Tribulation of The Dead Day of The Dead

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Inspired by the George A. Romero
1968 Film “Night of the Living Dead”

By David Dudka
This document was created and is owned by Survive RPG and cannot be reproduced without permission. Please note that
many of the images are licensed through various stock photo sites or and cannot be used outside of this
document. As this document deals with mature themes reader discretion is advised.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Introduction 1

Character Introduction 2

A difficult Choice (Day 1 Midday) 3

The Farmhouse (Day 1 Afternoon) 4
Securing the Farmhouse 8
Roaming Zombies & Hordes 8
Farmhouse First Floor 9
Farmhouse Second Floor 13
Farmhouse Basement 15
The Barn 16


1) New Arrivals (Day 2 - Morning) 17

2) Tending the Wounded (Day 2 - Midday) 19
3) Barbara's Story (Day 2 - Afternoon) 19
4) Nightmare at the Barn (Day 2 - Night) 20
5) Judy Loses her Shit (Day 3 - Midday) 21
6) Duane wants a plan (Day 3 - Evening) 23
7) Karen's Fever Gets Worse (Day 3 - Night) 23
8) Duane's Story (Day 4 - Morning) 24
9) Tom Comes Home (Day 4 - Evening) 25
10) The Horde (Day 4 - Night) 26
11) The Army Arrives (Day 5 - Morning) 29


The Farmhouse Stat Sheet 31

Farmhouse - 1st Floor Map 32
Farmhouse - 2nd Floor Map 33
NPCs 34
Zombie Stats 36
Visual Aids 37

Inspired by George A. Romero’s 1968 Film

Night of the Living Dead
Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This publication
is intended for mature audiences and depicts scenes of violence, gore, strong language, and scenes
of horror.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

This publication is intended for a mature audience. It includes scenes involving
zombies of all ages, horror, violence, death, alcohol use, smoking, and isolation.
Reader discretion is advised.

One-Shot RPG (OSRPG) adventures are set in various settings where characters can be
anyone from a Viking warrior to a camp counsellor. The characters in this adventure are
caught up in the zombie apocalypse and are forced to take refuge in a remote
farmhouse. This adventure is designed for use with the OSRPG Tribulation of the Dead
rules (link below), which is a PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT product on DriveThruRPG:

Tribulation of the Dead


Days of the Dead is an adaptation of George A. Romero’s 1968 film Night of the Living
Dead. George A. Romero (1940-2017) was born in New York and is considered to be
the “Father of the Zombie Film”. I highly recommend checking out his films.

The 1968 version of Night of the Living Dead is in the public domain. It is available on
YouTube at the link below.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

This adventure takes place in modern day Pennsylvania. The characters are passengers
on a bus going from Pittsburgh to New York. When their bus is driven off the road by a
zombie horde, the characters are forced to take refuge in a remote farmhouse. The
characters can be of any background. They just need a reason to be on the bus.

This adventure includes eight NPCs which are detailed on pages 34-35 in the Reference


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Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

The dead have risen.

A few hours ago, you boarded a bus from Pittsburgh to New

York City. The eight-hour drive started normal enough. Then,
the emergency alerts came in over your phones.

An epidemic of mass murder was sweeping across the

eastern third of the nation. People were being urged to
shelter in place until authorities could figure out what was
happening. Some reports claimed that those responsible for
the attacks are the dead. The governors of Pennsylvania and
New York were calling up the National Guard.

Already past the halfway point, the bus driver decided the
best option was to continue on to New York. For a while,
traffic was light and still moving at a decent pace. Things
were going to be all right. You’d be in New York in a few

Then the bus stopped. To your horror, a mob of hundreds of

people were blocking the highway. Most were covered in
blood and appeared feral. Then, as a herd, they turned and
started running directly towards the bus.

The driver hit the gas. The bus slammed into the mob,
scattering and crushing them. Blood spattered across the
windshield. The sound of breaking bones was sickening.
Then the bus hit something solid, lurched to one side, and
rolled. Amidst the fury of twisting metal and shattering glass,
you lost consciousness.

When you wake up, miraculously, you find yourself

unharmed. Some of your fellow passengers are not so lucky.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Ask each player to describe their character and why they are on the bus headed to New
York. Each player must also roll the L Skull Die (1d6). If they roll the Skull (1L), their
character takes 2d10 damage in the crash.

Most of the passengers and the bus driver are dead. If the characters use their phones to
call for help, they discover all circuits are busy. There are two other survivors, Barbara
Vallez and her brother Justino. She is trying to free her brother who is trapped in the bus
Please, someone, help me free my brother!

If a character makes a Technical roll (ODDS: 50%+), they

determine that freeing Justino requires tools, like the jaws
of life. Justino’s legs are also broken, and amputation is not
an option under the circumstances.

Each character can make an Observation roll (ODDS:

20%+) to notice a zombie stagger into the accident scene.
Anyone who fails loses initiative. The zombie attacks
someone randomly (excluding anyone with the Never
Draw the Short Straw edge).
Once the zombie is dealt with, the characters notice 2d10 more zombies approaching.
They will arrive in 3 rounds. To make matters worse, the eighteen crash victims are
starting to reanimate (1d2 per round, beginning on the 2nd round).

Justino cannot be freed, but Barbara won’t leave him, despite his pleading with her.

Barbara, you need to run. (Looking at a character) Please,
get my sister out of here!

No, I’m not leaving you. SOMEONE HELP US!!

If a character tries to persuade Barbara to leave, they need

to make a Persuasion roll (ODDS:20%+). If they succeed,
they can lead her away. However, after only a dozen paces,
she changes her mind. She runs back, grabs a piece of
metal and stands protectively over her brother.

I’m not leaving. Save yourself.

It is obvious to the characters that staying with Barbara and

fighting off the zombies is hopeless.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

If the characters leave Barbara, they won’t know her fate until later in the adventure. If
they stay, a horde of 100 zombies arrives. Either run a horde encounter (see Page 26) or
for quicker results ask them to make one Survival Strategy roll. If they succeed, they
escape the horde taking 2d10 damage. If they fail, they escape but take 1d4x10 damage.

Whatever happens, Barbara is separated from the group during the encounter. She
shows up later at the farmhouse, but Justino is killed.

Once the characters escape, they realize the surrounding area is plagued with zombies.
Each character needs to make an Athletics roll (ODDS: 50%+). If successful, they
outpace the dead. If they fail, they are overtaken by a single zombie and lose initiative
(unless they have the Sixth Sense edge). On their turn, they can fight or escape by
making another Athletics (ODDS: 40%+). For each round in combat, they must roll the L
Skull Die (1d6). If they get the Skull (1L), another 1d2 zombie arrives. When fighting
multiple zombies, their ODDS to escape drops to 30%+.

Eventually, the characters arrive at a farmhouse near a forest. There is also a barn and a
nearby pond. In the distance, the trees and fields are full of the roaming dead. However,
the farm appears zombie free. Their best option is to take refuge inside the house.

If the characters decide to keep moving, use horde encounters to drive them back to the
farmhouse. At this point in time, it is the only safe haven.


Provide the players with the farmhouse floor plans (note they don’t match the image
below, but just go with it ☺) and the (optional) base stat sheet (Pages 31-33). It’s up to
you whether you want them to keep track of food and other supplies.

