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Animal Diversity EIGHTH EDITION

Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr.

Washington and Lee University

Susan L. Keen
University of California, Davis

Allan Larson
Washington University

David J. Eisenhour
Morehead State University

Original Artwork by
William C. Ober, M.D., and Claire W. Garrison, R.N.
viii About the Authors

for the journals The American Naturalist, Evolution, Journal of anatomy, ichthyology, and vertebrate zoology. David has an
Experimental Zoology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, and active research program that focuses on systematics, con-
Systematic Biology. Dr. Larson serves as an academic advisor to servation biology, and natural history of North American
undergraduate students and supervises the undergraduate freshwater fishes. He has a particular interest in the diver-
biology curriculum at Washington University. sity of Kentucky′s fishes and is writing a book about that
Dr. Larson can be contacted at subject. He and his undergraduate and graduate students have authored several publications. In 2001 he was given a
Master Teacher Award by a student group at MSU, and in
2016 he was given the Distinguished Researcher Award at
David J. Eisenhour MSU. David serves as an academic advisor to prepharmacy
David J. Eisenhour is a professor of biology at Morehead State His interests include fishing, landscaping, softball, hik-
University in Morehead, Kentucky. He received his Ph.D. in ing, and entertaining his three children, who, along with his
zoology from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. He wife Lynn, are enthusiastic participants in fieldwork.
teaches courses in environmental science, general biology, Dr. Eisenhour can be contacted at
mammalogy, human anatomy, general zoology, comparative
Preface (left) ©Ingram Publishing/age fotostock; (center–right) ©Ingram Publishing/
Alamy Stock Photo

Animal Diversity is tailored for the restrictive requirements of explaining important developmental processes responsible for
a one-semester or one-quarter course in zoology, and is appro- the evolutionary diversification of the bilateral animals.
priate for both nonscience and science majors of varying back- Chapter 4 treats taxonomy and phylogeny of animals.
grounds. This eighth edition of Animal Diversity presents a We present a brief history of how animal diversity has been
survey of the animal kingdom with emphasis on diversity, evo- organized for systematic study, emphasizing current use
lutionary relationships, functional adaptations, and environ- of Darwin’s theory of common descent as the major princi-
mental interactions. ple underlying animal taxonomy. Our summary of continu-
ing controversies over concepts of species and higher taxa
includes discussion of how alternative taxonomic philoso-
Organization and Coverage phies guide our study of evolution. We give special attention
to phylogenetic systematics (cladistics) and the interpretation
The sixteen survey chapters of animal diversity are prefaced by of cladograms. Chapter 4 also emphasizes that current issues
four chapters presenting the principles of evolution, ecology, in ecology and conservation biology depend upon our
animal architecture, and taxonomy. Throughout this revision, taxonomic system.
we updated references and worked to improve pedagogy. The sixteen survey chapters provide comprehensive, cur-
Chapter 1 begins with a brief explanation of the scien- rent, and thoroughly researched coverage of the animal phyla
tific method—what science is (and what it is not)—and then in the context of eukaryotic diversity and evolution. We empha-
introduces evolutionary principles. Following a historical size the unifying phylogenetic, architectural, and functional
account of Charles Darwin’s life and discoveries, we present themes of each group, and illustrate them with detailed cover-
the five major components of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, age of representative forms. Each chapter includes succinct
the important challenges and revisions to his theory, and statements of the diagnostic characteristics and major sub-
an assessment of its current scientific status. This approach groups of the focal taxa. Discussions of phylogenetic relation-
reflects our understanding that Darwinism is a composite the- ships take a cladistic viewpoint, with cladograms showing the
ory whose component parts guide active research and can be structure of each group’s history and the origin of the principal
modified by new discoveries. It also prepares the student to shared derived characters. Phylogenetic trees add temporal
dismiss the arguments of creationists who misconstrue scien- evolutionary hypotheses to the cladistic analyses.
tific challenges to Darwinism as contradictions to the valid-
ity of organic evolution. The chapter summarizes the major
principles of molecular genetics, population genetics, and Changes in the Eighth Edition
Chapter 2 explains the principles of ecology, with empha- We continue in updated form the major new structural feature
sis on populations, community ecology, and variations in the of the previous two editions: a cladogram depicting phyloge-
life-history strategies of natural populations. The treatment netic relationships among animal taxa appears in the inside
includes discussions of niche, population growth and its regu- front cover and serves to order our coverage of animal diversity
lation, limits to growth, competition, energy flow, nutrient in Chapters 5–20. The reformatted cladogram from the inside
cycles, and extinction. front cover appears in small form at the start of each taxonomic
Chapter 3, on animal architecture, is a short but impor- chapter, with the chapter’s taxonomic coverage highlighted on
tant chapter that describes the organization and development it. Following our seventh edition, two phyla were merged with
of the body plans that distinguish major groups of animals. This others, reducing the number of phyla from 34 to 32. Sipuncula
chapter includes a picture essay of tissue types and a section is now placed within Annelida, and Xenoturbellida is merged

x About the Authors

with Acoelomorpha to form the new taxon Xenacoelomorpha. measure distributions and abundances of diverse organisms.
Our summary cladogram is adjusted accordingly. We increase consistency in terminology; for example, we use
A major new feature of the eighth edition is a list of learn- “sigmoid” rather than a mix of “sigmoid” and “logistic” in text
ing objectives at the start of each chapter. These objectives help discussions of population growth, while explaining the rela-
students to place a chapter’s detailed information into the con- tionship between these concepts in a boxed essay. Likewise,
text of its major organizing principles. use of “abundance” rather than “fitness” in some places avoids
Many revisions to the eighth edition are primarily to confounding the ecological concept with population-genetic
improve pedagogy. The content of Animal Diversity is con- “fitness” as discussed in Chapter 1. We expand the explanation
densed from the more comprehensive textbook, Integrated Prin- of how primary producers fix carbon and nitrogen from atmo-
ciples of Zoology. The recently completed seventeenth edition of spheric gases, following evidence from our heat map that this
Integrated Principles of Zoology was guided by an electronic tabu- concept often is not an intuitive one.
lation of students' responses to questions linked to the book. In Chapters 3 and 4, many revisions increase precision
Authors received a “heat map” showing for each paragraph the and consistency in key concepts. For example, “cytoplasmic”
percentage of correct student responses for the material cov- replaces the more nebulous term “protoplasmic” in Chapter 3,
ered. We focused our revisions on improving explanations and references to current taxonomic groups replace the now
wherever the heat map showed that correct responses were archaic terms “protozoan” and “metazoan.” Chapter 4 makes a
below 50%. With this detailed and insightful guidance, we stronger distinction between “classification” and “taxonomy”
made our text more accessible and memorable to its readers. as central concepts. Chapter 4 also expands examples drawn
We import these pedagogical improvements from the seven- from human evolution and the salamander genus Ensatina to
teenth edition of Integrated Principles of Zoology to the corre- illustrate the main issues that separate contrasting concepts of
sponding sections of the eighth edition of Animal Diversity. the species category. In asking how contrasting concepts of spe-
Most of these revisions comprise more detailed explana- cies would yield different species-level taxonomies of Ensatina
tions, including new illustrative examples. For example, to rein- populations, we lead students through the actual debates from
force the statement in Chapter 1 that Charles Lyell’s geological relevant literature. Revisions clarify the relationship between
studies convinced him that earth’s age must be measured in the key phylogenetic concepts of clade and synapomorphy;
hundreds of millions of years, we add the supporting informa- definition of a clade makes no reference to synapomorphy, but
tion “For example, as skeletal remains of corals, foraminiferans, synapomorphy is critical for testing the hypothesis that a par-
and mollusks accumulate on the sea floor, they form sediments ticular grouping of species constitutes a clade. The explanation
of calcium carbonate that eventually become compressed into of evolutionary taxonomy is revised to emphasize that it retains
limestone. Measured rates of sedimentation are much too slow pre-evolutionary Linnaean taxonomic principles that cladistic
to have produced earth’s sedimentary rock formations in a taxonomy rejects. Subsections “Major Divisions of Life” and
shorter period of time.” Potassium–argon dating of rock strata “Major Subdivisions of the Animal Kingdom” are greatly rewrit-
was another point that required some further explanation to be ten, replacing archaic schemes (such as Whittaker’s five king-
fully accessible, “to our explanation in Chapter 1 we added”. doms) with newer rank-free taxonomies that follow cladistic
“Argon is a noble gas that evaporates from liquid media. It accu- principles and current molecular phylogenetic results.
mulates in the crystal structure of rock only after the rock has The remaining chapters cover the details of animal evolu-
solidified and the nuclear decay of potassium-40 produces a tionary origins and diversification using the theoretical frame-
trapped atom of argon.” Comparable changes occur throughout work presented in Chapters 1-4. In each case, updates to species
our eighth edition. diversity and taxonomic relationships replace earlier hypothe-
Additional changes to Chapter 1 include greater explana- ses that new data have rejected. New opening essays for Chap-
tion of adaptive radiation in oceanic islands and in lakes. The ters 5 and 6 reflect new ideas on the origin of the eukaryotic cell
classic example of adaptive radiation of Galápagos finches is and the advent of multicellularity, respectively. Chapter 7 pres-
updated to include new information that questions whether the ents a new phylogenetic hypothesis for parasitic cnidarians of
ecologically discrete forms are in fact discrete species, as tradi- the clade Myxozoa. Chapter 8 now includes coverage and illus-
tionally interpreted, or whether they are alternative develop- trations of the new taxon Xenacoelomorpha, consolidating
mental modes that constitute polymorphisms within a set of some material on the former Xenoturbellida from Chapter 14. A
genetically connected, geographic populations. To illustrate new cladogram in Chapter 11 illustrates new phylogenetic
punctuated equilibrium, we replace an earlier example that was results that place Sipuncula within Annelida.
not well understood by students with the best-documented Updates to Chapter 14 include new hypotheses on early
case: evolutionary history of the ectoproct genera Metrarhabdo- evolution of deuterostomes and of echinoderms, with corre-
tos and Stylopoma in the Caribbean Sea. We reorder and expand spondingly revised cladograms. Revisions to Chapter 15 update
our coverage of microevolutionary processes under a new head- phylogenies for the early chordates and fishes using new pale-
ing “Forces of Evolutionary Change” near the end of Chapter 1. ontological results. Coverage of the role of Hox genes is reduced
Revisions to Chapter 2 include a greater emphasis on pro- following rejection of some earlier hypotheses that overesti-
cess of inquiry, explaining that “population” and “metapopula- mated their roles in chordate evolutionary diversification, and
tion” constitute conceptual models that investigators use to coverage of paraphyly of the traditional Class Reptilia is
Preface xi

consolidated with related material in Chapter 18. Changes to For Review

Chapter 16 include extensive replacement of photographs with
improved ones, plus a new figure describing aestivation in Each chapter ends with a concise summary, review ques-
lungfishes. Changes to the narrative on the origin of terrestrial tions, and a list of annotated selected references. The review
vertebrates in Chapter 17 emphasize that this was a fortuitous questions enable students to test themselves for retention and
rather than a directed, progressive process. Chapter 18 incor- understanding of the more important chapter material.
porates new information on early events in turtle evolution,
and Chapter 19 updates the species inventory and taxonomy of
birds. In Chapter 20, early diversification of mammals is revised Art Program
in light of data rejecting the hypothesis that most mammal The appearance and usefulness of this text are much enhanced
groups arose after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Chap- by numerous full-color paintings by William C. Ober and Claire
ter 20 also includes an expanded and clarified discussion of W. Garrison. Bill’s artistic skills, knowledge of biology, and
mammalian feeding specializations, and incorporation of new experience gained from an earlier career as a practicing phy-
fossil finds in understanding human evolution. Some material sician have enriched the authors' zoology texts through many
formerly included on density-dependent versus density-inde- editions. Claire practiced pediatric and obstetric nursing before
pendent control of mammal populations is now consolidated turning to scientific illustration as a full-time career. Texts illus-
with coverage of that topic in Chapter 2. trated by Bill and Claire have received national recognition
and won awards from the Association of Medical Illustrators,
American Institute of Graphic Arts, Chicago Book Clinic,
Teaching and Learning Aids Printing Industries of America, and Bookbuilders West. Bill
and Claire also are recipients of the Art Directors Award.
Vocabulary Development
Key words are boldfaced, which serves as a cross-reference to
the glossary for definition, pronunciation, and derivation of
each term. Derivations of generic names of animals are given
where they first appear in the text. In addition, derivations of Instructor’s Manual
many technical and zoological terms are provided, allowing Each chapter of the Instructor’s Manual provides a detailed
students to recognize the more common roots that recur in chapter outline, lecture enrichment suggestions, a commen-
many technical terms. tary, and critical thinking questions. This material should be
particularly helpful for first-time users of the text, although
experienced teachers also may find much of value. The Instruc-
Learning Objectives tor’s Manual is available on this text’s Online Learning Center
Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives that iden- through Connect.
tify the major organizing principles of the chapter. Students
enhance their understanding by using these guiding principles
as they read a chapter’s detailed material. Acknowledgments
The authors express their gratitude to the able and conscien-
Chapter Prologues tious staff of McGraw-Hill Education who brought this book to
its present form. We extend special thanks to Brand Manager
A distinctive feature of this text is an opening essay at the Justin Wyatt, Senior Product Developer Elizabeth Sievers,
beginning of each chapter. Each essay presents a theme or Content Project Manager Mary Jane Lampe, and Marketing
topic relating to the subject of the chapter to stimulate interest. Manager Kelly Brown. All played essential roles in shaping the
Some present biological, particularly evolutionary, principles; eighth edition.
others illuminate distinguishing characteristics of the animal
group treated in the chapter.

