EM Waves

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Introduction - . . Oerated experimentally preclicted that, the elechte cument procluces a ic) flelal Fangdloy prem bls ment [on elechomaghehe. Haluction famd [mat @ changing macgrtte fell produus an elechic fielel. AL this time the Clerk Maxwell state thad the wognetic field ds net only prociced by slectrie. current buf alse by a dime varying electric field. electric and magnetic fields and their sources (the Char: amd current). These equations are Known as Maxwall’s ions. These equations along with Lorentz force feerguta explain athe matically all the basic tows of sm lect yom Maxwell formulottel a set of equations re Cae Maxwell through his eguations come out with a mest important predlidtion be: the existence of elecho- magnetic. waver, which can propagate in space with a speed very Close to the speed 5, Lgl Caxio% mis). Gy His the Maxwell conclude that Light isa electromagnetic “wave. Maxwell's Equations anel Lorentz Force - GQ) This equation is Gauss's Law in electrostatics. This gives the voduc ok total electric Hux in terms ok the charge enclosed by the Surface S @) fea =o _ This equation Js Gouss's Law in magnetnstadies. This lav show that the number of magnetic field Liner entering o Closeel surface id equal Jo number of mM ic field Utes Leaving it. Tt Confirms te absence of magnetic ‘monopole « > gta = -4 Lear This i ds Faraday's La electro m 1c outta equation araday Of jagned This Jaw gives © relation behwean slectrle fete ons and Ae chang ins flux. Tt shows yal ase clectrie Tiel axounel amy close: pats Gee emf) the. tre alee Sp ciaege eh nga e flax Hoel he Surface bounclet “by clegect This equotion is gennoalised form of Ampere!s Civeurta) Lew, modifies “by Mexwell ome Ja Knoron as Ampere’— Maywell law This Lavo Shows thot the dine integral of tre magnetic fiell around any closect path is reloded to the conduction current (2) and isplacement current (Ir) through the path. (5) Lorentz, Formula Po sa(e+ x8) Electromagnetic Waves - Accoraling to Maxwell, the elechomagnetic waves are those Gaver in which there are sinusoidal variation of electric and mi agnete. Field vectors ad right angles 40 Gach other a well vignt eongles to ‘the fection of wave propagation. Direction of, sc Both these Hels (Bond B) vary with time and Space and have the same frequency. The electomognHe waves Ca ott through the Space with the Vspead 2 dina Cokeenje). ‘a Maxwell also found that the eect ic waves should travel in free space (or vacuum) with a spead gen by Production of Electromagnetic Waves - An electric change at rett has eclectic field in the region ancund LdS but no mannetic Held. A. peyrs chige pred, “botn the ‘eclsbe. and magpelic i Ih @ Change ds moving with a Constant veloc C Cument 4 not changing with ae” the electric and | mtdic fiells esillndt Change with times hence ho eledibo magnetic waves can produceal. But Gk the change iA moving with a non-zero acceleration, boin ihe wilgnedie field: cond cleclie fl till change with space and! stime, Sd then procluces electro m: Re WwaveS. Hence an accelerated Change emits elechomabnetic wavs. Te Lc chrewit JA an oscillatory circuit whore the change is oscillating across the coipaciter plates. Amn oseillacing Change in t-C Chreuit hos a non-zexo acceleration once. “it emitts electromagnetic waveds tohich have the Same frequency as that of the oscillating change. J In an otem on electron chile orbiting. aveund the nucleus in a Steble orbit, cles not emit Slecho magnetic waver. Electromagnedtic waves are emitted only cohen St fells fem hi enrgy orbit do Lower enersy ort ger ened “e Electromagnetic waveh aw cso produceol when faust moving el¥chons are suddenly sinppecl on the. metal tonget of Wighen atomic number. Properties of Electromagnetic Waves - (1) The electromagnetic waved ane procluceol by He accelerated ov “Dscilloding change. 3 (2) The EM woves ole not require any material mecliuen for propagation - (3) These waves trove! in free spoce with & Speed 3x08 m/s (speech of Light) and da given by the. reletion - c = Ther (4), In electromagnetic. waves the, -sinuscidal variadion in both electric and magnetic eld vectors (E48) occurs, Simultaneously: “As a “result acthod n& moimum and minimum valus at the Same place. and o¢ the same time. The amplitucles of the electric and magnetic fiekls in free Space ae relotect by - Tre equation of electric fiell and magnetic field vorying Sirusciddatly with ac and & can be given one By = Be Sin (ot +Kx) K=2 x (s) They clivection of vosietion of electric omd magnetic vectors anc p. cliculax. Jo each other “as coell os roliculan do the dlivection ef propagation ob waves Therefore, Qlectroy ie waved ove trana- vi in nodure’ Like Aignt waves. (6) The, electromagnetic waves corry energy cohich Jd divided equally’ betioen electric “field arid magneke. field vectors. Fr Vacuum the average electric