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Applied concepts in fractured

reservoirs Cooper
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Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs
Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

John C. Lorenz
FractureStudies LLC
New Mexico, USA

Scott P. Cooper
FractureStudies LLC
New Mexico, USA
This edition first published 2020
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For my family and mentors; Mom and Dad, Sean, Ryan, Karen, John, Alvis, and Laurel. It has been an amazing
journey, Thanks!
Scott P. Cooper

For Nancy and Ned, Margaret and Norman, who were part of a generation with ideals, principles, and an appreciation
for critical thinking; and for Alex who arrived later.
John C. Lorenz


Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
Introduction xvii

PART 1 Understanding Natural Fractures: Fracture Types, Dimensions, and Origin 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Nomenclature and Fracture-Classification Systems 1
1.2.1 Introduction 1
1.2.2 Other Classification Systems 3
1.2.3 Classifications for Fractures in Outcrops and Cores 4
1.2.4 Expulsion Fractures and Natural Hydraulic Fractures 5
1.2.5 Other Fracture Terminology 5
1.2.6 Sets, Systems, Domains, and Systematic Fractures 7
1.3 Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 8
1.3.1 Introduction 8
1.3.2 Fracture Distribution Patterns 8
1.3.3 Fractography 10
1.3.4 Fracture Dip Angles 13
1.3.5 Fracture Distributions 13
1.3.6 Fracture Heights and Terminations 16
1.3.7 Fracture Lengths 18
1.3.8 Fracture Widths, Apertures, and Mineralization 19
1.3.9 Fracture Spacing 22
1.3.10 Fracture Strike 27 Fracture Orientations Relative to the In Situ Stresses 28
1.3.11 Discussion 28
1.4 The Mechanics of Fracturing Rock in Extension and Shear 29
1.4.1 Introduction 29
1.4.2 Origins of Geologic Stress Systems 31 Stresses in a Tectonically Quiescent Basin 31 Other Potential Sources of Horizontally Isotropic Stress 32 Stresses in a Tectonically Active Basin 32
1.4.3 Rock Susceptibility to Fracture: Basic Concepts 35 Introduction 35 Intrinsic Controls on Fracture Susceptibility 38 Extrinsic Controls on Fracture Susceptibility 39 How Rock Breaks: Grain-Scale Cracking, Yield, and Failure 41 Extrapolation to the Subsurface 43
1.4.4 Interplay Between Developing Fractures and the In Situ Stresses 44
1.4.5 The Importance of Pore Pressure 45
viii Contents Introduction 45 The Relationship between Pore Pressure and Stress 45 Biot’s Coefficient 47 Mohr Diagrams and Pore Pressure 47 Pore Pressure Makes Rock Weak and Brittle 47 Sources of Pore Pressure 50 Alternate Theories 51
1.4.6 Summary 52
1.5 Other Fracture Types 53
1.5.1 Introduction 53
1.5.2 Deformation-Band Shear Fractures, Compaction Bands, and
Dilation Bands 53 General Characteristics 53 Dimensions and Distributions 53 Origin 54
1.5.3 Faults and Fractures 55
1.5.4 Microfractures 56
1.5.5 Stylolites and Associated Extension Fractures 59
1.5.6 Bed-Parallel Shear Fractures 59
1.5.7 Beef-Filled Fractures 62
1.5.8 Ptygmatically Folded Fractures 63
1.5.9 Alteration of Fracture Systems by Dissolution 64
APPENDIX 1.A The Relationship Between Pore Pressure and the In Situ Effective Stresses 66
Introduction 66
Vertical Stress 67
Horizontal Stress 67
Effective Vertical Stress 67
Effective Horizontal Stress 68
Stress Differential 68

PART 2 Measuring and Analyzing Fractures in Reservoirs 71

2.1 Introduction 71
2.1.1 Reasons to Take Core 72
2.1.2 Analyses 73
2.1.3 Fracture Data Sources 73
2.1.4 Quantitative vs. Semi-Quantitative Data 73
2.1.5 Timing of a Fracture Study 73
2.1.6 Need for Experience 74
2.1.7 Other Data Sources 74
2.2 Planning a Core Program for Fracture Analysis 74
2.2.1 Introduction 74
2.2.2 Core Diameter and Length 74
2.2.3 Substituting Sidewall Core Samples 74
2.2.4 Orienting a Core 74
2.2.5 Drilling Parameters 75
2.2.6 Trip Time for Core Recovery 75
2.2.7 Collecting Data on Site 75
2.2.8 Running an Image Log 76
2.2.9 Back-to-Back Cores 76
2.2.10 On-Site Processing 76
2.2.11 CT Scans 77
2.2.12 Removing Core from the Barrel 77
2.2.13 Core-Jam Prevention Measures 77
2.2.14 Maximizing and Documenting Core Continuity 77
Contents ix

2.2.15 Slabbing Protocol 77

2.2.16 Scheduling Fracture Logging and other Core Processes 78
2.3 Logging Core for Fractures 78
2.3.1 Wash the Core! 78
2.3.2 Use all the Core and Remove it from the Core Boxes 79
2.3.3 Laying Out Intervals of Core for Fracture Logging 79
2.3.4 Core-Logging Toolkit 80
2.3.5 Recording Data 81
2.3.6 Making and Using a Master Orientation Line 82
2.3.7 Differentiating Natural from Induced Fractures 83
2.4 Taking, Measuring and Analyzing Fracture Data 84
2.4.1 Fracture Type 84
2.4.2 Fracture Depths: Intensity and Density 86
2.4.3 Fracture Dip Angles 88 Measuring Dip Angles 88 Using Dip Angles 89
2.4.4 Fracture Distributions 90
2.4.5 Fracture Heights and Terminations 91
2.4.6 Fracture Widths, Apertures, and Mineralization 94
2.4.7 Fracture Spacings 98 Spacings from Horizontal Core 99 Spacings from Vertical Core 103 Converting Vertical Observations to Horizontal Fracture Spacings 103 Spacings of Inclined and Shear Fractures 105 Uses of Spacings 105
2.4.8 Measuring and Using Fracture Strikes 105 Measuring Fracture Strikes in Vertical Core 106 Measuring Fracture Strikes in Deviated or Horizontal Cores 109
2.5 New Core vs. Archived Core 110
2.6 Oriented Core 112
2.6.1 Other Ways of Orienting a Core 116
2.7 Using CT Scans 118
2.8 Fracture Data from Image Logs 119
2.9 Comparing Fracture Data from Outcrops, Core, and Logs 122
2.9.1 Introduction 122
2.9.2 Large-Scale Outcrop Studies 123
2.9.3 Local Outcrop Studies 123 Raton Basin 123 Rifle Gap 125 San Ysidro 127
2.10 Fracture Data from 3D Seismic Surveys 128
2.11 Fracture Data Acquired by LiDAR 130
2.12 Fracture Data from Engineering Tests 132
2.13 Case Studies in Estimating Fracture Effectiveness from Core 133
2.13.1 Introduction 133
2.13.2 Case Study 1: Archived Vertical, Unoriented Core 133
2.13.3 Case Study 2: New, Un-Slabbed Horizontal Core 134 Introduction 134 Fracture Effectiveness 137 System Effectiveness and Permeability Anisotropy 137
2.13.4 Case Study 3: New, Slabbed, Vertical Core 139 Introduction 139 Calculating Effectiveness 139 Description of the High-Angle Extension Fractures 141
x Contents

APPENDIX 2.A Workflow and List of Tests, Data 144

APPENDIX 2.B Core-Handling, Marking, Sampling, and Analysis Protocol for Core Studies Focused
on Natural Fractures 144
APPENDIX 2.C Slabbing Recommendations for Horizontal Core 146

PART 3 Effects of Natural Fractures on Reservoirs 149

3.1 Introduction 149
3.2 Classification 149
3.3 The Permeability Behavior of Individual Fractures 150
3.3.1 Introduction 150
3.3.2 Three Categories of Fracture Effects 150
3.3.3 Stylolites 154
3.3.4 Microfractures 154
3.4 The Effects of Fracture Systems 156
3.4.1 Introduction 156
3.4.2 Fracture-Controlled Permeability Anisotropy 157 Case Study: The Midale Field 157 Case Study: The Rulison Field 158 Case Study: The Spraberry Formation 158
3.4.3 Fracture-Controlled Sweet Spots 162
3.5 The Sensitivity of Fracture Permeability to Changing Stress 164
3.5.1 Stress-Sensitive Extension Fractures 164 Case Study: The Bulo Bulo Field 167
3.5.2 Stress-Sensitive Shear Fractures 169
3.5.3 Damage Due to Production-Related Scale 171
3.6 Fracture Volumetrics 172
3.6.1 Introduction 172
3.6.2 Fracture Volume/Fracture Porosity 173
3.6.3 Fracture Permeability 174
3.6.4 Transfer Function 176
3.6.5 Fracture Surface Areas 176
3.7 Effects of Fractures on Drilling and Coring 177
3.8 Completions: The Interaction Between Natural and Hydraulic Fractures 178
3.8.1 Early Conceptual Models 178
3.8.2 Direct Evidence of the Characteristics of Hydraulic Fractures 179
3.8.3 The Developing Hydraulic-Fracture Model 182
3.8.4 Nuclear Stimulations 184

References 187
Index 205


Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs is a much- outlining a workflow for fractured reservoirs charac-
needed precise and practical treatment of a key topic in terization and it goes on to introduce the way fractures
the energy industry and beyond. The subject of natural impact operational activities. The book allocates a
fractures and their impact on hydrocarbon reservoirs considerable section to discussing the impact of nat-
has been a mutual interest that I have shared with the ural fractures on hydraulic fracturing. In my opinion
senior author of this book, John Lorenz, for decades. In such impact is not fully understood and including it
my view this will become a standard reference for geo- in the book is a timely approach to raise questions,
scientists and engineers working on fractured reservoirs, stimulate thoughts, and shed some light on different
for example reservoir engineers, geophysicists, geolo- experimental explanations. The ability to predict the
gists, and rock mechanics practitioners. It will take its outcome when natural fractures interact with hydrauli-
place among the many other publications by the authors cally stimulated/induced fractures in a reservoir is a
already addressing related issues. The importance of the challenge not yet fully achieved. Advancement in this
book lies in the fact that it addresses what is probably the area of hydrofracturing is a crucial step in making
most pervasive feature of rocks: the tendency to break hydrofracturing more efficient and safer.
under natural or man-made stresses. The authors put John Lorenz and Scott Cooper, who are accomplished
this in an applied context for all involved in exploration researchers and consultants, have produced a valuable
and development in the industry and in academia. In resource on the subject of fractured reservoirs, a publi-
that context the book is well organized and clearly illus- cation which complements previous texts, and takes the
trated in an easy to grasp collection of applications for topic to a broader, up-to-date, applied level and scope.
fracture studies, for example their impact on reservoir
petrophysics, their influence on drilling, and production Mohammed S. Ameen (Ph.D., DIC, FGS)
engineering. Principal Professional in Geomechanics,
The book is balanced in that it introduces the reader Emerging Unconventional Assets Department,
to basic definitions and classifications of fractures and Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
fractured reservoirs at the outset. It then proceeds by


This book is a companion to our previous Atlas of together numerous fracture-related topics that are not
Natural and Induced Fractures in Core, moving on from collected elsewhere. We hope that it will be useful to
the basic recognition of fracture types described in that both academia and industry, and that it is not in the vein
volume, which must be the foundation of any fracture of the apocryphal third-grader doing a book report on
study, to explanations of how those fractures form, how penguins, who concluded that “This book tells me more
they are measured, how they can be assessed, and how than I want to know about penguins.”
they affect reservoirs.
This volume is the summary of decades of experience
with industry doing applied fracture studies. It brings


Numerous people have contributed to this effort, us to use the material, sanitized for publication. We
providing reviews, materials, references, photographs, would also like to acknowledge all of the astute people
and insights. We would specifically like to acknowledge who over the years have worked in this amazing field of
and thank Mohammed Ameen, Bruce Hart, Connie study and whose published papers were used throughout
Hawkins, Nate Gilbertson, Ron Nelson, Ahmed Ouenes, this text.
David Schechter, Joe Simonson, and Norm Warpinski. We would also like to thank our wives, who, knowing
Much of the original material used to illustrate this better than we did the size of the undertaking, said “Sure,
volume has come from detailed, unpublished industry why not?” when asked if we might carve the needed time
studies, and we thank those companies for allowing from family commitments.


One can’t begin to write a textbook without self- were usually considered to be exceptions rather than, as
indulgently explaining how important the subject matter they are, evidence for abundant fracturing.
is and how readers therefore absolutely need to know Substantive, definitive data now document the com-
the material. Fortunately, the importance of understand- mon presence of natural fractures with significant,
ing the origins, characteristics, and effects of natural permeability-enhancing apertures at the depths of hydro-
fractures in hydrocarbon reservoirs is becoming widely carbon reservoirs. Moreover, improved understandings
accepted, so it is enough for us to note that technology of geomechanics and the dynamics of reservoirs (e.g.,
has continued to extend a recognition of the presence Ameen, 2018) have allowed for predictions of the behav-
and importance of natural fractures in many reservoirs ior of fracture-permeability systems during production.
once thought to be un-fractured. Moreover, the increas- Thus, the effects of natural fractures must be included
ing use of horizontal and deviated wellbores is providing in assessments of most reservoir permeability systems,
unique and invaluable information on the close fracture especially in unconventional reservoirs.
spacings exhibited by many fracture systems, even in The default conceptual natural fracture in early reser-
relatively undeformed strata. voir models was a regularly spaced, randomly oriented,
It was not always so. The default conceptual model of open slot of uniform width. The reality is that the frac-
a reservoir before image logs and extensive coring, even tures of a typical fracture set in a hydrocarbon reservoir
in deformed strata, rarely included natural fractures, and are log-normally spaced, systematically oriented, and
there were few data points to indicate otherwise. Cored have irregular apertures. Although a significant variety
fractures used to be relatively rare because of the wide of fracture types exist in hydrocarbon reservoirs (see
fracture spacings typical of the thicker reservoir units Lorenz and Cooper, 2018a), their effects on permeability
most commonly cored, and because vertical core has a can be reasonably assessed if the fracture type, degree of
low probability of capturing vertical fractures, the most occlusion, degree of development, and tectonic setting
common type in many reservoirs. For example, a vertical, can be characterized.
4-inch (10 cm) diameter core cut vertically through a For example; shear fractures commonly occur as
fractured bed where fracture spacing averages 40 inches related, intersecting conjugate pairs whereas extension
(about 1 m) has only a 10% probability of sampling the fractures occur as poorly-connected parallel planes.
fracture population (see Lorenz, 1992). The absence of Shear fractures form vertically and laterally intercon-
vertical fractures in vertical core used to be accepted as nected drainage networks but the individual shear-
proof that a reservoir was not fractured, but that is like fracture apertures and therefore permeabilities are
saying that there are no mosquitos about on a summer’s irregular. In contrast, sets of extension fractures create
evening picnic because you have not been bitten yet. highly anisotropic drainage in a reservoir, and are likely
This absence of good subsurface data, and the slowly to be vertically limited by lithologic discontinuities.
maturing study of geomechanics prior to the 1980s, did Thus, it is important to not only recognize the presence
not support the presence of fractures in the subsurface of fractures in a reservoir but also to both correctly
below about 2000 ft. Statements such as “At depth… identify the fractures by type and to fully characterize
most joints are generally closed…” (Heck, 1955) were them. Fractures in a reservoir must be understood, they
widely accepted, and even the experts at the respected cannot be merely counted and oriented.
rock mechanics laboratory of the Exploration and Correct fracture identifications and characteriza-
Production Research Division of the Shell Development tions allow the geologist, modeler, and engineer to be
Company would write that “It is, of course, inconceivable accurate in spotting well locations and designing hor-
that an open crack could exist at depth…” (Griggs and izontal wellbore azimuths. These data provide anchor
Handin, 1960). Thus, those fractures that were cored points for seismic and petrophysical interpretations
xviii Introduction

as well as basic data for reasonable determinations of one of the different mechanisms for folding strata, sug-
fracture-system volumetrics including porosity, perme- gesting that there is no universal model that describes
ability, reserves, recovery factors, and production rates. fracture distributions and orientations on anticlines. In
Accurate knowledge of fracture systems allows engi- addition, we will describe the potential distributions of
neers to design appropriate completion and production fractures along wrench faults and within fold and thrust
strategies, taking advantage of or at least accommo- belts.
dating fracture-controlled drainage anisotropy and Part 3 describes Effects of Natural Fractures on Reser-
stress-sensitive permeabilities. Such in-depth knowledge voirs, offering techniques for estimating volumetrics in
allows the petrophysicist to more accurately interpret fractured reservoirs, and discussing the fracture-related
image logs. enhancement and/or degradation of reservoir perme-
This volume is a companion volume to our earlier ability. This section will describe differences in the
Atlas of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core (Lorenz potentials of different fracture systems to create drainage
and Cooper, 2018a). That volume provides a tool for and permeability anisotropy in a reservoir. We also illus-
accurately identifying different fracture types whereas trate the changes in the fracture-related permeability that
this volume discusses how the different types formed, can be caused when fracture apertures narrow during
and how they affect reservoir volumetrics. The present changes in reservoir fluid pressures and the related effec-
volume is divided into three sections. Part 1, Under- tive stresses during production. A series of wells drilled
standing Natural Fractures: Fracture Types, Dimensions, into a fractured reservoir tends to have non-uniform
and Origins, discusses the origin, the characteristics, production rates and recoveries, so the effects of frac-
the variations among, and distinctions between exten- ture corridors and domains in creating reservoir sweet
sion fractures and shear fractures. It also describes spots are discussed. Finally, we will address the issue
microfractures, fractures associated with faults, the of interactions between natural fractures and hydraulic
effects of the different geomechanical properties of stimulation fractures.
different lithologies on fracture development, fracture The primary literature on natural fractures is vast
domains, and fracture corridors. The important min- and varied, and is replete with inconsistencies and
eralization that can occlude fracture apertures and conflicting hypotheses. There are a dozen good, basic
reduce fracture permeability, as well as the dissolution structural-geology textbooks (e.g. Fossen, 2010; Pollard
that can enhance it, are included in the discussions. and Fletcher, 2005; Mandl, 2005; National Research
The characteristics of both individual fractures (length, Council, 1996; Twiss and Moores, 1992) that describe
widths, heights, apertures) and fracture populations natural fractures and the mechanics of fracturing rock,
(spacings, interconnectivity) of different fracture types but even these summaries are not in total agreement.
are described. It is interesting to compare the variety of concepts, ter-
Part 2, Measuring and Analyzing Fractures in a Reser- minology, and interpretations offered in these texts (see
voir, deals with techniques for logging and obtaining for example Lorenz and Cooper, 2019), and to compare
the maximum amount of data from cores. It includes the different experimental, theoretical, and empirical
techniques for distinguishing natural from induced approaches authors have used in describing, assessing,
fractures, and discusses the potential uses of different and interpreting natural fractures. Significantly fewer
kinds of induced fractures in determining the in situ texts (e.g. Nelson, 2001; National Research Council,
stress orientations as well as in determining the orien- 1996; Narr et al., 2006) have focused on fractures and
tations of fractures relative to the stresses and to each their effects on hydrocarbon reservoirs.
other. We describe the pros and cons of oriented core In writing a textbook, authors presume that they know
and techniques for quality-checking a core-orientation something that the readers also really need to know, or
survey, as well as techniques for fracture analysis once that the authors have a different and valuable perspective,
the fracture data have been collected. Included in this or that they can capture the essence of a body of literature
section are the expressions of fractures in image logs and and condense it into a useful package. We hope that we
the advantages of correlating image logs to cores, noting have done all three, and that our experience has allowed
the significantly increased value of both the image log us to build on the important concepts and information
once it has been calibrated to core, and of a core that has presented in earlier works, to distill them, and to find the
been oriented using an image log. useful commonalities.
Part 2 also offers the observation that there are several
valid fold-related fracture models, each appropriate to


