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Mealy and Moore models are used in digital electronics and sequential logic design.

The main difference

between them lies in how they handle output.

Output Timing:

Mealy Model: In a Mealy machine, outputs are a function of both the current state and the inputs. This
means that outputs can change asynchronously with input changes. Output changes can occur during
the clock edge as well as between clock edges.

Moore Model: In a Moore machine, outputs are solely a function of the current state. Output changes
occur synchronously with state transitions, meaning they only change on clock edges.

Output Complexity:

Mealy Model: Due to the output being dependent on both current state and inputs, Mealy machines can
have fewer states and transitions compared to Moore machines, resulting in potentially simpler designs.

Moore Model: Outputs are simpler to design and understand since they are solely determined by the
current state, making Moore machines easier to analyze in some cases.

Timing and Clocking:

Mealy Model: Because output changes can occur asynchronously with input changes, Mealy machines
may require more careful consideration of timing and clocking to avoid issues like glitches.

Moore Model: Output changes are synchronous with state transitions, simplifying timing analysis and
making clocking requirements more straightforward.


Mealy Model: Mealy machines are often used when the output needs to respond quickly to input
changes, or when fewer states and transitions are desired for optimization.

Moore Model: Moore machines are preferred when output stability is critical and when designs need to
be more straightforward and easier to understand.

In summary, the choice between Mealy and Moore models depends on the specific requirements of the
design, including considerations such as timing constraints, output complexity, and ease of analysis.

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