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Alis, Please Don't Go (Star-Crossed

Series Book 1) C. Aiaria Lucas

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Alis, Please Don’t Go
Star-Crossed Series; Book One

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
or actual events is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2022-24 by C. Aiaria Lucas

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in
writing from the author or publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

ISBN 979-8-9888371-0-7
Cover Design by C. Aiaria Lucas

Images by Deposit Photos and Pexels
For the one in the stars…
you will always have my heart.
Recommended Reading List

Nobody Like You (Sun Soaked Mix) by Kaskade

Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine
On Your Mind by Kaskade
Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor (Instrumental Class Guitar Cover) by Juanma Natal (YouTube)
Content/Trigger Warnings

Intended for adult audience. It is an open door romance, which means there will be explicit sexual content between the two
main characters. The following content warnings are meant to aid in the prevention of triggers while reading and as such, may
contain spoilers.
Bad language: mild, infrequent, mostly an exclamation during sex
Alcohol: mild- first scene- other people at the bar are drunk. Neither the MC's or their friends get drunk or abuse alcohol- only
scenes where there is a beer in someone’s hand and a scene where alcohol has been served
Sexual content: lots of fully described sex scenes including oral sex
Dematerialization: FMC's cloned body becomes particles and disappears
Grief and loss: for MMC on page when FMC dematerializes
Religious extremism: extreme ideas about love and evolution
Surprise pregnancy and birth: pregnancy, nursing, as well as otherworldly birth described in considerable detail, though not
graphicly (no blood or fluids discussed)
Erotic lactation: arousal and sex around drinking FMC's light-milk (super-charged breast milk)
Alis, Please Don't Go

C. Aiaria Lucas

1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten
11. Eleven
12. Twelve
13. Thirteen
14. Fourteen
15. Fifteen
16. Sixteen
17. Seventeen
18. Eighteen
19. Nineteen
20. Twenty
21. Twenty-one
22. Twenty-two
23. Twenty-three
24. Twenty-four
25. Twenty-five
26. Twenty-six
27. Twenty-seven
28. Twenty-eight


N oIf one in my society has desires. Not a single soul. They have already released themselves from the grasp of want and need.
I’m to advance, I must do that as well. Now that I am here on Earth I need to find him, the one from my visions. I have
watched him move about the city where he lives, but he always ends up at the same bar. I know instinctively that’s where he
will be. I have one chance to do this. I don’t even know him. How hard could it be?
I have everything I need for my brief Earthly escapade. The Sky Gods cloned a perfect human specimen living near him. She
is someone in her twenties, close to his age. She has long dark hair, green eyes, and red lips—just his type. I have access to her
knowledge and language files and can communicate and understand the customs here. Even her clothing has been replicated so
that I blend in.
I materialized just in front of the cloned human’s home. It is dark out, like my planet’s nightfall. By my internal navigation, I
know she lives about a mile from the bar. Navigating this newly cloned body is definitely not intuitive. My arms swing out of
sync with my legs. It feels wrong somehow. I wonder if, at any moment, I will topple and fall. Then there’s the density of this
body, its breathing system. It is odd to adapt to. How my feet are secured to the ground here makes me feel even heavier. On my
home planet of Iliam-isq my body floats freely, in spite of gravity.
Despite my crude beginnings, I’m getting the hang of walking. All I can think about is getting there, seeing him. I’ve planned
it all out, what I will say. I feel confident, although slightly nervous. I feel out of sorts. Everything is so different from home.
People pass by, laughing and talking. Smoke erupts from someone’s lips. I glance down as a furry creature brushes against my
leg. Startled, I spin around just as a human on a two-wheeled cycle rushes by me. On Iliam-isq there are trees and mountains. It
is simple. Nothing like this at all.
Up ahead, I see the familiar Diamond Sky Pub sign. Just like in my visions, the sign flashes with red neon lights. As I
approach, I hear the thrum of music playing. When I walk through the door, sound vibrates right to my core. My hands fly up to
protect my auricular sensors from the loud and obtrusive cacophony. Never have I heard such sounds. At home, we use
telepathy instead of speaking, and we certainly do not have harsh sounds like this. I adjust my hearing, taking it to a more
tolerable level.
Just as that is settled, my olfactory organ is accosted by a combination of—translating—alcohol-infused sweat, perfume and
cologne. The effect is nausea. I’m overwhelmed in every way. It all makes me wonder if this is even worth it. I’m swirling in
indecision when my eyes find him across the room.
Everything else around me falls away.
Music and unpleasant smells fade into the background. Pulsing lights flicker on undulating bodies as they sway in slow
motion. Everything, that is, except him. Dark, wavy hair, piercing blue eyes. I’d never forget those eyes.
I steady myself against the wall. Being this close to him feels unreal. My body reacts to the mere sight of him. My skin
flushes. My pulse races. My heart pounds. I feel unwell and I also feel the best I ever have. Such a strange combination. A
multitude of dimensions away, the feelings of desire were manageable. But now, with only a dance floor between us, I’m
quaking inside.
My eyes only see him as if in a bubble, cut off from the rest of the bar. Unsteady yet exhilarated, I take a deep breath and
begin my journey across the dance floor. My eyes take in the sight of him as I move. His body is perched at the bar, one butt
cheek on the stool, his leg taking the weight of him. Every little thing about him thrills me: the way he tilts his head sideways
when he laughs, the idiosyncratic way his hand grips his beer, pinky finger wrapped around the back. All I can see, all I can
breathe, is him.
Sparkling energy envelops my body in an aura of magical possibility. I maneuver swiftly around chaotic, inebriated dancers
who are too drunk to know they are drunk and too drunk to care. None of that bothers me. My mind is elsewhere. The gap
between us, this exquisite creature and I, is closing. The rush is intoxicating. It hits me hard how I envisioned this moment a
hundred million times before, and now it is really happening.
What an odd feeling, that my need to connect with him nearly outweighs my need for air. I wonder if it is always like this for
humans. If everyone feels this way or if it is just me.
All I know is that I can’t turn around now. I must meet him. I can’t live another moment not knowing who he is and why he
occupies my visions. My feelings go beyond desire; they are nearly obsession.
I’m captivated, infatuated, and mesmerized by this man, even though I have never spoken with him. His name is still
unknown. His body is like a magnet, pulling me towards him, and I put up little resistance.
A few steps away and there’s no one between us now. I quiver. I've been staring at him intently since I got to the bar. That
little crooked smile. His straight white teeth. The way his dark jeans meld to his body. His muscular physique is highlighted by
the fitted shirt he’s wearing. I’m overcome with emotion, being so close.
This whole time, he seemed oblivious to me, to my presence. As I approach, he seems to catch a glimpse of me out of the
corner of his eye, suddenly turning and staring right at me. Intense prickly heat erupts across my chest. His piercing blue eyes,
encased in dark lashes, are wide and full of flickering lights. My knees nearly buckle.
He’s looking right into me.
Standing in front of him now, my senses are invigorated. My body is awakening in his presence. His yummy, clean-shaven
face and luscious lips. I breathe his musky scent in on my inhalation. I exhale audibly, rolling in his energy, every part of me on
fire. I can’t look away. I can’t imagine not having these desirous, lusty feelings. All of which is unfortunate because that is the
goal of my trip.
He flashes one of his signature half-smiles. “Hey.”
My breath catches; my body tenses. Time stands still. The sound of his deep, clear voice makes me tremble. I feel weak.
What a revelation. In my visions, I never heard him speak. So much anticipation. I want to say something, anything, but I can’t.
His sparkly blue eyes melt me as he speaks again. “I’m Jon.”
Despite all the times I imagined what I’d say, I open my mouth and garbage emerges. “You… I… now… when…” My
communication program is faltering. I’m dying inside.
He chuckles, then glances away. He swallows hard, setting down his beer. Something seems to come over him. He leans in;
his eyes searching mine. “Do you wanna go somewhere quieter, maybe somewhere we can talk?”
My whole body responds with a resounding yes and I nod vigorously.
Jon stands for the first time in his dark jeans and white t-shirt. My eyes follow him and I tilt my head upwards. I am now
staring up at his towering six-foot-tall figure. He’s nearly half a foot taller than me. I grin, imagining that if I stand on my toes, I
could reach his lips. My fingers unconsciously graze my lips, which tingle at the thought. My heart races.
Jon takes my hand in his, causing an electric current to zap my fingertips. I’m towed behind him as he effortlessly leads me
through the sea of sweaty, drunk dancers and out into the night air. It is cool and crisp, and my thin pleather jacket isn’t keeping
me warm. My cloned body shivers. I’m unaccustomed to atmospheric temperature changes. Despite all the barriers, I’ve gone
through so much effort to get where I am right now, with Jon by my side. I will not let a chill stand in my way.
Standing out in front of the bar, I feel Jon eyeing me carefully. In a jarring shift, prickly heat runs up the sides of my neck and
pools under my arms; my face is feverish, my palms sweat, and my pulse races in response. My hand is in his; there’s a
whirlwind of emotions.
His charming smile disarms me. “Now that we can hear one another, what’s your name?”
My emotions stirring, I look into his deep blue eyes. “Alisterria,” I reply softly. Speaking aloud still feels funny.
He knits his brow. “That is an unusual name… beautiful… but unusual, nonetheless.” He glances up toward the sky and says
my name aloud again. “Alisterria…” A hot wave of energy rushes through my body in response. “Alisterria…” The sound of
my name from his lips makes my heart skip a beat. “Alisterria…” He seems oblivious to the effect he is having on me.
Say it again and again and again!
Somebody opens the door of the nearby bar, and the sudden burst of loud music breaks the spell. The door closes and we
look at each other. Jon mimes ‘do you wanna?’ and points down the sidewalk. I nod. Our fingers are still intertwined, my body
by his side as we walk. I would follow him anywhere. Not that I should. This planet is foreign to me; he is technically a
stranger. Perhaps it is wrong to follow so blindly without asking questions. But there is something about him. There is a natural
connection between us. I trust him with my life. In his presence, I can breathe. It feels like we aren’t just meeting; we are
He breaks the silence as we walk. “So, Alisterria, am I going to know anything about you before the night is through?”
For a moment I forget that I have so many secrets and whisper, “What do you want to know?”
“I don’t know. I was in the bar with my friends, then you walked over and, really, I don’t know why, but I felt something in
you. I wanted to know more.”
“Yeah, I felt something, too.”
He glances over at me. “So, you felt something and just walked up to me, is that it?”
My skin flushes. “Yes. I mean, I didn’t know why, but…”
Jon squeezes my hand gently. “I’ve never felt this way before.”
My heart is pounding in my chest. He’s so close. I wish he would—translating—I wish he would kiss me. Instead, his eyes
gaze down at me. These soft, swirling feelings rush over the surface of my skin. Then, as suddenly as they came, they retreat. I
feel him pull away.
His tone is whimsical as he looks towards the sky. “So, we were pulled together by some sort of destiny or divine
It is not truly that way. Everything in my world tried to keep us apart, but I play along anyway. “Yes, and we couldn’t help it.
We were magnetically drawn together by the cosmos.”
His eyes gleam. “The course of their lives changed in an instant,” Jon artistically narrates our storyline, “Once their eyes
met, their souls newly inspired by the enlightening of the moment, of their connection… a stormy sea of cosmic fate pushed
them together, never to be alone again!”
I must hold my stomach; I’m laughing so hard. I really appreciate his dedication to the role.
“M’lady, what has you laughing so hysterically?” he says in his over-the-top narration voice. “Do you find me ridiculous?
Just say so. Just say so if it be true.”
Barely able to speak through my giggles, I say, “I don’t find you ridiculous at all. I find you delicious.” My hand pops over
my mouth in instant regret. My face and neck flush.
Jon stops walking and I look up into his radiant blue eyes. He shifts my dark hair away from my face with his hand and
caresses the side of my alabaster cheek. “You do?” he asks softly.
I nod, my breath catching.
Then, he does this thing. The thing. His hand slides around the back of my neck, pulling me closer. His warm energy swirls
around me, stirring my insides. Instinctually, I close my eyes. I know it is about to happen, yet when his soft lips touch mine I’m
surprised. I inhale sharply as electric currents run through me. Never have my lips felt such pleasure. My whole body tingles.
My lips say yes. My body cries for more.
When I open my eyes, his face is close enough that our noses touch. “Alisterria, I don’t know who you are, don’t know
anything about you, and yet I feel I know everything. You know what I mean?”
“I do.” I want to say more than that, something interesting, tell him how I really feel. But the intensity of our close connection
incapacitates me.
“Alisterria…” he says at last. “I…”
“I know…” I reply, somehow feeling every bit of his meaning. “Me too.”
It feels like forever, standing on the side of the street by the closed shops, backlit by neon lights. Forever, and yet no time has
passed. He is here. I am here. The moment lingers. The intensity persists.
He releases me from his gaze, and I tip slightly, unsteady in his presence. Gently, he pulls me along. “Come on. I want to
show you something.”
Jon escorts me down the curving sidewalk, down narrow alleyways, through a parking lot, and into a thick wooded area. The
area is barely lit, and I can hardly see where I am going, where he is taking me. Yet he guides me through with ease. I’m
beginning to wish I had a warmer jacket. I feel a shiver trying to overtake me, but I resist. Everything about this moment is so
beautiful and perfect; I don’t want to ruin it. I know my time is limited. The Sky Gods have granted me two weeks. I want to
savor every moment here with Jon.
I’m not exactly sure what two weeks are in terms of time, but that is how long the original human is gone. I know that if she
comes back early, I will be forced out of this reality and away from him. My cloned form and her real form cannot exist in the
same location at the same time. Even the thought of leaving makes me wince. I am finally here. The last thing I want is to leave.
The idea of losing him tears at my insides, shredding them apart.
He leads me carefully around a large rock. “Watch your step right here.” —then— “Duck down,” —and— “These bushes
are prickly, come around this way instead.”
The light of the moon, which was hidden in the thick, dense forest, is now shining down on a grassy knoll next to a small
flowing river. The river sparkles with the dancing moon. This place looks like a slice of heaven.
The air near the river is even colder, and I shiver violently. Jon responds by throwing his arms around me, squeezing me
tight. I’m immediately taken in by his scent. His touch makes me dizzy. But as I lean into him, I settle into his warm body. I wish
I had known that would be his response. I would have shivered much sooner.
The sound of the river flowing over rocks in his sweet forest sanctuary is tranquil. Being with him, having his body so close,
is like nothing I’ve ever known. He squeezes me tighter. “Mmm…” His pleasure is audible, and I melt further into his embrace.
I’m floating on air.
“This is one of my favorite spots in the city. Earlier, when I was looking into your eyes, I thought to bring you here.”
My head rests against his chest. “I’m glad that you did. It’s magical.”
Wistfully, Jon reflects aloud, “No matter what is going on in my life, I can come here, and all the rest of the noise melts
away. Being here with you is so special. It makes me feel… I don’t know. I’m just glad you are here.” His heart is pounding
loudly in my ear.
I smile but don’t say anything. My heart feels full, full of Jon.
He shifts his hands under my jacket. “Alisterria, I haven’t seen you at the bar before. Do you live around here?”
“So, are you here for business or pleasure?”
I swoon, feeling his electric energy surround me. “Pleasure…” I reply dreamily. Then, filled with dread and heat sweats, I
say, “I mean, business… definitely business. I came here to do something very important.”
“How long will you be in town?” he asks casually.
“Two weeks.”
Jon rubs my back and heat waves rush across my skin. “Tell me something about you.”
I don’t know what I can say. Everything that I could possibly share would reveal who I am. I don’t want to ruin this moment
with him. I scan my consciousness, looking for things that are the same between Earth and Iliam-isq, between our lives.
It comes to me. One little morsel. “I love the forest. I spend my free time walking through the trees, brushing my hand against
their bark.”
He kisses my hair. “That’s beautiful. I can definitely relate. There’s this mountain that I go to. I could spend all day in the
company of trees.”
“Do they glow?”
He snickers and pulls back to look at me. “You say the funniest things.” Then he pulls me into him again. “Well, I’d say yes
and no, then. When I’m quiet, I feel them, their energy. So I suppose they could be glowing, on the inside. That’s what I’d
imagine anyway.”
I feel his words, like a melody touching my insides. I forget to speak.
His hand tousles the ends of my hair. “So, do you have glowing trees?”
Heat sweats erupt under my arms. I mentioned the trees on Iliam-isq but my knowledge files reveal that trees on Earth do not
glow. I stumble. “Um… maybe… I don’t know.”
He glances down at me, his bottom lip sticking out slightly. “When you get flustered, it makes me want to kiss you,” he
Jon’s eyes are on mine, and I pray that he will. I desperately want his lips on mine. Instead, he rubs my back and says, “I
could spend all day sitting by the river, the sun beating down on me, a slight breeze in the air. Getting lost in the beauty of it
I grin happily. “Me too.”
We find a spot on the grass and sit side by side, watching the flowing river. I lean my head against his shoulder, my arms
wrap around his chest naturally. My body responds like I’ve known him forever.
The exact moment I turn to look at him, he turns too, and our lips meet in an awkward kiss. I rub my forehead where we
bumped into each other and chuckle. When I glance up, Jon has that look in his eyes. He does the thing that I love, when he
wraps his hand around the back of my neck and kisses me sweetly. Oh, the way that he touches me. I’m swooning.
Feeling me shiver again, he pulls me closer to his warm body. The thermal effect of Jon; it feels like his palms are burning a
sweaty hole through my top. He glances down at me, forehead crinkling. “Are you getting cold?” He runs his hand over my
back. “Should I take you home?” Then, seeming to realize his verbal misstep, he fumbles, “I mean… what I meant was…
should we go?”
I nod, wanting to say more, but unable to speak. All my words tangle up inside me. My emotions are wrapped around and
twisted, strangling me. Too many feelings. This body doesn’t know how to react. The truth is, I want to go home with him. I
want to go anywhere with him. I want more time to be near him; to feel his energy, the warmth of his body, the touch of his skin,
and his tender kisses. My heart aches. All I can think of is being with him.
But we’ve only just met. I can’t expect to stay with him. My emotions run chaotically. I have no way to sort or settle them.
Soon, they make a move. They bubble up to the surface and spurt out of me without care. “I don’t want to leave. I want to go
home with you!” I look away in embarrassment.
Jon exhales audibly, standing up. He takes my hand in his and pulls me up by his side. “Alisterria.” He tilts my chin up to
meet his gaze. The moonlight dances in his eyes. “You can come home with me.” His warm breath is on my skin. “I want you