The door to the farmhouse is locked. Picking the lock requires a Rogue roll (ODDS:
30%+). Someone can also make a Scavenging roll (ODDS: 30%+) to find the door key
under a flower pot.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

The farm is owned by Tom and Lynette Carter. They have an infant son, Arthur. Tom left
early this morning in the family SUV to help his brother Ben.

A few hours ago, the Cooper family (Harry, Helen, and their daughter Karen) were on
their way home when they encountered a horde. Their car crashed, and Karen was
bitten. The Coopers escaped with the help of two other survivors, Donald and Grace
Grigsby. Donald was also bitten several times. Fleeing the scene, the group found the
Carter farm.

Lynette was initially hesitant to let them in the house but changed her mind when she
saw that Karen and Donald were injured. She tried calling Tom and an ambulance but
couldn’t get through. Believing her husband would be home soon, Lynette promised he
would drive them to the hospital. Unfortunately, while waiting, Donald succumbed to his
injuries and turned. He attacked, biting Lynette and chased her to the 2nd floor. Grace
ran after them, trying to stop her husband. Lynette locked herself in the nursery with
Arthur, as Grace and Donald struggled in the hallway. Donald overpowered Grace, killing
her. Meanwhile, Harry Cooper rushed his family into the basement and barred the door.
Lynette later succumbed to her wounds and turned on Arthur.

When searching the farmhouse, the characters can make Scavenging rolls to find useful
items. Each room has checkboxes with associated ODDS representing the number of
Scavenging rolls that can be made. Refer to the room descriptions, starting on page 9, to
determine what they find. When a character makes a roll, the checkbox is marked off
whether they pass or fail. If they fail, the item isn’t there. In addition to scavenging for
supplies, there are four encounters in the house.

• The body of Grace Grigsby is lying at the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor.
• The zombie of Donald Grigsby is in closet A.
• The zombies of Lynette Carter and her zombie baby Arthur are in Bedroom A.
• The Cooper family is hiding in the basement.

After they’ve explored the house, you can proceed with the events on Page 17.

❑ The Body of Grace Grigsby (2nd Floor Hallway)

The characters notice blood running down the stairs. At
the top, lying in the hallway is Grace. Her face has been
eaten off, and she has been disemboweled. Anyone
seeing the body must make a Self-Control roll (ODDS:
50%+) or lose 1d6 Action Pool.

Grace is a zombie but is slow to reanimate. Therefore,

anytime someone interacts with or walks past the body,
they must roll the LSkull Die (1d6) (unless they have
Never Draw the Short Straw edge). If they get the Skull
(1L), she reanimates and attacks. The character then
needs to make a Self-Control roll (ODDS: 30%+) or lose


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

❑ Donald Grigsby (Closet A)
After killing his wife, Donald pounded on the door of
bedroom A until Lynette turned. He then shambled
into the master bedroom and walk-in closet. He is
just standing there in a dormant state.

Whenever someone moves around on the 2nd floor,

roll a L Skull Die (1d6). If you roll the Skull (1L),
Donald hears them and investigates.

Anyone entering the closet must make an

Observation roll to notice him before he attacks. The
ODDS are 50%+ if they are being cautious and
30%+ if they are not.

❑ Lynette and Arthur (Bedroom A)

The door to bedroom A is locked from the inside. If someone listens at the door, they can
make an Observation roll (ODDS: 50%+) to hear what sounds like a baby cooing.
Opening the door requires a Rogue or a Fortitude roll (ODDS: 40%+). The key to the
door can be found in the 2nd floor office (Page 13).

Lynette is currently dormant but becomes active if

there is a lot of noise on the 2nd floor. However, she
can’t open the door, so she just pounds on it. Arthur
is lying on the floor, making grotesque mewling
noises. If you don’t want to have a zombie baby, just
make Arthur deceased.

Lynette attacks anyone she sees. Zombie Arthur

lacks motor functions but thrashes his limbs and
cries in rage. Anyone seeing Arthur must make a
Self-Control roll (ODDS: 20%+) or lose 1d6 Action

❑ The Cooper Family (Basement)

The door to the basement is barred from the other
side. The only way to open it is to kick it in, which
requires a Fortitude roll (ODDS: 10%+).

If someone tries to force the door, Harry Cooper yells

at them from the other side.

The basement is occupied. Are there any of those things around?

If they assure Harry it’s safe, he unbars the door.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Harry’s first priority is determining what happened to Donald, Grace, and Lynette.

My wife and daughter are downstairs. Those things attacked us on the road and
smashed our car. There were three other people in the house. One of them, Donald,
I think his name was, turned into one of those things. There were also two women. I
can’t remember their names. Did you find them?

Harry is not concerned for their welfare. He just wants to make sure they are not a threat.
He is visibly relieved when he’s told they’re dead. Harry panics and runs back into the
basement if the characters haven’t found the other house occupants yet.

Then those things could be in the house. I’m going back down into the basement
with my family. They’re your problem, not mine.

Use the following guidelines when running Harry Cooper.

• Harry views the basement as his territory. He objects to anybody wanting to search for
supplies or using it in any way.

No offense, but I don’t know who you people are. I prefer to keep my family
separate. You’ve got the rest of the house, but the basement is ours.

• Since the Coopers didn’t have time to gather supplies before hiding, Harry wants his
share of the food, medicine, and weapons. They can get water out of the tap, so long
as the power holds.
The food and medicine should be divided evenly. Also, I should have a few guns to
protect my family. I think that is only fair.

• Cooper is argumentative and disagrees with most

suggestions. He also believes he is the most
qualified to make decisions.

You know I own a chain of six hardware stores and
am a former President of the Allentown Chamber
of Commerce. So, I think I’m the most qualified to
be making leadership decisions.

• Helen Cooper is more reasonable, but her default

position is to defer to her husband. However, if a
character can make a Persuasion roll (ODDS:
30%+), they can convince her to take their side, so
long as their reasoning is sound. Harry always goes
along with Helen.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

• Anyone who sees Karen Cooper can make a Medicine roll (ODDS: 40%+) to recognize
that she is sick. Both Harry and Helen are protective of their daughter. If a character
offers to examine her, they need to make a Persuasion roll (ODDS: 10%+). During an
examination, they discover she has been bitten and is feverish.

• Harry will threaten violence to protect his family, especially if he’s armed. However. He
is also a coward, so he only acts on his threats if it is the only option.


The starting SECURITY rating for the farmhouse is 25% (see Page 31). If the characters
take the time to board up windows and reinforce doors, whoever is in charge can make a
Technical roll (ODDS: 50%+). If they fail, add 10% to the SECURITY value. If they
succeed, add 10 + their Technical bonus.


Periodically 1d6 zombies get close enough to the farmhouse to possibly detect the people
inside. Assuming the characters are vigilant, they can make an Observation roll (ODDS:
50%+ during the day and 20%+ at night) to notice the zombies approaching before they
get too close.

As the zombies pass, ask one of the characters to roll the L Skull Die (1d6). If they roll the
Skull (1L), the zombies take an interest in the house. Next, everyone must make a Hiding
roll (ODDS: 50%+). If even one person fails, the zombies sense their presence and begin
groaning and pounding on the doors and windows. If they are not dealt with, there is a
chance they will attract a horde.

