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/usr/bin/env python3

"""TLS-enabled simple web server for CST311 Programming Assignment 4"""

__author__ = "Bitwise"
__credits__ = [
"Chris McMichael",
"Jake Kroeker",
"Jeremiah McGrath",
"Miguel Jimenez"

import http.server
import ssl

# Variables, including location of server certificate and private key file

# Server address and ssl key/cert names are the same due to the setup
# of the script.

server_address = "webserver.pa4.cst311.test"
server_port = 4443
ssl_certificate_file =
ssl_key_file = f"/etc/ssl/demoCA/private/{server_address}-key.pem"

# Context is the TLS Server with its certificate file and key file
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
context.load_cert_chain(ssl_certificate_file, ssl_key_file)

# Don't modify anything below

httpd = http.server.HTTPServer((server_address, server_port),
httpd.socket = context.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True)

print("Listening on port", server_port)


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