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body in its hollow. A contractile vacuole, here termed a "pusule,"
occurs in many species, communicating with the longitudinal groove
by a canal. Nematocysts (see p. 246 f.) are present in Polykrikos,
trichocysts (see p. 142) in several genera.

Fig. 46.—Peridinium divergens. a, Flagellum of longitudinal groove; b, flagellum

of transverse groove; cr.v, contractile vacuole surrounded by formative
vacuoles; n, nucleus. (After Schütt.)

Division is usually oblique, dividing the body into two dissimilar

halves, each of which has to undergo a peculiar growth to
reconstitute the missing portion, and complete the shell. The
incomplete separation of the young cells leads to the formation of
chains, notably in Ceratium and Polykrikos, the latter dividing
transversely and occurring in chains of as many as eight. The
process of division may take place when the cell is active, or in a
cyst, as in Pyrocystis (Fig. 47). Again, encystment may precede
multiple fission, resulting in the formation of a brood of minute
swarmers. It has been suggested that these are capable of playing
the part of gametes, and conjugating in pairs.[142]

The Dinoflagellates are for the most part pelagic in habit, floating at
the surface, and when abundant tinge the water of fresh-water lakes
or even ponds red or brown. Peridinium (Fig. 46) and Ceratium (the
latter remarkable for the horn-like backward prolongations of the
lower end) are common genera both in the sea and fresh-waters.
Gymnodinium pulvisculus is sometimes parasitic in Appendicularia
(Vol. VII. p. 68). Polykrikos[143] has four transverse grooves, each
with its flagellum, besides the terminal one. Many of the marine
species are phosphorescent, and play a large part in the luminosity
of the sea, and some give it a red colour.

Several fossil forms have been described. Peridinium is certainly

found fossil in the firestone of Delitzet, belonging to the Cretaceous.
A full monograph of the group under the name "Peridiniales" was
published by Schütt.[144]
Fig. 47.—Pyrocystis fusiformis, Murray. × 100. From the surface in the Guinea
Current. (From Wyville Thomson.)

The Cystoflagellates contain only two genera,[145] Noctiluca,

common at the surface of tranquil seas, to which, as its name
implies, it gives phosphorescence, and Leptodiscus, found by R.
Hertwig in the Mediterranean. Noctiluca is enormous for a Flagellate,
for with the form of a miniature melon it measures about 1 mm.
(1⁄25") or more in diameter. In the depression is the "oral cleft," from
one end of which rises, by a broad base, a large coarse flagellum, as
long as the body or longer and transversely striated. In front of the
base of the flagellum are two lip-like prominences, of which one, a
little firmer than the other, and transversely ridged, is called the
tooth; at the junction of the two is a second, minute, flagellum,
usually called the cilium. Behind these the oral groove has an oval
space, the proper mouth; behind this, again, the oral groove is
continued for some way, with a distinct rod-like ridge in its furrow.
The whole body, including the big flagellum, is coated by a strong
cuticular pellicle, except at the oblong mouth, and the lips and rod
are mere thickenings of this. The cytoplasm has a reticulate
arrangement: the mouth opens into a central aggregate, from which
strands diverge branching as they recede to the periphery, where
they pass into a continuous lining for the cuticular wall, liquid filling
the interspaces. The whole arrangement is not unlike that found in
many plant-cells, but the only other Protists in which it occurs are the
Ciliata Trachelius (Fig. 56, p. 153) and Loxodes. The central mass
contains the large nucleus. Noctiluca is an animal feeder, and expels
its excreta through the mouth. The large flagellum is remarkable for
the transverse striation of its plasma, especially on the ventral side.
The cuticle may be moulted as in the Dinoflagellates. As a prelude to
fission the external differentiations disappear, the nucleus divides in
the plane of the oral groove, and a meridional constriction parts the
two halves, the new external organs being regenerated. Conjugation
occurs also, the two organisms fusing by their oral region; the
locomotive organs and pharynx disappear; the conjoined cytoplasms
unite to form a sphere, and the nuclei fuse to form a zygote or
fertilisation nucleus. This conjugation is followed by sporulation or

Fig. 48.—Noctiluca miliaris, a marine Cystoflagellate. (From Verworn.)