Ask a character to roll another L Skull Die (1d6). If they get the Skull (1L), a horde of
1d8x10+20 zombies attacks the farmhouse. If that happens, ask someone to roll the
farmhouse’s SECURITY rating. If they roll equal to or less, the horde eventually gives up
and leaves. If they fail, then the horde breaks through, and you can either run a horde
encounter (page 26) or for a faster outcome, have them make a couple of Survival
Strategy rolls. For each one they fail, they take 1d4x10 damage. Either way, the horde


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)








VERANDA: This wrap-around veranda has standard railings and a roof. There is a
mixture of outdoor furniture. The front door and patio doors are locked. Scavenging
rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 40%+: A package of cigarettes and a lighter tucked into the cushions of a
lounger (1 Luxury).
❑ 2) ODDS 30%+: A pair of binoculars in an outdoor table drawer.
❑ 3) ODDS 30%+: The front door key is under a flower pot.

LIVING ROOM: The main and patio doors open into the living room. The armchairs
and sofa are well-worn and comfortable. Cabinets hold various keepsakes, and there
is a mounted flatscreen TV. Pictures of the Carter family adorn the walls. Scavenging
rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A box of matches.
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: Two walking sticks in the closet (Damage: 10+Fort).
❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: Heavy jackets that provide 10 points of protection. If a zombie’s
bite is blocked by the jacket, they try and avoid it on subsequent attacks (reducing
the attack ODDS to 30%+).
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: A mag-light and extra batteries in a cabinet drawer.
❑ 5) ODDS 30%+: 1d6+1 shotgun shells in a junk drawer in one of the cabinets.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

DOOR TO BASEMENT: The door to the basement is next to the stairs that lead to the 2nd
floor. It is barred from the other side. Breaking it down requires a Fortitude roll (ODDS:
10%+). The Cooper family is hiding in the basement.

DINING ROOM: In the center of this room is an antique oak dining table that seats eight.
Several cabinets around the room hold cutlery and dishes. There is a fireplace in the
north wall. On one side of the fireplace is a log holder with a dozen pieces of wood, a
bucket with kindling and a BBQ lighter. On the other side is a toolset, including a poker,
shovel, and brush. There is also a fire extinguisher sitting in the corner. The characters
can make Scavenging rolls:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A dozen candles in a drawer.
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: Half a dozen bottles of hard-liquor including whiskey, rum, gin, and
absinthe (3 Luxury)
❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: A set of three high-end carving knives (Damage: 1d4x10+Fight)
❑ 4) ODDS 30%+: A bottle of lighter fluid in one of the cabinets.
KITCHEN: The kitchen has contemporary
appliances (stove, fridge, microwave, dishwasher).
Drawers and cupboards contain a complete set of
cookware, cutlery, and utensils. The power is still on
when the characters arrive, so food items in the
fridge are still fresh (1d6+5 Food). Inside the fridge
is a dozen cans of beer (1 Luxury). The cupboards
contain various canned goods, bread, flour, sugar,
and seasonings (1d10+10 Food). A note on the
fridge reads, “Left early to help Ben. See you this
evening. Love, Tom.”
Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:
❑ (ODDS 50%+): A handheld flashlight.
❑ (ODDS 50%+): A hammer and a box of nails under the sink.
❑ (ODDS 40%+): A heavy cast-iron frying pan (Damage: 1d4x10+Fort).
❑ (ODDS 40%+): A can of flammable aerosol spray.

DEN: This rustic den is furnished with leather armchairs and a sofa. Hunting trophies of
animal heads are mounted on the east wall to either side of a flatscreen TV. There is a
fireplace on the west wall with similar accessories to the dining room. Mounted above the
fireplace is a muzzleloading black powder rifle.

Damage: 1d10 x 10 +Firearms

Ammo: 1 (Requires a combat action and a Technical roll to reload – ODDS: 50%+.
Failure costs another action and requires another Technical roll).

There are also several cabinets and a gun safe in the corner. The gun safe is locked with
a combination lock.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

The gun safe in the den can only be opened with the combination code or a Rogue roll
(ODDS: 0%+). Anyone trying to bypass the lock can only make one attempt. After that,
they need the combination code, which can be found in the office on the second floor
(Page 13).

Inside the safe are the following firearms.

.44 Winchester Rifle (Lever-Action)

Damage: d6 x 10 + Firearms
Ammo: 14
Extra Ammo: Box of 20+1d10 rounds

.22 Wildcat Rifle

Damage: d4 x 10 + Firearms
Ammo: 10
Extra Ammo: Box of 30+2d10 rounds

.303 Hunting Rifle w/ Scope

.45 Colt 1911
Damage: d10 x 10 + Firearms
Damage: d6 x 10 + Firearms
Ammo: 5
Ammo: 7
Extra Ammo: Box of 20+3d10 rounds
Extra Ammo: 3 clips + 2d10 loose

12 gauge pump-action Shotgun

Damage: d10 x 10 + Firearms
Ammo: 6
Extra Ammo: Box of 10+2d10 rounds


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A bottle of whiskey (1 Luxury).
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: 2d10 black powder cartridges and bullets.
❑ 3) ODDS 50%+: A box of 3d10 x .303 rifle rounds and 3d10 x
.38 pistol rounds (.38)
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: A hatchet sitting behind the log holder
(Damage: d4x10+Fort).
❑ 5) ODDS 30%+: A kukri knife sitting on a side table (Damage:

FIRST FLOOR BATHROOM: Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:

❑ 1) ODDS 40%+: Various bottles of painkillers (1 Medicine).
❑ 2) ODDS 30%+: A first aid kit (2 Medicine).

PANTRY: The pantry is filled with various canned and bottled goods (3d10 Food and
2d10 water). The characters can make Scavenging rolls:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A package of three rat traps.
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: Two cases of beer (2 Luxury).
❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: A metal baseball bat (Damage 1d4x10+Fort).
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: A jar with $1,000 in cash inside.
❑ 5) ODDS 30%+: A shoebox. Inside is a .38 special revolver (Damage:
1d4x10+Firearms). It has six bullets in the cylinder, and no reloads.

GARAGE: Inside the garage is a workbench, several large toolboxes, storage cabinets,
and shelving units. The characters can find any standard mechanical tools. There is a
generator that can power the house (Currently has 3 Fuel). Under a tarp is a vintage
corvette. Two bicycles hang from the rafters. There are no other vehicles present.
Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:

❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A wood-splitting axe (Damage:

❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: A set of radio walkie talkies.
❑ 3) ODDS 50%+: Jugs of fuel for the generator (3
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: The corvette keys hanging on a
hook near the workbench.
❑ 5) ODDS 30%+: A compound bow and 8 arrows
(Damage: 1d6x10+Archery)
❑ 6) ODDS 20%+: A chainsaw with the chain
removed. A Technical roll (ODDS: 40%+) is needed
to fix it. There is enough gas in the tank to operate
for 10 minutes (Damage: 1d10x10+Fort).
❑ 7) ODDS 20%+): A can sitting on a shelf with 1d10 x
.303 rounds, 2d10 x .22 rounds, 1d4 shotgun shells,
and 2d10 x .45 pistol rounds.
The Corvette won’t start. Tom was in the middle of doing some engine work. Luckily all
the parts are here. Fixing the Corvette requires four hours and a Technical roll (ODDS:
30%+). The character can try again but need to add 1d4 extra hours to the repair time
for each failed roll. The Corvette has ¼ tank of gas (1 Fuel).

