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This used to be a nation under God, now it is a nation under gays.

The issue in the workplace is not if the person is gay or lesbian. The issue is that they trumpet their
lifestyle and promote it. They also harass other employees who do not think like them. If they are in
position of authority, they are intolerant if they see a Christin bringing the Bible to work, even if there is
no preaching, that employee risk losing the job.

I am not referring to those gays and lesbians who live their lives quietly and work in harmony with those
that are straight. I am referring to those that want to push their lifestyle down others’ throats. They get
very violent verbally and physically against those that believe that marriage is only between a man and a

The trans reading hour is an activity geared towards making little innocent boys and girls lose their
innocence and become gay and lesbians too. It is nothing more than a recruiting tool. If we consider the
idea of transferring the predator priests to another parish where they are going to have a fresh supply of
children meat a terrible crime, just imagine what would happen when these little 5 or 6 years old
become teenagers and get confused about their sexuality. Their recruiters will be elated like a little poor
kid in a candy store with permission to take home all they want. This will be an “all you can eat buffett.”

*****What are the social, religious and economic implications of the nation being mostly composed of
gays and lesbians?

Religious- this will affect the poor because the churches are very active supporting social causes, running
orphanages and soup kitchens.

Economic- a nation with aging population and low birth rates is dooming its economy to collapse. We all
know that gays cannot reproduce. That is against nature. Lesbians count on perm donors to reproduce
but at the rate that we go, the males will be gay and eventually will consider disgusting to donate sperm
to women.

From the internet:

 Harvey Mitterdorf • a day ago

Actually, forcing a business owner to hire (or not fire) anyone does away with his right to ownership.
Property rights have long ago been abandoned.
Robert Early • 2 days ago
There are only two genders; and anyone who does not agree is as sick as the fruitcakes they support.

Eric Dole • an hour ago

No business owners in our country should have to have anyone represent the business they own, who
doesn't represent the owners beliefs. Plain and simple, our Supreme Court better do what's right and
not discriminate against business owners rights in The United States of America. GOD BLESS



SteveG. • a day ago

Mother nature has defined gender and it's silly to think the courts or lawmakers should be the ones to
define it. Besides; I seriously doubt any of these people were fired because they were gay. Gay
people have a tendency to be in your face about being gay, which is in itself a form of harassment.
As for the transgender; there is something called a dress code. In a past job I had, men weren't
allowed to have a goatee and must be clean shaven with only allowing a trimmed mustache. If you
violated this, you were sent home. If you said you were not going to follow this rule, you were sent
home permanently.

UR not the boss of me • an hour ago

Time to step back from extra civil protections and let businesses decide who to hire and who to fire.
Go find another job.
Rik Emmett Doc Sarvis • 2 days ago • edited
Discussing sexual preference in the workplace is a form of harassment. You're either a male or a
female as defined on your birth certificate. Keep your fantasies to yourself. Others are in no way
obligated to participate your fantasies.
 4
adriana riley miller- cuevas Rik Emmett • a day ago
@Rik Emmentt not just your birth certificates but, your DNA that counts mostly.

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