True Observing India 28 May 2024

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UPENG/2016/69825 Volume-08 Issue-187

Menstrual Hygiene Day is an annual awareness day

on May 28 to highlight the importance of good men- "That it will never come again is
strual hygiene management at a global level. It was what makes life so sweet."
initiated by the German-based NGO WASH United in - Emily Dickinson
2013 and observed for the first time in 2014

English Daily Youth E- Newspaper LUCKNOW, 28 MAY, 2024 Price Rs 2.00



he Thwaites Glacier in West

T Antarctica, dubbed the

'Doomsday Glacier,' poses
a significant threat due to its
potential collapse, which could
result in catastrophic sea-level
rise. Recent satellite imagery

reveals the rapid destabilisation of
this glacier, which is comparable in
size to the state of Florida, characterised by
extensive fissures. A recent study indicates that seawater
intrusions beneath the glacier, occurring at tidal frequencies,
are accelerating its melt rate beyond previous estimates. This
alarming revelation underscores the urgency of under-
standing and addressing the factors contributing to the desta-
bilisation of the Thwaites Glacier to mitigate the risks of
accelerated sea-level rise.

imbabwe has unveiled ZiG, the

Z world's latest currency, to

replace the Zimbabwe
dollar as of April. ZiG, short
for Zimbabwe Gold, is sup-
ported by the nation's gold
reserves and aims to tack-
le currency instability and
hyperinflation. This introduc-
Taniya Dyson tion marks Zimbabwe's sixth
social groups one belongs to contribute to the devel- currency since the Zimbabwe dol-
dentity is a multifaceted construct that encom- opment of values, beliefs, and behaviours. lar's collapse in 2009, during a period of hyperinflation

I passes the unique characteristics, beliefs, and

experiences defining an individual. It is
shaped by various factors, both intrinsic
exceeding 5 billion percent. The adoption of ZiG signifies
Zimbabwe's ongoing efforts to stabilise its economy and
restore confidence in its monetary system, leveraging its
and extrinsic, and evolves over time. Personal experiences, including edu- substantial gold reserves to provide a more reliable and sus-
cation, career, and relationships, tainable currency option for its citizens and investors alike.
PERSONAL play a crucial role in shaping
ATTRIBUTES: identity. These experiences pro-
vide individuals with unique
Core aspects like personality perspectives and growth oppor- HEALTH RISKS OF OVER-
traits, physical appearance, and tunities.
inherent talents form the founda-
tion of one's identity. These intrin- PSYCHOLOGICAL
sic qualities influence how individ- FACTORS: ver-boiling milk tea can
uals perceive themselves and interact
with the world. Self-concept, self-esteem, and mental
health are critical components. How indi-
O have adverse health
effects due to sev-
eral reasons. Firstly, it may
CULTURAL AND SOCIAL INFLUENCES: viduals view themselves and their sense of worth alter the pH of the tea,
directly affect their identity and behaviour. increasing acidity and
Cultural background, traditions, and societal norms potentially leading to symp-
significantly impact identity. The community and FLUIDITY OF IDENTITY: toms such as heartburn or
stomach discomfort.
Identity is not static; it evolves with new experi- Moreover, prolonged boiling
ences and changing circumstances. This fluidity can degrade certain nutrients in milk,
allows for personal growth and adaptation over time. such as vitamins B12 and C. Additionally, overheating can
In essence, identity is a complex interplay of per- result in the formation of compounds like acrylamide,
sonal, social, and psychological elements. especially when carbohydrates are present. Acrylamide is
Understanding this dynamic nature helps in appre- considered a potential carcinogen, posing health risks
ciating the diversity and richness of human experi- when consumed in high amounts.
ence, fostering empathy and connection among indi-