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)









Whenever a character passes the body of Grace Grigsby, roll the L Skull Die to see if
she reanimates. Also, making noise may attract the attention of Donald Grigsby or
Lynette Carter.

OFFICE: Lying in the hall outside the office is the body of Grace Grigsby (Page 5). The
office has a desk, several chairs, and a laptop. One of the desk drawers is locked and
requires the key or a Rogue roll to open (ODDS: 30%+). Inside the drawer is the manual
for the gun safe located in the den (Page 10). The code is written on the inside cover.

A bookshelf covers the entire south wall. The is a stuffed eagle sitting on a table in the
corner. Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A half bottle of vodka in a desk drawer (1 Luxury).
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: The key to the M1 Garand gun case in the basement.
❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: A box of cigars and a cigar lighter (2 Luxury).
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+: Keys to all the bedrooms.
❑ 5) ODDS 30%+: A sharpened replica longsword hanging on the wall (Damage
❑ 6) ODDS: 30%+: A modern .45 Derringer pistol (Dmg: 1d6x10+Firearms, Ammo: 2)
❑ 7) ODDS: 30%+: The key to the desk drawer.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

❑ 8) ODDS 30%+: A .38 special revolver in a drawer (Damage: 1d4x10+Firearms). It has
six rounds in the cylinder, and no reloads.
❑ 9) ODDS 30%+: An ornate wooden case. Inside is a .44 Contender pistol (Damage:
1d8 x 10 + Firearms). It has a single-shot break-open barrel and requires a combat
action to reload. There are 20 x .44 rounds in the box.

SECOND FLOOR BATH: Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:

❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: Various bottles of painkillers (1 Medicine).
❑ 2) ODDS 30%+: A first aid kit (2 Medicine).

BEDROOM A: The door requires a Rogue or Fortitude roll to open (ODDS: 40%+). Inside
are the zombies of Lynette and her son Arthur (Page 6). This is a baby nursery with a
crib, changing table, and rocking chair. There is a baby monitor in the crib. There is
nothing else of use in this room.

BEDROOM B: This spare bedroom has a queen-sized bed, dresser, and chair. You can
gain access to the veranda roof by climbing out the window. There is nothing of use in
this room.

LAUNDRY: This room contains a washer and dryer and cleaning products. There is
nothing of use in this room.

BEDROOM C: This spare bedroom has two single-sized beds and dressers. Scavenging
rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: Stuffed under a mattress is an envelope containing $500.
❑ 2) ODDS 40%+: A package of cigarettes and a lighter hidden in one of the drawers (1

CLOSET B: This closet is used for general storage. Scavenging rolls can reveal the
❑ 1) ODDS 40%+: Two sets of camouflage jackets and pants that provide a +10% bonus
to Hiding rolls in an outdoor environment.
❑ 2) ODDS 40%+: A storage box of WW2 memorabilia, including medals and an M1
Garand bayonet (Damage: 1d4x10+Fight).

MASTER BEDROOM: This bedroom has a king-sized

bed, dressers, vanity, and a loveseat. The other half of the
baby monitor is on the nightstand. Scavenging rolls can
reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A jewelry box containing 1d6+2
thousand dollars worth of jewelry.
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: A high-powered halogen flashlight in
a nightstand drawer.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: A Korth 9 mm Sky Marshal and a box of 20 reloads in the nightstand
(Damage: 1d6x10+Firearms, Ammo: 6)
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: A stun gun in a nightstand drawer. Human targets need to make a
Fortitude roll (ODDS: 20%+) or be stunned for 1 round. If a zombie is hit with a stun
gun, it is immobilized for 1d4 rounds.

CLOSET A: The Donald Grigsby zombie is in this closet (Page 6). This closet contains all
manner of clothing and clothing accessories. Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A luxury wristwatch worth several thousand dollars.
❑ 2) ODDS 40%+: A fire-safe with the key in it. Inside are a collection of gold and silver
coins worth about $20,000.

MASTER BATHROOM: A bathroom with a jacuzzi tub. Scavenging rolls can reveal the
❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: Various bottles of painkillers (2 Medicine).
❑ 2) ODDS 40%+: A first aid kit (1d4+2 Medicine).

BASEMENT: This is where the Cooper family has taken refuge (Page 6). The door to the
basement can be barred from the inside. It requires a Fortitude roll to bash open (ODDS:

The basement is primarily used for storage. There are various shelving units and storage
containers. There is a working sink and exercise equipment. The Coopers are currently
using some camping supplies they found (sleeping bags and a small propane stove).
Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:

❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: A locked gun case. Cooper unsuccessfully tried to open it with a
screwdriver. The key is in the 2nd floor office (Page 13), or it can be opened with a
Rogue roll (ODDS: 30%+). Inside is a WW2-era 7.62 mm M1 Garand rifle (Damage:
1d10x10, Ammo 8). There is a box of 32 ammunition.

❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+: A shovel (Damage: 1d4x10+Fort) and a pick (Damage: 1d6x10+Fort)

❑ 3) ODDS 40%+: A crossbow with 6 bolts (Damage: 1d6x10+Archery).
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+: A portable speaker/music player that can be used to attract/distract
❑ 5) ODDS 40%+: A hiking first-aid kit (2 Medicine).
❑ 6) ODDS: 30%+: A nail gun with 2 strips of nails (80 nails each). A nail does 1d10+10
damage and can be used to instant kill a zombie (Range: 10 feet).
❑ 7) ODDS 30%+: A case with 10 pouches of cheesy lasagna emergency food rations
with a 25-year shelf life. Each pouch has 2 servings (20 Food).

Harry Cooper tries to lay claim to anything found in the basement.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

THE BARN: The barn doors are unlocked. To the characters’ surprise, they find two
horses in their stalls. Above each stall is a sign with the horses’ names (Ginger and
Whiskey). Saddles and bridles can be found in a storage room. There is enough hay and
oats to feed the horses for a month.

Also stored in the barn are a ride-on lawnmower and a full-sized tractor. The keys are in
the ignitions.

The barn is fairly secure but uncomfortable. Visibility is limited due to the lack of windows.
It has a SECURITY rating of 30%. If fortified, whoever is in charge can make a Technical
roll (ODDS: 50%+). If they fail, add 10% to the Security value. If they succeed, add 10 +
their Technical bonus.

Scavenging rolls can reveal the following:

❑ 1) ODDS 50%+: An antique scythe (Damage: 1d10x10+Fort). This weapon is unwieldy,

so the ODDS to attack with it are reduced by 10%.
❑ 2) ODDS 50%+: A maul (Damage: 1d6x10+Fortitude).
❑ 3) ODDS 50%+: A package of cigarettes and a lighter (1 Luxury).
❑ 4) ODDS 40%+: A first-aid kit (2 Medicine).
❑ 5) ODDS: 30%+: A double-barrel 12 gauge shotgun and 1d10+2 loose shells
(Damage: 1d10 x10 per barrel. Ammo: 2).
❑ 6) ODDS: 30%+: A drum of gasoline (10 Fuel).
❑ 7) ODDS: 30%+: An ATV.
❑ 8) ODDS: 30%+: A wooden target and 6 throwing knives (Damage: 1d4x10+Fight).


