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CPD 1-02




Issue 2.0
20 February 2020

CAAB HQ, Kurmitola, Dhaka-1229

Civil Aviation Procedure Document for Personnel Licensing


Record of Amendments
SL Issue No. Chapter/Page No. Date Applicable Date Entered Amendment By

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Civil Aviation Procedure Document for Personnel Licensing


Foreword…………………………………………………………………………. 1
Amendment………………………………………………………………………. 2
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………3

Chapter Title Page

Chapter 1 Personnel Licensing Section- General 6

1.1 Vision 6
1.2 Mission 6
1.3 Motto 6
1.4 Outcome 6
1.5 Personnel Licensing Policy 6

Chapter 2 Introduction to PEL System 9

2.1 Personnel Licensing 9
2.2 Tasks of the PEL office 9
2.3 The Organizational Structure of a PEL Office 13
2.4 Foreign Training Center 13
2.5 Quality Control 14
2.6 Facilities and Equipment 14

Chapter 3 Personnel Licensing Staff 17

3.1 Function & Responsibilities of the Section 17
3.2 Responsibilities and Functions of Individual Position of PEL 21
3.3 Staff Training and Quality Control 25

Chapter 4 Record Keeping 28

4.1 28
Documentation Record Keeping, Archiving and Storing of
Closed Files

Chapter 5 Training ProgrammeFor Pel Inspectorate Staff & 33

Other Technical Personnel
5.0 Introduction 33
5.1 Type of Training 33
5.2 Initial Training for all inspectors associated with commercial 33
operations and general aviation including all PEL Personnel

5.3 Additional training for inspectors: commercial 33

operations (if applicable)
5.4 Additional training for inspectors: General Aviation (if 34
5.5 On The Job Training 34

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5.6 Recurrent Training for all inspectors associated with 34
commercial operations and general aviation including all
PEL Personnel’s
5.7 Contents of the Training Course 35

Chapter 6. Appeal and Review Process 46

6.1 Appeal/Review for denial and/or suspension, revocation,
restrictions etc. of License, Rating, Certificate, Permit,
Authorization etc.
6.2 Procedural steps 46

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1.1 Vision
Independent arm of CAA on Personnel Licensing

1.2 Mission
Establishment of independence in all areas of knowledge examinations, skill tests,
audits using own PEL staff examiners and inspectors.

1.3 Motto
Duty, Honor, Country

1.4 Outcome
a) Streamlined procedures for licensing
b) Safety compliance of personnel on following Disciplines

ii.Flight crew and other than pilots

c) Ensure the compliance of applicable rules, regulations and published requirements

d) Implementation of ICAO Annex 1, SARPs
e) Perform duties & functions require to achieve the objectives of strategic action plan
of CAAB.

1.5 Personnel Licensing Policy

Bangladesh being a signatory country to Chicago convention is committed to complying

its obligations to adhere to internationally acclaimed standards for issuance of Personnel
licenses. Hence recognition of Bangladesh Licenses within the region & globally has
been witnessed throughout the past with the increasing demand for experienced Line
pilots verified by the increasing number of personnel joining other states.

Bangladesh Licensing Policy obviously is to maintain harmonization with ICAO

standard for most of the SARPs published.

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2.1 Personnel Licensing

The action of personnel licensing is based on principles laid down in the Convention on
international Civil Aviation (referred here after as the Convention) and on the International
Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 1 (Personnel Licensing) to the

Initial issue of Licenses, Ratings and Certificates are approved by Chairman CAAB.

The basic principle of personnel licensing established by the Convention are the following:

a) The State of Registry of an aircraft is the State that has the Responsibility for the licensing
of the flight crew (Article 32a). This responsibility can be transferred to the State of the
Operator when an agreement under Article 83bis of the Convention exists between the
State of the Operator and the State of Registry.

b) A State can render valid for use on aircraft on its own registry licenses issued by other
ICAO Contracting States (Article 32a).

c) ICAO Contracting states recognize licenses issued by other ICAO Contracting State
provided that the license is issued in full compliance with ICAO Standards and used on
an aircraft registered in the State which has issued or validated the license (Article 33).

d) Each License should be endorsed with the points on which the standards are not met
(Article 39), and

e) International flight by holder of endorsed license shall be undertaken only with the
authorization of States which air space is used (article 40).

f) Each State endeavors to follow ICAO Standards to the highest practicable degree and
undertakes to notify ICAO of any difference that may exist between its own national
regulation and ICAO Standards (Articles 37 and 38).
2.2 Tasks of the PEL office
The PEL office is organized in five major functional areas. These areas are:
Examinations, Licensing, Training, Regulatory, and Administration.

2.2.1 The examination tasks

The tasks related to the examination function include:

a) Prepare, conduct and review Computer Based Examinations (CBE) for
b) Designing the written examinations of flight crew members, air traffic

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Controllers and other ground operation personnel who intend to issue/renew licenses or
add new aircraft types, ratings or authorizations to their license;
c) Reviewing, evaluating and marking written tests;
d) Carrying out oral examinations of different specialties, as required;
e) Carrying out flight tests and simulator tests and generating the required test
f) Carrying out different types of skill tests for the different specialties and generating the
necessary test reports;

g) Coordinating with the Medical Assessor for those aspects related to medical examinations
and the issuance of medical assessments in compliance with CAR-84 and the Manual of
Civil Aviation Medicine (Doc8984) provisions;
h) Carrying our language proficiency examinations, and

i) Participating in committees or advisory groups to review and recommend

improvements to examination syllabi and licensing matters.