energ clensity (We) ame average magnetic ei cnt (Ue) Glue +o static efectic ‘fielol E an ro fied & which clo not vary With dime ave. ven [eee] = [ora] (7) The electric vector wble for the obdtical eect of arr elechromaguedic Pesach called Phe chor. 8) The electromagnetic waver bei uncharg eo} ot peel by adie SS) rmognal fieds To (8) The velocity of Em wave in cUielechic 48 us than © (3xte& mys) - Main Parts of Electromagnetic Spectrum (1) Raclio Waves - These one electromagnetic taves ob frequen range S,xu08 Ha 4p 10? Ha. These waves ore procly- ced by oscillating dectic circuits having an inductor and Capacitor. Uses - 1) The Em waves of frequen range frm 530 kH2 t i: mo: Io KHz form a eel Cam) band. It ix ete Grn” Lave prtpageon: (2) The Em waves of brequency yange 1710 KHz to SUM He ant used for short wave bond. It’ is used in sky wave propagation. (3) The elechomagntic waves ol; trequancy vremge SUMHz 4o 890 MHz ane used in television Wowea, (A The electromagnetic. waved ok jrequency ronge. 68 Mie. do 108 MH2 form beequency modwlotes! (FM) band. Tt 4s used for commercial! FM vaclio. uv (s) The Em waves of frequen range 300 Miz to 300M He. ultra Wi requine, ©( UKE)’ band. It Js used gate oe li anette (2) Microwaves - These Are EM waves en Yarge, 10°. +> axel He - aes cb yen vacuum tubes called ; Klyshons, magnabrons and Gum Modes etc. Uses - (1) Microwayes ore uteol In Radar system pov alr craft navigation (2) Microwave ovens ort used for ceoking purposes. (@) A radar Using microwave Can help in oletectin the speed % cricket ball, audomobiles , aircrajts in motion. @) A radon using microwave Can hetb in oletectin: the Speed os cricket ball, automobiles , airevajts im motion. (3) Infrared waves - Infrared Waves were discoversd by Herschel. These are Em waves of prequeney vrange~ 3xto! He. do 4x0 He. Tnfmred waves semeh ane Coblrel OA heot waves because their obsorption causes the heoding eftert fn the boolies and surpundings Infrares| waves ake produced by hot boolies amel molecules. These Loaves are rick clutected by human eye but snakes can oletect trem. Use- Infrwred waves oe used G) in physical rors ie. t> treot muscular shain, (2) te previo elechdeal energy to satellite by wing Solon ee i ad (3) in: green houwtes the phnts Warm o prod mg. dehyd voted ects P er (A) For taking pholopraphs cluding the Condition of Br Smoke etc. V (s) In solar water heater and Cookers. (6) fn checking the purity of chemicals and in the, stucly ols molecular shructiae by taking infra red absorption spectrum. (4) Visible Light - TL Us the narrow region of Em spectrum ytdhich 2b clttected by the human eye. Tks equent ranges fom 4xio! He to axio Hee TE WU phodeed! dota to adomic excitadon. ‘ : . ject crue tM MAE, ltl oe chad gov et oF. Sweuunding us, (S) Ultyaviclet Rays - Me uttaviolet ra. were. cliscovered by Ritter. Tre frequency range of" UV rays ib ax) He BxidtHe- The’ uUthaviolet Youps ene produced by sun, Speciod temps and very hol’ bocties. Most of He Ultaviolet comi: sun ane absorbed by the ozone er in tha eavth's cutmos phere’, i i + pl The Ubthoviolet xr in lange quantit produce. hesmful effect on Ramen ae. ¢ Uses: itravioled rays ane used GD for Checking the mineral samples Fhrough The property oh wihyavidlet Youys Couting Hounsscence. (2) in the study of moleculan structure and arrangement of electrons “in the externa) shill Hong ubhavicel xbtlon spectra. (2) 40 dlistroy the bacteria ond for stevilizirg the surgiced instruments « (4) in the detection of forgecl cocuments, finger prints im pret treasl, PA, bcimee aahce P G@) X= Yays - The x= one the EM waved of pene Yonge. Bxid"He do 3xid® He. These ane. prrcluce. cohen high energy electrons ore stopped Suddenly on a metod of high atemic number. evans have Wah penetroding. power- Uses - X-vouys ane used G2 In suge rv the election of fachwes, Sorel boclies te dies diseased organs and tones’ dn. the humom body> (2) in Engineerin he electing faults, Cracks and holes in final Snetat products - G2) Im Rocio therapy to cure untracble skin diseases and molianant growths. (4) In detective clipertmarts for ditection of gold, Silver and explosives in the body of smugglers. S) fn imelustry for the detection of clegects in rubber tyers , gold anol tennis balls etc. (©) Tn scientific Reseach for the Inveakigodion ek the crystal stuchne 5 omengement off atoms, molecules wal ae Complex substances: , G7) ¥- rays - These oe the EM Woves of praquan range. axio® He do 3xib%He. y-rays heve nuclear 4 in. Thre voys ane highly enwradic and ave Seeded by the nucleus oh the toclioactive substances . Uses- T- Tos ane used (L) in treadment of Cancer and tumours. @) tp preserve the food stuff for a Aon time as the Soft ¥ Yes con Kill micioganisms easily» (3) to produce nuclear reactons. (u) to provide valuatle information about He Shuctire of Odpmie nucleus.

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