Comparatives & Superlatives. (Review)

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“Comparatives & Superlatives”


Complete using the correct comparative or superlative.

1. Canada is _____ than China but Russia is the _____ country. a) big b) bigger c) biggest

2. Monkeys are _____ but ants are _____. a) small b) smaller c) smallest

3. Giraffes are the _____ land animal. a) tall b) taller c) tallest

4. Boys usually have _____ hair than girls. a) short b) shorter c) shortest

5. Lamps are ______ but the sun is ______. a) bright b) brighter c) brightest

6. Mars is _____ from Earth but Neptune is _____. a) far b) farther c) farthest

7. Emma is _____ but Stephen is _____. a) happy b) happier c) happiest

Complete with the correct comparative or superlatives form of the adjectives.

1. There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the _______________ one. (big)
2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar ______________ than he does. (good)
3. This is the ________________ song I have ever heard! (good)
4. Tom is ___________________ than I am.(strong)
5. Out of all the students in our class, I am __________________. (short)
6. Everyone says that my sister is _______________________________ than I am. (good
7. She is _________________________________ girl in our school. (good looking)
8. This is boring. Let's do something __________________________ than this. (interesting)
9. This isn't _____________________ book I have ever read. (interesting)
10. Your apartment is ___________________than mine. (clean)
11. My brother has a _________________ room than me. (tidy)
12. Australia is ________________ than England. (big)
13. I'm ______________ now than yesterday. (good)
14. She's got _________________ money than you, but she doesn't care. (little)
15. He thinks Chinese is _______________________ language in the world. (difficult)
16. Valencia played ____________ than Real Madrid yesterday. (bad)
17. Cats are not _____________________________than dogs. (intelligent)
18. Show me ____________________ (good) restaurant downtown.
19. __________________ desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa. (hot)
20. Who is ________________________ person in your family? (talkative)

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