2.2.2 The Licensing tasks

The Licensing tasks cover all of the routine tasks associated with the physical issuance and
maintenance of Personnel Licenses and include:

Drafting detailed procedures for licensing Staff;

a) Evaluating the foreign licenses and certificates, and take appropriate action, including
consultation with the State of License issue as necessary;

b) Reviewing the flight crew, air traffic controllers and ground operators’ limitations and
recent experience, and take the necessary action upon it;

c) Reviewing and studying the application for a license and related documentation and
recommend actions to be taken from appropriate sections; and

d) Issuing and renewing different licenses, adding ratings as applicable and issuing temporary
approvals or special authorizations.

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2.2.3 The training tasks

The training tasks of t h e PEL office covers the activities related to the certification and
approval of training school and training programmers and include:

a) Studying the PEL training Standards and making the necessary recommendations for
b) Developing and executing plans for the surveillance of the different aviation training
c) Studying and surveying training curriculum and programs submitted for approval and take
appropriate action;
d) Approving training organizations and training sections at operators and maintenance
organizations, air traffic control units, as well as at manufacturers and other approved
agencies, as appropriate;
e) Establishing and maintaining personnel training records;

f) Certifying and surveying the different Simulators; and

g) Certify and survey air craft and airports used by the ATOs.

2.2.4 The regulatory tasks

The regulatory tasks cover the development and maintenance of the regulatory support of
Personnel licensing and include:
a) Drafting and amending of rules and regulations relating to the training and licensing of
aviation personnel;
b) Enforcing licensing laws and regulations; and

c) Developing procedures, taking in to account best practices and applicable quality


2.2.5 The administrative tasks

The administrative tasks of the PEL office include:

a) Maintaining an up-to-date efficient and secure record system for licensing, certification,
designation, approval, and authorization actions;
b) Maintaining the PEL office library;
c) Provisioning of necessary PEL office supplies, equipment and facilities;
d) Ensuring that all regulatory material and PEL documents held by staff are kept updated;
e) Drafting and promulgation of examination schedules in co-operation with the Chief

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f) Printing and collating examination papers and distribute the min order to meet the
published scheduled times;
g) Handling routine correspondence in respect to requests for study guidance material dates
of examinations, application forms, and examination fees;
h) Dealing with the public, when necessary, on matters related to: Scheduled examinations;
Requests for explanatory pamphlets and any queries related to examination administration;
and all matters appropriate to license or rating or examination applications;

i) Handling routine correspondence in respect to applications for licenses or ratings, flight

tests or any other routine clerical matters requiring action;

j) Processing all license applications and prepare the material for review;
k) Completing license forms and prepare licenses for official signature; and
l) Supervising the PEL computer system.

2.3 The Organizational Structure of a PEL Office

In order to function effectively, the PEL office is suitably organized and staffed with qualified

2.3.1 Administrative Support Personnel

Personnel should be familiar with office equipment and the procedures in use. The PEL office
shall ensure that administrative staff has the personal integrity and the required knowledge to
discharge their responsibilities. Each new staff member is trained on the specific tools and

2.4 Foreign Training Center:

Member Flight Standards & Regulations (MFSR) shall ensure in their individual areas wherein
the Civil Aviation Authority shall, whenever required, authorize foreign training centers to
provide approved training to CAAB inspectors. While doing so, the MFSR will ensure quality
of the approved training provided to the inspectors. To ensure the quality the following areas
are verified by the CAAB personnel:
a) Certification or Renewal of Training Center,
b) Facilities and Equipment of the Training Center,
c) Training Center Personnel and Qualifications,
d) Training Center Personnel Records,
e) Training Center Designated Examiner,
f) Designate or Inspect a Training Center Evaluator,
g) Conduct a Knowledge Test,

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h) Practical Test, Stage Check or End-of-Course Test to Students of a Training Center

Student Records of a Training Center,
i) Instructor Refresher Course,
j) Training Center Training Program Curriculum,
k) Evaluate Training Center Safety Procedures.

2.5 Quality Control:

An internal audit and quality control system has been established to evaluate personnel
licensing staff performance and adherence with State Standards and procedures.

2.6 Facilities and Equipment

The facilities and equipment of a Personnel Licensing Office depend largely on the volume of
activities of the Office. Non-withstanding the size, the facilities meet some conflicting
requirement such as:

The facilities and equipment of the Personnel Licensing Office has been developed to meet
conflicting requirements. The public and the private are as of the PEL Office are clearly
segregated as follows:

a) Easy access by public: The PEL Office has been totally segregated from other offices of
the civil aviation authority with an independent entry in order to permit access to the public
with the minimum level of security possible. The public are also included a sitting area
where the public can fill documents and forms, wait for their turn or while their documents
are processed.

b) Good working environment to the staff: The PEL office provide quiet surroundings for
the work of preparing examination questions, and executing other technical work required.

c) Keep confidential records in a secure way: Most of the documents held in the Personnel
Licensing Office are of a confidential nature and proper measures are taken to ensure the
security of the documents and control their access. For this, the paper records are kept in
lockable cabinets that are located in a secured area. For examination texts, when they are
not public, and their confidentiality are preserved at all stages from drafting through
printing, packaging and storing, to dispatch and use.