Chapter Notes
Chapter notes, which appear throughout the book, augment
the text material and offer interesting sidelights without inter-
rupting the narrative.
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Readers will be able to:

1 Explain that science consists in testing, possibly rejecting,

Science of and improving our simplest and best explanations using

data, not in proving the correctness of a conjecture.
2 Describe the five major conjectures of Darwin’s evolutionary
Zoology theory: perpetual change, common descent, multiplication
of species, gradualism, and natural selection.
3 Explain how Darwin’s theories of perpetual change,
and Evolution of common descent, and multiplication of species are
supported by all relevant data, and why continuing
controversies about the roles of gradualism and natural

Animal Diversity selection do not challenge these first three theories.

4 Explain the changes to Darwin’s theory contributed by
subsequent work in genetics and paleontology.
5 Explain why the population, not the organism, is the unit of

A Legacy of Change
akialoa Life’s history is a legacy of perpetual change. Despite the apparent
permanence of the natural world, change characterizes all things on
Laysan finch Kona finch earth and in the universe. Countless kinds of animals and plants have
Akepa Maui parrotbill
flourished and disappeared, leaving behind an imperfect fossil record
of their existence. Many, but not all, have left living descendants that
resemble them to varying degrees.
Alauwahio Anianiau
We observe and measure life’s changes in many ways. On a
short evolutionary timescale, we see changes in the frequencies of
Amakihi different genetic traits within populations. For example, evolutionary
Ou changes in the relative frequencies of light- and dark-colored moths
Akiapolaau occurred within a single human lifetime in polluted areas of industrial
Crested honeycreeper England. On the other hand, formation of new species and dramatic
changes in organismal appearance, as shown by evolutionary
Ula-ai-hawane diversification of Hawaiian birds, require longer timescales covering
Apapane 100,000 to 1 million years. Major evolutionary trends and episodic
mass extinctions occur on even larger timescales, covering tens of
millions of years. The fossil record of horses through the past
50 million years shows a series of different species replacing older
ones. The fossil record of marine invertebrates shows episodic mass
extinctions separated by intervals of approximately 26 million years.
Mamos Organic evolution is the irreversible, historical change that we
observe in living populations and in the earth’s fossil record. Because
every feature of life is a product of evolutionary processes, biologists
consider organic evolution the keystone of all biological knowledge.

Evolutionary diversification of Hawaiian honeycreepers.

Source: Haeckel, Ernst, The Evolution of Man, New York, NY: D. Appleton, 1886.

2 Chapter 1

oology (Gr. zōon, animal, + logos, discourse on, study tions. Plaintiffs contended that this law violated the First
Z of) is the scientific study of animals. It is part of biol-
ogy (Gr. bios, life, + logos), the study of all life. Explain-
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits estab-
lishment of religion by government. This amendment prohibits
ing the panorama of animal diversity—how animals function, passing a law that would favor one religious position over
live, reproduce, and interact—is exciting and challenging. another one. On January 5, 1982, Judge Overton permanently
To explain the diversity of animal life, we must study its prohibited Arkansas from enforcing Act 590.
long history, whose fossil evidence spans more than 540 million Considerable testimony during the trial clarified the
years. From the earliest animals to the millions of animal spe- nature of science. On the basis of testimony by scientists, Judge
cies living today, this history demonstrates extensive and ongo- Overton stated explicitly these essential characteristics of
ing change, which we call evolution. We depict the history of science:
animal life as a branching genealogical tree, called a phylogeny
1. It is guided by natural law.
or phylogenetic tree. We place the earliest species ancestral to
2. It must be explanatory by reference to natural law.
all animals at the trunk; all living animal species fall at the
3. Its conjectures are testable against the empirical world.
growing tips of the branches. Each successive branching event
4. Its conclusions are tentative and not necessarily the final
represents the historical splitting of an ancestral species to form
new ones. Newly formed species inherit many characteristics
5. It is falsifiable.
from their immediate ancestor, but they also evolve new fea-
tures that appear for the first time in the history of animal life. Pursuit of scientific knowledge is guided by physical and
Each branch therefore has its own unique combination of char- chemical laws that govern the state of existence. Scientific
acteristics and contributes a new dimension to the spectrum of knowledge must explain observations by reference to natural
animal diversity. law without intervention of any supernatural being or force.
The scientific study of animal diversity has two major goals. We must record observations that directly or indirectly test
The first is to reconstruct a phylogeny of animal life and to find hypotheses about nature. We must discard or modify any con-
where in evolutionary history we can locate the origins of major clusion if further observations contradict it. As Judge Overton
characteristics—multicellularity, a coelom, spiral cleavage, verte- stated, “While anybody is free to approach a scientific inquiry
brae, homeothermy—and all other dimensions of animal diversity in any fashion they choose, they cannot properly describe the
as we know it. The second major goal is to understand historical methodology used as scientific, if they start with a conclusion
processes that generate and maintain diverse species and adapta- and refuse to change it regardless of the evidence developed
tions throughout evolutionary history. Darwin’s theory of evolu- during the course of the investigation.” Science lies outside reli-
tion allows us to apply scientific principles to attain both goals. gion, and scientific knowledge does not favor one religious
position over another.
Unfortunately, the religious position formerly called cre-
ation-science later reappeared in American politics with the
1.1 Principles of Science name “intelligent design theory.” We once again defended sci-
A basic understanding of zoology requires understanding what ence education against this scientifically meaningless doctrine.
science is, what it excludes, and how one gains knowledge On December 20, 2005, Judge John E. Jones III of the U.S. Dis-
using the scientific method. In this section we examine the trict Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ruled uncon-
methodology that zoology shares with science as a whole. stitutional the teaching of intelligent design, which had been
These features distinguish the sciences from other disciplines, mandated by the Dover school board. The local voters already
such as art and religion. had rejected the eight board members who supported the intel-
Despite an enormous impact of science on our lives, many ligent-design requirement, replacing them with candidates
people have only a minimal understanding of science. Public who actively opposed teaching intelligent design as science.
misunderstanding of scientific principles as applied to animal
diversity revealed itself to us on March 19, 1981, when the gov-
ernor of Arkansas signed into law the Balanced Treatment for
Scientific Method
Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act (Act 590 of 1981). The essential criteria of science form the hypothetico-deductive
This act falsely presented creation-science as a valid scientific method. One begins this process by generating hypotheses, or
endeavor. Further legal scrutiny revealed that creation-science potential explanations of a phenomenon of nature. These
was not science, but rather a religious position advocated by a hypotheses are usually based on prior observations of nature
minority of America’s religious community. (figure 1.1) or on theories derived from such observations.
Enactment of this law incited a historic lawsuit tried in Scientific hypotheses often constitute general statements that
December 1981 in the court of Judge William R. Overton, might explain a large number of diverse observations. The
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas. The American hypothesis of natural selection, for example, explains our
Civil Liberties Union filed the suit on behalf of 23 plaintiffs, observations that many different species have accumulated
including religious leaders and groups representing several favorable characteristics that adapt them to their environments.
denominations, individual parents, and educational associa- Based on a hypothesis, a scientist must say, “If my hypothesis
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 3

©Martin Strmiska/Alamy

©Biophoto Associates/Science Source

©Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr.


figure 1.1
Examples of observation in zoological research. A, Observing a coral reef. B, Observing nematocyst discharge, C, from cnidarian tentacles
(see p. 147).

correctly explains past observations, then future observations unpolluted areas are more lightly colored. This observation
must match specific expectations.” pertains to multiple moth species, but we focus here on Biston
The scientific method comprises six steps: betularia (figure 1.2).
Our question is, Why do pigmentation patterns vary
1. Observation
according to habitat? With no prior knowledge of the biology of
2. Question
these moth populations, one might hypothesize that coloration is
3. Hypothesis
influenced somehow by a direct action of the environment. Does
4. Empirical test
consumption of soot by caterpillars somehow darken pigmenta-
5. Conclusions
tion of the adult moth? One could test this hypothesis by rearing
6. Publication
moths under artificial conditions. If darkly pigmented moths and
Observations are a critical first step in evaluating the lightly pigmented moths are allowed to reproduce in unpolluted
biological characteristics and evolutionary histories of animal conditions, our hypothesis predicts that offspring of both will be
populations. For example, observations of moth populations in lightly pigmented; by contrast, offspring of both groups would be
industrial areas of England for more than a century have darkly pigmented if raised in polluted conditions.
revealed that moths in polluted areas mostly have darkly To test our hypothesis, we construct a null hypothesis.
colored wings and body, whereas moths of the same species in A null hypothesis is one that permits a statistical test of our data
4 Chapter 1

©Michael Tweedie/Science Source

©Michael Tweedie/Science Source

100 300

melanic peppered moths


Percent frequency of

Winter smoke, µg/m3

80 Number 200
of melanic
70 moths
60 Smoke 100
50 level

40 0
1960 1970 1980
A B C Year

figure 1.2
Light and melanic forms of peppered moths, Biston betularia, on A, an unpolluted lichen-covered tree and B, a soot-covered tree near
industrial Birmingham, England. These color variants have a simple genetic basis. C, Recent decline in frequency of the melanic form due to
diminished air pollution in industrial areas of England. Frequency of the melanic form exceeded 90% in 1960, when smoke and sulfur dioxide
emissions were still high. Later, as emissions fell and light-colored lichens began to grow again on tree trunks, the melanic form became more
conspicuous to predators. By 1986, only 50% of the moths were melanic, the rest having been replaced by the light form.

