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Portafolio, José Alejandro Tangarife David / 71266725 / sede Calasanz - Medellín


Imagine that you live in a large apartment building. Use complaints from Unit 6 and your

own ideas to write a set of 6 guidelines. (70 to 100 words)

Please read the following tenant association guidelines. Feel free to contact Joseph

(#205) or Tina (#634) if you have any questions.

1.Can you park your car in the indicated place?

2.Would you mind taking out the trash every Thursday?

3.Can you pick up all your pet waste?

4.Would you mind not playing music after nine o'clock?

5.Children can't play in residential areas because they can cause a lot of noise.

6.Please take care and clean the garden, remember that dogs cannot play in this

Task 6

Imagine you’re sick and can’t go class. A classmate has agreed to help you. Think of

three things you need him/her to do for you. Then write a WhatsApp message with

instructions. (Unit 7 – 50 to 70 words).

To: Isaias Tangarife,

Thank you so much for your help! The following indications require your close


First you have to open my locker. The key to the lock is 8212. There’s my history book.

This book is due from Miss Smith. In the locker inside a wooden box you will see 50

dollars, this money must be delivered by the manager of the restaurant. Finally, you

must give the baseball next to the wooden box to my sports teacher. Again, I thank you

for your help. You're a fantastic friend.

Task 7

Write an entry for a travel website about a festival or celebration in Colombia.

Remember to include adverbial clauses. (Unit 8 - 70 to 100 words)

Every year on December 7th, we celebrate the Day of the Little Candles. It

commemorates the occasion of the Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ and Virgin

Mary, which occurred on the following day. On this day, Catholics celebrate the

occasion of Archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she was the chosen one and
was to be the mother of Jesus. The Immaculate Conception is celebrated in Colombia

with a national holiday on December 8th.


First interview a friend/family member about his/her past, present and hopes in the

future. Then, write a paragraph describing how this person has changed. (Unit 9 – 70 to

100 words)

I did an interview with my aunt. She told me that when I was very young, I used to play

a lot outdoors and in nature. She lived on a farm. In addition, he helped his mother in

domestic chores, such as feeding chickens or helping clean the house. In her youth,

she had to live in the city of Medellín, where she studied and became a lawyer, then she

went to work for the government, had two children and was finally able to obtain her

retirement two months ago. She told me that today she misses her job, but in the future,

she wants to live again in her old village, surrounded by nature and the villagers

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