Understanding Natural Fractures: Fracture Types, Dimensions, and Origin

1.1 Introduction Open fracture apertures in a reservoir provide

high-permeability pathways that can be enhanced
We begin this text with a short discussion of basic by dissolution and/or restricted by mineralization, so
fracture nomenclature in order to provide a common fracture apertures and modifications to fracture aper-
understanding and framework for the rest of the volume. tures are also discussed. Finally, the origins and effects
Nomenclature would seem to be a rather stodgy lead-off of closely spaced fractures in fracture corridors are
topic, but the whiplash provided by the variety of frac- examined.
ture terminology in the literature (e.g. Pollard and Aydin, These descriptions and discussions from Part 1 of this
1988; Lorenz and Cooper, 2019) should prevent the volume and will provide the basic understandings nec-
discussion from being overly dull and boring. A nomen- essary to move on to Part 2, Measuring and Analyzing
clature discussion provides a basis for melding data, Fractures in Reservoirs, and Part 3, The Effects of Natural
observations, and concepts from the laboratory, out- Fracture on Reservoirs.
crops, and theory, as well as for following the arguments
of papers written by different authors.
All fracture types do not have equal effects on a
reservoir, so the nomenclature section is followed by 1.2 Nomenclature and
descriptions of the range of fracture dimensions and by Fracture-Classification Systems
illustrations of the characteristics that must be accounted
for when attempting to model fluid flow through a natu- 1.2.1 Introduction
rally fractured reservoir. This discussion focuses on shear
and extension fractures, which are the most common A fracture is a mechanical discontinuity in a rock,
fracture types in hydrocarbon reservoirs, but it will typically planar and commonly associated with a loss
include some of the other kinds of fractures found in of cohesion in the rock across the fracture plane.
reservoirs. We will also explore the basic mechanics of Many fractures are filled by post-fracturing mineraliza-
fracturing rock in shear and extension since that knowl- tion, restoring some or all cohesion across the facture
edge is useful in extrapolating the limited fracture data plane. Natural fractures are brittle to brittle-ductile
obtained from a wellbore into the three-dimensional strain-accommodation structures that develop when the
volume of the reservoir, and can sometimes be used to rock is subjected to a stress anisotropy greater than its
infer the characteristics or even the presence/absence of strength.
fracture systems in a reservoir prior to drilling. This definition covers an astonishing variety of struc-
Fracture characteristics depend on the stress condi- tures, and numerous authors have divided fractures
tions at the time of fracturing as well as the mechanical into various classes with assorted names in efforts to
properties of the host rock, which in turn depends on make some sense out of them. Classification, i.e. the
the basic composition, sedimentary heterogeneity, and identification of populations within which the fractures
diagenetic history of the rock. Therefore, we will discuss have distinctive and similar characteristics, is the first
the variations of fracture characteristics as controlled by step in assessing fracture effects on a reservoir, since
lithology, principally the gross-scale differences inher- all fracture types do not have the same permeability or
ent in fracturing limestone, sandstone, and shale or degree of interconnectedness. Nevertheless, it’s useful
mudrock. We will also examine what happens when to remember that most classification schemes, including
a fracture forms within one stress system and is later those for fractures, are artificial constructs, and the
reactivated within a reorganized stress system, forming boundaries between classes are commonly gradational
a compound fracture. rather than abrupt.
Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs, First Edition. John C. Lorenz and Scott P. Cooper.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

structure as a break in the rock mass. “Joint” and “vein”

are both too broad (not distinguishing between exten-
sion and shear) and too specific (is a mineralized shear
fracture a vein?) to be widely useful. Some authors (e.g.
Hancock, 1985; Mandl, 2005; Weijermars, 1997) apply
“joint” to any fracture discontinuity even if it has shear
offset; others restrict it to those fractures that do not
have offset parallel to the fracture plane and prefer the
term “fault” for any structure with indications of shear.
We have used the term “vein” for early diagenetic filled
fractures that are insignificant to reservoir permeabil-
ity (see Lorenz and Cooper, 2018a), and the term also
adequately describes the short, wide, mineralized, en
echelon structures found in shear zones that form in
rock near the brittle-ductile transition. However, “vein”
does not serve well as a generic term.
A “fracture”-based lexicon is simple and flexible. It is
easily modified with descriptors to indicate any of the
numerous and important fracture characteristics such as
mode of origin, dip angle, and whether or not the frac-
ture is mineralized (i.e. an “inclined, calcite-mineralized
Figure 1.1 Left: two calcite-mineralized vertical extension shear fracture”), making it easy to understand. Most frac-
fractures captured by a core cut from a marine sandstone. The ture types and most other nomenclatures can be fit into
fractures do not intersect in the core but have relative strikes (red a fracture-based nomenclature system (Table 1.1).
bars) that will intersect in the reservoir outside the core volume.
Upper right: a side view of an inclined shear fracture in the same
core. Lower right: view of the calcite-mineralized and slickenlined
Table 1.1 Fracture nomenclature as used in this volume.
surface of this shear fracture. 5.25 inch (13.3 cm) diameter core;
uphole is towards the top of all three photos. Fracture Classifications Used in this Volume
Mode of Origin Modifiers
The focus of this volume is on shear fractures and Extension Mineralized, Unmineralized, and Dissolution
extension fractures (Figure 1.1). Extension fractures Dip angle: High, Intermediate, Low
form when the opposing fracture walls move apart Bed-parallel
from each other in the direction normal to the fracture Microfractures
plane, whereas shear fractures form when the opposing Shear Mineralized, Unmineralized, and Dissolution
walls move in opposite directions but parallel to the Dip angle: High, Intermediate, Low
fracture plane. Both structures accommodate strain in Normal, Reverse, and Strike-slip
a brittle fashion under conditions of anisotropic stress,
and although there is a gradation between these two
basic fracture types, they have fundamentally different
characteristics and therefore have significantly different
effects on reservoirs. These two fracture types com- Special Shear Types Mixed-mode
prise the majority of fractures found in hydrocarbon Deformation Bands
reservoirs. Faults
We prefer not to not use the terms “joint,” an open En Echelon Tension Gashes
break in the rock, or “vein,” a mineralized joint, since Other Types
the two terms always seem to generate discussion and Anticracks Compaction Bands
require definition during debates on the outcrop. Dictio- Stylolites
naries in fact suggest that the term “joint” comes from Fissures
the verb to join, and its original connotation referred Veins
to the location where two rock masses come together.
Although “joint” may have historical precedence, “frac-
ture” is perhaps more apt since the related verb to
fracture applies more appropriately to the origin of the
Nomenclature and Fracture-Classification Systems 3

1.2.2 Other Classification Systems all fracturing formed under laboratory conditions of
tri-axial compression.
Fracture classifications can also be based on other crite-
This figure has been reproduced and modified by
ria, and a welter of classification systems that have been
numerous authors, some adding a block for tensile
used for different purposes and in different contexts
fractures, formed under true tension, on the left side of
exists in the literature. Examination of a half dozen
the figure, obscuring the important distinction between
recent structural geology textbooks and the numerous
tension and extension. Although most rock is an order of
websites and published papers shows some consistency,
magnitude weaker in tension than in compression, and
several conflicts, and a few jarring anomalies. Several of although tension is easy to create in the laboratory, true
these systems are described briefly here so that a student tension is rare in the subsurface and is not applicable to
using the literature can recognize and use the differences the origin of the numerous and widespread extension or
and commonalities. shear fractures in hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Petrophysicists who characterize fractures from image It is important to remember that Griggs and Handin
logs run in a wellbore commonly classify a fracture specified that their figure illustrates a spectrum of frac-
signature by its electrical characteristics, i.e. whether turing rather than discrete stages. Other authors have
it is conductive or resistive. These electrical properties added terms for the intermediate stages of fracturing
may be used to determine whether a fracture has some between shear and extension, fractures that show evi-
open width, which in turn can be used to assess fracture dence for both extension and shear offset (i.e. hybrid,
permeability, which is ultimately why we study fractures mixed-mode, or oblique extension fractures; Ramsey and
in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Service companies, how- Chester, 2004).
ever, often leave the permeability interpretations to their The extension fractures that form parallel to the
client, recognizing that it can be a trap. For example, con- maximum applied stress and normal to the minimum
ductive fracture signatures, which are usually inferred compressive stress during tests on Griggs and Handin’s
to indicate the invasion of drilling mud into open most brittle rocks have been called longitudinal-splitting,
fracture apertures, can also result from fractures that axial splitting, and cleavage fractures, or sometimes
are completely occluded but where the mineralization load-parallel extension fractures. Because they occur
includes traces of pyrite. Likewise, resistive signatures under conditions of minimal confining stress these
can indicate either fractures that are largely occluded structures are not always considered to be analogous to
by mineralization, deformation-band shear fractures subsurface fractures where the compressive confining
that are not mineralized but that consist of zones of stresses, dictated by the weight of the overburden and
collapsed porosity, or fractures that are filled with a any additional tectonic compression, are assumed to be
drilling mud that is resistive relative to the formation significant. However, advances in geomechanics and an
fluid and lithology. understanding of the significant effects of pore pressure
Nelson (2001) offers several fracture-classification suggest that the axial splitting extension-fracture pro-
types, including one based loosely on a fracture’s cess can be important in explaining the origin of sets of
morphology and its potential effects on reservoir plumb- regional extension fractures.
ing, the categories including open fractures, deformed Fractures are also commonly divided into “Mode” cat-
fractures, mineralized fractures, and vuggy fractures. egories based on origin:
Other authors (e.g. Aguilera, 2003) separate fractures
Mode I: extension fractures
into systems based on their relationship to structure,
Mode II: shear fractures where shear was parallel to the
such as tectonic fractures (primarily shear fractures
fracture face
related to faults or folds), regional fractures (mostly
Mode III: shear fractures distinguished by rotational
extension fractures that occur over wide areas), and
shear along the fracture face. Mode III, rotational-
surface-related fractures (fractures related to weather-
shear fractures are not common in the rock record
ing, spalling, stress release, and gravitational forces on and they would be almost impossible to recognize
valley walls). from the limited data available in the subsurface, and
One of the common fracture-classification systems is we will not discuss them further.
based on Griggs and Handin’s (1960) experiments on
carefully machined, centimeter-scale laboratory spec- The Mode system is sometimes extended to include a
imens. Their Figure 1, reproduced here as Figure 1.2, Mode IV class of planar, compaction or anti-crack struc-
shows a series of block diagrams representing a pro- tures such as stylolites and compaction bands, where the
gression from extension fractures to various types of fracture walls moved towards each other in a direction
shear fractures as the ductility of the rock increases, normal to the fracture plane, requiring volume loss.
4 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

Case 1 2 3 4 5

Typical strain before

fracture or faulting <1 1–5 2–8 5–10 > 10

σ1 > σ2 = σ3


σ1 = σ2 > σ3

Typical stress-
strain curves


Figure 1.2 Deformation in compression in the laboratory (from Griggs and Handin, 1960, their Figure 1). The original caption reads
“Schematic representation of the spectrum from brittle fracture to ductile flow, with typical strains before fracture and stress-strain curves
for uniaxial compression and extension. The ruled portions of the stress-strain curves indicate the variation within each case and the
overlap between cases 3, 4, and 5.” Columns 1 and 2 show extension fracturing, columns 3 and 4 show shear fracturing, and column 5
shows ductile deformation. Griggs and Handin labeled the top row of samples “Compression” and the second row “Extension,” suggestive
of the type of deformation imposed on the samples. However, that invites confusion with the designation of extension fractures
(columns 1 and 2) vs. shear fractures (columns 3 and 4), so we have omitted those labels on the two rows. All test conditions were
compressive, as indicated by the formula indicating the stress conditions (σ) for deformation: none of the fractures were formed in tension,
by pulling on the ends of the samples. Note that the angular relationships between the three imposed stresses and the resulting fracture
planes are identical in the two rows of samples, the only difference being whether the maximum compressive stress (σ1 ) was imposed
parallel or normal to the long axis of a sample. (The use of σ to designate stress in this figure follows Griggs and Handin’s original usage,
whereas we have used S for stress in most of this text, reserving σ to denote effective stress.)

1.2.3 Classifications for Fractures in Outcrops and Some authors suggest that a fracture plane with any
Cores amount of shear offset should be called a fault, qual-
ifying the usage by referring to shear structures with
The nomenclature used for fractures in outcrops and
small offsets as microfaults. Others suggest that the term
in cores cut from the subsurface is sometimes differ-
fault should apply only to structures having relatively
ent from that used in the laboratory. Some authors
large offsets and having associated secondary features
prefer to use a dual nomenclature in order to distin- such as antithetic shear fractures and/or a central core
guish outcrop from laboratory structures. For example, of fault rock consisting of clay smear, breccia, and/or
although Griggs and Handin used the term fault for gouge. In general discussions of shear structures, the
laboratory fractures that formed in shear, Jaeger et al. thresholds for “large” and “small” magnitudes of offset
(2007) use fault for shear structures in outcrop and are subjective, but we are happy to use both fault and
shear fracture for similar structures formed in the labo- shear fracture for structures with large and small offsets
ratory. The existence of two sets of terms for natural vs. respectively, specifying offset magnitudes where possible
laboratory-created fractures highlights a degree of ambi- for discussions of specific fracture sets.
guity that is common in the application of laboratory The term shear fracture, as for extension fractures,
results to the formation of natural fractures in the rock can have appended modifiers for the presence and type
record. of mineralization, dip angle, and for the sense of offset
Nomenclature and Fracture-Classification Systems 5





S1 Strike-slip


S1 S2 Reverse

Figure 1.3 Left: Anderson’s (1951) three ideal orientations for pairs of conjugate shear fractures and faults. The orientation of the “X” is
determined by the orientations of the maximum, intermediate, and minimum compressive stresses (S1 , S2 , and S3 , respectively). Ideally the
two sets of the conjugate-fracture pair are equally well developed, but unequal development is common. Middle and right: photo and
sketch of a fault with antithetic shear fractures illustrating the common occurrence of the unequal development of conjugate shear

(normal, reverse, and strike-slip, following Anderson minimum in situ compressive stress and tensile strength
[1951]). Shear fractures commonly occur as conjugate of the subsurface rock.
pairs although the two sets of the pair may not be equally Expulsion fractures and natural hydraulic frac-
well developed in an ideal X pattern in any given outcrop. tures do exist, witness igneous dikes and a variety of
The maximum compressive stress at the time of shear pre-lithification sedimentary injection structures in the
bisects the acute angle of the X (e.g. Rothery, 1988). One rock record, but the evidence for these mechanisms is
set of the pair may consist of larger, localized shear, as in weak or nonexistent in most natural fracture systems.
a fault, with the other set occurring as smaller, antithetic Many of the fractures that have been called expul-
shear fractures intersecting the fault plane (Figure 1.3). sion fractures and natural hydraulic fractures are more
Shear planes where porosity has collapsed and where plausibly explained by other mechanisms.
grains of the host rock have been crushed to create Nevertheless, there are examples of structures with
low-permeability bands rather than an open frac- associated clays and remnant hydrocarbons that record
ture aperture have been referred to as deformation the passage of fluids expelled from one high-pressure
bands, shear bands, and gouge-filled fractures. The first stratum into or across an adjacent, lower-pressure layer
two terms are in common usage in the industry as a (Figure 1.4). High pore pressure within a formation alone,
shorthand for deformation-band shear fractures. however, does not fracture the rock; rather it makes the
rock more susceptible to fracture (see Lorenz et al., 1991;
Fall et al., 2015; and later discussions in this book). Like
1.2.4 Expulsion Fractures and Natural Hydraulic the distinction between tension fractures and extension
Fractures fractures, there is a subtle but important difference
The tangle of terminology, combined with poorly sup- between fracturing rock with pore pressures in excess
ported geomechanical models for fracturing in the of the minimum compressive stress (implausible), and
presence of high formation pore pressures, has created making rock susceptible to fracturing by raising the pore
concepts and a lexicon of expulsion fractures and natural pressure such that the rock is effectively unconfined and
hydraulic fractures. The mechanics of fracturing and therefore weak, brittle, and susceptible to fracture.
pore pressure are discussed later, but the term “natural
hydraulic fracture” invites a misleading analogy to the
1.2.5 Other Fracture Terminology
hydraulic stimulation fractures common in the hydro-
carbon industry. During stimulations, fluids from an Other terms such as pinnate fractures, feather fractures,
external source (pump trucks) are forced into a forma- and horsetail splays describe structures that splay off
tion under pressures well in excess of the combined larger shear fractures and faults due to local stresses that
6 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

0.5 mm

Figure 1.4 Wispy tendrils of clay and hydrocarbon, derived from the underlying, under-compacted organic-rich marine mudrock, mark
the episodic passage of over-pressured fluids. Left: slabs of 4-inch (10-cm) diameter core, pencil point for scale. Right: close-up of the core
at the left. The structures are roughly planar in the third dimension (i.e. in and out of the plane of the photograph). They are inclined due to
down-slope gravitational creep prior to lithification.