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Events occur in sequence over a three-day period. The characters arrive on day 1. Each
day, each survivor consumers 1 Food, and 1 Water. Also, at the end of each event where
something base happens, everyone must make a Despair roll.


The characters hear a vehicle approaching at high speed. They watch as a Jeep drives
erratically up the driveway. The driver is trying to throw off three zombies clinging to the
hood. Suddenly, the Jeep loses control and smashes into a tree. One zombie is crushed,
and the other two are thrown clear. The zombies slowly get back to their feet.

The characters need to decide if they are going to help. If they wait, a man (Duane) climbs
out of the Jeep with a tire iron and starts swinging at the zombies. A moment later,
Barbara, who the characters last saw at the bus wreck, climbs out. She is bleeding from
her forehead (10 damage). If the characters don’t help, Duane and Barbara defeat the two
zombies on their own, but each takes 2d10 damage. Duane is furious at the characters’
What the hell is wrong with you people? Didn’t you
see those things were all over us? We could have
used some help.

Another woman climbs out of the Jeep (Judy). She is

clutching her arm, which is bleeding. Duane helps both
of them into the house and asks if anyone can provide
medical attention. Barbara recognizes the characters
and tells her story.

I’m so glad to see you alive. There was nothing I
could do back at the bus. Those things tore my
brother to pieces. At least he won’t come back as
one of them. After, I ran until I came to a gas
station. That’s where I met Duane and Judy.
I was low on gas, but those things had already
attacked the gas station and diner. One of the
attendants came at me, and I had to kill him. If you hit
them in the head, they go down easily enough. Then
Judy came running out of the diner.

I was having lunch with my father. He saved my life,
but those things…those things killed him. So, I hid
behind the counter until I saw the Jeep. Then I just
ran towards it. I don’t understand what is happening.
Do any of you know?


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Judy and I tried to get the pump to work. Then we saw Barbara. She was covered in
blood. I almost mistook her for one of those things. Then, as we were helping her
into the Jeep, a big gasoline truck came screaming down the highway. There must
have been 10 or 15 of those things all over it.

I jumped behind the wheel, and we pulled out of there just in time. The truck went
right through the gas pumps, and never once did the driver hit the brakes. There
was an explosion, and the truck became a moving bonfire. We were lucky, but our
luck didn’t hold. We ran into another group of those things. I had no choice but to
drive right through them. We were low on gas, so I turned into the first….

An angry Harry Cooper barges in from the basement. If he has a firearm, he has it in his
Who the hell are these people? I’m sorry, but there are too many here as it is. We
don’t have enough supplies, so you folks have to leave. Do you understand me? We
have no room here?

Judy doesn’t take Cooper’s threats lightly.

You can’t be serious! Do you know what we’ve been through?

Judy breaks down into sobs, and Barbara does her best to console her.

CHARACTERS DISAGREE WITH COOPER: If the characters disagree with Harry’s

objections, he won’t do anything other than express his frustration.

Don’t you understand? It might be weeks before help arrives. We can’t be taking in
strays. We just don’t have enough. If they’re staying, then you’re feeding them out
of your share, not mine. And they need to keep the hell out of my basement.

As Harry heads back to the basement, Judy screams after him.

Go to hell, you fucking asshole!

Barbara takes Judy into another room to talk to her. Duane extends his hand.

Thank you, I’m no professional, but I’ve done my fair share of carpentry. I can help
secure the place or pitch in wherever you need me. We’ll carry our own weight.

CHARACTERS AGREE WITH COOPER: If the characters agree with Cooper, Judy grabs
the nearest item and throws it at one of them. They need to Dodge (ODDS: 50%+) or take
1d10 damage. She then charges them, trying to smash their face with her fists. Duane
and Barbara grab her and pull her away.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

You can all go to fucking hell!

Barbara takes Judy into another room to talk to her. Duane asks to stay for a day or two to
rest up.
Please. There are hundreds of those things out there. We’re exhausted. If you kick
us out now, we’re going to die. Just let us stay for a day so we can rest up. You don’t
need to feed us.

Presumably, the characters agree. If they don’t, then the three leave. Barbara has some
parting words.
You know if we don’t help each other, those things will kill us all. I didn’t just stay
behind to protect Justino because he was my brother. I’d like to think I would have
done the same for any of you.

About and hour later, Duane, Barbara and Just return begging to be let inside.


While Barbara and Duane have injuries, they haven’t been bitten. If someone examines
Judy’s arm, they realize the wound is from a human bite.

One of those things knocked me over. I tried to push it off, but it bit my arm. My
father pulled it away and killed it. He saved my life.

If a character makes a Medicine roll (ODDS: 50%+), they can tend to the wound. Judy is
not showing any signs of a fever. She doesn’t react well to any suggestion of being
I’m fine. The bite isn’t very deep. You don’t need to worry about me.

If Harry finds out Judy’s been bit, he oddly doesn’t say anything. That’s because his
daughter is in the same situation.


One of the characters (any gender) finds Barbara alone
in a room. She quickly wipes away tears.

Sorry, I was just thinking about my brother. It seems
like a lifetime ago, we were on that bus. Why were
you going to New York? Do you have family there?

Barbara is genuinely interested in their story. If they

reciprocate and ask about her, they can make a Charm
roll (ODDS: 40%+).

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

It seems silly now, but my brother and I wrote and performed songs together. We
were mostly online, but we got a meeting with a small label in New York. So, that’s
where we were going. I can’t believe he’s gone.

If the character made the Charm roll, Barbara gives them a kiss on the cheek. If they fail
the roll, she doesn’t give them the kiss.

Thanks for caring. I’d better go check on Judy. I’m worried about her.


This event does not occur if the horses have been set free.

Everyone in the house is woken up by the sound of panicked horses coming from the barn.
They see at least half a dozen zombies trying to get into the barn.

My god, there are horses in the barn! We need to do something.

Are you nuts? We don’t know how many of those things are out where. Besides,
maybe if they eat the horses, they won’t be all that interested in us.

The noise might attract more of them, Cooper. Then we’d be in big trouble.

You do what you want. I’m not risking my neck for some dumb animals.

Judy covers her ears and begins sobbing in the corner. Duane and Barbara agree with
whatever the characters decide.

CHARACTERS DO NOTHING: If the characters do nothing, the zombies break into the
barn and kill the horses. The sound of the animals dying causes everyone to make a Self-
Control roll (ODDS: 30%+) or lose 1d6 Action Pool. The zombies take up residence in the
barn in a dormant state. Also, one of the characters has to roll the LSkull Die (1d6). If they
roll the Skull (1L), the noise attracts a horde of 1d6x10+20 zombies. Run the horde
encounter as described on page 8 and 26.

CHARACTERS SAVE THE HORSES: If the characters try to save the horses, they must kill
eight zombies. If at least one zombie remains at the end of a combat round, ask a
character to roll the LSkull Die (1d6). If they roll the Skull (1L), the noise attracts a horde
of 1d6x10+20 zombies. Run the horde encounter as described on page 8 and 26.

