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002 Essay conclusions

The musk is in the deer, but it seeks it
Kabir on the need to look
not within itself: it wanders in quest of

Nasadiya Hymn, Rig Veda:

There was no beginning no end, the
universe was created and destroyed
endlessly. While we are all mere ripples
in the fabric of space time.
How then did we begin to create these
barriers of religion/race/caste/ gender

Vasudheva Kutumbakam: Maha

Satyameva Jayate: Mundaka
Brihadranyaka Upanishad:
Pavamāna Mantra[edit]
The Pavamana Mantra is
from the Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad (1.3.28)
असतो मा सद्गमय । Asatō mā
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । tamasō
mā jyōtirgamaya
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
mr̥ tyōrmā amr̥ taṁ gamaya
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
Br̥ hadāraṇyakopaniṣat
From untruth lead us to
From darkness lead us to

he could wander freely with his friends – something a

An enormous creative power is released
Dalit could never do in actual Banaras” when ordinary people of goodwill-without
the trappings of power, wealth or fame come
together. Such solidarity can offer the most
effective resistance to unjust exploitative
Kabir: Sakal Hans mein Ram viraaja social practices and political tyranny.
Ghat Ghat Panchi bolta hain: Kabir
The musk is in the deer, but it seeks it not
within itself: it wanders in quest of grass.
Alakh Elahi ek hai, nam darya do
Ram Rahim ek hai, naam darya do
Krishna Karim ek hai, naam darya do
Kashi Kaba ek hai, ek Ram Rahim
Alakh (the Invisible) and Elahi (the Lord)
are one, with two names
Ram and Rahim are one, with two names
Krishna and Karim are one, with two
Kashi and Kaaba are but one, with two
Avagha Rang Ek Zaala: Soyarabai: doing
away with the differences amongst us the way
to resolve conflict
Manuhar Manuhe Babe: Bhupen Hazarika
Ravidas: Begumpura
Chandidas:"Shobar upor manush shotto
tahar upore nai" ("Above all is humanity,
none else"
Aano bhadraah krathavo yatu
vishwathaha: Let noble thoughts come to
us from all sides
Paniyan Poongundrunar: "Yaadhum Oore
Yaavarum Kelir"
which means We belong to all places, and
to everyone. This sense of belonging
beyond borders, is unique to India
3000 years ago, a great poet of India,
Kariyan Pungun-dra-naar, wrote in Tamil
the most ancient language of the world



“India beyond all doubt possesses a deep

underlying fundamental unity, far more
profound than that produced either by
Vincent Smith, geographical
historian isolation or by political
superiority. That unity transcends the
innumerable diversities of blood, colour,
language, dress, manners, and sect”.
Pakistani poet
Ahmed Faraz
se to behtar
tha, Apne
hisse ki koi
31.08.2022, 14.41.14.webm 2 MB shama jalate
Rabindranath ……No one knows at whose beckoning call how How much
Tagore, Bharat many streams, of humanity, came in better it would
Teertha(Poem) indomitable waves from all over the world, over have been, if
the millennia and mingled like rivers, into this instead of
vast ocean and created an individual soul, that going on
is called Bharat”. cursing the
dark of the
evening, we
had lit the
candle that
was within our
hands to light.

Still round the corner there may

A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by Roads go ever ever on,
today, Over rock and under tree,
Tomorrow we may come this way By caves where never sun has
And take the hidden paths that shone,
run By streams that never find the
Towards the Moon or to the Sun. sea;
Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe, Over snow by winter sown,
Let them go! Let them go! And through the merry flowers
Sand and stone and pool and of June,
dell, Over grass and over stone,
Fare you well! Fare you well! And under mountains of the
Home is behind, the world ahead,
No force on earth can stop an

idea whose time has come” And there are many paths to moon.
tread Roads go ever ever on
― Victor Hugo Through shadows to the edge of Under cloud and under star,
night, Yet feet that wandering have
Until the stars are all alight. gone
Then world behind and home Turn at last to home afar.
ahead, Eyes that fire and sword have
We’ll wander back to home and seen
bed. And horror in the halls of stone
Mist and twilight, cloud and Look at last on meadows green
shade, And trees and hills they long
Away shall fade! Away shall fade! have known.[2]
Fire and lamp, and meat and
And then to bed! And then to

y dear, in the midst of hate, I

found there was, within me, an
invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found
there was, within me, an
invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found
there was, within me, an
invincible calm.
The musk is in the deer, but it I realized, through it all, that…
Kabir on the need to look
seeks it not within itself: it In the midst of winter, I found
wanders in quest of grass. there was, within me, an
invincible summer.
And that makes me happy.
For it says that no matter how
hard the world pushes against
within me, there’s something
something better, pushing right

