Philosophy Past Paper Analysis Topic Wise

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Philosophy Past Paper Analysis

1-Define Philosophy and explain its main branches. (CSS-2018)
2-What is philosophy? Discuss its relation to science. (CSS-2019)
3-Define philosophy. What is its relationship with religion? (CSS-2019)
4-Define Philosophy. What is its relationship with religion? (CSS-2021)
5-Pragmatists argue that philosophy has become irrelevant. Do you agree? (CSS-2022)

Philosophical Methods
Domain 1: Deductive and Inductive Methods

 Differentiate between Deductive and Inductive methods (CSS-2016)

 Write short note Deductive Method (CSS-2021)
 Work out the weaknesses and strengths of Deductive method (CSS-2018)
 Discuss any four inductive fallacies with examples (CSS-2022)

Domain 2: Socratic Method

 Write short note Socratic Method (CSS-2016)

Domain 3: Dialectical Method

 What do you understand by Dialectics? Critically evaluate Hegel’s Dialectical Method. (CSS-
 Hegelian Philosophy is mainly responsible for the contemporary anti-metaphysical movement
(e.g., Logical Positivism). Discuss. (CSS-2023)

Domain 4: Fallibilistic Method (Popper)

 Discuss key points of Popper’s Fallibilism. (CSS-2018)

 Discuss Popper’s logical method, its merits and demerits. (CSS-2019)

Domain 5: Cartesian Method

 ‘Doubt’ is the key point of Cartesian Method. Illuminate. (CSS-2020)

Domain 6: Inductive Method (Mill)

 Critically evaluate Mill’s Methods of Experimental Inquiry. (CSS-2021)

Domain 1: Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume)
 Discuss the Skepticism of Hume in-depth; how has it affected his ideas regarding Cause and
Self? (CSS-2017)
 Write Short note Hume’s skepticism (CSS-2019)
 Write short note Empiricism (CSS-2021)

Domain 2: Transcendentalism (Kant)

 Write Short note Transcendentalism (CSS-2020)

 Explain Kant’s Copernican Revolution in Philosophy (CSS-2021)
 Discuss Bergson’s critique of Kant’s philosophy (CSS-2022)

Domain 3: Intuitionism (Bergson)

 Discuss Bergson’s critique of Kant’s philosophy (CSS-2022)

Domain 4: Introduction of Philosophers (Kant, Bergson, John Dewey)

 Introduce any two of the following: a. Kant b. Bergson c. John Dewey (CSS-2019)

Domain 1: Idealism (Plato, Berkeley)

 Discuss Berkeley’s critique of Locke’s representative realism (CSS-2018)

 Discuss Berkeley’s view of reality in detail. (CSS-2019)
 Illustrate main characteristics of subjective idealism of Berkeley. (CSS-2020)
 Give critical exposition of Berkeley’s doctrine of Esse Est Percipi or “To be is to be perceived”.

Domain 2: Representative Realism (Locke)

 Critically evaluate Representative Realism of John Locke. (CSS-2016)

 Explain Simple and Complex Ideas with special reference to Locke (CSS-2021)

Domain 3: Historical and Dialectical Materialism (Marx)

 What is Historical Materialism? Elaborate Karl Marx’s contribution in its development. (CSS-
 Examine Marx’s views on human consciousness (CSS-2022)
Domain 1: Utilitarianism (J.S. Mill)

 Critically evaluate Utilitarianism with special reference to J. S. Mill. (CSS-2016)

 Define Utilitarianism. Discuss how a utilitarian decides whether or not an act is morally right.

Domain 2: Ethical and Psychological Egoism

 Write short note Ethical Egoism (CSS-2016)

 Write short note Psychological and ethical egoism. (CSS-2020)

Domain 3: Virtue Ethics (Aristotle)

 How does Aristotle derive virtue ethics? (CSS-2022)

 Aristotle's concept of 'eudaimonia' is better than the modern consequential and deontological
theories. Discuss it with reference to recent ethical challenges (CSS-2024)

Domain 4: Moral Absolutism (Kant)

 Main idea of Kant’s ethics is ‘duty for the sake of duty’. Is it justified? Give your own statement
 Discuss Kant’s moral proof for the existence of God. (CSS-2023)

Domain 5: Social Contract Theory (Hobbes, Rawls)

 Critically evaluate Rawls’ notion of Original Position. (CSS-2018)

 Write short note Social Contract Theory (CSS-2021)

Domain 6: Transcendentalism (Kant)

 What are the salient features of Kant’s Transcendentalism? (CSS-2016)

Domain 7: General Ethical Theories

 Discuss the Idea of the Good as an Ethical theory (CSS-2019)

Muslim Thinkers
Domain 1: Muhammad Iqbal

 Discuss Iqbal’s concept of ‘the Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam’ (CSS-2016)
 Elaborate the way Iqbal has reconciled Divine Power (Omnipotence) and Knowledge with human
freedom. (CSS-2017)
 Discuss the concept of Khudi (Ego) with special reference to Iqbal (CSS-2021)
 Discuss the need of principle of movement in the structure of Islam in the Philosophy of Iqbal.
 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Iqbal’s criticism of Nietzsche’s philosophy

Domain 2: Shah Waliullah

 Write short note Shah Waliullah as a Reformer (CSS-2016)
 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (b) Shah Waliullah’s criticism of Taqlid (CSS-

Domain 3: Al-Ghazali

 How did Ghazali refute the Philosophers’ argument about Eternity of the Universe? (CSS-2017)
 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (c) Al Ghazali’s views on religious sciences
 Outline al-Ghazali's journey from al-kalam methods to philosophy and then to mysticism in the
wider background of his recognition of limits of reason. (CSS-2024)

Domain 4: Ibn Sina

 Write an essay on Ibn-e-Sina’s theory of knowledge (CSS-2020)

Domain 5: Ibn Rushd

 How does Ibn-Rushd reconcile Philosophy with Religion? Discuss in detail. (CSS-2023)
Contemporary Philosophical Movements
Domain 1: Pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey)

 Discuss Pragmatism with special reference to William James. (CSS-2016)

 What is Pragmatism? Discuss Pragmatism as a method with reference to William James. (CSS-

Domain 2: Existentialism (Heidegger, Sartre)

 Elucidate Heidegger’s Theory of Being with special reference to Dasein (CSS-2017)

Domain 3: Postmodernism (Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida)

 In what sense Foucault may be treated as a post-modernist thinker. (CSS-2018)

 Write short note Derrida (CSS-2020)
 Shed light on the debate between Foucault and Derrida (CSS-2022)

Domain 4: Muslim Thinkers (Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushid)

 Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Al-Ghazali (c) Ibn Rushid
 Write Short note Ghazali’s criticism of the Philosophers (CSS-2019)

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