The nucleus passes towards the surface, undergoes successive

fissions, and as division goes on the numerous daughter-nuclei
occupy little prominences formed by the upgrowth of the cytoplasm
of the upper pole. The rest of the cytoplasm atrophies, and the
hillocks formed by the plasmic outgrowths around the final daughter-
nuclei become separate as so many zoospores (usually 256 or 512);
each of these is oblong with a dorsal cap-like swelling, from the edge
of which arises a flagellum pointing backwards; parallel to this the
cap is prolonged on one side into a style also extending beyond the
opposite pole of the animal.[147] In this state the zoospore is, to all
outward view, a naked Dinoflagellate, whence it seems that the
Cystoflagellates are to be regarded as closely allied to that group.
Leptodiscus is concavo-convex, circular, with the mouth central on
the convex face, 1-flagellate, and attains the enormous size of 1.5
mm. (1⁄16") in diameter.

The remarkable phosphorescence of Noctiluca is not constant. It

glows with a bluish or greenish light on any agitation, but rarely when
undisturbed. A persistent stimulus causes a continuous, but weak,
light. This light is so weak that several teaspoonsful of the organism,
collected on a filter and spread out, barely enable one to read the
figures on a watch a foot away. As in other marine
phosphorescence, no rise of temperature can be detected. The
luminosity resides in minute points, mostly crowded in the central
mass, but scattered all through the cytoplasm. A slight irritation only
produces luminosity at the point touched, a strong one causes the
whole to flash. Any form of irritation, whether of heat, touch, or
agitation, electricity or magnetism, is stated to induce the glow. By
day, it is said, Noctiluca, when present in abundance, may give the
sea the appearance of tomato soup.

The earliest account of Noctiluca will be read with interest. Henry

Baker writes in Employment for the Microscope:[148]—"A curious
Enquirer into Nature, dwelling at Wells upon the Coast of Norfolk,
affirms from his own Observations that the Sparkling of Sea Water is
occasioned by Insects. His Answer to a Letter wrote to him on that
Subject runs thus, 'In the Glass of Sea Water I send with this are
some of the Animalcules which cause the Sparkling Light in Sea
Water; they may be seen by holding the Phial up against the Light,
resembling very small Bladders or Air Bubbles, and are in all Places
of it from Top to Bottom, but mostly towards the Top, where they
assemble when the Water has stood still some Time, unless they
have been killed by keeping them too long in the Phial. Placing one
of these Animalcules before a good Microscope, an exceeding
minute Worm may be discovered, hanging with its Tail fixed to an
opake Spot in a Kind of Bladder, which it has certainly a Power of
contracting or distending, and thereby of being suspended at the
Surface, or at any Depth it pleases in the including Water.'"
"The above-mentioned Phial of Sea Water came safe, and some of
the Animalcules were discovered in it, but they did not emit any
Light, as my Friend says they do, upon the least Motion of the Phial
when the Water is newly taken up. He likewise adds, that at certain
Times, if a Stone be thrown into the Sea, near the Shore, the Water
will become luminous as far as the Motion reacheth: this chiefly
happens when the Sea hath been greatly agitated, or after a Storm."
Obviously what Mr. Sparshall, Baker's correspondent, took for a
worm was the large flagellum.

The chief investigators of this group have been Huxley, Cienkowski,

Allman, Bütschli, and G. Pouchet, while Ischikawa and Doflein have
elucidated the conjugation.



IV. Infusoria.
Complex Protozoa, never holophytic save by symbiosis with plant
commensals, never amoeboid, with at some period numerous short cilia, of
definite outline, with a double nuclear apparatus consisting of a large
meganucleus and a small micronucleus (or several),[149] the latter alone
taking part in conjugation (karyogamy), and giving rise after conjugation to the
new nuclear apparatus.

