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In Mathematics we have several forms of notation.

The square root of a number is a "√ ". We all know that √25 = 5.
The exponent is written as 𝑥 𝑦 . Example 23 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Another notation is of factorial: ! Yes! It is an exclamation mark!
Factorial is the product of an integer and all the positive integers below it.
We are also doing Permutations in this lesson: 𝑛𝑃𝑟
But let us first look at factorial:
Factorial is the product of an integer and all the positive integers below it.
E.g. factorial 4 (4!) is equal to 24.
The symbol to use is "!"
Your calculator has a button to determine factorials.
The button is labelled with a "𝑥!".
∴ 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24
∴ 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120
∴ 10! = 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 3 628 800
Note: 1! = 1 and by definition 0! = 1 (Check this on your calculator.)
This is easy enough especially with your calculator.


Find the following using your calculator:

1. 3! 2. 9!
3. 12! 4. 20!
Let's play a little bit with this notation.

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Example 1

Determine the following:

1. 2. 5! × 3!
3. 4. 5! − 3!


1. 5! 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 5 × 4 × (3 × 2 × 1)
= = = 5 × 4 = 20
3! 3×2×1 (3 × 2 × 1)

2. 5! × 3! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 × 6 = 720

10! 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
3. =
9! 9×8×7×6×5×4×3×2×1
10 × (9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1)
= = 10
(9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1)

4. 5! − 3! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 − 3 × 2 × 1
= 120 − 6 = 114

It is not necessary to write out all the steps. Use your calculator.

Calculate the following: (use your calculator where necessary)

1. 4! + 0! 2. 6! × 3!
6! 8!
3. 4.
3! 7!
6! 10!
5. 6.
2! × 3! 11!
12! × 0! 5! × 3
7. 8.
3! × 4! 2! × 3! × 10

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Counting methods
By the permutations of the letters “abc” we mean all of the possible
arrangements of the letters, namely: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba.
There are 6 permutations of 3 distinct objects (abc). As the number of
objects increases, their permutations grow astronomically. For example, if
“abcdefghij” , 10 distinct objects are permuted, there are 3 628 800
We would not like to have to count all the permutations!
The number of permutations can be calculated using the Fundamental
Principle of Counting:

If something can be chosen in 𝒏 different ways, and, after that has

happened, something else can be chosen in 𝒎 different ways, the number
of ways of choosing both of them equals 𝒎 × 𝒏.

We will use this principle to find fast ways of counting the number of
outcomes of events.

Example 2

A menu can be compiled as follows:

Choice of one of the following: Meat, fish or chicken.
Choice of one of the following: Mash, chips, rice or baked potato.
Choice of one of the following: Carrots or spinach.
In how many ways can a menu be compiled with these choices?

Let’s look at the possibilities...

Meat with mash and carrots
Meat with mash and spinach
Meat with chips and carrots
Meat with chips and spinach
Meat with rice and carrots
Meat with rice and spinach ........ect......!!!
This would take way to long...
1 of 3 ... and 1 of 4 ... and 1 of 2
Answer: 3 × 4 × 2 = 24 different ways.

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A permutation is an arrangement of all or a part of a set of objects where the

order of the arrangement is important. It is in a definite order.
In other words: each of several possible ways in which a set or number of
things can be ordered or arranged.
For example, if we need to choose a password consisting of 5 numbers. The
order of the numbers will definitely be important.

What is the difference between a Permutation and a Combination?

A combination is a selection of objects without regard to order or

arrangement. The order doesn't matter.
For example:

• “My dessert is a combination of jelly, fruit and custard.” It does not

matter in which order the “ingredients” are added to your bowl, it will
taste the same!

• “The combination for the safe is “247”. Now order is very important as
“427” will not open the safe. This is therefore actually a permutation.

In Mathematics we must use precise language:

➢ If the order of the objects does not matter, it is a combination.

➢ If the order does matter, it is a permutation.

In this lesson we will look at only the 3 types of permutations.

1. Permutations with repetitions

2. Permutations of distinct objects using all objects
(no repetitions)
3. Permutations of distinct objects using only some of the
objects (no repetitions)

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1. Permutations with repetitions

The objects, normally a number or a letter, may be used more than once.
Two numbers or letters can be identical and can therefore repeat. No
difference between this 𝑑 and this 𝑑. Or this 7 or that 7.
Note: A person can certainly not be used more than once because all people
are different. No two people are exactly the same.

Example 3

How many permutations exist for a lock that has 5 numbers on the code,
using the digits 1 to 9? (Repetitions are allowed).

For the first number there are 9 digits to choose from (1 – 9) and
for the second number you again have 9 digits to choose from.
In fact all 5 numbers can be any of the 9 available digits.

Total number of permutations = 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 = 95 = 59 049

In general, the number of permutations of 𝒓 objects selected from

𝒏 distinct objects where repetitions are allowed is:

the number of objects you

Number of things
to choose from
𝑛𝑟 select

Example 4

A password must consist of three letters of the alphabet followed by two

digits chosen from 0 to 9. Numbers and letter may be repeated.
How many different possible passwords can you make?
There are 26 letters for the first three positions of the password
and then ten digits for the next two positions.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

 Number of passwords: 26 × 26 × 26 × 10 × 10

= 1 757 600

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1. To get dressed Nathan must choose a shirt, pants and shoes.