build up along the shear plane during offset, commonly hydraulic stimulation fractures in a paper assessing the
found in strata that have been relatively highly deformed. interactions between the two. We have used fissure to
Occasionally one stubs a toe on undefined terms such refer to fractures, both extension and shear, that have
as “hydraulic shear fracture” and “traversal fracture.” wide, irregular, dissolution-enhanced apertures and that
Terminology must be flexible if a science is to grow, but are filled with allochthonous materials derived from
such terms should be defined when they are introduced, an associated subaerial exposure surface (Lorenz and
and new terms should not supplant existing terms for Cooper, 2018a). Fossen (2010) suggests that fissures are
the same structures without providing the reason for extension fractures that are wider than usual but without
doing so. quantifying the threshold for “wider.” Fissures are not
Both shear and extension fractures can occur at a easy to recognize in the small samples of a reservoir
microscopic scale, where they are called microfractures. offered by image logs and cores although they might be
Microfractures may form within grains, between grains, expected to be present in karsted strata. If they are filled
and across several grains, being called intra-granular, with relatively permeable materials, they can provide
inter-granular, and trans-granular, respectively (e.g. good, albeit localized, permeability in a reservoir.
Mandl, 2005). Although they can enhance both per- The term vein is used commonly in several geo-
meability and porosity in some systems (e.g. Ameen logic contexts including, notably, to describe tabular
and Hailwood, 2008; Ameen et al., 2012), the role of ore-bearing zones in hard-rock mining, and by some
microfractures in most reservoirs is unclear. Anders authors to describe any mineralized fracture. In the sed-
et al. (2014) suggest that most unarguably natural imentary strata that form most hydrocarbon reservoirs,
microfractures are mineralized or healed, and these the term may best apply to short but relatively wide
should create little effect on a reservoir. Likewise, Loucks fractures that have elliptical, low-aspect-ratio apertures,
and Reed (2016) found that many of the microfractures and that are typically occluded with the same basic
identified in mudrock cores are induced, often by dehy- mineral that comprises the host strata, most commonly
dration. Significant populations of open microfractures in carbonates. Veins can occur as early diagenetic struc-
in sandstone cores can be created just by the release of tures, but they are probably best known as systems of
the rock from the in situ compressive stresses. Caution en echelon structures, sometimes referred to as tension
should be exercised when extrapolating microfractures gashes or gash fractures, that form within shear zones
observed in a core into a subsurface reservoir. in strata that were relatively ductile at the time of shear
The term fissure generally invokes the image of the (Figure 1.5). Veins typically have little effect on a reser-
wide and open slots across glaciers and lava flows, voir because they are short, poorly interconnected, and
typically open to the surface of the earth and tapering occluded.
downward. Warpinski (1991) used the term to dis- Compaction bands form as planar anticracks or closing
tinguish between natural fractures (his fissures) and fractures (as opposed to most fractures that open to form
Nomenclature and Fracture-Classification Systems 7

fractures (orientation, height, length, aperture or lack of

it) but also the characteristics of the system (intercon-
nectivity, spacing, distribution with respect to lithology,
Fractures that are locally well developed in linear
domains have been called fracture corridors or fracture
swarms that, unless plugged with mineralization, can
form high-permeability zones in a reservoir. Fracture
corridors are often genetically related to the zones of
high stress around local structures (fold hinges, incipient
faults, fault tips, e.g. Souque et al., 2019).
Fracture orientations and other characteristics are
dictated by the in situ stresses at the time of fracturing,
thus all fractures that formed within a given lithol-
Figure 1.5 Quartz-filled en echelon veins in silicified sandstone, ogy and within the same stress field should be similar,
southwestern Algeria. In contrast to the discrete shear planes, en forming a systematic fracture set and a relatively simple
echelon veins form within wider, tabular zones of shear in rock fracture system. The members of an extension-fracture
that is near the brittle-ductile transition, thus they are more
common in relatively ductile lithologies such as limestone than in set will have similar strikes, dips, surface characteristics
siliceous sandstone. In this example, the rock is presently very (fractography), mineralization, distributions relative to
brittle, but at the time of fracturing the rock was deeply buried lithology, and terminations.
within an aulacogen and rendered relatively ductile by the high Some sets of similar fractures can be classified by their
temperatures and confining pressures at depth. The trains or geometric and therefore possibly their genetic relation-
arrays of en echelon veins in this formation form thrust-oriented,
reverse-dip-slip conjugate pairs (i.e. in the third orientation shown ship to a structure, i.e. systematic fracture sets may be
in Figure 1.3). As with conjugate shear-fracture Xs, the bisector of classified as cross fractures or strike fractures if they
the acute conjugate angle of the conjugate en echelon trains have consistent strikes relative to a fold axis. Stearns and
records the maximum compressive stress. Friedman (1972) described six specific fracture sets with
consistent orientations relative to a fold axis, grouped
an aperture between the fracture walls) due to localized, into two systems called “Pattern 1” and “Pattern 2,” each
planar compaction in a rock (e.g. Pollard and Fletcher, consisting of three systematic fracture sets.
2005; Holcomb et al., 2007). The bands can be difficult Similarly, Price (1966) defined several patterns for frac-
to distinguish from deformation-band shear fractures, tures related to folding, labeling fractures relative to the
especially in the small samples provide by core, and they directions “a” (normal to the fold axis), “b” (parallel to the
are not common in most outcrops. Like shear bands, fold axis), and “c” (vertical). Fractures striking normal and
they form permeability baffles and barriers in a reservoir. parallel to the fold were inferred to have originated in ten-
Stylolites also form along planar zones and under sion and were called cross joints or a-c joints, and b-c or
compression, but they are related to localized pressure longitudinal joints, respectively. Additional oblique joints
dissolution and form by chemical removal of material were inferred to have originated in shear.
along the anticrack rather than by compaction. Stylo- Multiple fracture sets may be distinguished and clas-
lites are common in carbonate reservoirs, and short, sified by origin and/or timing. For example, Engelder
related extension fractures may extend into the host (1985) suggested a local four-fold fracture classifica-
strata on either side of the structure, forming localized tion based on tectonics and mechanics, where tectonic,
high-permeability streaks in a reservoir (Nelson, 1981). hydraulic, unloading, and release fracture sets are mem-
bers of a spectrum related to changes in stress and pore
1.2.6 Sets, Systems, Domains, and Systematic
Since extension fractures form as sets of unidirec-
tional, parallel fractures, the presence of two sets of
A group of fractures with consistent characteristics extension fractures in a reservoir records two fracture
forms a set of systematic fractures, and the lateral and/or events. (Some authors have suggested that the formation
vertical extent of that zone of similar fractures defines of one extension-fracture set can alter the local stress
a fracture domain. A fracture system consists of one or system sufficiently such that a second, orthogonal frac-
more fracture sets. Fracturing may also occur as groups ture set forms within one regional stress event, but the
of irregular, non-systematic fractures. Assessing the mechanics of this theory are not compelling and there
effects of fractures on a reservoir requires an under- is little evidence for it in outcrops.) The component sets
standing of not only the characteristics of individual within superimposed fracture systems typically have
8 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

their own unique characteristics and they may not con- different characteristics and therefore each affects a
tribute equally to reservoir permeability. Other fracture reservoir in a different manner. Moreover, fractures
systems may consist of a restricted domain of fractures within any given set are rarely if ever uniform in their
related to a local structure, such as a fold, superimposed dimensions and effects on permeability.
onto a set of more widespread regional fractures (e.g. In this section, we will describe differences and simi-
Cooper et al., 2006; Ameen et al., 2012). larities between shear and extension fractures as well as
In contrast to extension fractures, a set of shear frac- their common distributions and dimensions. Where pos-
tures commonly consists of two intersecting, related, sible, the illustrations and data in this volume are from
systematic, conjugate fracture subsets that form penecon- subsurface examples in order to emphasize the charac-
temporaneously. Except for orientation, members of teristics of natural fractures in situ.
the two subsets may have similar characteristics and Although fractures within a population are not all
contribute equally to reservoir plumbing. uniform in size, many populations have systematic size
The stress domains that control fracturing, and thus distributions. Subsurface data usually cannot be used
the resulting fracture domains, may be as small as the as direct model inputs, but even the limited and trun-
rock immediately adjacent to a fault or along the hinge cated fracture datasets that can be obtained from the
of an anticline, or they may extend laterally for many subsurface provide a foundation for fracture modeling.
kilometers within uniformly stressed strata. The tran- The different parameters that can be measured for
sitions between domains of different fracture sets may fractures must be used as interrelated data. For example,
be gradual, recording regional changes, or they may be if only the strikes of two fracture sets are considered,
abrupt where the domain limits are defined by structural other significant differences between them may not be
or lithologic discontinuities. recognized. The differences are significant to reservoir
Irregular, non-systematic fractures can form where the production and can include apertures, the expected
stresses are low and/or nearly isotropic. Fractures that degree of fracture interconnectivity, and the orientation
propagate in such systems are easily diverted by sedimen- of fracture planes to the in situ stresses. Shear and exten-
tary or other mechanical heterogeneities in the rock. sion fractures also have different potentials for vertical
Complex structure can also result in non-systematic extent within a reservoir, impacting the intra-reservoir
fracture systems, with variable strikes and irregular or connectivity across sedimentary heterogeneities. Frac-
curved individual fracture planes. Non-systematic frac- ture strike and dip must be used in conjunction with
ture systems related to weathering and/or stress release observations of fractography, measures of aperture, and
during uplift can be superimposed onto systematic frac- strikes, among others, when building a conceptual model
ture sets related to regional tectonics, forming combined of fracturing and its implications.
fracture systems that must be filtered carefully to deter-
mine which aspects of the system might be analogous to
1.3.2 Fracture Distribution Patterns
a related subsurface reservoir.
Most fracture populations have numerous small frac-
tures and fewer large ones, more narrow fractures than
1.3 Fracture Characteristics and wide ones, and more close fracture spacings than large
spacings. Such distributions are important considera-
Dimensions tions when assigning fracture attributes to models, since,
for example, an assumed average fracture aperture may
1.3.1 Introduction
capture neither the disproportionate effects of the few
In the absence of data, the default conceptual model widest and longest fractures in enhancing reservoir per-
for fractures in a reservoir typically consists of several meability, nor the drainage into those fractures provided
sets of intersecting generic vertical, open fractures of by the more numerous small fractures. A detailed under-
uniform lengths, apertures, and heights, each with the standing and realistic concept of a fracture population
same impact on permeability. Multiple fracture sets is important in correctly populating fracture models, in
are modeled to be oriented at 90∘ to each other, and extrapolating from outcrop data into the subsurface, and
three mutually orthogonal fracture sets form the classic in projecting data obtained from a wellbore out into the
“sugar cube” model of natural fractures in a reservoir. adjacent formation.
These convenient albeit necessary simplifications can be Most histograms of the distributions of fracture
misleading since the published data consistently show heights, widths, lengths, and spacings show patterns that
that fracture systems can consist of a single fracture set are inferred to reflect either power-law or log-normal
although multiple sets are common, and that sets of distributions. Whereas the shapes of both types of curves
shear and sets of extension fractures have significantly tail off to the right where there are increasingly fewer
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 9

data will also plot as a line in a log-log plot. However,

the frequency trend reverses and decreases at the lower
end, where the relationship between size and frequency
does not continue as it would in a power-law distribu-
tion. Log-normal distributions are also common in natu-
ral systems (Limpert et al., 2001).
The true distribution of a fracture population is not

always apparent, particularly where the size of a sampled

fracture population is limited as from core or an image
log. Even where a dataset is relatively robust, the distinc-
tion between a power-law and a log-normal distribution
can be masked by the recording and plotting techniques,
and/or by the scale of measurement (see Ortega et al.,
For example:
1. Failure to log, or the inability to see, the smallest frac-
Size tures in a population may create an artificial drop-off
at the left of a distribution curve, making a power-law
Figure 1.6 The difference between a normal population distribution appear to be log-normal.
distribution (top), a log-normal distribution (middle), and a 2. In contrast, a log-normal size distribution can be
power-law distribution (bottom). Most of the sizes in a normal masked by the bin size chosen for the histogram
population would fall into an intermediate range, with relatively
used to display the data, if a limited number of small
few small fractures and relatively few large fractures. However,
power-law and log-normal population distributions are more fractures is grouped with more numerous fractures
typical of natural fracture populations, with numerous small of a larger size, obscuring the leftward drop-off in
fractures and increasingly fewer fractures with each larger size the curve that defines a log-normal distribution and
category. In a log-normal population, the trend of increasing making the data appear to fit a power-law distribution.
frequency as size decreases reaches a peak, and then reverses for
the smallest fractures (middle), whereas frequency continues to Even if a fracture population has a power-law distri-
increase for ever-smaller fractures in a power-law distribution bution where the smallest fractures are most numerous,
that part of the population may not contribute signifi-
cantly to reservoir flow. Anders et al. (2014) and Laubach
fractures with larger dimensions, the curves are distinct et al. (2016) suggest that the smallest fractures in a frac-
at the left side: if a population fits a power-law distribu- ture system, i.e. grain-size microfractures, are typically
tion, the number of fractures continually increases as the mineralized. Other authors, however, including Ameen
dimension gets ever smaller, whereas if a log-normal dis- et al. (2012), Zeng and Li (2009), and Zeng (2010) report
tribution applies, the number of fractures increases as the open, grain-scale microfractures that influence reservoir
dimension decreases but only up to a point, after which production, contributing up to 1% of the total porosity
the frequency decreases as size decreases (Figure 1.6). and 25% of the permeability in reservoirs.
Statistical analysis is a topic too broad to cover here, Our empirical experience has been that a log-normal
and we refer the reader to texts with in-depth coverage distribution from meter-scale to centimeter-scale frac-
such as Davis (2002), and Jensen et al. (2007). In brief, ture dimensions is common, but that there is a jump
a power-law distribution has one quantity changing between centimeter-scale fractures and sub-millimeter,
proportionally to another, independent of the size. For grain-scale microfractures. Although microfracturing
example, the area of a square grows proportionally to commonly precedes macrofracturing as a fracture sys-
an increase in the length of the sides (Length x Width = tem develops, the grain-scale microfractures coalesce
Area). Power-law relationships will be linear on a log-log into macrofractures that are centimeters to meters in
plot and may be the best way to model a distribution if scale, with little gradation between them.
the data indicate a regular change in values regardless of Gale et al. (2014) suggest that fracture-aperture distri-
scale. Power-law distributions are common in the natural bution patterns can be different in various lithologies,
sciences including geology (Gale, 2014; Gale et al., 2014; describing log-normal distributions in shales that are
Zeeb et al., 2013). different from the power-law distributions common
A log-normal distribution is similar to a power-law dis- in sandstones and carbonates. Even populations of
tribution in that there are numerically more smaller val- microfractures can be variably distributed: Hooker et al.
ues and a long tail of fewer larger values, and log-normal (2009; 2014) describe two populations of microfractures
10 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

1 3 5

Bedding Plane 4

Figure 1.7 Left: diagram of the ideal fractography of an extension fracture (adapted from Kulander and Dean, 1985). From the point of
origin (1), the fracture propagated both to the left and the right along the plume axis (3), leaving rays or plume branches (2) that diverged
from the main fracture plane near the distal edge of the fracture to form twist hackle (4). Arrest lines or ribs (5) suggest incremental
fracture propagation. Right: a subtle plume structure ornaments the face of an extension fracture (parallel to the plane of the photograph)
in a siltstone. The plume records a fracture that originated at an inhomogeneity near the upper edge of the photo and grew both
downward and laterally. (A set of younger, narrow, closely spaced, calcite-filled extension fractures, striking normal to the plane of the
photograph and marked by faint vertical lines, intersects the plumed fracture face. The absence of interaction between the rays of the
plume and the narrow orthogonal fractures suggests that the plumed fracture formed first.)

in the same core, one with a power-law size distribution and examples in Part 3). Where fracture strike data are
and one with a log-normal distribution. absent, fractography may provide the only indicator for
assessing fracture type and orientation relative to the in
1.3.3 Fractography
situ stresses.
Plume structure (Figure 1.7) is diagnostic of exten-
Assessments of the effects of a natural-fracture system sion fractures, and it is best developed in fine-grained
on reservoir permeability begin with identification of and well-cemented rock. Some of the early authors
fracture type. This in turn starts with recognition of suggested that plumes form on shear fractures, but
the distinctive fracture-face markings, the fractography most recent publications, most laboratory experiments,
that is present on many fractures. The markings on and most field evidence suggest that plumes form on
shear fractures are entirely different from those found extension-fracture faces. Weinberger and Bahat (2008)
on extension fractures, and fractography can be used suggest that different plume patterns can form at differ-
to differentiate these two primary fracture types (see ent rates of fracture propagation, with well-developed
Bahat, 1979; Hancock, 1985; Petit, 1987; Kulander et al., plumes forming during rapid propagation. Slower prop-
1990; Ameen, 1995; Doblas, 1998). Fractography forms agation rates, along with coarse-grained and/or poorly
as a fracture initiates and propagates, recording some of cemented lithologies, may preclude the formation of
the conditions of fracturing and the direction of fracture plumes on extension fractures. Plumes can also be
propagation. The inferences derived from fractography obscured by mineralization or removed by dissolution
were developed in large part by analogy to similar fea- after fracturing, so the absence of a plume does not
tures found on the surfaces of fractures in materials such exclude an origin in extension.
as glass and ceramics in the laboratory (e.g. Kulander Plumes typically consist of rays forming systematic
et al., 1979) arcs that diverge from a central axis on a fracture plane.
Although not always present, fractography can be The central plume axis is often parallel to bedding and
used to help assess fracture-controlled reservoir plumb- located near the middle of a bed, and the divergent rays
ing since an extension-fracture set typically consists of of the plume record the direction of fracture propaga-
poorly interconnected parallel fractures whereas shear tion. Plume axes may also be located nearer the upper
fractures commonly form as networks of conjugate pairs. or lower bedding surfaces of a layered rock rather than
Moreover, extension fractures commonly form parallel the middle of a bed, or they may follow bedding planes.
and normal to the in situ stresses whereas shear fractures Some plumes have less definitive and less linear axes,
are more commonly oblique to those stresses, impacting wandering irregularly across a fracture face and suggest-
interpretations of how the fractures will behave dur- ing that the fracture grew under conditions of relatively
ing changes in stress caused by reservoir production, low stress anisotropy.
as well as the potential interactions between natural The parabolic ribs or arrest lines that commonly also
fractures and hydraulic stimulations (see discussions occur on plumed fracture faces are typically interpreted
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 11

