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EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 29
Present Tense
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present perfect tense.

Note: In this exercise, all of the past participles are irregular. This means that they have
unexpected changes in spelling and pronunciation which are not the same as the simple past
forms. You may want to refer to a list of irregular verbs to find irregular past participles.

Example: Amy (eat) has eaten lunch already.

Example: Amy and Arnold (eat) have eaten lunch already.

1) Mark (eat) _______ ________ dinner already. He is not hungry.

2) Beth (write) _______ ________ three letters today. She misses her family.
3) Yoko and Armand (take) _______ ________ the test. Now they
can relax.
4) Marty and I (be) _______ ________ to Costa Rica three times.
We are familiar with the culture.
5) I (drink) _______ _______ six cups of water today.
6) Eva (sing) _______ ________ in a chorus before. Her voice is pretty.
7) Chong-Li (get) _______ ________ very good at speaking English. She has
practiced a lot.
8) Lucy (hide) _______ ________ in the woods. Now her friends will try to find her.
9) It (be) _______ ________ a good week so far.
10) You (show) ________ _________ that you are a hard worker. Good job!
11) Daisy (wear) _______ _________ a dress to work every day this week.
12) Mr. Lee (drive) _______ ________ from Texas to Iowa for the conference. He
needs to get some rest before it starts.
13) Juan (ride) _______ ________ horses since he was a little boy. It is easy for him.
14) Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez (become) _______ ________ grandparents. Their daughter,
Josefina, had a baby yesterday.
15) The movie (begin) _______ _______. Please be quiet!

●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008
Exercise 30
Present Tense
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present perfect tense.
Then, indicate whether the past participle is regular or irregular.

Example: Ida (look) has looked all morning for her glasses. She still can’t
find them. (regular / irregular)
Example: The wind (blow) has blown our patio furniture away. Let’s go get
it. (regular / irregular)

1) Charity (break) _______ ________ her leg on the ski slope. Please dial 911.
(regular / irregular)
2) The city (allow) _______ ________ residents to shoot off fireworks each year on the
Fourth of July. (regular / irregular)
3) The lake (freeze) _______ ________ solid. Now we can go skating. (regular /
4) The sun (rise) _______ ________. It’s time to get up. (regular / irregular)
5) The army (battle) _______ ________ the enemy for two weeks. The soldiers are
exhausted. (regular / irregular )
6) The principal (introduce) _______ _________ the new teacher. She seems very
nice. (regular / irregular)
7) Using his telescope, Jeremy (see) _______ _______ other galaxies. He writes them
on his blog. (regular / irregular)
8) The judge (listen) _______ _________ to all of the evidence. Now he will make a
ruling. (regular / irregular)
9) The strawberries (spoil) _______ ________. They should have been kept in the
refrigerator. (regular / irregular)
10) The doctor (write) _______ ________ a book about disease prevention. It will be
published soon. (regular / irregular)


Past or Present Perfect Tense – Simple form

1. The weather _________________ (be) awful in the past few days.

2. We _________________ (wash) the dishes. They’re clean now.

3. _____________________________ (your course, start) yet?

4. Emma _________________ (pack) her suitcase last night.

5. They _________________ (close) the factory. – Really? When ______________________ (that

happen) ?

6. Shall we play tennis? We _________________ (not play) since we were children.

7. The airplane _________________ (land) . The pilot is just getting out.

8. Prices _________________ (go) up. Everything is more expensive this year.

9. I’m tired. We _________________ (walk) 10 miles.

10. The Queen _________________ (arrive) in an RAF helicopter last night.

11. How long ______________________ (Vicky, have) that camera? – For about a month.

12. We ______________________ (just come) back from our holidays.

13. You parcel _________________ (arrive). The postman _________________ (bring) it two hours

14. He _________________ (be) at his computer for two hours.

15. We _________________ (live) there for ten years but we _________________ (be) in Birmingham
for the last two.

16. We _________________ (not have) a party for ages.

17. My sister’s car is only a year old but she ___________________________ (already crash) it.

18. Dinosaurs _________________ (roam) the earth millions of years ago.

19. It _____________________ (not rain) yet today.

20. __________________________ (you see) last week’s magazine? - It must be here somewhere.

Past or Present Perfect Tense – Simple form

1. The President ___________________ (just come) out of the building and will make a speech in a

2. _________________________ (you ever be) to America?

3. ______________________________ (Churchill ever go) to America? – No, not that I know of.

4. ___________________________ (you see) this week’s magazine?

5. ________________________ (you wash) the car yet? – No, I haven’t. But I

__________________________ (already mow) the lawn.

6. We ___________________ (not have) many visitors last year; we ___________________ (have)

a lot more this year.

7. The last time I ___________________ (go) to Brighton was in August.

8. A few days ago I ___________________ (learn) that someone is planning to tear down the old

9. We __________________________ (always be) poor. We _____________________ (never

have) any money.

10. I love this film. I think it’s the fourth time I ___________________ (see) it.

11. It ___________________ (be) very dry so far this week, but it ___________________ (rain) a lot
last week.

12. I would like to meet a ghost but I _________________________ (never see) one before.

13. Marylyn Monroe ___________________ (play) in about 30 films.

14. _________________________ (you ever bake) your own bread? –Yes I ___________________
(try) it when I ___________________ (be) in high school but I ___________________ (not bake)
anything since then.