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024


udge Frank Caprio,

J renowned for his

approach on the T
he Ministry of Health
highlights impor-
tant symptoms of I
n commemoration of its
10th anniversary,
Christopher Nolan's
court reality TV diabetes that warrant "Interstellar" is set for
show "Caught in attention. These include a theatrical revival. The
Providence," has fatigue, persistent thirst, film, which amassed a
provided an frequent urination, slow remarkable $731 million
encouraging health wound healing, blurred worldwide upon its ini-
update amid his fight vision, sudden weight loss, tial release in 2014, will return
against pancreatic cancer. and increased appetite. Arecent to cinemas on September 27, 2024. Audiences can
Caprio announced the completion of his treat- ICMR study revealed alarming statistics: an esti- relive the awe-inspiring journey of "Interstellar" in
ment for pancreatic cancer, marking a significant mated 10.1 crore individuals in India currently have two formats: 70mm IMAX prints, the preferred
milestone in his battle against the disease. The 87- diabetes, with an additional 13.6 crore people iden- presentation style of Nolan, as well as digital screen-
year-old celebrated this achievement by ringing tified as having pre diabetes. These figures under- ings. This re-release offers fans and moviegoers
the bell at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute, score the pressing need for awareness, early detec- alike the chance to experience the epic tale of space
symbolising the end of his treatment journey. tion, and proactive management of diabetes to mit- exploration and human endurance on the big screen
igate its impact on public health. once again.

Allenhouse, Khalasi Lines Excels at UP Speech and

Debate League 2024 Hosted by IIT Kanpur
True Observing India
Thakur, our junior participant, displayed
llenhouse Public School, Khalasi commendable skills and dedication, earn-

A Lines proudly announces the

remarkable achievements of its
students at the UP Speech and Debate
ing recognition as the Best Style partic-
These achievements underscore the
League 2024 held at IIT Kanpur. The hard work, dedication, and excellence
event, which brought together young embodied by our students. Debate fos-
speakers from various regions, show- ters civic responsibility, empowering indi-
cased exceptional talent and eloquence, viduals to actively engage in democrat-
with our students distinguishing them- ic processes and societal discourse. It
selves across different categories. also cultivates essential public speaking
Aarya Khanna secured the Second and communication skills crucial for
Position in the Middle Turn Coat cate- effective leadership and advocacy.
gory, demonstrating outstanding skill and Principal Dr. Ruchi Seth commended
mastery of the art of debate. Akarshita the students for their exceptional per-
Yadav claimed the Second Position in formances, highlighting their role in rep-
the Senior Turn Coat category, while resenting the school with distinction. She
Ayesha Fatima was awarded the Best dedication and proficiency. Turn Coat Best Style, and Kamakshi praised their efforts and encouraged them
Speaker in the Senior Turn Coat and Notable mentions include Aanya Chabbra, honored with The Best Style to continue striving for success, foresee-
achieved Third Position, reflecting their Jakhodia, who emerged as the Senior Turncoat award. Additionally, Myra ing a bright future ahead for each of them.

Family Infected with 'Brain Worms' CSIR AND CMERI

from Undercooked Bear Meat TILLER FOR
ix members of a fam- SUSTAINABLE FARMING
S ily in the US contract-
ed trichinellosis, com-
monly referred to as 'brain
he Council of Scientific
and Industrial
Research (CSIR) and
worms,' after consuming
the Central Mechanical
undercooked black bear meat,
Engineering Research
according to the Centres for Institute (CMERI) have
Disease Control and launched an electric tiller
Prevention (CDC). The inci- to assist small and margin-
dent surfaced when a 29-year- al farmers with sustainable
old individual was hospi- and efficient farming, the
talised with symptoms includ- Ministry of Science & Technology announced. "The
Electric Tiller boasts enhanced torque and field effi-
ing fever, muscle pain, and
ciency, while also prioritizing user comfort and envi-
swelling around the eyes. ronmental sustainability. It significantly reduces
Trichinellosis is caused by a hand-arm vibration, operates quietly, and produces
freeze-resistant parasite, high- zero exhaust emissions compared to traditional ICE
lighting the importance of tillers," the ministry stated. This electric tiller is
thoroughly cooking wild expected to benefit small to marginal farmers-those
game meat to prevent such with land holdings of less than 2 hectares-who
constitute over 80 percent of India's farming com-
munity, by substantially reducing operational costs.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024