If the horses are saved, Barbara suggests setting them free.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Judy is in the kitchen preparing lunch on the stove when the power goes out. While this
isn’t a big deal because there is a generator in the garage, Judy doesn’t react well. The
characters hear a loud commotion coming from the kitchen. When they arrive, Judy is
throwing pots and dishes against the wall.

I don’t want to be here anymore. Where is the fucking army? Why haven’t we been
rescued already? I need to get out of this fucking house!

She screams in rage. If a character wants to calm her down, they need to make a
Persuasion roll (ODDS: 20%+). If successful, Judy collapses against the fridge, sobbing. If
they fail the roll, Judy starts throwing stuff at the characters. They need to make a Dodge
roll (ODDS: 50%+) or take 1d10 damage.

You are all fucking useless. If my father was here, he’d know what to do. He’d
protect me, but he’s dead. I still have his fucking blood on my shoes!

Harry Cooper arrives from the basement.

What the hell is going on? All this noise is gong to attract those things. I knew
letting them in here was a bad idea. We need to kick her out now before she gets us
all killed. Shoot her if you have to.

Judy snaps. She grabs a knife that is lying on the

counter and charges Harry. The characters need to
make a Self-Control roll (ODDS: 0%+) to react in time.
If successful, they can act before Judy reaches Harry.

If everyone fails, Judy stabs Harry in the shoulder (20

damage). On the characters’ turn, they can make a
Fight roll (ODDS: 50%+) to subdue Judy.

Once removed from Harry, she quickly gives up, but


We are all going to die. Don’t you realize that? It’s
hopeless! It’s hopeless!

If Harry is injured, someone can make a Medicine roll

(ODDS: 50%+) to tend to his wound.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

We can’t have a maniac like that in here with us. She needs to go! End of discussion.

Duane tries to argue in Judy’s defense.

If we send her out there alone, it’s a death sentence. Maybe if you and your family
come upstairs, Cooper, we can put her in the basement where she can’t hurt

I’m not giving up the basement. If they get in here, it’s the only secure place. I don’t
care if she dies out there. It’s everyone for themselves.

So what your saying is if those things get in here, you won’t open the basement
door to let us in.

Why are you trying to turn this conversation against me? You should be lucky just
to be here. If I was in charge, I wouldn't have let any of you stay.

Judy is very distraught. To get her to talk, someone must make a Persuasion roll (ODDS:
40%+). If successful, she calms down and apologizes.

I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. When the power went out, I just felt so
hopeless. So angry. Please don’t make me leave.

If they fail the roll, she doesn’t care what they do with her.

Go ahead. Throw me out. I’m dead anyway. We all are.

It’s up to the characters to decide Judy’s fate. If they

put it to a vote, the NPCs vote as follows.

• Harry casts three votes on behalf of his family to kick

her out.
• Duane and Barbara vote for her to stay.

If Judy is forced to leave, she doesn’t put up a fight.

Sobbing, she staggers away from the farmhouse,
seemingly oblivious to any zombies. Several catch up
with her as she reaches the end of the driveway. She
doesn’t resist as they tear into her.

When she rises, she walks back to the house and starts
pounding on the door.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

After the incident with Judy, Duane gathers Barbara and the characters he trusts in
I’m hoping the National Guard shows up and all this just becomes a bad memory.
That said, I think we need a plan if they don’t. Once the food runs out, or if those
things overrun this place, we’re in big trouble unless we have a plan. Any thoughts?

Duane listens to what the characters have to say. He recommends they create some bug-
out bags with food, medicine, and ammunition. That way, if they need to abandon the
farmhouse in a hurry, they’ll have supplies.

He also broaches the subject of who can and cannot be trusted.

I think it’s wise to stick together, but only with people, you can trust. I trust all of
you but don’t trust Cooper (and sadly Judy). I don’t think we should tell anyone
about the plan.

So, we’re just going to leave them?

Cooper wouldn’t think twice about leaving us (and Judy is unstable). I’m sorry,
Barbara, but I don’t think we have a choice. What do you all think?

Duane and Barbara go along with whatever the characters suggest.


Harry comes up from the basement and starts taking all the medicine. When challenged,
he flies into a rage. If he has a gun, he’ll pull it out and wave it around.

I need the medicine for my daughter. No one is sick up here. You don’t need it.

The only way to reason with Harry is to offer to help his daughter. If so, he agrees to let
the characters examine her. Duane and Barbara join them. In the basement, they find
Helen wiping Karen’s head with a damp cloth. Helen is relieved to see them.

Thank you for helping. We’ve tried everything, but her fever is getting worse.

Jesus, Helen, don’t thank them yet. They haven’t done anything.

The characters can make a Medicine roll (ODDS: 50%+). If they fail, they are at a loss as
to what to do.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

If they succeed, they realize that the infection from her wound has spread to the rest of
her body. Her prognosis isn’t good, and she’ll likely die in the next few days. When she
dies, she’ll rise as one of those things.

If they break the news to Harry and Helen, Harry doesn’t take it well.

What the hell do you know? You’re not a doctor. She just needs more medicine.

Please, there must be something you can do?

Shut up, Helen. They just want the medicine for themselves. They don’t care if she

If she dies, Cooper, she will turn into one of those things.

My daughter is going to be fine. Get the hell out of my basement.

Again, if Harry has a gun, he points it threateningly at the group.

Once back upstairs, Duane expresses his concerns.

Cooper is a goddam idiot. What happens if she turns and kills them? We’ll have
three of those things on our hands.

She’s their daughter, Duane. You’d react the same way. Any of us would. We’ll deal
with it when that time comes.


One of the characters (any gender) finds Duane quietly sipping on
some alcohol. He offers them a drink.

It’s got to be 11 somewhere. That shit with Cooper is fucked
up. I don’t envy him. You know I’m a real estate agent? After
this is over, I’m sure I can hook you up with a nice place. It’ll
be a buyer’s market. I’ve been so focused on my career. I don’t
have anybody except my folks in Detroit. If we pull through
this, I’m going to change that. What about you? Any post-
apocalyptic resolutions?


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Depending on how the conversation goes, the character can make a Charm roll (ODDS:
40%+). If successful, Duane opens the door to a possible romance if it makes sense.

I wish I had met you under normal circumstances, but that doesn’t change the fact
that I’m glad I did. To the future. Our future.

Duane raises his glass, takes a sip, then offers the last of the alcohol to the character.


The characters hear a vehicle coming up the driveway at high speed.

My god, it’s a car. Maybe it’s the police or the army.

When it comes into view, the characters see it’s a gore-covered SUV. The two men in the
SUV are Tom Carter and his brother Ben. They came to the house to rescue Tom’s wife
Lynette and son Arthur.

If the generator is running, the garage door opens, and the SUV drives inside. If there is
no power, the SUV stops in front of the garage door. Tom uses his keys to open it

The characters recognize Tom as the man from the family photos. Tom yells for Lynette
and Arthur. As soon as he sees the characters, he and his brother raise their shotguns.

Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house? Where is my wife and

Once Tom realizes his wife and son are dead, he loses it.

What do you mean they’re fucking dead? How did it happen? Did you do something
to them?
Give the characters a few
minutes to explain before the shit
hits the fan.

A few minutes ago, in the

basement, Karen died. She rises
and tears out Helen’s throat.
Everyone hears a woman’s

That might be Lynette!


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Before anyone can investigate, the basement door flies
open, and Harry Cooper barges into the room.

