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Betrayed: Lords of Chaos MC (Road to

Carnage 6) MM Nicholas Bella

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Payback: Lords of Chaos MC (Road to Carnage Series Book

5) Nicholas Bella

THE LORDS OF CARNAGE MC Collection: The Complete Series

(Books 1-12) Loveling

Mako: Kings of Carnage MC: Prospects Chelsea Camaron

Bandolero!: A Badland Lords Outlaw MC Tale (The Badland

Lords Book 3) Amy Cummings
A Regrettable Charade: A Regency Romance (Lords &
Ladies of Mayfair Book 6) Laura Beers

AVY (CROW MC Book 6) Michelle Dups

Wolf Betrayed (Betrayed by Blood Book 2) Bethany Shaw

Must Know Math Grade 6 1st Edition Nicholas Falletta

Chaos (Kings of Chaos & Mayhem Book 1) Ashlynn
Betrayed: Road to Carnage Series
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as
real in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2024 by Nicholas Bella
First Edition
Edited by Heidi Ryan
Published by Dark Desires Publishing LLC
Book Cover Design by Nicholas Bella
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written permission of the author. Exceptions are in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Loyalty. Family. Power.

Order of Books in Series
Series Warning
VIP Dedication
The VIP Members
The Road Thus Far
1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
6. Chapter 6
7. Chapter 7
8. Chapter 8
10. Chapter 10
11. Chapter 11
12. Chapter 12
13. Chapter 13
14. Chapter 14
15. Chapter 15
16. Chapter 16
17. Chapter 17
18. Chapter 18
19. Chapter 19
20. Chapter 20
21. Chapter 21
22. Chapter 22
23. Chapter 23
24. Chapter 24
25. Dragon and Richie's Last Night Together Teaser
About the Author
Other Books By Nick
Order of Books in Series

Man of Carnage – Prequel

Outlawed – Book 1
Vengeance – Book 2
Enforced – Book 3
Retaliation – Book 4
Payback – Book 5
Betrayed – Book 6
Punished – Book 7 (Coming Soon)
The Debt – VIP Novella (The Side Story of Antonio and Giovanni)
This labor of love and creativity is dedicated to all my beautiful readers. Thank you for your support always.
Thank you to my amazing editor, Heidi Ryan for chasing down those annoying ass gremlins. I love you so much.
Thank you, Lindsay Crook, my awesome PA. Much love.
With all of my heart,
Series Warning

This MC series will have harsh language, dark themes, graphic violence, adult situations, sexual, etc, that may be too
extreme for sensitive readers. You see, it’s going to go hard, give your emotions a pounding, then it’s going to ease up, stroke
your nerves lovingly, before claiming you, like a power top working over a hungry bottom.
VIP Dedication

Thank you so much for your generosity and loyalty. Without your support, I wouldn't be able to do what I do.
With all my love,
Chapter One