elhi is experiencing

D extreme heat-
wave condi-
tions, with maxi-
dani Ports and
eople in large parts of
India endured a dead-
ly heat wave this
week that tested the
mum temperatures
soaring over 48 Zone Ltd (APSEZ) power grids and dis-
degrees Celsius in announcedthat its flag- aster preparedness of
Mungeshpur, a ship Mundra Port has states. A 'red' warn-
locality in the nation- ing has been issued
set a new record by
al capital. According for Rajasthan, Punjab,
welcoming the largest Haryana, Chandigarh,
to the India container ship to ever call
Meteorological Department Delhi, west Uttar Pradesh,
(IMD), "Heatwave occurred at most places and at an Indian port. The vessel, and Gujarat, indicating a
severe heat wave occurred at some places in Delhi. MSC Anna, docked on May 26 at Mundra Port. MSC "very high likelihood" of heat ill-
Mungeshpur recorded the highest temperature of Anna is an enormous ship with an overall length of ness and heat stroke for all age groups. Rajasthan's
48.3 degrees Celsius." Senior IMD scientist Naresh 399.98 meters (roughly the length of four football Phalodi was the hottest place in the country for the
Kumar earlier stated, "Delhi NCR will face heat- second consecutive day, recording a maximum
fields) and a staggering capacity of 19,200 TEUs
wave to severe heatwave today. At some stations, temperature of 49.8 degrees Celsius. At least 37 places
(twenty-foot equivalent units), making it the largest in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,
temperatures may reach 47 degrees... The temper- container ship by capacity to ever visit an Indian
ature will remain the same for the next three days. Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh recorded maxi-
After that, there may be some relief..." port, according to APSEZ. mum temperatures of 45 degrees Celsius.

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School Hosts

"Watermelon Party" to Promote Hydration
True Observing India
eth Anandram Jaipuria School

S organized a refreshing
"Watermelon Party" aimed at pro-
moting hydration during the summer
season. The event, graced by the school's
Additional Director Sushil Tiwari, and
Principal Jai Prakash Pal, emphasiz-
ing the importance of consuming water-
rich fruits like watermelon to stay hydrat-
Encouraging student participation,
Tiwari and Pal highlighted that water-
melon, consisting of around 90% water,
is an excellent choice to beat the heat.
The activity, successfully executed with
the support of dedicated teachers under attendees.Students relished the cious fruit while learning about its health mote healthy habits among students,
Principal Jai Prakash's guidance, pro- "Watermelon Party" alongside their benefits. Such initiatives not only fos- ensuring their well-being during the
vided a fun-filled experience for all friends and teachers, enjoying the deli- ter a sense of community but also pro- scorching summer months.



mid rising heatwave conditions, the Ministry of Health advised

A employers to implement essential heat safety measures at work-

places. "From providing hydration stations to scheduling outdoor
tasks during cooler hours, let's ensure our workers stay cool, healthy, and
productive," the ministry posted on social media platform An ani-
mated post urged employers to offer proper drinking water facilities and
schedule strenuous and outdoor jobs during cooler times of the day. Other
recommendations included increasing the frequency of rest breaks and
training workers to recognize symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Exposure
to extreme heat can lead to health issues ranging from rashes to serious
and potentially fatal conditions like heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024

GUPTA adhika Gupta, Managing Director and Chief Executive

ADDRESSES R Officer of Edelweiss Mutual Fund, frequently engages with

social media to impart financial advice and offer glimpses

into her life as an entrepreneur and a working mother. Recently,
she shared her insights on depression among young people.Gupta
HEALTH highlighted that one of the main reasons for the increase in men-
tal health issues among youth is the growing pressure to portray a
CHALLENGES glamorous life on Instagram rather than focusing on becoming the
best version of themselves. Writing on X, she stated, "The pres-
ON SOCIAL sure of being someone because their life looks cool on Instagram,

rather than being your unique self."

Modern Academy, Viram Khand 5 Champions at

Lucknow District Boxing Championship

True Observing India

ing focus and resolve, resulting in com-
he spirited boxers from Modern mendable performances from athletes