A scooking
I step through the doorway into Jon’s condo, I get a rush of sensory information. His musky scent, mixed with incense and
spices, is a strange and powerful aphrodisiac. Jon’s hand in mine, we walk slowly through the hallway of his
framed mementos. Almost to the ceiling and down to my waist, photographs cover every surface. The vibrant colors and unique
frames draw me in, and I stop to look at them. Moving closer, I see Jon is in most of the photos. His brilliant smile eclipses
even the most stunning natural setting.
There are many photos where Jon is alone, but there are equal amounts where he is with others. If this wall is any indication,
he must have a hundred friends. Women and men in vibrant and exquisite clothing. Some wear very little, often just enough to
cover their bottom half. I’m intrigued and want to know the story behind every image. How did he meet them? Where in Jon’s
world are they?
“Can you tell me about this one?” I ask, pointing to a photo with a wooden frame. He’s with two men on some type of
Jon looks more closely. I inhale his scent. “Ah. That was when I went sailing near the Amalfi coast in Italy. I didn’t know
much about sailing at the time, but I had help from these two fishermen, Carlo and… what was his name… Tommaso.”
He looks so handsome in this image. He’s smiling, his skin kissed by the sun. With my consciousness, I imprint these images
for later, knowing that, at some point, I’ll be back home, wanting to remember every little thing about Jon.
Jon leans over me, pointing to an image of him with a huge pack on his back, his dark, wavy hair blowing in the wind. I feel
his warm breath on my skin. “This trip to Peru was amazing, but the Inca Trail was one of the hardest climbs I’ve made. It took
four days of uphill trekking just to get to the Machu Picchu ruins. You can see a bit of them in the background. Have you ever
I shake my head no. I’m in awe of how strong he is.
He motions to two small metal frames with white glossy inlay. “These are from my trip to India.” Then he points to an image
of him sitting on the ground, eating food off a huge green—translating—banana leaf. “Here I was in Kerala, at an ashram near
Kochi. I was there for about a month in 2015. That’s where I began my meditation practice.”
Jon glances over at me. His hand on my shoulder. “Alisterria, do you meditate?”
Meditation—translating—it is a form of connecting deeper with your own consciousness and the expanded consciousness of
the Universe. I do that.
“Yes, I do. I like to sit and breathe, absorbed in the inner world.”
He grins, squeezing my shoulder. Pointing to the second frame where he sits, hands pressed together at his heart. “This is one
of my favorite experiences. I was visiting the Birla Mandir Temple in Jaipur. Not sure if you are familiar.”
I like this side of him. “Not really.” I point to the temple photo. “What are you doing?”
“I’m praying. I don’t really subscribe to any particular ideas, but I felt so inspired by the beauty of that place. I couldn’t help
but feel grateful.”
My eyes fill with all the new flavors of him, things I didn’t know but am now intrigued by. Every photo is part of a greater
narrative, the story of Jon. On Iliam-isq, we do not have such interesting places. Mountains, trees, and some natural pools.
Most everything is one color, gold. Even though we can create beautiful things, Jon’s life feels far more interesting. It is
exciting to imagine all the places that he’s been. So many new places, so many smiling faces.
At first, my feelings for Jon were superficial. His beautiful face, his naturally tan, muscular body; that was all easy to see
and appreciate. But I’m now exploring the deeper aspects of him. Understanding what inspires him, what brings him joy. He
seems to love traveling and having new experiences. Although Earth is the only other place I’ve been, I can easily see myself
traveling around Jon’s world with him.
My heart wants to share everything with him. Nothing held back, raw and honest. Naked and exposed. I want to share all of
me. The fiercely passionate being that I am. How I always feel everything so utterly and completely that I’m overwhelmed.
How I love the intensity and am driven to feel and experience more. How intense it is now that I have a human body, and how
vivid my experience is since meeting him. How I feel like a small creature in his presence. Helpless against his soft eyes and
disarming smile. Powerless to the effects of his touch.
Jon’s sparkly blue eyes are on me now. “Do you want something to drink?” he asks, pulling me from my silence.
He touches my cheek with his hand, and I lean into him. “Maybe something warm? It was pretty cold out there.”
I nod. “Yes. I think my insides are frozen.”
He laughs, pulling me into him. The moment he touches me, he groans. His warm arms wrap around my back, just under my
jacket. The smell of him is intoxicating. The feeling of his body so close, with no space between us, makes my knees weak. A
powerful potion of serotonin and dopamine, his touch thrills every part of me. My cheek on his chest, I hear his heart pounding.
He presses a kiss on the top of my head.
My whole body tingles as if all my cells are dancing. I want to cry out with joy.
Jon leans back, scanning my eyes. “There, is that better?”
Don’t stop. Don’t stop. A few more minutes of him holding me so very close. A few more hours.
Jon rubs his hands up and down my back, warding off the cold. “Are you warmer now?” he asks, breaking through my inner
“Yes.” But secretly, I want more. It will never be enough.
“Okay, be right back,” he says, letting me go and entering the kitchen.
Standing in the center of the living room, still dizzy from his touch, I try to recover. I can’t think. I’m barely breathing. Jon’s
presence, his touch, elevates me, takes me to another dimension of time and space. I feel whole in his arms. Alive, free. My
heart opens wide, ready for love, for connection.
Jon returns, handing me a cup of tea. “Please, have a seat.” He motions to the long cream-colored couch. As my butt hits the
cushion, I notice that he chose a nearby matching armchair. There is certainly room for two on the couch. It feels odd that he’s
so far away.
“So, is this your first time in Washington?” he asks, sipping his tea.
“Yes, this is my first time,” I stutter, not fully recovered from the distance I now feel between us.
Jon is sitting upright in the chair with a pleasant smile. I stare at him, trying to figure out what I’m feeling, what is happening.
“Have you done any hiking or are you just working?”
“Um… I just arrived,” I mumble.
There is an uneasiness about me now. My mind stirs around new, uncomfortable thoughts. Did he invite me over, or did I
intrude upon him? Maybe he is just too polite to really say all the things that he wants to.
Maybe I’m not good at reading human interactions at all. To him, I may be just another friend.
It is breaking my heart. The inner conflict of wanting him to feel the way I do, yet also knowing I’m supposed to be letting go
of my desire for him. The contradiction is making me sweat, panic reeling in my gut. Human emotions are demanding and
taxing. They whip around quickly, making me feel ill.
Everything feels intense, and I want to run away. I fooled myself into believing there is something real between us. I made a
mistake. I had intended to rid myself of desire, but I got caught up in the feelings, the magic. I saw something that wasn’t there.
Maybe this is part of desire’s hold on you. It tricks you into believing you want and need it. I thought I needed Jon.
Jon is asking me something, but I can hardly hear the words. I’m swirling in a pit of my insecurities, mixing them into a stew
of self-pity. I smile, but behind my cool exterior, I’m emotionally devastated. I push back tears and get up to leave. “Thank you
so much for the tea and your hospitality, Jon. I really do appreciate it, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” I make a
beeline for the front door.
He gets up suddenly, a bewildered look in his eyes. “Alisterria, did I say something wrong?” he inquires. “Of course, go if
you want to leave, but I thought we were having a nice time, and it feels like you’re upset.”
He looks at me tenderly, and it makes me want to cry. I can’t bear it any longer. I want the intensity between us to continue. I
like it when he shares things about himself, but I only want more. He seems happy to sit silently in the living room, sipping tea.
I want to touch, connect, and talk while looking deep into his eyes as he peers into my soul. I want it all.
Standing in front of the door, I fidget. “I… I guess I’m kind of upset.”
Jon gets up and comes to me, taking my hand in his. His eyes are soft, his voice tender. “What happened? I would like to
“I just can’t tell what’s happening. I don’t know if you like me or not. I mean, I thought we were close earlier. But when you
sat down on the chair instead of the couch… you became distant.”
Jon runs his hand through his hair, eyes downcast. He is quiet for a few moments before speaking again. “Alisterria, perhaps
I haven’t been as forthright as I ought to have been. I really like you, and I’m enjoying your company. Tonight has been a bit of a
whirlwind… but there were definitely moments where I felt really close to you.” He rubs the top of my hand with his thumb.
“Me too.”
He spreads his feet further apart. He’s no longer towering over me. “Being near you made me feel so many things. I guess I
wasn’t sure how to handle it all.”
My heart flutters. “What did you feel?”
He averts his gaze momentarily and swallows hard. There’s a crinkle forming between his eyebrows. “You made my whole
body shake, Alisterria. My heart was racing.” He touches my cheekbone with his thumb. “And when you looked at me with
your penetrating green eyes… I nearly lost it.”
I feel flushed, heat bubbling up in my chest.
He rubs my knuckles as he says, “I’m sorry if I upset you or made you feel uncomfortable.”
I look up through my lashes at him. “It’s okay.”
He glances away, his breathing erratic. “Alisterria, the truth is I want you here and I like being close to you. I just don’t know
how to handle the intensity of it all. Is any of this making sense?”
“Yes, it makes perfect sense,” I respond, my heart feeling lighter. “I don’t know how to navigate the intensity or the
awkwardness or…”
“Or the thoughts about how beautiful you are,” he adds, softly touching my dark hair.
“Or how amazing you smell,” I say, breathing him in.
“Or how I want to touch you.” He pulls me closer.
“Or the intense aching inside,” I say, inhaling deeply.
“Or how I want to kiss you.” I feel his warm breath.
“Or how much I want you to kiss me.” I swallow hard.
His eyes are tender as he gazes at me, whispering, “You want me to kiss you?”
I moan affirmatively.
“I want to kiss you… right here.” He plants a warm, wet kiss on the side of my neck. I inhale sharply. “And here.” He kisses
my collarbone. My insides tingle as I feel his warm breath on my skin. He sucks his teeth slightly. This cloned body reacts in
such delicious ways to his touch, to his lips. It tickles and makes me forget to breathe.
I’m dizzy with desire. “Kiss me everywhere,” I say softly.
He sucks his teeth. “How about here…” His fingers graze my belly over the top of my shirt.
I nod enthusiastically.
He kneels on one knee and lifts the corner of my shirt, kissing me oh so softly. A shiver of pure ecstasy runs through me.
“And here?” His hand brushes against my thigh.
“Yes, yes, yes,” I moan as he kisses my thigh over my jeans. “More.”
“You want me to…?”
“Yes,” I say, somehow knowing what he means. I feel it deep inside.
He pauses, eyeing me carefully. “I don’t want to move too fast.”
My body tenses, so ready. “Jon, please…”
Slowly, he unbuttons my jeans and slips them down past my hips, revealing my pale, soft skin and black panties. Jon groans
as his forehead crinkles. He grabs me, pulling me closer, his lips on my thigh.
“You are so beautiful, like an angel,” he says, rising and kissing my lips, his fingers now entangled with mine. “But I want to
take it slow. I don’t want to ruin this beautiful moment. I want it all to feel special. I want you to feel special. Is that okay?”
I sigh, but I understand. “Of course it is.”
Jon carefully pulls my jeans up over my hips. His fingertips linger just inside the waistband. “Do you want to curl up with
me?” he asks, scanning my eyes to see how I’m feeling.
“Yes, that sounds lovely.”
Jon pulls out a blue sleeping bag, unzips it fully, and lays it on the floor in front of the couch. “I don’t trust myself to take you
into my bedroom,” he says with a smirk. “Is it okay if we curl up here instead?”
I grin and nod.
Lying side by side, propped up on pillows, I drape my leg over the top of his. We stare into each other’s eyes as he runs his
hands through my hair. It is such an intimate feeling: lying so close, touching, and allowing our hearts to grow fonder. My
feelings continue to deepen, and my heart opens as I listen to his story about camping in the middle of the forest.
Jon shares how amazing it was to be alone in the woods. “So, I was sitting on the edge of this really high cliff, my feet
dangling over the edge. I felt so attuned to everything around me. Then there was a sudden shift, and I felt this swirling energy. I
don’t know how to describe it, but it was like the energy of life. Does that sound weird?”
My heart jumps. “No, not at all. That is how I feel when I’m in the trees. I feel so fully and completely connected to every
aspect of the forest. Everything comes alive.”
He rubs his hand over my hip. “I’m glad you can relate.”
“I can. Trees are my friends. I don’t always feel so connected to the others in my society, but trees… I feel like they are
guiding me.”
He gives me that crooked smile that I love. “Me too.” Jon leans over, and with his hand tilting my chin up, he kisses my lips.
“I like that we share a connection to nature, Alisterria.”
Throughout my life, I’ve always been tuned-in to and guided, directed, and embraced by the natural world. In fact, being here
with Jon, speaking this way, I feel the oneness with it right now.
While I felt desperate for him earlier in the evening, I’m glad for what we have right now. Him sharing his life, telling me
about his travels and childhood.
“I had every child’s dream; an only child with two loving parents, a white house with a picket fence. My mom was a
schoolteacher, and my dad did humanitarian work. They taught me to love and respect everyone. Through their actions, I
understood how to have compassion for others. I couldn’t have asked for better role models.”
“Where are they now?”
“In Ecuador. My dad has a job helping poor people in the Amazon region. It’s hard not seeing them, but I understand. It has
always been his calling to help others,” Jon explains.
I rub his arm, feeling how hard that must be on him.
“What about you, your parents?”
Suddenly, my mind freezes. I should be used to this question-and-answer thing by now. I keep getting myself into trouble. But
I scan with the translator for anything similar, something I can say honestly. “I was taught by my whole village,” I say, heat
pooling under my arms.
His eyebrows raise. “That’s fascinating. Like a commune or something?”
I feel like I’m on fire. How do I answer this question? Commune—translating— “Yes, very much like a commune. We all
live together and grow our own food.” The stress bullets melt away.
“Where are you from, anyway?”
There’s no way to wiggle out of this one. “Would it be alright if I don’t talk about that yet?” I ask shyly.
“Of course, Alisterria.” He kisses me tenderly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed.”
Despite how uncomfortable I am at times, this conversation is liberating me somehow. I no longer feel so much pressure
inside from all my secrets. In fact, this way of connecting deeper is yummy. My insides are warm. My heart feels like it is
overflowing with goodness. Getting to know him is stimulating. Jon is everything that I imagined him to be and more. Knowing
him makes me want him, every part of him.
I’m in danger of falling asleep. Glancing at Jon’s clock, it is nearly 4 a.m. Somehow, we spent the whole night talking. As
much as I’m resisting it, my eyelids bat away, blinking extra-long. I can see Jon struggling, too.
“Don’t fall asleep,” he whispers.
“Okay,” I reply, yawning. “If I drift off, just nudge me.”
“I will, and if I start snoring, hit me.”
I giggle. “Okay, you can count on it.”
His thumb gently brushes my cheek. “I don’t want to miss a minute with you.”
“Me too. I want this to last forever.”
Jon kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re so beautiful.”
Smiling, I touch my lips with my pointer finger.
“Oh, your lips are jealous,” he says, kissing them gently. I love feeling his soft lips press against mine. I want more moments,
more kisses, more everything. “How’s that?”
“Don’t stop.”
He runs his nose down the side of mine. “Alisterria, if you keep drawing me in… how will I be able to resist you?”
Jon plants a thousand more kisses all over my face, including my eyelids. I’m giggling, giddy like a child. I can’t help but
think of how many other places he could plant kisses. My thoughts are erotic, heightened by my growing passion. How can I be
grateful for every kiss and yet still desire so much more?
I love that he is kind and courteous, even respectful, but I also want him to take me. Take me and have his way with me. I
want to wake up and search for my underwear and my shirt, hoping they are still in one piece, just like I’ve seen in the inner
memories and experiences of the cloned human. Feeling these memories as my own, I want to know how far his passion will
go, how much I would feel. I want to feel all of Jon.
Everything between us is so deliciously perfect that I hardly remember my impending departure. The awareness that it could
end at any moment makes me want to jump right to the finish line and eat dessert before dinner. I want Jon. For now, these
sweet, tender kisses will have to do. I fall asleep, damming up the ocean of my desires. When the timing is right, I will let them
loose. I only hope he is ready and that he likes me when I’m good and set free.


M orning light shining in through the window, I look at her in awe. Alisterria. Her delicate lips and soft skin. Her thick, dark
hair cascading over her shoulder as she rests peacefully. I’ve been awake for an hour already, watching her sleep. There’s
something so special about her. I’ve never felt like this with anyone.
I felt electric heat rushing through my veins when she walked up to me at the bar. I want her far more than I care to think
about. We’ve only just met, but I’ve already imagined every way I’d like to devour her. This isn’t like me, and it is causing me
angst. I want to be respectful and patient, yet there is this animal instinct to take her into my bedroom and have my way with
Her eyelids flicker and she opens her eyes. Those bright emerald eyes, encased in long dark lashes, stare up at me. Reveling
in those ruby lips that I just can’t wait to kiss, I brush my hand against her incredibly soft cheek. My body reacts to the intensity
of touching her skin. “Mmm… good morning.”
She smiles, her eyes dreamy. “Good morning.”
“How did you sleep?”
She stretches. “Really well. I think that was my best sleep ever.”
“I’m glad you are still here.” I kiss her, feeling a jolt of electricity zap through my lips. My eyes widen from the effects. It
should be a deterrent, yet I want more. More kisses, more Alisterria. I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. I remind
myself to slow down and not rush this.
“I’m glad you’re still here too,” she replies.
I chuckle, pulling her into me. “I live here… where was I going to go?”
Her face and neck flushes. “I don’t know. I’m just glad you’re here.”
The way she’s gazing deeply into my eyes makes me shiver. Minutes could turn into hours when we are together. She turns
me on more than anyone I’ve ever been with.
Glancing at the clock, it is nearly 10 a.m., and we haven’t eaten anything. I’m starving. She’s hungry, too, if the loud rumbling
I just heard is any indication.
I snicker, brushing away the hair that has fallen over her face. “Would you like to go grab breakfast or, rather, brunch?”
She nods.
I kiss her lips quickly. It is taking everything that I have not to bring her to my bedroom. Instead, I hop up and use the
bathroom. When I return, I help her up, pulling her into me in an embrace. She feels so good. Her body is so warm. She smells
“Would you like to take a shower?”
She nods. “Yes.”
She leaves my arms and steps into the bathroom, closing the door. Once she’s inside, I realize that I didn’t tell her where
anything is. I lightly knock and speak into the door. “Alisterria, there are extra toothbrushes in the top left drawer, underneath
the sink.”
She returns a thank you through the door. I head back to my room to pick out my clothes when I suddenly remember I haven’t
given her a towel. I grab a fluffy white towel from the hallway linen closet and return to the bathroom. I knock again. She opens
the door, green eyes peering at me through the crack. Her hair is pulled up into a bun, and a few loose strands frame her face.
And that mouth, I just want to kiss her. I stutter, hardly able to get my words out. “H-here is a clean towel.”
That isn’t how I imagined that going. I have no control over my feelings when she is near. She’s showering, and all I’m
thinking about is how she’s naked in my bathroom, in my shower. I readjust my burgeoning cock. She makes it tough to resist
her. I imagine bursting through the door, pressing her up against the shower wall, and taking her. I’ve never wanted anyone
more than I want her. I’m under her spell.
When she walks out ten minutes later, she is in nothing but her jeans and a little black bra. “Can I borrow a shirt?” she asks.
I’m standing in the middle of the living room, my heart pounding. My eyes are taking in every inch of her skin, which is so
perfectly alabaster that she almost glows. I almost forget to speak. “Of course, let me grab one.”
Immediately I go to my bedroom and grab my favorite Aerosmith t-shirt. The thought of my shirt touching her skin, covering
that taut body, is driving me wild. I swallow hard, growing in my jeans again. What is she doing to me?
When I hand her the shirt, she slips it on over her bra. The moment she does, her eyes widen and she gasps.
“Is something wrong?” I ask, concerned.
She shakes her head and says no.
Still wanting to know more, I ask, “What happened?”
She blinks and her eyelashes flutter. “It feels like you,” she whispers.
Her reaction, this new revelation, is almost more than I can take. I turn and quickly depart for the shower. The door shut
behind me, I lean my back against it to catch my breath. All I want is to tear this sweet, beautiful creature apart.
I’m not going to tame my wild beast by jerking off while she’s waiting for me. I turn the faucet to the coldest setting, trying to
drown my desire. The cold water manages to squelch those intense feelings. After washing my body and hair, I get out. Dried,
towel now around my waist, I lather up and run my razor over my face and neck. With every ounce of willpower, I focus on my
respect for her, reminding myself she is a person with feelings and thoughts. I shouldn’t be so enthralled by her body. That
ridiculously hot body.
Slipping into my blue jeans, I comb my unruly waves back and out of the way. They cooperate, except for that one
disobedient forehead curl; it never does what I want. I play with it for a minute, then give up. Deodorant on, I tug my black
fitted tee over my head. One quick check in the mirror, a deep breath, and I open the door, reentering the living room. Alisterria
is sitting on the arm of the couch.
She smiles at me, her red lips so juicy. I want to kiss her again. But if I start, I might not be able to stop. Instead, I put on my
sneakers. Phone in my back pocket now, I grab my wallet and keys.
Now, standing in front of her. “Are you ready?”
She bites her lower lip ever so slightly. “Famished.”
Heat flashes through my body, starting in my groin and taking over the rest of me. I wonder silently if her innuendo was
intentional. She's making me melt. Once again I’m forced to refocus my thoughts. Taking her small hand in mine, energy zaps my
fingers. It almost makes me let go. But I play it off, not wanting her to know the effect she has on me. “Come on. I know a nice
little place down the block from here.”
It is a little easier to manage all my feelings out on the street. I’m not so overwhelmed anymore. I glance over at her. “Do you
know what you want to eat?”
“Everything,” she replies.
I chuckle. “Yeah, me too. I’m starving.”
Walking down the street with Alisterria, her hand in mine, feels like heaven. Even when she’s quiet, she fills the space with
sweetness. I’m already starting to fall for her. It’s too soon. I don’t want to rush this. But everything inside me knows how I
feel. I want her. Only her. I have the odd feeling that I’ve been waiting for her my whole life. Now that she’s here, everything is
just beginning.
Once we’re in front of Libby’s Café, I let go of her hand and hold open the glass front door. The bell above the door jingles,
and Alisterria steps through. Gwen, a waitress-now-friend, waves from behind the counter. “Hey Jon, good to see you again.”
She opens the Dutch door, grabs a couple of menus, and invites us to follow her to a booth in the middle of the café.
I allow Alisterria to sit first, then slide in next to her. Gwen’s blonde hair is tucked up under her trucker hat. She fills our
glasses with ice water.
“How’s Peanut?” I ask.
“He’s doing better. Thanks for asking. His stitches come out on Thursday,” she answers with a smile.
I whisper to Alisterria that Peanut is Gwen’s golden retriever. Then I wrap my arm around Alisterria’s shoulder. “Gwen, this
is Alisterria. Alisterria, Gwen.”
“Good to meet you, hon,” Gwen says warmly.
She smiles back. “You as well.”
“Coffee, Jon?”
“You know me.”
“Anything to drink for you, Alisterria?”
She shakes her head and glances down at the menu. Once Gwen departs, I look to Alisterria. Her eyes are wide; she seems
“See anything you like?”
“There are so many things to choose from,” she responds.
“Well, if this helps, they make the best blueberry pancakes. I always get mine with bananas on top.”
“Pancakes,” she replies. “I guess I’ll try pancakes.” She continues to look at the considerable menu. “Or maybe this,” she
says pointing to an omelet platter, served with hashbrowns, French toast and fresh fruit. She looks at me sheepishly. “I don’t
know what to order.”
I rub her leg gently. “Alisterria, order whatever you like. I’ll even let you have some of my pancakes,” I say with a smirk.
“Thank you.” She scoots in closer to me. “I’m just so hungry.”
“No worries. I wouldn’t want m’lady to starve, not on my watch.”
She rests her head on my shoulder and wraps her hand around my arm. She smells amazing. Sitting here with her is surreal.
I’ve dreamt of meeting someone for so long and now here she is. I don’t want it to end.