as the record of pauses in fracture propagation, although

more closely spaced Wallner lines with similar shapes
may also form due to other processes involving propa-
gation rates and associated sonic waves (see Frechette,
1972; Kulander et al., 1979). Both ribs and Wallner lines
are concave towards the point of origin of the fracture,
which is often located at an obvious flaw in the rock such
as a fossil, clast, or even an older, intersecting fracture.
Arrest lines indicate the position of a fracture front
when the driving stress anisotropy was temporarily
reduced below that needed for fracture propagation.
They can also result from the extra volume created
within the new fracture width which reduced the local
pore pressure, making the rock temporarily less suscep-
tible to fracture propagation until the fluid pressures
within the aperture was re-established and the rock was
again prone to fracturing. Arrest lines do not mark cyclic
injections of high-pressure fluids into the fracture.
Twist hackle may form at the distal edges of an exten-
sion fracture, most commonly being found where the
fracture has propagated to and terminated against a
bed consisting of a different lithology. The common
interpretation of twist hackle is that the fracture plane
Figure 1.8 Accretionary, congruent steps formed of comminuted
changed orientation by a few degrees in a zone of slightly host rock and lighter-colored calcite mineralization ornament the
altered stresses at the edge of propagation. face of this shear fracture, indicating that the pictured block
Shear fractures have a wider variety of fractographic moved to the viewer’s right and the missing block moved to the
markings. Doblas (1998) listed 61 kinematic indicators left on a strike-slip shear fracture. The magnitude of offset cannot
be determined. Handle of a pocketknife, left-center, for scale. (For
for shear fractures that can be combined into 11 groups,
another example of slickensides see Figure 3.4.)
but many of these indicators occur in rock that is more
structurally deformed than that typically of interest to
the hydrocarbon industry. The more limited list of frac- (1998), and the layer of comminuted rock may form
tographic markings that are common on shear fractures accretionary steps on the fracture surface. The short,
in reservoirs includes slickensides, slickenlines, slicken- abrupt risers of the steps typically face the direction of
crysts, and steps, while gouge and breccia can develop offset (“congruent steps”; Hancock, 1986; Petit, 1987)
along larger shear fractures and faults. and the risers strike normal to the slickenlines found on
Slickenlines form when the two fracture faces slide past the longer treads of the steps, although Gay (1970) did
each other and their irregularities score linear patterns experimental work that suggested accretionary steps on
on the opposing faces. Multiple shear events in different slickensided fracture faces can be asymmetric in either
directions may be recorded by superimposed oblique direction.
slickenlines, the youngest obscuring or even destroying Shear, especially in carbonates and especially where
older lineations. A single set of slickenlines indicates there was a significant compressive stress normal to the
two possible directions for the shear offset, and the 180∘ fracture plane during shear, can cause minor dissolution
ambiguity usually cannot be resolved without correlation of the host rock adjacent to the shear plane. Dissolu-
points across the shear plane. tion is evident from the thin films of insoluble residue
Slickensides (Figure 1.8) are created where larger that line the faces of these fractures (see Figure 2.27).
magnitudes of shear offset and/or higher magnitudes of The process is similar to that which produces stylolites
compressive stress normal to the fracture plane during but with typically smaller amounts of dissolution, and
shear create a layer of comminuted rock on the fracture shear prevents the formation of stylolite teeth. As with
face. The layer of comminuted rock and the fracture face the residues that accumulate along stylolites, insoluble
may even have been metamorphosed by the high pres- residues on shear planes can be barriers to flow across
sures and local high temperatures created during shear, the fracture faces.
reducing permeability across the fracture plane. Slick- Shear-fracture surfaces in mudstones can be shiny,
ensides may also be marked by cuspate chatter-marks seemingly polished, and slickenlined, since shear motion
or other of the shear markings illustrated by Doblas aligns the clay platelets in the rock parallel to the fracture
12 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

face. Such surfaces should also inhibit permeability shear and mineralization, multiple layers of minerali-
normal to the fracture plane although the effect may be zation are commonly truncated and lens-shaped in
less important since the matrix permeability of mudrocks cross sections cut normal to the fracture plane. Slick-
is low to begin with. encrysts (asymmetric, crystalline deposits), may form
Shear fractures may be mineralized after shear has with an asymmetric fish-scale pattern (see Lorenz and
taken place, so undeformed crystalline mineralization Cooper, 2018a) when small-magnitudes of shear offset
with no evidence for shear does not preclude an inter- are concurrent with mineral precipitation (Figure 1.9).
pretation of a fracture set as originating in shear. On Evidence for small-scale shear offset is important,
the other hand, the mineralization itself may show evi- especially where the sampling of a fracture population
dence for shear in several forms. Mineralization may is small or truncated as from a core or an image log,
preserve an impression of the slickensided or slicken- since shear fractures with even millimeter-scale offsets
lined fracture face on which it was precipitated, or the can form as networks of intersecting conjugate pairs,
mineralization itself may have been sheared by offset creating permeability systems that are distinctly different
while or after it was being precipitated in the fracture from those formed by fracture sets consisting of parallel
aperture. In the case of multiple, concurrent events of extension fractures. Small-scale shear is commonly

Figure 1.9 Stepped shear-fracture faces. Top left: asymmetric calcite slickencrysts marked by slickenlines were drawn out by strike-slip
shear between the faces of this shear fracture. The pictured block moved to the viewer’s left and the missing block moved to the right.
Top right: non-congruent shear steps ornament the face of this normal dip-slip shear fracture, part of a pair of dip-slip conjugate shear
fractures. A similar non-congruent stepped fractography was produced experimentally by Paterson (1958) on shear fractures in the
laboratory. The steps are composed of unaltered host rock and indicate that the pictured block moved downward while the missing block
moved upward, against the apparent step asymmetry. Bedding offsets show that the magnitude of shear offset was on the order of a
millimeter. The short risers on these steps formed as connectors between the fracture segments that form the step treads when the rock
broke along the shear plane during road construction. Bottom: a vertical, strike-slip fracture ornamented with small non-congruent steps
similar to those shown in the upper right photo, but with an orientation that indicates minimal left-lateral offset. The high points of the
steps are slickenlined, having been modified by a small amount of additional shear. Continued left-lateral offset would have destroyed
these steps and created new ones with a reversed asymmetry out of comminuted rock.
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 13

recorded by asymmetric steps, superficially but mislead- with intermediate or even low dip angles. Inclined
ingly resembling those created out of comminuted rock extension fractures may also have originated as vertical,
on slickensided fracture faces. These steps consist of bed-normal planes that later became tilted along with
unaltered rock, and the long treads of the steps are small bedding during folding, and bed-normal but non-vertical
en echelon fractures that formed along and within a nar- extension fractures may form during folding due to
row zone of shear. The abrupt risers that connect these extension on the outside of curvature (Figure 1.10).
treads, non-intuitively facing away from the direction Occasionally fractures that are inclined relative both to
of offset (“non-congruent” steps), are created when the vertical and to bedding form during folding of a layered
rock breaks open along the shear zone, connecting the formation where bed-parallel shear (flexural-slip) at the
en echelon segments. Small, sometimes lunate steps may sedimentary contacts above and below a fractured bed
be scattered across such fracture faces. The high points sets up a local bedding-oblique extensional stress system.
of the steps may be secondarily slickenlined if shear con- Most extension fractures are planar, but the planes can
tinues, but shear of any significant magnitude converts be curved if the rock was being twisted as it fractured.
the steps to comminuted rock, forming accretionary Extension fractures with plume markings on curved
steps with the opposite, “congruent” sense of asymmetry faces occur within strike-slip structural settings where
relative to the direction of shear. impingements at asperities and variations in throw along
In contrast to these indicators of small shear offset, irregular faults create complex stress conditions that
gouge and breccia indicate shear fractures with large change during faulting.
offsets. Antithetic shear fractures oriented oblique to the The ideal dip angles in simple structural settings,
shear plane may even form as a shear fracture grows to described by Anderson (1951), are vertical for strike-slip
become a fault. shears, 60∘ for normal dip-slip shears, and 30∘ for reverse
As described by Anderson as early as 1905, shear- dip-slip shears (Figure 1.3). Intermediate-angle, hybrid
fracture fractography will record normal dip-slip, reverse extension-shear fractures can form as conjugate pairs
dip-slip, or strike-slip offset (depending on which of the in any of the three configurations, but the intersection
three axes were the maximum, minimum, and interme- angles are less than the 60∘ ideal angle (Hancock, 1985).
diate stresses) in the ideal condition where the three In the laboratory, the acute conjugate intersection angle
compressive stresses are vertical and horizontal. How- for conjugate shear-fracture pairs decreases as the con-
ever, many shear fractures show raking slickenlines that fining pressure on the rock decreases (e.g. Paterson,
record oblique slip, having formed in more complex 1958). The conjugate pairs of normal and reverse dip-slip
stress systems or where the stress system changed after shears have parallel strikes and opposing dip directions,
fracturing and the shear plane was reactivated within a useful relationship to remember when reconstructing
the reoriented stress field. Reoriented stress fields can fracture systems from the one-dimensional samples
develop as a fold tightens or as a fold migrates through afforded by cores and image logs.
a formation, and raking shears may be expected within As with extension fractures, shear planes with
such structurally complex settings. Ideal shear fractures non-ideal dip angles can also form where the stress
can also be tilted with bedding during post-fracture system is inclined, as in complex structural systems, and
deformation so that the fractography records raking can be found where the strata were folded or tilted after
offset relative to the present orientation of the fracture. fracturing. The dip angles of shear fractures that cut
across multiple lithologic units can change due to varia-
tions in the mechanical properties by layer (Figure 1.11).
1.3.4 Fracture Dip Angles
Finally, certain kinds of extension and shear fractures
Fracture dip angle is a simple, easily understood char- can have horizontal dip angles, commonly parallel to
acteristic in non-complex structural settings. Most bedding, as described in Section 1.5, “Other Fracture
extension fractures are vertical or nearly so, since they Types.”
form in the plane defined by the maximum and inter-
mediate compressive stresses and since the vertically
1.3.5 Fracture Distributions
acting weight of the overburden provides the maxi-
mum compressive stress in such settings. Most vertical Fractures in heterogeneous formations are distributed
extension fractures are normal to bedding, not because neither uniformly nor randomly, so stochastic models
bedding controls dip but because bedding is commonly predicated on random or probability-based fracture
horizontal. distributions make less than full use of geologic data and
Topographic relief and structural complications can theory (e.g. Loosveld and Franssen, 1992). Fracture sys-
create stress systems that are inclined relative to ver- tems occur in domains where the fractures have similar
tical which can result in inclined extension fractures characteristics, and domains can vary laterally as well
14 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

as vertically. Strain can be accommodated by different

fracture types in the different lithologies of a heteroge-
neous formation, called “strain partitioning.” Fractures
are typically more common in, and can even be limited
to, the more brittle beds of a formation (Figure 1.12);
if all units are fractured, extension fractures may be
more widely spaced in the more ductile beds than in
the brittle beds, or the ductile units may contain shear
fractures while extension fractures occur in the relatively
brittle lithologies (e.g. Lorenz et al., 2002; Lorenz and
Cooper, 2018b, 2018c).
The rule of thumb that fracture intensity is a function
of ductility/brittleness can be useful, but beds that are
σ3 brittle today would not necessarily have been brittle dur-
ing strain events that occurred in the geologic past. The
fracture susceptibility of rock can change over time due
to diagenesis, cementation, burial depth, temperature,
compaction, pore pressure, confining stress, and strain
rate. An extensive but proprietary fracture database
compiled from core cut from marine strata shows the
presence of three extension-fracture sets with different
strikes in a reservoir: one fracture set is restricted to
the dominant mudstones, one set is restricted to the
interbedded limestones, and one set cuts indiscrim-
inately across both lithologies. This system of three
fracture sets records an evolution in the mechanical
properties and related fracture susceptibility of the three
lithologies during the course of three separate fracture
In another example, a coarse-grained arkose of the Abo
Formation in New Mexico is cut by an early set of normal
dip-slip conjugate shear fractures, and a younger set of
extension fractures that strike nearly normal to the shear
fractures. These two fracture sets record a change in rock
properties and/or the stress conditions between the two
fracture events (Lorenz and Cooper, 2018b).
Since mechanical properties can vary by lithology,
the mechanical stratigraphy that controls fracturing in
many sedimentary formations correlates to conventional
stratigraphy. In more heterogeneous formations an
irregular mechanical stratigraphy may control a similarly
irregular fracture distribution. Where the mechanical
contrasts between units of a heterogeneous formation
are low, for example where all units are heavily cemented
regardless of grain size or composition, they may form
Figure 1.10 Top: bed-normal, inclined extension fractures can an overarching mechanical unit composed of multiple
form due to extension of the outer layers of strata in a fold (the
layer is not in tension, but rather the minimum compressive stress sedimentary units, and fractures may extend across the
σ3 is reduced to form a stress anisotropy large enough to break the otherwise heterogeneous package (Figure 1.13).
rock), and they can form as vertical fractures prior to folding, Fracture distribution and intensity depend not only
becoming tilted as the strata fold. Middle: more rarely, extension on lithology but also on structural setting. For example,
fractures that are inclined relative both to vertical and to bedding extension fractures may be more closely spaced along
can form on a fold due to oblique extension within a bed between
two bed-parallel shear zones. Bottom: an outcrop example of this the more abruptly folded hinge of an anticline, where
type of extension fracturing (parallel to the black lines) in tilted percent strain was higher than on the flanks of the fold.
limestones of the Eocene Pila Spi Formation in northern Iraq. Similarly, shear-fracture intensity commonly increases
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 15

14 100%
10 70%

8 60%
6 40% Frequency
Cumulative %
4 30%
0 0%

Degrees M

Figure 1.11 Fracture dip angles: Left: histogram of the non-ideal dip angles of 23 strike-slip shear fractures sampled by a horizontal core
(unpublished data). Right: the effect of lithology on dip angle: an inclined dip-slip shear fracture in core becomes steeper where it crosses a
layer of stiffer rock in a 4-inch (10-cm) diameter core. Fractures can transition from extension fractures to shear fractures and back again to
extension fractures as they extend from one bed to another in a heterogeneous lithology.







Figure 1.12 Left: the frequency of extension fractures by lithology from 4,200 ft (1280 m) of vertical core from the Cretaceous Mesaverde
Formation, Colorado. Sixty-eight percent of the 274 cored fractures occur in sandstones, which comprise only about 30% of the cored
section, suggesting that the sandstones are intensely fractured compared to the mudstones, which contain only 4% of the cored fractures
but comprise some 50% of the section (from Finley and Lorenz, 1988). Right: short, strata-bound fractures that are restricted to the
limestone layers in a thin-bedded limestone-marl sequence (Cretaceous Twin Bridges Formation, shallow marine, New Mexico).

near faults, particularly in the hanging walls of normal extension fractures formed in the more brittle layers.
dip-slip faults (Figure 1.14) (e.g. Nelson, 2001; Withjack With increasing strain, the fractures coalesce into frac-
et al., 1990). Fracture intensity increases both with the ture swarms and faults that cut across all lithologies
brittleness of the strata and with percent strain, so it can (Figure 1.15).
be thought of as fitting into a diagram where brittleness Turcott (1986) was among the early authors to describe
increases on one axis and with degree of deformation natural-fracture distributions as fractal, i.e. that the dis-
on the other axis: fracturing should be best developed tributions of fracture dimensions are similar at numerous
in brittle rocks near a fault and least well developed in scales of observation, and fractal fracture distributions
ductile strata distant from a fault. have been reported from outcrops (e.g. Li et al., 2018).
Gross and Eyal (2007) described a field example from However, Loosveld and Franssen (1992) suggested
a folded, heterogeneous, layered carbonate formation there may be distinctions between the distributions of
that illustrates the combined effects of lithology and extension and shear fractures, citing published data
strain. The more ductile layers on the broad fold are cut for deformation-band shear fractures that are fractally
by strata-bound shear fractures whereas strata-bound distributed and documenting extension fractures in two
16 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

20 m

Figure 1.13 Left: parallel-striking extension fractures with irregular heights and spacings have an irregular distribution in a heterogeneous
fluvial sandstone. Some fractures are vertically through-going, others are limited by some of the internal bedding planes (Cretaceous
Mesaverde Formation, Colorado). Right: tall extension fractures cut vertically through some 120 ft (40 m) of homogeneous eolian quartz
sandstone (Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona).


a d 12
b e 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
c f
1 CM

Figure 1.14 Left: Withjack et al. (1990) documented the enhanced fracturing that forms as part of a fault-related process zone in their
experimental models. Most of the fractures form in the hanging wall. (Reprinted from Withjack et al., 1990, with permission from AAPG,
whose permission is required for further use). Right: a subsurface fracture model based on outcrop studies across a 7.5 mile (12 km)
transect in a normally faulted terrane in the Talara Basin, Peru, highlights the expected increases in fracture density and concentration in
the hanging wall near normal faults in an extensional setting (adapted from Roldan et al., 2013).

well-exposed outcrop examples that are not. Odling et al. 1.3.6 Fracture Heights and Terminations
(1999) also reported that the sizes of shear fractures,
Fracture-height data provide insights into the vertical
but not strata-bound extension fractures, are “often”
continuity and interconnectivity of a fracture system
fractally distributed.
within and between reservoirs. Unfortunately, many
To be truly fractal, all fracture dimensions should
follow the fractal pattern, so this concept may not apply subsurface fracture-height datasets are severely trun-
to fractures where various dimensions were controlled cated since “vertical“ fracture planes are not always
by different processes. For example, extension fractures oriented parallel to the axis of a vertical wellbore or core,
heights and spacings are controlled in part by bedding thus the fractures may exit a core before terminating
thickness whereas width and length are controlled (Figure 1.16). Horizontal wellbores and cores capture an
largely by percent strain. Moreover, whereas a fractal even smaller percentage of a fracture set’s full vertical
fracture distribution might develop in a homogeneous height data since most fracture heights exceed the diam-
system, the presence of structural or lithologic hetero- eter of the wellbore or core. Where complete fracture
geneities such as a pre-existing fracture set or a strong heights are not captured, the partial/minimum fracture
crossbedding fabric introduces local controls on fracture heights that can be measured offer insights into the pop-
distributions, so the concept must be used carefully. ulation of heights in a fracture system, especially when
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 17

Figure 1.15 Schematic illustration of Throughgoing

the distribution of shear and extension (Multilayer)
fractures in a layered carbonate Fault Zone
Fracture Zone
formation, and the coalescence of Systematic Joints Cross Joints
some of those fractures to form
throughgoing, interconnected fracture
systems (from Gross and Eyal, 2007).