to reject its predictions if the hypothesis is false. We can choose why have darkly pigmented moths accumulated in the polluted
as our null hypothesis the prediction that population of origin environments? The simplest hypothesis is that darkly pig-
has no effect on moth color: moths reared in unpolluted condi- mented individuals are more likely to survive and to reproduce
tions should be lightly pigmented regardless of whether their in polluted environments.
parents were from light or dark populations, and offspring Further observations reveal that Biston betularia is typi-
from both populations reared in polluted conditions should be cal of moths in being active at night and inactive during the
dark. This experiment is a special case of a “common garden” day, resting on the bark of trees. Contrasting photographs of
experiment as used in agriculture. Do contrasting populations light and dark moths resting on unpolluted, lichen-covered
from different habitats retain their contrasting characteristics tree bark versus sooty tree bark lead us to a hypothesis that
when reared in a common garden? might explain why dark moths predominate in polluted areas.
For Biston betularia, a common garden experiment reveals Figure 1.2 shows that the lightly colored moth is camouflaged
that the contrasting wing colors of populations from polluted against the unpolluted substrate, whereas the dark moth is
and unpolluted environments are maintained in the common highly visible; by contrast, the dark moth is camouflaged
garden. Offspring of moths from polluted populations retain against the sooty bark, whereas the light moth is highly visi-
the dark pigmentation of their parents, whereas offspring of ble. Camouflage suggests that a predator using vision to find
lightly pigmented moths are lightly colored like their parents. its prey preferentially kills moths that contrast with the back-
We thereby reject the hypothesis that the color contrasts repre- ground color of their diurnal resting place. How can we test
sent a direct action of environmental conditions. this hypothesis?
We have gained important knowledge by rejecting our Many birds are diurnal predators guided to their prey by
initial hypothesis, and we now test an alternative hypothesis, vision. Many experiments have revealed that birds will attack
that pigmentation is a genetic trait in Biston betularia. Using clay models that closely resemble their favored prey items. We
standard genetic methodology, we cross the darkly and lightly can test our hypothesis by constructing clay models of light and
colored populations and trace the inheritance of pigmentation dark moths. We place equal numbers of the light and dark mod-
in subsequent generations. Experimental results reveal that the els against the bark of unpolluted trees and equal numbers of
offspring produced by crossing light and dark populations have light and dark models against sooty tree bark. When a bird
dark pigmentation, and that the second-generation progeny attacks a clay model, it typically leaves an imprint of its beak in
include both dark and light moths in the 3:1 ratio predicted by the clay. Because beak shape varies among bird species, the
the null hypothesis for a single-gene trait with dark pigmentation beak shape marked in the clay often reveals which species
being genetically dominant. attacked the model. Our null hypothesis is that equal numbers
We still have not answered our initial question, why of dark and light models have beak impressions on both the
pigmentation differs between populations in polluted versus unpolluted and the polluted substrates. We reject this hypoth-
unpolluted environments. We have learned, however, that the esis if we find a large excess of beak marks in the uncamou-
critical question is why different forms of a single gene have flaged models relative to the camouflaged ones; dark models
contrasting frequencies in these two areas. We know that the should be attacked preferentially in unpolluted conditions and
moth populations have inhabited England since well before the light models attacked preferentially in polluted conditions.
introduction of industrial pollution. The lightly pigmented Note that in this case, we use a null hypothesis that is the
populations most likely resemble the ancestral condition, so opposite of our favored explanation, that birds preferentially
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 5

destroy uncamouflaged moths. In this case, data that reject the frequently than they do dark models on dark backgrounds.
null hypothesis serve to verify our favored explanation. Our interpretation that dark moths on dark backgrounds avoid
Experiments of this kind have rejected the null hypothe- predation by camouflage requires a control. Perhaps birds
sis as expected, verifying our explanation that dark moths pre- choose to feed only on light, unpolluted branches. Our control
vail in polluted environments because the dark color protects is to place light moths on both light and dark backgrounds.
them from predation by birds during the day. Note that our When we observe that birds preferentially attack the light mod-
experiments led us to a strong, specific explanation for the els placed on dark backgrounds, we reject the hypothesis that
initial observations. It is a strong working hypothesis, but our birds choose not to feed on dark, polluted substrates. The sim-
experiments have not proven the correctness of this hypothe- plest interpretation of the results as described here is that birds
sis. We can test it further in various ways. For example, we will eat both dark and light moths that fail to match their back-
might raise light and dark moths in equal numbers in an grounds, and that camouflage conceals potential prey items
outdoor enclosure that excludes birds; our null hypothesis is from avian predators.
then that the dark and light forms should persist in equal num- Processes by which animals maintain their body tempera-
bers regardless of whether the tree bark is polluted or unpol- ture under different environmental conditions, digest food,
luted. Rejection of this null hypothesis would tell us that our migrate to new habitats, or store energy are additional exam-
favored explanation was not the full answer to our original ples of phenomena studied by experimentation. Experimental
question. sciences in biology include molecular biology, cell biology,
We publish our results and conclusions to guide other endocrinology, immunology, physiology, developmental biol-
researchers further to test our hypotheses. Over the past ogy, and community ecology.
century, many research papers have reported results and In contrast to proximate causes, ultimate causes are the
conclusions to explain “industrial melanism” in moths. With processes that have produced biological systems and their
some ambiguities, the favored explanation is that differential properties through evolutionary time. For example, what evo-
bird predation on uncamouflaged moths best explains indus- lutionary factors cause some birds to make complex seasonal
trial melanism. These studies have drawn much attention migrations between temperate and tropical regions? Why do
because this explanation illustrates Darwin’s theory of natural different species of animals have different numbers of chromo-
selection (p. 12). somes in their cells? Why do some animal species maintain
complex social systems, whereas individuals of other species
remain largely solitary?
Experimental Versus
Comparative Methods A scientist’s use of the phrase “ultimate cause,” unlike Aristotle’s
One can group the many questions raised about animal life into usage, does not imply a preconceived goal for natural phenomena.
two major categories. The first category seeks to explain An argument that nature has a predetermined goal, such as
proximate causes (also called immediate causes) that guide bio- evolution of the human mind, is termed teleological. Teleology is
logical systems at all levels of complexity. It includes explaining the mistaken notion that the evolution of living organisms is guided
how animals perform their metabolic, physiological, and by purpose toward an optimal design. A major success of
Darwinian evolutionary theory is its rejection of teleology in
behavioral functions at molecular, cellular, organismal, and
explaining biological diversification.
even population levels. For example, how is genetic informa-
tion expressed to guide the synthesis of proteins? What signal
causes cells to divide to produce new cells? How does popula- Tests of hypotheses of ultimate causality require the
tion density affect the physiology and behavior of organisms? comparative method. Characteristics of molecular biology,
We test hypotheses of proximate causes using the cell biology, organismal structure, development, and ecology
experimental method. This method has three steps: are compared among species to identify patterns of variation.
(1) predicting from a tentative explanation how a system being Scientists then use patterns of similarity and dissimilarity to
studied would respond to a treatment, (2) making the treat- test hypotheses of relatedness and thereby to reconstruct the
ment, and (3) comparing observed results to predicted ones. phylogenetic tree that relates the species being compared.
An investigator repeats the experiment multiple times to elimi- Systematics is the ordering of organisms according to their
nate chance occurrences that might produce errors. Controls inferred evolutionary relationships for comparative study.
(repetitions of an experimental procedure that lack the treat- Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology permit pre-
ment) eliminate any unperceived conditions that might bias an cise tests of evolutionary relationships among all animal spe-
experiment’s outcome. cies. Comparative studies also serve to test hypotheses of
Our example in the preceding section of using clay mod- evolutionary processes that have molded diverse animal
els of moths to test avian predation on differently colored forms species.
illustrates experimental testing of a hypothesis. By placing We use the evolutionary tree to examine hypotheses of
darkly colored models on both light and dark backgrounds, we the evolutionary origins of the diverse molecular, cellular,
see that birds attack the ones on light backgrounds much more organismal, and populational characteristics observed in the
6 Chapter 1

The Power of a Theory

Darwin’s theory of common descent Each chromosome in the human genome of humans and chimpanzees are approxi-
(p. 11) illustrates the scientific importance has a corresponding chromosome with mately 99% similar in base sequence.
of general theories that give unified expla- similar structure and gene content in the Studies of variation in chromosomal
nations to diverse kinds of data. Darwin genomes of other ape species. The most structure, mitochondrial DNA sequences,
proposed his theory of descent with modi- obvious difference between human and ape and nuclear DNA sequences produced
fication of all living forms because it chromosomes is that the large second chro- multiple independent data sets, each one
explained the patterns of similarity and mosome in the human nuclear genome was potentially capable of rejecting Darwin’s
dissimilarity among organisms in anatomi- formed evolutionarily by a fusion of two theory of common descent. Darwin’s
cal structures and cellular organization. smaller chromosomes characteristic of the theory would be rejected, for example,
Anatomical similarities between ape genomes. Detailed study of the human if the chromosomal structures and DNA
humans and apes led Darwin to propose and other ape chromosomes shows remark- sequences of apes were no more similar
that humans and apes share more recent able correspondence between them in to each other than to those of other ani-
common ancestry with each other than genic content and organization. Ape chro- mals. The data in this case support rather
they do with any other species. Darwin mosomes are more similar to each other than reject predictions of Darwin’s the-
was unaware that his theory, a century than they are to chromosomes of any other ory. The ability of Darwin’s theory of
later, would provide the primary explana- animals. common descent to make precise predic-
tion for similarities and dissimilarities Comparison of DNA and protein tions of genetic similarities among these
among species in the structures of their sequences among apes likewise confirms and other species, and to have those pre-
chromosomes, sequences of amino acids their close genetic relationships, with dictions confirmed by numerous empiri-
in homologous proteins, and sequences humans and the two chimpanzee species cal studies, illustrates its great strength.
of bases in homologous genomic DNA. being closer to each other than any of these As new kinds of biological data have
The accompanying figure shows pho- species are to other apes. DNA sequences become available, the scope and strength
tographs of a complete haploid set of chro- from the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of Darwin’s theory of common descent
mosomes from each of four ape species: independently support the close relation- have increased enormously. Indeed,
human (Homo sapiens), bonobo (the pygmy ships among ape species and especially the nothing in biology makes sense in the
chimpanzee, Pan paniscus), gorilla (Gorilla grouping of humans and chimpanzees as absence of this powerful explanatory
gorilla), and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). close relatives. Homologous DNA sequences theory.

©Dr. Mariano Rocchi

Comparative Karyotype of Great Apes

The human haploid genome contains 22 autosomes (I–XXII) and a sex chromosome (X or Y). The human chromosome is shown first in each group of four,
followed by the corresponding chromosomes of bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan, in that order. Note that the chromatin of human chromosome II corre-
sponds to that of two smaller chromosomes (marked p and q) in other apes.
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 7

animal world. For example, comparative methodology rejects

Source: Thomas Herbert Maguire/National Library of Medicine

the hypothesis of a common origin for flight in bats and
birds. Comparative morphology of vertebrates and compari-
sons of DNA sequences from living species clearly place bats
within the mammals (Chapter 20) and birds within a sepa-

©New York Public Library/Science Source

rate group that also includes crocodilians, lizards, snakes,
and turtles (see figure 18.2). The most recent common ances-
tor of these vertebrates clearly could not fly, and close inspec-
tion reveals that bats and birds evolved flight via very different
modifications of their bodies and forelimbs (pp. 404, 424).
The ultimate causes of flight in bats and birds thus require
separate explanations, not a shared one. The comparative
method likewise reveals that homeothermy evolved in a lin-
eage ancestral to birds and separately in a lineage ancestral
to mammals. Furthermore, comparative studies of fossil
birds reject the hypothesis that feathers arose for the pur- A B
pose of flight, because feathers preceded evolution of the
flight apparatus in avian ancestry. Feathers most likely
figure 1.3
served initially primarily for insulation and only later Founders of the theory of evolution by natural selection. A, Charles
acquired a role in aerodynamics. It should be clear that none Robert Darwin (1809–1882). B, Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913)
of these important historical questions could have been in 1895. Darwin and Wallace independently developed the same
answered by experiment. theory. A letter and essay from Wallace written to Darwin in 1858
spurred Darwin into writing On the Origin of Species, published
Clearly, the comparative method often relies on results of
in 1859.
experimental sciences to reveal the characteristics being com-
pared among animals. The comparative method utilizes all lev-
els of biological complexity, as illustrated by the fields of
comparative biochemistry, molecular evolution, comparative catastrophe. Despite their inquiry, ancient Greeks failed to
cell biology, comparative anatomy, comparative physiology and establish an evolutionary concept that could guide a meaning-
behavior, and phylogenetic systematics. ful study of life’s history. Evolutionary thinking declined as the
metaphorical biblical account of earth’s creation became
accepted as requiring no mechanistic explanation. The year
4004 B.C. was fixed by Archbishop James Ussher (mid-
1.2 Origins of Darwinian seventeenth century) as the time of life’s creation. Evolutionary
Evolutionary Theory views were considered heretical, but they refused to die. The
French naturalist Georges Louis Buffon (1707–1788) stressed
Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace (figure 1.3) environmental influences on modifications of animal form and
were the first to establish evolution as a powerful scientific extended the earth’s age to 70,000 years.
theory. Today, evolution can be denied only by abandoning
reason. As the English biologist Sir Julian Huxley wrote,
“Charles Darwin effected the greatest of all revolutions in
human thought, greater than Einstein’s or Freud’s or even
Lamarckism: The First Scientific
Newton’s, by simultaneously establishing the fact and discov- Hypothesis for Evolution
ering the mechanism of organic evolution.” Darwinian theory The first complete hypothesis for evolution was authored by the
allows us to explain both the genetics of populations and long- French biologist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744–1829)
term trends in the fossil record. Darwin and Wallace did not (figure 1.4) in 1809, the year of Darwin’s birth. He made the
originate the basic idea of organic evolution, which has an first convincing argument that fossils were remains of extinct
ancient history. We review first the history of evolutionary animals. Lamarck’s evolutionary mechanism, inheritance of
thinking as it led to Darwin’s theory and then discuss critical acquired characteristics, tentatively answered the challenging
evidence supporting Darwin’s theory. question of how evolution could construct biological character-
istics that seemed designed to serve their possessors’ needs: By
striving to make best use of their environmental resources,
Pre-Darwinian Evolutionary Ideas organisms would acquire adaptations and pass them by hered-
Early Greek philosophers, notably Xenophanes, Empedocles, ity to their offspring. According to Lamarck, giraffes evolved a
and Aristotle, recorded the idea that life has a long history of long neck because their ancestors lengthened their necks by
evolutionary change. They recognized fossils as evidence for stretching to obtain food and then passed the lengthened neck
former life, which they thought had been destroyed by natural to their offspring. Lamarck proposed that over many
8 Chapter 1