The name Infusoria was formerly applied to the majority of the

Protozoa, and included even the Rotifers. For the word signifies
organisms found in "infusions" of organic materials, including
macerations. Such were made with the most varied ingredients,
pepper and hay being perhaps the favourites. They were left for
varying periods exposed to the air, to allow the organisms to develop
therein, and were then examined under the microscope.[150] With
the progress of our knowledge, group after group was split off from
the old assemblage until only the ciliate or flagellate forms were left.
The recognition of the claims of the Flagellates to independent
treatment left the group more natural;[151] while it was enlarged by
the admission of the Acinetans (Suctoria), which had for some time
been regarded as a division of the Rhizopoda.

I. Ciliata
Infusoria, with a mouth, and cilia by which they move and feed;
usually with undulating membranes, membranellae, cirrhi, or some of
these. Genera about 144: 27 exclusively marine, 50 common to both
sea and fresh water, 27 parasitic on or in Metazoa, the rest fresh
water. Species about 500.

We divide the Ciliata thus:[152]—

(I.) Mouth habitually closed,

opening by retraction of its
circular or slit-like margin; cilia
uniform Order 1. Gymnostomaceae.
Lacrymaria, Ehrb.; Loxodes, Ehrb.; Loxophyllum, Duj.;
Lionotus, Wrez.; Trachelius, Schrank; Amphileptus, Ehrb.;
Actinobolus, St.; Didinium, St.; Scaphiodon, St; Dysteria,
Huxl.; Coleps, Nitzsch.; Dileptus, Duj.; Ileonema, Stokes;
Mesodinium, St.
(II.) Mouth permanently open,
usually equipped with one or
more undulating membranes,
receiving food by ciliary action
(Trichostomata, Bütschli)
(a) Cilia nearly uniform, usually Order 2. Aspirotrichaceae.
extending over the whole
body, without any special
adoral wreath of long cilia
or membranellae; mouth
with one or two undulating
membranes at its margin
or extending into the short
Paramecium, Hill; Colpoda, O. F. Müll.; Colpidium, St.;
Leucophrys, Ehrb.; Cyclidium, Cl. and L.; Lembadion,
Perty; Cinetochilum, Perty; Pleuronema, Duj.; Ancistrum,
Maup.; Glaucoma, Ehrb.; Uronema, Duj.; Lembus, Cohn;
Urocentrum, Nitzsch; Icthyophtheirius, Fouquet.
(b) Strong cilia or
membranellae forming an
adoral wreath, and
bounding a more or less
enclosed area, the
"peristome," at one point
of which the mouth lies.
(i.) Body more or less
equally covered with
fine cilia; adoral
wreath an open spiral Order 3. Heterotrichaceae
Spirostomum, Ehrb.; Bursaria, O. F. Müll.; Stentor,
Oken; Folliculina, Lamk.; Conchophtheirus, St.;
Balantidium, Cl. and L.; Nyctotherus, Leidy; Metopus,
Cl. and L.; Caenomorpha, Perty; Discomorpha,
Levander; Blepharisma, Perty.
(ii.) Body cilia limited in
distribution or absent;
peristome anterior,
nearly circular,
sinistrorse. Order 4. Oligotrichaceae.
Halteria, Duj.; Maryna, Gruber; Tintinnus, Schrank;
Dictyocystis, Ehrb.; Strombidium, Cl. and L. (=
Torquatella, Lank.).
(iii.) Peristome extending
backwards along the
ventral face, which
alone is provided with
motile cirrhi, etc.;
dorsal cilia fine,
motionless. Order 5. Hypotrichaceae.
Stylonychia, Ehrb.; Kerona, O. F. Müll.; Oxytricha,
Ehrb.; Euplotes, Ehrb.; Stichotricha, Perty;
Schizotricha, Gruber.
(iv.) Body cilia reduced to
a posterior girdle, or
temporarily or
permanently absent;
peristome anterior,
nearly circular, edged
by the adoral wreath,
[153] bounded by a
gutter edged by an
elevated rim or collar. Order 6. Peritrichaceae.
Lichnophora, Cl.; Trichodina, Ehrb.; Vorticella, L.;
Zoothamnium, Bory; Carchesium, Ehrb.; Epistylis,
Ehrb.; Opercularia, Lamk.; Vaginicola, Lamk.;
Pyxicola, Kent; Cothurnia, Ehrb.; Scyphidia,
Lachmann; Ophrydium, Bory; Spirochona, St.

