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Secondary School

Instructional Unit Plan

Course: Grade level: 6

Time (wks): 9 Instructor: M.NDOUR

Unit Title: Grammaire Vocabulaire Etude de texte et Expression Ecrite

Standards: Le francais en 6e et Bescherelle

I – Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas of the Unit:

Enduring understandings are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes
that are central to a discipline and have lasting value beyond the classroom. Should answer
the question of why the unit is being taught. What are the big ideas for this unit?
A la fin de ce trimestre les éléves apprendront:
Les temps et les terminaisons des temps de l’indicatif
Les régistres de langue
La redaction d’une lettre personelle
La redaction d’un récit simple
Les régles des accords avec les auxilliaires Avoir et Etre

II – Essential or Unit Questions1:

What essential or unit questions will prompt curiosity and focus and guide learning?

Le mode indicatif compte combine de temps?

Quelles sont les terminaisons des huit temps de l’indicatif?
Quels sont les différents régistres de langue?
Quelles sont les étapes pour rédiger une lettre personnelle?
Quelles sont les étapes du texte narratif?
Comment accordé l’auxilliaire Avoir ou Etre et l’auxilliaire employé seul?

III – Performance Indicators/Student Outcomes: What specifically will learners

understand, know and be able to do at the end of this unit? In point form, please list the
expected student outcomes for this unit.

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

 Les 8 temps de l’indicatif

 Les terminaisons des 8 temps de l’indicatif
 Les trois régistres de langue
 Ecrire une lettre personnelle
 Ecrire un récit simple
 Accorder les auxilliaires Avoir et Etre

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Secondary School
Instructional Unit Plan
IV – Key Learning Strategies
Which activities/strategies will be used to help students learn the material?
**Teaching and learning strategies can include a range of whole class, group and individual activities to
accommodate different abilities, skills, learning rates and styles that allow every student to participate and to
achieve success.
● Recherches à faire à la maison
● Des exercices à rendre en classe
● L’utilisation des dictionnaires
● Travail en groupe et individuel

V – Evidence of Learning2:
How will you know if students have achieved the desired result and can meet the
standard(s) and benchmark(s) in this unit? There are four common types of assessment—
diagnostic, formative, benchmark (or interim), and summative. There are basically two kinds
of evidence you can collect: direct and indirect. What direct method will you use to support
that students have command of your specific subject, can perform a certain task, exhibits a
particular skills, or demonstrates a certain quality in her or her work? Please, in point form,
list your formative and summative assessments.

●Des exercices d’application

●Des explications ou résumé individuel de chaque leçon
●Travail groupé et individuel
● Des tests et quizz après deux à trois leçons

VI – Resources:
What materials/texts did you use to teach this unit? Please list in point form.

● Bled sixième et cinquième

● Le français en cinquième
●Bescherelle La grammaire

VII – Technology Integration

How did you incorporate technology into this unit for instruction and student learning?
Digital Citizenship? Educational Apps? Please state in concise language.
google classroom

VIII – Intercultural Integration

Please state in point form how you have integrated internationalism and interculturalism into

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Secondary School
Instructional Unit Plan
this unit plan.
● Diversifier les exemples dans la lecon
● Donner le choix aux eleves de donner leurs propres exemples

IX – Instructional Plan: (Should be more detailed)

Week What We’re Doing Assessments/Assignments Standard

(Class Activity, Lesson, Texts, etc) (Formative/Summative) code

Week 1 Les temps de l’indicatif Classwork et Homework

Week 2 Les régistres de langue Classwork et quiz

Week 3 Etude de texte: La lettre de Som-Nian Projet de recherche et quiz

Week 4 La lettre personnelle Devoir et classwork

Week 5 Etude de texte: L’enfant et le serpent Projet de recherche et quiz

Week 6 Le texte narratif Devoir et homework

Week 7 Accords du participe passé avec Avoir et Etre Classwork et Homework

Week 8 Semaine de revision

Week 9 Examen final

X – Unit Reflection
Over the course of the unit what worked well? What didn’t work out? Why? Please reflect on
the unit giving specific feedback as to the positives and negatives encountered over the
course of the unit. What aspects of internationalism were taught/covered over the course of
this unit? Please have completed before end of year.

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Secondary School
Instructional Unit Plan


1. Essential questions and enduring understandings serve as the most crucial linchpins of organizing a
particular unit of study. Essential questions help teachers direct student inquiry and give students an
opportunity to exercise their critical thinking skills as they wrestle in their minds with open-ended
questions that can be viewed and considered from different perspectives. Well-articulated enduring
understandings, on the flip side, help teachers make sure that students take away from a unit key
ideas, beliefs, values, and comprehension that they will be able to carry forward into their study of
other topics and subjects. Examples of Essential Questions Examples of Enduring Understandings

2. Gathering Evidence of Learning: There are basically two kinds of evidence you can collect: direct
and indirect. Indirect methods reveal characteristics associated with learning, but they only imply that
learning has occurred. These characteristics may be specific to the students, such as students’ own
accounts of their learning, or they may be reflective of the institution as a whole, as in the case of
graduation rates. Direct methods provide concrete evidence of whether a student has command of a
specific subject or content area, can perform a certain task, exhibits a particular skill, demonstrates a
certain quality in his or her work, or holds a particular value.

Direct Methods (examples)

Class participation
Grades based on criteria related to learning
Research Projects
End of Semester survey/reflection
Analytic Journal Writing
In-class writing/ assignments

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