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Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
1. I (tall) _____________________________ person in my family.
2. Jupiter (big) _____________________________ planet in our solar system.
3. Elephants (large) _____________________________ land animals on earth.
4. We bought (expensive) _____________________________ TV in the store.
5. Which sports do you think (dangerous) _____________________________?
6. My cat (lazy) _____________________________ animal I know.
7. This restaurant serves (good) _____________________________ food in town.
8. I think math (difficult) _____________________________ subject.
9. What (long) _____________________________ word in English that you know?
10. He (strange) _____________________________ man in the story.
11. Last week, I had (bad) _____________________________ time of my life!
12. Which place (hot) _____________________________ place on earth?
13. I think it (funny) _____________________________ show on television.
14. My friend (interesting) _____________________________ person I know.
15. Who (famous) __________________________________ person in your country.
“Comparatives and Superlatives”.
Underline the correct words in parenthesis to complete each sentence.
1. This is the (more delicious, most delicious) chicken I've ever eaten.
2. Football is the (more exciting, most exciting) sport of all.
3. The weather is (more beautiful, most beautiful) today than yesterday.
4. Penny is (more excited, most excited) than her sister.
5. That's the (more difficult, most difficult) spelling word we have been assigned this week.
6. Basketball is a (more physical, most physical) sport than fishing.
7. Winter is the (more wonderful, most wonderful) season of all.
8. Bobby is a (more well-behaved, most well-behaved) child than Jimmy.
Complete with the correct comparative or superlatives form of the adjectives.
1. Life in the country is ................................. than city life (slow). The city's much
............................. than the country (fast). In fact, life in the city centre is the
............................................................... (stressful)
2. London is one the ............................................................... cities in the world. (expensive)
3. A: New York is ............................................. than London. (safe)
B: No, it isn't. New York is much .......................................................... than London.
4. The ......................................... way to travel in Rome is on foot. (good)
5. A: Paris is ...................................... than Madrid. (big)
B: No, it isn't! It's much ..............................................(small) than Madrid.
6. People in Africa are ............................................ than people in Argentina. (poor)
7. Chat rooms aren’t the ............................................. way of meeting people. (good)
8. Meeting people on the internet is the..................................................... thing to do.
9. A: Madrid is ............................................................... than Rome. (expensive)
B: No, it isn't. Madrid is much ....................................... than Rome. (cheap)
10. The buildings in New York are ................................................. than the ones in Rome.
11. The underground in the ................................. way to travel round London. (good)
12. The Underground in London is ............................................ than the Metro in Paris. (good)
13. The Underground in Buenos Aires is much ................................ than any other metro. (bad)
14. William Shakespeare is the ..................................................................... writer in England.
15. Big Brother is the ................................................. TV programme ever! (bad)
16. Planes are .................................. and .................................. than cars. (safe) (fast)
17. Travelling by plane is the ........................................................... way to travel. (expensive)
18. Schools in America are ................................................... than schools here. (big)

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