The PEL Office has established easy access to phone (both national and international), fax
and email facilities. An Internet connection is also available to provide not only email
capability but access to up-dated information such as access to foreign regulations and
procedures which are often necessary during the licensing process. With the development of a
Web site providing all the relevant information (rules, procedures, fees, working hours, form,
addresses) has improved the quality of service while reducing the workload for the staff.

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3.1 Function & Responsibilities of the Section.

3.1.1 Responsibilities

A Licensing Office is an essential arm of a civil aviation regulatory body. It is established to carry
out the functions and administrative processes leading up to the issuance of a license, rating or other
certificates to those personnel who are required to be in possession of such documents by law in
order to carry out their respective job functions.

3.1.2 Eligibility requirements for Personnel Licensing (PEL) Officers and other staff:


SL Position Eligibility Requirements

01. Deputy a) Science Graduate or equivalent and,
b) Shall have at least technical qualifications and expertise as a flight crew
Chief of
member or an airworthiness engineer or an air traffic control officer.
Licensing c) Seven (07) years’ experience as a PEL Inspector.
/Head of d) Shall have a thorough knowledge of the licensing regulations, licensing
Licensing practices and procedures, together with administrative ability
andleadership qualities
e) Good command of oral and written communication skills in the English
language and,

02. Chief a) Shall have extensive experience as an authorized examiner in a

Examiner particular specialty as well as a thorough knowledge of licensing
regulations, licensing practices and procedures, together with
administrative ability and leadership qualities.
b) Seven (07) years’ experience as a PEL Inspector
c) Have no conflicts of interest with the examination function;
d) Have strong background in training and assessment;
e) Have excellent written language skills; and
f) Be computer literate, as appropriate

03. Flight For Eligibility requirements Refer to CPD 6-1 (Recruitment & Training of
Operations Operations Inspector), Para 2.2 & 2.4.
Note : The responsibilities have been delegated to the FOI under Operations

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04. DPE a) Serving as FOI;
Supervisor b) Completed initial PEL Inspector Course;
c) Experience as PEL inspector;
d) 03 years’ experience in General Aviation Operations;
e) Hold or held Flight Instructor (FI) rating;
f) Served as Flight Instructor in General Aviation Operations.
05. Medical Refer to Civil Aviation Procedure Documents on Air Crew Medical (CPD
Assessor 1-10),

06. Rater a) Masters in English with honors

b) Shall have completed initial examiner/rater training.
c) Shall have appropriate aviation operational or language testing expertise,
or both.
d) Shall have valid approval from CAAB.
e) Shall be familiar with aviation English and vocabulary associated with


SL Position Eligibility Requirements

07. PEL a) Science Graduate or equivalent Degree or with at least three (3) years’
Inspector experience as an employee engaged in Personnel Licensing functions in
CAAB; and
b) Knowledge/Familiarity of personnel licensing requirements based on
local and international standards;
c) Completed initial training as per Training program of CPD 1-02, Chapter-5;
d) Have excellent written language skills;
e) Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team; and
f) Be computer-literate, as appropriate.

08. DPE a) Hold minimum CPL with valid class/type rating, medical and IR;
b) Hold flight instructor ratings on the category of aircraft for which
examining authority is sought;
c) Have minimum total 1000 hours, minimum instructional 500 hours and
minimum instructional hours on 'category and class aircraft' 50 hours;
d) Have a reputation for integrity and dependability in the industry and the
e) Have no record of any accidents and incidents attributable to him in last
05 years;
f) Have no record of violations; and
g) Have pilot and instructor license/ratings that have never been revoked
for falsification or forgery.

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h) Have knowledge in the following area: -

i. Human performance
ii. Current regulations and licensing procedure.


SL Position Eligibility Requirements Area of Responsibility
09. Admin a) Graduation or equivalent a) Updating and maintenance of
Officer Office Procedures, Manuals,
b) 05 years’ experience as
b) Registers, Books, Documents,
admin officer.
ICAO annexes and other material
relevant for Personnel Licensing.
c) Attend to administrative matters
such as maintenance of staff leave
records, training records and other
administrative duties.
d) Handling correspondence with
respect to application for licenses or
ratings, flight tests or other routine
clerical matters.
10. Computer a) HSC or equivalent a) Completing license forms and
Operator b) Be computer literate, as preparing licenses for official
appropriate signature; and
b) Managing the PEL Office
computer system

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3.2 Responsibility and Functions of Individual Position of PEL Office

3.2.1 Deputy Director/Chief of Personnel Licensing/Head of Licensing

On behalf of Chairman CAAB, attend to all regulatory and administrative functions

pertinent to personnel licensing of all personnel who require licenses ratings and/or
certificates issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh, authorizing them to
perform their job function in their respective fields in aviation and licensing and/or
certifications of organizations engaged in aviation which require CAAB authorization to
carry out their respective aviation functions.