My god, she’s dead! She’s dead.

Zombie Karen is right on his heels. It is time for

everybody to roll initiative.

• Karen attacks the closest living person each round.

• On the second round of combat, zombie Helen
comes up from the basement and attacks the
nearest target.
• Tom & Ben lose their shit and start shooting everybody. The first person they shoot and
kill is Duane, Judy, or Barbara (who will rise). After that, they target the most obvious
• Harry runs out of the farmhouse.

Run the encounter to its conclusion, then proceed to the next event.

TOM CARTER: Health: 100, Feats: +30%, ODDS: 30%+, Actions: 2

Weapons: 12 gauge pump-action shotgun (Damage: 1d10x10+30, Ammo: 6)
9 mm P226 handgun (Damage: 1d6 x10+30, Ammo: 15 with 2 extra clips)
Hunting knife (Damage: 1d4 x10+30)

JERRY CARTER: Health: 80, Feats: +20%, ODDS: 40%+, Actions: 1

Weapons: 12 gauge pump-action shotgun (Damage: 1d10x10+20, Ammo: 6)
.50 Desert Eagle handgun (Damage: 1d8 x10+20, Ammo: 15 with 2 extra clips)
Hunting knife (Damage: 1d4 x10+20)


Once the battle is over, the characters hear Harry Cooper
screaming from outside. When they investigate, they see zombies
tearing him apart in the front yard. Over a hundred dead are
converging on the farmhouse (1d10x10 + 100 zombies).

The characters’ objective is to survive the horde. Unfortunately, it

is large enough to break into the farmhouse (no Security roll).

Each Survival Round is broken up into 4 phases.

1. Escape Roll: Each character/NPC rolls to determine if they

escape the horde.
2. Survival Strategy Roll: Anyone who fails their Escape roll or
chooses to stay behind must select a Survival Strategy and roll
against their ODDS of success.
3. Horde Integrity: Calculate the number of remaining zombies.
4. Overwhelmed Roll: The character rolls to determine if they
are overwhelmed by the zombie horde.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Each character makes an Escape roll at the beginning of the round. During the first
survival round, the ODDS of escaping are 0%. On each subsequent round, the ODDS
increase by 10%. So, the ODDS to escape on round 2 are 10%, round 3 is 20%, round 4 is
40%, round 5 is 50%, and so on.

If a character makes a successful Escape roll, they are no longer in danger from the
horde. However, they can choose to stay behind and help anyone who failed their roll. You
might require a character who voluntarily stays behind to make a Self-Control roll (ODDS:
50%+). If they fail, they are overcome with fear and choose to Escape instead.

If they stay behind, they can pick one character/NPC, and that person gets an extra
Escape roll at the start of the next round. The character who stayed behind still needs to
select a Survival Strategy and make Overwhelmed rolls.

Each character stuck in the zombie horde needs to choose their Survival Strategy for the
round. There are five strategies:

FISTS & FEET: When the character has no other choice, they must
fight with their bare hands.

• Survival ODDS: (Fortitude + Fight + Dodge) minus 20%.

• Failure: The character takes 1d10+20 damage (1/2 if armored).
No zombies are killed.
• Success: The character takes 10 damage (5 if armored) and kills
1 zombie +1 for every 10% of Fight. No infection roll is required.

STAB & BASH: The character engages in combat armed with melee
weapons like knives, clubs, swords, etc.

• Survival ODDS: (Fortitude + Fight + Dodge)

• Failure: The character takes 1d10+20 damage (1/2 if armored)
and kills 1 zombie +1 for every 10% of Fight.
• Success: The character takes 1d10 damage (1/2 if armored) and
kills 1 zombie and +2 for every 10% of Fight. No infection roll is

SPRAY N’ PRAY: The character is armed with a firearm.

• Survival ODDS: (Firearms + Dodge + Observation)

• Failure: The character takes 2d10+10 damage (1/2 if armored)
and kills 1d10 zombies and +1 for every 10% of Firearms. The
character expends ammunition equal to 1d10 + the number of
zombies killed. Characters do not have to reload during horde
• Success: The character takes no damage and kills 1d10 zombies
and +2 for every 10% of Firearms. The character expends
ammunition equal to 1d10 + the number of zombies killed.

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

COWER & HIDE: The character plays a deadly game of hide and seek
with the zombie horde.

• Survival ODDS: (Hiding + Observation + Scavenging)

• Failure: The character is found and takes 2d10+10 damage (1/2 if
armored). They cannot choose Hiding on the next Survival Round.
• Success: The character takes no damage this round.

RUN LIKE HELL: The character tries to outrun the zombie horde.

• Survival ODDS: (Athletics + Dodge + Survival)

• Failure: The character takes 2d10+10 damage (1/2 if armored).
They cannot choose to Evasion on the next Survival Round.
• Success: The character has not escaped the horde but takes no
damage this round.

Depending on the circumstances, you might provide bonuses to the Survival Strategy
rolls. Below are some examples:

• If the character can force a bottleneck (e.g., hallway or doorway), you might give a
+10-20% bonus for Fight and Firearms related strategies.
• If the character can knock over obstacles behind them, give them a +10-20% bonus
to the Run Like Hell strategy.
• If the environment provides a lot of hiding places, give a +10%-20% bonus to the
Cower & Hide strategy.
• If the character has a special weapon (e.g., a .50 caliber machine gun), give a +10-
20% bonus to the Spray & Pray strategy.

Subtract the number of zombies killed from the number in the horde. If the number is
lower than 20, the horde is dispersed, and the characters can automatically escape.

At the end of each round, characters/NPCs must roll D100 (%) to determine if they’ve
been Overwhelmed by the horde. If the roll is equal to or less than their current Health,
they succeed. If the roll is higher than their current Health, they take 1d4x10 damage
(1/2 if armored), regardless of whether they made their Survival Strategy roll or not.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

The next morning, the survivors of the horde attack hear the sound of approaching
vehicles and gunshots. Two Bradley APCs and a transport truck are stopped at the end
of the driveway. The Bradley’s swivel their 25 mm guns towards the house as a dozen
soldiers in hazmat suits move up the driveway.

For a proper 1968 Night of the Living Dead ending, the soldiers and Bradleys open
fire as soon as the characters make their presence known. They’ve been mistaken for
zombies. Each character needs to make a Dodge roll (ODDS: 0%+), or they are killed.
If everyone is killed, the last thing they hear is one of the soldiers say.

Good shooting. House perimeter clear. We got a few more zeds for the fire.

If any of the characters survive, the soldiers take them into custody.

Jesus. We thought you were zombies. You’re safe now. Get yourself into the
transport truck. We’ll be taking you to a refugee center. Now, there is not need to
mention what happened here, correct?

If you prefer a happy ending, the soldiers rescue the characters.

Don’t worry. You’re safe now. We’ll get you to a refugee center where you can
rest and get medical attention. Are there any other survivors?

The characters suddenly hear a groan and see that zombie Cooper is shambling
towards them. Once he’s dealt with, they can get into the truck and drive away. Ask
each character for their final thoughts. If Barbara or Duane survived, they slip their
hand in the characters with whom they had the beginnings of a relationship.



Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

THE FARMHOUSE # of Survivors:
This secluded two-story farmhouse is surrounded by fields and forest. A
nearby pond provides a supply of water (although it has to be boiled).
Adjacent to the house is a barn.


Each person consumers

1 per day

Generator consumer 1
Fuel per day

Starting Value: 10 Starting Value: +10% Starting Value: 25%

Using a Luxury adds

SIZE COMFORT SECURITY +10% to Despair rolls.

# of Survivors:

❑ Generator
❑ Unlimited water, so long as there is power


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)









❑ 1) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 3) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 3) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ DEN ❑ 6) ODDS: 30%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 7) ODDS: 20%+
❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 3) ODDS: 50%+ BASEMENT
❑ 5) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 5) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ PANTRY ❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 5) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 6) ODDS: 30%+
❑ 4) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 7) ODDS: 30%+
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+
BATHROOM ❑ 5) ODDS: 30%+
❑ 1) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 30%+

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)










❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ Empty ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+ LAUNDRY ❑ 3) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+ Empty ❑ 4) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 5) ODDS: 30%+
❑ 7) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 8) ODDS: 30%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 9) ODDS: 30%+
BATHROOM ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+
❑ 1) ODDS: 50%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 40%+ ❑ 2) ODDS: 40%+
❑ 2) ODDS: 30%+
BEDROOM A ❑ 1) ODDS: 40%+
Empty ❑ 2) ODDS: 40%+


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Barbara Valles and her brother Justino live in
Pittsburgh. They write and perform music together.
They have a large online following and were taking the
bus to New York to meet with a small record label.
PERSONALITY: Smart, brave, loyal, a fighter, caring.
HEALTH: . 100
FEATS: Athletics +10%, Dodge +20%, Drive +10%,
Hiding +20%, Fight +10%, Rogue +10%, Persuasion
+20%, Charm +30%, Knowledge +10%, Technical
+10%, Observation +20%, Self-Control +10%.
SPECIAL: If someone Barbara cares for takes damage,
they can make a 2nd roll. However, Barbara sacrifices
herself taking 1d6x10 damage.

Duane is a real estate agent and lives in New York.

He’s enjoyed a lot of success over the past couple of
years at the expense of his personal life. He was
driving back from a client meeting when the
apocalypse occurred.
PERSONALITY: Determined, tough, a planner,
HEALTH: . 120
FEATS: Athletics +20%, Dodge +20% Drive +10%,
Fortitude +20%, Hiding +10%, Fight +20%, Deceit
+10%, Persuasion +20%, Charm +10%, Knowledge
+10%, Observation +10%, Self-Control +20%.
SPECIAL: Duane is extremely determined. Once
during the session, he can re-roll a failed roll.

Harry Cooper lives in Allentown and manages a chain

of six hardware stores across the state. He and his
family were on their home from visiting his wife’s
parents when they were attacked by a horde. Cooper’s
only goal is to protect his family (and himself).
PERSONALITY: Arrogant, distrustful, quick-tempered,
FEATS: Dodge +10%, Drive +20%, Firearms +20%,
Hiding +10%, Deceit +20%, Persuasion +20%,
Knowledge +20%, Technical +10%, Observation +20%,
Self-Control +20%, Scavenging +10%
SPECIAL: Harry is resourceful at finding things. For
example, if the characters don’t give him a gun, he’ll
find one (.38 special – Damage 1d4x10, Ammo: 6).


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Judy works as an office assistant for an advertising
agency in Williamsport. She met her father for lunch at
Beekman’s diner and gas station. When zombies
overran the diner, her father was killed, but saved her
PERSONALITY: Unstable, angry, impatient, violent
FEATS: Athletics +20%, Dodge +20%, Drive +10%,
Firearms +10%, Fortitude +10%, Fight +20%, Hiding
+20%, Rogue +20%, Charm +10%, Knowledge +10%,
Observation +10%, Scavenging +20%
SPECIAL: Judy has been traumatized to the point,
where she can ignore physical pain. Reduce any
damage she takes by 10 points.

Helen is married to Harry Cooper. Her father owns a

chain of hardware stores that her husband manages.
She defers to Harry in most matters but secretly resents
his stubbornness. She places the safety of her daughter
Karen above all else.
PERSONALITY: Meek, smart, resentful
FEATS: Dodge +10%, Drive +10%, Firearms +10%,
Hiding +20%, Fight +10%, Deceit +10%, Persuasion
+20%, Deceit +10%, Charm +10%, Knowledge +20%,
Observation +10%, Self-Control +20%, Medicine +10%,
Survival +10%.
SPECIAL: Helen supports her husband in his decisions.
However. if a character can make a Persuasion roll
(ODDS: 30%+), they can convince her to take their side.

Karen Cooper is home from university visiting her

family. When she tried to escape their smashed car,
she was bitten by a zombie. Her wound is infected.
PERSONALITY: Intelligent, witty, confident.
HEALTH: . 110 (Currently 50)
FEATS: Athletics +20%, Dodge +10%, Drive +10%,
Hiding +20%, Persuasion +20%, Charm +20%,
Knowledge +25%, Technical +15%, Observation +10%,
Self-Control +10%, Scavenging +10%, Survival +10%.
SPECIAL: Karen is incapacitated until she turns into a


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

The most common zombie variant.

Athletics: +10%
Fortitude: +20%
Fight: +0%
Hide: +10%
Observation: +0%

• Regenerates: Feeding regenerates Health equal to the
damage inflicted with a bite.
• Blood Tracker: The Zombie’s Observation rolls increase
to +20% for noticing someone with an open wound.
Bandaged wounds don’t apply.
• Tireless: A zombie does not need to make Fortitude
rolls for exhaustion.
• Vertically Challenged: While fast runners, zombies are
not great climbers. The ODDS for all Athletics rolls for
climbing is 0%+.
• Instant Kill: Zombies are vulnerable to strikes to the
brain. The ODDS for a character/NPC to instantly kill a
zombie is 30%+. An instant kill attack must be declared
before rolling.

Grapple (Fight): If successful, the zombie grabs onto its victim, who suffers a -10% penalty to all
Feat rolls until freed. This penalty is cumulative, so if two zombies grapple a victim, the penalty is -
20%, and so on. To get free, the zombie needs to be killed, or the character needs to win a
competitive roll against the zombie’s Fight (+0%) Feat.

Bite (Fight): Zombies gain a +10% bonus to Fight when biting someone who is already grappled.
A bite does 2d10 damage, plus the character needs to make an infection roll. If a zombie’s bite is
blocked by armor, they try and avoid the armor on subsequent attacks (reducing the attack ODDS
to 30%+).

Following the exposure event, 98% of all humans became infected with the resurrection virus. The
virus is vulnerable to the human immune system, so it stays dormant until the immune system is
weakened or the host dies.

Once the virus activates, it flushes the host body’s with a protein that continually regenerates the
cells. This reanimates the dead and allows the host to function despite horrific damage to the
body and organs. Only the destruction of the brain kills the zombie.

A host zombie possesses the singular obsession of consuming as much blood as possible. If a
zombie consumes approximately 50 pints of blood (the equivalent of five adults) it evolves. Host
zombies’ saliva contains an immune compromising property that can cause fever and death.


Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)



Helen Cooper Karen Cooper Judy

Tom Ben

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)
Paul Cooper (Order #36803368)

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