The Ciliata have so complex an organisation that, as with the

Metazoa, it is well to begin with the description of a definite type. For
this purpose we select Stylonychia mytilus, Ehrb. (Fig. 49), a species
common in water rich in organic matter, and relatively large (1⁄75" =
⅓ mm.). It is broadly oval in outline, with the wide end anterior,
truncate, and sloping to the left side behind; the back is convex,
thinning greatly in front; the belly flat. It moves through the water
either by continuous swimming or by jerks, and can either crawl
steadily over the surface of a solid or an air surface such as an air
bubble, or advance by springs, which recall those of a hunting
spider. The boundary is everywhere a thin plasmic pellicle, very
tender, and readily undergoing diffluence like the rest of the cell.
From the pellicle pass the cilia, which are organically connected with
it, though they may be traced a little deeper; they are arranged in
slanting longitudinal rows, and are much and variously modified,
according to their place and function. On the edge of the dorsal
surface they are fine and motionless, probably only sensory (s.h.);
except three, which protrude well over the hinder end (c.p.), stout,
pointed, and frayed out at the ends, and possibly serving as oars or
rudders for the darting movements. These are distinguished from
simple cilia as "cirrhi."

Fig. 49.—Ventral view of Stylonychia mytilus. a.c, Abdominal cirrhi; an, anus
discharging the shell of a Diatom; c.c, caudal cirrhi; c.p, dorsal cirrhi; cv,
contractile vacuole; e, part of its replenishing canal; f.c, frontal cirrhi; f.v,
food vacuoles; g, internal undulating membrane; l, lip; m, mouth or pharynx;
mc, marginal cirrhi; N, N, lobes of meganucleus; n, n, micronuclei; o,
anterior end; per, adoral membranellae; poc, preoral cilia;, preoral
undulating membrane; s.h, sense hairs. (Modified from Lang.)
At the right hand of the frontal area there begins, just within the
dorsal edge, a row of strong cilium-like organs (Fig. 49, per); these,
on careful examination, prove to be transverse triangular plates,
which after death may fray into cilia.[154] They are the "adoral
membranellae." This row passes to the left blunt angle, and there
crosses over the edge of the body to the ventral aspect, and then
curves inwards towards the median line, which it reaches about half-
way back, where it passes into the pharynx (m). It forms the front
and left-hand boundary of a wedge-shaped depression, the
"peristomial area," the right-hand boundary being the "preoral ridge"
or lip (l), which runs nearly on the median line, projecting downward
and over the depression. This ridge bears on its inner and upper side
a row of fine "preoral cilia" (poc) and a wide "preoral undulating
membrane" (, which extends horizontally across, below the
peristomial area. The roof of this area bears along its right-hand
edge an "internal undulating membrane" (g), and then, as we pass
across to the left, first an "endoral membrane" and then an "endoral"
row of cilia. In some allied genera (not in Stylonychia), at the base
and on the inner side of each adoral membranella, is a "paroral"
cilium. All these motile organs, with the exception of the preoral cilia,
pass into the pharynx; but the adoral membranellae soon stop short
for want of room. There are some seventy membranellae in the
adoral wreath.