The duties and tasks of DD/Personnel Licensing include, but not limited to the following:

a) Maintain required documents in the Section, consisting of ICAO/CAAB documents,

manuals and other material relevant to personnel licensing. Ensure such material are
updated and maintained as required for the benefit of the staff of the personnel
licensing office.

b) To adopt the SARPs of ICAO Annex1 into the CAR-1984, ANOs, CAAB
Circulars, as required.

c) To implement Part-1 of Civil Aviation Rule-84 and the SARPs of related ICAO

d) Matter related to Amendment to CAR/ANO relating to renewal of licenses

e) To examine changes in ICAO requirements for incorporation in to national

requirements, or the filing of appropriate differences.
f) Ensure that all employees in the Section are fully conversant with regulatory
administrative and operational requirements pertinent to personnel licensing.

g) Identify the training needs of employees in the Section and arrange training as when
required to enable them to update and maintain their knowledge, understanding and
skills required for satisfactory performance of the assigned duties and maintain
respective training records in respect of each member of the staff.

h) Organize and manage the personnel licensing Section to ensure effective and efficient
functioning of the Section’s work.
i) Develop and maintain standards, recommended practices and procedures relating to
the licensing of flight crew, aircraft maintenance engineers, Flight Operations
Officer, air traffic controllers and others who require licenses and or certificates to
perform job functions in their respective fields in aviation. Ensure that these
standards, recommended practices and procedures are in compliance with ICAO.
j) Have promulgated Civil Aviation Regulations, Air Navigation Orders and
Airworthiness requirements, the approved licensing standards as amended from time
to time and ensure that guidance material is published, as appropriate.

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k) Ensure that approved standards are being complied with and sound practices and
procedures are being applied by regular inspections of approved training
organizations by CAAB staff.

l) Regularly advise the MFSR of the state of work and significant events and
development within the personnel licensing Section.

m) Ensure that CAAB officers and other persons approved to conduct flight tests on
behalf of the Chairman are properly appointed briefed and supplied with adequate
guidance and documentation to carry out their tasks and ensure that an efficient
recording system of such designated persons is maintained.

n) Develop standards in regard to qualification and experience requirements for

appointment of examiners for setting examinations papers for the examinations
conducted by the Section.

o) Maintain an effective Medical Examination System in the CAAB which will ensure
personnel applying for licenses which required to hold current medical, are examined
in accordance with the CPD 1-10 (Civil Aviation Procedure Document on Air Crew
Medical), prior to issue of Licenses.

p) Ensure maintenance of Medical Records of all Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and all
others who are required to hold such medicals in a confidential manner.

q) Conduct initial investigation in regard to applications for establishment of ATOs and

recommend to the Chairman CAAB, for issue of such licenses, if the requirements
are met.

r) Conduct periodical surveillance on the approved ATOs to ensure quality of training

and adherence to the initial conditions of approval.

s) Conduct surveys or studies as required, with regard to recognition of military

experience for issue of civil licenses and make recommendations to the Chairman for

t) As advised and directed by Chairman CAAB, represent him at meetings and

discussions pertinent to Personnel Licensing matters involving local and/or foreign

u) Conduct Performance Evaluations on all staff employed at the Personnel Licensing


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3.2.2 Chief Examiner

a) Direct, maintain and develop, as required, an organization for the examination of

applicants for all categories of personnel licenses and ratings provided for in the civil
aviation regulations and orders;

b) Direct the preparation and review of detailed prescriptions and conditions of

examination for the various categories of personnel licenses and ratings provided for
in the civil aviation orders consistent with the privileges granted therein;

c) Prepare, conduct and review Computer Based Examinations (CBE) for


d) Prepare and maintain an appropriate Question Bank for the above purpose and review
it from time to time and conduct oral examination on PPL/CPL/ATPL & FOOL.

e) Direct the preparation and review and arrange for the publication of information
circulars and requirements relating to the examinations and tests leading to the issue
of personnel licenses and ratings, of instructor authorizations and of certificates of
competency provided for in the civil aviation orders;

f) Direct the staff of examiners in the preparation of examination question papers and
in the marking of candidates’ examination response papers to ensure that standards
consistent with current practices and the privileges granted by the licenses or ratings
in question are established and maintained;

g) Establish and maintain a system for ensuring that oral, written and practical
examining techniques are effective and compatible with the current aviation

h) Establish and maintain an efficient system for the preparation and recording of
examination or test reports;

i) Direct the staff of examiners in assessing the extent of examination to be undertaken

by applicants for the validation or conversion of foreign licenses, approvals or

j) Conduct other practical skill examination for personnel licenses and ratings eg:
Aviation English Language Proficiency Test (AELPT).

3.2.3 Flight Operations Inspector:

The following additional functions and responsibilities are delegated to Flight Operations
Inspectors as mentioned in CPD 6-2, 004 - (d) & (e):
a) Monitor flight testing of flight crew and/or other practical assessments tests required for
licenses and/or ratings.
b) Carryout supervision of DPEs.

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c) Inspection, evaluation & Certification of flight simulation training devices.

d) To recommend for enforcement actions against the DPEs should any violation is noted
on Civil Aviation Rules, ANOs and other regulatory requirements.

3.2.4 DPE Supervisor

a) Supervision of DPEs;
b) To recommend for enforcement actions against the DPEs should any violation is noted
on Civil Aviation Rules, ANOs and other regulatory requirements.