T Academy, Viram Khand 5 show-

cased their prowess at the
Lucknow District Boxing Championship
like Shivani, Akshat, Akhand, Ayaan,
Divyanshu, Bharat, Shubham, Swarit,
among others, who emerged as medal
held at K.D. Singh Babu Stadium, secur- winners.
ing an impressive array of medals. Under Directors Rajiv Tuli and Sunil Tuli
the expert guidance of Coach Rohit extended their heartfelt congratulations
Dhanuk, the team clinched a total of 33 to the victorious athletes, commending
medals, exemplifying their dedication their outstanding performance. They
and skill on the ring. expressed their pride in the students'
Competing against several formida- achievements and encouraged them to
ble opponents, the tournament proved continue striving for excellence, both in
to be a rigorous test of resilience and sports and academics. Emphasizing the
determination for the students. Each importance of a well-rounded educa-
match was approached with unwaver- tion, the directors underscored the sig-


lympic gold

Chopra clarified that
he is "not injured" and
pulled out of the
Ostrava Golden Spike
2024 athletics meet as
apua New Guinea informed the UN on Monday that over 2,000 a precautionary meas-

P people were buried in a massive landslide that swept over a remote

village, as per a copy of the letter obtained by AFP. "The land-
slide buried more than 2,000 people alive and caused major destruc-
ure to remain risk-free
during the Olympic
year. The 26-year-old athlete had to issue an update on his health after
tion," the country's national disaster center informed the UN office in the organizers stated that Neeraj had sustained an injury during train-
the capital Port Moresby. A once-bustling remote hillside village in ing. "Hello everyone! Following a recent throwing session, I decided
Enga province was nearly wiped out when a portion of Mount Mungalo not to compete in Ostrava as I felt something in my adductors. I am not
collapsed in the early hours of Friday morning, burying numerous injured but I don't want to take any risk during the Olympic year," he
homes and the people inside them as they slept. wrote on Instagram.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024


VIDEO xcitement brews CANNES SUCCESS
allika E in the Indian
he Film and Television
Institute of India

M Sherawat,
a known
fitness enthusiast,
market as Motorola
prepares to unveil
its latest creation,
(FTII) congratu-
lated its alumni film-
makers Payal Kapadia,
showcased her the Moto G04s. Maisam Ali, Chidanand
dedication to Flipkart, the lead- S. Naik, and veteran cin-
exercise in a ing Indian e-com- ematographer Santosh
workout video merce platform, has Sivan for making history at
posted on social teased enthusiasts with a the 77th Cannes Film Festival.
media. The actress sneak peek, setting up a promo page hinting at the At the gala, which concluded on Saturday, Kapadia
shared a clip of herself Moto G04s' grand arrival on May 30. Crafted to won the Grand Prix Award, the second-highest hon-
performing HIIT rope slams, redefine user experience, the Motorola Moto G04s our at Cannes, becoming the first Indian to receive
dressed in purple and black athleisure wear. "I love boasts impressive specifications and features, this prestigious award. Naik's film "Sunflowers Were
working out in the gym, love the sense of accomplish- including an immersive 6.6-inch 90Hz HD+ LCD the First Ones to Know..." earned the first prize in
ment that comes with pushing my limits. Btw my gym display as its centrepiece. the La Cinef section, while Ali's "In Retreat" was
trainer is ruthless," she wrote in the caption. screened in ACID Cannes, a parallel section dedi-
cated to independent cinema.

Kolkata Airport Resumes

Flight Operations after
Cyclone Remal
light services from the Kolkata airport resumed on Monday

F after being suspended for 21 hours due to cyclone Remal, as

confirmed by an official. The first departure on Monday was
IndiGo's Kolkata-Port Blair flight at 8:59 am, while the first arrival
in Kolkata was SpiceJet's flight from Guwahati at 9:50 am, stated a
top official from the Airports Authority of India (AAI). The last flight
to depart from Kolkata airport on Sunday was at 12:16 pm. Although
the process of resuming flight operations has commenced, sources
at the airport mentioned that it will take some more time for the sit-
uation to normalize.



ustralia's leg-spinner Adam Zampa expressed his preference

A for playing international cricket, stating that it gives him a

greater buzz compared to various T20 franchise leagues. Zampa
was scheduled to play for Rajasthan Royals in IPL 2024 but withdrew
from the competition due to fatigue. After last playing international
cricket in February, Zampa will be back in action for Australia in the
upcoming men's T20 World Cup in the West Indies and the USA start-
ing June 1. "I've really come to love playing for Australia. I make
good money playing for Australia and I would love to prioritize play-
ing for Australia and being with my family," he said.

