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Class Activity

- Raquel Altamirano
- Masaquiza Sammia
- Meza Tatiana
- Santander Angel
Group: 7

Hello everyone.
We would like to thank everyone for their help over the past few weeks, We are raising money to help
children with low economic resources. We have successfully raised $300,000. The money goes to
scholarships, for students with low economic resources therefore we are very happy with nobility our
people in Salcedo.
As you know, Marlene Proaño foundation raises money with different kind of activities such as money
donations, 100 percent of scholarships for students, we also collect any kind of help for example
clothes in good condition and food, that It is very helpful for us because We want to help people with
economic problems.
The foundation is celebrating the life of our leader Marlene Proaño, She died two years ago and She
wanted to help students and poor people, our intention is to reach out with a contribution to all the
people in rural areas in Salcedo. our bank account is 22503844584 in case someone wants to
contribute, thank you very much for your collaboration.
Thanks again for all people in Salcedo, We will communicate our next event by Facebook, If you
want to take a look of our page, you have to reach in facebook as Marlene Proaño Foundation or
communicate with this number 0987634653.
Tatiana, Angel, Sammia and Raquel
Resources Team

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