The rest of the ventral surface is marked by longitudinal lines, along

which the remaining appendages are disposed. On either side is a
row of "marginal cirrhi" (mc.), which, like the membranellae, may fray
out into cilia, but are habitually stiff spine-like, and straight in these
rows; these are the chief swimming organs. Other cirrhi, also
arranged along longitudinal rows, with so many blank spaces that
the arrangement has to be carefully looked for, occur in groups along
the ventral surface. On the right of the peristome are a group which
are all curved—the "frontal cirrhi" (f.c.). Behind the mouth is a
second group—the "abdominal cirrhi" (a.c.), also curved hooks; and
behind these again the straight spine-like "caudal" or "anal" cirrhi
(c.c), which point backwards. These three sets of ventral cirrhi are
the organs by which the animal executes its crawling and darting
movements. Besides the mouth there are two other openings, both
indistinguishable save at the very moment of discharge; the anus
(an) which is dorsal, and the pore of the contractile vacuole, which is

The protoplasm of the body is sharply marked off into a soft, semi-
fluid "endoplasm" or "endosarc," and a firmer "ectoplasm" or
"ectosarc." The former is rich in granules of various kinds, and in
food-vacuoles wherein the food is digested. The mode of ingestion,
etc., is described below (p. 145). The ectoplasm is honeycombed
with alveoli of definite arrangement, the majority being radial to the
surface or elongated channels running lengthwise; inside each of
these lies a contractile plasmic streak or myoneme. The contractile
vacuole (cv) lies in this layer, a little behind the mouth, and is in
connexion with two canals, an anterior (e) and a posterior, from
which it is replenished.

The nuclear apparatus lies on the inner boundary of the ectoplasm; it

consists of (1) a large "meganucleus" formed of two ovoid lobes (N,
N), united by a slender thread; and (2) two minute "micronuclei" (n,
n), one against either lobe of the meganucleus.

Stylonychia multiplies by transverse fission, the details of which are

considered on pp. 144, 147.

The protoplasm of Ciliata is the most differentiated that we find in the

Protista, and we can speak without exaggeration of the "organs"
formed thereby.

The form of the body, determined by the firm pellicle or plasmic

membrane, is fairly constant for each species, though it may be
subject to temporary flexures and contractions. The pellicle varies in
rigidity; where the cilia are abundant it is proportionately delicate,
and scarcely differs from the ectoplasm proper, save for not being
alveolate. In the Peritrichaceae it is especially resistant and proof
against decay. In Coleps (Gymnostomaceae) it is hardened and
sculptured into the semblance of plate-armour, and the prominent
points of the plates around the mouth serve as teeth to lacerate
other active Protista, its prey; but, like the rest of the protoplasm, this
disappears by decay soon after the death of the Coleps. Where, as
in certain Oligotrichaceae, cilia are absent over part of the body, the
pellicle is hardened; and on the dorsal face and sides of Dysteria it
even assumes the character of a bivalve shell, and forms a tooth-like
armature about the mouth.

From the pellicle protrude the cilia, each of which is continued

inwards by a slender basal filament to end in a "basal granule" or
"blepharoplast." The body-cilia are fine, and often reversible in
action, which is exceptional in the organic world. They may be
modified or combined in various ways. We have seen that in
Stylonychia some are motionless sensory hairs. The cirrhi and setae
sometimes fray out during life, and often after death, into a brush at
the tip, and have a number of blepharoplasts at their base. The
same holds good for the membranellae and undulating membranes.
They are thus comparable to the "vibratile styles" of Rotifers (Vol. II.
p. 202) and the "combs" or "Ctenophoral plates" of the Ctenophora
(p. 412 f.).[155]

Fig. 50.—Ectosarc of Ciliata. a-f, from Stentor coeruleus; g, Holophrya discolor.

a, Transverse section, showing cilia, pellicle, canals, and myonemes; b,
surface view below pellicle, showing myonemes alternating with blue
granular streaks; c, more superficial view, showing rows of cilia adjacent to
myonemes; d, myoneme, highly magnified, showing longitudinal and
transverse striation; e, two rows of cilia; f, g, optical sections of ectosarc,
showing pellicle, alveolar layer (a), myonemes (m), and canals in ectosarc.
(From Calkins, after Metschnikoff, Bütschli, and Johnson.)