When breakfast comes, I release his arm and dive into my plate. My next few comments are mmm and ohhh, complete with
lip-smacking. Jon feeds me a syrupy bite of his banana blueberry pancake, his eyes on me as I take it into my mouth. The sweet
liquid drips down my chin and Jon groans, wiping it away with his thumb. The thumb that he immediately sticks in his mouth,
sucking off the syrupy remains. He kisses me lightly. I think I found the perfect pairing: food and Jon. I imagine licking drippy
syrup off Jon’s naked body. “Mmm…”
Jon stares at my lips for an indeterminate amount of time, then sits back against the booth. He eyes his phone, picks it up, then
leans towards me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. He snaps a photo of us eating pancakes. I smile at the thought that I
might go on the wall of framed mementos.
He looks at his phone, tapping away. “Here, I’ll send it to you. What is your number?”
My number? Translating—I have no phone or number or way for Jon to send me the photo. I don’t know what to say. I feel
“Alisterria, is something wrong?”
I stutter. “Um… I… I have no phone.” That’s all I can say.
He sets his phone down. “No phone, that’s unusual. Everyone I know has one. Any reason why?”
I still don’t know what to say. My mind races, trying to figure out an answer so that he doesn’t think I’m weird. “I never
needed one before.”
The crinkle between Jon’s eyes appears again. “Don’t you need it for work?”
I sigh and chuckle. “No. I just communicate to others with my mind.”
He laughs. “Okay, Alisterria. I get it… I’ll leave you alone.”
We go back to eating, thankfully. Once again, I made it through another difficult conversation without revealing too much. But
I have a feeling that evasive responses aren’t going to cut it for long. It takes me a few minutes to settle my nerves, but then I
finish the last few bites of omelet.
This food is so different from anything I’ve ever had, but it is equally delicious. I only wish I hadn’t eaten so much. This
dense meal is pressing against my stomach lining.
As we walk back to Jon’s condo, my hand in his, I’m lost in thoughts of him, in the feeling of him. As usual, Jon unknowingly
pulls me out of my inner dialogue.
Jon squeezes my hand, rubbing it gently with his thumb. “So, I’d really like to hang out with you today, but I don’t know if
you have anything else to do. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. So, let me be clear. I want you to stay. I’m inviting
you to stay. I just don’t want to presume anything.”
Jon doesn’t know that I’m only here for him, that he is my sole reason for coming to this city. That I would follow him
anywhere and stay in his arms forever. “I don’t have anything else to do. I’m all yours.”
He looks down at me, eyes smiling. “Perfect. I know this great hiking trail. I’d love to go there with you.”
“Would you mind if I rest for a while first? I don’t think I can move.” I pat my belly.
He laughs. “Of course.” Then he nudges me playfully. “Anyways, someone kept me up all night, so I wouldn’t mind lying
down for a while.” He kisses my shoulder.
The feeling of him is more than I can take in moments, and yet I want more. His kisses feel like electricity. I feel his heart
beating, almost as if it is thumping inside of me too. On Iliam-isq all beings are connected, but I’ve never felt anything like this.
The more time I spend with him, the stronger my feelings get.
Back at Jon’s, I take off my shoes, go to the sleeping bag, and practically fall onto it. Jon lays down on his back, pulling me
to his side. Listening to his heart, I drift off to sleep. Even in dreams, he is with me. I feel him in everything I do, in every
thought. Jon feels like home. Somehow, in this short amount of time, I have adapted to him. He is balancing me, making
everything better.
When I wake, Jon is scrolling on his phone. I stretch and rub my eyes.
He puts his phone down, and squeezes me into him, kissing me. “Hey, you.”
He rubs the top of my hand. “Do you want to go for that hike?”
I nod. “That sounds really nice.”
The truth is, I can’t wait to get out in nature again. Jon’s city is filled with buildings. There are loud noises, bustling people,
and busy streets. I can’t wait to spend time in the quietude of the forest. We leave his condo and head down an alleyway,
through side streets, until we reach a trailhead. Jon takes my hand in his as we meander along the hiking trail. Even when the
pathway is narrow, he leads me through. It is one of the things I love about him. He likes to remain connected. He is so gentle
and attentive to my needs.
I stop by a tree that has white bark with dark-hued markings. “Did you know that the birch tree is said to signify new
beginnings?” he asks.
“No, I didn’t know that.” I run my fingers along the soft bark. The tree's energy has a slight charge, not unlike the trees on
Iliam-isq. Although, on my planet, the cym-yon tree glows with vibrant golden energy. It makes me happy to feel the connection
between our two worlds. My two favorite things: trees and Jon. Well, trees and Jon and now pancakes. With my free hand, I
gently touch the bark of each tree we pass out of reverence.
I’m attuned to the mountain. Attuned to the trees. Attuned to Jon. His energy expands as we hike. He feels different than he
does in the city. There, he is kind, gentle, and sweet, but it is difficult to feel him fully. He drifts out and feels distant. Now he
feels freer.
Although we aren’t talking, we are bonding. Our connection is so pure and direct. I love feeling at one with our bodies. I
wonder if he feels it, too, if he is enjoying the beautiful energy between us. I hope so. I love sharing this feeling with him.
As I walk by his side, Jon glances down at me. “Alisterria, we are nearing my favorite spot in the forest. Can you hear it
I listen intently. It is water. Water, but not a river or stream. I can’t place the sound. “I hear it. It sounds like water dancing.”
Jon smiles his beautiful crooked smile. “That is a perfect description. I’ve never thought of it that way.”
He leads me down a pathway to the right of where we have been walking. The air quality changes. The air is moist, and
moss covers the ground. As we get closer, the dancing water sound gets louder. I’m still unsure what it is, but it now sounds
like drumming, if drums were rocks, being patted by water.
Jon stops. “Isn’t this waterfall stunning?”
There’s a wide stream of crystal clear water cascading down a rocky cliff and into a pool. I close my eyes and listen to the
thumping of the waterfall. It makes my heart sing. Immediately, I want to join the water, dip into its energy, and recharge my
body and soul, like I do at home. The sound is almost as remarkable as the sight of it.
“It is. It’s beautiful to see and hear, like a forest melody.”
Jon cocks his head slightly. “Yes. I like that… forest melody.” His body is so close to mine now. I’m staring up at him, his
arms wrapped around my back. “Alisterria…” His voice is soft. His blue eyes are intense and smoldering. His right hand
slides up behind my neck. I feel it happening. His face moves closer to mine, warm breath on my skin. “I’m so glad I can share
it with you.” My eyes close instinctively, and his soft lips press hard into mine. My heart races in my chest. The feeling of his
body and lips in this magical place while being serenaded by the waterfall sends a bolt of electricity through me.
This place, the waterfall, makes me feel more awake and connected to everything. It feels like the perfect place to
consummate our relationship. I want Jon to touch me, take me, make love to me as the water drums beat around us. The melody
uniting us with all of nature until I feel the pulsing, rushing energy in every cell of my body, until it cracks me open and I let go.
The water is calling me. “Won’t we go in?” I ask innocently.
He runs his hand through his thick mane. “Oh, do you want to? I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”
Forget about a swimsuit. I want to strip my clothes off and jump into the pool. I want the waterfall pounding against my body.
I want Jon’s warm, wet kisses igniting passions, my energy erupting like a volcano. I feel Jon hesitating. What is he afraid of?
This place, its power… me? My feelings are swirling inside me like a tornado.
Something comes over me. I release myself from his embrace. I take off my sneakers and socks. Jon’s eyes widen as I slowly
unzip my jeans. When I slide my pants over my hips, he exhales audibly. They lay crumpled on the ground. I reach out and take
Jon’s hand, guiding him towards the pool.
There’s that little half-smile. “What are you doing, Alisterria?”
I don’t say anything, keeping the suspense going. When I get to the water’s edge, I let go of his hand and enter the pool,
wading in until I’m up to my knees. I hold out my hand to him. “Come in with me.”
Jon’s squirming, shifting his body from his left to right foot. His forehead crinkles. “I don’t know.”
I dip down under the water. When I come back up, I tilt my head back so that my hair falls over my back. I step to the edge of
the water. My borrowed Aerosmith t-shirt is clinging to my body. His eyes scan me intently, looking me up and down.
He groans.
Suddenly, Jon leans down and pulls off his shoes and socks, tearing his shirt over the top of his head. The impact of seeing
his bare chest makes me quake inside. He has rippling muscles; I want to run my fingers over his sculpted stomach. He’s
moving towards me with such ferocity that I back up into the water again, biting my lower lip. Water splashes high as he walks
through the water toward me.
My skin is on fire, tingly energy bubbles up inside me. He takes me in his strong arms, kissing me ferociously. No longer
held back. No longer sweet or tender. Jon is touching me how I’ve wanted him to since we met. It is almost rough but in the
best possible way. His body is so close I feel the hardening in his groin, pressing up against my belly. I’m swirling in ecstasy
as his tongue slides into my mouth, taking me captive. “Yes,” I moan. Jon’s hands run down my back, grabbing my butt
Just when I think he’s going to take things further, he leans back making space between our bodies; his eyes are still full of
fire. “Now, will you please stop teasing me before I tear you apart right here.”
I nod vigorously in response.
He smirks, pulling my bottom lip down slightly with his thumb. “I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
Jon dips under the water, swimming over to the waterfall. He pulls himself out of the pool and onto the rock slab under the
waterfall, water pouring off his muscular body. He now stands under it, sprays of water flying off his skin. Jon growls, yelling
out, then jumps, pulling his knees into his chest, his body hitting the water’s surface hard. Water splashes everywhere. He gets
out and does it a few more times. I’m in awe of him. I’ve never seen him like this. It is like he finally feels free. Really free.
He doesn’t come up right away the final time he jumps in. I look around wondering where he went. Suddenly, he pops out of
the water in front of me. He grabs me, holding me tight. His cool, wet lips press hard into mine. “Alisterria, I’m so glad I can
share this with you. Come on.” He takes my hand, and we move towards the rock ledge. He hops up effortlessly then helps me
up. Standing under the water with him, I feel alive. The energy of this waterfall is unbelievable. It is right up there with the
sacred Pools of Atingua on Iliam-isq. Jon glances over at me, his eyes smiling and excited. “Are you ready?” Without thinking,
we jump off the ledge and into the pool together.
By the time we are walking back through the forest, I’m on a beautiful high. This tall, broad-shouldered creature is leading
me, his hand reaching behind to hold mine. This ever-connected way of moving along the trail makes me smile ear to ear. He
really is so tantalizing. Everything about him. The way he walks and moves. His jeans are so tight. I stare right at his beautiful
round ass. I’m happy, unreservedly so.

Though we were so close in the forest, as soon as we walk through his condo door, Jon pulls away. I shower alone while he
goes straight to his desk. Now he’s working on his laptop, immersed in his own world. I’m sitting, knees up on the couch,
feeling alone and cast aside. Not because he is working, but because I can’t feel him anymore. He is distant and a little cold.
There isn’t an explanation that makes any sense to me. There are obviously things I don’t know or understand; there is a
complexity about Jon that I haven’t realized. I wonder where the electricity between us has gone. It seems to have disappeared.
My heart is breaking. It is too much.
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t see Jon standing in front of me. “Alisterria, are you okay?”
The eruptions inside make it hard to speak. I want to feel him the way I did when he kissed me in the water, held me in his
arms, and led me through the forest. I want to share my energy with him, share all of me.
“Yes, I’m okay,” I reply solemnly. The crinkle between Jon’s eyes is evident, but he walks away, returning to his computer.
What began as a roaring and passionate fire between us now feels like embers. Maybe that’s all there is to experience with
Jon. Maybe we were meant to meet and that was it. I’ll have to accept it if that is true. Not everything is meant to last forever.
Our love was fleeting. The once-burning desire, now gone. That is what I came here to do, free myself of desire. I guess I’m
done. I knew I had to let him go eventually. It is probably better this way.
I sigh. Who am I trying to kid? I’m not done. My heart is shattering. I want him just as much, if not more than I did when I
arrived. Maybe he doesn’t want me. Maybe he doesn’t feel all the deep emotions that I do. But I’m still madly in love with Jon.
The desire that I came to release hasn’t gone anywhere. The desire feels like fire burning inside me. I’m not sure that’s a good
thing. Yet for some reason, I am relieved; I still want him.
But now I face reality. I’m aware that the weekend is ending. Jon is going back to work. Though I’d been given permission to
stay for two weeks, it feels prudent to go home now. I’m not sure if I can go early. I was given the exact time and date that my
cloned body would dematerialize. My stomach knots up inside.
It is growing dark outside, and Jon is standing before me, forehead crinkle on full display, interrupting my inner monologue.
“Are you hungry?”
I’m still full of pancakes and eggs. Besides, I feel like the time has come to share my decision with Jon. He never expected
me to stay. The last thing he asked me was to go for a hike. Even he probably wants me to go.
“Not really.” I’m holding my breath. “But can we talk?”
Jon sits down in the armchair. “Sure, Alisterria. What is it?”
There he is in the armchair again, distant. I’m more resolved than ever. “I’ve really enjoyed meeting you and spending time
with you,” I begin matter-of-factly. “But it’s time for me to leave.” I only say it so abruptly to get it over with. This is the
hardest thing I've ever done.
Jon gets really quiet. He’s staring at his hands. Yes, he can be distant and quiet sometimes, but the silence is deafening right
I try to engage him. “Jon?”
Slowly, I feel something brewing under the surface. His usual calm exterior is now overtaken by emotional upheaval. I reach
over and lay my hand gently on his arm. “I’m here if you want to talk.”
Jon reaches for my hand, placing it in his tenderly. He plays with my fingers. His eyes are full of anguish. “Well, what if I
don’t want you to go?” His voice is soft and tender with an undertone of pain. “What if I’m not ready for this to end? I mean,
will I ever see you again? Your words sound so final. You are leaving and that’s that?” He pauses briefly before continuing.
“But Alisterria, I’ve never met anyone like you. I’ve never even felt the things I’ve felt since I’ve known you. You are breaking
me open, and me… I’m letting you in. I don’t do that. I never do.”
It is hard to get Jon to talk, but once you do, there is clearly more under the surface. Every emotion and word he speaks stirs
something inside me.
Jon gets up from the chair and steps towards me. My hand still in his, he pulls me up from the couch and into his arms. His
eyes are tender. “Alisterria, I want you.” He takes a breath. “I want you, with all your beautiful ideas, magnetizing energy,
striking green eyes, and your wonderfully soft skin.” He lifts my chin and kisses me tenderly. “Your alluring mouth.”
Energy waves are coursing through my body. His clear blue eyes are concentrating intently on mine. “Please don’t go, not
yet. Stay with me, at least for tonight. I wouldn’t ask, but I… I’m trying to be real with you. I want you… I want you right now.”
Somehow, I still feel unsure. I want to give in to him, to this moment. Feeling the intensity of his gaze has me enraptured. His
body is so close. I feel his heart pounding, his warm breath on my skin. “I don’t want you to go. Alisterria, please don’t leave.”
I exhale audibly, finally hearing what I’ve been waiting to hear. “Okay, Jon.”
He eyes me carefully, rubbing my arm. “Okay?”
I’m melting into him. “I will stay.”
He leans in and whispers, “Do you want me?”
My heart aches hearing his question. It is all I’ve ever wanted. “Always.”


