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Social Studies G10

Quarter (3) Revision Sheet

Complete the following

1- The WHO headquarter is in ………………
2- 3- The WHO has ………….Member states .
3- The WHO succeeded in fighting …………….and eradicated it in 1980 .
4- The WHO has three distinct components ……………………….………………
5- The ………………… the supreme decision making body .
6- The world health assembly meets in …………………….
7- The WHO has ……………regional offices .
8-The WHO aims at improving nutrition ,………………,………………..and other aspects of
environmental hygiene .
9- WHO rallied 168 countries to sign a framework convention on ……………control in 2003.
10- UNICEF was founded in ………………………………………..
11- UNICEF was founded to provide ……………………………….to children in countries
ravaged by World War || .
12 - UNICEF aimed to provide ………………….,…………………………,………
13- UNICEF headquarter is in …………………………………………
14- UNICEF`S Supply Division is in …………………..
15- UNICEF is a …………………… group .
16- UNICEF receives …………………of the funding from UN member governments .
17- UNICEF worked with the FAO to fight …………………….
18- 36 - member …………………monitors all the UNICEF`S work .
19- The WHO ………………………international efforts to control and prevents like diseases
like tuberculosis and AIDS .
20- ….………..and ………….denies children their rights .
21- In 1965 UNICEF was awarded the …………………………….
22- Money is ……………………………………………………………………………

23 - Barter system is ……………………………………………………………………

24 - Money , as a medium of exchange ,encourage specialization,……………………….and
economic efficiency .
25 - Gold is an example of ………………………………………..
26 - The ………………………..determines the price of goods not people .

27- ….……………………………is the money governments accept as a legal means of

payment .
28- Money can serve as a store of value ,it can quickly be exchanged
for ………………and …………………..
29- Representative money like ……………….and…………………..
30- Commodity money like …………,……………..,………………..,……………
31- Fiat money like ……………………………………………..
32- Electronic money is a payment systems used in …………………………………….on the
internet .
33- The functions of money are …………………………………………………………,

2- Write the Acronyms of the following terms :

1- Food and Agriculture Organization :…………………………………

2- World Health Organization: ……………………………….

3- United Nations :………………………..

4- United Nations International Children`s Emergency Fund :……………………….

5- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration :………………………….

3- Define the following :

1- WHO is ………………………………………………………………………………………………


2- Credit money is ………………………………………………………………………………………


3- Fiat money is ………………………………………………………………………………………..


4- Money is ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


5- Barter System is …………………………………………………………………………………..

4- Put true (T) or false (F) . Then , correct the mistakes :

1- WHO headquarter is in Geneva . (…..)


2- UNICEF headquarter is in Copenhagen . (…..)


3- UNICEF is a non - profit group . (……)


4- A 36 member governments guiding and monitoring all of UNICEF`s work . (……)


5- Before the emergence of money , people used the barter system . (……..)


6- UNICEF receives about 1/3 of it`s funding from U.N . (…….)


7- After the first world war UNICEF achieved its goals . (…….)


8- The WHO succeeded in fighting SARS and eradicated it in 1980 . (…….)


9- The WHO rallied 168 countries to sign a framework convention on AIDS control in 2003 .(……)


10- UNICEF was founded in 1945 . (…..)


11- Money is a medium of exchange . (…….)


12- The WHO has three regional offices .(……..)


13 - WHO`s mission is to improve people`s lives . (…………)

14 - Fait money is the money governments accept as legal means of payment . (…….)

15 - The market determines the price of goods not the people . (….)


5- Choose the correct Answer :

1- The WHO has ………regional offices .

a) Three

b) Six

c) Two

2- ….……………implements the decisions and policies of the assembly .

a) The secretariat

b) The world health assembly

c) The executive board

3- The WHO …………………international efforts to control and prevents diseases like

tuberculosis and AIDS .

a) Communicate

b) Coordinate

c) monitor

4- UNICEF worked with FAO to fight ………………

a) Sanitation

b) Starvation

c) Polio

5- Money encourages specialization ,……………………..and economic efficiency .

a) division of labor

b) donation

c) transactions
6- Gold is an example of …………………………….

a) Commodity money

b) Representative money

c) Fiat money

7- The ……………..determines the price of goods not the people.

a) market

b) government

c) Specialized institutions

8- WHO signed a framework convention on ……………………control in 2003 .

a) Tobacco

b) Diseases

c) Nutrition

9- The WHO …………………….international efforts to control and prevents diseases like

tuberculosis and AIDS .

a) communicate

b) coordinate

c) monitor

10 - Money serves as a store of value ,it can exchanged quickly for ………………….

a) assets

b) goods and services

c) real estate

11-UNICEF is a ………………………group

a) profit

b) non- profit

c) world class

12--The WHO aims at improving nutrition ,………………,.and other aspects of environmental

hygiene .
a) sanitation b) coordinate c) monitor
13 - ….……………………… the process of directly exchanging one good or service for

another .

a) Money

b) Bartering

c) Credit money

14 - …………………………is money that has value based on the material from which it is

made .

a) Fiat money

b) Credit money

c) Commodity money

15 - …………………………is an asset that is recognized by an economic community as

something that has value .

a) Electronic money

b) Money

c) Representative money


1- List the missions of WHO .





2- List the types of money with examples .





3- Money serves three functions . Illustrate .





4- List the Achievements of the UNICEF after the second world war . Mention at least 3 of

them .





5- Both the WHO and UNICEF work on related programmes . Mention at least 4 of them .





6- List the fund sources of the UNICEF .





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