3.2.5 Medical Assessor

Refer to Civil Aviation Procedure Documents on Air Crew Medical (CPD 1-10),

3.2.6 Personnel Licensing Inspector (PEL)

a) Reviewing and studying the application for a license and related documentation and
recommending actions to be taken by appropriate sections; and
b) Issuing and renewing licenses, adding ratings and special authorizations.
c) Promptly attend to all matters pertinent to local and foreign correspondence in the
Division in regard to licensing matters.
d) Co-ordinate with relevant individuals/organizations to make required and prompt
arrangements for tests/examinations to be conducted for individuals to ascertain
suitability for issuance of licenses, ratings and certificates.
e) Supervise/investigate such tests/organizations whenever practicable, especially when
responsibility of conducting tests/examinations has been delegated to other
organization by the Chairman, CAAB.

f) Record results of tests/examinations in a methodical manner and maintain statistics.

g) Perform functions and related duties and tasks relevant to Issuance and Renewal of
personnel Licenses, and Ratings.

h) Organize and perform duties relating to the following examinations and assist
approved examiner as required to conduct same as per the policy of the Licensing
i. PPL/CPL/ATPL/FOOL examination

3.2.7 Designated Pilot Examiner

a) DPEs are authorized to conduct the following tests:-

i. PPL Flight Test
ii. CPL Flight Test.
iii. Aircraft Type Rating Test.
iv. PPC
v. Instrument Rating Test --- Initial Issue and Renewal.
vi. Flying Instructor Rating Test --- Initial Issue and Renewal.
vii. To conduct oral examination

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viii. To evaluate students and instructors in flight simulation training devices.

3.3 Staff Training and Quality Control

Staff Training:
In order to ensure the proficiency of the personnel licensing staff: CAAB has established
training programs for their personnel licensing Staff to provide them with the initial, specific
and recurrent training required in their specialty, along with special training on related
Standards and internal procedures and any special means of application used.

a) All the PEL officers and staffs have to undergo an initial, re-current and
additional training relevant to his/her position.

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4.1 Documentation Record Keeping, Archiving and Storing of Closed Files

4.1.1 Documentation & Records

Each license holder shall have a personal file on which is placed all correspondence,
applications, assessments, examination results and all licensing documentation. An index
register system showing the file details is useful for quick reference and statistical

4.1.2 Content and integrity of records.

PEL section maintains records that support every licensing action taken by the Authority
for each applicant or license holder. The main characteristics of a record keeping system
of PEL are:

a) Completeness:

The records kept by the licensing section is sufficient to provide documentary

evidence of each licensing action and allow the reconstruct the history of each license

b) Integrity:

The integrity of records that is not removed or altered. Each record entered in the file
be properly maintained, pages are numbered and that proper procedures exist to
control that has access to the files. This applies to paper-based records.

c) Easy access for authorized personnel:

The information contained in the licensing records are easily accessible to the staff of
licensing section. This is a requirement which conflicts with those necessary to
maintain the integrity and security of the records and thus a reasonable compromise
has to be made.

4.1.3 Organization of records:

The records held by the licensing section maintained separately for each license holder
includes a written registry of license, complemented by individual files which contained
a summary of all licensing action taken and all the personal records of the applicant, such
as medical assessment, flight and written test results or correspondence in chronological

4.1.4 Filing/ file handling procedure

Each license holder shall have a personal file on which contains all correspondence,

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applications, assessments, examination results and all other licensing documentation.

4.1.5 File Register.

Update the appropriate file register when new created a new file, enter the file number,
and subject of the file.

4.1.6 Filing system

All relevant PEL Staff are responsible for file handling and record Management System.

4.1.7 Submission

a) When a record or file submission for action or instruction, the PEL office shall make
sure chain of command/ proper channeling is properly adhere to.

b) When a file is submitted to the higher officer, the movement shall be recorded.

c) When a file is received from a higher officer, it shall be verified before taking any action
on the file whether the proper channel of receipt is adhered to. If not, it’s the
responsibility of the PEL office to obtain authority to work on a file through a minute or

d) When a file is called by higher officer, it may be submitted direct to that officer and it
should be returned directly with a minute through proper channel.

4.1.8 Safe keeping of files

a. Files, records shall be kept confidentially, securely and safely at all times in a
systematic manner

b. Providing access to any outsiders or applicants is a punishable offence

c. Re-production of a record shall be done only with the approval of the Deputy

d. Each action officer shall allocate and designate a separate drawer for pending jobs and
all those records pertaining to that category shall be kept under lock and key before
finishing the work at the end of the day.

e. Keeping the working files on the tables temporarily is allowed with no more than 6
files at a time & shall be reconciled at the end of the day & shall be put back to the
drawers & be locked. Procedure for keeping files.

4.1.9 All correspondence, applications, assessments, examination results and other licensing
documentation are kept in one box for each candidate.

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4.1.10 Maintenance of Training Records for Technical staff

Each PEL Staff shall have a personal file on which contains all certificates received for
training. When training is conducted for PEL staff, printed copy of training materials,
course notes & electronic copies will be forwarded to the action officer who handles the
subject of “PEL Staff Training” and all documents shall be filed.

4.1.11 Closing and Archiving personnel files and records

Personnel licensing files shall not be destroyed until it is certain that a license holder is no
longer living and even then, aviation historians may appreciate some record, especially if
the person achieved some notability in aviation.

The availability of such information shall however, be carefully controlled as PEL files
must be strictly personal & confidential.