Montgomery William-Price

M ONTGOMERY WAITED PATIENTLY IN the waiting room for Richie to join him. He wasn't alone, as other inmates were
also getting visits from friends and family. There were several looks his way, but he ignored the attention. For one thing,
he was used to getting it. For another, he didn't care. It'd been over a month since the last time he had a chance to visit his best
friend, and he'd been quite busy. Problems with the family business and just family in general had been weighing on him. But
the bit of great news he had to tell his friend had his spirit uplifted. He checked his watch once more, and when he heard the
door open, he looked up. Smiling, he rose to greet Richie, who looked different every time he'd seen him. He looked more
defined in his muscles. A result of working out, he was sure.
The two men hugged, then released each other before settling down. “Damn, Zach, you look good, mate,” Monty said, his
upper-crust British accent as crisp as his suit. He used Richie's nickname, the one he'd been calling him since they were
children. He ran his blue eyes over Richie from head to toe, taking in the full account of his friend's appearance.
Richie smiled. “Thanks. Been working out a little. But hey, you look great too. No three-piece suit today?”
Monty chuckled. He was dressed in what he considered casual wear. Slacks, button-up shirt, and blazer. Still extremely
stylish. His blond hair was combed back to tame his unruly curls. “It's my day off, family business has been keeping me
occupied. Sorry that I couldn't visit last month.”
Richie waved dismissively. Sure, he had become accustomed to getting those precious visits from Monty, but he understood.
Besides, he'd received several visits from the members of the Lords of Chaos, including Dasan and Dragon's other brothers
and sisters. “Don't worry about it. I know that shit happens.”
Monty nodded and sighed as he looked around. “How is it going in here?”
Richie shrugged. “Not bad. I mean, as you know, I'm still prospecting for the Lords. Got to meet a few of them and they are
an intimidating bunch. I mean, I got a taste of them from Dragon, Dopey, and TT. But meeting Ace, Maverick, Burger, Sofia, and
Gina was an experience, to say the least. No one sibling is the same.” He laughed and shook his head. “I also met the club
president and his old lady. Better known as Dragon's Mom and Dad. Dasan was scary as hell and now that I think about it, so
was his wife, Liliana. But she still welcomed me with open arms. I guess Dragon told them how much we mean to each other.”
Monty listened to the updates as they came, happy to see his best friend was in good spirits. He knew that a lot of it was just
Richie's fortitude, but he also knew that falling in love with Dragon and finding friendship with the Lords played a huge part in
why his friend could smile so brightly.
“I'm happy to hear that you're in love,” Montgomery said.
Richie grinned. “Deeply, madly... crazy in love. Oh man, I can't wait for you to meet Dragon. You'll love him.”
“If he can make you this elated, I'm sure I will.”
Richie nodded. “So, tell me about you. What’s going on? Did your family make you get married?”
Montgomery snorted. “They had been pestering me to do so. To marry a nice, rich boy. The son of one of my father's friends,
but more importantly, a business associate. I refused.”
“Why would they try to force you to marry anyway?” Richie asked.
“By tradition. It's old school, but rich people still want their kids to marry other rich people. Someone who can keep the
wealth growing. Hence the reason why our circles consist of people in our status bracket,” Monty said.
Richie sighed and nodded. He wasn't nearly as rich as Monty, which was one of the reasons why Montgomery's family never
really approved of them being friends. He was even told to stay away from Monty when he was fourteen, but Monty wouldn't
have any of it. He defied his parents back then for their friendship and they just had to accept that Richie was a part of Monty's
life even when they didn't like it. He could only imagine how much they hated Monty being his friend knowing he was a
criminal now.
“Of course, it wasn't until recently that I discovered why my parents were trying to marry me off. The business is in a bit of a
predicament. We've had some bad investments on my father's part that has the company in jeopardy. Now, I'm just trying to
figure out how to cut costs to keep us afloat. We may have to claim bankruptcy,” Monty said, and his lips thinned in a line that
was just shy of a frown.
Richie's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open. “Holy fuck,” he gasped. He leaned forward to whisper. “What are you
going to do?”
“I'm going to enjoy my time with my best friend, then I'm going to relieve some stress later tonight at Scarlet Letter. The last
thing I want to think about is the family business. It's been consuming my every waking moment for the past three months. My
father had wanted to marry me off before any reputable families got wind of our financial woes. When I refused, I inadvertently
ruined any chance of saving our company through a corporate merger with a wealthier family. Needless to say, I'm not my
family's favorite person right now.”
“Fuck them,” Richie snapped. “They fucked up and then want to put the weight of their poor choices all on your shoulders.
It's not your responsibility.”
“I bear some responsibility, though. This is also my company. I'm the sole heir and it was mine to inherit, Zach,” Monty said.
“I just need a night where I don't have to think about it.”