15. Janet ___________________ (be) very ill three years ago.

16. We ___________________ (move) here in 1993. We ___________________ (be) here for a long
time now.

17. Two people ___________________ (die) in a fire on Elm Street last night.

18. It ___________________ (take) ages to repair the car. I’m glad we’re finished now.

19. I ___________________ (find) the wallet I ___________________ (lose) yesterday.

20. The runner ___________________ (break) the world record in Frankfurt. Two days later he
___________________ (run) even faster.
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Worksheet 1

Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1. Yesterday I ___________________ (forget) my dictionary at home; so, I

____________________(borrow) another one from my classmate.
2. I _____________________ (lose) my keys I can’t get in.
3. My brother ______________________ (visit) U.S. three times.
4. Last month I _______________________ (visit) Venice for the first time.
5. I _______________________ (know) Spanish when I was eight; but, by time I ___________
6. My best friend Chris _______________________ (know) me for ten years, we still meet once
a week at least.
7. I ___________________ (play) volleyball since I was a little kid; I’m pretty good at it.
8. Tina __________________ (play) soccer at university, however she
__________________ (not / like) it.
9. Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the train; shall we meet tomorrow?
10. Yesterday was a tough day for me; first, I __________________ (miss) the bus; so, I
__________________ (not / reach) my meeting on time, and then I _______________ (miss)
the train; so, I was late home.
11. Last year I __________________ (go) to Paris.
12. I’m sorry, my mother isn’t here now. She __________________ (go) shopping.
13. Daniel __________________ (finish) his lunch quickly and left home.
14. I __________________ (finish) painting the walls finally and I’m so tired!

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use


Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

1. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in past simple or present perfect.

1. She loves Paris. She ..................... (be) there many times.

2. Bill ....................... (work) in that company for 3 years. (He still works there).
3. They ....................... (go) to London on holiday last summer.
4. I ....................... (read) that book. It´s good.
5. His parents ....................... (be) here yesterday.
6. They ....................... (go) to Germany when he ....................... (be) only 4.
7. ........... you ......... (watch) a film last night?
8. I ....................... (have) some toast when I got up.
9. He ....................... (live) in Rome since he was a teenager.
10. The house looks different. .......... you .............. (paint) it?
11. I ....................... (not see) you in class last Friday.
12. Shakespeare ....................... (write) over one hundred sonnets.

2. Say if the following sentences are right or wrong. Correct them if necessary.

1. Have you ever been to Thailand? ......................................................................................

2. I´ve had sausages for lunch at half past one. ....................................................................
3. She´s enjoyed herself at the party last night. .....................................................................
4. I´ve read that book but I didn´t like it much. .......................................................................
5. Tom has left school one year ago. .....................................................................................
6. My cousins have lived in Dublin since they´ve been children. ...........................................
7. We have worked here for a year and a half. ......................................................................
8. My parents lived in Britain for a couple of years. ...............................................................
9. James has made a cake yesterday. ..................................................................................
10. I´ve washed the car. It looks great now. ............................................................................

3. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in present perfect or past simple.

be finish stop watch

not smoke enjoy win live

1. She ............... smoking two months ago.

2. She ............... for two months.
3. ......... you ever .......... to Florence?
4. ......... you ........... that TV show last night?
5. They still live in that town. They ............... there for ages.
6. A friend of mine ............... the lottery three years ago.
7. When ........... you ........... your homework?
8. They ............... themselves at the party last summer.

4. Write the past participle of these verbs.

1. write
2. wash
3. forget
4. break
5. make

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We use the second conditional to: STRUCTURE EXAMPLES

 talk about hypothetical (imaginary If + S + past simple,  If I were you, I’d eat fewer cakes
and improbable) present and future S + would + infinitive  I’d feel much better if I did more
situations sport

Anne: I’m quite restless lately and I can’t sleep.

June: If I _________ (be) you, I _________________ (try) to relax.
Anne: I can’t relax. If I ______________ (sleep) better, I ___________________ (be) fresher in the
morning and I ________________ (concentrate) better in the exams.
June: If you _________________ (not/eat) so little, you _______________ (feel) much more
active and you __________________ (be able to) cope with all the work we have this term.
Anne: Anyway, if I _________________ (have) more free time to study, I _________________
(pass) my exams, but with the part-time job and all…
June: If I _____________ (be) you, I __________________ (not/work) so much. I ___________
(also/feel) stressed if I ______________ (have to) work until late every night.
Anne: What ___________________ (you/do) if you _____________ (be) in my place?
June: If I ___________ (be) going through a difficult period in my life, I ________________ (go) to
see a doctor, I __________________ (rest) and I ___________________ (not/smoke) so much!

Josh: Hey, Billy, I’m going on a date with a girl I met in my art class last week. Any ideas?
Billy: If I ___________ (be) you, I _______________ (take) her to a museum.
Josh: That’s a good idea, which one do you recommend?
Billy: Well, if I ______________ (have to) choose, I _____________ (go) to the Tate Modern and I
__________________ (visit) the North wing, that’s where the most interesting paintings are.
Josh: What if she gets bored?
Billy: If she _____________ (get) bored with Jackson Pollock’s paintings, I ________________
(suggest) her to visit Mark Rothko’s room.
Josh: Maybe she doesn’t like modern art.
Billy: If she _________________ (not/like) modern art, I ___________________ (not/date) her
Josh: If I _______________ (be) you, I _________________ (take) art so seriously!
Billy: and if I ______________ (be) you, I _______________ (not/date) so many girls!