Files that do not show any activity over a period of five years due to lapsed licenses or
other reasons could be closed but shall be available up to 10 years, then it shall be placed
in archives.

4.1.12 Reference document

Personnel Licensing Section has its own regulatory documents, updated technical
textbooks, ICAO publications, manuals and other reference document required for PEL

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5.0 Introduction

a) This document provides the training program for personnel licensing section
Inspectorate staff and other technical personnel.

b) All newly appointed Inspectors associated with the personnel licensing for commercial
(aeroplanes and helicopters) and general aviation have to undergo the following
training program as applicable.
c) Authorization to conduct the inspections shall be granted to the inspectors after
completion of the training program as stated in chapter 5.

5.1 Type of training: The training program is divided into the following categories

5.2 Initial Training for all inspectors associated with commercial

operations and general aviation including all PEL Personnel:

a) Indoctrination (New Employee Orientation)

b) Personnel Licensing Course
c) Human Factors
d) Auditing Technique
e) Surveillance of air transport operator and general aviation
f) Resolution of Safety Concerns

5.3 Additional training for inspectors: Commercial operations (if applicable):

a) Safety Management System

b) State Safety Program
c) SAFA Course for PEL
d) Technical report writing
e) Enforcement training
f) Quality Assurance
g) Supervisory Training
h) Exemption Training
i) ATO Certificate Course
j) AELPT Course
k) Flight Simulator Evaluation

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l) SMS Audit (ATO)
m) Examiner Qualification Training
5.4 Additional training for inspectors: General aviation (if applicable):
a) Safety Management System
b) State Safety Program
c) Aircraft Accident Incident Investigation
d) Technical report writing
e) Enforcement training
f) Quality Assurance
g) Supervisory Training
h) Exemption Training
i) ATO Certificate Course
j) AELPT Course
k) SMS Audit (ATO)
l) Examiner Qualification Training

5.5 On the Job Training:

After completion of initial training, a newly qualified PEL Inspectorate Staff & Other
Technical Personnel will undergo an OJT (if applicable) under the supervision of a
qualified inspector.

5.6 Recurrent Training for all inspectors associated with commercial operations and
general aviation including all PEL Personnel’s:

Recurrent training will also be offered 3-yearly basis to maintain both the competency and
currency of staff in regard to subject matters that they perform and shall conduct minimum
03 inspections during this period;

Generally, a formal recurrent training course should contain a review of the elements
found in the initial course, along with a discussion of any new requirements or procedures
that have been established in the previous few years. The length of recurrent classroom
training courses should typically be 30%-50% of the length for the initial course.

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5.7 Contents of the Training Course
5.7.1 Indoctrination (New Employee Orientation):

Course duration: 12 hours

Course content:

a) Understanding Organization
b) Organization Rules, Regulations
c) Office timings
d) Communication skill
e) File Management
f) Report writing
g) Use of computer
h) Ethics and morality
i) Managing Resources
j) Organization Safety &Security

5.7.2 Personnel Licensing Course:

Course duration: 40 Hours
Course Content:

a) Chicago Convention
b) Personnel Licensing and Delegation of Functions and Responsibilities
c) Establishing and maintaining a PEL office
d) Regulatory System Governing Personnel Licensing
e) Safety Oversight
f) The Licensing Authority
g) Determining which licensing functions to obtain by outside service providers
h) Annex 1
i) Examining Principles
j) Orientation on licensing examination system

i.Theoretical knowledge training materials and syllabus

ii.Theoretical knowledge examination module
iii.Type technical knowledge examination
iv. Oral test on professional knowledge including flying and ground operations
v. Aviation English Language Proficiency test
vi. Requirements and minimum standard of skill test both in flight and in simulator

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k) Managing a knowledge testing system

l) Conducting the Application Phase of the licensing process
m) Conducting the Evaluation Phase of the licensing process
n) Conducting the Demonstration Phase of the licensing process - Administering
knowledge tests
o) Conducting the Demonstration Phase of the licensing process - Conducting FCL skill
p) Conducting the Demonstration Phase of the licensing process - Conducting AMT
skill tests
q) Conducting the Issuance Phase of the licensing process - Issuing a license, letter of
discontinuance, or notice of denial
r) Issuing a Validated or converted foreign license
s) License Format
t) Safety Management System
u) Aircraft Leasing, Doc 83 bis and Licensing
v) Approved Training Organization
w) Competency Based Training
x) Language Proficiency
y) Multi-Crew Pilot Training
z) FOO/FD License
aa) AME License
bb) Medical Certification Process Enforcement
cc) Designate an Aviation Medical Examiner

5.7.3 Human Factors in Aviation:

Course duration: 12 Hours
Course Content:

a) Definitions, concepts and history

b) Aviation Human Factors, management and the organization
c) Human performance in aviation operations
d) Fatigue and stress and how to manage them
e) Human information processing and operational decision-making
f) Human error and threat management
g) Threat and Error Management (TEM) in flight operations, air traffic control and
cabin operations

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h) Resource management training on the flight deck and in air traffic controller
i) Automation in the workplace
j) The design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and checklists

