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Connect 5

Term 2
Class Management
Prepared by:
Amira Erfan
Do you teach large classes?


Challenges of Mixed-Abilities Classrooms

• Different

• language abilities
• learning styles
• levels of motivation
• background knowledge
• personal Interests
Classrooms with Effective Classroom Management Characteristics

• Bigger pool of knowledge.

• Teachers and students have more to offer.

• More opportunities for peer and group support.

• Less individual domination.

• Less focus on individuals.

Classrooms with ineffective classroom management characteristics:

• Harder to ‘manage’.

• Difficult to monitor and assess.

• Noisy / Disruptive.

• Some students ‘disappear’.

Effective teaching
Some of your effective strategies
techniques to manage
large classes
Successful Classroom Management Strategies

For Teachers

• Get to know your students’ background, interests, and learning styles and
preferences early in the school year.
• Set and apply clear, simple classroom rules and constantly revisit
them to ensure their application.
 Be prepared with interactive class activities and effective lesson
plans, using differentiated activities and instructions, to increase student
engagement and ensure successful classroom management.
Successful Classroom Management Strategies

For Teachers

 Design evaluation and feedback tools and share with the students by the
end of each unit/week/month.
 Motivation and Recognition!
Frequently, use constructive praise to encourage students' intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations.
 Individual Meetings
• Using the differentiated strategies in our practical life
resulted in more student engagement, less disruptive
behavior, and effective classroom management.

• Effective classroom management results in better

academic achievements.
Micro-teaching time

5 Groups
Term 2, Unit 8
Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Design an integrated tasks activity to present

Evaluation Guidelines

Listen to the presenter and evaluate

the suggested Integration Plan:
Thank you.
Any questions?

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