The ectosarc has a very complex structure. Like other protoplasm it

has a honeycombed or alveolate structure, but in this case the
alveoli are permanent in their arrangement and position. Rows of
these alveoli run under the surface; and the cilia are given off from
their nodal points where the vertical walls of several unite, and
wherein the basal granule or blepharoplast is contained. Longitudinal
threads running along the inner walls of the alveoli of the superficial
layer are differentiated into muscular fibrils or "myonemes," to which
structures so many owe their marked longitudinal striation on the one
hand, and their power of sudden contraction on the other. The
appearance of transverse striation may be either due to transverse
myonemes, or produced by the folds into which the contraction of
longitudinal fibrils habitually wrinkles the pellicles, when it is fairly
dense (Peritrichaceae); circular muscular fibrils, however,
undoubtedly exist in the peristomial collar of this group. Embedded in
the ectosarc are often found trichocysts,[156] analogous to the
nematocysts of the Coelenterata (p. 247), and doubtless fulfilling a
similar purpose, offensive and defensive. A trichocyst is an oblong
sac (4 µ long in Paramecium) at right angles to the surface, which on
irritation, chemical (by tannin, acids, etc.) or mechanical, emits or is
converted into a thread several times the length of the cilia (33 µ),
often barbed at the tip. In the predaceous Gymnostomaceae, such
as Didinium, the trichocysts around (or even within) the mouth are of
exceptional size, and are ejected to paralyse, and ultimately to kill,
the active Infusoria on which they feed. In most of the Peritrichaceae
they are, when present, limited to the rim around the peristome,
while in the majority of species of Ciliata they have not been
described. Fibrils, possibly nervous,[157] have been described in the
deepest layer of the ectosarc in Heterotrichaceae.

The innermost layer of the ectosarc is often channelled by a system

of canals,[158] usually inconspicuous, as they discharge continuously
into the contractile vacuole; but by inducing partial asphyxia (e.g.
by not renewing the limited supply of air dissolved in the drop of
water on the slide under the cover-glass), the action of the vacuole is
slackened, and these canals may be more readily demonstrated.
The vacuole, after disappearance, forms anew either by the
coalescence of minute formative vacuoles, or by the enlargement of
the severed end of the canal or canals. The pore of discharge to the
surface is visible in several species, even in the intervals of
contraction.[159] The pore is sometimes near that of the anus, but is
only associated with it in Peritrichaceae, where it opens beside it into
the vestibule or first part of the long pharynx, often through a
rounded reservoir (Fig. 60, r) or elongated canal.

The endosarc, in most Ciliates well differentiated from the ectosarc,

is very soft; though it is not in constant rotation like that of a
Rhizopod, it is the seat of circulatory movements alternating with
long periods of rest. Thus it is that the food-vacuoles, after
describing a more or less erratic course, come to discharge their
undigested products at the one point, the anus. In a few genera
(Didinium, for instance) the course from mouth to anus is a direct
straight line, and one may almost speak of a digestive tract. In
Loxodes and Trachelius (Fig. 56) the endosarc, as in the Flagellate
Noctiluca (Fig. 48, p. 133), has a central mass into which the food is
taken, and which sends out lobes, which branch as they approach
and join the ectoplasm. The endosarc contains excretory granules,
probably calcium phosphate, droplets of oil or dissolved glycogen,
proteid spherules, paraglycogen grains, etc.

The nuclear apparatus lies at the inner boundary of the ectoplasm.

