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I. Read the given extract carefully and answer the

following questions:
At midnight when the town slept in peace, the Dewan and his
aged wife dragged the tiger into the car and shoved it into
the seat. The Dewan himself drove the car straight to the
forest where the Maharaja was hunting. When they reached
the forest, the tiger launched its satyagraha and refused to
get out of the car. The Dewan was thoroughly exhausted in
his efforts to haul the beast out of the car and push it down
to the ground.
On the following day, the same old tiger wandered into the
Maharaja's presence and stood as if in humble
supplication,"Master, what do you command of me?" It was
with boundless joy that the Maharaja took careful aim at the
beast. The tiger fell in a crumpled heap.
1. Pick the option that uses the same figure of speech as
'town slept in peace'.
(a) His actions really flared up my temper, so I walked
(b) She is going through a rollercoaster of emotions.
(c) My alarm clock yells at me every morning until I get
out of bed.
(d) The children were screaming and shouting in the
2. Pick the option that best describes the Dewan's attitude.
(i) desperate
(ii) submissive
(iii) servile
(v) detestable
(vi) flattering
(a) (fi), (iii) and (vi)
(b) (i), (iv) and (v)
(c) (ii), (iv) and (vi)
(d) (i), (iii) and (v)
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of
(a) People on a hunger strike as a mark of protest
against a law.
(b) People resorting to violence to ensure their
demands are accepted.
(c) A few people blocking a roadway or passage
(d) People participating in a silent march to protest
against injustice.

II. Read the given extract carefully and answer the

following questions:
From that day onwards it was a celebration time for all the
tigers inhabiting Pratibandapuram. The state banned tiger
hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. A proclamation was
issued to the effect that if anyone dared to fling so much as a
stone at a tiger, all his wealth and property would be
The Maharaja vowed he would attend to all other matters
only after Killing the hundred tigers. Initially the king seemed
tell set to realise his ambition.
Not that he faced no dangers. There were times then the
bullet missed its mark, the tiger leapt upon him and he
fought the beast with its bare hands. Each time it was the
Maharaja who won.
1. The tone of the author when he says, 'it was celebration
time for all tigers is-
(a) solemn
(b) sarcastic
(c) sympathetic
(d) mocking.
2. Pick the pair of TRUE statements based on the extract.
(i)Tiger hunting was absolutely banned in the kingdom.
(ii) The Maharaja was extremely courageous and fearless.
(iii) The Maharaja paid no heed to matters related to his
(iv) The Maharaja was able to fulfil his ambition, without any
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)
3. In which of the following options can the underlined
words NOT be replaced with 'proclamation"?
(a) The politician shared his manifesto during the
election meeting.
(b) All the citizens of the kingdom had to abide by the
emperor's edict.
(c) The communique made by the official had a
disastrous effect.
(d) The decree of the state forbade cruelty against

III. Read the given extract carefully and answer the

following questions:
'The Maharaja's Tiger hunts continued to be highly
successful: Within ten years he was able to kill seventy tigers.
And then an unforeseen hurdle brought his mission to a
stand still.
1. Why was the Maharaja obsessed about hunting
2. What was the unforeseen hurdle mentioned here?
(a) Lack of determination
(b) His old age
(c) Inability to kill tigers
(d) Tiger population became extinct
3. Which word has similar meaning as

IV. Read the given extract carefully and answer the

following questions:
The Chief astrologer took off his spectacles and gazed
intently at the boy.
1.Who was 'the boy'?
(a) The King’s son
(b) An orphan
(c) The King
(d) His cousin
2. Why did the astrologer gaze intently at the boy?
3. What is meant by 'intently??

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