on scoops me up into his arms like I’m a princess, and he is the white knight here to rescue me from an eternity of being
J alone. Just like the images from the original human. Her consciousness is full of stories I relate to as I’m in Jon’s strong
arms. Take me away. Take me away. Through the doorway and into his bedroom, we go.
“Yes,” I whisper in his ear, running my tongue around the sensitive edges of his earlobe. His breathing grows heavy as he
kisses me. The power of his body is staggering as he keeps contact with my lips and sets me down on his bed. I am open. I may
be unfamiliar with whatever happens in the next moments, but I’m ready for it.
Our lips press together. Our tongues intertwine. He holds himself up firmly, a few inches from my body. I run my fingers
lightly over his back, feeling his muscles flexing. Slowly, his lips leave mine. He pulls his shirt off over his head, tossing it on
the floor. His gaze never leaves mine as he drops his jeans. His statuesque figure makes my heart pound in my chest. I bite my
lip, admiring his muscular arms, strong legs, and well-developed pecs.
Just when I think there can’t possibly be more to enjoy, he slips out of his boxers. Out pops his—translating—penis. I gasp,
never having seen anything like this before. Beings on Iliam-isq do not have sexual organs. Jon’s is hard, upright, and, for some
reason, incredibly alluring.
His eyes are full of desire. He leans down, lifts the gray shirt I borrowed earlier, and kisses my bare stomach with his soft
lips. I shiver. My hips wriggle, sliding the shirt up further, revealing my bra. He gently grabs my breasts with his hands,
moaning and sucking his teeth. “Alisterria...” His kisses fall over my clothed breasts. With one sudden movement he lifts the
shirt over my head and unclasps my bra. He groans, “Damn…” as he takes me in.
I quake inside, my heart racing as I feel his warm breath on my skin. My naked breasts are exposed to his lustful eyes. His
lips and tongue graze the tops of my nipples and circle them. His fingers run down my sides. My whole body is stirring,
squirming from the intensity of his touch.
“Yes.” I exhale, “Yes…”
He bites playfully at my hip. His attention turns to my jeans, his eyes still looking straight into mine. He runs his fingers along
the inside of the waistband. My breathing is erratic and I’m suddenly hot. His hands shake as he unzips my pants and slides
them down my legs till they drop to the floor. Then he makes quick work of my panties, exhaling loudly.
Finally, after freeing me of my clothes, he sits up to admire his work. His chest is heaving. “You are so beautiful, so fucking
beautiful.” His eyes are taking in every inch of my skin. “I need to touch you…” Leaning down, Jon runs his fingers over the
tops of my nipples, making me shudder. “Taste you…” His lips sweep my breasts, and his tongue slides out, running across my
skin. Warm and wet. Every move he makes tantalizes me. “I don’t know how the fuck I resisted you for so long.”
I grab his back, pulling him closer. He is so strong, so beautiful to my eyes. His naked body pressed against mine. Little
moans erupt from my mouth. Jon kisses me harder. His lovemaking is so much better than I imagined.
“I want you,” I whisper.
His fingers run down my thigh. “I want you too.” Kisses fall over my hip, down my leg.
“Yes,” I moan.
His hand rubs between my legs. “Fuck…”
I want it. I want him so badly. “Please…” I beg, my hips wiggling under his touch.
The way he’s staring into my eyes dismantles me. He’s rubbing his hardness against me. “You want this?” he asks playfully.
He touches my cheek with the back of his right hand, then kisses me passionately.
I moan, “Yes, please.”
Jon kneels and grabs a— translating—condom from the drawer. I understand from the original human’s knowledge that this is
used to protect against disease and prevent pregnancy. If only he knew that my cloned body can’t conceive a life-form. But how
would I tell him without revealing that I am not human? I keep it to myself.
He rips the package open with his teeth and rolls the condom onto his long, hard member. I gulp. Seeing it so close up is
almost more than I can take. My inner thighs quiver, anticipating his touch. “Oh my god…” I blurt out.
Jon smirks. He leans down and kisses my neck all the way up to my ear, then whispers, “See something you like?”
I nod, biting my lip. Electric heat rushes over my skin.
“Why are you so fucking adorable…” Jon kisses my lips. I am on the edge; my dreams are about to come true. But Jon is still
teasing me. His lips now graze my neck and shoulders, making me shiver. He is so close, too close. I want him so badly.
For a moment, it feels like he’s about to slide into me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he toys with me. I feel the tip of his penis; all I
want is for him to put it in. Just put it in. He slides in, but just a tad and then it’s out again.
Staring into my eyes, he puts his right hand on my hip. “Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks.
I moan. This game of cat and mouse is driving me wild. Will he, won’t he. When or if. His lips on mine. His warm breath on
my face. Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for. He slides inside, all of him. I feel a rush of energy, of power. My insides
are ready to explode. Jon lets out a guttural groan.
Sounds I’ve never heard leave my throat as he slides in and out in a beautiful rhythmic dance. I imagined a million times
what it would be like to be with Jon. This goes way beyond my wildest dreams. The tingly pressure of him inside me makes me
dizzy. My visions, which have been nonexistent since my arrival to Earth, flood my consciousness. A scene of the two of us
inside a bubble of purple and blue lights flashes in my mind’s eye. It feels like we are dancing. Our bodies move to their own
music, knowing the way. Not only is his body close to mine but our hearts feel connected. His sweet kisses are replaced with a
passionate music orchestrated by our lips and tongues. They, too, have their own dance, complementing our body rhythm
With each thrust, our sounds of ecstasy create a symphony. His skin glows with soft moisture. I run my fingers down his back,
scratching him on the way up. His breathing changes. Instinctively, I know he is close. The way he holds his breath. The way
his exhales are now deep moans. Everything he does brings me closer too. It’s like being in a pleasure-filled funhouse, where
everything tastes like pancakes. Creamy, sweet, syrupy. Delicious.
My heart is about to burst. I’m so happy. I’ve let Jon into a place that belongs only to him. My heart decided it the second he
touched me. I’ve never loved anyone how I love him in these moments. Never. My love for him deepened the moment his body
entered mine. Our breathing is more rapid as we both rise to climax. The intensity of my pleasure increases as I hear his
groans, all the feelings of Jon’s heart. His taste, his touch, his body.
“Oh, Alis,” he whispers, rolling his hips. “You feel so good.” Hearing those words brings another level of bliss to my body.
A huge wave of ecstasy builds inside me and suddenly explodes. Beyond moaning, I’m shrieking with joy. The visions
continue, and bursts of rainbow-hued lights erupt around me. It feels like our bodies have merged into one. Seeing us connected
on the inside and feeling him equally with my body sends new waves of bliss through me.
“I’m about to cum,” he moans. His lips on mine, his tongue in my mouth, his body filling me fully. This realization inspires a
new level of enjoyment. My insides wrap around him, pulling him into me like my body has its own mind. His thrusts are more
potent now. I’m about to explode again. I feel his heat, the energy of his orgasm. Jon is groaning as he makes a few short
thrusts. “Fuck…” My back arches as pleasure waves continue to pulse through my entire body. My eyes are flickering with
lights. I can hardly see Jon or his room. My breath catches, and I do not remember to exhale fully. My body is still shaking. I
scream, biting his shoulder, my hands on his back, pulling him into me. Slowly, I come back to reality, seeing Jon’s eyes on
mine. “Alisterria, that was amazing…” He kisses me gently, one hand around my lower back, the other holding himself up. “It
felt like fireworks were exploding inside me… every one of my senses was on fire.”
I’m surprised. “You felt that too?”
He nods. “It was the most insane thing I’ve ever experienced.” Jon pulls out of me and gets up, hand cupping the end of his
penis. “Be right back,” he says, leaving the room. When he returns, the condom is gone, and he climbs back into bed next to me.
Jon wraps his arms around my naked body, pulling the top sheet over us. “To get back to what I was saying, I’ve never felt
anything like it. That was beyond sex. It was pure ecstasy.”
I’m beaming, glad that he felt it too. Lying here together, our bodies now spent and motionless, Jon buries his head in my
chest. I pull him close, still feeling his heart beating. He squeezes me tighter, kissing my chest. It feels like I’m melting into him,
him into me. There is peace in the silence between us. It is like all my cells relaxed, and I feel calm. Everything feels right. My
heart and soul have never known such happiness.
Jon looks up at me. “I hope all the waiting wasn’t too much. I just wanted it to feel right.”
I sigh. “It did. It felt right.”
Jon kisses me again.
I rub his back tenderly. “You called me Alis.”
He smiles, fingers tracing my belly button. “I did.”
My hands run through his thick, wavy hair. “No one’s ever called me that before.”
He sits up, propped on his elbow. “Oh, sorry. Did you not like it?”
“No, I liked it. You can say it more if you want.”
“Okay, Alis,” he says, kissing my hand.
I melt.
“Do you want more lovemaking, Alis?” he asks, tickling my sides. “Shall I place my longsword inside your special treasure
Laughing, I reply, “Yes please, kind sir. I shall not rest without it.”
He grins and kisses me between my breasts. “I won’t let you feel alone, m’lady,” he teases, kissing me all over. I can’t help
Then, Jon gets more serious. “I’m catching feelings for you, Alis,” he says quietly. “I know we only just met, and maybe it
isn’t right to fall for you so quickly, but that has happened. You’ve wiggled your way into my heart.”
He kisses my lips softly. I love everything that he is doing, everything he is saying. It’s like I’ve been waiting my whole life
for him. I wrap my arms around his back and pull him closer.
“Jon, I’m so glad I waited to do this until I met you,” I say as I hold him in my arms. “You are forever my one and only.”
He lifts his head and cocks it to the side. “You don’t mean the one and only, right? This wasn’t your first time?”
The way he’s looking at me has me confused. “Yes. It was,” I reply shyly.
“What… how is that even possible?” he stammers.
“Is that unusual?” I ask, feeling self-conscious. “It is normal where I’m from. Things are different there.” The truth is, sex
isn’t even a part of our reality. We evolved past the need for it eons ago. Except me, apparently.
His forehead crinkles and he looks deeply into my eyes. “Oh, Alis,” he says, kissing my lips. “I’m sorry, I just assumed. I
would have been more careful, less rambunctious. Are you… okay?”
I’m grinning from ear to ear. “I’m more than okay. This is the best moment of my life.”
“Aw, baby.” He squeezes me tighter and kisses me.
He called me baby. My heart melts without even knowing why. When I reference the original human’s knowledge, I
understand this to be a term used between lovers. My heart got it right. He is also my baby. Somehow, this makes me feel
incredibly satisfied. His large, warm body behind me, he wraps his arm around me, and I nestle in to go to sleep.


My beautiful goddess is still sleeping. Waking up and seeing Alisterria lying in my arms was the best feeling in the world. In
life, it is rare to find that special someone. I feel like I’ve met my match in her.
I’ve already been up for an hour checking in with work on my laptop. As I’m waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, I scroll
through all the texts that I missed while I was wrapped up in Alisterria. She distracts me and makes me forget everything I have
to do. But I need to maintain some amount of focus.
With a mug of freshly brewed Nepali roast coffee in my hand, I return to my bedroom. Alisterria is just waking up. It’s so
cute how she stretches herself awake, arms over her head, body twisting. “Good morning, baby. Do you want coffee?” I sit
down on the edge of the bed.
She sits up, takes the cup in her tiny hands and takes a sip. “Mmm…”
I scoot in behind her, and she leans back against me. “Alis, can we talk about today?” I ask, running my fingers down her
“Yes,” she replies in between sips.
“I don’t want to assume anything. I know you came to town for business, but I want to spend more time with you. Do you
have time to hang out today?” I squeeze her and kiss her hair.
“I have time.”
I’m still so unsure. There are things she doesn’t talk about. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to get into trouble.”
“In trouble?” She sounds surprised.
A little alarm in my gut goes off. “With your employer.”
“Oh, right… I… um… my schedule is flexible.”
“You’re lucky. What do you do?” I ask, trying to find out more.
“I’ll be right back. I need to use the restroom,” she replies, suddenly handing me the mug and getting up. My eyes take in her
backside with a great deal of satisfaction. That little ass of hers, so tight and round, is perfect for biting. No matter what I do,
she avoids any questions about her work or where she lives. I won’t push her, but I hope she will begin to trust me at some
point. It is a little odd. Yet for some reason I ignore my gut instincts. Maybe I don’t really want to know or maybe I’m
completely under her spell.
When she returns, I pull her down into bed with me, kissing her lips. Her naked body is so tempting, but I try to stay on task.
“By the way, I called in sick to work this morning. I couldn’t even think of leaving you yet.” I kiss her neck and squeeze her
tight. My hand drifts lower over her butt. “So, besides the fact that you are naked right now, I noticed you don’t have any
clothes with you. Do we need to stop by your hotel?” I put my earlier worries on the back burner.
“No, I like wearing your clothes… if that is okay,” she says shyly.
I lose myself in her, my hand in her hair. “Of course, it’s more than okay. If you are sure.”
“I am.”
I pull her into me with my leg. Her lips are so close I feel her warm breath on my skin. “Maybe we’ll just stay in bed all day.
That way you won’t need clothes. You look so delicious in the morning.”
She tries to hide her face. “I feel like trash.”
“You look like an angel.”
“Maybe I should shower,” she replies, trying to get up.
“Maybe you should lie right here,” I say, licking her neck. “Maybe you should make love with me again. If you aren’t too
“I’m not sore. But wouldn’t you rather have a clean Alisterria?”
I suck my teeth and pull her body in close to mine, so close there are no gaps between us. “No, I like you dirty.”
“Okay, let’s go shower you off, dirty girl,” I say, swatting her sweet tush.
I lead her into the bathroom and turn on the water, waiting till it gets warm. I hold her steady as we move into the cascade. I
wet her hair, squeeze shampoo into my hand, and lather up her long, dark locks. After I rinse her hair I say, “Here, let me wash
you.” I squirt body wash into my hand, then slowly cleanse her body with my soapy hands. From her neck down to her cute
little toes, I touch every part of her body, even the places only I know intimately. Clean or dirty. Being so close, feeling her
warm, wet skin, I’m harder than a rock.
Instinctively, I pick her up, and she wraps her legs around my back. I kiss her lips gently. “Do you want to make love, Alis?”
She nods.
My hands are holding up her butt. “Tell me.”
She bites her bottom lip. “I want to.”
I lean her against the shower wall. One hand supporting her, the other moving a dark lock stuck to her face. “I’m afraid I’m
going to hurt you.” I kiss her cheek.
“You won’t. I want to… I promise.”
I set her down, getting a condom from the top drawer of the vanity. I roll it on, adding a little lubricant. I’m going to do
everything in my power not to hurt her. But everything in me wants to tear her apart, fuck her so hard she’ll cry my name, even
in her sleep. I tamp down my desire and return to the shower. Her legs wrap around me again, and I slide inside her. She gasps.
“Are you okay?”
She nods. “It just feels… so good.”
“Oh, baby…” Moving inside her feels so natural, so right. The connection we share is mind-blowing. The feel of her, so
tight, wrapped around me, pulls me right to the edge. “I need to slow down,” I whisper in her ear. “You’re doing me in.” I
breathe deeply in an attempt to calm down. She shifts her weight and nearly unmans me. “Don’t move… please,” I groan.
“Sorry,” she says with a small voice.
“No baby, I’m sorry.” I brush her cheek with my thumb. “I didn’t mean to sound harsh… if you need to move, just tell me… I
want you to be comfortable.” I kiss her lips tenderly.
Her eyes are soft and luminous. “I’m okay now.”
Being inside her, there are tingly sparks of energy zapping every inch of me. Even when I’m perfectly still, I feel like I will
explode. Half a minute passes and I have myself under control. Kissing her again. She feels so good. As I thrust into her, a
rhythm develops between us. Her right breast in my mouth. My tongue teasing her nipple.
I suck my teeth. “Shit, Alis… being inside you, it feels electric.”
She looks concerned. “Is that bad?”
Breathing heavily, I thrust into her, my face in her hair. “No… I like it… too much…” I groan.
I’m rotating my hips, filling every inch of her as I do. Every time I do she moans, which only sets me off. My mouth on hers,
our tongues intertwine, I’m so close. Her breath catches at the top; she’s making these little shrieking sounds. “Oh, baby… I’m
about to cum,” I moan, licking her neck. I move in rapid motion, each time only going in halfway, then finally, a long, deep
thrust. Her body arches, and her eyes roll up in her head. I feel her sexual energy wrapped tightly around me. I’m flooded with
white fire like I’m burning, but in the best possible way. I’m in and out of my body all at once. Waves of pleasure surge through
me. Alisterria seems to be going through her own experience; her eyes are closed, she’s panting, moaning.
It takes several minutes before both of us come down from our high, and when she finally opens her emerald eyes, tears are
streaming down her cheeks. Concerned, I wipe her face. “Baby, are you okay… what’s wrong?”
She sniffles. “I’m okay. It was just… so beautiful.”
“Aw, Alis, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I really wanted you to know how much I want you.” I kiss her soft, wet lips, our
bodies still close, not wanting to part.
“I feel it,” she says, water dripping down her face. “I feel you.”
I caress her cheek. “Aw, baby… I feel you, too.” I kiss her lips. “I’m going to set you down, okay?”
She nods.
I pull out and dispose of the used condom, then return to rinse off. Turning off the water, we get out of the shower, and I dry
her off with her fluffy white towel. With coconut oil in my hands, I massage her skin. Soft shoulders, kissable belly, breasts I’d
like to tease with my tongue. Down her back, curving into her sweet ass. Those thighs, whose impression is still on my hips.
“Come on, you. Let’s go eat,” I say, swatting her butt.
After we get dressed, Alis in one of my t-shirts and me in gray sweats, we go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I lean down
and kiss her. Then in one motion I lift her up, setting her on the counter, legs hanging over the edge. “Hang out here, okay?” A
chaste kiss and I go back to making food. Getting out the cutting board and a knife, I start chopping bell peppers, mushrooms,
and an onion. When they are sauteing in oil, I move in between her legs. My hands run up her thighs, squeezing them gently as
my tongue gets in her mouth. She tastes so good.
Electric sensations run through my hands and arms every time I touch her. “Alis, you are full of electricity… did you know
“I am?” She wraps her arms around my neck. Passionate stirrings linger from her touch.
“Yeah… I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about you,” I reply, kissing her again. “You are different from
anyone I’ve ever met.”
She grins wholeheartedly.
Then, remembering that I’m meant to be cooking, I break away. After whisking eggs in the metal mixing bowl, I add them to a
clean pan, then scoop in the sauteed veggies. Her foot slides up my leg. “Are you trying to distract me?” I ask teasingly.
She flashes a smile. “Maybe… is it working?”
I wedge myself between her thighs again, our tongues intertwined. “Yes… always.”
“Are you though?”
She shakes her head no.
“I didn’t think so.”
Not wanting to leave her warm thighs, I lean over to add cheese to the omelet. With some effort, I flip the top of the omelet
over, sealing the cheese inside. Our lips find each other again. She runs her fingers through my hair, pulling it slightly. It feels
amazing. She feels amazing. “Alis, I’ve been looking for you my whole life. Where did you come from?” I ask with a sexy
“Me? I dropped down from another Universe,” she answers mischievously.
My chuckle is deep and throaty. “I believe you,” I say, kissing her neck. “Ready to eat?”
Her fingertips graze just inside the waistband of my pants. “I’m starving.”
Heat swells inside me but I pull away and plate the omelet with buttered toast. I’m back to my rightful place between her
thighs. My lips graze her fingers as she feeds me. Intense, warm sensations fill me as I take her hand and put her whole finger in
my mouth, licking off the remains. Our touch is seductive, warm, and sensual. I’m so captivated, so wrapped up in our
connection, that nothing else matters.
I don’t know what it is about this girl, but I’m thoroughly smitten. Everything she does feels like magic. If I’m not careful, I’m
going to fall for her completely, and I don’t even know where she lives. There's hardly anything about her I know. Still, the way
she draws me in, in moments I don’t care about any of that. It feels so good just to be near her. I hope my heart can handle this
potentially wild ride. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life.