Derek: If you ______________ (be) more punctual, we _______________ (not/arrive) late

Rebecca: If I _____________ (finish) work earlier, I________________ (be) ready before, but you
know I always finish at eight o’clock.
Derek: Yes, but if you _____________ (ask) your boss to let you leave half an hour before, we
__________ (meet) our friends on time.
Rebecca: If you _______________ (want) to meet your friends on time, you _____________
(can/pick) me up from work, so I __________________ (not/have) to take a bus home.
Derek: If I ______________ (pick) you up from work, I ___________________ (not/have) time to
change clothes.
Rebecca: If you ______________ (love) me, you _______________ (worry) about me!
Derek: If you ________________ (not/act) like a child, you _________________ (understand) me.
Rebecca: and if you ________________ (not/be) so selfish, you _______________ (know) why I am
angry at you now!
Derek: I give up! Let’s go. They’re waiting for us.

Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Second Conditional

Conditional Sentences – Second Condition

Verb Tenses in Second Conditional Sentences

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb provided.

1. It’s Monday today, but if it ___________________ (be) Saturday, I ______________________ (go) to the beach.

2. I don’t have any money now, but if I ___________________ (have) some, I _________________ (lend) it to you.

3. I have to work tomorrow, but if I ___________________ (be) free, I ___________________ (go) shopping with you.

4. Amy can only speak one language, but if she ________________ (can) speak two languages, she
___________________ (apply) for a job at the Multicultural Center.

5. Sue doesn’t know how to knit. If she ___________________ (know) how to knit, she ____________________ (make)
a sweater for you for your birthday.

6. I don’t own a pair of skis. If I ________________ (have) skis, I __________________ (go) skiing with you tomorrow.

7. I can’t understand what he’s saying. If he ___________________ (speak) more clearly, I ____________________
(understand) more.

8. We are not going to buy that house, but if it ______________________ (be) a little cheaper, we
____________________ (buy) it.

9. He is not going to pass his exam. If he ______________________ (study) harder, he _____________________ (pass).

10. John has a lot of car accidents. If he _____________________ (drive) more carefully, he _______________________
(have) fewer accidents.

11. Beth eats a lot of junk food. If she _____________________ (eat) healthier food, she ____________________ (lose)

12. Robert smokes a lot. If he ______________________ (quit) smoking, his cough _______________ (get) better.

13. Frank is always tired. If he _____________________ (go) to bed earlier every night, he ______________________
(feel) much better.

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.

Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Second Conditional

Second Condition – Negative Sentences

Complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verbs provided.

1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (not/go) to that restaurant. The food is terrible.

2. She __________________ (be) at work today if she ________________ (not/have) such a bad headache.

3. If he _______________ (not/go) to bed so late every night, he _________________ (not/be) so tired every day.

4. If you ________________ (not/live) so far away from me, I ___________________ (visit) you every weekend.

5. Sophia _________________ (not/marry) Andrew if she _________________________ (not/love)him.

6. Betty __________________ (go) to the party if her baby ________________________ (not/be) sick.

7. If I ___________________ (not/be) on a diet, I ______________________ (eat) a piece of your chocolate cake.

8. I _____________________(not/take) the bus to school if I _________________ (live) closer.

9. If I ____________________ (drink) coffee in the evening, I _________________ (not/be able) to sleep.

10. I ________________ (buy) that computer if it __________________ (not/be) so expensive.

11. If I ____________________ (not/have) such a bad cold, I __________________ (not/be) in bed now.

12. If you ___________________ (not/have) your sales receipt, the store ____________________ (not/give) you your
money back.

13. If you _______________ (not/give) the taxi driver a tip, he __________________ (be) angry.

14. If I ____________________ (not/have to) work tonight, I ____________________ (go) to the football game with you.

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.

Second conditional Name


Class _________________________
Date _________________________

 1 Abbina la prima parte delle frasi (1-10) alla seconda  3 Completa le frasi con le parole e la forma corretta
parte (a-j) per formare frasi complete. del verbo tra parentesi.
1 If Sandra slept longer, 1 What ________________ (you / do) if you saw your
2 My parents would be very happy boyfriend with another girl?
3 If Jenny had more money, 2 If they left now, they ________________ (arrive) by
4 I would help you midday.
5 If I knew the answer, 3 Jane would win the match if she ________________
6 You would sleep better (play) better.
7 Jason would get better marks 4 If you ________________ (read) the instructions
8 If they offered Rob the job, carefully, you would understand them.
9 Laura and Pat would come to your party 5 We ________________ (finish) the project if we had
10 If we had more time, more time.
a if he studied harder. 6 If you came to my party, I ________________ (be)
b I would tell you. very happy.
c she would buy a larger house. 7 What ________________ (happen) if you failed your
d if you didn’t drink so much coffee. exams?
e he would take it. 8 If you joined a gym, you ________________ (lose)
f if I passed all my exams. weight.
g we would do more sports. 9 You wouldn’t always be so tired if you
h she would feel better. ________________ (go) to bed earlier.
i if you invited them. 10 If I ________________ (be) you, I would talk to the
j if you asked me. teacher.