©New York Public Library/Science Source

figure 1.4
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

©Hulton Archive/Getty Images

(1744–1829), French natural-
ist who offered the first
figure 1.5
scientific explanation of evo- Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875),
lution. Lamarck’s hypothesis English geologist and friend of
that evolution proceeds by Darwin. His book Principles of
inheritance of acquired char- Geology greatly influenced
acteristics was rejected by Darwin during Darwin’s forma-
genetic research. tive period.

generations, these changes accumulated to produce the long convinced him that earth’s age must be measured in hundreds
necks of modern giraffes. of millions of years. Measured rates of sedimentation are much
We call Lamarck’s concept of evolution transformational, too slow to have produced earth’s sedimentary rock forma-
because as individual organisms transform their characteristics tions in a shorter period of time. These principles were impor-
through the use and disuse of body parts, heredity makes cor- tant because they discredited miraculous and supernatural
responding adjustments to produce evolution. We now reject explanations of the history of nature and replaced them with
transformational theories because genetic studies show that scientific explanations. Lyell also stressed the gradual nature
traits acquired during an organism’s lifetime, such as strength- of geological changes that occur through time, and he argued
ened muscles, are not transmitted to offspring. that such changes have no inherent directionality. Both of
Darwin’s evolutionary theory differs from Lamarck’s in these claims left important marks on Darwin’s evolutionary
being a variational theory based in genetic differences that theory.
occur among organisms within a population. Evolution occurs
at the level of the population, and it includes changes across
generations in the organismal characteristics that prevail in Darwin’s Great Voyage of Discovery
the population. Darwin argued that organisms whose heredi- “After having been twice driven back by heavy southwestern
tary characteristics conferred an advantage for survival or gales, Her Majesty’s ship Beagle, a ten-gun brig, under the com-
reproduction would contribute the greatest numbers of off- mand of Captain Robert FitzRoy, R.N., sailed from Devonport
spring to future generations. Populations would thus accumu- on the 27th of December, 1831.” Thus began Charles Darwin’s
late, across generations, the characteristics most favorable for account of the historic five-year voyage of the Beagle around the
the organisms possessing them. Any less favorable alternative world (figure 1.6). Darwin, not quite 23 years old, had asked to
characteristics would decline in frequency and eventually accompany Captain FitzRoy on the Beagle, a small vessel only
disappear. 90 feet in length, which was about to make an extensive survey-
ing voyage to South America and the Pacific (figure 1.7). It was
the beginning of the most important scientific voyage of the
Charles Lyell and Uniformitarianism nineteenth century.
The geologist Sir Charles Lyell (1797–1875) (figure 1.5) estab- During this voyage (1831–1836), Darwin endured sea-
lished in his Principles of Geology (1830–1833) the principle of sickness and erratic companionship from Captain FitzRoy,
uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism encompasses two but his endurance and early training as a naturalist equipped
important assumptions that guide scientific study of the his- him for his work. The Beagle made many stops along the coasts
tory of nature. These assumptions are (1) that the laws of phys- of South America and adjacent islands. Darwin made exten-
ics and chemistry have not changed throughout earth’s history, sive collections and observations of the faunas and floras of
and (2) that past geological events occurred by natural pro- these regions. He unearthed numerous fossils of animals long
cesses similar to those that we observe in action today. Lyell extinct and noted a resemblance between fossils of South
showed that natural forces, acting over long periods of time, American pampas and known fossils of North America. In
could explain the formation of fossil-bearing rocks. For exam- the Andes, he encountered seashells embedded in rocks at
ple, as skeletal remains of corals (p. 157), foraminiferans 13,000 feet. He experienced a severe earthquake and watched
(p. 122), and molluscs (p. 200) accumulate on the sea floor, mountain torrents that relentlessly wore away the earth.
they form sediments of calcium carbonate that eventually These observations and his reading of Lyell’s Principles of
become compressed into limestone. Lyell’s geological studies Geology during the voyage strengthened Darwin’s conviction
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 9


Western NORTH
Cape Verde Islands
Islands Philippine Islands

Galapágos Islands
Marquesas Ascension Island
AMERICA Keeling Islands
St. Helena
Society Islands Mauritius
Bourbon Island AUSTRALIA Friendly Islands
Rio de Janeiro
Valparaiso Sydney
Cape of
Buenos Aires
SOUTH Good Hope King George’s Sound Hobart

Port Desire ATLANTIC

Falkland Islands
Tierra del Fuego
Straits of Magellan Cape Horn

figure 1.6
Five-year voyage of H.M.S. Beagle.

©Omikron/Science Source

figure 1.7
Charles Darwin and H.M.S. Beagle. A, Darwin in 1840, four years after the Beagle returned to England, and a year after his marriage to his
cousin, Emma Wedgwood. B, H.M.S. Beagle sails in Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, on the southern tip of South America in 1833. This
watercolor was painted by Conrad Martens, one of two official artists during the voyage of the Beagle.

that natural forces could explain geological features of the inhabited by strange reptiles and by convicts stranded by the
earth. Ecuadorian government, these islands had few admirers
In mid-September of 1835, the Beagle arrived at the among mariners. By the middle of the seventeenth century,
Galápagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago straddling the Spaniards called these islands “Las Islas Galápagos”—the
equator 600 miles west of Ecuador (figure 1.8). The fame of tortoise islands. The giant tortoises, used for food first by
these islands stems from their oceanic isolation and rugged buccaneers and later by American and British whalers, seal-
volcanic terrain. Circled by capricious currents, surrounded ers, and ships of war, were the islands’ principal attraction.
by shores of twisted lava, bearing skeletal brushwood baked At the time of Darwin’s visit, these tortoises already were
by equatorial sunshine, almost devoid of vegetation, heavily exploited.
10 Chapter 1

©Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr.

©Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr.

figure 1.8 figure 1.9
The Galápagos Islands viewed from the rim of a volcano. Darwin’s study at Down House in Kent, England, is preserved today
much as it was when Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species.

During the Beagle’s five-week visit to the Galápagos, printings within its first year. The Voyage of the Beagle would
Darwin documented the unique character of the Galápagos become one of the most popular travel books of all time.
plants and animals, including the giant tortoises, marine igua- The main product of Darwin’s voyage, his theory of evolu-
nas, mockingbirds, and ground finches. Darwin later described tion, would continue to develop for more than 20 years after the
these studies as the “origin of all my views.” Beagle’s return. In 1838, he “happened to read for amusement”
Darwin discovered that although the Galápagos Islands an essay on populations by T. R. Malthus (1766–1834), who
and Cape Verde Islands (visited earlier in this voyage) were sim- stated that animal and plant populations, including human
ilar in climate and topography, Galápagos plants and animals populations, have the reproductive capacity to increase beyond
resembled most closely those of the South American mainland, the capacity of their environment to support them. Darwin
and they were entirely different from the African-derived forms already had been gathering information on artificial selection of
of the Cape Verde Islands. Each Galápagos island often con- animals under domestication. He was especially fascinated by
tained a unique species that nonetheless resembled forms on artificial breeds of pigeons. Many pigeon breeds differed so
other Galápagos islands. In short, Galápagos life must have much in appearance and behavior that they would be consid-
originated in continental South America, colonized islands in ered different species if found in nature. All clearly had been
rare events of trans-oceanic dispersal, and then undergone derived from a single wild species, the rock dove (Columbia
modification in various environmental conditions of different livia). After reading Malthus’s article, Darwin realized that a
islands. He concluded that these species were neither divinely process of selection in nature, driven by a “struggle for exis-
created nor immutable; they were products of a long history of tence” because of overpopulation, could be a powerful force for
evolutionary change. evolution of wild species.
Darwin allowed the idea to develop in his own mind, writ-
ing private, trial essays in 1844 and 1846. In 1856, he began to
“Whenever I have found that I have blundered, or that my work has
been imperfect, and when I have been contemptuously criticized,
assemble his voluminous data into a work on origins of species.
and even when I have been overpraised, so that I have felt He expected to write four volumes, a very big book,“as perfect as
mortified, it has been my greatest comfort to say hundreds of times I can make it.” However, his plans took an unexpected turn.
to myself that ‘I have worked as hard and as well as I could, and no In 1858, he received a manuscript from Alfred Russel
man can do more than this.’ ” Wallace (1823–1913), an English naturalist in Malaya with
—Charles Darwin, in his autobiography, 1876. whom he corresponded. Darwin was stunned to find that in a
few pages, Wallace summarized the main points of the natural
selection theory on which Darwin had worked for two decades.
On October 2, 1836, the Beagle returned to England, Rather than withhold his own work in favor of Wallace as he
where Darwin conducted most of his scientific work (figure 1.9). was inclined to do, Darwin took the advice of two close friends,
Most of Darwin’s extensive collections had preceded him there, Lyell and a botanist, Hooker, to publish his views in a brief
as had his notebooks and diaries kept during the cruise. Dar- statement that would appear together with Wallace’s paper in
win’s journal, published three years after the Beagle’s return to the Journal of the Linnean Society. Portions of both papers were
England, was an instant success and required two additional read before an unresponsive audience on July 1,1858.
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 11

For the next year, Darwin worked urgently to prepare an 2. Common descent. The second Darwinian theory,
“abstract” of the planned four-volume work. This book was common descent, states that all forms of life propagated
published in November 1859, with the title On the Origin of from a common ancestor through a branching of
Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of lineages (figure 1.10). An opposing argument, that
Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The 1250 copies of the first different forms of life arose independently and
printing were sold the first day! The book instantly generated a descended to the present in linear, unbranched
storm that has never abated. Darwin’s views were to have genealogies, is refuted by comparative studies of
extraordinary consequences on scientific and religious beliefs,
and they remain among the greatest intellectual achievements
of all time.
Once Darwin’s caution had been swept away by publica-
tion of On the Origin of Species, he entered an incredibly produc-
tive period of evolutionary thinking for the next 23 years,
producing five revisions of On the Origin of Species and a dozen
new books. He died on April 19, 1882, and was buried in
Westminster Abbey. The Beagle had already disappeared,
having been retired in 1870 and sold for scrap.