Richie wanted to ask so many more questions, like what would he do if they did go under? Would he lose everything? But he
saw the sadness in Monty's blue eyes and decided to curb his curiosity. “So, you're going to the Scarlet Letter tonight?” he
asked, changing the subject to one he knew would put a smile on his friend's face.
Monty nodded. “I must after the week I've had.”
“So, have you found a sexy sub boy there yet?” Richie asked, then gave his friend a lecherous grin.
Monty chuckled softly and shook his head. “Not yet. I'm very particular. I prefer to watch and on occasion, I may do a
scene.” He thought about his last few visits to the club and sighed. “There is this one boy, though.”
Richie's eyebrows arched inquisitively. “Oh? Who?”
“A brat who goes by the name, Ren. One who has boldly approached me, demanding that I become his Dom. I find him
utterly annoying. I can tell he's spoiled and used to getting his way. A sub like that is more challenging than I'd like trying to
break him in. He turns me off,” Monty said, a sneer on his lips.
“Ahh, I see. Yeah, he does seem like an asshole.”
Monty nodded because that was his opinion as well. “He doesn't know his place.”
Richie laughed. “Whoa, check you out. A motherfucker has to 'know their place' to get into your pants, I see.”
Monty scoffed. “I see this place has taught you such colorful language.”
Richie smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I'll admit, it's rubbed off on me a little. My boyfriend has a sewer mouth that drives me
wild in so many ways.”
“I can tell,” Monty said.
Richie chuckled. “In any case, maybe that's why he's seeking a big, bad, sexy Dom to tame him.”
“His kind...” Monty trailed off, then shook his head. “Even if I were interested in him, I'm not the type of Dom that he can
“Is he cute?” Richie asked.
Monty chuckled. “He's...” His words trailed off.
“I'm waiting,” Richie prodded teasingly.
Monty huffed. “Fine. He's bloody beautiful. He's arrogant enough to know it as well.”
“Well, I'm sure he knows he's caught your eye.”
“My ire is more like it.”
Richie laughed. “I'm sure he'll find his way.”
Monty waved his hand dismissively. “Enough about Ren. I've got great news to tell you, my friend.”
Richie leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Oh? What's that?”
Monty's grin widened. “You're getting out of here in a few weeks.”
Richie's eyes bulged. “What?” he blurted a bit too loudly, then looked around nervously at the eyes that were on him. He
gave them a bashful smile, then returned his attention to Monty. “What are you talking about?” he asked in a lower voice.
“I wanted to be able to tell you face-to-face. A few weeks back, I met a judge through a friend of a friend—you know how it
goes,” Monty said with a shrug.
Richie nodded and stayed quiet, waiting for the rest of the tale.
Monty continued, “Anyway, this judge has certain needs that I'm well versed in and wanted me personally. He asked for me
by my Dom name. At first, I turned him down. Not really into doing favors or private house calls, but he offered to pay me.
Well, you know my situation, I'm not really in the place to be choosy.” He sighed. “Which hurts my pride more than you know.”
“Oh, I know. But do go on,” Richie said.
“Anyway, I agreed. It was his first time subbing and of course, I held to his level of discretion. But instead of accepting his
payment, I asked for a favor of my own. Asked him to pull some strings to get you released early and just accept the time
served and your good behavior. So, he assured me that you'll be out of here within the next two weeks,” Monty informed him.
Richie reached over the table with all of the enthusiasm he felt and grabbed Monty, hugging him hard enough to cut off
Monty's air supply as he thanked him repeatedly.
“Lack... of... oxygen becoming... an issue,” Monty said through struggling pants.
“Oh shit,” Richie gasped, then released him. “I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. That smile on your face was worth the bruising.”
Beaming, Richie gushed. “You're the best friend anyone could ask for.”
“You're my brother, Zach. I'd do anything for you,” Monty said, a wide smile on his face as well.
“I can't believe I'll be free soon,” Richie said.
Monty nodded. “Freedom is what you deserve. You shouldn't have been in here in the first place, at least not this long. It was
a first-time offense, minor drug charges.”
“Yeah, I know. The only thing that makes me a little sad that I'm leaving is that I'll be leaving Dragon sooner,” Richie said.
“I'm sure he'll be happy for you, though, right?”
Richie nodded. “Oh yeah, he doesn't want me in prison, but while I'm here, we can be together.”
“And you'll be waiting for him when he's out.”
“Oh, hell yeah, I'm not going anywhere. I'll also visit him until he's free. Twice a month.” Richie sat there buzzing with
excitement at the fact he’d be a free man in a matter of weeks. That was truly the best news he'd had in a long time. “Man, I
don't know how to thank you, Monty.”
Montgomery leaned over and patted his shoulder. “You don't have to thank me. Just hang in there until you're free, then we
can go out and celebrate like two best mates should.”
“It's a date, for sure,” Richie said.
The two men talked more until it was time to go. After their hug, they parted, and Monty climbed into his everyday car,
which was an Audi A5 45 S line Cabriolet. He'd never drive his Bugatti or Lambo to the prison. He turned up the tunes,
anything to drown out the troubles plaguing him. He wanted to fuck on this night and he knew the sub that he wanted to do a
scene with. And it for damn sure wasn't that brat, Ren.
Chapter Two