W ith morning kisses in bed, Jon’s tongue slides over to my breast. I savor every kiss, unsure how many moments I have left.
It is a strange line to walk, having an open heart and keeping secrets. It isn’t what I want. There are so many things he
doesn’t know. So many details about myself that I’m withholding, unable to share openly about who I am.
In my heart, I know this relationship won’t last forever, but the thought of ruining our time together is too much to bear. The
last thing I want to say is, ‘I may leave forever, and we may never see each other again.’ Looking at him, my heart is so full of
love and appreciation. Sharing my body and my heart with him, he is now a part of me. I could no more leave him willingly
than I could require my body to stop breathing air. It is an impossibility. He is in every cell in my body. No matter where I am, I
am his. We are bonded for eternity.
Not only am I very aware of my impending departure, but I’m also fearful that the original human will come back early, and I
will be ripped from Jon’s arms before I can explain everything. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to say goodbye. I’m full of
anguish and despair. My mind replays the possibility of my sudden departure on repeat. As much as I try to push that aside, it
creeps back in.
Although I don’t say the words, Jon seems to react to my inner thoughts. He leans into me, propped on his elbow, the other
hand draped over my belly. “Alis?”
“Yes?” I respond, already missing his warm breath on my naked skin.
“I don’t know what it is, but I can’t bear to leave your side.” He kisses my cheek. “Are you feeling it too?”
I nod.
“I know I can’t do it forever, but I called into work today too.” His free hand lightly brushes down my middle. I inhale
sharply, my breath caught at the top. “I just want to stay here in bed with you all day.”
I feel relieved. “Me too. I have no desire to leave.”
He looks up, piercing blue eyes on mine. “But can you? I know you aren’t in town just to see me.” He returns to my nipple,
sucking it gently. It is everything I can do to maintain my composure. I’m already so turned on.
“How do you know that?” I flash a wide grin. “That is exactly what I’m here for… you and only you.” I pull him into me and
try to flip us over to distract him. I manage, but barely and I’m now on top of him.
He eyes me like I’m lunch. “Oh, Alis,” he growls. “What is this fair game?” Jon tries to reach his arms around me, but I stop
him. With my hands, I press his forearms against the bed. My lips make their way down his neck and back to his mouth. I
momentarily seize his bottom lip with my teeth. My tongue takes advantage of his warm, naked skin. I lavish kisses and little
bites all over his neck, then his chest.
He smirks, breathing heavier. “So you want to play, do you?”
I nod, continuing my kissing spree.
He seems calm, perhaps too calm. “Okay, I hope you won’t regret your decision.”
“I won’t regret a thing,” I respond, teasing his nipple with my teeth.
His head tilts down, eyes honed in on mine. “Are you sure about that?”
I move up and press my lips into his. “I’m sure.” I kiss my way over to his ear, licking and sucking on his earlobe.
Without warning, he flips us back over, my body underneath his, wrists pinned to the bed. He’s breathing hard, eyes wild.
I try to free myself, wriggling my body, my arms pushing against his hands. But unlike him, I can’t move. “Jon, let me go,” I
feign upset.
His voice is husky. “I gave you fair warning, Alisterria.” He captures my mouth, tongues intertwined. “Now, you are mine.”
The hunger in his eyes, that crooked smile, I can see that he has me right where he wants me. Secretly, I like this game. Only
because I trust him so completely can I surrender this fully.
I wiggle under him like I’m trying to get away. “All you have to do is admit my victory,” he says, kissing my cheek.
My chest is heaving. “And then what?”
He licks the edges of my ear. “And I’ll let you go.”
That isn’t what I want. I’m definitely not doing that. I try to wriggle free. The intensity increases as he runs his tongue over
my nipple. I pant. He continues teasing me, licking ever so lightly over my bare breasts.
“Jon…” I whine.
His voice is authoritative. “Say it, Alis…”
“Never,” I push back, smiling coyly.
He presses his groin into my thighs. “If you admit I won, you can have what I know you are desperate for,” he breathes into
my ear, sending shivers all over my body.
I’m not sure how to respond. If this is a game, I want to win, but then again, I want him inside me so bad my head is aching.
All this teasing has my system on overload.
“Okay,” I reluctantly concede.
He licks my neck up to my ear. Shivers overtake my body. “So, does that mean I can do whatever I want?” His voice is deep
and full of need.
I nod vigorously.
“Say it…” he commands, pressing his hardness into my leg.
“You…” He continues licking my neck, my chest, teasing my nipples. “You can… do what you want…” I love feeling his
warm kisses on my skin. I feel like I’m on fire.
“Don’t move…” he commands and I obey.
He releases my wrists and grabs a condom from the bedside table. Once the condom is on, he wedges himself in between my
thighs. My wrists once again pinned to the bed. I gasp. So ready, so needy.
“Mmm… I like you like this…” he growls. “I’m not even inside you yet, and you are ready to blow.”
His mouth moves further south, letting go of my wrists. He spreads my legs further apart with his hands. “Fuck, you’re
beautiful…” His fingers graze my tender edges. I inhale suddenly. Jon’s tongue touches me ever so lightly. I can’t breathe. I
swallow hard. His mouth captures me, and I almost black out. These sensations are beyond anything I’ve ever experienced
before. My legs are quivering. The feeling of his wet tongue is almost too much. My breaths are moans. He slips a finger inside
me and groans, “Jesus, you’re so wet…” He sucks his teeth. “I can’t wait.” In one smooth movement, he is now on top of me,
resting on his elbows. He kisses my lips, eyes full of desire. “I need to be inside you.” Every part of me is shaking, so close to
Jon slips inside me. I cry out from the intense pleasure. His thrusts are deep and slow, taking his time to achieve the right
level of pleasure. He’s groaning and rolling his hips. His body starts to shake. His skin glistens with moisture. Indescribable
sensations overtake my body. I’m flooded with a light energy that seems to confuse the cloned body’s signals.
Without any warning, he stops moving. His body is so still, all I want is for him to press into me. Already, I’m close to what
is probably something beyond orgasm. I’m panting and grabbing at the sheets, writhing underneath him, desperately wanting
him to finish.
My back arches, and I cry, “Don’t stop…”
His warm breath on my skin as he kisses the tender spot under my ear. “Don’t stop what, Alisterria?”
I moan in response, my head shaking back and forth, my toes curling.
His face is so close to mine, withholding even his kisses. “What do you want?”
I swallow hard, licking my lips. “Please…” I beg.
He breathes in my ear, “Tell me…”
“Your cock…” I yelp, hips lifting, pressing against him.
“Oh, you want more of this?” Jon’s mouth envelops mine, our tongues dancing. He rolls his hips. In, out, and around. Slow,
methodical thrusts.
I’m flooding and pulsing around him when he stops moving once again. I try to pull him into me, and he presses my wrists
down into the bed again. I can no longer see straight. Even if he doesn’t move again, I’m likely to cum. “Fuck me… please…” I
“Okay… I’m nothing if not amenable to my lady’s wishes.” He kisses me, tongue in full force. When he moves again, I’m lost
in the pleasure; my mouth is watering. I’m delirious, and erotic energy pulses through me. As I get to the edge, this time he lets
me go. He kisses me and thrusts deep within me. I feel it as we climax together. A wave of bliss rushes throughout my body. My
orgasm is everywhere, all over. Even in my light body. Every particle of mine is flooded with ecstasy.
Still feeling the full effects, my heart is in an open, expanded state. It feels like Jon and I are one, somehow. I drift as a
sensual vision appears before me. I see our two naked bodies floating in a golden light energy cloud. It is the most beautiful
thing I have ever seen. Jon’s body is emanating light to the point where he’s glowing. I’m in awe of him. A golden sinewy cord
flows between us, connecting our hearts. It’s glowing radiantly.
I’ve never seen anything like this before and wonder what it is. But the moment I open myself to thinking about it, my
consciousness is flooded with truth. This unbreakable cord connects us no matter where we are. So even when I’m on Iliam-
isq, dimensions away from Earth, we will still be connected. I burst into tears, feeling the depth and meaning of it all.
It means that Jon isn’t just someone that I had visions about, who I was supposed to release desire for. This cord means that
we were meant to meet. This would never have happened otherwise. There’s a deep knowing inside of me. I feel it. It is also
clear that I can no longer just go back to Iliam-isq and return to my old life. I am forever changed. I know that in some ways, it
isn’t my home anymore.
I have an overwhelming desire to stay here with Jon, wrapped up in his arms and covered in his kisses. It’s impossible, but it
feels like my truth. Every part of me wants it. It’s when I’m with him that I feel alive. He sees me and understands me. He loves
my connection to nature and shares it. When we go to the forest together, I feel her energy all around us. Without him, I have no
meaningful reason to exist.
Slowly, I return to my cloned human body, the orgasmic energy subsiding, the vision completing, my eyesight back to semi-
normal. Jon’s eyes are wide, his mouth agape, tears streaming down his cheeks.
I touch his tears, wiping them away. “Are you okay?” I ask softly.
He nods. “I… I…”
“It’s okay, Jon. I know.” I pull him closer to me, his head resting on my chest.


What in the fuck just happened? I feel like my life just changed in an instant. I watched our bodies in some kind of vision,
feeling a deeper connection beyond this physical reality. It was beautiful, awe-inspiring really, yet it defied logic.
The only explanation is that it has something to do with Alisterria. She is the common thread between all these experiences
I’ve been having lately. Ever since the day I met her, something has been different. I can’t stop wanting to be near her, to be
inside her. I mean, I’ve always had a healthy libido, but what happens when I’m near her is beyond anything I’ve ever
experienced. I can’t possibly get enough, no matter how much I try. I wonder if she feels it too.
The soft lull of her voice pulls me out of my spiraling, logical mind. “Jon?”
I sit up, shaking my head to come back to reality. Seeing her sparkling emerald eyes gazing at me, I reach over and brush her
cheek. I’m so drawn to her. She’s so fucking beautiful, stunning. “What is it, baby?”
“It’s just… you were quiet… I wasn’t sure if you were alright.”
I lean down and kiss her. “Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’m okay, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to make you worry.” It isn’t a lie. Unable to
process my experience, I set it aside for another time. It’s like that lately. So many things unexplained.
Her eyes are full of concern.
“Come on, you… let’s go to the waterfall,” I say, getting up. Just then my phone rings. I grab it from the nightstand and check
the screen. It’s my best friend, Ted. I take a deep breath. I don’t want my time with Alis to be interrupted. But I sit back on the
bed beside her and answer anyway.
I sigh and try to smile. “Hey, Ted.”
“Buddy! Is this a good time?”
“Yeah, it’s okay. What’s up?”
“The boys and I are playing pool later. Come out with us,” Ted says.
“Tonight? I don’t know… we were planning on staying in.” I run my fingers down Alis’s belly, caught up in her again.
His voice is gruff. “Yeah, tonight. Don’t be a dick… wait, who’s we? Have you got a girl over there?”
Shit. I didn’t mean to say that aloud. “I… I met someone.” I smile at Alis.
“Ah, I knew it… when we didn’t hear from you,” Ted replies a little too excitedly. “Well, bring her along.”
“Hold on… let me ask her.”
I mute the call. “My friends want to meet you. Do you want to go play pool with them later tonight?” I kiss her soft lips. “You
don’t have to… if you aren’t into it.”
She grins. “No, I want to.”
Secretly, I’m hoping she doesn’t want to go. “Are you sure?”
She nods, leans over, and kisses my cheek.
I unmute the call. “Alright, we’ll be there.”
“Great! Meet us around 8,” Ted says.
I’m eyeing her legs, that kissable mouth, thinking about what I want to do to her. “8? No, let’s say 9.”
“Fine. I can’t believe someone finally stole your heart. Tell her we can’t wait to meet her.”
“I will.”
“See you later, buddy.”
“Okay, see you then.”
Once I end the call, I pull Alis into me. “He says he wants to meet the one who finally stole my heart.” I kiss her again.
“And who is that?” she asks playfully.
“Hmm… I wonder…” I tickle her sides, and she giggles. “Ready for that hike?”
Once we have our shoes on, I grab a backpack and some water and we head out towards a nearby trail. I love the feeling of
her hand in mine as we walk through the trees together. Feeling this tingly energy rushing through her fingers into mine, it isn’t
easy to get very far. For every three steps forward that we take, we stop and kiss. We may never make it to our destination. But
I also don’t care. I love being with her, kissing her, touching her, gazing into her eyes. I’ve already fallen. I wonder how much
further I will fall.
All her kisses are stirring me up. I already want more. When we finally arrive at the waterfall, I put down my backpack and
pin her against a tall maple tree. My lips are on hers as I slowly unbutton her jeans. I lean down and remove her sneakers and
socks. Her jeans come off with ease. I gaze at her as I lift her shirt over her head, groaning as her taut breasts are revealed. No
bra. She’s standing there in just a thin pair of panties. I need to taste her. My hands wrap around her back, I pull her into me as I
lick and nip at her hard nipples. She cries out, her hands fisted in my hair. I kiss my way down her belly and hips, then shimmy
her panties down her legs.
Stepping back from her glorious perfection to take her in. Her naked body is so beautiful. I now understand why famous
painters need to capture their muses' images on canvas; her shape is already immortalized in my mind.
I reach behind my neck and pull my shirt off over my head, quickly sliding my jeans and boxers off. She bites her bottom lip.
Every time she does that, my dick twitches. I scoop her into my arms and carry her into the pool with me. Her kisses are like a
magnetic seduction, pulling me into her. Once our naked bodies are in the water, all I can think of is making her scream. I seem
to recall the last time I was here with her I held back. There will be none of that today.
I release her from my arms, and we swim over to the waterfall together. I let her swim ahead. Just as she reaches the rock
ledge, I dip underwater, holding my breath. I look up through the water; she is looking for me. I grab her hips and kiss her
stomach. Then, without warning, I pop up in front of her. My wet hair drips all over her as I plant a kiss on her lips.
She looks annoyed. “Jon…”
“Yes, Alis?” I grin.
“Why do you keep teasing me?”
I pull her into me, pretending to pout. “Aw… don’t you like it?”
The corners of her mouth curl. “No, I like it.”
My eyes search hers for the truth, hands around her waist. “Are you sure?”
She smirks. “Maybe.”
Hopping out of the water and onto the ledge, I reach for Alis’s hand. “You want to join me under the waterfall?”
She glances up at me, her eyes stopping at my groin. I answer before she has a chance to ask. “Yeah, you are already making
me hard.”
“What did I do?” she asks innocently.
She reaches her arm out of the water, and I pull her up so she stands next to me on the rock ledge. I wrap my arms around her
shoulders. “You didn’t do anything… you never have to do anything… it’s just you.”
She beams and stands on her toes, trying to reach my lips. I lean down and kiss her passionately. “You have that effect on me
too. Just being with you sets me on fire.”
I squeeze her around her waist, pulling her body into mine. “Mmm… what about now, are you on fire?”
“Always…” she moans.
Kissing her under the waterfall is the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. Her electric energy rushes through me, tingling
every part of me. It’s like she’s energized by the current in the waterfall. I lift her up and her thighs press into me, legs wrapped
around my waist.
Fuck, I didn’t bring any condoms with me. I set Alis back on her feet and instead kneel before her. I need her. I can’t wait
another second. I press into her inner thighs with my hands, and she steps her legs apart for me.
“Jon…” she moans, her hands already pulling my hair.
I open her up, revealing those soft, tender lips. I inhale, so fucking taken with her. All I want to do is make her cum. With my
tongue, I trace every inch of her sweet little pussy. Alis is moaning, which drives me on. Sucking on her clit makes her gasp
and cry out. I make circles with my tongue, licking and sucking in between. She grabs the back of my head, pulling me in. My
tongue makes it to her opening, and my fucking god, she’s wet. I devour her with my mouth. I’d lick her dry if I could. Needing
to be inside her, I slide two fingers in. In and out, matching her moans, her breath. I’m so hard, just craving to be where my
fingers are. So close, so connected. It’s like I know what she wants, even more than before. With the right rhythm of finger
fucking and teasing her with my tongue, it isn’t long before she screams, cumming on my fingers. Her juice is so sweet, like
life-giving nectar. I lick her like I need her to survive.
She is still shaking when I stand up. I wipe my mouth with my hand, then hold her in my arms. “You are amazing, Alis.”
“So… so, are you,” she manages.
When her body finally settles, we jump into the water together. I give her a chaste kiss, then lead her out of the water and
over to our belongings. I have a blanket in my backpack, which I take out and spread on the ground. Lying down together, our
bodies close, I move her long hair out of the way and kiss her neck. She shivers and closes her eyes. It is almost as if we can’t
stop. Just like the day we met, something is magnetically pulling us together. It is a force of nature, and we have no power to
stop it. I know it. She knows it. We both feel its pull, the dangerous line we are running. The level of closeness and connection
borders on loss of control.
Not able to be inside her, we just hold each other. Her head rests on my chest, my arm underneath her neck and shoulders.
The sun is warming our bodies. This is paradise. The only sounds are of the waterfall drumming against rocks, birds singing in
the trees, and our beating hearts.
I feel so close to her; my heart is calm yet pounding in my chest. I’m feeling things I haven’t felt in a while. She glances up at
me, those green eyes diving deep into my soul. I run the back of my hand down the side of her face. I’m so afraid to say it, but I
feel I have to. I only hope she feels it too.
“Alis…” I falter, losing my nerve.
“Jon,” she reaches up and kisses my chin.
The way she’s smiling at me, I feel her, like we are beyond connected. She makes me feel my head is in the stars, but her
body reminds me to be soft and present with her. A wave of resolve washes over me.
Gazing into her eyes, my voice hoarse, I whisper, “I think I’m falling for you.”
She glances up at me, eyes wet. “You are?”
I take a deep breath and caress her cheek. “Yes, Alis.”
Her eyes close, and I lean into her, tenderly kissing her lips.
I hold her in my arms, feeling this moment's warmth and sweetness. I finally found my person. I’ve never felt so sure about
anything in my life. Feeling her every breath, so calm and at peace, I drift into a beautiful sleep.
The next thing I know, she is kissing my cheek, waking me up. “Oh, wow… what time is it?” I search for my phone. “It’ll be
dark soon. We better head back.” I help her get dressed, only because I like to, and then I put my own clothes back on. I tie my
sneakers, then fold the blanket and put it into my backpack. I hand her the bottle of water and she takes a long drink. When she’s
done, I bring the bottle to my lips, feeling the electricity left behind from where she had her mouth. It makes my lips tingle. I
drink about half the bottle. All the fire between us makes me thirsty.
I lead her back down the trail and back to the city. As we enter the restaurant district, I start thinking about dinner.
“Alis, are you hungry?”
“Starving,” she replies.
Seeing one of my favorite Thai restaurants, we go in and order. Alis chooses a yellow curry with tofu and potatoes. I order
some fresh spring rolls and a sweet and sour tofu dish with Jasmine rice. Sitting and waiting is the best part. Alis is on the
chair next to me, my hand on her thigh, so high up I’m dangerously close to the crease of her leg. My fingers dip between her
“Jon…” she whispers admonishingly.
I want to take her right now. But I manage to control my impulses. “Okay, Alis… okay,” I reply, moving my hand to her knee.
Besides, I’ve been in the bathroom here, and it wouldn’t work, plus no condoms. Why did I leave the condo without condoms?
I float off in a fantasy, thinking about later, back at home, Alis moaning so loudly that the neighbors bang on the walls, and later,
give me the evil eye in the hallway.
Our food is ready, and we walk back home together. That’s what it feels like; home. I don’t know how. She’s only been here
briefly, but it feels like she’s always been here. I don’t ever want her to leave. I lead her up the stairs of my building, unlock
the door, and we head to the patio to eat. I set down the bag of cardboard take-out containers filled with piping hot Thai food,
then go back inside for plates, forks, and some spoons for serving. We sit down together, eating and talking.
“I can’t wait. I’m finally meeting your friends,” she says excitedly.
“I didn’t know you wanted to meet them,” I reply, taking a bite of a spring roll.
“I do. You have a wall of friends, and I’ve never met any of them.”
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. I would have introduced you sooner. I got so wrapped up in you and didn’t think about it.” I rub her
“It’s okay. Tell me about them?”
I finish chewing some sweet and sour vegetables with rice. “Well, I’ve known Ted the longest, since grade school. We were
nine, I think, and we fought over who won a game of marbles. Then it was who had the best cat’s eye marble. It wasn’t long
before arguments turned into friendship. We finally figured out how much we had in common. We’ve been friends ever since.” I
take another bite, chew, and swallow. “He was standing right next to me the night you and I met. He’s about my height with
light, almost white, hair. Maybe you saw him?”
She shakes her head. “I only saw you.”
“Aw… that’s sweet.” I kiss the top of her head. “Well, then there’s the crew… Eddie, Val, and Tony. We all met during a
sailing excursion where we were the crew for someone else’s sailboat. We hit it off, and now we do most things together.”
“Are they all single?” she asks.
“No. Ted and Mindy have been together for about ten years. They aren’t married, never felt like they had to make it official.
The rest of the guys are unattached. Mindy will probably be there. You can meet her too.”