Nathan have 5 shirts, 3 pair of pants and 2 pair of shoes.
How many ways can Nathan dress himself?

2. Lisa needs to make a gift pack that includes one of each of the
1 chocolate from 5 possible chocolates.
1 packet of chips from 4 possible packets of chips.
1 toy from 3 possible toys.
How many different ways can Lisa make the gift pack?

3. A rugby match can be won, lost or end in a tie.

In how many different ways can the prediction of the results of 5
different rugby matches be made?

4. The Department of Health wants to create a unique numbering

system to use for National Health Insurance. (NHI). If they
consider a number consisting of three letters of the alphabet
followed by five digits (0 - 9), how many unique numbers can be formed if
the numbers and letters may repeat.

5. Matthew must choose a new password consisting of 5 digits for his lock on
his closet. He only uses the odd numbers smaller than 7. How many
combinations can be formed if the numbers may repeat.

6. Jani must choose what to eat. On the menu is 4 different choices of

meat, 3 starches and 5 types of salads. She must choose one meat,
one starch and one salad.
How many different options for a meal can she choose from?

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2. Permutations of distinct objects using ALL the objects

(no repetitions)
When three boys, A, B and C, run a race and there is no ties, it is obvious
that either A or B or C, is first. If A, was first, then B or C can be second, etc.
To illustrate this, let's use a tree diagram:

Total possible outcomes of the race will be 6.

OR you can write out all the possible arrangements:

In how many ways can R Y B G be arranged?

Look at the possible arrangements:

There are 24 possible arrangements. Let us see how we can calculate the
number of arrangements without having to write them all out:

For the 1st position, we have 4 letters to choose from. Once this position has
been filled, only 3 letters will remain. Therefore, the second position can be
filled in 3 ways. The third position only has two letters remaining to choose
from and then there is one letter left for the last position.

We can write it like this:

Position (1) (2) (3) (4)
Number of possible outcomes 4 3 2 1
Total possible arrangements = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24

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If there were 7 different letters, the number of possible

arrangements would be: 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 5 040
You have just learned about factorial notation.
7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 can be written as 7!
We read it as “7 factorial”.

Example 5

Five boys must run a race. In how many ways can the race's outcome be
if there are no ties.
Each of the 5 boys can come first. So the first position can be filled
in 5 different ways. Once a particular boy is first, there will be 4 other boys
who can come second. After that, there will be 3 boys left who can come
third. This will continue until there is only 1 boy left who can come in fifth.

First place: 5 possibilities.
Second place: 4 possibilities.
Third place: 3 possibilities.
Fourth place: 2 possibilities.
Fifth place: 1 possibility.

Answer: 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120
Remember this is 5!

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Example 6

Ten kids go to the movies and they sit in one row.

In how many different ways can they sit on the 10 chairs?


There are 10 chairs to sit on. The first kid that enters can sit on 10 possible

Assume he/she sits on chair number 7.

The second kid that enters can sit on 9 possible chairs:

Assume he/she sits on chair number 3.

The third kid that enters can sit on 8 possible chairs....

and that will carry on till the last kid enters and will only have 1 possible chair
to sit on.
Thus: 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 3 628 800

The number of arrangements of 𝑥 different objects in 𝑥 different places is 𝑥!
When all of the possible objects are used, we use factorial to determine the
possible outcomes.

If 8 people must sit in a row, there will be 8! = 40 320 permutations.

If you must rearrange letters in the word WINTER, using all letters
without repetitions, there will be 6! = 720 possible permutations.

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3. Permutations of distinct objects using only some of the objects

(no repetitions)

Sometimes you don't use all the objects.

For example:
You can choose 5 digits from all 10 digits (0-9), without repeating, for your 5-
code lock.
How many possibilities are there for only the first three places if there are 10
Let as look at some examples:

Example 7

How many different 4-letter arrangements can be made from the word
Here we choose 4 objects from 6 (w; i; n; t; e; r) possible objects.
For the first position we can choose any letter, so there are 6 possibilities.
Once selected, there are only 5 possibilities for the second position, then 4
possibilities for the third position and 3 possibilities for the last position.

Position (1) (2) (3) (4)

Number of possible outcomes 6 5 4 3
Number of different arrangements = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360

If we were using all the letters, there would be 6! = 720 permutations.

As we are only selecting 4 letters, you must stop multiplying after the 3.

Look at this:
= 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360
∴ = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360

𝑃4 is notation that we use for this.

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In general the number of ways of permutating r objects from n distinct

objects is

nP = n!
r (n − r)!
number of
distinct objects
number of objects you select

Example 8

There are 10 finalists in the competition of "Who's got talent".