1.3 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Darwin’s theory of evolution is now over 150 years old.
Biologists frequently are asked, “What is Darwinism?” and
“Do biologists still accept Darwin’s theory of evolution?”
These questions do not have simple answers because
Darwinism encompasses several different, although mutu-
ally connected, theories. Professor Ernst Mayr of Harvard
University argued that Darwinism should be viewed as five
major theories. These five theories have somewhat different
origins and fates and cannot be treated as only a single
hypothesis. The theories are (1) perpetual change,
(2) common descent, (3) multiplication of species,
(4) gradualism, and (5) natural selection. The first three the-
ories are generally accepted as having universal application
throughout the living world. Gradualism and natural selec-
tion remain somewhat controversial among evolutionists;
they are clearly important evolutionary processes, but they
might not explain as much of animal evolution as Darwin
thought. Creationists often misrepresent legitimate contro-
versies regarding gradualism and natural selection as chal-
lenges to the first three theories, whose validity is strongly
supported by all relevant facts.
1. Perpetual change. This is the basic theory of evolution
on which the others depend. It states that the living
world has a long history of ongoing change, with
hereditary continuity from past to present life. figure 1.10
Organismal characteristics undergo modification across
generations throughout time. This theory originated in An early tree of animal life drawn in 1874 by the German biologist
antiquity but did not gain widespread acceptance until Ernst Haeckel, who was strongly influenced by Darwin’s theory of
common descent. Some hypotheses, including the grouping of
Darwin advocated it in the context of his other four
humans (Menschen) with anthropoid apes, have been verified by
theories. Perpetual change is documented by the fossil subsequent testing. Other hypotheses have been rejected in favor of
record, which clearly refutes any claims for a recent contrasting hypotheses; for example, humans and chimpanzees are
origin of all living forms. Because it has withstood more closely related to each other than either is to gorillas, and
repeated testing and is supported by an overwhelming orangs are more closely related to the combined chimpanzees,
number of observations, we now regard perpetual gorillas, and humans than they are to gibbons.
change as fact. Source: Haeckel, Ernst, The Evolution of Man, New York, NY: D. Appleton, 1886.
12 Chapter 1

organismal form, cellular structure, and macromolecular in polluted environments despite causing an abrupt
structures (including those of the genetic material, change. Gradual evolution of industrial melanism would
DNA). All of these studies confirm the theory that life’s have involved accumulation of slightly darker forms over
history has the structure of a branching evolutionary many generations to produce the melanic moth, and the
tree, called a phylogeny. Species that share relatively genetic data contradict the gradual interpretation.
recent common ancestry (within the past several million Therefore, although we know that gradual evolution
years) have more similar features at all levels than do occurs, it does not necessarily explain the origins of all
species whose most recent common ancestor occurred structural differences among species. Scientists are
tens or hundreds of millions of years ago. Darwin’s studying this question actively.
theory of common descent guides much ongoing 5. Natural selection. Natural selection explains
research to reconstruct life’s phylogeny using patterns why organisms are constructed to meet the demands of
of similarity and dissimilarity observed among their environments, a phenomenon called adaptation.
species. The resulting phylogeny provides the basis This theory describes a natural process by which
for our taxonomic classification of animals populations accumulate favorable characteristics
(see Chapter 4). throughout long periods of evolutionary time.
3. Multiplication of species. Darwin’s third theory states Adaptation formerly was considered strong evidence
that evolution produces new species by splitting and against evolution. Darwin’s theory of natural selection
transforming older ones. This theory adds a spatial was therefore important for convincing people that a
dimension to evolutionary processes. When populations natural process, amenable to scientific study, could
of a species become isolated from each other by produce new adaptations and new species.
geographic barriers, the isolated populations undergo Demonstration that natural processes could produce
separate evolutionary change and can diverge from each adaptation was important to the eventual acceptance of
other. For example, when sea level was higher in the all five Darwinian theories. Darwin developed his
past than it is now, low areas of Cuba were inundated, theory of natural selection as a series of five
dividing its land area into multiple isolates. Lizard observations, and he made three inferences from them
populations that were formerly parts of a single species (see box on page 13):
evolved species-level differences in isolation before
another lowering of sea level reconsolidated Cuba as we Observation 1: Organisms have great potential fertility.
know it today. All populations produce large numbers of gametes
Species are reproductively distinct populations of and potentially large numbers of offspring each
organisms that usually but not always differ from each generation. Population size would increase
other in organismal form. Once species are fully formed, exponentially at an enormous rate if all fertilized eggs
they propagate as separate evolutionary lineages, and produced each generation successfully completed
interbreeding does not occur freely among members of their development to form reproductively active adult
different species, or the resulting hybrid offspring do not individuals. Darwin calculated that, even for slow-
persist. Evolutionists generally agree that splitting and breeding organisms such as elephants, a single pair
transformation of lineages produce new species, breeding from age 30 to 90 and having only six
although much controversy remains concerning the offspring could produce 19 million descendants in
details of this process and the precise meaning of the 750 years.
term “species”(see Chapter 4). Biologists are actively Observation 2: Natural populations normally remain
studying evolutionary processes that generate new constant in size, except for minor fluctuations.
species. Natural populations fluctuate in size across
4. Gradualism. Darwin’s theory of gradualism states that generations and sometimes go extinct, but no natural
large differences in anatomical traits among species populations show the continued exponential growth
originate by accumulation of many small incremental that their reproductive capacity theoretically could
changes over very long periods of time. This theory sustain.
opposes the notion that large anatomical differences
arise by sudden genetic changes within a generation. Observation 3: Natural resources are limited.
This theory is important because genetic changes having Exponential growth of a natural population would
very large effects on organismal form are usually harmful require unlimited natural resources to provide food
to an organism. It is possible, however, that some genetic and habitat for an expanding population, but natural
changes of large effect are nonetheless sufficiently resources are finite.
beneficial to be favored by natural selection. For Inference 1: A continuing struggle for existence
example, the genetic mutation that produced dark occurs among members of a population. Survivors
pigmentation in Biston betularia (see figure 1.2) and thus represent only a portion, often a very small
permitted camouflage on polluted substrates was favored portion, of all individuals produced each
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 13

Darwin’s Explanatory Model of Evolution by Natural Selection

Observation 1
Organisms have great potential
fertility, which permits
exponential growth of
populations. (Source: Thomas

Inference 1
Observation 2
A struggle for existence
Natural populations normally
occurs among organisms in
do not increase exponentially
a population. (Source:
but remain fairly constant in
Thomas Malthus)
size. (Source: Charles Darwin
and many others)

Inference 2 Inference 3
Observation 4 Varying organisms show Natural selection, acting
Observation 3 Variation occurs among diferential survival and over many generations,
Natural resources are limited. organisms within populations. reproduction, favoring gradually produces new
(Source: Thomas Malthus) (Source: animal breeding advantageous traits (= natural adaptations and new
and systematics) selection). (Source: Charles species. (Source: Charles
Darwin) Darwin)

Observation 5
Variation is heritable.
(Source: animal breeding)

Source: E. Mayr, One Long Argument, 1991, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

generation. Darwin wrote in On the Origin of give their possessors an advantage in using their
Species that “it is the doctrine of Malthus applied environmental resources for effective survival and
with manifold force to the whole animal and reproduction. Survivors transmit their favored traits
vegetable kingdoms.” Struggle for food, shelter, to offspring, thereby causing those traits to
and space becomes increasingly severe as accumulate in the population.
overpopulation develops. Inference 3: Over many generations, natural
Observation 4: All populations show organismal selection gradually produces new adaptations and
variation. No two individuals are exactly alike. They new species. The preferential propagation of
differ in size, color, physiology, behavior, and many favorable traits across generations gradually
other ways. transforms species and causes their long-term
“improvement.”Darwin knew that people often
Observation 5: Variation is heritable. Darwin noted that use hereditary variation to produce useful new
offspring tend to resemble their parents, although he breeds of livestock and plants. Natural selection
did not understand how. Many years later, the acting over millions of years should be even more
hereditary mechanism discovered by Gregor Mendel effective in producing new types than artificial
would be applied to Darwin’s theory. selection imposed during a human lifetime.
Inference 2: Varying organisms show differential Natural selection acting independently on
survival and reproduction favoring advantageous geographically separated populations would cause
traits (= natural selection). Survival in a struggle for them to diverge from each other, thereby
existence is not random with respect to contrasting generating reproductive barriers that lead to
hereditary traits present in a population. Some traits speciation.
14 Chapter 1

Natural selection can be considered a two-step moth pollinator, we would observe sorting favoring the
process with a random component and a nonrandom white flowers and could attribute this sorting to
component. Production of variation among organisms is selection; white flower color in this case provided a
the random part. Mutational processes have no inherent reproductive advantage over red color, leading the white-
tendency to generate traits that are favorable to an flowered plants to increase in frequency in the next
organism. The nonrandom part is differential persistence generation. Darwin’s theory of natural selection states
among traits, determined by the effectiveness of that sorting occurs because certain traits give their
contrasting traits in permitting their possessors to use possessors advantages in survival and reproduction relative
environmental resources to survive and to reproduce. to others that lack those traits. Therefore, selection is
one specific cause of sorting.

The popular phrase “survival of the fittest” predates the publication

©Time Life Pictures/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
of Darwin’s theory of natural selection; it was introduced by the
British social philosopher Herbert Spencer, and later applied to
Darwin’s theory. Unfortunately, this phrase often implies unbridled
aggression and violence in a bloody, competitive world. In fact,
natural selection operates through many other characteristics of
living organisms. For example, many Russian evolutionists argued
that animals practicing mutual aid enjoyed the greatest survival
advantages in harsh climates.

1.4 Evidence for Darwin’s Five

Theories of Evolution
Perpetual Change
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895), one of England’s greatest Perpetual change in the form and diversity of animal life
zoologists, on first reading the convincing evidence of natural throughout its history reveals itself most directly in the fossil
selection in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, is said to have record of the past 540 million years. A fossil is a remnant of
exclaimed, “How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!”
past life uncovered from the earth’s crust (figure 1.11). Some
He became Darwin’s foremost advocate and engaged in often
bitter debates with Darwin’s critics. Darwin, who disliked publicly
fossils constitute complete remains (insects in amber and mam-
defending his own work, was glad to leave such encounters to his moths), actual hard parts (teeth and bones), or petrified skeletal
“bulldog,” as Huxley called himself. parts infiltrated with silica or other minerals (ostracoderms and
molluscs). Other fossils include footprints or other impressions,
burrows of marine worms in sediment on the sea floor, and fos-
Differential survival and reproduction among sil excrement (coprolites). In addition to documenting organis-
varying organisms is called sorting and should not be mal evolution, fossils reveal profound changes in the earth’s
equated with natural selection. We now know that even physical environments, including major changes in the locations
random processes (genetic drift, see p. 33) can produce of lands and seas. Fossils formed on the floors of ancient seas
sorting. If a garden planted with equal numbers of red- can be quarried high atop current mountains (Burgess Shale,
and white-flowered plants suffers severe damage from a p. 16). Discovery of new fossils and reinterpretation of familiar
hurricane, it is unlikely that equal numbers of red- and ones expand our knowledge of how the forms and diversity of
white-flowered plants will survive to produce seeds. If animals changed through geological time. Evolutionary study of
red-flowered plants constitute 70% of the survivors, the fossil record is called paleontology.
sorting has occurred in favor of the red-flowered plants.
In this case, flower color provided no advantage in
withstanding the hurricane damage. Most likely, a larger On rare occasions, fossil remains include soft tissues preserved so
well that electron microscopy reveals recognizable cellular
number of red-flowered plants happened to be growing
organelles! Insects and even small vertebrates, such as lizards, can
in better-protected locations, permitting their differential
be entombed in amber, the fossilized resin of trees. One study of a
survival. This sorting therefore cannot be attributed to fly entombed in 40-million-year-old amber revealed structures
natural selection because the character being sorted had corresponding to muscle fibers, nuclei, ribosomes, lipid droplets,
no causal influence on the outcome. If in the same endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria (figure 1.11D). This extreme
garden, white-flowered plants produced more seeds and case of mummification probably occurred because chemicals in the
offspring because they were more visible to a nocturnal plant sap diffused into the embalmed insect’s tissues. A fictional
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 15

©Alan Morgan RF
©McGraw-Hill Education/Carlyn Iverson, photographer

©Alan Morgan RF


figure 1.11
Four examples of fossil material. A, Stalked crinoids (sea lilies, class Crinoidea, phylum
Echinodermata; see p. 316) from Devonian rocks. The fossil record shows that these echino-
derms reached their greatest diversity millions of years earlier and began a slow decline to

©Roberta Hess Poinar

the present. B, The fossil of an insect that got stuck in the resin of a tree approximately
25 million years ago, after which the resin hardened into amber. C, Fish fossil of the perciform
genus Priscacara from rocks of the Green River Formation, Wyoming. Such fish swam here
during the Eocene epoch, approximately 50 million years ago. D, Electron micrograph of
tissue from a fly fossilized as shown in B; the nucleus of a cell is marked in red.