Fault Zone

Throughgoing Confined
(Multilayer) (Single layer)
Fracture Zone Joints

proportion to that strain. Heights are initially likely to

be log-normally distributed, with a few taller fractures
growing and accommodating strain at the expense
of the numerous short fractures. However, the stress
differentials and related strains that are required to
propagate extension fractures are relatively small, so
height growth is commonly arrested by bedding planes
and the lithologic contrasts which create mechanical
barriers to fracture growth in sedimentary rock. Verti-
cal growth stops once the fractures propagate to one of
these boundaries, but continued strain causes the smaller
fractures to grow. Well-developed extension-fracture
sets commonly become “strata-bound,” where fracture
heights become consistent, correlating nearly 1:1 to bed
thickness (Figure 1.17).
If full fracture heights have not been captured by a
core or image log, the observation that fractures consis-
tently terminate at lithologic boundaries can still suggest
that fracture heights are related to bed thicknesses, and
Figure 1.16 A calcite-mineralized, inclined extension fracture in a
moreover that these fractures are likely to be extension
Paleozoic marine shale, Algeria. The measurable height of this
fracture is less, by an unknown amount, than its total height since fractures, providing a constraint on the conceptual
it exits the core both upward and downward before terminating. fracture-permeability model. In contrast, fractures that
Nevertheless, the truncated height is still useful as a consistently cut across minor lithologic boundaries are
minimum-height data point. likely to be shear fractures and taller than bed thickness
(e.g. Odling et al., 1999). The difference between the
combined with the related data on vertical termination two fracture types impacts inferences on the vertical,
locations and types that are frequently captured in a core. fracture-controlled permeability in a reservoir. In the
The heights of fractures in a developing extension- absence of fractography (i.e. where the data are from
fracture system are initially controlled by the amount image logs), the vertical relationship to bedding is one
of strain imposed on the formation, and circular frac- of the criteria that can be used to differentiate extension
tures commonly grow both vertically and laterally in from shear fractures.
18 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

7 100% 5.0
80% 4.0

Fracture height (ft)

5 70%

60% 3.0
3 Frequency
40% 2.0
Cumulative %
2 30%
20% 1.0
0 0% 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
0. 0
2. 0
2. 0
3. 0
3. 0
3. 0
4. 0
4. 0



Bed thickness (ft)

Fracture height (ft)

Figure 1.17 Left: histogram showing the height distribution of bed-normal extension fractures in vertical core cut from a formation
consisting of interbedded marine sandstones and calcareous mudrocks. The fractures occur preferentially in the mudrock layers,
terminating at the contacts with sandstones. The height population is truncated since the full heights of about 16% of the fractures were
not captured by the core (n = 34; min 0.10 ft, max 4.9 ft, ave 1.41 ft). The fracture-height histogram appears to have a log-normal
distribution, but it is controlled by bedding thickness. Right: a cross plot shows a loose correlation between fracture heights and the
thicknesses of their host layer for this dataset. Only a few fracture heights exceed the thickness of their host bed (n = 22). Darker points
indicate overlapping data. The cross plot dataset is smaller than the fracture-height dataset since host bed thickness could not always be
determined (unpublished data).

1.3.7 Fracture Lengths distributions of lengths within sets of extension-fracture

populations show either power-law or log-normal dis-
Many fluid-flow models require information on fracture
tributions (e.g. Segall and Pollard, 1983; Laubach, 1992;
length, and lengths cannot be obtained from subsur-
Lorenz and Laubach, 1994; Wennberg et al., 2007).
face data. Outcrop pavements provide the only direct
In terms of reservoir engineering and fluid flow, the
measurements of fracture lengths, provided that the
“lengths” of the fractures in a well-developed set of par-
dimensions of the pavements exceed most of the fracture
allel extension fractures are probably effectively infinite
lengths. Even if the length data are truncated by the
within a given fracture domain due to closely spaced and
limits of an outcrop, they still offer useful minima in the
locally hooking overlaps of the fracture planes, and to
same way that truncated fracture height data are useful. interconnectivity in the third dimension. A set of short,
Determining fracture lengths on pavements can be poorly developed fractures, however, is less likely to be
tricky since the geometry of fractures in the third interconnected along strike. Well tests can often provide
dimension is usually unknown and it is not always obvi- assessments of effective fracture lengths, but effective
ous whether closely spaced, overlapping fracture tips lengths can be qualitatively estimated from measured
(Figure 1.18) represent the blind terminations of two outcrop fracture lengths in combination with related
offset fractures or whether the overlaps indicate fracture fracture parameters such as fracture spacing, aperture,
segments that join into a single plane in the third dimen- and lateral termination types.
sion (see Vermilye and Scholz, 1995, for a summary of Where two sets of extension fractures are present
cautions when measuring fracture lengths in outcrop; in an outcrop, their lengths may have been controlled
see Ortega and Marrett, 2000, for a list of criteria useful by different factors. The lengths of the older set were
in determining the probable lengths of interconnected probably controlled by stress and strain magnitudes, i.e.
fractures on pavements displaying fracture segments). fractures lengthened and new fractures initiated, as long
Maximum reported extension-fracture lengths logged as the rock was subject to stresses capable of fracturing
with a tape measure on an outcrop are on the order of the rock. In contrast, the lengths of the younger fracture
hundreds of meters; longer fractures are measurable on set may have been controlled in part by the imposed
larger pavements with remote imagery, but the shorter stress and in part by the spacing of the older set, espe-
fractures may not be measurable using this technol- cially if the older set was open or poorly mineralized at
ogy. Published outcrop-length histograms (Figure 1.19) the time the younger set formed (e.g. Laubach 1992).
suggest that, as with widths, spacings, and sometimes However, if the fractures of the older set are narrow and
heights, and regardless of whether the longest frac- completely healed by mineralization, they may not have
tures of a set are meters or hundreds of meters long, created significant mechanical weakness planes in the
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 19


100 m/300 ft

Figure 1.18 Left: two extension fractures exposed on a shale bedding surface hook towards each other where the tips overlap, suggesting
that they propagated towards each other. Hooks commonly connect such fractures, extending their effective length. Discoloration along
the fracture planes suggests fluids flowed along the fractures. Right: a bedding-surface pavement of the Frontier Sandstone in Wyoming
cut by numerous bed-normal extension fractures. The fractures are uniformly distributed in the 10 ft (3 m) thick shallow-marine sandstone,
and the fracture population consists of fractures of varying lengths and spacings. The inset depicts the scan line (red dashed line) that was
laid out across this outcrop, and the positions and lengths of the fractures intersected by the line. The fractures shown with arrow tips
indicate truncated measurable lengths where the fractures extended under cover, or extended to and presumably beyond the edge of the
outcrop. Only the fractures that crossed the scan line are portrayed. Minimum, average, and maximum lengths of the fractures in this
outcrop are 6 m, 32 m, and 135 m (20 ft, 104 ft, and 443 ft), respectively, and the length population has a log-normal distribution (see
Lorenz and Laubach, 1994).

rock, and the younger fractures may cut indiscriminately to the consistently-lower reported ratios between the
across them. lengths of faults and their offset magnitudes, which are
Most of the compiled data on shear-fracture lengths on the order of 1:30 to 1:250. Vermilye and Scholz implied
are measurements of faults, and present cross plots that the fault ratios can be extrapolated down-scale to
between fault length and fault offset rather than his- shear fractures of the same general size as their extension
tograms of fault lengths (e.g. Marrett and Allmendinger, fractures.
1990), so the distribution of shear-fracture lengths is
not apparent. Moreover, the “length” of a shear frac-
ture depends in part on whether it formed in normal 1.3.8 Fracture Widths, Apertures, and Mineralization
dip-slip, reverse dip-slip, or strike-slip. Shear frac- Fracture width and the remnant unmineralized aperture
turing typically involves displacement and volume within that width control the permeability of individual
constrictions at the end of a fracture, where additional fractures. With a few caveats, direct width data are
strain-accommodation structures including splay faults, relatively easy to obtain from cores, although measur-
anticlines, and fracture corridors are common, adding to able widths are rarely equivalent to effective widths.
effective fracture lengths and increasing the probability The capacity for fluid flow along an ideal fracture that
of fracture intersection. consists of a slot between smooth, parallel walls is neatly
Few datasets report and compare the lengths of shear proportional to the cube of the open fracture width (e.g.
fractures and extension fractures. Vermilye and Scholz Warren and Root, 1963; Reiss, 1980), and individual
(1995) provided information on mineralized extension unmineralized extension fractures have geometries that
fractures up to 80 ft (25 m) long and exposed on several are perhaps close to that ideal, wedging out only near the
large pavements. They also found relationships between fracture tips. Most unmineralized extension fractures
width and length for extension fractures, varying from also have relatively smooth, planar walls, even where
outcrop to outcrop but consistent within a given fracture ornamented with plumes, and the width of an unmin-
domain, the ratio of width to length varying between eralized extension fracture can often be reasonably
1:1,000 and 1:8,000. The authors compared these ratios captured with a single measurement.
20 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

50 30


40 25

10 5

0 0

0 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 re 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 Mo Length (m)
Length (m)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Length (m)

Figure 1.19 Distributions of fracture length populations follow log-normal or power-law patterns at scales ranging from meters to
hundreds of meters. Top left: Cretaceous sandstones of the Frontier Formation in Wyoming; 107 lengths measured from Google Earth
(adapted from Laubach et al. 2016). Minimum, average, and maximum lengths are 6.2 m, 90 m, and 600 m (20 ft, 300 ft, and 2,000 ft),
respectively. Top right: 142 lengths of “fracture segments” measured in Triassic rock (from Vermilye and Scholz, 1995). The segments are
commonly linked end-on to form longer composite fractures over 12 m (40 ft) long. Bottom: unpublished length data from Cretaceous
sandstones of the Mesaverde Formation in Colorado, n = 279, maximum length 37 m (120 ft). The length distributions for extension
fractures in granites can also follow similar patterns (Segall and Pollard, 1983).

However, even if they started as parallel-plate slots, apertures (e.g. Gale, 2004). The width distributions are
natural-fracture widths have usually been reduced by systematic and can be mathematically characterized
mineralization and/or enhanced by dissolution one or within each fracture set, but no formula yet describes
more times over the course of geologic time, and present a more universal frequency-width distribution for
aperture geometries rarely resemble slots of uniform extension-fracture populations.
width. Extension fractures that are mineralized or that Fracture widths are useful in calculating percent strain,
have been subjected to dissolution have irregular widths but remnant open aperture is the important parameter
(Figure 1.20), and shear-fracture widths are inherently when assessing the contribution of fractures to reservoir
irregular whether they have been mineralized or not. porosity and permeability. The relationship between frac-
The necessity of modifying the width parameter for ture width and open aperture, or the more easily esti-
use in assessing fluid flow along irregular natural frac- mated percent remnant porosity within the mineralized
ture planes, to account for roughness and tortuosity, is fracture width, as described in Part 2, can be a useful
well recognized, and techniques have been proposed to measure in determining which of the fractures in a set
address it (e.g. Pryak-Nolte et al., 1980; Zimmerman and contribute most effectively to reservoir system perme-
Bodvarsson, 1996; Barton, 2007; Hooker et al. 2014). ability. Some datasets show that the widest fractures in
Additional difficulties arise from the fact that popula- a set also have higher percentages of remnant aperture,
tions of widths within a fracture set are not uniform, suggesting that they are the most important contribu-
commonly having, once again, log-normal distributions, tors to reservoir permeability. More commonly, however,
with many narrow fractures and increasingly fewer wide cross plots between width and remnant porosity show a
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 21

Figure 1.20 Irregular open fracture apertures. Left: an incompletely mineralized inclined fracture in a Cretaceous chalk from Tunisia, pencil
point for scale. Calcite bridges the fracture width but there are irregular, millimeter-scale, connected, remnant voids that will
accommodate significant fluid flow. (The small right-stepping offsets and the dip angle suggest these are segments of a dip-slip, en
echelon, shear fracture system formed with a narrow shear zone rather than along a single shear plane, a variation on the en echelon
pattern shown in Figure 1.5). Middle: the face of a vertical extension fracture in a Cretaceous sandstone from Colorado, captured by an
inclined core, is covered with isolated but closely spaced calcite crystals. The fracture has relatively planar host-rock walls so width is easily
measured, but the effective aperture and estimates of the fluid flow capacity through that aperture are not as easily quantified. Flow
through the fracture will be channeled and turbulent. Right: a shear fracture in an eolian sandstone (Pennsylvanian, Wyoming) has an
irregular, discontinuous, partially mineralized width. The millimeter-scale shear offset is indicated by the displaced oil-stained layers. The
fibrous tan material within the aperture at the top of the photo is Lost Circulation Material (commonly known as “LCM” and in this case
consisting of shredded cedar bark), added to the drilling mud to minimize the mud loss into the fractured reservoir while cutting the core.
All three cores are four inches (10 cm) in diameter.

roughly inverse correlation within a wide scatter of data The first example (Figure 1.21.1) shows measurements
(Figure 1.21.1), suggesting that although the wider frac- characterizing a regular set of parallel, partially min-
tures were the most effective conduits for fluid flow early eralized, vertical extension fractures in a calcareous
in their history, they were more quickly and more com- marine mudrock. The more irregular widths and aper-
pletely plugged by mineralization. Some cross plots show tures of the second example (Figure 1.21.2) come
more irregular data distributions, without a trend, typi- from vertical-extension fractures in a dolomite forma-
cally because there has been significant dissolution along tion where significant dissolution along the fracture
the fracture planes (Figure 1.21.2) or because several frac- planes left highly irregular fracture widths and rem-
ture populations with different characteristics have been nant apertures that were further altered by incomplete
combined in the plots. Still other fracture populations remineralization. The third example (Figure 1.21.3) doc-
have a relatively narrow distribution of widths but sig-
uments widths and apertures in a set of parallel, narrow,
nificant variability in the degree of mineralization within
incompletely mineralized right-lateral strike-slip shear
those widths (Figure 1.21.3).
fractures, with stepped surfaces and sub-millimeter off-
The three fracture populations provided to illustrate
sets, in a marine sandstone. An opposing subset of what
common width and remnant-fracture-aperture distri-
butions for fracture sets (Figures 1.21.1, 1.21.2, and could be a conjugate shear pair is not present in this core
1.21.3) were measured in different cores, cut from dif- since the strain in that direction was accommodated by a
ferent lithologies in three different tectonically inactive, nearby larger, more localized, left-lateral strike-slip fault
mid-basin settings. The techniques used to acquire the with a strike close to the ideal of 60∘ clockwise from the
data are described in Part 2. The first and third cores are strikes of the right-lateral shear fractures. The potential
horizontal, the second is vertical. Two of the cores are for fracture widening as a core is retrieved from the
longer than those of most core programs and therefore subsurface is discussed in Part 3, but it is not considered
the datasets are more comprehensive, offering rela- to be an issue in these three cores where the fracture
tively complete characterizations of the actual fracture widths are bridged or partially bridged by mineralization
properties in the subsurface. and therefore fixed.
22 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

35 100% 40 100%
90% 90%
30 35
80% 80%
25 70% 70%

60% 60%
50% 20 50%
15 Frequency Frequency
40% 40%
Cumulative % 15 Cumulative %
10 30% 30%
20% 20%
5 5
10% 10%

0 0% 0 0%


Width (mm) Remnant fracture porosity (%)

Remnant fracture porosity (%)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Width (mm)

Figure 1.21.1 Histograms and a cross plot showing the distributions of fracture widths, and the remnant fracture porosities within those
widths, for a set of vertical extension fractures captured in 470 ft (143 m) of horizontal, 4-inch (10 cm) diameter core cut from a calcareous
marine mudrock. Upper left: fracture widths (min 0.03, max 1.00, ave 0.25 mm). Upper right: remnant fracture porosities (min 0, max 100, ave
8.8%). Bottom: fracture width to remnant fracture porosity cross plot (n = 57). Darker points highlight overlapping data (unpublished data).

Characterization of the irregular widths and aper- the rock has accommodated, and opening extension frac-
tures of shear fractures is problematic. The relatively tures increases the volume of the rock.
uniform distribution of shear-fracture widths plotted in In contrast, strain is accommodated in a shear frac-
Figure 1.21.3 merely reflects the necessity of assigning ture system by fracture-parallel offset along a plane
one number to the width of each fracture. Although which does not by itself increase the volume of the
the plot indicates a generally restricted range of widths rock because it does not produce any width: no width
within the fracture population, it does not adequately results from shear along a perfectly planar and smooth
characterize the degree of variability of widths along the fracture regardless of the magnitude of offset. Width
individual fractures, since the points of contact between in a shear fracture is created by the offset of asperities
the irregular opposing fracture walls alternate with open along the fracture plane. Regardless, the widths of both
void spaces twice the size of the assigned width. (If “zero fracture types are commonly altered by dissolution and
width” is defined as intact rock, then any break in a rock mineralization.
must have some width. Functionally, most unmineral-
ized cracks in rock no matter how narrow provide more
1.3.9 Fracture Spacing
permeability than intact matrix rock.)
The difference between shear and extension fracture More papers have probably been published on fracture
widths results from the dissimilar mechanisms by which spacing than on any other fracture dimension, in part
width forms in the two types of fractures. Width in an because spacing is important, impacting connectivity
extension fracture, where fractures open normal to the and system permeability, in part because spacing is
fracture walls, is a direct record of the amount of strain a useful measure of strain and the degree of fracture
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 23

90 100%
40 100%
80 90%
35 90%
70 80%
70% 30
60 70%


50 60%
50% 50%
Frequency 20
40% Frequency
Cumulative % 40%
15 Cumulative %
30% 30%
20 10
20% 20%
10 10% 5 10%
0 0% 0 0%
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0


M 0
Width (mm) Remnant fracture porosity (%)

Remnant fracture porosity (%)



0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Fracture width (mm)

Figure 1.21.2 Histograms and a cross plot showing the distributions of fracture widths, and the remnant fracture porosities within those
widths, for a set of vertical extension fractures captured by 960 ft (290 m) of vertical, 4-inch (10 cm) diameter core cut from the Ordovician
Arbuckle dolomite in Kansas. Upper left: fracture widths (min 0.05 mm, max 8.00 mm, ave 0.82 mm). Upper right: remnant fracture
porosities (min 0%, max 100%, ave 54%). Bottom; the cross plot of fracture widths and remnant fracture porosities (n = 152). The
non-systematic patterns in these figures reflects the chemical history of the fractures which includes dolomitization of the host rock,
fracturing, fracture mineralization, dissolution along the fractures, and remineralization of the dissolution-enhanced fractures. The core is
not oriented so fractures could not be segregated by strike, but the rough groupings shown in the remnant porosity histogram and the
cross plot may indicate the presence of two fracture sets (unpublished data).

development, and in part because spacing is easy to mea- deep-marine sandstone in Texas. In this fracture popu-
sure. Fracture spacing can be obtained from outcrops lation, the angle between the conjugate shear-fracture
(from remote imagery and from scan lines measured pair is on the order of 45∘ , somewhat less than the ideal
directly on the outcrop), and it can be measured in the 60∘ conjugate angle, and the shear offsets were minimal.
subsurface from horizontal cores and image logs. Both aspects suggest conjugate hybrid shears, i.e. shear
Fracture measurements from horizontal cores suggest fractures displaying the characteristics of both extension
that like many outcrop fracture spacings, both extension and shear. The bisector of the conjugate angle for this pair
and shear fractures in the subsurface commonly have is parallel to the strike of associated extension fractures,
log-normal spacing distributions (Figure 1.22). In con- supporting that interpretation. The measured spacings
trast, three of the four references cited by Loosveld and for 21 pairs of NNE-SSW striking shear fractures, and
Franssen (1992) and using data from faults, conclude for 27 pairs of ENE-WSW-striking shear fractures in
that spacings are fractal and can be extrapolated down the same intervals of the same core are both essentially
to the scale of shear fractures, suggesting power-law log-normally distributed.
distributions. As with other fracture parameters, however, spac-
Another published shear-fracture spacing dataset ing is not as simple as it might seem. The concept of
(Lorenz et al., 2002) was acquired from horizontal spacing is intuitive and comfortable when fractures are
core taken from the Spraberry Formation, a Permian regularly distributed and extend top-to-bottom within
24 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

10 100%
14 100%
9 90%
8 80% 12
7 70%
10 70%

6 60%

5 50% 50%
4 40% Cumulative % 6 Frequency
Cumulative %
3 30% 30%
2 20% 20%
1 10% 10%
0 0% 0 0%
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 More 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 re
1 Mo
Width (mm) Remnant fracture porosity (%)

Remnant fracture porosity (%)





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Width (mm)

Figure 1.21.3 Histograms and a cross plot showing the distributions of fracture widths, and the remnant fracture porosities within those
widths, for a set of narrow, high-angle shear fractures captured by 110 ft (33 m) of oriented, horizontal, 4-inch (10 cm) diameter core cut
from a deep marine sandstone. Upper left: fracture widths. Upper right: remnant fracture porosities. Bottom: the cross plot of fracture
widths to fracture porosities for these fractures (n = 23). Darker points highlight overlapping data (unpublished data).