5.7.4 Audit Technique:

Course duration: 12 Hours
Course content:
a) Auditing in the context of regulatory oversight
b) The need for and importance of effective regulatory oversight management processes
c) Relative responsibilities within the regulatory organization for oversight
management and decision making based on oversight audit results
d) Development of oversight programs for initial approval and on-going oversight
e) Initial review of an organization’s response to regulatory requirements
f) Fundamental principles of auditing
g) Objective based auditing & reporting methods
h) Audit visit planning
i) Development of auditors working documents, check lists etc.
j) Audit Entry/Exit meetings
k) Investigative auditing skills and techniques
l) Factual reporting of audit findings
m) Interactive audit role play scenarios
n) Regulatory audit reports &records
o) Auditor competency and development issues
p) Regulatory process for and associated timescales of corrective actions
q) Effective corrective action, audit follow up and close out mechanisms
r) Peer review, oversight harmonization and international oversight programs
s) Interactive trainer led discussions on auditing problems &solutions

5.7.5 Surveillance of Service Providers

Course duration: 12 Hours

Course Content:

a) International obligation, ICAO requirement, National Regulations, Inspectors’

responsibility, and authority
b) Safety Management and Concept

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c) Hazard Identification & Decision Making

d) Risk Communication
e) National Surveillance Program Requirement

5.7.1 Resolution of Safety Concern:

Course duration: 12 Hours

Course Content:

a) International obligation on resolution of safety concern

i. ICAO requirement
ii. National Regulations
iii. Inspectors’ responsibility
iv. Inspectors’ authority

f) Philosophy for resolving safety concern

i. Voluntary compliance
ii. Progressive enforcement

g) Managing Investigation

ii.Interpreting regulations
iv. Interviews
v. Determining enforcement action-assessing risk and the enforcement decision
vi. Conducting the investigation, gathering the facts, documenting evidence.

h) Determining a course of action

i) Counseling and warning letters

i. Criteria
ii. Tool process
iii. Preparing a warning letter

j) Legal enforcement action

i. Criteria
ii. Tool process

k) Determining sanction
l) Preparing an EIR

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m) Processing an EIR
n) Record

5.7.7 Reserved

5.7.8 Safety Management System:

Course duration: 40 Hours

Course content:

a) Basic safety concepts

b) Introduction to systematized safety management
c) Accident causation and prevention
d) The business and regulatory cases for SMS
e) Components of a Safety Management System (SMS)
f) Hazard analyses and risk assessments
g) Safety management of change
h) Steps in implementing, operating, and evaluating a Safety Management System
i) How to manage a phased approach to SMS introduction
j) Tracking the results
k) Measuring safety performance
l) Evaluating a Safety Management System
m) Regulating a Safety Management System
5.7.9 State Safety Program:

Course duration: 40 Hours

Course content:

a) SSP and SMS requirements

i. The need for the development of the SSP

ii. SSP as the bridge between the safety processes of the State and the service provider

b) ICAO Annex 19 contents and future amendments

c) Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual contents and guidance on the SSP and SMS
d) SSP objectives, requirements and implementation
e) ICAO SSP framework
i. State safety policy and objectives
ii. State safety risk management, safety assurance
iii. State safety promotion

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f) The 4-phased approach to SSP implementation

g) SSP reporting and performance measurements
h) Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS) and ALoS Performance (ALoSP)
i. Safety Performance Measurement (SPM)
ii. Safety Performance Indicator (SPI)
iii. Safety Performance Target (SPT)

i) Safety databases to support safety data analysis

j) SSP protection of safety data, safety information and related sources
k) SSP and the airline ALoSP
5.7.10 Aircraft Accident Incident Investigation:
Course duration: 40Hours
Course Content:
a) ICAO Annex 13
b) Preparation to Conduct an Investigation
c) On-site Investigation Tasks
d) Use of Critical Data in Investigation
e) Technical Investigation
f) Operations Investigation
g) Understanding Human Factors in Aircraft Accidents
h) Aviation Medicine and Pathology
i) Organizational Factors in Safety from Airlines' Perspective
j) Safety Products: Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Tool Kit
k) Sharing of Safety Information
l) Writing the Final Report
m) Survival Factors
n) Human Factors
o) Interviewing Techniques
p) Accident Site Safety

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5.7.11 SAFA Course for PEL

Course duration: 6 Hours

Course content:

a) Ramp Inspection Program and legal aspects (ICAO Regulations,

National obligations, etc)
b) Ramp Inspections (structure of inspection process and impact on the operators turn
around process)
c) Proof of Evidence form
d) Inspection Instruction (inspection items with ICAO/EASA references)
e) Evaluation and feedback.

5.7.12 Enforcement training

Course duration: 12 Hours

Course content:

a) An overview of compliance and enforcement

b) The CAAB compliance and enforcement philosophy
c) The legal basis of regulatory enforcement
d) Delegations and exercise of powers by delegates
e) Decision making considerations
f) Provision for access
g) Gathering evidence and handling
h) Exhibits
i) Interviewing and note-taking
j) Tools for compliance and enforcement
k) Education, counseling fines
l) Variation, suspension
m) Cancellation, prosecution
n) Detaining air craft etc
o) Evidence giving

5.7.13 Exemption

Regulation against which exemptions are commonly sough items the delegates should
consider Case studies Legal obligations of the CAAB.

