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Unit 9 Science and technology

Teacher name: Dina Daniiarqyzy

Date: 26.04
Grade: 9 Number present Absent
Theme of the lesson A day in cyberspace
Learning objectives 9.S1 provide basic information about themselves and
others at sentence level on an increasing range of
general topics
9.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited
range of general and curricular topics
9.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve
problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
9.C3 respect differing points of view
9.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when
speaking or writing
9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas,
experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: identify some specific
information from the text and use some target
vocabulary to describe social media and people’s
communication accurately in response to prompts and
in production tasks.
Most learners will be able to: · Select, compile, and
synthesize information from the reading passage "My
morning online" for an oral presentation.
Some learners will be able to: · Respond to and
discuss the reading passage using interpretive,
evaluative and creative thinking skills. Make an online
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Assessment Resources
Beginning Greeting:learners respond Learners will pay Listen Whiteboard
of the to greeting of the teacher attention to the learner`s PPP
lesson and take their places. whiteboard and answer answer for
10 min Check up homework. the questions. question
Warming up:
.Free talk about using mass
media. By the way, do you
have your mobile phones
with you? Please, show it to
us. Do you often use it?
How often do you use it?
When was it invented?
(1983).What century is it?
(The 20th century) Look at
the blackboard, there are
three sentences but one of it
is not completed. Read the
sentences and complete the
last one. On the board: The
Medieval time is famous
for inquisition and
conquests. The Renaissance
is famous for its so called
“golden” age of art. The
20th century is famous
for...(developing science
and technology) So, the
theme of our lesson is
Science and Technology.
Main Main part. Learners will write
activities 1.New vocabulary down new words and
20 min When you hear these repeats.
words, Science and
Technology, what Blackboard
associations you have Learners will read text
connected to these words? in order
What words do occur to Descriptor
your mind? One by one go 1 Match the pictures
to the board and write one with texts
word. Traveling into space
robots a computer Internet
Science and Technology
Device inventions stereo
system discoveries. Speak Students book
about the life p.104 ex.1

Working with the text. Learners will answer the Write without
Lexical Work. Ex.1.p.104 questions mistakes
Teacher asks answers.What
computer words are
mentioned in the text? Give
definitions to each word in
blue. In pairs, make a Work book
conceptual table. p.70 ex.1

Ex.2 Teacher asks to Learners will complete

complete sentences from sentences with words
ex.1 on page 70 in

Homework Workbook
ex.1.2.3. p.73

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