 2 Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi al Second  4 Completa le frasi con le parole e la forma
conditional. corretta del verbo tra parentesi.
1 could / if / a / had / you / to / visa / China / you / go 1 If you ________________ (want) me to help you, why
________________ (you / not say) so?
2 your / you / what / gave / would / if / parents / 100 / 2 The teacher ________________ (not be) angry with
you / do / euros / ? you if you ________________ (work) harder.
3 If we ________________ (stay) at a campsite, we
3 the / if / go / I / ill / would / to / felt / doctor / I ________________ (spend) much less.
4 What ________________ (you / do) if your favourite
4 you / Steven / help / he / time / would / had / if actor ________________ (walk) into the room this
very instant?
5 life / if / we / nothing / do / be / had / to / 5 If it ________________ (not rain) all the time,
monotonous / would I ________________ (go out) more often.
6 ________________ (you / go) to the wedding if they
6 he / Jason / happier / enjoyed / his / if / would / job / be ________________ (invite) you.
7 You ________________ (finish) sooner if you
7 a / if / spoke / you / could / English / you / good / ________________ (follow) my advice.
well / job / find 8 If I ________________ (not be) your best friend,
I ________________ (not tell) you these things.
8 more / I / lived / visit / my / often / if / they / 9 ________________ (Ron / help) me if I
grandparents / would / closer ________________ (ask) him?
10 If we ________________ (take) the underground, it
9 live / would / could / you / in / if / country / you / ________________ (be) quicker.
another / chose / ?

10 not / Patrick / your / phone / he / you / not / if /

did / need / would / help

© 2012, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino – photocopiable 11 401

Present Modal Verbs of Deduction and Probability Exercise

Check through the different uses.


1 to express possibilities for the future COULD, MAY, MIGHT It may rain tomorrow.
2 to express certainty CAN'T, COULDN'T, MUST She can't be Irish.
3 for possible explanations COULD, MAY, MIGHT She could be Scottish.

A Look at the following phrases and write in which type you think they are. Then fill the gaps.

1  They (may/must).......................... be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2  He (can/could).......................... be French, judging by his accent.
3  They (can't/may).......................... still be out!
4  With luck, tomorrow (can't/could).......................... be a sunny day.
5  You (can/might).......................... be right but I'm going to check anyway.
6  The exam (can't/might).......................... be easy. You never know.
7  It (may/can't).......................... be true about a sauropod dinosaur living in Lake Telé in the
Congo. It's impossible.
8  Dave reckons she's from The States but I think she (can't/might).......................... be from
9  I (can't/might).......................... go to the party but I'm not sure yet.
10  This (must/could).......................... be the right answer but we'll have to check with your
teacher to make sure.
11  She (can't/could).......................... steal things from shops. She's rich and famous.
12  I really think Real Madrid (can't/could).......................... lose the final of the King's Cup.
13  She's been revising 10 hours a day for 3 weeks. She (could/must).......................... be
14  Nobody's answering. They (can't/must).......................... be out.
15  He (can't/may).......................... be from the USA. He doesn't speak English.

B Now write some examples of your own.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................

4 .......................................................................................................................................... Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2013

NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Choose the best sentences to score your knowledge of MODALS of PROBABILITY.

1. My classmate can play basketball 10. I just saw Mathew and he looks really
very well. nervous.
a) He must practice every day. a) He might be going to his driving test.
b) He must be practice every day. b) He might going to his driving test.

2. My uncle is very strong. He can 11. Hey! Look out the window, everyone.
lift 300 kilograms! It’s snowing!
a) He must be exercise a lot. a) It can’t be snowing! It’s August!
b) He must exercise a lot. b) It can’t snowing! It’s August.

3. John and Steven are running to 12. My friend never passes his exams
their next class. at school.
a) They might be late. a) He mustn’t study very hard.
b) They might late. b) He mustn’t be study very hard.

4. There’s someone studying at the 13. My brother decided not to buy the
library. TV.
a) It can’t David. I think he’s at home. a) It must very expensive.
b) It can’t be David. I think he’s at home. b) It must be very expensive.

5. Can you see that bright light in 14. Oh, no! My car won’t start. What’s
the sky? wrong with it?
a) It could a spaceship. a) It may be out of gas.
b) It could be a spaceship. b) It may out of gas.

6. My cousin just went shopping and 15. I looked everywhere but I can’t find
bought lots of clothes. Mrs. Smith.
a) She must have lots of money. a) She must be at home.
b) She must be have lots of money. b) She must at home.

7. Susan is telling everyone the 16. I’m not sure but I think our exam is
password. on Thursday.
a) It mustn’t be a secret. a) It can’t on Thursday.
b) It mustn’t a secret. b) It can’t be on Thursday.

8. What’s the capital city of the United 17. Eduardo is usually very tired in the
States? mornings.
a) I don’t know but it can’t New York. a) I think he can’t be get much sleep.
b) I don’t know but it can’t be New York. b) I think he can’t get much sleep.

9. My classmate just raised her 18. Our TV remote control doesn’t

hand. work.
a) She must know the answer. a) We may be need to buy some batteries.
b) She must be know the answer. b) We may need to buy some batteries.

17 – 18 = Excellent 15 – 16 = Good 14 or Less = Study More!