After we eat, we snuggle on the couch. Alis’s back is against the armrest, her feet in my lap. I’m rubbing her tiny bare feet.
Trying not to take her right here.
“What are they like?” she asks.
“The guys? Well, Eddie is a short, stocky guy with a big heart. He flirts with everybody, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. It
is just his personality. Tony is a sobering force in the group. He is always sarcastic and tends to see the cup as half empty. He’s
really funny, though, but you have to get used to him. Then there’s Val, short for Valentino. He is a lady's man, through and
through. We’ve all talked about it before. He will probably never settle down. Aside from that, he’s big on family and one of
the best sailors I’ve ever met.”
I glance over at the clock. It’s nearly time to leave. I’m enjoying being here with her, just talking and hanging out. I don’t
want to go. “Baby, why don’t we stay home tonight?” I say, running my hand down her calf, her feet still in my lap.
“Jon, you know I want to meet your friends.”
I sit up on my knees, leaning over her and moving in between her thighs. “I know, but we could have so much more fun if we
stay here.”
Somehow, she manages to sneak out from underneath me. She is now sitting on the floor before me, putting her socks and
sneakers on. I try to sway her, rubbing her back, kissing her ear. Alis gets up, puts on her black pleather jacket, and stands by
the front door giving me that look.
“Okay, Alis.” I slip on my sneakers and tuck my wallet in my back pocket, keys and phone in my hand. Now that I’m in front
of her, I kiss her and admit, “You win. Let’s go.”
She beams as we walk out of the house together. Down the stairs and out of the building. I put my arm around her shoulder,
pulling her into me. It is a little chillier tonight. The pool bar is about a twenty minute walk, but I don’t want her to get cold.
“By the way, do you prefer to be introduced as Alisterria or Alis?” I inquire.
“Alis is fine.”
Squeezing her shoulder. “Or maybe I’ll just tell them you are my favorite girl,” I tease.
“And I’ll tell them that you’re my favorite cock,” she smirks.
I stop abruptly. “Whoa… that got dirty fast.” I lean down and give her a chaste kiss. “Alis, we’ll have to work on your
manners.” I take her hand in mine as we continue walking, reveling in her dirty mouth.
When we arrive at the bar, I open the front door to let Alis in. The guys are standing by the pool tables with brown bottled
beers. All except Eddie, who is leaning over a pool table eyeing the cue ball, about to shoot.
“Hey guys,” I call out.
“Hey, Jon!” they yell in unison.
I lead her over to the pool table. “Guys, this is Alis.” My arm around her waist, I proudly show off my girl. “Alis, this is
Eddie, Val, Tony.” They respond with hey, hi, nice to meet you. “Where are Ted and Mindy?” I scan the room, looking for them.
Then someone walks up behind me and taps my shoulder. I turn around and look up slightly to see Ted’s twinkling,
mischievous golden-brown eyes staring at me.
“You made it,” Ted says, rubbing my head aggressively.
“Yeah, Alis wanted to meet you for some reason,” I scoff.
Ted turns to Alis. “Hey, I’m Ted.” He extends his hand to Alisterria. “Nice to finally meet you, Alis.”
“Hi, Ted,” she replies, shaking his hand. “Glad to meet you. Jon talks about you all the time.”
“No, he doesn’t,” Ted laughs. “But that’s awful nice of you to say.”
“Sure, I do,” I interject. “I tell her all the time what a putz you are.”
“Now that, I believe,” responds Ted, then sips his beer.
“Where’s Mindy?” I ask.
“She got asked at the last minute to babysit for her niece and nephew tonight. Alis, she told me to say hi. She was looking
forward to having another girl to hang out with.”
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Alis replies.
Ted offers to buy us some beers. Alis asks for water.
“Do you even drink alcohol?” I whisper in her ear.
She shakes her head.
“Another thing I’m learning about you,” I say. “What will happen if I come to know all your secrets m’lady?”
“I don’t know, kind sir. We will have to find out.”
I rub her shoulders, our bodies close, smiling because I’m here with her. Just then, Ted arrives with our drinks.
Seeing us wrapped up in each other, Ted says, “Okay, now I see why Jon hasn’t been out in a while.” He hands Alis a bottle
of water.
“It hasn’t been that long,” I respond, taking a beer. “And why wouldn’t I spend time with her? She’s my favorite girl.” I put
my arm around her, squeezing her tighter.
Alis whispers, “And he’s my favorite…”
I cover her mouth with my forefinger. “No, Alis,” I whisper back. My dirty girl.
Ted eyes us intently. “I’d say get a room, but I think that’s what you want. So how about we play a game of pool instead?”
I laugh. “Okay, fair point.” Then, turning to Alis, “Do you want to play first?”
“I’ve never played before,” she admits.
“No problem, baby. I’ll show you.” By the pool table, I show her how to hold the cue stick, explaining the rules of the game.
Then we let her practice a few times. She strikes the cue ball in her first solo shot, and the two ball goes into the pocket.
“You are pretty good, Alis,” I say, my arms around her waist.
“Thank you. I had a great teacher.”
I lean down and kiss her soft lips.
Meanwhile, Ted finishes setting up the table. “You want to break?” he asks Alis.
She looks up at me quizzically. “He’s asking if you want to take the first shot. Getting a ball in one of the pockets will decide
who gets stripes and who gets solids.”
She seems unsure. Ted is standing by the end of the pool table closest to the wall, leaning on his pool cue. He encourages
her. “Come on, Alis. Why don’t you try it?”
Without a word she walks up to the table and leans over, her hand carefully guiding the cue stick. The look of concentration,
her body language, I’m dying. I want to bend her over that table so badly it hurts.
Alis’s first shot knocks the solid seven ball into the left back pocket, and the other balls scatter. The six ball keeps rolling
long after. It rolls right up to the right front pocket. This catches everyone’s attention. The guys move closer in anticipation. We
all hold our breath, waiting to see if it will drop in. Almost, almost. Nope.
Alis shoots again. This time, the six ball goes in, also knocking in the one ball.
All the guys cheer, calling out to Alis, “Nice shot!”
She shoots once more and the four ball falls into the pocket. Another shot, this time the five ball gets close but is blocked by
Ted’s striped eleven ball.
Ted claps reluctantly as he steps up to the table. “Hmm, I’m going to have to watch out for you,” he smirks at Alis.
He shoots and gets the ten ball in. Then a few more shots, each one going into a pocket. His last shot doesn’t go in.
Alis cleans up, getting the last two balls in. The other guys are now invested, everyone standing around the table, sipping on
their beers. It’s quiet in the bar. The only one left is the eight ball. Alis lines up her shot, and it goes straight into the intended
pocket. The bar breaks out in cheers. Eddie, Val, and Tony rush up to Alis, hugging her.
Eddie and Val walk over towards Ted. Tony stays. “Someone finally beat that smug bastard. You’re my hero,” he says to
Ted holds up his beer in the air. “As is tradition, the loser buys beers for everybody. So, drinks on me!”
Eddie yells, “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!” Laughter breaks out. Eddie finishes with, “Way to go, Alis!”
“Baby, you did it! You were amazing,” I say, my arms wrapped around her waist.
“I was?”
“You beat him in two turns… I’ve never seen that before.”
Her eyes sparkle. “Oh. It was a lot of fun. Can we play again?”
“Of course, any time you want,” I kiss her, pulling her into me. I am glad that we came out tonight. Seeing another side of her
makes me fall more in love with her.
After everything dies down, Ted and I are standing by the bar, and Alis is sitting next to me on a bar stool with her arms
wrapped around my neck.
Ted tells her, “Alis, you make him happier than I’ve ever seen. Stay around, okay?”
I turn towards her. “Yeah, stay around, okay?” She kisses my cheek in response.

The morning after Alis met my friends, we are snuggling up under the covers. Her head is resting on my chest. My arms reach
around her, gently rubbing her arm. “Alis, I meant to tell you. I have a week’s vacation, plus a few personal days. I want to take
them all, but I wanted to check with you. Do you want that?”
She lifts her head and nods. “I want that.”
“I’m worried that I’m keeping you from the reason for your visit,” I say, trying again to find out more about her secrets.
“No, I had something to do, but that fell through. Now I just have free time for my new reason.”
I smirk. “Oh, and what’s that?” It’s so easy to get caught up in her.
“Being here with you.”
“Perfect. I’m glad I’m your reason and that I’m not keeping you from your work.” I kiss the top of her head. “I don’t know
how I’m going to survive when the time comes for you to leave.”
Alis’s tears fall on my chest. “Alis? What’s wrong?” I ask, gazing into her eyes.
Her tears are fully streaming now. “I don’t want to leave you,” she cries.
I sit up and pull her into an embrace. “Hey now, none of that. I don’t want to be away from you, but we are still together now.
We’ll figure it out as we go.” My hands run along the length of her hair.
“No buts. We can call and text as much as you want. Well, we’ll need to get you a phone first.”
She looks at me, eyes red from crying. “It’s just that I don’t know when I’ll be back here again.”
“Then I’ll come to you,” I reply. Alis seems more upset than the situation warrants. “I can come to you, can’t I?”
She shakes her head no.
I’m starting to feel concerned. “Do you want to see me after this, Alis?”
“I do… that’s why I was crying… Jon, it’s complicated.”
Not wanting to upset her further, I pull her into my chest. “Alright, Alis. It’s okay. We’ll work it out, don’t worry.”
But I am worried. She is hiding something. When I mention where she is from or what happens when she returns home, she
gets upset or clams up. For now, I know it is best not to push. She’ll tell me when she feels comfortable. I hope whatever it is
isn’t serious, that she doesn’t have another life back home. But I feel in my gut that she wouldn’t lie to me. Before she leaves, I
want to ensure she is safe and she isn’t going back to some weird situation. I don’t want anything to happen to my girl.


W ith five days left on Earth, something starts happening to me. We are lying on the sleeping bag in the living room, where
we ended up after staying up all night talking. Jon touches my skin, running his fingers down my torso, which always feels
good. Only now I’m enveloped in a feeling of pure delight. My response is deeper, more sensory, and sensual. It’s like my body
is awakening to a new and powerful level of pleasure.
My toes curl as this arousing energy consumes me. He responds to my moans by lightly brushing my breast. I’m overcome by
waves of giddy, happy, tickly energy flowing through my body. I’m giggling and moaning in rapid succession. I suck my bottom
lip in. My belly squirms as these waves devour me. I’m on the edge, ready to fall over, even when he isn’t doing anything to
Every little touch feels like I’m in an energetic pleasure machine. I feel waves of pleasant sensations, both inside and outside
my body. It isn’t only a physical, bodily pleasure. My heart is overflowing with love and affection. There is no way for me to
hold back anything anymore. I’m sharing myself fully and completely with Jon.
Jon is propped on one arm giving me that crooked smile. “Alis, what is this new deliciousness?” He runs his fingers ever so
slightly from my chest to my stomach. I squirm in delight, moaning. My breath catches. He sucks his teeth, eyes dark with need.
“More,” I say, licking my lips.
“Oh, you want more, baby?” He sits up, hovering over me. Fingertips graze my neck, even lighter than before. I stretch and
tilt my head back, giving him more room. He groans. My body tightens with more exquisite pleasure, so good it hurts.
My words are breath. “More… please…”
“I’ll give you more…” Jon’s fingers run the full length of my torso, up and down, slowly and delicately. I sip air, taking in a
little more each time. My body is pleasantly tense with erotic energy. I swallow hard. The pleasure is so potent that I’m
shaking and I let out little euphoric shrieks.
His eyes stare into mine like he wants to devour me. “Damn, Alis… what’s happening to you? It’s so fucking hot.” His lips
lightly graze my collarbone. I groan. It feels like I’m dying from the pleasure. It is like the death of the old me, who couldn’t
really feel. This new me senses everything with such ferocity that I can’t breathe, yet I don’t want it to stop. I’m so alive, so
Whether I want to or not, the words I’ve been hiding spill out of me with every wave of pleasure. “I’m not from Earth!” I cry
Jon chuckles, reacting to me becoming unhinged. He’s been desperate to know more about me, know my truth, so this
revelation provokes even more intense tickling. I don’t know if he believes me. Perhaps he thinks it’s another one of our
playful sex games. The degree of lightness as his fingers caress my body feels impossible. I give an extra-sharp inhale, nearly a
gasp. “Where are you from, Alis?” he says, all throaty and gruff.
I swallow hard, unable to hold back. “Another dimension…”
More tickling. “Another dimension?” he asks, breathily, his hard body pressing into mine.
The sensations have me so close to the edge, I feel like I’m dancing on a pleasure sword. “Yes… I… I live on Iliam-isq… a
planet,” I moan and bite my lip. “A planet… outside your solar system.”
Jon stops tickling me and scans my eyes. “You aren’t serious?”
“I am,” I respond, still feeling the effects of his touch. Somehow this arouses Jon. I’d been scared that sharing who I am
would ruin everything. But, at least in this moment, it is turning him on. His desire is evident in the hardness pressed against
me. “Oh, Alis… tell me more…” he growls.
“What do you want to know?”
His eyes intensely gaze into mine; he licks his lips, breathing heavily. His fingers are now back to pleasure-filled torture.
“This body is… is a clone.” My whole body feels like it is being squeezed from the inside.
He pauses, staring at me dumbfounded. Maybe some of what I’m saying is starting to sink in. “A clone? A clone of what… or
should I say who?”
“A woman that lives nearby.”
He grinds his hard cock into my leg. “Go on…”
Another degree of sensations so flavorful that I lose my breath. “On Iliam-isq, my body…” I try speaking, but I’m caught in a
pleasure wave. Jon rolls on a condom and is now lying on top of me, propped up on his arms.
My wrists are pinned and he licks his lips. “Tell me about your body.” His breathing is erratic. He’s dangerously close to
being inside me. I still can’t breathe. It all feels wickedly delicious. I’m lingering on the edge. The tension makes me twist and
“My body…” I try again. His tongue on my nipples sends me over the edge. “It is…” Moan. “I have…” My skin flushes.
He audibly sucks in air. “Yes?” Jon teases me a little more. The tip of his cock just touches my opening.
“Oh, Jon…” I squirm underneath him.
His eyes are dark. “Tell me…” he moans.
I lick my lips. This seems to spur him on. He moves in further. I’m delirious with a sexual fever. “My body is…” In one
powerful thrust, Jon is fully inside me. “Golden light!” I cry out.
No more words, just pleasure. He moves in me, and I feel the Universe opening up. Everything, all its mysteries, is revealed.
I am everything. I am nothing. It is all the same. I’m swirling inside a space that only exists for Jon and me. I am somehow
caught in a raptured state, where everything is good and my heart, my heart is so open.
I feel it all. I feel him, his love, with such intensity that I’m crying. The floodgates are open. Nothing is held back anymore.
Expressing and feeling it all. No more secrets. The transparency heals something in me. I can finally be real, share all of me.
I delight in this, our tingly sensual game. Jon is moving inside me, moaning, breathing hard, but not for long. The tension, the
build, has us both close to the edge. My cries are silenced in our kiss as we cum together. The experience catapults me into a
euphoric state where I can no longer see reality as it is. I’m in an inner dimension, experiencing a vivid vision. Beautiful
glowing lights that dance and twinkle around me. Is this heaven? I’m floating, no longer hindered by my dense, cloned body.
At first, it felt great. Sensational even. Now it feels like I’m floating away from Jon. It doesn’t just feel that way, I actually
am. Suddenly aware that it is real, I pull myself back to him. I make myself feel my cloned body again. I focus on my breath, my
sensations until I feel the weight of him on top of me.
Jon’s forehead crinkles, his eyes intently looking at me. “Alis, where did you go… it felt like you were miles away?”
I speak freely now. “Home… I had to fight my way back.”
He props himself up on his elbow, a bewildered look in his eyes. “Wait, home?”
“Yes, I was floating back to my own dimension.”
“Alis, what do you mean when you say your dimension?” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “This is all a bit much
to take in.”
My eyes wide, unsure how much to say. “Well, Earth is within its own Universe. You have planets, stars, galaxies, a sun, and
a moon, right?”
“That is all part of the dimension in which you live. There are billions of other dimensions. I live in one of those.”
Jon pulls away. He slips on his gray sweatpants and sits up, his back against the couch, arms resting on his knees. He’s quiet,
too quiet and I don’t like it. “Jon, what’s wrong?” I ask, pulling my top back over my head.
His eyes are downcast, but he reaches for my hand, placing it in his. “Alis, when we were making love, it all felt good. I
loved everything that you were saying. But now it has me thinking.” He pauses briefly. He looks at me with a frown. “What you
told me, is it all true?”
I nod. “Yes.”
“I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around all this, but I’m trying. I guess I just have a lot of questions.”
“Ask me anything,” I say, rubbing his hand.
He takes a deep breath, then asks, “If you are from another dimension, why are you here?”
I look off into the distance, recalling how all this came to be. “Well, it all started with these visions that I had. I don’t know
why or how, but I used to see you every day, even during nightfall. You were usually at the bar where we met, sitting on the
stool with your friends, sipping a beer. I saw that same scene probably a million times.” I glance back to see how he’s doing.
“Really?” His voice is strained.
I nod.
His hands fidget. He pulls his left knee in closer and hugs it. “You were watching me… from your home planet?”
The frown returns. “Okay, but why?”
“In my dimension, we release desires in order to evolve. I developed a deep desire for you, and it only strengthened. So, the
Sky Gods granted me—”
Jon interrupts. “Sorry, Sky Gods?”
“Yes. On Iliam-isq our lives are dictated by the Sky Gods, who we pray to, and the Council of Kia-non, who decide our
He looks confused. “So, how does that work?”
“Well, in my case, I submitted my prayer to Council, and they spoke to the Sky Gods to determine what needed to happen to
help me.”
Some of the facial tension he was holding melts away. He appears to be more at ease. “Okay, so that sounds like religion
here on Earth. You may talk to a religious leader and not directly to God. I understand. So, you were saying?”
“I was saying that the Sky Gods granted me permission to come to Earth to free myself of my desire for you.”
Jon looks hurt. “Alis, you came here to get over me?”
“Yes… or no. I don’t know. I came here because you were haunting my visions. But in the visions, I couldn’t reach you. I
could never talk to you. I couldn’t focus on my life anymore. My thoughts of you were all-encompassing. I needed to know who
you were and why I kept seeing you.”
He sits up straight. “So, did you?”
“Did I what?”
His eyes are tenderly gazing into mine. “Free yourself of the desire for me.”
I’m stunned that he could even ask. I give his hand a firm but loving squeeze. “No. My desire increases with every moment I
am here with you.”
He looks relieved.
I resist the desire to pull him into me. I know he needs space. “Jon, I could never get over you. Do you even understand what
you mean to me?”
He shakes his head. “Right now, I’m not sure of anything, Alis.”
“That’s fair.” I pause, gathering my thoughts. “Jon, you’ve changed the direction of my life. Before I came here, I felt next to
nothing. Every day was the same: no flavor, no purpose. I didn’t truly feel alive until I met you.”
He grins, moving a little closer to me. “Really?”
“Yes, really. I feel like meeting you, feeling your love, is my reason for existing.”
“Well, that’s nice to hear.” He rubs my thigh, glancing over at me.
He is quiet for a few minutes. I’m surprised at how well he is adjusting to this new information. I was worried that he
wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I have been dreading it for so long. I feel like I can breathe again.
Jon glances over at me. “Now that I think about it, everything makes sense. It always felt like you were hiding something. I
figured you’d tell me eventually… though I never imagined this was your secret.”
I smirk. “You weren’t expecting me to be a golden light being?”
He chuckles nervously. “No. I can’t even fully grasp it.”
“Well, ask me anything.”
He reflects for a minute. “Things are starting to be clearer, why you were the way you were.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when you first said you didn’t have a phone, I thought it was odd. Not only does everyone I know have one, but you
would need one if you travel for business. So this is the reason why you don’t own a phone?”
I nod.
“And when you joked about communicating telepathically?”
“That’s true.”
“And there isn’t really a hotel where you left your clothes?”
“No. I came straight to the bar to meet you.”
“Where were you going to go if I didn’t invite you over?”
My face flushes with a light shade of pink. “I don’t know. I didn’t have a firm plan in place.”
His eyes widen. “Okay.” I can see the wheels spinning. “And obviously you aren’t in town for work.”
“That’s right. I told you, I’m here for you.” This sentiment makes him happy, but he is still distant. I better tell him the rest of
my truth. “Jon… I only have a few more days. I can’t stay.” These words are painful, even for me, and I wish they weren’t true.
He swallows hard. “That’s right, you said you had two weeks. I hadn’t realized at the time that, once your time was up, you
would leave Earth.”
I worry that all this is too much. “I’m sorry.”
He looks at me tenderly. “Will you ever come back?”
I shake my head. “No. I was given special permission. It wasn’t given lightly. Without the Sky Gods, I can’t visit your
“So, only a few more days then… that doesn’t feel long enough.”
I agree.
“Well, we’ll have to make the best of the time we have left,” he says, kissing my forehead. I feel his every emotion, so I feel
his devastation. Yet he pushes past it to concentrate on our love, our connection. I only love him more.
My mind can’t help but wonder if Jon is really okay with everything that I told him. I need to know. “You aren’t freaked out
by me?”
Jon holds the sides of my face. “Alis, don’t be silly. It is a lot to take in, but if anything, I feel closer to you,” he adds
“Why?” My voice goes up an octave.
His eyes are on mine. “It must have been difficult for you to share your secrets. You were so vulnerable. I always felt you
were holding something back and now I understand why.”
I’m tearing up again. I feel him. There’s so much space. I close my eyes, allowing my energy to fill my heart. Imagining that it
is expanding with love, sweetness, and tenderness until it flows out of me. I breathe into my heart, expanding it like a heart-
shaped balloon with each breath.
I open my eyes. “Jon, I love you so much,” I blurt out, pressing my lips against his.
He doesn’t respond. My hand is in his as his thumb caresses my knuckles. His cheek rests on my head. If only I could dive
into his mind and pull out his thoughts.
Finally, Jon leans back, and I gaze up into his eyes, blue like Earth’s sky. “Alis…”
“Yes?” I ask, almost too quietly.
He strokes my cheek, tucking my hair behind me. “I… I love you too.”
I’m so giddy I could burst. He loves me and he accepts me as I am. I throw my arms around him, and he gives into my
My golden light body is now pulsing inside the cloned one. I hadn’t really felt it much since arriving on Earth, but now that
I’ve expressed myself fully with Jon I feel everything. It’s amazing how my sensations heighten further. His lips on mine,
electric heat throbs inside me.
That’s when it hits me; my sensations have increased so suddenly because I’m closer to leaving. This realization is a double-
edged sword. I’m glad to feel my real body, but I am also becoming less corporeal, less solid form and more particle by the
moment. That means I have to leave Jon. I can’t think about that. I won’t.
Instead, I refocus my energy and share my golden light body with Jon. I want him to feel me, the real me. I’m aching for him
to really know me in the little time I have left. Without saying a word, I open my heart and flood my cloned body with my
sparkling, electric energy. Every cell and particle pulses with my super-charged light, and I allow that to expand out until it
encompasses not only my cloned body but also Jon, until we are radiating, glowing.
Jon’s eyes widen and he holds his arms in front of him taking in his glowing body. “Alis… what’s happening?”
My lips curl into a smile. “It’s me.”
His blue eyes darken, and he stares at his glowing hands. “You’re doing this?”
I nod. I’ve only just begun. I want, no, I need him to experience all of me.
As I share more, his body reacts and starts shaking. “Fuck… what’s happening?”
“Can you feel me?” I ask.
“Oh, Alis…” His body is spasming, every muscle is twitching. “This is you?”
I nod affirmatively. “Yes, my golden light body.”
“I feel you…” The tremors are increasing rapidly. “Fuck, I feel you…”
I’ve wanted him to feel the real me for so long, and now that he has, I want to experience the impossible closeness that
happens when he’s inside me. “Make love to me,” I whisper.
His jaw tenses. He can’t even maintain eye contact because his body is shivering so much. “Aw, baby, I want to… I just
don’t know if I can. My body is vibrating.”
I know it’s a lot but it will get better if he lets go. I rub his arm. “Please try. Just stop fighting.” I place my hand over his
heart. “Breathe through it.”
“Okay… I’ll try.” His voice is strained.
I breathe with him, my hand resting on his chest. After a while, he seems to have regulated himself. Jon is back with me,
more present. His eyes gazing into mine. The strength of his energy is palpable. On his knees now, he pulls me into him, kissing
me so hard I feel his desire in every part of me. He releases me from his kiss and lays me down on the sleeping bag. He grabs a
condom from the side table and moves his sweatpants down and his cock springs forth. His eyes never leave mine as he tears
the wrapper with his teeth and rolls it on.
There’s something so raw and rugged about how he is touching me. He lets out a low gravelly groan as he grabs my left leg
and thrusts inside me in one move. I cry out from the suddenness.
He pants. “Are you okay?”
I nod. “Yes.”
With the same power, Jon moves in me, thrusts so intense I’m on the edge already. Yet I have more of myself to share. So I
close my eyes again and focus on filling my heart with my eternal love. My chest fills, which arches my back with every breath.
His body starts to shake but he regulates his breathing, steadying himself. His lips are on mine, our tongues intertwined. He
moans into my mouth.
There’s so much need in his eyes. “Shit… you feel so good…”
Jon is so free right now. I feel him in every way imaginable. With my breath, I let him in deeper, wrapping my insides around
him tightly. “Fuck, Alis…” He bites his lip, sweat dripping down the side of his face. His eyes close, clearly in his own inner
place of pleasure.
While I don’t mean to, I feel a small spot in his heart where he is holding back, and I want all of Jon. Somehow I need to get
him to let me in. I place my hand over his heart and imagine that I’m filling it with all my love. His hips are rolling as he drives
in and out of my body. He groans, “Fuck…”
He exhales loudly.
My fingers tap a spot on his chest. “Breathe right here.” The flow of his breath is challenged. “Look at me,” I say, caressing
his cheek.
Jon’s eyes open slowly, reluctantly. “This feeling… it is so intense.”
I eye him lovingly. “We don’t have to… it’s okay.”
He grabs a hold of my hips. “No, Alis… I want to. What do I do?”
“Just breathe. Imagine your heart filling with light energy.”
I rub his back as he moves inside me. He is quiet, but I wait. I know Jon. He’ll speak when he’s ready. I focus on having an
open heart, on making space for him. I feel an intense ball of emotion coming to the surface. I squeeze him tighter, kissing his
His eyes are filled with pain. “Alis…”
I gently touch his cheek. “Yes?”
His voice breaks. “I can’t lose you.” Tears fall from his eyes. I kiss him tenderly. “Don’t you understand? I can’t live without
I am fully enraptured. “I can’t live without you either, but… fuck… don’t stop.”