Ren Mujin

“I WON'T BE LONG,” Ren Mujin told his bodyguard, Sakura, as he climbed out the back of the black Bentley Flying Spur
Mulliner. His Chinese accent wasn't very thick as he'd moved to America when he was a kid with his parents. Greenwich,
Connecticut, to be exact.
“Sir, you know that I have strict orders from your father to never leave your side. If anything happens to you and we're stuck
out here, your father will not approve,” Sakura Ishii stated as he climbed out of the passenger seat and adjusted his suit. He'd
left his gun and knives in the car, as it was illegal to bring any weapons inside the Scarlet Letter. No matter, he was a weapon,
trained by the best in hand-to-hand combat.
“Nothing will happen to me. You can't have any violence in this place. I'll be fine,” Ren argued with a frown. “I've been
taking care of myself for the past year before you joined my security team. I don't need all of this...” He paused to motion with
agitation to Sakura. “Extra.”
The moment the Castiello family and the Lords ran the Mancinis out of Chicago and took over the drug trade for the entire
south side, his father raised the security across the board. That meant he wasn't allowed to go anywhere without a shadow and
it annoyed him to no end.
Ren turned to strut off when his bodyguard grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Let me go!”
“As always, I will accompany you,” Sakura said.
Ren snatched his arm away with a sneer. “You cramp my style.”
Sakura cocked his eyebrow as if to say that he didn't care if he cramped Ren's style. He refused to be punished by Ren's
parents for not doing his job. “Too bad.”
Ren huffed and crossed his arms over his slender, black, fishnet-covered chest. “I don't need you in there scaring people
Sakura scoffed. “And here I was under the impression that you were patronizing this place because you were looking for a
real man.”
Ren smacked his lips. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“If my presence scares them, then they aren't worthy to begin with.” Sakura looked off toward the other members of his team
and nodded. Those guards took positions by the vehicles. He turned back to Ren. “Don't worry, I'll stay far enough away from
you so you can have your privacy.”
“My illusion of privacy. What if I get lucky? You're going to watch me fuck?” Ren asked in his cheeky, bold manner.
Sakura released a deep breath before answering. “I know how to avert my gaze, Sir.”
Ren huffed and pouted, because he didn't like that his father had insisted on his bodyguard never leaving his side. He'd been
embarrassed the last time he'd gone to Scarlet Letter when the Dom he'd been chasing for a month rejected him. Before that,
he'd been rejected without anyone knowing it. But now he had eyes on him and he didn't like it. He also didn't like being told
no. Not one. Fucking. Bit.
Just who in the hell did Master Ellis think he was? Ren frowned at everything that was infuriating him at the moment. His
bodyguard staring him down and practically daring him to refuse made him want to scream in defiance. Then there was the fact
that he hoped Master Ellis was there so he could make his move again, but feared being turned down. This time, he wouldn't
accept no for an answer. His father was a powerful man and Ren, like his dad, was used to getting his way.
Ren rolled his pretty, brown eyes. “Fine, but keep your distance.”
Sakura nodded and Ren turned sharply before walking off toward the famous shiny red door with the Letters “S and L”
engraved in the metal. The two bodyguards standing outside eyed him as he approached. Like the last time, he showed them his
membership button and Sakura did the same. The guards nodded and let them inside.
The location was fancy with chandeliers hanging from high ceilings, and stained-glass windows with artistic designs.
Polished dark wood floors that reflected the overhead lights. Black and red leather seating in the lounge where several
members were relaxing and chatting.
Ren walked over to the bar with the polished black marble top and gold veining. He sat down on one of the black stools and
perused the area. As promised, Sakura stood in the darkest corner, his gaze as sharp as a hawk as he monitored the patrons.
Ren looked around for a particular man but didn't see him in the lounge. Could he be watching a public scene like he
normally did? He looked at the bartender who approached him. “Appletini,” he ordered. Though he was underaged, he wasn't
worried. The forged ID he used to get membership was made by the best in the business.
As he expected, the bartender got to making the drink and once it was done, Ren took a sip, approved, then paid with a tip.