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

Modal verbs Name


of deduction: present Class _________________________

Date _________________________

 1 Abbina la prima parte delle frasi (1-10) alla seconda  3 Scrivi una frase per ogni situazione usando i
parte (a-j) per formare frasi complete. suggerimenti tra parentesi e must, might / may, could o
can’t .
1 There’s a lot of snow,
2 The new student’s foreign, 1 Jack’s always on time, but today he’s a bit late.
3 Mary didn’t sleep last night, (train / be / late)
4 The baby’s crying,
5 Paul lived in Barcelona for five years, 2 I don’t know why Jerry’s studying Japanese.
6 The lights are off, (he / want / move to Tokyo)
7 Someone’s at the door,
8 The painting is a masterpiece, 3 You slept for ten hours! (you / be / tired)
9 Joshua’s just had a big sandwich,
10 She’s really pretty, 4 Claudia lived in Italy for 10 years.
(she / speak / Italian)
a she must be very tired today.
b it must be winter. 5 This bag has got Wendy’s name on it.
c he can’t be hungry. (it / be / Alison’s)
d she may be a model.
e he must speak Spanish. 6 I feel very cold. (windows / be / open)
f she may be hungry.
g she might not understand English. 7 I wonder where Paulo is from. (he / come / Brazil)
h it might be Melanie.
i Stella can’t be at home. 8 Mrs Robertson always comes home in the early
j it must be worth a lot of money. morning. (she / work / at nights)

 2 Completa le frasi con must, might, may, could o 9 I’ve just seen Trevor at the library. (he / be / at home)
10 I’m not sure whose this mobile is.
1 David goes to the gym every day: he _________ like (it / belong to / Sharon)
keeping fit.
2 A Where’s Irene?
B I’m not sure: she _________ be in the kitchen.  4 TRANSLATION Traduci.
3 A I haven’t eaten all day.
B You _________ be hungry. 1 Tony non è a scuola oggi: potrebbe essere ammalato.
4 Jenny’s washing her hair. She _________ be in her 2 Questo giacca rossa non può essere di Steven: lui
room. odia quel colore.
5 John _________ have a lot of money: he’s just 3 John frequenta la tua scuola: devi conoscerlo.
bought a new sports car. 4 A Non riesco a trovare le mie chiavi.
6 A What does Helen do? B Potrebbero essere sul tavolo in cucina.
B I don’t know: she _________ work in a school. 5 Anne non è casa: deve essere in ufficio.
7 A The alarm’s ringing. 6 Nessuno vuole lavorare là: non possono pagare
B It _________ be time to get up. molto bene.
8 A I wonder where my mobile is. 7 Tracy va in piscina ogni giorno: le deve piacere
B It _________ be in your bag. molto nuotare.
9 The doctor’s car is outside Penny’s home. Someone 8 Francine ha un accento francese: non può essere
_________ be ill there. americana.
10 A Who’s knocking at the door? 9 Alan deve avere molti soldi: ha una casa a Londra e
B It _________ be Stephanie. She’s never here at una a New York.
this time. 10 Quell’uomo sta gridando: potrebbe aver bisogno di

© 2012, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino – photocopiable 14 403

Grammar videos: Modals of deduction – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Nur. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of
modals of deduction.

1. Check your grammar: matching

Draw a line to match the sentences that have the same meaning.

1. I’m sure that’s Katie. o o a. That must have been Katie.

2. I’m sure that isn’t Katie. o o b. That girl must be Katie.

3. It’s possible that it’s Katie. o o c. It might not be Katie.

4. Maybe that isn’t Katie. o o d. That girl can’t be Katie.

5. I’m certain that wasn’t Katie. o o e. It may be Katie.

6. Perhaps that was Katie. o o f. It can’t have been Katie.

7. It was definitely Katie. o o g. It could have been Katie.

2. Check your grammar: gap fill

Write a modal verb to fill the gaps.

1. She's won prizes for her research. She _______________ be really intelligent.

2. I'd take an umbrella if I were you. It looks like it _______________ rain.

3. It _______________ be him. He's on holiday until next week.

4. Hey guess what?! I _______________ be getting a car for my birthday! It's not completely definite
yet though.

5. I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You _______________ be really bored.

6. His car's not here. He _______________ have gone out.

7. Look how much sugar and salt it's got in it! It _______________ be good for you.

8. Have you looked next to your computer? I think you _______________ have left your keys there.

Grammar videos: Modals of deduction – exercises

3. Check your grammar: error correction

Correct and write these sentences on the line below.

1. It mays be him. He's about that height.

2. You could to be right. Let's check on the internet.

3. It’s six o'clock. She must have leave work by now.

4. That can't being them. Their car's yellow.

5. Joe might be to play football at the moment.

6. That virus may of come from an app.

7. This writing is terrible. That can be an 'e', but I'm not sure.

8. I don't believe it! You can't had failed your exam!



What might you have for supper tonight?

Do you think you may visit the UK one day?

Reported Statements: Present Simple

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. "I live in New York"

She said ________________________________________________________

2. "He works in a bank"

She told me _____________________________________________________

3. "Julie doesn't like going out much"

She said ________________________________________________________

4. "I don't have a computer"

She said ________________________________________________________

5. "They never arrive on time"

She said ________________________________________________________

6. "We often meet friends in London at the weekend"

He told me _____________________________________________________

7. "David doesn't have any children"

She said ________________________________________________________

8. "I don't go to the gym very often"

She said ________________________________________________________

9. "Lucy owns three flats in the city"

She said ________________________________________________________

10. "I never get up early on Sundays"

She said ________________________________________________________

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11. "She meets her boyfriend at the cinema every Friday night"
He said ________________________________________________________

12. "We don't travel much"

She said ________________________________________________________

13. "John doesn't live in Japan anymore"

She said ________________________________________________________

14. "They work in Hong Kong"

