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Torque and Power requirment for the selection of Motor:

By considering the total weight of the machine to be 18Kg placed on the aluminium strip of the solar
panel, we then easily calculate the power. The power required for the motor to derive is given as:power

P=t * angular velocity

Evaluating the value of the torque. The torque equation is given as :

Torque = l*a ( where l is the moment of inertia ) and a is the angular acceleration.The moment of inertia
for the solid disk is given by the equation :

l=(1/2 )*m*r^2

where r reprsents the radius of the teflon wheel to be around 0.01 meter and m represents the mass of
machine in kg.

By substituting each and everyvalue , the moment of inertia comes as :


The angular acceleration is calculated as


a=2.7/0.01=270 rad/sec2

Now substituting the values of of moment of inertia and the angular acceleration we can have the
torque requirement for the machine.


Now lets calculate the rated power requirement for the motor :

P= 0.243*angular velocity.

The angular velocity is calculated as :


where v is the linear velocity . The linear velocity is calculated by the formula that is


where l is the length of the panel and n = number of revolutions per second to be taken as 1.02m/s.

stituing the values in the equation

V=2.1 *1.02=2.124 m/s

Now we then calculate the angular velocity as :

w=2.1 42/0.01=214.2 rad/sec

Now we can easily calculate the power requirement for the torque that is :

P=0.243*214.2=52.0506 Watt

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