35 100% 7 100%

90% 90%
30 6
80% 80%
25 70% 5 70%

60% 60%
20 4
50% 50%
15 Frequency 3 Frequency
40% Cumulative % 40% Cumulative %
10 30% 2 30%
20% 20%
5 1
10% 10%
0 0% 0 0%


Spacing (ft) Spacing (ft)

Figure 1.22 Histograms of fracture-normal fracture spacings measured in two horizontal cores. Left: vertical extension fractures in a
marine mudrock (n = 80; min 0.01, max 40.3, ave 6.4 ft). Right: parallel strike-slip shear fractures in a marine sandstone (n = 21)
(unpublished data).
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 25

Figure 1.23 Top and lower left: outcrops showing the relatively regular spacings of two sets of bed-normal extension fractures in the
Permian, eolian, Cedar Mesa sandstone, Utah. The two fracture sets are both marked by plumes on the fracture faces and cut
top-to-bottom in the homogeneous, 30 ft (10 m) thick unit. As shown by the histograms in Figure 1.24, one set is more regularly spaced
than the other, and neither is as uniform as the photos seem to suggest. Lower right: the spacing histograms are derived from remote
imagery and do not have the resolution to capture the most closely spaced fractures such as this one from the same outcrop, shown in
plan view looking down on the bedding surface.

well-defined layers (Figure 1.23), but it becomes more many fracture-spacing populations also mean that a
nebulous when applied to fractures that have a range mathematical average does not capture 1) the pervasive
of heights and that are irregularly distributed in a het- but small-scale contributions of the numerous small
erogeneous reservoir (see Figure 1.13). Moreover, like fractures; 2) the more dramatic but localized contribu-
length, spacing can change depending on the scale at tion of the relatively few large fractures; or 3) the clusters
which it is measured, i.e. small but potentially important of closely-spaced fractures that are effectively single
fractures may not show on remote imagery, whereas conduits at the scale of a reservoir.
measurements made from an outcrop at a scale of a few An example of measured spacing vs. effective spacing
tens of meters may not extend far enough to capture comes from low-permeability Cretaceous sandstones
a representative sample of larger, more widely spaced in Colorado, where the spacings of WNW-ESE striking
fractures. extension fractures in both outcrop and horizontal cores
Additionally, the effective fracture spacings that con- range from several inches (a few cm) up to 17 ft (5.2 m),
trol fluid flow often do not equate to the precisely averaging about 3 ft (1 m) (Lorenz and Finley, 1991;
measured spacings from an outcrop scan line or cap- Lorenz and Hill, 1994). Although carefully measured
tured by a horizontal core. Those exact, quantitative and precise, the measured average spacing was useless
spacing measurements do not incorporate the range of to the reservoir engineer whose models required an
heights, lengths, and apertures of the sampled fractures, effective fracture spacing on the order of 10 ft (3 m) to
which dictate that some fractures contribute more to match the observed drainage anisotropy and the care-
fluid flow than others. The log-normal distributions of fully tested production rates from wells drilled into these
26 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

reservoirs (P. Branagan, personal communication, 1988). result in fracturing, and fold-related fractures may form
The measured fractures in this example are log-normally parallel and normal to the axes of folding, often being
spaced, and the clusters of closely spaced fractures superimposed onto pre-fold fractures (e.g. Cooper et al.,
have spacings on the order of 8 ft (2.4 m), closer to the 2006). Fractures that formed prior to folding can also be
engineering-determined 10 ft (3 m) effective fracture reactivated, opened, and extended during folding.
spacing. In addition, some of the measured fractures are Bed thickness is important, but it is only one of the
occluded by mineralization and therefore less effective several controls on fracture spacing and it is not usually
as permeability conduits. Taking clustering and individ- the primary control. Published cross plots between frac-
ual fracture effectiveness into account, the geologically ture spacing and bed thickness, including early studies
estimated effective fracture-spacing estimate for the such as that by Ladeira and Price (1981), show significant
reservoir is compatible with the engineering model. variations in the ratio of fracture spacing to bed thick-
Thus, exact spacing measurements are important guide- ness, often as a function of lithology. Ladeira and Price
lines for modeling, but only rarely can or should they be showed that there can be different trends for different
put directly into a model. Actual and average fracture lithologies, i.e. sandstone and limestone, and different
spacings are still important measures of strain when trends even for different formations with similar litholo-
they can be combined with width, and spacing provides gies. Moreover, the Ladeira and Price thickness-spacing
a key constraint in calculating reservoir volumetrics, as relationships are not linear; fracture spacing increases
discussed in Part 3. with bed thickness but only up to a given thickness,
The oil-field rule of thumb is that fracture spacing is above which fracture spacing in the outcrops does not
equivalent to bed thickness, and in the absence of data change significantly.
this rule offers a starting point for estimating fracture There are also innumerable examples where a given
spacing, but it should not be used if actual data are avail- bed contains two sets of extension fractures of different
able. The rule of thumb is based in part on the bent-beam ages (e.g. Hanks et al., 1997) and where the two sets
model for fracturing (e.g. Price, 1966), in which tension have different spacing characteristics. Since two distinct
created by stretching the outer arc of a beam during spacing populations occur in the same bed (Figure 1.24),
flexure is relieved at regular intervals by fractures having bed thickness may influence but it cannot be the only, or
spacings that are dictated by both the thickness of the even the primary, control on spacing.
beam and the degree of curvature. Folding rock creates Numerous spacing datasets have been published.
local strains, but it takes less stress to fracture a rock than Among them, Bai and Pollard’s (2000a) data suggest that
to fold it and therefore rock commonly fractures before the spacing-to-thickness ratios can vary over two orders
it folds: many fracture sets on anticlines are inherited, of magnitude for different formations, while McQuillan
formed prior to folding (e.g. McQuillan, 1973; Bergbauer, (1973), Narr and Suppe (1991), and Huang and Angelier
2007). Nevertheless, fold-related strains do commonly (1989) suggested that the ratio between fracture spacing

12 100% 12 100%
11 90% 11 90%
10 10
80% 80%
9 9
70% 70%
8 8
60% 60%


7 7
6 50% 6 50%
5 Frequency 5 Frequency
40% 40%
Cumulative % Cumulative %
4 4
30% 30%
3 3
20% 20%
2 2
1 10% 1 10%

0 0% 0 0%


Spacing (ft) Spacing (ft)

Figure 1.24 Spacing distributions measured from remote imagery for the two mutually crosscutting extension-fracture sets in the Cedar
Mesa Sandstone shown in Figure 1.23. Left: the N-S striking fractures (n = 31) have a debatably log-normal spacing distribution. Right: the
distribution of spacings in the nearly orthogonal E-W striking fractures (n = 49) has affinities to both log-normal and normal distributions.
The remote imagery could not capture the closer spacings illustrated in Figure 1.23. The difference in the spacings of two fracture sets in
one bed highlights the fact that bed thickness is only one of the factors controlling extension-fracture spacing. Although there are few
abutting relationships between the two fracture sets, the more regular spacings of the E-W set (right) may indicate that it propagated in a
homogeneous medium, creating heterogeneities that affected the spacing distribution of the N-S set. (Unpublished data.)
Fracture Characteristics and Dimensions 27

and bed thickness in sedimentary strata is quantifiable small sample of a fracture from core is usually a reliable
and reasonably consistent as long as measurements representation of the strike of the entire fracture plane.
are from the same lithology in the same formation. The same small sample of one fracture can even provide
Wennberg et al. (2007) presented data showing that bed a reasonable characterization of the orientations of other
thickness is a poor control on spacing where the strata fractures of the same set.
have been subjected to multiple strain events. The lesson Strikes tend to be more regular and more tightly con-
is that the spacing-to-thickness ratios can be quantified at strained in rock that fractured under conditions of high
specific locations and for specific formations, but that the stress anisotropy, and in fine-grained, well-cemented,
ratios change with lithology and with structural setting. and/or thin-bedded strata (Figure 1.25). In contrast,
There is point at which fractures, or at least extension strike variability among the members of a set commonly
fractures, stop developing in a rock despite the con- increases, and the planarity of individual fractures
tinued imposition of stress, identified as the point of decreases, where fracturing occurred under condi-
fracture saturation (e.g. Bai and Pollard, 2000a, 2000b; tions of low stress anisotropy or in strata that are
Wu and Pollard, 1995). Bai and Pollard suggest that thicker, more heterogeneous, less well-cemented, and/or
for the formations they studied this threshold lies at coarser-grained.
a ratio of spacing-to-bed thickness between 0.8 and The two sub-sets of a set of conjugate shear fractures
1.2. There are, however, many examples where fracture also typically have systematic strikes. Shears form conju-
spacing is much less than bed thickness, so saturation is gate pairs where the strata are allowed to extend in only
not universal, or at least not at these ratios. Saturation one direction normal to the axis of compression, and
also does not occur in formations where the fractures fractures of a pair will have parallel strikes, but opposing
become healed by mineralization soon after they form dips if they are normal or reverse dip-slip offset. If
and where the host rock and fracture filling have sim- they are strike-slip pairs, ideally, they should be vertical
ilar mechanical properties, such as systems of closely and have strikes that intersect at an angle of about 60∘
spaced, calcite-mineralized, hairline fractures in chalks. (Figure 1.26). However, if the strata are allowed to extend
When healed, the fractures in such settings are no longer in two directions while being compressed in the third, a
weakness planes in the rock, so new fractures continue more complicated system consisting of two intersecting
to form as long as the rock is being strained. “orthorhombic” conjugates (Reches, 1983; Reches and
Dietrich, 1983), or even more than two “polymodal”
shear pairs may form (Healy et al., 2015).
1.3.10 Fracture Strike
Reservoirs containing only one set of extension frac-
Strike is perhaps the least ambiguous of the numerous tures have elliptical drainage patterns and anisotropic
fracture dimensions. Most fractures stay in approxi- horizontal permeability ratios, but secondary and even
mately the same plane over their height and length, so a tertiary sets of extension fracture can be superimposed

Figure 1.25 Left: parallel, bed-normal, vertical extension fractures in thin bedded Cretaceous chalks and marls of the Niobrara Formation,
Colorado, create a pervasive fracture fabric in the strata. A two-track dirt road across the middle of the photo gives the scale. Cross
fractures are present but rare, and most of them are surficial features that are not present in the equivalent subsurface strata. Right: the
parallel strikes of a set of vertical extension fractures as measured in a horizontal core. The red line shows the wellbore azimuth through
the cored interval. Fractures striking nearly parallel to the wellbore have a low chance of being cored and would be under-represented by
this core if they are present (n = 53, unpublished data).
28 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

N not always the 60∘ mechanical ideal. Hancock and Bevan

(1987) reported that the intersection angle between the
S strikes of a pair of conjugate strike-slip shear fractures
decreased with distance from the Zagros thrust front,
N 1.4% eventually morphing into extension fractures striking
normal to the thrust front and parallel to the bisector of
T the conjugate angle of the shear pairs.
T Fracture Orientations Relative to the In Situ
N 12.5% Stresses
Fracture strike relative to in situ stress system helps deter-
mine fracture permeability. Fracture orientations record
the in situ stress orientations at the time of fracturing, but
fracture planes may be tilted or rotated if the host strata
are deformed after fracturing, so the relative orienta-
Figure 1.26 A stereoplot of 360 poles to planes measured for tions between fracture planes and the stress system may
deformation-band shear fractures in sandstones of the fluvial change over time. The relative orientations of fractures
Jurassic Morrison Formation of New Mexico (from Olsson et al., should be noted in a reservoir (see Section 2.4.8 in Part 2)
2004). The clusters of poles define three conjugate pairs, with since the behavior of fractures and fracture-related per-
normal dip-slip (N), reverse dip-slip (T for ‘thrust’), and strike-slip
meability is related not only to the inherent fracture
(S) senses of offset. The orientations of the superimposed pairs
were controlled by stress axes that were oriented NE-SW, NW-SE, characteristics but also to fracture orientations within
and vertical. Sequential development of the three conjugate pairs the stress field (see Section 3.5 in Part 3).
records changing stress magnitudes along these three axes, but We will not discuss stress characterization in detail
not a rotation of the principle axes. The scale bar gives the since this volume is devoted to fractures, but a range
percentages of points per unit area.
of techniques exists for measuring and computing
the present-day in situ stress orientations and magni-
onto the first fracture set if a stress system becomes tudes (see for example Hill et al., 1994; White et al.,
reoriented by changes in the tectonic or local structural 2002; Fairhurst, 2003; Barree et al., 2009; Amadei and
systems. Superimposed fracture sets reduce anisotropy Stephansson, 2012). A fracture-characterization study
and enhance permeability above matrix values in the that is designed to assess the effects of fractures on
direction normal to the first set of fracture planes. If reservoir permeability must include measurements of
both younger and older fracture sets are equally well fracture orientations relative to the in situ stresses, and
developed and minimally mineralized, the resulting should include assessments of the compressive stress
horizontal drainage can be almost radial. magnitudes and the reservoir pore pressure in order to
Younger cross-fracture sets can also form when only evaluate the potential behavior of the fractures within
the stress magnitudes, and not orientations, change: for the stress system as it changes during production.
example, an existing minimum in situ compressive stress
can ramp up in magnitude to the point where it exceeds
1.3.11 Discussion
the intermediate or even the maximum compressive
stress during the development of a thrust system (e.g. From these descriptions of fracture dimensions, it
Olsson et al., 2004). If the older fractures are tightly should be apparent that although individual fractures
cemented and do not form significant mechanical dis- are discrete structures with definitive dimensions, those
continuities in the rock, or if they are held together by dimensions cannot always be exactly measured, and even
a high-magnitude stress normal to the fracture planes, where they can be, they are not always directly applicable
then the two fracture sets may be mutually cross-cutting to a reservoir model. There is enough variability between
and it will be difficult to tell their relative ages. Older the numerous fractures of a set that, except for strike, any
fractures can also be reactivated during the forma- given fracture is probably not fully representative of the
tion of a younger set, resulting in ambiguous or even system. Fractures and their effects on a reservoir cannot
contradictory cross-cutting and abutting relationships. be assessed in isolation but must be considered within
An older fracture set is not always or even usually the the stress and lithologic systems in which they occur.
best-developed set of fractures in the rock. A fracture is not just a geometry. The most intensely
In contrast to extension fractures, shear fractures developed fracture set, with long, tall, wide, and closely
commonly form an inherently interconnected system if spaced members, may in fact be fully mineralized and
they form as a conjugate pair, but the intersection angle is may therefore have less effect on permeability than a
The Mechanics of Fracturing Rock 29

superimposed system comprised of fewer, smaller, but strata of the Colorado Plateau. Some of these are not
more open fractures. currently considered to be viable, and some of the
Models are limited by the constraints of mathematics; present theories are not included in Hodgson’s list. The
most cannot handle the full range of data provided by a theories have included stresses created by changing rock
fully quantified set of fracture dimensions, so simplifica- temperatures during burial and uplift, by cyclic glacial
tion and upscaling are required. The geologist, engineer, loading at the earth’s surface above fractured strata, and
seismologist, and petrophysicist must work together to by lateral extension and compression during uplift and
use the available fracture measurements, data, and infer- basin subsidence. All of the mechanisms create stresses,
ences from all four disciplines to make best estimates but some of them do not provide the stress anisotropy
of the effective fracture dimensions for lengths, widths, needed to fracture rock, and the anisotropies provided
heights, apertures, and spacings, as described by Nelson by others are incompatible with the fracture geometries
(2020). in question.
Turning from the conditions of fracturing to the sus-
ceptibility of rock to fracture, the mechanics of fracturing
1.4 The Mechanics of Fracturing Rock in rock would seem to be simple: rock is weak and can eas-
ily be broken in tension by pulling on it or bending it.
Extension and Shear
Rock can also be broken in extension or shear by com-
pressing it, and in torsion by twisting it. These mecha-
1.4.1 Introduction
nisms are well documented in the laboratory, but it is
Many of the early outcrop studies were conducted in not always apparent which laboratory results apply to the
structurally complex settings (the Alps, the Appalachi- genesis of fracturing in the subsurface. The susceptibil-
ans), where fractures are a manifestation of obvious rock ity of rock to fracture changes significantly with varia-
deformation and where shear is common. Because of tions in the fundamental, intrinsic properties of the rock,
this, authors investigating less-deformed strata noted which are related to its original composition as modi-
with puzzlement that fractures can be well developed fied by compaction and diagenesis. To complicate mat-
in flat-lying, undeformed strata, where they show no ters, fracture susceptibility also changes with variations
evidence for shear (e.g. Hodgson, 1961). However, lab- in external conditions such as temperature, stress mag-
oratory tests and theoretical work were also beginning nitudes and strain rates. Rock is stronger by an order of
to suggest that rock does not need to be folded or magnitude in compression than it is in tension, therefore
faulted in order to fracture (e.g. Paterson, 1958), and that it is sometimes assumed that rock containing extension
stresses in the subsurface are not isotropic (Hubbert and fractures must have failed in tension, but that is rarely
Willis, 1957). It became apparent that stress differentials the case since tension is rare in the subsurface except at
capable of fracturing rock may be common, even in the scale of the grains that make up rock. Tension, a true
relatively undeformed terrains. Laboratory experiments pull on the rock, is not the same as extension, where rock
also showed that shear and extension fractures are extends and dilates in the direction of the least compres-
stages along a spectrum of brittle deformation (Griggs sive stress.
and Handin, 1960), and that the pressure of fluids in the A note on terminology: most authors place shear and
pores of a formation (“pore pressure”) plays an important extension fracturing into a general category of “brittle”
role in the mechanics of fracturing (Secor, 1965). failure (e.g. Paterson, 1978; Paterson and Wong, 2005),
Nevertheless, there were still were questions about and some do not even feel it necessary to specify whether
issues such as the exact role played by pore pressure, they are describing shear or extension fractures in their
and the source of stress anisotropy in the subsurface. papers. However, the two basic fracture types have sig-
The planar breaks of fractures in rock have deceptively nificantly different effects on a reservoir and need to be
simple geometries, suggesting simple mechanics, but distinguished, even though Hancock (1986) and Hancock
there are many ways to break rock and there are still and Bevan (1987) showed that extension fractures and
ongoing discussions regarding some of the basic aspects conjugate shear pairs form the end members of a spec-
of fracturing such as the difference between tension trum of brittle fracture geometries. They documented in
and extension in breaking rock in the subsurface, and the outcrop what Griggs and Handin (1960), among oth-
the mechanics of breaking and dilating rock within ers, demonstrated in the laboratory. The failure spectrum
compressive stress systems. can be extended past shear fracturing and into the realm
Ideas for the origins of the stresses under which of ductile failure, where the rock deforms by pervasive
rock fractures have been limited only by imagination. deformation without discrete failure planes, but ductile
Hodgson (1961) listed nine possible sources of stress deformation does not create discrete permeability path-
that might account for pervasive fracturing in flat-lying ways in a reservoir, and it is not covered here.
30 Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs

The pressure of fluids filling the pore spaces within a than when they are being pulled. Moreover, tests show
formation is a supremely important component in the that rock becomes stronger when it is subjected to com-
mechanics of breaking rock in compression. Although a pression in all three axes, as it is the subsurface, and that
high internal pore pressure increases the susceptibility its strength increases with growing confining stresses.
of a rock to fracturing, under geologic conditions exces- In fact, theory in the mid-20th century suggested that
sive pore pressure within a confined rock does not break because of the large confining stresses at depth, open
it by driving it apart in tensile failure. The hydrocarbon fractures could not exist in the subsurface, and one could
industry routinely fractures rock by hydraulically inject- read lines such as:
ing fluids into a formation under high pressure, but this
“At depth, however, most joints are generally closed…”
process is entirely different from the effects of pervasive
(Heck, 1955)
high fluid pressures within a formation, and it is not an
“It is, of course, inconceivable that an open crack could
analog to natural extension fracturing: debates of “natural
exist at depth…” (Griggs and Handin, 1960).
hydraulic fracturing” must be approached carefully.
The following discussions are built on the empirical Thus, the cores that recovered rock with open natural
characteristics of fractures in core and outcrop, sup- fractures from strata in the deep subsurface (Figure 1.27)
ported and constrained by experimental laboratory created a conundrum; rock should not be fractured at
results and by theoretical considerations. Conclusions depth. Strata at depth are under significant confining
based on these three views of fracturing overlap, but they compressive stress due to the weight of the overburden
are not always mutually supporting. For example, the and should theoretically be strong and not susceptible
theoretical considerations derived from Mohr diagrams to fracturing. Moreover, if a fracture did form at depth,
can be limiting: whereas these diagrams represent shear
failure well, if extension factures are represented at all
they are often considered to be anomalies, forming only
in the special circumstances represented by the end cap
of the failure envelope on the negative, tensile side of the
vertical axis. In contrast, extension fractures are com-
mon in rock. As Jaeger et al. (2007, page 2) put it: “Joints
[extension fractures] are by far the most common type
of geological structure,” more common than would be
suggested by the special, tensile, and nebulous end-cap
conditions required for extension fracturing as depicted
on most Mohr diagrams.
Laboratory observations show that rock breaks easily
in tension, created by pulling on “fixed grips” attached
at the ends of a specimen. Competing observations of
extension fractures that form when a sample is com-
pressed in one direction while confined in the other two
axes in the laboratory were largely discounted as being
unrelated to fractures that formed in deeply buried rock.
However, except for special, local conditions such as
the tips of propagating extension fractures and igneous
injections, and probably within the microcracks that
form in individual sand grains as the precursors to
macrofractures (Paterson, 1978; Paterson and Wong,
2005), true tension is difficult to generate in confined
rock at depth, and in fact only compressive conditions
have been measured in situ (e.g. Brown and Hoek, 1978; Figure 1.27 A vertical, incompletely mineralized extension
Amadei and Stephansson, 2012). Therefore, we start fracture in sandstone, recovered from a depth of 20,481 ft
these discussions with the premise that almost all sub- (6,243 m) in the Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Wyoming
surface fractures, both extension and shear, must have (courtesy Connie Hawkins). Since deeply buried strata are under
significant compressive stress in all three directions due to the
formed when all three stress axes were compressive. weight of the overburden, and in the absence of an understanding
Because rock is stronger in compression than in of the effects of pore pressure, it was not obvious how fractures
tension, it requires significantly more applied force to could form, open, and stay open long enough to become
fracture laboratory samples when they are being pushed mineralized at such depths.
The Mechanics of Fracturing Rock 31

or if one formed in shallow strata and was subsequently some degree if it were not laterally constrained by the
deeply buried, it should be held shut by the large confin- surrounding rock. The amount of expansion depends on
ing stresses. The answer to the puzzle lay in laboratory lithology. Some of the overburden weight imposed on the
tests that measured the importance of pore pressure, buried rock is supported by the strength of the semi-rigid
which acts against confining stresses at depth, allowing rock framework, and some of the weight is supported
fractures to remain open and reversing the strength by an increase in the horizontal stresses created by
increase caused by high confining stresses. A more the attempted lateral expansion of the rock. Replace the
recent quote recognizes the presence and significance bag of water with a rubber block at the bottom of the
of pore pressures at depth: “We assert that almost no stack of bricks and part of the weight of the stack will be
macro-scale brittle deformation in the upper crust supported by the strength of the rubber, but the rubber
takes place in the absence of elevated pore pressures…” would also expand laterally if it weren’t prevented from
(Turner et al., 2017). doing so by the presence of adjacent, similar brick piles
with basal rubber blocks. Thus, the vertical weight of
the stack of bricks creates horizontal, lateral stresses
1.4.2 Origins of Geologic Stress Systems
where the rubber blocks are prevented from expanding Stresses in a Tectonically Quiescent Basin sideways by the presence of adjacent rubber blocks.
Simplistically, a stress is a force applied to a rock in a cer- The horizontal compressive stress in a formation is
tain direction and with a certain strength or magnitude. usually considered as two stresses oriented at right angles
In the absence of tectonically imposed stress asymmetry, to each other in the horizontal plane, and in this hypo-
the maximum compressive stress imposed on a subsur- thetical case they are equal to each other since the rock
face reservoir is typically the weight of the overlying rock, at the base of the stratigraphic column, equivalent to the
and this stress is vertical due to the downward pull of rubber blocks, would expand equally in all directions.
gravity. The magnitude of a vertical stress is calculated, The horizontal stresses are passive; they are the result
not measured, by using the densities of the different lay- of the inactive weight of overlying strata rather than
ers of rock, their thicknesses, and the pull of gravity (see the product of tectonic activity. Like the rubber block,
Appendix 1.A). As a rule of thumb, it increases by 1 psi and unlike the bag of water, the rock has some strength
per foot of depth, or 22.6 MPa/km. which carries part of the overburden so that the horizon-
If reservoirs were composed of strong, perfectly rigid tal stresses are less than the weight of the overburden.
strata, the weight of the overburden would be entirely The amount of potential lateral expansion of rock, and
supported by the strength of the reservoir rock in the the lateral stress magnitudes generated by preventing it,
same way the bottom brick in a stack of ten square bricks are governed by Poisson’s ratio, a basic property of the
supports the weight of the overlying bricks without rock that relates the amount of vertical shortening to the
deforming, and the weight of the overburden would not amount of lateral expansion that the rock would undergo
create additional stress in the rock. The lateral stresses in the direction normal to an imposed compressive
imposed on such a reservoir, just as on the sides of the stress. Poisson’s ratio varies by lithology but for different
brick at the bottom of the stack even if it is one of many sedimentary rock it can have values ranging from 0.1 for
side-by-side brick stacks, would be zero. stiff rock to 0.5 for more ductile rock.
If on the other hand the bottom brick of the stack is Layers of very ductile rock with even higher Poisson’s
replaced by a plastic bag full of water, then the weight of ratios such as halite or coal have little or no strength
the bricks overlying the plastic, water-filled bag must be and therefore have no inherent structure that would
supported entirely by the incompressibility of the water resist lateral expansion and carry part of the vertical
and an increase in fluid pressure in the bag equal to the stress; they behave nearly as a fluid over geologic time
weight of the bricks. The pressurized fluid, which has no scales. In layers composed of these lithologies, the entire
inherent strength, tries to escape laterally, creating a fluid weight of the overburden is supported by the lateral
pressure inside the plastic bag equal to the weight of the constraint provided by the surrounding rock. Remove
overlying bricks, but the bag is constrained by adjacent those constraints and these rocks flow, albeit slowly. The
bricks, imposing a lateral pressure equal to the weight of walls, roofs, and floors of tunnels in salt mines creep
the overlying bricks onto the sides of the bricks at the bot- slowly into the caverns and are a constant problem. This
tom of the adjacent stacks. property is being used to permanently bury nuclear
Rock at depth is neither perfectly rigid nor entirely waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad,
fluid. When rock is under compression in one direction, New Mexico. Layers of such ductile strata are highly
vertically from the weight of a column of overlying strata, stressed since the horizontal stresses are nearly equal
the strength of the rock supports part of the load, but to the maximum, overburden stress, and the differential
since it is not perfectly rigid it would expand laterally to between the maximum and minimum stresses is low.
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in the anterior vena cava, under the influence of the expiratory effort;
sometimes to emphysema, tuberculosis, etc.; in other cases to the
return of blood towards the vena cava and jugulars at the moment of
auricular systole, as a result of lesions of the tricuspid or auriculo-
ventricular orifices.
By palpation of the veins their permeability can be estimated, also
the degree of distension or obstruction, and the condition of their
Capillary system. Among methods of arriving at the state of the
circulatory system must be included an examination of the vascular
condition of the accessible mucous membranes, such as those of the
eye, mouth, nostril, vulva, etc. This examination is easy to carry out,
and is of value in diagnosing congestive states, pneumonia, and local
Blood. Examination of the blood is sometimes necessary for the
exact diagnosis of certain diseases, and therefore should be carried
out whenever occasion requires. The physical state, coloration, and
rapidity of coagulation afford valuable data in certain diseased
conditions, and indicate the approximate richness in hæmoglobin,
the normal or abnormal composition of the plasma, and the richness
of the blood in white corpuscles.
Microscopic examination is still more valuable, whether carried
out by the moist method, in which a drop of blood is compressed
under a cover glass, or the dry method with or without staining. In
the latter case the specimen is fixed with a mixture of equal parts of
alcohol and ether or by immersing it in a 1 per cent. solution of osmic
By this means it is possible to detect the condition of the red and
white blood corpuscles and hæmatoblasts; the existence or non-
existence of leucocytosis and its degree, as well as the existence, for
instance, of leucocythæmia.
The blood corpuscles may also be counted.
Histological examination, supplemented by suitable staining,
reveals the presence of normal or abnormal blood corpuscles,
parasites such as piroplasma, or microbes such as bacteria.
Such examination necessarily presupposes a knowledge of what
should be looked for in the normal state.
In normal blood the red blood corpuscles predominate. They are
all similar in form and, with few exceptions, of the same size. They
stain strongly with acid solutions such as eosine. In pathological
conditions, large or giant corpuscles may be found (macrocytes), as
well as those of medium size (normal) and small size (microcytes).
Some are vigorous and stain deeply; others, on the contrary, are
degenerating or dead, and have no greater affinity for one
constituent than for another of the double or triple stains commonly
In pathological conditions the hæmatoblasts occur in very varying
The white blood corpuscles found in health may be classified as
Large and small lymphocytes, each of which has a round
voluminous nucleus and a narrow border, and contains a non-
granular protoplasm; their proportion varies between 22 per cent.
and 25 per cent.:
Polynuclear leucocytes or polymorphous leucocytes with a single
nucleus, which originate in bone marrow, stain best with neutral
colours, and are present in the proportion of 70 per cent. to 72 per
Mononuclear leucocytes with an ovoid eccentric nucleus stain best
with basic colours, and form about 1 per cent.:
Polynuclear leucocytes stain best with eosine or acid colours, and
form about 1 per cent. to 2 per cent.
When these white blood corpuscles are in larger number the
condition is known as leucocytosis, and when one or other variety is
in very great excess the condition is known as leucæmia.


Ectopia of the heart, i.e., congenital malformation in which the

heart is displaced from its normal position and thrust sometimes
completely beyond the thoracic cavity, is not very rare. The heart
may be well developed, but it is not enclosed by the thoracic walls
when the thoracic cavity closes during the first stages of embryonic
life. The sternum, which is cartilaginous and becomes ossified only at
a later period, remains fissured along the median line, and the
fissure, usually of oval form and with rounded margins, surrounds
the auricles and the vessels at the base of the heart. The ventricles
form a hernia projecting beyond the thorax, which then only contains
the two pleural sacs and a complete mediastinal partition. The
pericardium remains undeveloped.
Despite this malformation, the embryo develops. The fœtus may in
due season be brought forth living, but as a rule death occurs in a few
The diagnosis is easy, but this malformation cannot be treated.
All that can be done is to protect the ectopiated organ against
external violence in cases where the young creature is born alive.

Pericarditis consists in inflammation of the pericardial sac. It is

attributable to different causes, varying in importance and in
Specific pericarditis may be produced by the tubercle bacillus,
or it may develop during an attack of contagious peripneumonia.
Tuberculous or peripneumonic forms of pericarditis as a rule form
only complications of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis or
peripneumonia. They are very rarely primary in character, and, like
the allied forms of pleurisy, assume a vegetative and adhesive form
in tuberculous cases.
Moussu has never seen the true exudative form either in acute or
chronic tuberculosis, but only vegetative and caseous forms.
Simple acute pericarditis. Cases of simple acute exudative
pericarditis have been described, and have been referred to chills,
wounds, or injuries in the region of the heart, and in a few cases to
the rheumatic diathesis.
Such forms of pericarditis may occur, but probably are very rare,
for Moussu has seen but two cases. As the symptoms correspond
exactly to those of exudative pericarditis produced by a foreign body,
it is unnecessary to describe them specially.
The only important detail to bear in mind with this disease is the
possibility of cure by suitable treatment, such as the application of
stimulants or vesicants to the cardiac zone, the administration of
salicylate of soda or diuretics, and complete rest.
The diagnosis, moreover, should be confirmed by making an
aseptic exploratory puncture with the capillary trocar. The nature of
the liquid withdrawn will indicate whether the case is one of simple
acute pericarditis or pericarditis due to a foreign body.
Cancerous pericarditis is generally secondary, and is caused by
development of tumours on the pericardial serous membrane, and in
the myocardium. Moussu, however, has seen one case of primary
cancerous pericarditis, the tumours being found only on the
periphery of the myocardium. The growth assumes a vegetative form
with moderate exudation. The symptoms, however, so closely
approach to those of exudative pericarditis due to foreign bodies that
only the latter variety, which is by far the most frequent in animals of
the bovine species, need be described.