She told me _____________________________________________________

15. "I have to work until seven or eight pm every night"

She said ________________________________________________________

16. "I don't want to go to the theatre next weekend"

She said ________________________________________________________

17. "We like working in Paris"

She said ________________________________________________________

18. "She doesn't have enough time to do everything"

She said ________________________________________________________

19. "Tony hates mushrooms"

She told me _____________________________________________________

20. "They often go on holiday in July"

She said ________________________________________________________

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Reported Statements: Present Continuous

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. "I'm sleeping"
She told me _____________________________________________________

2. "We're working"
She told me _____________________________________________________

3. "She's coming to the party"

She told me _____________________________________________________

4. "He's talking on the telephone"

She told me _____________________________________________________

5. "Lucy is reading a book in front of the fire"

She told me _____________________________________________________

6. "I'm not going out"

She said ________________________________________________________

7. "We are not visiting Paris during our trip"

She said ________________________________________________________

8. "I'm listening to my new CD"

She said ________________________________________________________

9. "John is working in a bar for the summer"

She told me _____________________________________________________

10. "I'm not going to go on holiday"

She told me _____________________________________________________

1 ©
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11. "He isn't living in Beijing"
She told me _____________________________________________________

12. "I'm taking the train to Berlin"

She told me _____________________________________________________

13. "He is never coming back"

She told me _____________________________________________________

14. "Jill is studying a lot"

She told me _____________________________________________________

15. "I'm not meeting Julie"

She told me _____________________________________________________

16. "We aren't renting a flat"

She said ________________________________________________________

17. "They are visiting the museum"

She said ________________________________________________________

18. "She's eating dinner"

She said ________________________________________________________

19. "We aren't going to the library"

She said ________________________________________________________

20. "I'm coming"

She said ________________________________________________________

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Reported Statements: Past Simple

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. "I went to the cinema yesterday."

She said ________________________________________________________

2. "Jane left the party early."

She told me _____________________________________________________

3. "I didn't go out at the weekend."

She said ________________________________________________________

4. "He didn't like chocolate as a child."

She said ________________________________________________________

5. "They visited Japan."

She said ________________________________________________________

6. "She didn't buy the dress."

He told me _____________________________________________________

7. "I travelled through India and Pakistan."

She told me _____________________________________________________

8. "He met his girlfriend in a café."

She said ________________________________________________________

9. "David didn't arrive until 10 o'clock."

She said ________________________________________________________

10. "We went to the park to have a picnic."

She told me _____________________________________________________

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11. "We ate Chinese food, then we walked home."
She told me _____________________________________________________

12. "She forgot to bring the CDs."

He told me _____________________________________________________

13. "I didn't like the food in the restaurant."

She said ________________________________________________________

14. "He didn't take a shower."

She said ________________________________________________________

15. "I worked until six."

She said ________________________________________________________

16. "We went to Paris for the weekend."

She said ________________________________________________________

17. "The plane left at seven."

She said ________________________________________________________

18. "I came to London in 2004."

She said ________________________________________________________

19. "Lucy didn't go to university."

She told me _____________________________________________________

20. "John never studied German."

She said ________________________________________________________

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Reported Statements: Present Perfect

Change the direct speech to reported speech.

1. "I've never been to Brazil."

She said ________________________________________________________

2. "She has visited Paris three times."

She said ________________________________________________________

3. "He has read 'War and Peace'."

She said ________________________________________________________

4. "I haven't seen Julie for ages."

She said ________________________________________________________

5. "He hasn't been to school this week."

She said ________________________________________________________

6. "We haven't seen 'The Lord of the Rings'."

She said ________________________________________________________

7. "They've eaten in a lot of different restaurants."

She said ________________________________________________________

8. "I've never tried skateboarding."

She said ________________________________________________________

9. "Lucy has drunk six cups of coffee today."

She said ________________________________________________________

10. "Mr Black has written three books."

She said ________________________________________________________

1 ©
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
11. "It hasn't rained much this year."
She said ________________________________________________________

12. "She has never swum in the sea."

She said ________________________________________________________

13. "He has studied Latin."

She said ________________________________________________________

14. "I've been sick all week."

She said ________________________________________________________

15. "Robert has been to China five times."

She said ________________________________________________________

16. "I haven't met Richard before."

She said ________________________________________________________

17. "Julie has never studied music."

She said ________________________________________________________

18. "He has eaten too much chocolate."

She said ________________________________________________________

19. "We haven't seen the new play."

She said ________________________________________________________

20. "I haven't tried the new restaurant yet."

She said ________________________________________________________

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Reported Statements: Future Simple

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. "I'll go to the cinema later."

She said ________________________________________________________

2. "We'll meet the children at six."

She said ________________________________________________________

3. "She'll be late."
She said ________________________________________________________

4. "Lucy will definitely come."

She said ________________________________________________________

5. "I will stop smoking on Tuesday."

She told us _____________________________________________________

6. "John won't do it."

She said ________________________________________________________

7. "They won't be able to arrive early."

She said ________________________________________________________

8. "I won't come with you."

She said ________________________________________________________

9. "He won't remember to buy milk."

She said ________________________________________________________

10. "It won't rain later, I'm sure."

She said ________________________________________________________

1 ©
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
11. "The Conservatives will win the next election."
She said ________________________________________________________

12. "That girl will never pass the exam."

She told us _____________________________________________________

13. "John will arrive before David."

She said ________________________________________________________

14. "It will be cold tonight."