extraction and cloning of DNA from embalmed insects that had ages of fossils in a preserved sequence are directly proportional to
bitten and then sucked the blood of dinosaurs was the technical their depth in stratified layers. Stratigraphy is the study of fossil-
basis for Michael Crichton’s best-seller Jurassic Park. bearing rocks. Characteristic fossils often serve to identify par-
ticular layers. Certain widespread marine invertebrate fossils,
including various foraminiferans (see p. 157) and echinoderms
(see p. 305), are such good indicators of specific geological peri-
Interpreting the Fossil Record ods that we call them “index,” or “guide,” fossils. Unfortunately,
The fossil record is biased because preservation is selective. layers are usually tilted or folded or show faults (cracks). Old
Vertebrate skeletal parts and invertebrates with shells and deposits exposed by erosion might be covered by new deposits in
other hard structures left the best record (figure 1.11). Soft- a different plane. When exposed to tremendous pressures or
bodied animals, including jellyfishes and most worms, are fos- heat, stratified sedimentary rock metamorphoses into crystalline
silized only under very unusual circumstances, such as those quartzite, slate, or marble, thereby destroying fossils.
that formed the Burgess Shale of British Columbia (figure 1.12). Stratigraphy of fossils for two major groups of African
Exceptionally favorable conditions for fossilization produced a antelopes is in figure 1.14. These antelope species have different
Precambrian fossil bed in South Australia, tar pits at Rancho characteristic sizes and shapes of their horns, which form much
La Brea (Hancock Park, Los Angeles), great dinosaur beds of the fossil record of this group. Solid vertical lines in figure 1.14
(Alberta, Canada, and Jensen, Utah; figure 1.13), the Olduvai show the temporal distributions of species as determined by
Gorge of Tanzania, and the early Cambrian Chengjiang beds the presence of their characteristic horns in rock strata of
of China. various ages. Red lines denote the fossil records of living
Fossil deposits form stratified layers, with new deposits species, and gray lines denote the fossil records of extinct
forming above older ones. If left undisturbed, which is rare, the species. The dotted gray lines show the inferred relationships
16 Chapter 1

Pikaia, an early

Eldonia, a possible

Amiskwia, from an
extinct phylum
from an extinct phylum A Fossil trilobite from Burgess Shale

Aysheaia, an
Anomalocaris canadensis, onychophoran
from an extinct phylum

Halichondrites, a sponge
an anenome-like
Opabinia, from
an extinct phylum Yohoia, a unique
Canadia, a Sidneyia,
polychaete a unique

©Kevin Schafer/Alamy Stock Photo


Marrella splendens,
a unique arthropod Wiwaxia, from
an extinct phylum

Ottoia, a Dinomischus, Hallucigenia,

priapulid from an extinct from an
B phylum extinct phylum

figure 1.12
A, Fossil trilobite. B, Animals of the Cambrian period, approximately 540 million years ago, as reconstructed from fossils preserved in the
Burgess Shale of British Columbia, Canada. The major body plans of living animals appeared rather abruptly at this time.

among living and fossil species based upon their sharing of inside the back cover of this book. Time during the last eon
homologous structural features. (Phanerozoic) is expressed in eras (for example, Cenozoic),
periods (for example, Cambrian), epochs (for example,
Paleocene), and sometimes smaller divisions of an epoch.
Geological Time In the late 1940s, radiometric dating methods were
Long before the earth’s age was known, geologists divided its developed for determining the absolute ages (in years) of rock
history into a table of succeeding events based on ordered lay- formations. Several independent methods are now used, all
ers of sedimentary rock. The “law of stratigraphy” produced a based on radioactive decay of naturally occurring elements
relative dating, with the oldest layers at the bottom and the into other elements. These “radioactive clocks” are indepen-
most recent at the top of a sequence. Time was divided into dent of pressure and temperature changes and therefore not
eons, eras, periods, and epochs as shown on the endpapers affected by often violent earth-building activities.
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 17

One method, potassium-argon dating, uses the decay of

potassium-40 (40K) to argon-40 (40Ar) (12%) and calcium-40
(40Ca) (88%). Argon is a noble gas that evaporates from liquid
media. It accumulates in the crystal structure of rock only after
the rock has solidified and the nuclear decay of potassium-40
produces a trapped atom of argon. The half-life of potassium-40
is 1.3 billion years, meaning that half of the original atoms will
decay in 1.3 billion years, and half of the remaining atoms will
be gone at the end of the next 1.3 billion years. This decay con-

©Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr.

tinues until all radioactive potassium-40 atoms are gone. To
measure the age of a rock, one calculates the ratio of remaining
potassium-40 atoms to the amount of potassium-40 originally
there (the remaining potassium-40 atoms plus the argon-40 and
calcium-40 into which they have decayed). A standard equation
converts these data to the time elapsed since the formation of
figure 1.13 the rock as a function of the half life of potassium-40. Several
other isotopes can be used in a similar manner to date the ages
A fossil skeleton from Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. of rock formations, some for dating the age of the earth itself.

Blesbok — Hartebeest — Wildebeest Group Impalas

Millions of years before present

figure 1.14
Stratigraphic record and inferred evolutionary relationships among alcelaphine (blesboks, hartebeests, wildebeests) and aepycerotine (impalas)
antelopes in Africa. Species in this group are identified by characteristic sizes and shapes of horns found in rock strata of various ages. Solid
vertical lines show the temporal distributions of species in rock strata whose ages are shown on the scale at the left side of the figure. Red lines
show the temporal distributions of living species, and gray lines show the temporal distributions of extinct species in rock strata. Dotted gray
lines show the inferred relationships among species based on their sharing of homologous structural features. The relative constancy of horn
structure within species through geological time is consistent with the theory of punctuated equilibrium (see p. 27). This fossil record shows that
rates of speciation and extinction are higher for alcelaphine antelopes than for impalas.
18 Chapter 1

One of the most useful radioactive clocks depends on decay of body size, expansion of the grinding surface of teeth, and
uranium into lead. With this method, rocks over 2 billion years reduction in number of toes. As the number of toes declined,
old can be dated with a probable error of less than 1%. the central digit became increasingly more prominent in the
The fossil record of macroscopic organisms begins near foot, and eventually only this central digit remained.
the start of the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era, approxi- The fossil record shows a net change not only in the char-
mately 540 million years before present (BP). Geological time acteristics of horses but also in the numbers of different horse
before the Cambrian period is called the Precambrian era or the genera (and numbers of species) that exist through time. Many
Proterozoic eon. Although the Precambrian era occupies 85% horse genera of past epochs have been lost to extinction, leav-
of all geological time, it receives much less attention than do ing only a single survivor. Evolutionary trends in diversity are
later eras, partly because oil, which provides a commercial observed in fossils of many different groups of animals
incentive for much geological work, seldom exists in Precam- (figure 1.16).
brian formations. The Precambrian era contains well-preserved
fossils of bacteria and algae, and casts of jellyfishes, sponge
Our use of “evolutionary trend” does not imply that more
spicules, soft corals, segmented flatworms, and worm trails. recent forms are superior to older ones or that the changes
Most, but not all, are microscopic fossils. represent progress in adaptation or organismal complexity.
Although Darwin predicted that such trends would show
progressive adaptation, many contemporary paleontologists
The more well-known carbon-14 (14C) dating method is of little help consider progressive adaptation rare among evolutionary trends.
in estimating ages of geological formations because its short half- Observed trends in the evolution of horses do not imply that
life restricts the use of 14C to quite recent events (less than about contemporary horses are superior in any general sense to their
40,000 years). It is especially useful, however, for archaeological Eocene predecessors.
studies. This method is based on the production of radioactive
C (half-life of approximately 5570 years) in the upper atmosphere
by bombardment of nitrogen-14 (14N) with cosmic radiation. Different rates of species formation versus extinction
Radioactive 14C enters the tissues of living animals and plants, and through time produce trends in fossil species diversity. Why do
an equilibrium is established between atmospheric 14C and 14N in some lineages generate large numbers of new species whereas
living organisms. At death, 14C exchange with the atmosphere others generate relatively few? Why do different animal groups
stops. In 5570 years, only half of the original 14C remains in a
undergo higher or lower rates of extinction (of species, genera,
preserved fossil. One estimates a fossil’s age by comparing the
14 or families) throughout evolutionary time? To answer these
C content of the fossil with that of living organisms.
questions, we must turn to Darwin’s other four theories of evo-
lution. Regardless of how we answer these questions, however,
observed trends in animal diversity clearly illustrate Darwin’s
Evolutionary Trends principle of perpetual change. Because Darwin’s remaining
four theories rely on perpetual change, evidence supporting
The fossil record reveals evolutionary change across the broad- these theories strengthens Darwin’s theory of perpetual
est scale of time. Throughout the geological history recorded by change.
the fossil record, millions of species have arisen and almost as
many have gone extinct. Animal species typically survive
approximately 1 million to 10 million years, although their
durations are highly variable. We can summarize patterns of
Common Descent
species or taxon replacement through time as trends. Trends Darwin proposed that all plants and animals have descended
are directional changes in characteristic features or patterns of from some one form into which life was first “breathed.” Life’s
diversity in a group of organisms. Fossil trends clearly demon- history forms a branching tree, called a phylogeny, that gives all
strate Darwin’s principle of perpetual change. of life a unified evolutionary history. Pre-Darwinian evolution-
A well-studied fossil trend is the evolution of horses from ists, including Lamarck, advocated multiple independent ori-
the Eocene epoch to the present. Looking back to the Eocene gins of life, each of which gave rise to lineages that changed
epoch, we see many different genera and species of horses that through time without the extensive branching required by
replaced each other through time (figure 1.15). George Gaylord Darwin’s theory. Like all good scientific theories, common
Simpson (see p. 90) showed that this trend is compatible with descent makes several important predictions that can be tested
Darwinian evolutionary theory. Three characteristics that show and potentially used to reject it. According to this theory, one
the clearest trends in horse evolution are body size, tooth struc- should be able to trace the genealogies of all modern species
ture, and foot structure. Compared to modern horses, those of backward until they converge on ancestral lineages shared with
extinct genera were small, their teeth had a relatively small other species, both living and extinct. We continue this process,
grinding surface, and their feet had a relatively large number of moving farther backward through evolutionary time, to reach a
toes (four). Throughout the subsequent Oligocene, Miocene, primordial ancestor of all life on earth. All forms of life, includ-
Pliocene, and Pleistocene epochs, new genera arose and old ing many extinct forms that represent dead branches, connect
ones went extinct. In each case, there was a net increase in to this tree somewhere. Although reconstructing a history of life
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 19

South North Old

America America World

Old world Hipparion clades










Merychippus I



Merychippus II

Million years ago






45 KEY

Mostly grazers
Mixed feeders
50 Mostly browsers

Hyracothere clades

figure 1.15
Stratigraphy of genera of horses from the Eocene epoch to the present. Evolutionary trends toward increased size, elaboration of molars, and
loss of toes are shown along with bars denoting temporal durations and continental locations of genera.
20 Chapter 1



















10 Families

figure 1.16
Diversity profiles of taxonomic families from different animal groups in the fossil record. A scale marks the Precambrian (PC), Paleozoic (P),
Mesozoic (M), and Cenozoic (C) eras. The number of families is indicated by the width of each profile.

in this manner may seem almost impossible, it has in fact been

extraordinarily successful. How has this difficult task been

Homology and Reconstruction of Phylogeny

Darwin recognized a major source of evidence for common
descent in the concept of homology. Darwin’s contemporary,
Richard Owen (1804–1892), used this term to denote “the same
organ in different organisms under every variety of form and
function.”A classic example of homology is the limb skeleton of
vertebrates. Bones of vertebrate limbs maintain characteristic
structures and patterns of connection despite diverse modifica-
tions for different functions (figure 1.17). According to Darwin’s Human Horse Bat
theory of common descent, structures that we call homologies
represent characteristics inherited with some modification from
a corresponding feature in a common ancestor. KEY
Darwin devoted an entire book, The Descent of Man and Humerus
Selection in Relation to Sex, largely to the idea that humans share Radius/ulna
common descent with apes and other animals. This idea was
repugnant to many Victorians, who responded with outrage metacarpals,
(figure 1.18). Darwin built his case mostly on anatomical com- and phalanges
parisons that revealed homology between humans and apes. To Porpoise Frog
Darwin, the close resemblances between apes and humans
could be explained only by common descent. figure 1.17
Throughout the history of all forms of life, evolutionary Forelimbs of five vertebrates show skeletal homologies: brown,
processes generate new characteristics that are transmitted across humerus; orange, radius and ulna; purple, “hand” (carpals, metacar-
generations. Every time a new feature becomes established in a pals, and phalanges). Homologies of bones and patterns of connec-
lineage destined to be ancestral to others, a new homology tion are evident despite evolutionary modification for various uses.
Science of Zoology and Evolution of Animal Diversity 21

phylogenetic characters and analyses for sources of error in

inferring the detailed phylogenetic relationships among these
species. All of the phylogenetic data support the hypothesis
that these flightless birds are more closely related to each other
than they are to any other living species.
Branches of an evolutionary tree combine species into a
nested hierarchy of groups within groups (see Chapter 4).
Smaller groups (species grouped near terminal branches) are
contained within larger ones (species grouped by basal
branches, including the trunk of the tree). If we erase the tree

Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, [LC-USZ62- 48534]

structure but retain the patterns of homology observed in the
terminal groups of species, we can reconstruct the branching
structure of the entire tree. Evolutionists test the theory of com-
mon descent by observing patterns of homology present in all
groups of organisms. The pattern formed by all homologies
taken together should specify a single branching tree that rep-
resents the evolutionary genealogy of all living organisms.
The nested hierarchical structure of homology is so perva-
sive in animals that it forms the basis for our systematic group-
ings (genera grouped into families, families grouped into
orders, orders into classes, classes into phyla, and phyla into
the animal kingdom). Plants and fungi show similar hierarchi-
cal patterns of homology and corresponding systematic group-
ings. Hierarchical classification even preceded Darwin’s theory
because this pattern was so evident, but it was not explained
scientifically before Darwin. Once common descent was under-
stood, biologists began investigating structural, molecular, and/
or chromosomal homologies of animal groups to infer evolu-
tionary relationships. Taken together, the nested hierarchical
figure 1.18 patterns uncovered by these studies permit us to reconstruct
the evolutionary trees of many groups and to continue testing
This 1873 advertisement for Merchant’s Gargling Oil ridicules Darwin’s
theory of the common descent of humans and apes, which was our phylogenetic hypotheses with new data. Methods pre-
widely doubted by the general public during Darwin’s lifetime. sented in Chapter 4 show how we use Darwin’s theory of com-
mon descent to reconstruct the evolutionary history of life and
to construct a taxonomic system that summarizes evolutionary
originates. The sharing of these homologies among species pro- relationships among species.
vides evidence for common descent and allows us to reconstruct a
branching evolutionary history of life. We illustrate such evidence Characters of different organisms that perform similar functions are
using a phylogenetic tree of ground-dwelling flightless birds (fig- not necessarily homologous. The wings of bats and birds, although
ure 1.19). A new skeletal homology (figure 1.19) arises on each of homologous as vertebrate forelimbs, are not homologous as
the lineages shown (descriptions of these homologies are not wings. The most recent common ancestor of bats and birds had
included because they are highly technical). The different groups forelimbs, but the forelimbs were not in the form of wings. The
of species located at the tips of the branches contain different wings of bats and birds evolved independently and have only
combinations of these homologies, thereby revealing common superficial similarity in their flight structures.
ancestry. For example, ostriches show homologies 1 through 5 Bat wings are formed by skin stretched over elongated digits,
and 8, whereas kiwis show homologies 1, 2, 13, and 15. whereas bird wings are formed by feathers attached along the
forelimb. Such functionally similar but nonhomologous structures
The tree structure inferred from analysis of skeletal struc-
are often called analogues.
tures of flightless birds can be tested by data gathered indepen-
dently from DNA-sequence information (see Chapter 4). The
phylogeny of flightless birds inferred from DNA-sequence data Note that the earlier evolutionary hypothesis that life
does not agree completely with the one inferred from skeletal arose many times, forming unbranched lineages, predicts lin-
structures (figure 1.19); if we choose the hypothesis favored by ear sequences of evolutionary change with no nested hierarchy
DNA-sequence data, then we must hypothesize that some of of homologies among species. Because we do observe nested
the skeletal structures either arose multiple times or were lost hierarchies of homologies, that hypothesis is rejected. Note also
on some lineages as shown in figure 1.19B. Conflict between that a supernatural creationist argument can make no testable
the phylogenetic hypotheses derived from skeletal structures predictions about any pattern of homology and therefore fails
and from DNA sequences guides systematists to examine their the criteria of a scientific theory of animal diversity.
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The picturesque village of Rudge-in-the-Vale dozed in the summer
sunshine. Along its narrow High Street the only signs of life visible
were a cat stropping its backbone against the Jubilee Watering
Trough, some flies doing deep-breathing exercises on the hot
window sills, and a little group of serious thinkers who, propped up
against the wall of the Carmody Arms, were waiting for that
establishment to open. At no time is there ever much doing in
Rudge's main thoroughfare, but the hour at which a stranger,
entering it, is least likely to suffer the illusion that he has strayed into
Broadway, Piccadilly, or the Rue de Rivoli is at two o'clock on a
warm afternoon in July.
You will find Rudge-in-the-Vale, if you search carefully, in that
pleasant section of rural England where the gray stone of
Gloucestershire gives place to Worcestershire's old red brick. Quiet,
in fact, almost unconscious, it nestles beside the tiny river Skirme
and lets the world go by, somnolently content with its Norman
church, its eleven public-houses, its Pop.—to quote the Automobile
Guide—of 3,541, and its only effort in the direction of modern
progress, the emporium of Chas. Bywater, Chemist.
Chas. Bywater is a live wire. He takes no afternoon siesta, but works
while others sleep. Rudge as a whole is inclined after luncheon to go
into the back room, put a handkerchief over its face and take things
easy for a bit. But not Chas. Bywater. At the moment at which this
story begins he was all bustle and activity, and had just finished
selling to Colonel Meredith Wyvern a bottle of Brophy's Paramount
Elixir (said to be good for gnat bites).
Having concluded his purchase, Colonel Wyvern would have
preferred to leave, but Mr. Bywater was a man who liked to sweeten
trade with pleasant conversation. Moreover, this was the first time
the Colonel had been inside his shop since that sensational affair up
at the Hall two weeks ago, and Chas. Bywater, who held the
unofficial position of chief gossip monger to the village, was aching
to get to the bottom of that.
With the bare outline of the story he was, of course, familiar. Rudge
Hall, seat of the Carmody family for so many generations, contained
in its fine old park a number of trees which had been planted
somewhere about the reign of Queen Elizabeth. This meant that
every now and then one of them would be found to have become a
wobbly menace to the passer-by, so that experts had to be sent for
to reduce it with a charge of dynamite to a harmless stump. Well, two
weeks ago, it seems, they had blown up one of the Hall's
Elizabethan oaks and as near as a toucher, Rudge learned, had
blown up Colonel Wyvern and Mr. Carmody with it. The two friends
had come walking by just as the expert set fire to the train and had
had a very narrow escape.
Thus far the story was common property in the village, and had been
discussed nightly in the eleven tap-rooms of its eleven public-
houses. But Chas. Bywater, with his trained nose for news and that
sixth sense which had so often enabled him to ferret out the story
behind the story when things happen in the upper world of the
nobility and gentry, could not help feeling that there was more in it
than this. He decided to give his customer the opportunity of
confiding in him.
"Warm day, Colonel," he observed.
"Ur," grunted Colonel Wyvern.
"Glass going up, I see."
"May be in for a spell of fine weather at last."
"Glad to see you looking so well, Colonel, after your little accident,"
said Chas. Bywater, coming out into the open.
It had been Colonel Wyvern's intention, for he was a man of testy
habit, to enquire of Mr. Bywater why the devil he couldn't wrap a
bottle of Brophy's Elixir in brown paper and put a bit of string round it
without taking the whole afternoon over the task: but at these words
he abandoned this project. Turning a bright mauve and allowing his
luxuriant eyebrows to meet across the top of his nose, he subjected
the other to a fearful glare.
"Little accident?" he said. "Little accident?"
"I was alluding——"
"Little accident!"
"I merely——"
"If by little accident," said Colonel Wyvern in a thick, throaty voice,
"you mean my miraculous escape from death when that fat thug up
at the Hall did his very best to murder me, I should be obliged if you
would choose your expressions more carefully. Little accident! Good
Few things in this world are more painful than the realization that an
estrangement has occurred between two old friends who for years
have jogged amiably along together through life, sharing each
other's joys and sorrows and holding the same views on religion,
politics, cigars, wine, and the Decadence of the Younger Generation:
and Mr. Bywater's reaction, on hearing Colonel Wyvern describe Mr.
Lester Carmody, of Rudge Hall, until two short weeks ago his closest
crony, as a fat thug, should have been one of sober sadness. Such,
however, was not the case. Rather was he filled with an unholy
exultation. All along he had maintained that there was more in that
Hall business than had become officially known, and he stood there
with his ears flapping, waiting for details.
These followed immediately and in great profusion: and Mr. Bywater,
as he drank them in, began to realize that his companion had certain
solid grounds for feeling a little annoyed. For when, as Colonel
Wyvern very sensibly argued, you have been a man's friend for
twenty years and are walking with him in his park and hear warning
shouts and look up and realize that a charge of dynamite is shortly
about to go off in your immediate neighbourhood, you expect a man
who is a man to be a man. You do not expect him to grab you round
the waist and thrust you swiftly in between himself and the point of
danger, so that, when the explosion takes place, you get the full
force of it and he escapes without so much as a singed eyebrow.
"Quite," said Mr. Bywater, hitching up his ears another inch.
Colonel Wyvern continued. Whether, if in a condition to give the
matter careful thought, he would have selected Chas. Bywater as a
confidant, one cannot say. But he was not in such a condition. The
stoppered bottle does not care whose is the hand that removes its
cork—all it wants is the chance to fizz: and Colonel Wyvern
resembled such a bottle. Owing to the absence from home of his
daughter, Patricia, he had had no one handy to act as audience for
his grievances, and for two weeks he had been suffering torments.
He told Chas. Bywater all.
It was a very vivid picture that he conjured up. Mr. Bywater could see
the whole thing as clearly as if he had been present in person—from
the blasting gang's first horrified realization that human beings had
wandered into the danger zone to the almost tenser moment when,
running up to sort out the tangled heap on the ground, they had
observed Colonel Wyvern rise from his seat on Mr. Carmody's face
and had heard him start to tell that gentleman precisely what he
thought of him. Privately, Mr. Bywater considered that Mr. Carmody
had acted with extraordinary presence of mind, and had given the lie
to the theory, held by certain critics, that the landed gentry of
England are deficient in intelligence. But his sympathies were, of
course, with the injured man. He felt that Colonel Wyvern had been
hardly treated, and was quite right to be indignant about it. As to
whether the other was justified in alluding to his former friend as a
jelly-bellied hell-hound, that was a matter for his own conscience to
"I'm suing him," concluded Colonel Wyvern, regarding an
advertisement of Pringle's Pink Pills with a smouldering eye.
"The only thing in the world that super-fatted old Blackhander cares
for is money, and I'll have his last penny out of him, if I have to take
the case to the House of Lords."
"Quite," said Mr. Bywater.
"I might have been killed. It was a miracle I wasn't. Five thousand
pounds is the lowest figure any conscientious jury could put the
damages at. And, if there were any justice in England, they'd ship
the scoundrel off to pick oakum in a prison cell."
Mr. Bywater made noncommittal noises. Both parties to this
unfortunate affair were steady customers of his, and he did not wish
to alienate either by taking sides. He hoped the Colonel was not
going to ask him for his opinion of the rights of the case.
Colonel Wyvern did not. Having relieved himself with some six
minutes of continuous speech, he seemed to have become aware
that he had bestowed his confidences a little injudiciously. He
coughed and changed the subject.
"Where's that stuff?" he said. "Good God! Isn't it ready yet? Why
does it take you fellows three hours to tie a knot in a piece of string?"
"Quite ready, Colonel," said Chas. Bywater hastily. "Here it is. I have
put a little loop for the finger, to facilitate carrying."
"Is this stuff really any good?"
"Said to be excellent, Colonel. Thank you, Colonel. Much obliged,
Colonel. Good day, Colonel."
Still fermenting at the recollection of his wrongs, Colonel Wyvern
strode to the door: and, pushing it open with extreme violence, left
the shop.
The next moment the peace of the drowsy summer afternoon was
shattered by a hideous uproar. Much of this consisted of a high,
passionate barking, the remainder being contributed by the voice of
a retired military man, raised in anger. Chas. Bywater blenched, and,
reaching out a hand toward an upper shelf, brought down, in the
order named, a bundle of lint, a bottle of arnica, and one of the half-
crown (or large) size pots of Sooth-o, the recognized specific for
cuts, burns, scratches, nettle stings, and dog bites. He believed in

