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Introduction to Health Psychology

Key Terms/Concepts Definitions

Health Psychology Subfield of psychology applying principles to

promote health, prevent and treat illness,
investigate factors in disease, and improve
health policy and care.

Wellness State of complete physical, mental, and

social well-being, not just absence of disease
(WHO, 1946).

Psychological Factors Personality traits, attitudes, beliefs, and

self-confidence influencing health.

Ancient Views: Prehistoric Medicine Illness attributed to mystical forces, evil

spirits; early attempts at hygiene.

Ancient Views: Greek and Roman Medicine Advances in public health, drainage systems;
Hippocrates' humoral theory.

Non-Western Medicine Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) and

Ayurveda developed (qi, doshas).

Middle Ages Supernatural explanations, illness seen as

God's punishment, limited scientific

The Renaissance Revitalization of anatomical study;

Descartes' mind-body dualism.

Post-Renaissance Rationality Focus on biological causes, discard of

humoral theory.

Discoveries of the 19th Century Microscope, germ theory of disease,

anesthesia, x-rays.

20th Century: Biomedical Model Dominant view, focuses on biological

causes, mind-body dualism, reactive
attitude toward illness.

20th Century: Psychosomatic Medicine Freud and Alexander's ideas on emotional

conflicts causing diseases.

20th Century: Behavioral Medicine Outgrowth of behaviorist movement,

explores role of learned behavior in health.

20th Century: Health Psychology Emerged to study psychological, behavioral,

and social origins of diseases; multifactorial

Biopsychosocial Perspective Combines biological, psychological, and

social influences on health and illness.
Illness-Wellness Continuum Health seen as a continuum, not a binary
state; proactive attitude toward health.

Health Psychology Career Involves teaching, research, and clinical

intervention; often requires a doctoral

Key People Contributions/Findings/Discoveries

Hippocrates Father of Modern Medicine; argued disease

is a natural phenomenon; humoral theory.

Claudius Galen Conducted dissection studies, developed

pharmacology based on humoral theory.

Sigmund Freud Proposed that specific diseases could be

caused by unconscious emotional conflicts.

Franz Alexander Developed nuclear conflict model in

psychosomatic medicine.

Andreas Vesalius Published anatomical study challenging

Galen's inaccuracies.

Louis Pasteur Disproved spontaneous generation, germ

theory of disease.

William Morton Introduced ether as an anesthetic.

Wilhelm Roentgen Discovered x-rays.

Dates to Remember Events/Concepts

1946 WHO defines health as a state of complete

physical, mental, and social well-being.

1973 APA appoints a task force to explore

psychology's role in behavioral medicine.

1978 APA creates the division of health


1982 First volume of Health Psychology is


1986 APA sets up a health psychology section.

1997 Health psychology section recognized.

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