She said ________________________________________________________

15. "Jenny will cook dinner."

She said ________________________________________________________

16. "We want to get married next year."

She said ________________________________________________________

17. "I won't be able to afford a new car."

She said ________________________________________________________

18. "She won't want to attend the meeting."

She said ________________________________________________________

19. "Richard won't drink coffee."

She said ________________________________________________________

20. "I won't vote at the next election."

She said ________________________________________________________

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Fill in the blanks

1 “I’ll come with you.”

She told us that she ________________________________

2. “We’ve visited Paris many times.”

They told me that __________________________

3. “I don’t like eggs.”

He said that _________________________________

4 “You passed your exam.”

She told me that _________________________________

5. “I can’t hear you.”

He told us that _________________________________

6. “Ceviche is delicious.”

He said that _________________________________

7. “We’re going to the beach.”

They said that _________________________________

8. “The children aren’t eating their food.”

The teacher told me that _________________________________

9. “We went home early.”

They told us that _________________________________

10. “I have to go now.”

She said that _________________________________

The Passive: Present Name


simple / Past simple Class _________________________

Date _________________________

 1 Completa le frasi usando la forma passiva corretta  3 Completa l’articolo con la forma passiva corretta
del Present simple dei verbi tra parentesi. del Past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.

Young people are healthy, sporting, and

conscientious about school

A survey 1 ____________ (carry) out last month to

find out about the lives of young Britons. The results
of the survey 2 ____________ (publish) in all major
newspapers yesterday. The survey 3 ____________
(develop) to improve local authorities’ services to
young people. More than 111,000 youngsters
____________ (interview). Questionnaires
____________ (send) to schools or 6 ____________
(email) to youth clubs nationwide. The questions
in the survey 7 ____________ (design) to reflect the
1 In Britain some medicines _________ (sell) in priorities set out in the Government’s Every Child
supermarkets. Matters initiative which 8 ____________ (launch) last
2 Millions of text messages _________ (send) every month. 86% of the participants think they are quite
day. or very healthy and 73% take part in sports. 50% of
3 Chianti _________ (produce) in Tuscany. respondents plan to go to university when they leave
4 English _________ (speak) all over the world. school. The information that emerged from the survey
5 Some websites _________ (visit) by thousands of 9
____________ (give) to schools and local authorities
people every day. who can compare their results with the national
6 A lot of films _________ (make) in the United States. picture.
7 Pizza _________ (eat) all over he world.
8 All credit cards _________ (accept) in this
restaurant.  4 Completa le frasi con la forma passiva corretta
9 The Financial Times _________ (write) in English. (Present simple o Past simple) dei verbi tra parentesi.
10 This programme _________ (watch) by millions of
1 Spanish _____________________ (speak) by millions
of people in the USA.
 2 Completa le frasi usando la forma passiva corretta 2 The first Harry Potter book _____________________
(publish) in 1997.
del Past simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
3 All rooms _____________________ (clean) every
1 The Ferrari California ______________ (design) by morning.
Pininfarina. 4 Facebook _____________________ (start) in 2006.
2 Avatar ______________ (direct) by James Cameron. 5 Google _____________________ (found) by Larry
3 The World Wide Web ______________ (invent) by Page and Sergey Brin.
Tim Berners-Lee. 6 In Britain football matches _____________________
4 The 2010 World Cup ______________ (win) by Spain. (play) on Saturdays.
5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7 Penicillin _____________________ (discover) by
______________ (write) by J.K. Rowling. Alexander Fleming.
6 The 2008 Olympic Games ______________ (hold) in 8 Reality shows _____________________ (watch) by
Beijing. millions of people.
7 The Statue of Liberty ______________ (build) in 9 In Italy stamps _____________________ (sell) in
France. tobacconists’.
8 David Beckham ______________ (buy) by Real 10 The British Museum _____________________ (visit)
Madrid in 2003. by thousands of people every year.
9 The Mona Lisa ______________ (paint) by Leonardo
da Vinci.
10 The Nabucco ______________ (compose) by Verdi.

410 29
© 2012, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino – photocopiable
Read the following text and answer the
questions that follow it.

Take a realistic approach to protecting the

earth and first consider what you can do in
your own home. This is much more Make your own non-toxic cleaning products.
manageable than taking on the world. It is in Doing this will reduce the use of plastics because
these simple everyday steps that one can you are reusing plastic containers to hold the
make an impact. By setting a good example cleaning products. The ingredients are also
for your children, you are fostering a sense of biodegradable which means it is gentler on the
stewardship that will last generations to environment.

Use cloth bags at the grocery store and for Explore the idea of purchasing energy-efficient
all your grocery needs. Store them in the appliances. They may cost more upfront but in the
trunk of your car so you always have them on end you will save money because they use less
hand. You don't have to limit their use to the energy. Replace regular light bulbs with their
grocery store. If you don't have a cloth bag energy efficient counterparts. You pay a little
with you when you are shopping, ask yourself more, but the life of the bulb is significantly longer.
if you need a bag at all.

Set up a compost bin. Add a few less things Grow an organic garden. Being able to rely on
to the landfill by composting your kitchen yourself for fresh produce is very rewarding. Share
scraps. All plant-derived foods, coffee grounds your harvest with neighbors, can and preserve the
and tea leaves can be composted. Have a excess for years to come. If you don't have the
small container in your home to place items space or time to grow a garden, shop locally and
in. When the storage container gets full, support local farmers.
transfer the waste to an outdoor bin. Use the
resulting rich fertile soil in the garden.