The "meganucleus" may be ovoid, elongated, or composed of two or
more rounded lobes connected by slender bridges (Stentor,
Stylonychia). The "micronucleus" may be single; but even when the
meganucleus is not lobed it may be accompanied by more than one
micronucleus, and when it is lobed there is at least one micronucleus
to each of its lobes.[160] The meganucleus often presents distinct
granules of more deeply staining material, varying with the state of
nutrition; these are especially visible in the band-like meganuclei of
the Peritrichaceae (Figs. 51, 60). At the approach of fission it is in
many cases distinctly fibrillated.[161] But all other internal
differentiation, as well as any constriction, then disappears; and the
ovoid or rounded figure becomes elongated and hour-glass shaped,
and finally constricts into two ovoid daughter-meganuclei, which,
during and after the fission of the cell, gradually assume the form
characteristic of the species. The micronuclei (each and all when
they are multiple) divide by modification of karyokinesis (or "mitosis")
as a prelude to fission: in this process the chromatin is resolved into
threads which divide longitudinally, but the nuclear wall remains
intact. If an Infusorian be divided into small parts, only such as
possess a micronucleus and a fragment of the meganucleus are
capable of survival. We shall see how important a part the
micronuclei play in conjugation, a process in which the old
meganuclei are completely disorganised and broken up and their
débris expelled or digested.

The mouth of the Gymnostomaceae is habitually closed, opening

only for the ingestion of the living Protista that form their prey. It
usually opens into a funnel-shaped pharynx, strengthened with a
circle of firm longitudinal bars, recalling the mouth of an eel-trap or
lobster-pot ("Reusenapparat" of the Germans); and this is
sometimes protrusible. In Dysteria the rods are replaced by a
complicated arrangement of jaw- or tooth-like thickenings, which are
not yet adequately described. We have above noted the strong
adoral trichocysts in this group.

In all other Ciliates[162] the "mouth" is a permanent depression lined

by a prolongation of the pellicle, and containing cilia and one or more
undulating membranes, and when adoral membranellae are present,
a continuation of these. In some species, such as Pleuronema (Fig.
57), one or two large membranes border the mouth right and left. In
Peritrichaceae the first part of the pharynx is distinguished as the
"vestibule," since it receives the openings of the contractile vacuole
or its reservoir and the anus. The pharynx at its lower end (after a
course exceptionally long and devious in the Peritrichaceae; Figs.
51, 60) ends against the soft endosarc, where the food-particles
accumulate into a rounded pellet; this grows by accretion of fresh
material until it passes into the endosarc, which closes up behind it
with a sort of lurch. Around the pellet liquid is secreted to form the
food-vacuole. If the material supplied be coloured and insoluble, like
indigo or carmine, the vacuoles may be traced in a sort of irregular,
discontinuous circulation through the endosarc until their remains are
finally discharged as faeces through the anus. No prettier sight can
be watched under the microscope than that of a colony of the social
Bell-animalcule (Carchesium) in coloured water—all producing food-
currents brilliantly shown up by the wild eddies of the pigment
granules, and the vivid blue or crimson colour of the food-vacuoles,
the whole combining to present a most attractive picture. Ehrenberg
fancied that a continuous tube joined up the vacuoles, and
interpreted them as so many stomachs threaded, as it were, along a
slender gut; whence he named the group "Polygastrica."

Fig. 51.—Carchesium polypinum. Scheme of the path taken by the ingested food
in digestion and expulsion of the excreta. The food enters through the
pharynx and is transported downward (small circles), where it is stored in
the concavity of the sausage-shaped meganucleus (the latter is recognised
by its containing darker bodies). It remains here for some time at rest (small
crosses). Then it passes upward upon the other side (dots) and returns to
the middle of the cell, where it undergoes solution. The excreta are
removed to the outside, through the vestibule and cell mouth. The black line
with arrows indicates the direction of the path. (From Verworn, after