Everything about this experience is overwhelming. She is leading me into something that has me questioning everything I
already know. I am pushing past physical limitations to be closer to her. My body is crying out in pain, yet it also feels
incredibly liberating. I don’t want to stop. I’m getting to feel Alis in ways that I haven’t before. Her body was so responsive
earlier. I was into what she was feeling, but I wasn’t experiencing it myself. Now that isn’t so.
I’m nestled into her neck. It is such an intimate moment, feeling every inch of her as I thrust deep inside her. My emotions are
so close to the surface. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to be without her. This is so real. She’s everything I’ve ever
wanted. Tears line my face now. “Please… please don’t go.”
She pulls me into her and kisses me. Still I’m crying, sobbing, really. The thought of being without her doesn’t just make my
heart ache; it makes my whole body ache. She lifts my chin with her hand until my eyes meet hers. “Jon, I love you.”
“That’s the problem,” I groan.
Her chest is heaving. “What is?”
“Our love…” There’s something about fucking her, feeling this energy, and talking that is really satisfying. I’m not sure it
would always be this way though. I can imagine other times it would get in the way. But right now, fuck, it feels amazing. I
continue, “I love you so fucking much, Alis. I can’t bear the thought of being without you forever.”
Her beautiful emerald eyes well with tears. “I don’t want that either. The thought of it terrifies me.”
I brush her cheek with the back of my hand. “It does?”
She nods. “Yes…”
I love hearing her say that. I pull out almost fully, then inch my way back in, driving her wild. I love feeling myself dive deep
into her, again and again. I only stop when I feel her getting close to the edge. She grabs the sleeping bag in her fists as she
Even though she’s so close, she manages to speak. “Jon… I don’t… don’t know how I’ll live without you.” She bites her lip.
“But your love… will give me the strength to bear the pain.” She’s breathing heavily. “I’ll forever be grateful to you.”
My breath is ragged. “Alis… this is intense…”
“Kiss me.”
I lean down, press my lips into hers, and the rhythm of our breath syncs. This powerful energy rushes up my spine and I stop
moving. My body tightens, and I thrust in deeper, holding myself there. My cock throbs against her sacred inner walls, which
pulse around me.
Her mouth close to mine, she says, “Breathe me in…”
Our lips touch and she exhales into my mouth; I breathe her in. My whole body shakes as we reach climax, her body coaxing
the pleasure right out of me. An explosion of light and energy floods my body. I cry out into her mouth as I cum inside her. I’m
covered in beads of sweat. Still moaning, I feel outside of my body, like I drifted away to some other place.
When I finally return to semi-normal, I kiss her soft lips. Gazing into her eyes, all I feel is love. She calms me. Her hand
gently rubs my back. I kiss her again, pulling her in. She’s such a strong woman. I love how she can be vulnerable with me. It
makes it feel safe to do that with her too. Lying together in this bliss state, I reflect on everything that has come to light. I still
have questions.
Her head is in the crook of my arm as I toy with her hair. “Alis, tell me about your home planet.”
“It isn’t very interesting, not like Earth. We have lots of trees, and we grow our own food. The beings on Iliam-isq are not
born, and there is no procreation.”
“Wait a minute, hit pause.” I sit up on my elbow. “There’s no sex???”
She giggles. “No sex. Our golden light bodies do not have any sexual organs.”
I’m trying to take it all in. “Wow…”
Then she adds, “And we do not have desire for such things.”
I pull her into me, tickling her sides. “You could have fooled me.”
“Well, okay… but I’m the only one. No other being has this type of desire, and I only have it for you.”
“I’m glad,” I reply, pressing my lips into her. Then it occurs to me, “Since you are supposed to give up desires, is loving me
preventing your evolution?”
“Yes, sort of. I mean, no. I don’t know.” She sighs. “The truth is, I don’t care.”
I am surprised at her response. “You should care. It sounds important to your people. Isn’t it part of your culture?”
She sits up suddenly. “Jon, I am not like them. I know what I’m feeling is my own form of evolution. I feel it in every part of
I rub her arm, pulling her close. “Sorry. I understand.”
I hold her, still feeling the effects of our intense connection. It’s strange, but I almost feel her inside my heart. This level of
closeness is new to me, but I like it. I want to stay right here with her, breathing her in. At the same time, my mind is reeling.
There are so many things that I want to know. I guess I believe that life exists on other planets, but she isn’t even from this
She smiles at me. “Yeah?”
“I’m trying to wrap myself around the idea of your body being cloned. Is it okay to ask you some questions?”
“Of course. But Jon, I’m starving.”
“You are?” I glance at the clock. “Shit, of course you are, poor baby. We’ve been here for hours.” I give her a chaste kiss
before getting up and heading to the kitchen. “Let me make you something to eat, and you can tell me about that body of yours.”
I pull out some eggs, cracking them into a metal bowl. She joins me in the kitchen, and I lift her onto her spot on the counter.
Another kiss to those irresistible lips. “So, this body was cloned for you?” I ask, whisking the eggs.
She nods. “Yes, a woman close to your age, with your preferences.”
I’m intrigued and a little shocked. “My preferences?” I add some oil to the pan, then the eggs.
“Yes, the kind of girl you’d be attracted to… dark hair, green eyes, red lips, in her 20’s…”
I add some salt and pepper to the eggs, but I’m a little embarrassed. “Your Sky Gods knew all that?”
“Yes. They are aware of everything.”
I fold the eggs as they start to firm up. “What happened to that poor girl after they cloned her?”
I love watching her legs swing as she talks. She’s so cute. “Oh, she’s fine. She is on a two-week vacation.”
My eyebrow lifts. “Hence the two-week deadline.”
She nods.
I pop two pieces of bread into the toaster. I glance over at her, trying to see her as this light being, but I can’t. I only see Alis.
“You seem to know so much. How did you learn about Earth?”
“Everything was in the original human’s consciousness and memory.” She speaks so matter-of-factly, as if this is an ordinary
“The original human… that doesn’t roll off the tongue,” I say, shaking my head as I pull out two plates.
“I’m sorry. Is it odd for you?”
“No. It’s okay.” I add coconut bacon to the eggs, stirring them in gently. “So, is that how you were so adept sexually?” I ask,
genuinely curious.
I plate the eggs. “Yes. I have her memories. That is how I know about condoms and what they are used for,” she says,
grabbing a fluffy piece of egg and popping it in her mouth. “Although I can’t get pregnant.”
I stop what I’m doing, completely taken aback by this revelation. The toast pops up. I ignore it. Eyes wide. “Wait, what? You
can’t get pregnant? Then why in the hell were we using condoms this whole time?”
She looks confused. “I thought they were also to protect from disease.”
I wedge myself between her thighs. Her lips are close enough to kiss. “Yes, but… I have myself tested regularly, and I’m
negative. And you? You were a virgin.” I press my lips into hers, lingering there.
“What does that mean?”
I grab her hips, pulling her into my groin. “Alis, that means that the next time we make love I’m going to be inside you with
my bare flesh,” I growl.
She shivers, moaning a little.
“Exactly,” I say in response.
“I don’t know what that feels like, but every single particle in my combined bodies screams yes!”
I move closer. “Mmm… I can’t wait to hear their screams,” I whisper in her ear, then I lean back. “But for now, let’s feed
you. Can’t let my golden-light-being girl starve.”
We sit on the patio, her feet on my lap. She’s happily eating eggs and toast. I’m happily thinking about when we will next be
close. Despite the beautiful feeling of this moment, something is weighing on me. I don’t know if it’s everything she shared with
me or that she’s leaving soon. I can’t fully relax. It’s a lot to process, I don’t really have time. My girl will return to her home
dimension without a trace, and I’ll be left with a million questions. That, and an incredibly broken heart.


ust a day left to be with Alis. We haven’t been out of the condo in days. Just the thought of losing her tears at my heart. I
J alternate between being overwrought with emotions and being numb. I hardly know which way is up anymore. When I look
into her eyes, I die a thousand deaths knowing I won’t see her after tomorrow. My stomach turns at the thought. All I want to
do is keep her here and hold her in my arms forever.
One of the most romantic instrumental songs I’ve ever heard, “Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor”, plays on repeat as we slow dance
in the middle of the living room. Alis is in my arms, so warm and tender. Her scent fills my inhalation. I’m trying to memorize
everything about her. It’s the only way I will survive the ending of this whirlwind romance. I fell in love so quickly; losing her
will be equally fast and hard. I’m already feeling the effects of the coming crash.
Singing softly in her ear. “Por eso yo quiero que mis años pasen junto a ti, mi amor eterno.” I kiss her hair, squeezing her
She looks up at me and smiles sweetly. “You sing beautifully. What language is that?”
She seems in awe. “I didn’t know you could speak another language.”
I try to smile but it doesn’t reach my eyes. “Yeah, I’m fluent in it.”
“What do the words mean?”
Gazing into her beautiful green eyes, I sing my reply, “I want my years to pass next to you, my eternal love.”
Her eyes well up with tears. “Oh, Jon…”
Not wanting to see her upset, I wipe away her tears. “Baby, don’t cry. If you don’t stop, you’ll get me started.”
“You feel like crying too?” she asks, sniffling.
I lean down so I’m looking directly into her eyes. “Of course, I do. I don’t want you to go, Alis. I’m holding myself together
right now.”
She frowns. “Why are you holding yourself together?”
“The thought of never seeing you again… it dismantles me. But these are our last moments together and I want them to be
perfect.” I give her a chaste kiss. “I’ll fall apart later, believe me… once you’ve gone.”
She sniffles again, tears streaming down her cheeks.
I pull her body close to mine so her head rests on my chest. We are both quiet for a while. I don’t know what to do, what to
say. I’m hardly ready for her to go for a minute, let alone a lifetime. Thinking of losing her is gut-wrenching. But then I get an
idea. I pull back, tilting her head up with my thumb so she is looking at me. “Alis, what if we act like you aren’t leaving?”
She looks at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“Well, we can talk about how amazing our life will be together. Enjoy all the moments we have as if you are staying
forever,” I reply, sharing my vision excitedly.
She doesn’t say anything, averting her eyes.
“Maybe that was a bad idea. I’m sorry, just forget about it.”
Then she glances up again. “No, actually I’d like to try that. I like the idea that we can stay together,” she says, kissing my
I smile and lead her into my room, by the bed.
She smiles back, eyes gleaming.
Then, I fall back onto the bed, pulling her with me.
"Hey…" she protests.
I give her a chaste kiss, holding her warm body against mine. "Since you are staying…”
My heart is racing. “Will move in with me?”
“Of course. I’ll move in with you.”
Grabbing her arms, I press my lips against hers. “You will?”
She nods.
“That makes me so happy, Alis. I get to share my life with you. This room, this condo, it’s all yours now.”
Alis is smiling ear to ear. “My room? So this is my bed?”
I cup her face, kissing her lips. “It is.”
Her fingers tease my nipples. “What about you? Are you mine too?”
I squirm under her touch. “Oh yes. I’m yours, forever and always.”
She giggles. “And since I’m staying, I can do what I want?”
“Of course.”
“And I can eat what I want?” she asks, wide-eyed.
I chuckle. “Yes, what is it that you want, Alis?”
“Yellow curry… with rice,” she answers immediately.
“Well, let’s get you what you want then,” I reply, giving her a chaste kiss. I get up and pull on my blue jeans and a black t-
shirt. “I’ll call in our order, and we can walk over to pick it up.”
Alis gets up and throws on her jeans and my Aerosmith t-shirt. “I live here now,” she mutters.
I return to her side and wrap my arms around her waist. “Yes, you do.” I kiss her mouth. “Forever.” Another kiss. “And
always,” I say, my fingers inside her waistband, pulling her into me with each word for emphasis.
“Mmm… I like staying here with you.”
“And I love having you,” I say into her kisses.
I find my phone, which I left on the living room desk, and call in our order. Alis is sitting on the couch putting on her
sneakers. The idea that she can stay with me sets my heart on fire. Though I know it isn’t real, it feels that way. Everything I’m
saying is truly how I feel. I want her to move in. I want her to stay here. Forever.

Alis is already in bed when I enter the room. Her naked body is barely covered with the sheet. The thought of being inside her
bareback makes me feel feral. I want her. I fucking need her. I love the way she’s looking at me, batting those long eyelashes
over her beautiful green eyes, biting her lip.
“Make love to me…” she moans.
“Earlier you said that we couldn’t because it makes you fade faster.”
“Well, now that I’m staying…” She grins.
I shoot her a look. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Okay, well… the truth is, I’m controlling it.”
“Oh, you can do that?” I move a little closer.
“I figured out how to do it with my consciousness. But it takes more effort.”
“So it’s safe to touch you?” I ask, needing reassurance.
She nods. “It’s safe.”
Two steps and I’m by the end of the bed. I lean down, tugging on the sheet slightly. Her taut breasts are revealed. I gasp. The
aching in my groin is unbearable. Pulling the rest of the sheet off, I grab her ankles, pulling her towards me. That sweet little
pussy is just where I want it.
Her eyes are full of fire. Her breath catches. “I want you.”
My voice is husky. “I want you too, Alis…” My craving for her is so deep, it makes my skin itch.
She opens her legs wider. “Fuck…” Seeing her on full display, I lick my lips. I rip off my shirt, feeling so desperate for her. I
peel off my jeans and boxer briefs leaving them in a pile on the floor. Kneeling down, I tickle her hips and thighs with an ultra-
light touch. She wiggles and squeals, making my heart race. A set of soft kisses by her hip bone leads me closer to the prize.
With my hand, I massage around her pubic bone, blowing softly on her clit. Then one lick, right up the front of her. She pants,
pulling at the sheets. Diving in, I lick every inch of her, teasing her with my tongue. I suck on her sweet spot. She cries out. I go
in again, my tongue getting lost inside her. Alis is already so close to the edge, but I don’t want her to cum. Not like this. Every
drop is mine, and I want to feel it on my hard cock. It’s all I can think about. Wiping my face, I wedge myself in between her
thighs, pressing myself against her.
“Jon… please,” she begs.
I growl, “No condom this time.”
She moans, chest heaving.
Grabbing my cock, I stroke the length of it once. “Are you ready for me?”
“I’m so ready…” Her whole body shakes. I slide in slowly, wanting to feel every single bit of her. Inch-by-inch until I fill
her. She moans. Her electric energy zaps all over the length of me. She’s supercharging me, which nearly brings me to the edge.
One more thrust, and I’m in. “Fuck, baby…” I swallow hard, my eyes nearly closed, reveling in the carnality.
Alis’s hands wrap around my back, pulling me closer. “Ooh, I love to feel you like this…” she squeals.
I rotate my hips, loving the feel of her. “You like that, baby?”
“Yes. More, please.”
Her words touch a deep need in me. There’s nothing between us. It feels incredible to fill her so completely. An intense
electrical current rushes just beneath my skin like it’s setting tracks all over my body. “Fuck…” I stop moving and close my
eyes. Every cell is reacting to her energy, her current. Pulses continue to move throughout my body. “Jesus, Alis… your electric
energy is sending me right over the edge.”
“Sorry,” she replies, kissing me.
I lift her chin. “Never apologize for being so fucking hot. I want you… just like this.”
“It’s so different now,” she admits.
I am glad for the distraction so I don’t cum too fast. “What is, Alis?”
She wriggles underneath me. “My real body, I feel it more than ever.”
“Mmm, I remember that feeling.” I wet my lips with my tongue. The thought of her light form ignites my passion. “What is it
like, your real body?” My voice is husky, I’m tapping into a dark lascivious feeling.
“Well, I’m more particles. It’s hard to explain, but the particles create a simplistic semi-transparent form.”
I move inside her again. “Yeah, what else?”
“And my body glows with golden light. It radiates around me.”
I can’t breathe. My whole body tenses. “So, when I touch your cloned body, does your real body feel it?”
She stammers. “Um… I’m not sure.”
“So, if I do this, for example…” I run my fingers from her breasts down to her belly. “Does your real body feel it?”
She bites her lip. “I…”
“And if I touch you here…” I rub her clit. “Does your real body quake?”
She moans and wiggles her body, raising her hips in the air just off the bed.
“And if I kiss you like this...” I press my lips into her, tongue teasing hers. “Will your real lips tingle?”
Alis is breathing hard and doesn’t respond.
“If I were to fuck you like this…” I move in and out of her slowly, methodically. “Would I be making love to the real you?” I
whisper in her ear.
I thrust into her and rotate my hips, winding her up. She yelps as her back arches under my hands. I need to be closer to her.
Without thinking, I grab both of her legs, lifting them and throwing them over my shoulders. Instantly, I’m deeper inside her. A
guttural groan escapes my lips as I adjust my body. “And if I cum…” I say, moving faster. “Will I be cumming inside the real
you… will your real body climax from the pleasure?” I’m thoroughly feral now.
Electric currents zap my cock driving me wild. I take her legs down needing to be closer to those lips. Her legs wrap around
my waist, and I pin her arms to the bed, fucking her harder. She is moaning, hardly breathing. Warm electric heat swirls around
me as I move in her. Leaning down, I lick her nipple, then grab it in my teeth. That’s it. She lets go, crumbling around me. I feel
her warm, luscious release all over me. Somehow I haven’t got off yet. My rolling hips keep a steady pace inside her. Her
sacred inner walls pulse electricity around me as she climaxes, taking me with her. It’s so intense. I feel so close to her, like
we are one. It is the most satisfying orgasm I’ve ever had.
Lying on top of her, I try to catch my breath. “That was amazing. Your electricity makes me so hot.”
She beams. “I felt it. It reverberated back into me.”
Surprised. “It did?”
“Yeah, I felt it a thousand times more intensely.”
I kiss her lips tenderly. “Oh, baby. That makes me so happy. I like sharing pleasure with you.”
Her eyes are sparkling. “Me too.”