5.7.14 ATO Certification Course

Course duration: 40 Hours

Course content:
a) Evaluating a Prospective Organization Pre-Assessment Statement Form (POPS)

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b) Conducting The Pre-Application Meeting

c) Reviewing The Formal Application Package and Conducting a Formal Application
d) Evaluating a Procedures Meeting
e) Evaluating a Training Course
f) Evaluating a Quality Manual and Other Documents
g) Conducting An ATO Inspection
h) Issuing The ATO Certificate
i) ATO Surveillance

5.7.15 Examiner Qualification Training

Course duration: 40 hours
Course contents:

a) Examining Principles
b) knowledge of licensing regulations, licensing practices and procedures, together with
administrative ability and leadership qualities
c) Preparation of technical manuals, training handbooks, test standards, test items and
associated materials for personnel licensing training and testing;
d) Paper- Based Knowledge Examinations
e) Computer- Based Knowledge Examinations.
f) Validity Period for Tests
g) Record Keeping
h) Orientation on licensing examination system

i. Theoretical knowledge training materials and syllabus

ii. Theoretical knowledge examination module
iii. Type technical knowledge examination
iv. Oral test on professional knowledge including flying and ground operations
v. Aviation English Language Proficiency test
vi. Requirements and minimum standard of skill test both in flight and in

i) Managing a knowledge testing system

j) preparation of examination question papers and in the marking of candidates’
examination response papers
k) Administering knowledge tests
l) Conducting FCL skill tests
m) Conducting AMT skill tests
n) Types of Knowledge Test Questions
o) Multiple Choice Test Items

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p) Test Validation
q) Test Administration
r) Test Maintenance
s) Allocation of Time for Tests
t) supervision for the conduct of examinations.
u) provide recurrent or refresher training for examiners and oversight.
v) Managing feedback of information regarding the oral, written and practical examination
of candidates;
w) Techniques for planning oral, written and practical examination;
x) The tasks related to the examination function delegated externally.
y) evaluation of manufacturers’ training course examinations and the examination
z) oversight of the CAA, to an organization or an appropriate person (a “designated
examiner” with appropriate qualifications).
aa) designing written examinations for flight crew members, aircraft maintenance
personnel, air traffic controllers and ground operations personnel
bb) reviewing, evaluating and marking written tests;
cc) administering oral examinations of different specialties, as required.
dd) administering flight and simulator tests followed by generating the required test reports;
ee) administering practical tests as required for the different specialties and generating the
necessary test reports;
ff) requirements for the recognition of foreign-approved training organizations;
gg) administering language proficiency examinations, as required;
hh) techniques to improve examination syllabi, questions, practical tests and licensing
ii) evaluation of training courses and testing methods
jj) maintaining lists of CAA and designated examiners;
kk) inspection of premises and records of approved training organizations
ll) Retesting procedures
mm) Enforcement for Cheating or other unauthorized conduct

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5.7.16 Language Tester (Interviewer)/Rater Training

Course duration: 40 hours

Course contents:
a. ICAO Annex-1 requirements
c. Collective Listening & Analyzing of ICAO speech samples and discussion
d. Training on the actual conducting of the Formal evaluation. (Demonstration)
e. Model Evaluation & Standardizing.
f. English language.
g. Currency requirements
h. Ethics of examiner/rater

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Chapter 6

Appeal and Review Process

6.1 Appeal/Review for denial and/or suspension, revocation, restrictions etc. of License,
Rating, Certificate, Permit, Authorization etc.

If an applicant fails to comply with the necessary requirements for the issuance/renewal of a
particular license, rating, certificate, permit, authorization etc. he/she shall be served with a
letter of denial with the approval of the Chairman CAA, Bangladesh. Once an applicant
receives such denial letter he/she may, if desires, submit a request for reconsideration/review
of the matter. In case of suspension, revocation or restriction on a particular license, rating,
certificate, permit, authorization etc. the applicant shall be served with an appropriate letter
within shortest possible time.

Notwithstanding such a request the applicant has the right to appeal against the decision to the
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism by submitting a written statement before the expiry of
30 (thirty) working days after the date on which such denial order or decision is communicated
to that person.

The Secretary in dealing with any appeal preferred to him, obtain the observations of the
Chairman, CAAB, as the case may be, and after due inquiry, affirm, vary or annul the order or
decision against which the appeal has been preferred.
The decision of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism upon an appeal shall be conclusive.

The letter of complaint or appeal shall include:

a) Full name of the applicant, date of birth and reference number.
b) Full details of the complaint/appeal.
c) Any relevant contact/relevant other documents.


After receiving the letter from MOCAT on the matter dealing with the appeal will be allowed
of at least 3 (three) days in order to gather the facts on the apparent appeal. Chairman will
direct to MFSR to take the following steps:


MFSR shall constitute a committee comprising of the followings:

a) DFSR of equivalent
b) Representative from Legal Cell
c) One Flight Operations Inspector
d) One PEL inspector other than the inspector conducted the previous evaluation.

DFSR may co-opt any other member, if necessary.

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(i) A meeting shall be held to review all the documents/evidence related there too.

(ii) PEL office will make a schedule and inform the applicant/operator to attend meeting, to
obtain the applicant’s version.

(iii) After hearing the applicant DFSR will call for another meeting with PEL official for final

(iv) No inclusion document will be considered during the period event of appeal.


On the basis of all facts, circumstances, evidences evaluation, an observation will be prepared
and will send to MOCAT to take final decision.

In case of review, the abovementioned steps shall be followed so far practicably applies and

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