [l + 0.0944(A/D) Nu = C{ul + W ) 0 2 3 7 (12a)

+ 0.118(A/D) 2 ] (10) or

which is valid for 80 < Re s 300 and 0 =s AID < 0.7. Note Nu = Cug'4 1 + (12ft)
that if the oscillation parameters and the Reynolds number are
further increased, turbulence may become the major mechanism
enhancing the heat transfer. More theoretical and experimental Writing the binomial expansion for the terms in the parentheses,
and neglecting the third and succeeding terms of this expansion,
we have

Air flow
Nu = 0.658 Re 0475 1 + 0.237
Nu/Nu0 «0

- • - Numerical (Cheng, Hong and Aung, 1997)

—o- Present study or
1.05 --
Nu/Nun = 1 + 0.237 (13)
f*\ «o

The value of Vv is calculated with Vv = 2Asc.

L.00 • • • . . • • ' ••••• « o (

Equation (13) may be used to estimate the heat transfer

coefficient for an oscillating cylinder. The accuracy of this
method is tested with the present experimental data. Figure 10
shows the comparison between the results calculated by Eq.
. , . 1 . . , . I , , , . I , . , . (13) and the experimental data for a typical case at Re =
0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 500 and AID = 0.628. A remarkable discrepancy is seen. No
S c /S c , appreciable change in the heat transfer coefficient calculated by
Eq. (13) is found. According to the experimental data, the
Fig. 9 Comparison on the lock-on effect between the experimental data
and the numerical solutions of Cheng, et al. (1997), at Re = 200 and
heat transfer performance is vastly underestimated by Eq. (13).
AID = 0.138 Additional checks using the experimental data shown in Figs.

Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 7 9

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1.3 Table 3 Uncertainty analysis for measured parameters
Nu/Nu 0 Air flow
Re=500 Typical value Uncertainty* Relative uncertainty*
A/D=0.628 Parameter X Sx bxlx
— Approximate method (Eqn.(13))^. «o 0.03-1.0 m/s — 10.2 percent
• Present study 1.0-4.0 m/s 5.1 percent
T 50-85°C 0.1 °C 0.2 percent
Ta 25°C 0.1 °C 0.4 percent
s,. 20 Hz 0.1 Hz 0.5 percent
A 10 mm 0.05 mm 0.5 percent
D 16 mm 0.01 mm 0.06 percent
L 250 mm 0.05 mm 0.02 percent
m 0.449 kg 0.001 kg 0.22 percent
Re 0-4000 10.4 percent1
5.48 percent2
0-0.65 — 10.21 percent1
sc 5.12 percent2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Nu 7.0-35.2 — 4.9 percent
* All estimated with 95 percent confidence.
Fig. 10 Discrepancy between the vibrational-velocity approximation 'For 0.03 m/s < u0 < 1.0 m/s.
and the experimental data, at Re = 500 and AID = 0.628 For Ho > 1.0 m/s.

5 to 7 have also been made. Clearly, the approximate method, using the hot-wire velocimeter placed at a proper distance be-
represented by Eq. (13), cannot reflect the influence of the hind the cylinder.
lock-on and the turbulence effects shown in these figures. Figure 11(6) shows the flow pattern behind an oscillating
cylinder with a dimensionless frequency of Sc = 0.11. Even
Flow Visualization. Photographs showing the flow pat- though the flow pattern in this figure is obviously different
terns in the cylinder wakes are given in Fig. 11. In this figure, from that shown in Fig. 11(a) for a stationary cylinder, the
Re and AID are fixed at 330 and 0.628, respectively. Note that predominant frequency of the vortex shedding is still approxi-
at Re = 330, the Strouhal number (St) is approximately 0.2; mately equal to the natural shedding frequency, as may be seen
therefore, as Sc approaches this value, a lock-on phenomenon from the roughly equal spacing between the vortices in the
is expected. two photographs or the approximately equal number of vortices
Figure 11(a) illustrates the flow pattern of vortex shedding within a given distance behind the cylinders.
behind a stationary cylinder (Sc = 0). In this and in each of When Sc is elevated to be 0.17, close to the Strouhal number
the remaining photographs shown in Fig. 11, the cylinder is of 0.2, the lock-on phenomenon takes place. As represented in
partly visible on the left side of the photograph and air flows Fig. 11 (c), the vortex shedding frequency is reduced from the
from left to right. The structure of vortex shedding can be clearly natural shedding frequency to the oscillation frequency of cylin-
observed. The natural shedding frequency may be detected by der. The reduction of the shedding frequency may be observed
from the reduced number of vortices behind the cylinder.
Figure 11(0") shows the results when the value of Sc is further
elevated to 0.22. It may be seen that the vortex shedding fre-
quency has also increased. This is evidenced by the greater
number of vortices found behind the cylinder within the same
Figure 11(e) shows the flow pattern for Sc = 0.31. The in-
crease in shedding frequency with Sc continues; however, the
effect of turbulence is starting to appear in the wake. The turbu-
(a) Sc = 0 Cb) sc = o. n lent motion enhances the diffusion of the smoke filaments and
hence makes the observation more difficult.
In this particular case, it may be concluded that a laminar
lock-on regime exists for Sc = 0.17 — 0.3. For Sc higher than
this range, the wake becomes turbulent and the smoke filaments
cannot be seen clearly. The turbulent wake resulting from a
higher relative velocity between the fluid and the cylinder, in
cases with high frequency, high amplitude, or high Reynolds
number, may produce a significant increase in the heat transfer,
(c)Sc = 0.17 (d) Sc = 0.22 as already discussed in the preceding sections. A typical turbu-
lent flow pattern at Sc = 0.65 is given in Fig. 11 ( / ) .
The heat transfer behavior is of major emphasis in the present
study, and Fig. 11 displays the lock-on and the turbulent phe-
nomena in the wake, both of which affect the heat transfer
significantly. More detailed information for the flow structure
tf77 * f
and the frequency spectrum in a lock-on or unlock-on wake of
-^•E \ i an oscillating cylinder can be found in a number of reports, for
example, Griffin and Ramberg (1974), Ongoren and Rockwell
(1988), Karniadakis and Triantafyllou (1989), and Lecointe
(e) Sc - 0.31 (f) Sc - 0.65
and Piquet (1989).
Fig. 11 Flow patterns of vortex shedding behind an oscillating cylinder,
at Re = 330 and AID = 0.628, at various dimensionless frequencies of Uncertainty Analysis. An uncertainty analysis has been
oscillation (S c ); (Main air flow is from left to right; cylinder location is carried out and the results are summarized in Table 3. Uncer-
at/I.) tainty may be caused by many sources. In this study, these