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Yhtäkkiä hän tunsi hurjan repäisyn rinnassaan, korvissa humisi, ja
jostain syvästä rotkosta, oman järkytetyn sielunsa pohjalta, hän kuuli
kamalan naurun: Jonas… miksei! Miljoonakavaltaja… Mikä estää
sitä pettämästä omaa vaimoansa, joka pettää koko yhteiskunnan,
tuhannet luottavat ihmiset!

Ja nyt seisoi tuolla toinen julkea ja alhainen ihminen odottamassa

hänen avuliasta palvelustaan saadakseen käsiinsä häpeän setelin…

Niin suuri kuin vastakohdannut häpeä ja nöyryytys olikin, kävi se

tämän kautta tuhansin kerroin kammottavammaksi. Kaikesta
huolimatta oli hänellä äsken vielä tuki, jalansija, millä seistä, ja se
tuki oli ollut hänen miehensä luuloteltu uskollisuus.

Luuloteltu — niin — sillä tarvitsihan sukeltautua esiin vain jonkun

hämärän Linen — ja kaikki, kaikki oli hukassa!

Ylpeyden ja omanarvontunnon esiinpyrkivä välähdys herätti hänet

tästä musertavan pettymyksen tuottamasta huumauksesta.

Ei ainakaan tuo tuolla saanut hänen masennustaan huomata!

Ja niinkuin ainakin jalo ihminen, joka jonkun erityisen syyntähden

on kulkenut kappaleen matkaa toverinsa rinnalla rikoksen tietä,
mutta kääntyy heti pois, kun yhä suurempi rikos avaa hänen
silmänsä, nousi Marttakin, vaikka jalat horjahtivat, sulki kirjeen, vei
sen odottavalle Line Kjällille sanoen tyynesti kuin tavarakuittia

— Tässä se näkyy olevan.

Vieraan mentyä valtasi hänet polttava halu juosta heti pois tästä

Monet uhkeat, rikkaasti sisustetut huoneet, jotka olivat olleet

hänelle äärettömän rakkaat, kasvit, joita hän hellin käsin oli hoitanut,
ja monet kymmenet pikkutavarat, jotka hän oli kasannut tänne kuin
lintu korsia pesäänsä, kävivät vieraiksi ja sietämättömiksi yhtäkkiä.
Ne eivät enää olleet hänen.

Ah, vähät siitä, jos ne olisi pitänyt uhrata Jonaksen rikoksen

tähden — siitä hän oli jo viimeisen unettoman yön kuluessa ehtinyt
itsensä kanssa sopia. Mutta tämä, että tuntematon, saastainen käsi
pyyhkäisee kaiken yli ja asettaa kaikki eletyt onnelliset päivät aivan
toiseen valoon kuin siihen auringonkirkkaaseen, jossa ne vuodesta
vuoteen olivat hohtaneet!

Oliko hän enää Jonas Herlevin vaimo —?

Tuskin, tuskin aikoihinkaan, vaikkei hän itse ollut siitä tiennyt.

Hänen avio-onnensa, josta hän oli iloinnut, kuten iloitaan harvinaisen
timantin omistamisesta, olikin vain kurja hely, niin taitavasti
väärennetty, että vasta väärentäjien oma varomaton menettely
saattoi sen ilmaista hänelle.

Hän kulki kuin unessa huoneesta huoneeseen, kertomusten

aaveiden lailla, jotka eivät saa rauhaa haudassaan. Jos hän pysähtyi
missä tahansa, kiinnitti katseensa mihin tahansa, aina kurkistivat
esiin iloiset, huolettomat muistot. Tämä koti oli kuin puisto, jossa
kukki, tuoksui ja soi… oli ollut…

Nyt kattoi valkea härmä sen ihanuudet, ja talvinen sää uhkasi

nietostaa joka sopen.

Hyvä Jumala, hänen täytyi mennä Jonaksen luokse — ehkä vielä

jotakin oli pelastettavissa.

Mutta hän ei voinut tulla lämpimänä kuten edellisellä käynnillään.

Epätoivoisesta sydämestään täytyi hänen kysyä heti — heti:

— Kuka on Line Kjäll, ja mitä sinulla on hänen kanssansa?

Mies, jolta kaikki portit olivat suljetut ja joka oli saanut tuhansien
ihmisien kunnioituksen itseänsä kohtaan vaihtumaan
halveksumiseksi, säpsähti. Hänellä ei ollut voimaa kätkeä
rikollisuuden ilmettä siltä ainoalta, jolta hän vielä odotti lämpöä.
Vajaan vuorokauden oli hän istunut täällä telkien takana jaksamatta
ajatella muuta kuin menetettyä kunniaansa. Tämä aika, niin lyhyt
kuin se olikin, oli ankaruudellaan ehtinyt riisua häneltä kaiken
ylpeyden ja vilpin — ne eivät enää auttaneet. Hän oli valmis
tekemään tiliä jokaisesta teostaan ja avoimesti vastaamaan kaikkiin
tehtyihin kysymyksiin. Hänellä ei ollut enää mitään muuta
kaunistuksen keinoa.

Kuitenkin nyt, Martan seisoessa hänen edessään tämä kysymys

huulillaan, lysähti hän kokoon, painoi päänsä alas ja vaikeni. Kuinka
hän jaksaisi vastata siihen… kuinka luopua parhaimmasta, mitä vielä
jäljellä oli…

— Ole rehellinen, Jonas. Ainoastaan sillä voit jotain pelastaa.

Jonas Herlevi istui kauan ääneti. Hikipisarat kihosivat hänen

otsalleen, ja tuontuostakin hän väänteli käsiään tuskallisesti. Viimein
hän nosti kyyneltyneet silmänsä ja koetti puhua, mutta kaikki, mitä
hän sitten tahtoikin sanoa, supistui kahteen tukahtuneeseen sanaan:

— Anna anteeksi!

Miehen nöyryys hellytti Martan mieltä, ja hänen äänensä ei ollut

enää ankara kuten äsken, hänen sanoessaan:

— Onko sinulla enää oikeutta anteeksipyyntöönkään…

— Kaikilla on siihen oikeus. Joskaan ne, joilta sitä pyydetään,

eivät läheskään aina ole velvolliset anteeksi antamaan… Martta, on
kauheata seisoa sinun edessäsi kaksinkertaisena rikollisena…

— Joskin vasta sitten, kun rikokset ovat tulleet ilmi…

— En tahdo puolustautua — millä sen tekisinkään. Mutta sinä olit

parhain puoliso, ja siksi uskallan —

— On oikein sanoa olit. Nyt kai en sitä enää saata olla.

— Martta! Niin et sanonut eilen. Mikset voi, mikset saattaisi?

— Siksi että sitä on myöskin Line Kjäll.

— Line Kjäll — on paljasta roskaa vain. Semmoista on maailman


— Hänestä sinä kuitenkin huolehdit viime hetkelläsi. Oi hyvä, hyvä

Jumala, olisit edes sulkenut tuon kirjeen!

— Olinko sen sitten jättänyt sulkematta?

Rouva Herlevi kohautti olkapäitänsä.

— Tämä on kohtaloa, Martta, tämä kuten sekin, että viimeisten
pitojamme aikana tarkastaja saapui pankkiin… Sinä ainoa, älä jätä

Jonas Herlevi tapaili vaimonsa kättä — turhaan. Kyyneleet estivät

häntä näkemästä, kuinka Martta kätki kätensä selkänsä taa,
peräytyen miltei tiedottomasti askeleen taaksepäin.

— Olen luottanut sinuun kuin taivaalliseen isäämme. Voitko

käsittää miltä tuntuu nyt…

— Miltä tuntuneekaan, anna anteeksi — anna!

— Jos en voi…

— Sinä voit!

Se tuli varmaan luottavimmasta sydämestä, niin toivorikkaalta se


Rouva Herlevi painoi rajusti päänsä käsiinsä. Sinä voit! Sinä voit!
humisi hänen korvissaan. — Sinä et voi! kiisti toisaalta vastaan.

Ja vasta tällä hetkellä selvisi hänelle täydellisesti, kuinka särjetty ja

rikkirevitty hän oikeastaan oli… kuinka epätietoinen ja vaappuva, kun
tosi-taistelu tuli kysymykseen. Ja että taistelu oli alkava nyt…
epätoivoinen ja raju, sen hän tunsi. Nämä kauheat olosuhteet
järkyttivät hänen sieluansa niin suuresti, ettei hän pitkään aikaan
pääsisi täysin selville ratkaisusta — senkin hän tunsi. Hän vihasi
itseään tuntiessaan säälistä Jonakseen joutuneensa sisimmässään
ristiriitaan. Ja pyrkiessään selviytymään ristiriidastaan sääli hän
omaa heikkouttaan.
Jos hän olisi muutamaa päivää aikaisemmin saanut miehensä
uskottomuuden tietoonsa — olisi hän nyt kaukana täältä, iäksi

Ei, hän takertui siihen ajatukseen sittenkin katsahtaessaan

Jonaksen masentuneihin kasvoihin.

Iäksi — niinkö?

Ja taas hän ei ollut varma, etteikö sittenkin kavalluksen ja

vangitsemisen viesti olisi palauttanut häntä — säälistä —
tuhoutuneen miehensä luokse.

— Martta, sinä et sano mitään… Etkö voi … etkö tahdokaan…

— En tiedä, Jonas… Siltä, joka on lyöty tainnoksiin, ei voi vaatia

vastausta. Minun täytyy ensin tointua tästä. Ja sitten, kun olen
selvillä itsestäni… sitten Jonas…

Miehen murtuneet kasvot sävähtivät epätoivosta. Tämä hänen

ensimäinen tuomionsa oli varmaan ankarin. Eikä ollut mihinkä
vedota siitä…

— Jätä minulle edes toivon kipinä! huudahti hän. — Martta,

rakkahin, älä vie kaikkea… Kuinka minä muuten jaksaisin tämän
pimeän ajan ylitse…

Sehän se juuri oli Martankin paula. Siitä silmukasta hän ei päässyt


Toivon kipinän — sen hän saattoi antaa. Mutta enempään, hyvä

Jumala, enempään ei hänellä ollut voimaa…

Hiljainen koputus kuului ovelta.

Sitä tuskin eroittikaan tuulen ruskinalta ja aaltojen pauhulta, jotka

lakkaamatta löivät rantapenkereeseen tuvan akkunan alla. Vasta
tarkan kuulostamisen jälkeen pääsi varmuuteen siitä, että ihminen
siellä liikuskeli.

Ja silloin karkasi tuvassa yksin istuva tyttö ylös työnsä äärestä,

viskasi tukun päreitä tuleen ja hiipi ovelle kuulostamaan.

— Kuka siellä?

Kysymykseen ei kuulunut hiljaisintakaan vastausta. Laineet vain

meurusivat rannalla täydentäen pauhinallaan pimeän syysillan

— Kuka siellä — vastatkaa!

Kysyjän ääni oli tuikea, mutta pelon värettä se ei kyennyt tyyten


— Ystävä on — avaa!
Vapisevin käsin raoitti tyttö ovea, vetäisi sen kiinni ja raoitti taas.
Siten hän taisteli hetken oman arkuutensa ja sisäänpyrkijän äänen
herättämän turvallisuuden välillä. Mutta ulkopuolella-olija ei jaksanut
odottaa. Hän tarttui oveen suurella, tahraisella kädellään ja työnnälsi

Takassa loimottavan tulen valossa tyttö näki kookkaan miehen,

jonka parroittuneet kasvot näyttivät väsyneiltä. Koko hänen
jättimäisestä olennostaan kuvastui syvä uupumus ja raukeus.

Mutta silmissä oli eloa. Ne miltei leimusivat levotonta sielun

kuohua, ja nopeasti kuin tulen liekki kulki niiden katse ympäri tuvan,
katto-orsien, permannon, lieden ja peittämättömien akkunoiden

Sitten vasta hän katsahti tyttöön.

— Oletko sinä Anna Mari?

— Olen.

— Ja niin olet tullutkin äitiisi…

Vieras ojensi arkaillen kätensä, ja arkaillen otti tyttökin sen


— Kuka te sitten olette?

Miehen katse kiersi uudelleen tuvan, kiersi tarkemmin kuin äsken,

ja hänen kasvonsa vavahtivat omituisesti. Vastaamatta tytön
kysymykseen hän sanoi:

— Lienetkö tullut äitiisi luonteesikin puolesta.

— Ja jos olen… mitä sitten?

— Sitten sen sanoisin…

— Minkä?

— Nimeni.

Anna Mari tuijotti hämmästyneenä vieraaseen, jonka puhetapa ja

katse olivat niin kummalliset. Ensi kertaa näki hän tuon miehen
edessään, ja kuitenkin tuntui, kuin tapaisi hän hänessä vanhan
tuttavan. Ja niin hänen pelkonsa alkoi haihtua.

— Mutta sanokaa, sanokaahan toki! huudahti hän välittömästi. —

Eihän teille voi siitä mitään vahinkoa koitua.

Jättiläisen kasvot vavahtivat jälleen. Niissä kuvastui suuri

mielenliikutus. Sitä peittääkseen hän kumartui lieden kulman
pimentoon ja vetäisi sieltä kuin vanhasta tottumuksesta esiin lyhyen
penkin, jolle istahti.

— Anna Mari, sanoi hän sitten, etkö sinä tunne minua?

— En.

— Etkö muista koskaan nähneesikään?

— En.

— Ei ihmekään, olithan siihen aikaan vielä pieni tyttö.

— Mihin aikaan sitten?

— Siihenpä siihen, kun isäsi… vangittiin.

Anna Marilta putosi puu, jota hän juuri oli asettamassa lieteen, ja
hän kuiskasi pelokkaasti:

— Isä! Olisitteko…

Mies käänsi hetkeksi katseensa toisaalle, ja Anna Mari huomasi,

kuinka hänen hartiansa hytkähtelivät. Mutta pian hän jälleen
oikaisihe ja tytön puoleen kääntyen virkkoi:

— Kas niin, älä nyt pelkää, Anna Mari, ethän? Ettehän te minua
vielä odottaneet… eikä minun aikani ollut vielä tullutkaan… Mutta
minä en kestänyt siellä kauempaa… totisesti, minä en jaksanut… Ja
kun viimein sattui tilaisuus, jolloin saatoin karata, tein sen, vaikka
henkeni uhalla. Ehkä olet lukenut siitä sanomalehdistä?

Anna Mari tuijotti sanatonna eteensä. Hänen jalkansa vapisivat

niin, että hän töintuskin kesti seisaallaan.

Ja muistot, jotka vuosien kuluessa olivat haaltumistaan haaltuneet,

leimahtivat ilmi eläviksi jälleen. Hän muisti päivän, jona isä
vangittiin… muisti kirstun, johon ruhjottu mies pantiin… ja muisti
äidin, joka siitä päivin kulki kuin varjo maan päällä, kunnes hänet —
kolme vuotta sitten — peitettiin kirkon multaan.

Tuoko nyt oli isä —?

Niin, suuren ja voimakkaan hän muisti hänen olleen.

Mutta tämä tässä oli hiljainen ja hyvä…

Isä oli aina ollut kuin tulenliekki, eikä hänen suustaan oltu lempeitä
sanoja totuttu kuulemaan.
Siitä huolimatta täyttyi Anna Marin sydän suurella hellyydellä —
hänhän oli kaikessa tullut niin äitiinsä — ja taistellen ujoutta vastaan,
joka yhtäkkiä yllätti hänet, astui hän isänsä viereen ja laski kätensä
tämän olkapäälle.

— En ole kuullut siitä mitään, sanoi hän. — Mutta eikö ne etsi teitä
nyt… tavoita joka paikasta?

— Kyllä kai — sehän on heidän velvollisuutensa. Mutta tähän asti

olen minä onnistunut, he eivät. Ja tätä on nyt kestänyt kolme viikkoa.

Tuulen kumea kohina kuului akkunan takaa, ja rapisten ilmestyi

ruutuihin pieniä vesipisaroita. Syysräntää.

Anna Maria värisytti.

Hän kuvitteli miesjoukon kulkevan metsän läpi karannutta etsien ja

tuossa tuokiossa, tietämättä tarkoin itsekään mitä teki, kiiruhti hän
peittämään akkunoita ja lukitsemaan ovea. Ja sitä tehdessään oli
hän varma siitä, että äiti olisi tehnyt samoin…

Kun hän palasi takaisin ja istahti isänsä viereen, näki hän

kyynelkarpalon vierivän tämän poskea pitkin ja katoavan karkean
parran kätköön. Sitä seurasi toinen… kolmas…

Isä kyseli äidistä.

Anna Mari kertoi tarkoin, kertoi kuolinyön ja mitä äiti oli sanonut.

— Olivatko ne hänen viimeiset sanansa? kysyi isä.

— Olivat. Aina muistan kuinka hän pyysi minua kumartumaan

puoleensa ja kuiskasi sitten: Kun isä palaa, sano hänelle, että kaikki
on annettu anteeksi.

— Vaikka sitä oli paljon… Jumala nähköön… niin paljon että…

Yhtäkkiä hypähti karkuri ylös ja kuulosti. Hänen silmissään

kuvastui hurja kauhu. Anna Mariinkin tarttui hänen pelkonsa, ja hän
hiipi ovelle, painoi korvansa lautaa vasten — eikä kuullut muuta kuin
oman sydämensä rajut lyönnit.

— Tuuli se vain on… ei siellä ole ketään, ei ketään.

Isäkin rauhoittui vähitellen. He puhuivat kuiskaten, ja heillä oli vielä

paljon sanomista toisilleen. Mutta aika kului, ja sen, joka joka hetki
pelkäsi takaa-ajajia, täytyi valmistautua lähtemään.

— Isä, viipyisitte vielä vähäsen, niin saisitte nähdä Antinkin.

Muistattehan, että tähän aikaan kestää nuotanveto aamupuoleen

— Minä olen nähnyt hänet… nuottarannalla. Ennenkuin tulin

tänne, seisoin kauan aikaa metsässä ja katselin häntä, kun hän istui
keittotulilla toisten miesten kanssa. Suuri ja vahva mies… oikea
korvenraataja… Mutta sanohan, Anna Mari, eihän hän vain ole
saanut isänsä luontoa?

Anna Mari painoi katseensa alas huokaisten.

— En minä sitä niin tarkoin tiedä… mutta kiivas ja kova hän

useinkin on…

— Sinullekin… omalle sisarelleen?

Tyttö nyökkäsi.
Se myönnytys sai karkurin kiristämään hampaitaan ja puristamaan
kätensä nyrkkiin — vain siten voi hän pidättää kipeän voihkaisun.
Mitä hyödytti hänen oman mielensä muutos … mitä päätöksensä
pyrkiä meren taakse tekemään työtä ja kokoamaan omaisuutta
lapsilleen, jos pojassa eli se… se hirveä, joka oli tuhonnut hänen
oman elämänsä ja hänen kättensä kautta toistenkin elämän…

Hyvä Jumala! Hän palaisi tältä paikalta vapaaehtoisesti vankilaan,

jos vain Antti… Antti…

Mutta velikään ei voi veljeänsä lunastaa, ja tulevaisuus vasta

näyttää mihin Antinkin tie viepi, mitä luonteensa hänellä teettää ja
mitä kaikkea ne, jotka tulevat olemaan lähinnä häntä, saavat
kärsiä… Eikä voi tietää, keventääkö anteeksianto hiventäkään hänen

— Sanoiko äiti tosiaankin, että kaikki on annettu anteeksi? kysyi

isä ajatuksiensa jatkoksi.

— Sanoi.

— Ja ne olivat hänen viimeiset sanansa?

— Ne.

Partaiset kasvot kirkastuivat hetkeksi. Ne muistuttivat

syysmaisemaa, johon aurinko väistyvien pilvien lomasta valahtaa. Ja
suru pojan tähden liukui loitommaksi hänen mielestään, kun hän
ajatteli omaa, hiljaista iloaan.

— Anna Mari, ne olivat lohdutuksen ja voiman sanoja, sanoi hän

sitten. — Niille minä nyt rakennan. Jos onnistun pakenemaan
maasta ja pääsemään aikomusten! perille, niille rakennan. Tai jos
joudun kiinni ja tyrmään uudelleen, rakennan sittenkin.

Puolituntisen kuluttua oli karkuri kadonnut jälleen pimeään,

myrskyiseen yöhön.
ILTA ***

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