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Instructor: Bùi Thị Thu Ngân

Student: Trần Vũ Phương Vy
Student ID: 20DH712597
Class: TA2004
Major: Business English

Ho Chi Minh City, May 2022





Reference + Appendix

Full paper


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Name Date
Trần Vũ Phương Vy 20/05/2022


Types of body language................................................................................

a. Facial expressions..............................................................................

b. Eye contact........................................................................................


d. Body movement and posture.............................................................

The importance of using body language in public speaking....................

Tips to improve body language for university students............................



The Importance of Using Body Language in
Public Speaking Skills for University Students
According to Cuddy (2012), "Our bodies affect our brains, our minds change our

behaviors, and our behaviors change our outcomes,". Your body produces more testosterone

and fewer stress hormone when you have a confident posture, which can help you modify

your mentality and the behaviors you perform. We deliver more presentations to the crowd in

college. However, attracting the audience's attention requires a variety of skills, particularly

body language. For a speech to appear natural and confident, the speaker's body language

must be considerably improved. If the speaker performs inappropriate body language, the

listener will misinterpret the speaker's intentions. Students who understand how to use body

language will provide more successful speeches. In public speaking, body language is

extremely crucial. It is a necessary technique for university students to learn in order to help

the audience swiftly grasp messages. The essay will discuss the various types of body

language, the importance of using body language in public speaking, and strategies for

university students to enhance their body language.

The essay will assist students in comprehending the significance of body language

skills in communication, particularly in public speaking. Body language can help you enhance

your public speaking skills and gain confidence.

Body language is defined as a method of communicating feelings and intentions via

physical movement rather than words.

Face expressions, eye contact, bodily movement and posture, and gestures are

examples of different types of body language.

a. Facial expressions

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The different facial expressions will help you be more confident and dominant in

communicating. Facial expressions make it easier for listeners to access information.

Moreover, it will show your thoughts, worries, joys, and sorrows to the outside. It is your

partner's way of knowing if you're honest or lying. A smile is seen as a weapon to make

communication more successful and creates comfort and trust for the audience.

b. Eye contact

The eyes are so important in any conversation or engagement that if the eyes' language

is incorrect, the entire dialogue and the person's reputation will be incorrect. The eyes are the

"window of the soul," the feature that displays human emotions the most plainly. For

example, maintaining eye contact shows that you're actively listening and paying attention to

what others have to say. The eye language will aid in the regulation of the conversation

session. It leaves a lasting impression on the viewers. It allows us to rapidly assess the

opponent's thoughts and attitudes. Avoiding eye contact indicates that the person is insecure,

guilty, or concealing something. However, eye contact varies per country. Many countries

regard eye contact to be unfriendly and rude. As a result, students must master their body

language to avoid misunderstandings. You should avoid staring at other people since it makes

them feel uncomfortable. To avoid avoidable fights, keep your eyes closed.

c. Gestures

Human gestures are diverse. Gestures use in everyday life. Examples include waving,

stroking your hair, and using your hands when arguing. In many cases, gestures help speech.

Speaking with gestures will have a more effective and engaging impact on the listener. It

caught the attention of the audience listening to the presentation. However, some gestures

have different meanings in each country. While the hand-made "OK" symbol often conveys a

positive message in English-speaking countries, it is considered offensive in countries such as

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Germany, Russia, and Brazil. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when using gestures to

avoid the listener's misunderstanding.

d. Body movement and posture

The speaker can convey tons of messages through body movement and posture. For

example, gait, standing, hugging the head, and sitting. For example, a person who is sitting up

straight is paying attention and concentrating. Sitting slumped over, on the other hand, implies

boredom and a lack of attention to what you're saying. Students should learn how to sit and

stand correctly. This posture demonstrates bravery and self-assurance. To project calm, stand

with your head and legs as wide as your shoulders. Postures accurately reflect human feelings,

attitudes, and intentions. It conveys the message of mindset. According to Ludwig

Wittgenstein, " Body is the lively picture of the human soul." It demonstrates how to convey

your own thoughts. It aids the other person in predicting your actions and feelings.

In public speaking, body language is extremely important. According to Mehrabian,

“Experts say that 93% of communication is nonverbal”. It is one of the decisive factors of

success or failure when speaking. The importance of using body language in public speaking

assists us in understanding and decoding what the person says. Communication becomes more

effective and meaningful when body language is used to accentuate the message. However,

swinging your arms and legs too much will show that you are impulsive and lack control of

your conduct. Body language creates a lively communication picture. Consciousness does not

regulate body language, which is a natural reflex and human instinct. As a result, it accurately

portrays the opponent's emotions, thoughts, and nuances. It helps pay attention, and it impacts

personal your brand. It shows the self-confidence and professionalism of the presenter when

public speaking. Body language creates a high-level trust, and it makes easily convey message

and emotion to the listener. For instance, when you are worried,your voice will shake, you

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will avoid eye contact, and you will stand with your limbs closed. Irene Claremont de

Castillejo stated that “Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in

the body.” Only a few expressions through body language may communicate exactly the

information that the speaker thinks because body language is governed by awareness and no

one can alter it.

Here are some tips to help you enhance your body language skills and gain confidence.

To begin, practice keeping eye contact while speaking. Good eye contact communicates

confidence and comfort to others. Only keep your eyes together for 4-5 seconds. It is deemed

impolite to look at a specific part of the listener's body.When you're chatting, don't look away

too quickly because it seems you have anything to hide. It will make the listener suspicious

and suspicious of you. Secondly, sit and stand up straight, shoulders relaxed, legs spread out

in front of shoulders. It will assist you in displaying greater self-assurance and fearlessness.

People who are self-deprecating will frequently sit stooped over and taking up less room.

Students should not cross your arms because it looks unprofessional. Hand-emphasised words

appear more trustworthy. Thirdly, when things get tough, remember to smile. The smile will

make it easier for you to connect with the audience's hearts. It demonstrates your self-

assurance and positive outlook. Finally, trainees should practice their skills in front of a

mirror. Standing in front of a training mirror will assist you in recognizing and correcting

your errors. It teaches you how to control your body language and overcome your public

speaking phobia. Nobody is born with the ability to excel; instead, it is developed through a

hard and continual practice process.

In conclusion, this essay highlights the various types of body language, the necessity of

employing language in public speaking, and ways to assist students improve their body

language. Body language is a significant factor in public speaking. It conveys confidence and

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draws attention when listening to a speech. It aids in communication by breaking down

boundaries and allowing for better connection with others. It provides better support for

speech and makes it easier to express the message to the listener. Body language has a

different meaning in each country and culture. As a result, we should learn to cultivate

knowledge to avoid misunderstood. To make the story more pleasant and interesting, practice

and apply nonverbal language to everyday communication. To help students enhance their

skills, the school should offer lessons on how to use body language. Students should read

more books and newspapers in order to correctly use body language. Students can broaden

their knowledge by watching public speaking videos on YouTube and TED. Thomas Edition

said that “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. No one is

born perfect. If you want to speak well, you need to improve yourself everyday. Practice

every day is the key to success. You should be turn fear into joy. Be confident in yourself and

stay calm. Don’t let your mistakes get in the way.

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