Reduce the use of car travel. Consider using Reuse clothing. When possible, look for hand-
public transportation, walking, car pooling and me-downs for your children's clothing. Shop resale
bike riding to get to where you want to go. If shops, garage sales and pass clothing items on to
you must travel by car, shop for a fuel friends and family. Consider doing this with toys
efficient/hybrid vehicle and keep up-to-date too. When you do buy toys, choose ones that are
with emissions checks. built to last. So many of the plastic toys available
fall apart quickly and end up in the trash.

A) Match each of the following pictures with one of the paragraphs from the text. Write the number in the circle.

B) Answer the questions about the text.

1. Why is it advisable to replace regular light bulbs with more efficient ones?
2. Give examples of items that can be composted.
3. What should we do with the composted product?
4. Why should we should resistant toys?
5. What should we carry with us when we go shopping?
6. (Personal Answer) Which instruction / advice do you consider the most important? Justify.

EARTH DAY is the name given to two different annual observances that are
intended to raise awareness about a wide range of environmental issues and
problems, and to inspire people to take personal action to address them.
Our planet is in crisis due to global warming, overpopulation, and other critical
environmental issues. Every person on Earth shares the responsibility to do as much
as they can to preserve the planet’s finite natural resources today and for future

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on the 22nd April, on which events
are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In the
United States, Earth Day is celebrated by most people on April 22, but there is
another celebration that predates that one by approximately a month and is
celebrated internationally. Earth day has been taking place every year since 1970, not
only at the USA, but also at many European countries.

The first Earth Day celebration took place on March 21, 1970, the vernal equinox that
year. It was the brainchild of John McConnell, a newspaper publisher and influential
community activist, who proposed the idea of a global holiday called Earth Day at a
UNESCO Conference on the Environment in 1969.
McConnell suggested an annual observance to remind the people of Earth of their
shared responsibility as environmental stewards. He chose that day because it’s a
day of renewal. McConnell believed that Earth Day should be a time of equilibrium
when people could put aside their differences and recognize their common need to
preserve Earth’s resources.

In America, on April 22, 1970, the Environmental Teach-In held a nationwide

day of environmental education and activism that it called Earth Day. The event was
inspired and organized by environmental activist and senator: Gaylord Nelson, who
wanted to show other U.S. politicians that there was widespread public support for a
political agenda centered on environmental issues. The event was wildly successful,
sparking Earth Day celebrations at thousands of colleges, universities, schools and
communities all across the United States.
Following the Earth Day celebration inspired by Nelson, which demonstrated
widespread grassroots support for environmental legislation, Congress passed many
important environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe
Drinking Water Act, as well as laws to protect wilderness areas. The Environmental
Protection Agency was created within three years after Earth Day 1970.

In 1995, Nelson received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bill
Clinton for his role in founding Earth Day, raising awareness of environmental issues,
and promoting environmental action.

No matter when you celebrate Earth Day, its message about

the personal responsibility we all share to “think globally
and act locally” as environmental stewards of planet Earth has
never been more timely or important.

1. Answer the questions in your own words but taking into account
the information previously provided.

a) How can we explain what Earth’s day is?................................

b) Who was Gaylord Nelson and what did he do? ........................
c) What is the target of Earth’s day? .........................................
d) Why is Earth Day that important? .........................................
e) What was the idea of John McConnell? ...................................
f) Why was the 21st/22nd of April the day in which Earth’s day
had to take place? ..............................................................

2. Try to guess the meaning of some words that are underlined.

Explain it with a definition or either a synonym.
a) raise awareness
b) take personal action
c) preserve
d) brainchild
e) environmental stewards
f) widespread
g) wilderness
h) promoting

3. REPHRASING. Look at
the underlined sentences.
Then, try to rewrite them
in your own words.


The Wetland Habitat

There are living and non living things in the forest habitat.
Living things include the plants and the animals and the non
living things include the rocks, sand, dirt and bodies of
water. Plants and animals need air and water to survive.
Some animals need to make a home in their
habitat. A wetland is a region that is quite wet as the name implies. A wetland includes
shallow waters both fresh or salt water and the wet soil, dirt and sands surrounding the
shallow waters. The wetland is the standing water and the land between the water and the
land. The climate varies in the wetlands because wetlands can be found in the arc c but also
near the equator and the tropics. Wetlands occur on every con nent except on Antarc ca.
Marshes, swamps, ponds and bogs are all examples of wetlands. Wetlands provide a source
of food for the food chains. Depending on the loca on of the wetlands, there’s a variety of
birds, fish, salamanders, snakes, turtles, o ers, beavers and insects. Wetlands have many
func ons, they provide food to other animals, they filter water, they help to control flood-
ing, and some help to provide crops such as rice and cranberries. Wetland plants provide
food for many wetland animals as well as shelter for animals hiding from their predators.
One example of a food chain in the wetland would be the pelican that eats the shrimp that
eats the algae. Some well known wetlands are the Everglades in Florida, the Amazon Flood-
plains, and the Kakadu Na onal Park in Australia.

Ques ons:
 Explain why there are different plants and animals on different wetlands?
 Define wetlands using your own words.
 Name three types of wetlands.
 Use two sentences to describe what a wetland can be like.
 Explain how a wetland is different than the loca on of your habitat.
What three things would you like
to know about wetlands?

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