While Colonel Wyvern had been pouring his troubles into the
twitching ear of Chas. Bywater, there had entered the High Street a
young man in golf clothes and Old Rugbian tie. This was John
Carroll, nephew of Mr. Carmody, of the Hall. He had walked down to
the village, accompanied by his dog Emily, to buy tobacco, and his
objective, therefore, was the same many-sided establishment which
was supplying the Colonel with Brophy's Elixir.
For do not be deceived by that "Chemist" after Mr. Bywater's name.
It is mere modesty. Some whim leads this great man to describe
himself as a chemist, but in reality he goes much deeper than that.
Chas. is the Marshall Field of Rudge, and deals in everything, from
crystal sets to mousetraps. There are several places in the village
where you can get stuff they call tobacco, but it cannot be
considered in the light of pipe-joy for the discriminating smoker. To
obtain something that will leave a little skin on the roof of the mouth
you must go to Mr. Bywater.
John came up the High Street with slow, meditative strides, a large
and muscular young man whose pleasant features betrayed at the
moment an inward gloom. What with being hopelessly in love and
one thing and another, his soul was in rather a bruised condition
these days, and he found himself deriving from the afternoon
placidity of Rudge-in-the-Vale a certain balm and consolation. He
had sunk into a dreamy trance when he was abruptly aroused by the
horrible noise which had so shaken Chas. Bywater.
The causes which had brought about this disturbance were simple
and are easily explained. It was the custom of the dog Emily, on the
occasions when John brought her to Rudge to help him buy tobacco,
to yield to an uncontrollable eagerness and gallop on ahead to Mr.
Bywater's shop—where, with her nose wedged against the door, she
would stand, sniffing emotionally, till somebody came and opened it.
She had a morbid passion for cough drops, and experience had
taught her that by sitting and ogling Mr. Bywater with her liquid
amber eyes she could generally secure two or three. To-day,
hurrying on as usual, she had just reached the door and begun to
sniff when it suddenly opened and hit her sharply on the nose. And,
as she shot back with a yelp of agony, out came Colonel Wyvern
carrying his bottle of Brophy.
There is an etiquette in these matters on which all right-minded dogs
insist. When people trod on Emily, she expected them immediately to
fuss over her, and the same procedure seemed to her to be in order
when they hit her on the nose with doors. Waiting expectantly,
therefore, for Colonel Wyvern to do the square thing, she was
stunned to find that he apparently had no intention of even
apologizing. He was brushing past without a word, and all the
woman in Emily rose in revolt against such boorishness.
"Just a minute!" she said dangerously. "Just one minute, if you
please. Not so fast, my good man. A word with you, if I may trespass
upon your valuable time."
The Colonel, chafing beneath the weight of his wrongs, perceived
that they had been added to by a beast of a hairy dog that stood and
yapped at him.
"Get out!" he bellowed.
Emily became hysterical.
"Indeed?" she said shrilly. "And who do you think you are, you poor
clumsy Robot? You come hitting ladies on the nose as if you were
the King of England, and as if that wasn't enough...."
"Go away, sir."
"Who the devil are you calling Sir?" Emily had the Twentieth Century
girl's freedom of speech and breadth of vocabulary. "It's people like
you that cause all this modern unrest and industrial strife. I know
your sort well. Robbers and oppressors. And let me tell you another
At this point the Colonel very injudiciously aimed a kick at Emily.
It was not much of a kick, and it came nowhere near her, but it
sufficed. Realizing the futility of words, Emily decided on action. And
it was just as she had got a preliminary grip on the Colonel's left
trouser leg that John arrived at the Front.
"Emily!!!" roared John, shocked to the core of his being.
He had excellent lungs, and he used them to the last ounce of their
power. A young man who sees the father of the girl he loves being
swallowed alive by a Welsh terrier does not spare his voice. The
word came out of him like the note of the Last Trump, and Colonel
Wyvern, leaping spasmodically, dropped his bottle of Brophy. It fell
on the pavement and exploded, and Emily, who could do her bit in a
rough-and-tumble but barred bombs, tucked her tail between her
legs and vanished. A faint, sleepy cheering from outside the
Carmody Arms announced that she had passed that home from
home and was going well.
John continued to be agitated. You would not have supposed, to look
at Colonel Wyvern, that he could have had an attractive daughter,
but such was the case, and John's manner was as concerned and
ingratiating as that of most young men in the presence of the fathers
of attractive daughters.
"I'm so sorry, Colonel. I do hope you're not hurt, Colonel."
The injured man, maintaining an icy silence, raked him with an eye
before which sergeant-majors had once drooped like withered roses,
and walked into the shop. The anxious face of Chas. Bywater
loomed up over the counter. John hovered in the background. "I
want another bottle of that stuff," said the Colonel shortly.
"I'm awfully sorry," said John.
"I dropped the other outside. I was attacked by a savage dog."
"I'm frightfully sorry."
"People ought not to have these pests running loose and not under
proper control."
"I'm fearfully sorry."
"A menace to the community and a nuisance to everybody," said
Colonel Wyvern.
"Quite," said Mr. Bywater.
Conversation languished. Chas. Bywater, realizing that this was no
moment for lingering lovingly over brown paper and toying dreamily
with string, lowered the record for wrapping a bottle of Brophy's
Paramount Elixir by such a margin that he set up a mark for other
chemists to shoot at for all time. Colonel Wyvern snatched it and
stalked out, and John, who had opened the door for him and had not
been thanked, tottered back to the counter and in a low voice
expressed a wish for two ounces of the Special Mixture.
"Quite," said Mr. Bywater. "In one moment, Mr. John."
With the passing of Colonel Wyvern a cloud seemed to have rolled
away from the chemist's world. He was his old, charmingly chatty
self again. He gave John his tobacco, and, detaining him by the
simple means of not handing over his change, surrendered himself
to the joys of conversation.
"The Colonel appears a little upset, sir."
"Have you got my change?" said John.
"It seems to me he hasn't been the same man since that unfortunate
episode up at the Hall. Not at all the same sunny gentleman."
"Have you got my change?"
"A very unfortunate episode, that," sighed Mr. Bywater.
"My change?"
"I could see, the moment he walked in here, that he was not himself.
Shaken. Something in the way he looked at one. I said to myself
'The Colonel's shaken!'"
John, who had had such recent experience of the way Colonel
Wyvern looked at one, agreed. He then asked if he might have his
"No doubt he misses Miss Wyvern," said Chas. Bywater, ignoring the
request with an indulgent smile. "When a man's had a shock like the
Colonel's had—when he's shaken, if you understand what I mean—
he likes to have his loved ones around him. Stands to reason," said
Mr. Bywater.
John had been anxious to leave, but he was so constituted that he
could not tear himself away from anyone who had touched on the
subject of Patricia Wyvern. He edged a little nearer the counter.
"Well, she'll be home again soon," said Chas. Bywater. "To-morrow, I
A powerful current of electricity seemed to pass itself through John's
body. Pat Wyvern had been away so long that he had fallen into a
sort of dull apathy in which he wondered sometimes if he would ever
see her again.
"Yes, sir. She returned from France yesterday. She had a good
crossing. She is at the Lincoln Hotel, Curzon Street, London. She
thinks of taking the three-o'clock train to-morrow. She is in excellent
It did not occur to John to question the accuracy of the other's
information, nor to be surprised at its minuteness of detail. Mr.
Bywater, he was aware, had a daughter in the post office.
"To-morrow!" he gasped.
"Yes, sir. To-morrow."
"Give me my change," said John.
He yearned to be off. He wanted air and space in which he could
ponder over this wonderful news.
"No doubt," said Mr. Bywater, "she...."
"Give me my change," said John.
Chas. Bywater, happening to catch his eye, did so.

To reach Rudge Hall from the door of Chas. Bywater's shop, you go
up the High Street, turn sharp to the left down River Lane, cross the
stone bridge that spans the slow-flowing Skirme as it potters past on
its way to join the Severn, carry on along the road till you come to
the gates of Colonel Wyvern's nice little house, and then climb a stile
and take to the fields. And presently you are in the park and can see
through the trees the tall chimneys and red walls of the ancient home
of the Carmodys.
The scene, when they are not touching off dynamite there under the
noses of retired military officers, is one of quiet peace. For John it
had always held a peculiar magic. In the fourteen years which had
passed since the Wyverns had first come to settle in Rudge Pat had
contrived, so far as he was concerned, to impress her personality
ineffaceably on the landscape. Almost every inch of it was in some
way associated with her. Stumps on which she had sat and swung
her brown-stockinged legs; trees beneath which she had taken
shelter with him from summer storms; gates on which she had
climbed, fields across which she had raced, and thorny bushes into
which she had urged him to penetrate in search of birds' eggs—they
met his eye on every side. The very air seemed to be alive with her
laughter. And not even the recollection that that laughter had
generally been directed at himself was able to diminish for John the
glamour of this mile of Fairyland.
Half-way across the park, Emily rejoined him with a defensive,
Where-on-earth-did-you-disappear-to manner, and they moved on in
company till they rounded the corner of the house and came to the
stable yard. John had a couple of rooms over the stables, and thither
he made his way, leaving Emily to fuss round Bolt, the chauffeur,
who was washing the Dex-Mayo.
Arrived in his sitting room, he sank into a deck chair and filled his
pipe with Mr. Bywater's Special Mixture. Then, putting his feet up on
the table, he stared hard and earnestly at the photograph of Pat
which stood on the mantelpiece.
It was a pretty face that he was looking at—one whose charm not
even a fashionable modern photographer, of the type that prefers to
depict his sitters in a gray fog with most of their features hidden from
view, could altogether obscure. In the eyes, a little slanting, there
was a Puck-like look, and the curving lips hinted demurely at
amusing secrets. The nose had that appealing, yet provocative, air
which slight tip-tiltedness gives. It seemed to challenge, and at the
same time to withdraw.
This was the latest of the Pat photographs, and she had given it to
him three months ago, just before she left to go and stay with friends
at Le Touquet. And now she was coming home....
John Carroll was one of those solid persons who do not waver in
their loyalties. He had always been in love with Pat, and he always
would be, though he would have had to admit that she gave him very
little encouragement. There had been a period when, he being
fifteen and she ten, Pat had lavished on him all the worship of a
small girl for a big boy who can wiggle his ears and is not afraid of
cows. But since then her attitude had changed. Her manner toward
him nowadays alternated between that of a nurse toward a child who
is not quite right in the head and that of the owner of a clumsy but
rather likable dog.
Nevertheless, he loved her. And she was coming home....
John sat up suddenly. He was a slow thinker, and only now did it
occur to him just what the position of affairs would be when she did
come home. With this infernal feud going on between his uncle
Lester and the old Colonel she would probably look on him as in the
enemy's camp and refuse to see or speak to him.
The thought chilled him to the marrow. Something, he felt, must be
done, and swiftly. And, with a flash of inspiration of a kind that rarely
came to him, he saw what that something was. He must go up to
London this afternoon, tell her the facts, and throw himself on her
clemency. If he could convince her that he was whole-heartedly pro-
Colonel and regarded his uncle Lester as the logical successor to
Doctor Crippen and the Brides-in-the-Bath murderer, things might
straighten themselves.
Once the brain gets working, there is no knowing where it will stop.
The very next instant there had come to John Carroll a thought so
new and breathtaking that he uttered an audible gasp.
Why shouldn't he ask Pat to marry him?

John sat tingling from head to foot. The scales seemed to have fallen
from his eyes, and he saw clearly where he might quite conceivably
have been making a grave blunder all these years. Deeply as he had
always loved Pat, he had never—now he came to think of it—told
her so. And in this sort of situation the spoken word is quite apt to
make all the difference.
Perhaps that was why she laughed at him so frequently—because
she was entertained by the spectacle of a man, obviously in love
with her, refraining year after year from making any verbal comment
on the state of his emotions.
Resolution poured over John in a strengthening flood. He looked at
his watch. It was nearly three. If he got the two-seater and started at
once, he could be in London by seven, in nice time to take her to

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