Ode on a Grecian Urn THE SUN NEVER SAYS Even

BY JOHN KEATS After All this time The sun never
Thou still unravish'd says to the earth, “You owe Me.”
bride of quietness, Look What happens With a love
Thou foster-child of like that, It lights the Whole Sky
silence and slow time,
Sylvan historian, who
canst thus express
A flowery tale more
sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fring'd legend
haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals,
or of both,
In Tempe or the
dales of Arcady?
What men or gods
are these? What maidens
What mad pursuit? What
struggle to escape?
What pipes and
timbrels? What wild
Heard melodies are
sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter;
therefore, ye soft pipes,
play on;
Not to the sensual ear,
but, more endear'd,
Pipe to the spirit
ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the
trees, thou canst not
Thy song, nor ever
can those trees be bare;
Bold Lover,
never, never canst thou
Though winning near the
l td t i

Ring Out, Wild Bells In Spite Of War Keep Going

By Alfred Tennyson More By Angela Morgan More Angela By Edgar Guest More Edgar
Alfred Tennyson Morgan Guest
Ring out, wild bells, to In spite of war, in spite of death, When things go wrong, as they
the wild sky, In spite of all man's sufferings, sometimes will,
The flying cloud, the Something within me laughs and When the road you’re trudging
frosty light; sings seems all up hill,
The year is dying in the And I must praise with all my When the funds are low and
night; breath. the debts are high,
Ring out, wild bells, and In spite of war, in spite of hate And you want to smile, but you
let him die. Lilacs are blooming at my gate, have to sigh,
Tulips are tripping down the path When care is pressing you
Ring out the old, ring in In spite of war, in spite of wrath. down a bit,
the new, "Courage!" the morning-glory Rest if you must—but don’t you
Ring, happy bells, across saith; quit.
the snow: "Rejoice!" the daisy murmureth,
The year is going, let him And just to live is so divine Life is queer with its twists and
go; When pansies lift their eyes to turns,
Ring out the false, ring in mine. As every one of us sometimes
the true. learns,
The clouds are romping with the And many a failure turns about
Ring out the grief that sea, When he might have won had
saps the mind, And flashing waves call back to he stuck it out;
For those that here we me Don’t give up, though the pace
see no more, That naught is real but what is seems slow—
Ring out the feud of rich fair, You may succeed with another
and poor, That everywhere and everywhere blow.
Ring in redress to all A glory liveth through despair.
mankind. Though guns may roar and Often the goal is nearer than
cannon boom, It seems to a faint and faltering
Ring out a slowly dying Roses are born and gardens man,
cause, bloom; Often the struggler has given
And ancient forms of My spirit still may light its flame up
party strife; At that same torch whence When he might have captured
Ring in the nobler modes poppies came. the victor’s cup,
of life, Where morning's altar whitely And he learned too late, when
With sweeter manners, burns the night slipped down,
purer laws. Lilies may lift their silver urns How close he was to the
In spite of war, in spite of shame. golden crown.
Ring out the want, the
care the sin, And in my ear a whispering Success is failure turned inside
The faithless coldness of breath, out—
the times; "Wake from the nightmare! Look The silver tint of the clouds of
Ri t i t d d bt

Caged Bird Dreams t Couldn't Be Done

By Maya Angelou More By Langston Hughes More By Edgar Guest More Edgar
Maya Angelou Langston Hughes Guest
The free bird leaps Hold fast to dreams Somebody said that it couldn’t
on the back of the wind For if dreams die be done
and floats downstream Life is a broken-winged bird But he with a chuckle
till the current ends That cannot fly. replied
and dips his wings Hold fast to dreams That "maybe it couldn't," but
in the orange sun rays For when dreams go he would be one
and dares to claim the Life is a barren field Who wouldn't say so till
sky. Frozen with snow he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the
But a bird that stalks trace of a grin
down his narrow cage Source: On his face. If he worried he
can seldom see through https://www.familyfriendpoems.c hid it.
his bars of rage om/poem/dreams-by-langston- He started to sing as he
his wings are clipped and hughes tackled the thing
his feet are tied That couldn’t be done, and
so he opens his throat to he did it!
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you’ll
The caged bird sings never do that;
with fearful trill At least no one ever has
of the things unknown done it;"
but longed for still But he took off his coat and he
and his tune is heard took off his hat
on the distant hill for the And the first thing we knew
caged bird he'd begun it.
sings of freedom With a lift of his chin and a bit
of a grin,
The free bird thinks of Without any doubting or
another breeze quiddit,
and the trade winds soft He started to sing as he
through the sighing trees tackled the thing
and the fat worms That couldn't be done, and
waiting on a dawn-bright he did it.
and he names the sky his There are thousands to tell you
own. it cannot be done,
There are thousands to
But a caged bird stands prophesy failure,
on the grave of dreams There are thousands to point
his shadow shouts on a out to you one by one,
i ht Th d th t it t