This condition has been

erroneously described as
traumatic pericarditis, but
the latter term would
suggest that the disease was
due to an injury acting from
without. It may be defined
as a disease produced by the
discharge into the
pericardial cavity of some
foreign body from the
gastric compartments.
Boizy in 1858 described
several cases of this kind of
pericarditis. Hamon in 1866
gave an excellent table of
symptoms. Roy in 1875
supplemented this with
numerous observations
showing clearly the
possibility of recognising the
disease by clinical
Fig. 174.—Tumours of the surface of examination. Pericarditis
the heart. Primary cancerous due to foreign bodies is to-
pericarditis and myocarditis. day one of the best
characterised diseases of the
ox, and it is easy to diagnose.
Before approaching the etiological side of the question, it is
necessary to recall in a few words the anatomical arrangement of the
pericardium and its relations to neighbouring organs.
In the ox the diaphragm presents a marked concavity directed
towards the abdomen. The pericardium, situated exactly in the
median plane, is fixed by its point to the sternum. A fold of adipose
tissue directly connects it with the anterior surface of the diaphragm.
On the abdominal side the conical right compartment of the rumen is
in free communication with the reticulum, which is closely applied to
the posterior surface of the diaphragm on the median line opposite
the spot occupied by the pericardium on the anterior surface (Fig.
176). As a result of this arrangement any object passing through the
reticulum and diaphragm in the median plane would enter the
pericardial cavity. These particulars indicate clearly how this form of
pericarditis is produced.
Causation. One of the chief causes of pericarditis by a foreign
body is connected with the way in which oxen feed. They rapidly
swallow their food and any foreign bodies that may be concealed in
it, submitting it later on to a second mastication in the course of
rumination. This method of feeding results in bolting the food almost
without mastication, hence the possibility of swallowing foreign
The proximity of the reticulum to the pericardium is also an
important factor, because the foreign bodies fall into the reticulum as
soon as the bolus of food begins to break up. It is important to notice,
moreover, that pericarditis is commonest on farms where the oxen
are attended by women, or in regions where sharp objects are to be
found on roads or pastures frequented by the animals, such as the
vicinity of needle, nail, and rivet factories.
The sole cause is the penetration of a foreign body into the
pericardial sac.
Pathogeny. All kinds of foreign bodies are swallowed by oxen, as
is abundantly shown by post-mortem examinations. These
indigestible bodies pass with the food into the rumen, and
accumulate in the deepest portions of that receptacle. Owing to
physiological contractions the lower wall of the rumen rises to the
level of the orifice of communication with the reticulum, and so
passes much of the material accumulated within it into this organ.
Soft foreign bodies fall towards the lower parts of the reticulum,
but sharp objects may lodge in its walls. Very often the bodies
penetrate in this way without causing reticulitis or grave
inflammation. The functions of the reticulum are not impeded. The
commonest of such objects are needles, pins, nails, or fragments of
iron wire. On account of their form, needles are the most dangerous.
The sharpness of one extremity ensures its passing readily through
the tissues, and as the point is the part that offers least resistance,
the needle continues gradually to penetrate.
If the foreign body becomes implanted vertically in the lower wall
of the rumen or reticulum it may be expelled directly through the
medium of an abscess. This is a favourable termination, though it
usually results in permanent gastric fistula.
More often the objects penetrate the anterior wall of the reticulum
and gradually work their way towards the diaphragm, impelled by
the movements of the reticulum and the other digestive
compartments. They perforate the muscle and pass into the thoracic
cavity, either in the direction of the pericardium or of the pleural
First as to the penetration of the pericardium. The foreign body,
whatever it may be, produces by its presence alone very marked
irritation, and as in addition it is always infected in consequence of
its having passed through the digestive compartments, inflammation
is set up to a degree proportionate to the pathogenic qualities of the
infective agent.
Symptoms. The early symptoms are those of indigestion, and not
of pericardial disease, a fact which is easy to understand, because at
first the whole mischief is in the abdominal cavity. The patients are
dull, restless, and seem to be suffering from an obscure ailment.
They remain standing more than usual, show more than ordinary
deliberation in lying down, lose appetite, cease to ruminate regularly,
and exhibit intermittent tympanites.
The cause of these symptoms is as follows: At first the reticulum is
partly immobilised by the local inflammation, and at a later stage
movement of the diaphragm is checked by reflex action when the
sharp body has progressed far enough to touch it. The rhythmic
movements of the reticulum and the diaphragm are interfered with,
rumination is disturbed, eructation ceases, and tympanites appears.
The patient often utters slight groans, particularly when forced to
move; but as this is a sign common to all grave diseases it can only
give rise to a suspicion as to what has occurred. In ten to fifteen days
this primary phase may have terminated; but it is impossible to say
how long it lasts, for it varies with each animal as with each variety of
foreign body, and it may be prolonged for months.
From the moment it reaches the thoracic cavity the foreign object
makes its way towards the channel formed on either side by the ribs
and below by the sternum, and therefore towards the point of the
heart. This is the second phase of development.
The passage of the foreign body through the diaphragm occupies a
more or less considerable time, depending on its length; the
beginning of this second phase is characterised by relative
immobility of the circle of the hypochondrium during respiration.
The abnormal sensibility and pain impede contraction of the
Palpation of the region of the xiphoid cartilage then reveals
abnormal sensibility, and sometimes causes the animal to resent
being handled.
From this time the pericardial symptoms proper commence, the
foreign body having come in contact with the pericardium. This
phase, unlike those which precede it, presents well-defined
symptoms. The irritation of the heart and its ganglionic system by a
foreign body in the pericardium is shown by considerable
acceleration of the heart beats even before there is any exudation
into the pericardial sac. Instead of 60 to 70 beats, the normal
number, the pulse may rise to 80, 90, 100, or even 110 beats per
minute. The heart sounds are tumultuous, dull and ill-defined, while
the pulse appears bounding and strong.
But this period of cardiac excitement while persisting is soon
complicated by other symptoms. As soon as the foreign body
penetrates the pericardial sac, there is infection, which produces an
active form of inflammation and abundant exudation. From this time
the pulse becomes weaker and weaker, until, under the steadily
increasing pressure on the heart, it is almost imperceptible.
There is only moderate fever. As soon as the exudation becomes
considerable, the symptoms of pericarditis grow very marked: they
may be grouped in the following order, according to their
A. Cardiac symptoms. On palpation of the cardiac zone on the
left the impulse of the heart is no longer felt. Percussion, which
under normal circumstances reveals only partial dulness, now seems
to give pain, and indicates abnormal dulness distributed in a vertical
plane. The pulmonary lobes between the pericardium and thoracic
walls are thrust upwards. The distended pericardial sac approaches
the parietal layer of the pleura and may adhere to it, hence the
dulness. This dulness extends as far back as the xiphoid appendix of
the sternum, and can be detected on both sides, marginated above by
a convex line.
In rare cases the dulness is absent, being partially replaced by
tympanitic resonance, due to the presence of gases in the distended
pericardial cavity, which gases originate in the digestive reservoirs or
result from putrid fermentation of the pericardial exudate.
Simple or double pleurisy, or even pneumonia of the cardiac lobes
resulting from infection by contiguity, may complicate cases of rapid
pericarditis. The dulness then appears modified, as do the signs
observed on auscultation.
Auscultation furnishes valuable indications. From the outset it
reveals acceleration of the heart. At a later stage, but only for a short
time, it permits of the detection of the pericardial rubbing sound
which precedes serous exudation, and which may persist for several
days when large quantities of false membrane are produced.
If exudate is present in considerable quantities a liquid sound is
heard at each heart beat. The heart appears to be beating in water,
but the liquid note varies considerably. It has been termed the
“claclaque” sound (Lecouturier, 1846), in allusion to the sound
produced by the meeting of water ripples; “clapotement” sound
(Boizy, 1858), with reference to the sound produced under the
influence of a light breeze on the borders of a stream; “glou-glou”
sound (Roy, 1875), suggested by the noise of liquid escaping from an
inverted bottle into a resonant vessel, etc. It is important, however,
to remember that cases occur (principally when the pericardium is
greatly distended and entirely filled with liquid) where, with the
animal at rest, these sounds are difficult to detect. To render them
noticeable the patient must be walked for a few yards.
Vernant, again, has described a sound as of dripping water, of
quite special character; he compared it to that resulting from the fall
of drops of liquid on to a marble table or into a half-filled vessel. So
far as can be ascertained this sound of dripping water greatly
resembles that heard in pneumo-thorax, but it is less resonant and
less prolonged.
It appears to be characteristic of the presence of air in the
pericardial cavity, and its special quality varies with the quantity
accumulated in the pericardium. Masked by these pericardial sounds
the beating of the heart seems dull, badly defined, distant and stifled.
B. Jugular
The “jugular”
symptoms are
secondary, and
result from the
accumulation of
liquid in the
cavity. No intra-
exudate can
exist without
pressure on the
heart, and as
the auricles
have very thin
walls and are
than the
ventricles, this Fig. 175.—Appearance of a patient suffering from
pressure fully-developed pericarditis.
causes difficulty
in the return circulation, whence venous stasis, varying in intensity,
but clearly visible and appreciable on account of the distension of the
The venous stasis is general, for the pulmonary veins are as much
compressed as the posterior and anterior venæ cavæ, but it is only
apparent in the large superficial veins. This stasis is accompanied by
venous pulse, and particularly by peripheral or internal œdema,
œdema of the lung, intestine, mesentery, etc., of the submaxillary
space and of the dewlap and entrance to the chest. Œdema of the
submaxillary space is specially characteristic, for it appears almost
first amongst external signs. That of the dewlap follows at a later
stage, and extends backwards as far as the umbilicus, rising above
this point as high even as the entrance to the chest and the axillary
C. Pulmonary symptoms. The pulmonary symptoms result
from difficulty in the return circulation and from the venous stasis.
They are due to passive congestion and œdema of the lung or to
hydro-thorax. At rest the respiration may appear fairly regular, but at
the least movement it is accelerated, and may rise to 40 or even 60
per minute.
Percussion reveals lessened resonance of the parts, and in the case
of hydro-thorax dulness marginated by a horizontal line, as in
On auscultation the vesicular murmur may sometimes have
diminished or even disappeared, while the respiration may be
blowing, as in active congestion, and in exceptional cases a tubal
souffle may be observed. In most cases the animal has a paroxysmal,
somewhat frequent cough, due to reflex irritability of the pneumo-
Cruzel in addition mentions a double respiratory movement like
that produced in the horse by broken wind. This is really the result of
hydro-thorax, and is not a constant symptom.
D. General symptoms. When the disease has lasted a certain
time the patients show certain well-marked general symptoms: they
remain standing in one position for long periods, with the head and
neck extended, the front legs thrust outwards from the trunk and the
body rigid, as though the least movement caused them pain. The
general attitude expresses anxiety, the animals lie down with great
care and seldom remain long in this position, which interferes with
the functions of the heart and lung. In the last stages the animals
remain constantly standing, appetite is almost entirely lost, and they
waste rapidly.
The course of pericarditis due to foreign bodies is very variable.
Sometimes death occurs in eight or ten days. In other cases the
animal may survive for weeks, provided it is well tended. Everything
depends on the rapidity with which the foreign body moves and on
the character of the infectious organisms which it introduces into the
pericardium. Death is the inevitable termination, and occurs as a
consequence of cardiac and respiratory syncope. It may follow
suddenly as the result of a simple forced movement, even when the
animal still seems to retain some amount of strength. When the
organisms introduced into the pericardium are of marked virulence,
complications such as septic pleurisy and pneumonia may be
observed, and death soon takes place.
It has been suggested that recovery might follow a return of the
foreign body towards the reticulum. This view can only have been
advanced as a consequence of errors in diagnosis, either as to the
existence of pericarditis or as to its nature. Pericarditis due to cold or
rheumatism sometimes becomes cured spontaneously.
Death, again, may suddenly occur by syncope when the foreign
body penetrates the myocardium, passes through it, and enters the
ventricular cavities.
The return of the foreign body is not conceivable, at all events after
it arrives in the pericardial cavity. Up to that time the only
disturbance is of a digestive character; no pericarditis exists. But
when for example the disturbance is due to long fragments of iron
wire which may extend from the reticulum as far as the pericardium,
it is clear that the pericarditis is of a kind which cannot be cured
without leaving traces. In our opinion, natural recovery is
Diagnosis. The diagnosis of pericarditis cannot be made until
such pericarditis actually exists, i.e., until the disease has arrived at
the third stage of development mentioned above.
As long as the symptoms point only to the first or second stage, the
logical diagnosis is reticulitis produced by a foreign body. At this
time the development of pericarditis, although possible, is not
When, on the other hand, one knows how the digestive
disturbance has originated and developed and thereafter notes signs
of cardiac irritation, disappearance of the cardiac impulse, dulness of
the heart sounds, venous stasis, etc., the diagnosis is easy even thus
Mistakes are not very likely. Only in some cases are they liable to
occur, as in acute peripneumonia of the anterior pulmonary lobes,
causing compression of the pericardium of the anterior vena cava
and producing secondarily venous stasis and œdema of the dewlap.
Cases of specific pericarditis due to peripneumonia also occur, and
under such circumstances a mistake would be even more excusable.
Nevertheless, the temperature curve in itself is a sure indication, for
whilst in peripneumonia the fever is always very marked, it is
scarcely noticeable in pericarditis due to a foreign body.
When the diagnosis of pericarditis has been arrived at it is
desirable to determine the exact nature of the disease, for whilst
cases of pericarditis due to foreign bodies are incurable and in the
interest of the owner the animals should be slaughtered, pericarditis
due to cold or rheumatism may be successfully treated. Rheumatism
generally affects the synovial membranes even before it produces
pericarditis, and this indication, supplemented by the history of the
case usually ensures one against mistakes regarding the initial cause.
It is much more difficult to distinguish pericarditis due to a foreign
body from pericarditis due to carcinoma and from the forms of
pseudo-pericarditis produced by lesions in the neighbourhood of the
heart. When considering the latter we shall deal with this particular
Prognosis. The prognosis is always fatal.
Lesions. When the foreign body is very thin and sharp, the
reticulum may not become attached to the diaphragm. In such cases
its passage has been rapid and the tissues have healed.
Usually the reticulum, diaphragm and pericardium are united by a
mass of fibrous tissue as thick as a man’s arm. It resembles a fibrous
sleeve surrounded by an œdematous zone, usually of slight extent.
This mass of new fibrous tissue is traversed by a sinuous tract
resulting from the irritant action of the foreign body on the
surrounding tissues. All writers describe this fibrous sleeve, which,
however, only occurs in cases where a very long foreign body has
occupied a considerable time in passing from the reticulum to the
cavity of the chest.
In very exceptional cases the sinuous tract is ramified, possibly as
a result of displacements of the foreign body.
The orifices of the tract are to be found, one in the reticulum, the
other in the pericardium. On the side of the reticulum there is never
more than one opening, and in many instances the tract is already
closed on that side, either by exuberant granulations or by a cicatrix.
On the contrary, the fistula is more frequently open in the
pericardial cavity. Its walls are of very varying appearance,
depending on their age: they may be red, greyish, soft or hard, and
when the lesion is of old standing they may have been converted into
a sclerotic tissue.
Fig. 176.—Appearance of the lesions in a case of fatal pericarditis. P, inflamed
pericardium, distended with exudate and adherent to the neighbouring
pulmonary lobes; 1, posterior lobe; 2, cardiac lobe; 3, anterior lobe; Fp, pleural
false membranes.

The pericardium appears distended with a considerable quantity of

liquid of a special character—sometimes sero-sanguinolent,
sometimes almost or entirely purulent; sometimes yellowish, or
greenish-grey; sometimes frothy, inodorous, or very fœtid.
These characters depend on the nature and number of the germs
which have invaded the pericardial cavity. They also vary with the
gravity and number of the hæmorrhages produced by the action of
the foreign body on the myocardium.
The quantity of liquid also varies within very wide limits. There
may be scarcely any exudation. In that case the pericarditis is of a
partially adhesive character, with abundant false membranes. As a
rule the quantity of fluid exudation varies between seven and eight
quarts, but sometimes the quantity is much greater. Trasbot
described an instance in which the united weights of the heart and
pericardium exceeded 36 lbs. Hamon mentioned a case of
pericarditis in which the liquid exudate exceeded twenty quarts.
“When inflammation is first set up the liquid is serous, yellowish,
or reddish yellow. It contains fibrinous flocculi in suspension. Little
by little this exudate becomes purulent, whilst the internal layers of
the pericardial serous membrane undergo desquamation. These are
next covered with false membranes of varying appearance; the fibro-
albuminous exudation is wrinkled, villous and tufted. The two layers
of serous membrane are connected at certain points by this
exudation, the adhesions being sometimes very extensive. The
pericardial sac properly so called becomes the seat of marked
lardaceous thickening, due to inflammation. The heart appears
entirely covered with a layer of greyish or earthy-coloured
granulation tissue, which appears as though baked, and was
compared by Hamon to the back of a toad. It is atrophied as a
consequence of prolonged compression.
Under the influence of the eccentric pressure of the liquid the
pericardial sac is distended and comes in contact with the walls of
the chest, to which it may adhere. The foreign body, especially if
small, is not always easy to find.
The myocardium often displays interesting lesions. At first there is
thickening, or more commonly sclerous degeneration, of the
superficial layers covering the ventricles, and then appears a crop of
little miliary abscesses. Abscesses of considerable size have several
times been detected in the walls of the ventricles and in the
interventricular septum.
The foreign body, moreover, may not only injure the myocardium,
but may even perforate it completely and produce ulcerative
endocarditis (Cadéac). In this case infectious germs very rapidly
invade the circulation and all the tissues, and the animal dies of
These essential lesions are accompanied by others of varying
importance. Thus the lung is congested throughout, and by
contiguity of tissue inflammation may extend from the pericardium
to the lower part of the pulmonary lobes and to the pleura.
Interference with the return circulation induces lesions due to
venous stasis: dropsy of the chief serous membranes, œdema of the
connective tissue, pleural and peritoneal exudations, etc. If the hind
limbs never become swollen it is because the skin covering them is
very resistant and does not readily yield. The liver becomes
hypertrophied, congested and engorged with blood, and when the
animals live for some weeks, shows the appearances known as
cardiac or nutmeg liver.
Treatment. The treatment of pericarditis due to the presence of
foreign bodies is at present merely palliative. Often the only thing to
be done is to slaughter the animal.
We need not go back to the methods formerly recommended. All
are illusory or mischievous, such as the use of purgatives to arrest or
reverse the progress of the foreign body, removal of the foreign body
after opening the rumen, puncture of the pericardium, etc.
In 1878 Bastin successfully opened the pericardium and extracted
the foreign body through a window produced in the thoracic wall.
This operator recommends that after drawing the left limb forward
and incising the skin and muscles, the operator, with his hand bound
round with a cloth, should perforate the pleura, and then having
found the foreign body, proceed to extract it. By this method it seems
difficult to cause perforation of the pericardium, which would
certainly lead to the production of pneumo-thorax complicated with
fatal septic pleurisy.
It must be borne in mind that the two pleural sacs, right and left,
descend as far as the sternum (Fig. 173), and that it is not possible to
touch the pericardium directly without perforating the pleura.
Moussu has drained the pericardium through the pleura in the
hope of relieving the pressure on the heart and facilitating the
reabsorption of the œdema, in order to permit of the subsequent
slaughter of the animal, but has had unsatisfactory results. Lastly, he
has practised median trepanation of the sternum in the infra-
pericardiac region. Here again the operation is difficult, because of
the œdematous infiltration of all the substernal region, while it is so
dangerous to the patient, which must be cast and may suddenly
succumb, that it is of no use in ordinary practice.
There is probably only one condition in which it would be possible
to attempt intervention with a fair chance of success, that is, when
there exists a fibrous connection between the pericardium, lung, and
wall of the chest on the right or left side.
In such cases aspiratory puncture or incision of the pericardium in
an intercostal space might prove of service, because it would not
expose the animal to the danger of pneumo-thorax.
The only difficulty lies in ascertaining beyond all question the
existence of such an adhesion before attempting operation, and this
is really very great, even having regard to the form of the dulness and
the absence of all respiratory sound in the lower third of the thoracic
cavity and cardiac zone. The pulmonary lobe between the heart and
chest wall may be thrust upwards and be partially adherent to the
pericardium and to the parietal pleura, and at the same time it may
be impossible to avoid producing operative pneumo-thorax when the
cartilages are resected to admit of incising the pericardium.
The only logical method seems to be puncture of the pericardium
through the xiphoid cartilage, as described below.
The topographical anatomy of the thoracic viscera shows that the
point of the pericardium extends along the sternum to a point close
to the lower insertion of the diaphragm, and that the pericardial sac
is only separated from the xiphoid region, or rather from the region
of the neck of the xiphoid appendix of the sternum, by the fatty
cushion at the point of the heart.
Fig. 177.—Lesions of exudative pericarditis produced by a foreign body. Relation of
the pericardium to the sternum and ensiform cartilage. Pericardium opened. D,
diaphragm; Œ, œdema of the dewlap, Ax, ensiform cartilage; F, liver; Vb, gall
bladder; 1, posterior lobe of the lung, drawn backwards; 2, cardiac lobe; 3, anterior
lobe; E, spot where the foreign body penetrated, towards the point of the
pericardium, between the neck of the ensiform cartilage and the circle of the

A glance at the annexed diagram (Fig. 177) will show this.

The diagram, carefully reproduced from an anatomical
preparation of an animal which succumbed to pericarditis, shows
that the distended pericardium extends close to the neck of the
xiphoid cartilage.
First stage. Identify the three following anatomical guiding
(1.) Xiphoid appendix and white line. (2.) Point at which the circle
of the hypochondrium becomes attached to the sternum. (3.) Point at
which the external mammary vein penetrates the abdominal wall
(Fig. 178).
Lines uniting these three points enclose a right-angled triangle,
which the operator must imagine to be bisected by a third line.
The incision, which should be about 8 inches in length, follows this
bisecting line at an equal distance between the white line and the
circle of the hypochondrium, to a point within about 8 inches of the
anterior margin of the mamma. All these points are readily
observable before the animal is cast.

Fig. 178.—Seat of operation for puncturing the pericardium by way of the ensiform
cartilage. L B, White line; H, line of the hypochondrium; V. M.a., anterior
mammary vein; P, point where the pericardium is punctured through the incision.

The cutaneous incision affords exit to large quantities of fluid, and

the pectoral muscles attached to the neck of the ensiform cartilage
can then be divided with the bistoury. The area of operation is thus
Second stage. The second phase comprises incision of the tissues
opposite the neck of the ensiform cartilage, about 8 inches in front of
the base of the triangle and at equal distances from the points Nos. 1
and 2; incision through the skin for a distance of 8 inches, and
dissection of the muscles of the ensiform region exposed at the neck
of the cartilage.

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