sportsChronicles LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024

Dipa Karmakar Makes

History with Gold in
Asian Championships
ipa Karmakar made history on Sunday by becoming the first Indian to

D secure a gold medal in the Asian Senior Championships. The accom-

plished gymnast claimed the top spot in the women's vault event held
in Tashkent. At 30 years old, Dipa achieved an average score of 13.566 in the
vault final, marking the pinnacle of the competition in the capital city of
Uzbekistan. North Koreans Kim Son Hyang (13.466) and Jo Kyong Byol
(12.966) secured the silver and bronze medals respectively. Notably, Dipa had
previously finished fourth in the vault final at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Anand to Compete in
WR Chess Masters
Cup in London
ormer five-time World Champion Viswanathan Anand will com-

F pete in the WR Chess Masters Cup in London from October 14

to 18. The tournament features 16 top players across four intense
rounds. Anand expressed his excitement on X, stating, "I am looking
forward to competing in the WR Chess Masters Cup. Looking forward
to seeing some great games." Recently included in the FIDE Circuit, the
WR Chess Masters Cup is an elimination tournament using a knockout
system with best-of-two games.

Sindhu Falls Short in

Kuala Lumpur Final
tar Indian shuttler PV Sindhu's wait for a title contin-

S ues as she lost in the final to world No. 7 Wang Zhi Yi

of China in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. Fifth-seed Sindhu,
a double Olympic medallist, last won the Singapore Open
and Commonwealth Games gold in 2022 and was runner-up
at the Madrid Spain Masters in 2023. The title seemed with-
in reach for world No. 15 Sindhu when she held a command-
ing 11-3 lead in the deciding game. However, she faltered at
the finish line, extending her title drought.

Indian n the final match of the Belgium

I leg of the FIH Hockey Pro
League 2023/24, the Indian
women's hockey team suffered a 0-
3 defeat against Argentina in

Hockey Antwerp on Sunday. Celina Di

Santo, Maria Campoy, and Maria
Granatto scored for Argentina.
Team Loses Argentina set the tone early, capital-
ising on the first minute to breach
India's high press and advance into
0-3 to the shooting circle. India struggled
to break out of their half, leading to

Argentina a period of Argentine dominance

throughout the game.

student'sCorner LUCKNOW
28 MAY, 2024

Delicious Fruit Lassi: INGREDIENTS: delightful aromatic touch to the lassi.

CHEF'S 4. Once all the ingredients are blended to

A Refreshing Blend 1. 1 cup yogurt

2. Assorted fruits (e.g., mangoes, bananas,
your desired consistency, pour the fruit
lassi into glasses.
5. Serve the refreshing fruit lassi immedi-
of Yogurt and 3. Honey, to taste
4. A pinch of cardamom powder
ately to enjoy its delightful flavours and
cooling qualities.

Assorted Fruits INSTRUCTIONS:

1. In a blender, combine 1 cup of yogurt and a vari-
ety of assorted fruits (such as mangoes, bananas,
and berries). Blend until the mixture becomes
smooth and creamy.
2. Add honey, adjusting the sweetness level accord-
ing to your preference.
3. For an extra layer of flavour, you can include
a pinch of cardamom powder. This adds a

Crafting Magic: Your Quick

Guide to Setting Up an 1. Who is the director of Oscar-win-

Embroidery Hoop ning 'All We Imagine As Light'?

2. Ace shuttler PV Sindhu belongs
MATERIALS REQUIRED: to which state?
1. Embroidery hoop (wooden or plastic)
2. Fabric
3. What is the highest award at
3. Scissors Cannes Film Festival called?
4. Embroidery floss
5. Needle 4 What are adductors in human
5. Kuala Lumpur is the capital of
1. Cut fabric slightly larger than the hoop.
2. Loosen the screw and separate the inner and outer
which country?
3. Lay the fabric over the inner hoop.
Remember: Challenge yourself and
4. Press the outer hoop over the fabric and inner hoop. see how well you know the con-
5. Tighten the screw to secure the fabric. tent without any hints. Good luck!
6. Trim any excess fabric if needed and you're ready to
embroider your favourite design! Answers: Payal Kapadia, Andhra
Pradesh, Palme d'Or, Thigh mus-
cles, Malaysias