A Psalm Of Life Invictus Equipment

By Henry Wadsworth By William Ernest Henley More By Edgar Guest More Edgar
Longfellow More Henry William Ernest Henley Guest
Wadsworth Longfellow Figure it out for yourself, my
Tell me not, in mournful Out of the night that covers me, lad,
numbers, Black as the pit from pole to You've all that the greatest of
Life is but an empty pole, men have had,
dream!— I thank whatever gods may be Two arms, two hands, two legs,
For the soul is dead that For my unconquerable soul. two eyes,
slumbers, And a brain to use if you would
And things are not In the fell clutch of circumstance be wise.
what they seem. I have not winced nor cried With this equipment they all
aloud. began,
Life is real! Life is earnest! Under the bludgeonings of So start for the top and say "I
And the grave is not chance can."
its goal; My head is bloody, but
Dust thou art, to dust unbowed. Look them over, the wise and
returnest, great,
Was not spoken of the Beyond this place of wrath and They take their food from a
soul. tears common plate
Looms but the Horror of the And similar knives and forks
Not enjoyment, and not shade, they use,
sorrow, And yet the menace of the years With similar laces they tie their
Is our destined end or Finds and shall find me shoes,
way; unafraid. The world considers them
But to act, that each to- brave and smart.
morrow It matters not how strait the gate, But you've all they had when
Find us farther than to- How charged with they made their start.
day. punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate, You can triumph and come to
Art is long, and Time is I am the captain of my soul. skill,
fleeting, You can be great if only you will,
And our hearts, You're well equipped for what
though stout and brave, Source: fight you choose,
Still, like muffled drums, https://www.familyfriendpoems.c You have legs and arms and a
are beating om/poem/invictus-by-william- brain to use,
Funeral marches to ernest-henley And the man who has risen,
the grave. great deeds to do
Began his life with no more
In the world's broad field than you.
of battle,
In the bivouac of Life, You are the handicap you must
Be not like dumb, driven face,
ttl ! Y th h t

ood Timber f
By Douglas Malloch More By Rudyard Kipling More
Douglas Malloch Rudyard Kipling
The tree that never had If you can keep your head when
to fight all about you
For sun and sky and Are losing theirs and blaming it
air and light, on you;
But stood out in the open If you can trust yourself when all
plain men doubt you,
And always got its But make allowance for their
share of rain, doubting too:
Never became a forest If you can wait and not be tired
king by waiting,
But lived and died a Or, being lied about, don't deal in
scrubby thing. lies,
Or being hated don't give way to
The man who never had hating,
to toil And yet don't look too good, nor
To gain and farm his talk too wise;
patch of soil,
Who never had to win his If you can dream - and not make
share dreams your master;
Of sun and sky and If you can think - and not make
light and air, thoughts your aim,
Never became a manly If you can meet with Triumph
man and Disaster
But lived and died as And treat those two impostors
he began. just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth
Good timber does not you've spoken
grow with ease, Twisted by knaves to make a
The stronger wind, the trap for fools,
stronger trees, Or watch the things you gave
The further sky, the your life to, broken,
greater length, And stoop and build'em up with
The more the storm, worn-out tools;
the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain If you can make one heap of all
and snow, your winnings
In trees and men good And risk it on one turn of pitch-
timbers grow. and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your
Where thickest lies the beginnings,
f t th Ad b th db t

It is in the cacophony of its multilingual and multicultural voices based on a medley of regions
and religions, that the Indian citizen as a person, and India as a nation must realise the peace

An enormous creative power is released when ordinary people of goodwill-without the

trappings of power, wealth or fame come together. Such solidarity can offer the most
effective resistance to unjust exploitative social practices and political tyranny.
The power to transform the world flows from the collective non-violent energies of ordinary
men and women, a lesson that the high and mighty ignore to their peril.

Nani saw the constitution as a legacy that had to be honored while simultaneously being flexible.
Quoting Thomas Jefferson, he said, the constitution must go "hand in hand with the progress of the
human mind". He was however a firm opponent of politically motivated constitutional amendments (His
favourite quotation was from Joseph Story, who said: "The Constitution has been reared for immortality,
if the work of man may justly aspire to such a title. It may, nevertheless, perish in an hour by the folly, or
corruption, or negligence of its only keepers, the people.").

Pakistani poet Ahmed Faraz

Shikwa-e-zulmat-e-shab se to behtar tha, Apne hisse ki koi shama jalate jate
How much better it would have been, if instead of going on cursing the dark of the
evening, we had lit the candle that was within our hands to light.

Maya Angelou

Just like moons and like suns,

with the certainty of tides,
just like hopes springing high
Still I'll rise

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