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sources are basically divided into three categories: calibration Concluding Remarks
uncertainty, data acquisition uncertainty, and data reduction un-
certainty. The uncertainty interval for each measured parameters The present study is concerned with the forced convection
is estimated with a 95 percent confidence using a standard sin- of air flowing over a transversely oscillating circular cylinder.
gle-sample analysis described by Kline and McClintock (1953) The heat transfer enhancement due to the oscillation of the
and Moffat (1985, 1988). It is observed in Table 3 that the air cylinder has been studied by experimental measurement. A tran-
velocity contributes by far the largest relative uncertainty in the sient test technique is employed to determine the average heat
entire experiment, especially for the lower velocity cases. For transfer coefficient under various oscillation conditions and
0.03 m/s < w0 < 1 m/s, the relative uncertainty in velocity physical configurations. The smoke flow visualization method
measurement reaches 10.2 percent; however, only approxi- is adopted to observe the vortex shedding in the wake, particu-
mately 5.1 percent is found for velocities higher than 1 m/s. larly the lock-on phenomenon in which the vortex shedding is in
In addition, the thermal properties of air and copper may be resonance with the oscillation of the cylinder. The conclusions
determined from numerous existing sources (for example, CRC reached in this study are summarized as follows:
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1993). However, the data
1 Two mechanisms that could significantly enhance forced
from different existing sources are somewhat scattered, and
convection are found in this study, namely the lock-on effect
moreover, the uncertainty of temperature measurement could
and the turbulence effect. For a cylinder oscillating at low
also produce error in the determination of the properties. Thus,
frequency and amplitude in a low Reynolds number laminar
the uncertainty of the thermal properties may be treated as a
air flow, the heat transfer coefficient is increased only in
combination of a random uncertainty of the scattered data and
the lock-on regime. On the other hand, if the oscillation
a fixed uncertainty caused by the error of temperature measure-
parameters and the Reynolds number are sufficiently high,
ment. The combining uncertainty is calculated by applying the
the heat transfer may be further augmented by the turbulence
methods described by Moffat (1988). It is found that if esti-
effect resulting from a higher relative velocity between the
mated at the typical film temperature of 55°C, the uncertainties
fluid and the oscillating cylinder. In this study, it is found
of the thermal conductivity and kinematic viscosity of air (kf
that a maximum of a 34 percent increase in the heat transfer
and v) are 2.1 percent and 2.0 percent, respectively. For the
may be attributed to the turbulence effect.
heat capacity of copper (c), it is 0.9 percent.
2 The Nusselt number (Nu) exhibits a strong dependence on
Furthermore, Moffat (1985) employed a root sum-square the Reynolds number (Re), the oscillation frequency (Sc),
method, which was advanced by Kline and McClintock (1953), and the oscillation amplitude {AID). In general, Nu in-
to perform an uncertainty analysis for the heat transfer coeffi- creases with each of these parameters.
cient (h), obtained by using the transient test method. By fol- 3 The numerical predictions performed by Karanth et al.
lowing a similar procedure, the uncertainty of the time-averaged (1994) and Cheng et al. (1997) for the lock-on effect on
heat transfer coefficient (h) of the present study is calculated. the heat transfer at Re = 200 have been confirmed with the
And as a result, a 4.4 percent relative uncertainty in h is found. present measurements. Agreement of the present data is
It is then necessary to determine how the uncertainties propa- found with the existing numerical predictions.
gate into these dominant dimensionless parameters. By defini- 4 The approximate method, introducing a vibrational velocity
tion, Re = UQDIV, SC = scD/u0, and Nu = hDlkf. As suggested concept into the heat transfer analysis, but neglecting the
by Kline and McClintock (1953) and Moffat (1985, 1988), lock-on and the turbulence effects, may lead to a significant
the relative uncertainties of these dimensionless parameters are error in the estimate of heat transfer performance.
calculated by
^H(tHfHT)*r - The financial support of this work by the National Science
Council, Republic of China, under Grant NSC81-040l-E-036-
02, is greatly acknowledged.

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