We owe to Miss Greenwood[163] a full account of the formation and

changes of the food-vacuoles in Carchesium polypinum. The
vacuole passes steadily along the endosarc for a certain time after
its sudden admission into it, and then enters on a phase of
quiescence. A little later the contents of the vacuole aggregate
together in the centre of the vacuole, where they are surrounded by
a zone of clear liquid; this takes place in the hollow of the
meganucleus, in this species horseshoe-shaped. The vacuole then
slowly passes on towards the peristome, lying deep in the endosarc,
and the fluid peripheral zone is absorbed. For some time no change
is shown in the food-material itself: this is the stage of "storage."
Eventually a fresh zone of liquid, the true digestive vacuole, forms
again round the food-pellet, and this contains a peptic juice, of acid
reaction. The contents, so far as they are capable of being digested,
liquefy and disappear. Ultimately the solid particles in their vacuole
reach the anal area of the vestibule, and pass into it, to be swept
away by the overflow of the food-current. The anus is seated on a
transverse ridge about a third down the tube, the remaining two-
thirds being the true pharynx.

Fission is usually transverse; but is oblique in the conical

Heterotrichaceae, and longitudinal in the Peritrichaceae. It involves
the peristome, of which one of the two sisters receives the greater,
the other the lesser part; each regenerates what is missing. When
there are two contractile vacuoles, as in Paramecium, either sister
receives one, and has to form another; where there is a canal or
reservoir divided at fission, an extension of this serves to give rise to
a new vacuole in that sister which does not retain the old one. In
some cases the fission is so unequal as to have the character of
budding (Spirochona). We have described above (p. 144) the
relations of the nuclear apparatus in fission.
Several of the Ciliata divide only when encysted, and then the
divisions are in close succession, forming a brood of four, rarely
more. This is well seen in the common Colpoda cucullus. In the
majority, however, encystment is resorted to only as a means of
protection against drought, etc., or for quiet rest after a full meal

Maupas[164] has made a very full study of the life-cycles of the

Ciliata. He cultivated them under the usual conditions for
microscopic study, i.e. on a slide under a thin glass cover supported
by bristles to avoid pressure, preserved in a special moist chamber;
and examined them at regular intervals.

Fig. 52.—Paramecium caudatum, stages in conjugation. gul, Gullet;,

meganucleus;, reconstructed meganucleus;, micronucleus;, reconstructed micronucleus; o, mouth. (From Parker and Haswell,
after Hertwig.)

The animals collect at that zone where the conditions of aeration are
most suitable, usually just within the edge of the cover, and when
well supplied with food are rather sluggish, not swimming far, so that
they are easily studied and counted. When well supplied with
appropriate food they undergo binary fission at frequent intervals,
dividing as often as five times in the twenty-four hours at a
temperature of 65-69° F. (Glaucoma scintillans), so that in this period
a single individual has resolved itself into a posterity of 32; but such
a rapid increase is exceptional. At a minimum and a maximum
temperature multiplication is arrested, the optimum lying midway. If
the food-supply is cut off, encystment occurs in those species
capable of the process; but when there is a mixture of members of
different broods of the same species, subject to the limitations that
we shall learn, conjugation ensues. Under the conditions of Maupas'
investigations he found a limit to the possibilities of continuous
fissions, even when interrupted by occasional encystment. The
individuals of a series ultimately dwindle in size, their ciliary
apparatus is reduced, and their nuclear apparatus degenerates.
Thus the ultimate members of a fission-cycle show a progressive
decay, notably in the nuclear apparatus, which Maupas has aptly
compared to "senility" or "old age" in the Metazoan. If by the timely
mixture of broods conjugation be induced, these senile
degenerations do not occur.[165] In Stylonychia mytilus the produce
of a being after conjugation died of senility after 336 fissions; in
Leucophrys after 660.

Save in the Peritrichaceae (p. 151) conjugation takes place

between similar mates, either of the general character and size of
the species, or reduced by fissions, in rapid succession, induced by
the same conditions as those of mating. The two mates approach,
lying parallel and with their oral faces or their sides (Stentor)
together, and partially fuse thereby; though no passage of cytoplasm
is seen it is probable that there is some interchange or mixture.[166]

Fig. 53.—Diagram of conjugation in Colpidium colpoda. Horizontal line means

degeneration; parallel vertical lines, separation of gametes; broken lines

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