2. Green photosynthesising pigment
5. Layer that protects us from the sun's rays

6. Our home planet

8. Water in frozen form
1. A large body of saltwater
3. Reduce, _________, Recycle
4. Earth's natural satellite
7. Precipitation from the sky
Hints: Ice, Ocean, Earth, Rain, Moon, Ozone,
Chlorophyll, Reuse
knowledgeHub 28 MAY, 2024

5 Ayurvedic A
Taniya Dyson
yurveda, the ancient Indian system of
medicine, offers a range of natural reme-

Coolers to
dies to help stay cool and hydrated dur-
ing the hot summer months. Here are five refresh-
ing Ayurvedic coolers that can provide relief from

Beat the
the heat:


Summer Heat Made from raw mangoes, Aam Panna is a tangy

and sweet drink that helps prevent heat strokes.
It is rich in vitamins and electrolytes, replenish-
ing the body and cooling it down.

mint leaves is both refreshing and nutri-
Atraditional spiced beverage, Jaljeera tious. Mint has cooling properties,
combines cumin, mint, lemon, while yogurt aids digestion and
and black salt. This drink aids boosts immunity.
digestion, prevents dehydra-
tion, and has a cooling effect SATTU SHARBAT:
on the body.
Made from roasted gram
COCONUT WATER: flour, Sattu Sharbat is a pro-
tein-rich drink that provides
Naturally hydrating, coconut instant energy and cools the
water is packed with essen- body. It is especially popular
tial electrolytes like potassium in northern India during the sum-
and magnesium. It not only mer.
quenches thirst but also helps main- Incorporating these Ayurvedic cool-
tain fluid balance and keeps the body cool. ers into your daily routine can help you stay
cool, hydrated, and healthy throughout the sum-
MINT LASSI: mer. These natural remedies offer a delicious way
to combat the heat while benefiting from their
This yogurt-based drink blended with fresh nutritional properties.


Planting SEEDS for Better Mental Health
Rishika Kukrety
Diet: Fuel for Thought
een mental health is a critical issue today. With

T rising stress levels and various pressures, many

teens struggle to maintain their mental well-
being. One promising solution is using plant SEEDS,
A healthy diet is not just good for the body; it's also
beneficial for the mind. Eating a balanced diet with
plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean pro-
which stands for Social support, Exercise, Education, teins can improve mood and energy levels. Teens should
Diet, and Sleep. By focusing on these five areas, teens also stay hydrated and limit their intake of sugary snacks
can improve their mental health in simple yet effective and drinks, which can lead to mood swings and ener-
ways. gy crashes.

Social Support: Strength in Numbers Sleep: Rest for Resilience

Having strong social support is crucial for teens. Friends, Adequate sleep is vital for mental health. Most teens
family, and community members can provide the encour- need about 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep
agement and understanding that teens need. Positive hygiene includes having a regular bedtime, creating a
relationships help teens feel connected and valued, relaxing bedtime routine, and limiting screen time before
which can reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety. bed. Quality sleep helps teens feel more focused, calm,
Encouraging teens to build and maintain healthy rela- and ready to face the day.
tionships can significantly boost their mental health. activity they enjoy.
A Path Forward
Exercise: Moving For the Mind Education: Knowledge is Power
Implementing the SEEDS approach can help teens build
Regular physical activity is another key element of the Education about mental health is essential. When teens a strong foundation for mental health. By focusing on
SEEDS approach. Exercise releases endorphins, which understand more about how their minds and bodies social support, exercise, education, diet, and sleep, teens
are chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters. work, they can better manage their emotions and stress. can develop healthy habits that will benefit them through-
It also reduces stress and anxiety. Teens should aim for Schools and parents can play a big role in providing out their lives. Encouraging teens to take small, man-
at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the information about mental health, coping strategies, and ageable steps in each of these areas can lead to signif-
week. This can include sports, dancing, walking, or any where to seek help when needed. icant improvements in their overall well-being.

Owner Publisher and Printer Krishan Singh Printed at Samar Printers, Barfkhana, Udayganj, Lucknow and Published from 516A.Laxmanpuri Extension Colony, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.)
English Daily EDITOR— Geeta Saini Mobile - 9415080475 Email - (All subjected to Lucknow Jurisdiction.)

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