In how many different ways can the first three places be designated?
For the first position we can choose any of the 10 finalists, so there are 10
possibilities. Once the first position is selected, there are only 9 possibilities
for the second position, then 8 possibilities for the third.
Position (1) (2) (3)

Number of possible outcomes 10 9 8

Number of different arrangements = 10 × 9 × 8 = 720

10! 10!
Or ∶ = = 720
(10 − 3)! 7!
Shortcut on your calculator: 𝑃3 = 720

Example 9

How many 5-digit numbers can be formed with the numbers 1 - 9, if the digits
may not be repeated?
Position (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Number of possible outcomes 9 8 7 6 5
Number of different arrangements = 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 = 15 120
Shortcut on your calculator: 𝑃5 = 15 120

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Example 10

In how many ways can the letters of the word "BESKUIT" be arranged if:
1. All the letters are used only once.

2. Only four letters are used without repetition.

3. Seven letters are chosen and all the letters may be used and
repetition is allowed.

4. A seven-letter word must be formed that starts with a vowel and no letters
may be repeated.

1. There are 7 letters to use, and all the letters are used without repetition:
BESKUIT (7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1) = 7! = 5040
2. 4 of the 7 letters: 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 = 7𝑃4 = (7−4)! = 840

3. 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 = 77 = 823 543
4. In the first place...only 3 vowels possible,
second place... any of the 6 letters left,
third place... any of the 5 letters left, until the last letter is left.
3 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 2 160


1. On Lika's iPad she has four sub-folders in her Musical folder. They are
"Gospel Music", "Classics", "Pop Music" and "Country songs".
She has 5 songs in the Gospel folder, 3 in the Classic folder, 7 in the
Pop folder and 5 Country songs in that folder. If she wants to play one
song from each folder, how many different playlists can she compile?

2. In how many ways can a president, vice-president and secretary be

chosen from a committee of eight people?

3. How many 5-digit numbers can be formed with the numbers

2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 and 9 if:
3.1 The numbers may be repeated?
3.2 The numbers may not be repeated?

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4. How many different arrangements can be made from the letters of the
word "BONSAI" creating a:
4.1 5 place arrangement and the letters may be repeated?
4.2 5 place arrangement and the letters may not be repeated?
4.3 4 place arrangement and the letters may be repeated?
4.2 4 place arrangement and the letters may not be repeated?

5. A password must be selected in the following format XXXYY

where X represents a number from 0 to 9 and Y represents a letter
of the alphabet.
How many different passwords can be compiled in this way if:

5.1 The numbers and letters may be repeated.

5.2 The numbers and letters may NOT be repeated.

5.3 The numbers and letters may be repeated, but the

number 0 and the vowels must be excluded.

5.4 The numbers and letters may NOT be repeated, but the
number 0 and the vowels must be excluded.

5.5 The numbers and letters may be repeated but only prime numbers
are used and the first and last 5 letters of the alphabet are also

6. A rugby team of 15 boys must sit in a row on a stage with 15 chairs.

In how many different ways can they sit down if:
6.1 anyone can just sit where they want to sit on the 15 chairs?
6.2 the captain must sit on the first chair, the vice-captain on the
second chair and the rest of the team can sit in any order?
6.3 The 8 forwards must sit together in the first 8 chairs and
the 7 backs in the last 7 chairs in any order?
6.4 the captain of the team must sit first and then the 2 wings,
then the 2 centres, the rest in any order and vice-captain in the
last chair?

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1. Kurt Darren wants to release his new CD. He decides to perform in

Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Durban.
In how many different ways (routes) can he plan his tour?

2. How many 5-digit numbers greater than or equal to 50 000 can be

made with the digits 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 0 if:

2.1 Repetition of the digits are not allowed?

2.2 Repetition of the digits are allowed?

2.3 The number must be an even number, without repetition?

2.4 The number must be an even number, repetition is allowed?

3. In how many ways can the letters of the word "WATER" be arranged if:
3.1 All the letters are used only once.

3.2 Only four letters are used without repetition.

3.3 All the letters are used for a 5-letter word and repetition is

3.4 A four letter word that starts with a vowel without repetition.

4. In how many ways can 9 different books be arranged on a shelf if:

4.1 There are no restrictions.
4.2 One of the books is larger than the other 8 and must stand in
the middle of the shelf.
4.3 Four of the nine books are Math books and must be in the first
4 places (in any order), followed by the rest of the books.

4.4 One specific book should always be at the beginning of the shelf
and another specific book should always be at the end of the
shelf. The rest of the nine books can stand in the middle in any

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5. In how many ways can the letters of the word "BILTONG" be arranged
5.1 All the letters are used only once.

5.2 Only five letters are used without repetition.

5.3 All the letters are used for a seven-letter word and repetition is

5.4 A seven-letter word is to be formed that starts with a vowel,

without repetition.

6. Ten kids go to the movies and book 10 chairs in a row.

5 of them are girls and 5 are boys. In how many ways can they sit if:
6.1 All may sit in no particular order.

6.2 Girls next to one another in the first 5 chairs and the boys next to
one another in the next 5 chairs.

6.3 First a boy, then a girl, then a boy and a girl until all 10 are

6.4 Three girls insist on sitting in the last 3 chairs (any order) and
the other 7 can sit as they please.

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