Next, he walked through the halls with the decorative mirrors lining the walls into the open scene room. Sakura was at his side,
but when Ren tossed him an annoyed look, he fell back a few steps.
Upon entering the main Courtroom, Ren was greeted with a scene taking place. A Dom had his sub in the middle of the room,
naked and his arms suspended above his head by chains attached with cuffs on his wrists. The Dom was spanking his sub with
a cane, each strike leaving a red welt on pale flesh. The sub was whimpering and his eyes were wet with tears, but he didn't
ask for the spanking to stop. It seemed to Ren that the sub was enjoying it. The sub's cock wasn't fully engorged, but it was
getting there and dripping precum. Several members were watching and admiring while others were either engaged in sex or
Turning from that show, Ren sipped his drink as he did a quick scan of the room, looking for Master Ellis. He spotted the
blond god of sex watching the show on display. Ren's gaze grew more heated as he took in Master Ellis' outfit. Jesus Christ,
he'd never seen the man look that fucking good! Normally, the Dom would wear a casual suit; a stylish shirt, a jacket, and
slacks. But tonight, he was wearing a purple satin tie and a purple and black corset vest that hugged all of his masculine curves.
His shoes were polished as always and his black leather pants exposed the erection he was working with. Ren damn near
dropped the glass he'd been holding. The look in Master Ellis' eyes was pure predatory. He wasn't here to just watch. No, not
tonight. He was here to partake and Ren wanted to be the sub dropping to his knees before the Dom.
Ren noticed that his weren’t the only pair of eyes drinking in the sheer magnificence that was Master Ellis. Every time he'd
come to Scarlet Letter, the Dom was accosted by not only subs, but also other Doms who wanted a taste of the man. But Master
Ellis was a picky one, Ren thought. Of course, he was. A man like him didn't just give his cock or time to just anyone. And to
Ren, no one was ever worthy of the Dom. No one but him. Boldly, Ren walked toward Master Ellis but paused and scowled
when a pretty sub with a studded collar and leather shorts approached the Dom first. The sub dropped to his knees, head
bowed, ready to serve.
Oh, this just won't do, Ren thought. He continued his pursuit, shoving the other man out of his way. The sub had to brace
himself before he fell completely to the floor.
“Hey, what the fuck!” the man fussed as he glared up at Ren.
Ren turned to him, rolled his eyes, then waved his hand flippantly. The irate sub was of no concern to him. “Just making sure
Master Ellis isn't wasting his time.”
“I was speaking to him first,” the man shot back as he leaped to his feet.
Ren turned to him. “And now you're not. Begone,” he snapped.
Master Ellis raised a hand, stopping the two men from arguing over him. “Troy, meet me in room three,” he said.
Troy smiled, then tossed Ren a smirk as if to say, I won, bitch.
Ren snarled because how dare that bastard! Rage boiled inside him like a tea kettle heating right before the whistle blew. He
wanted to punch the other man in his pretty face, but didn't want to be kicked out. He took a chance with the shove, but violence
was not tolerated. Instead, he huffed and returned his attention to Master Ellis.
“I was hoping to see you tonight, Master,” Ren purred, then bit his lip seductively. He knew how to seduce men… then again,
those were men. Master Ellis was a sex dream made flesh.
Master Ellis, better known as Monty to his best friend, sighed as he uncrossed his legs. “I believe I made myself perfectly
clear the last time we crossed paths. I'm not interested in you.”
“That's only because you're being stubborn. Come on, take me to room 3 instead. You should see the things I can do with my
tongue.” Ren leaned over, then stuck his tongue out, making it move in the motion of waves flowing in the ocean.
Montgomery arched an eyebrow at that, because, yes... it was impressive. He could only imagine how good the boy's tongue
would feel on his cock, but he wasn't in the mood to humor the brat. “Are you done?”
Ren whined, straightened, then stomped his foot. “Awww, come on. I'm prettier than all of these other guys in here. And you
know it.” He pointed at Monty, then put his hand on his hip. “I've had so many Doms want me, but I've turned them down
because only one is worthy. You should be grateful I hold you in such high regard.” He took another sip of his drink.
Monty stared at him in silence… long enough to make Ren feel the weight of his intense gaze.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Ren asked. His own eyes averted nervously as he fidgeted with the stem of his
wine glass.
“Do you know why I don't like you?” Monty asked.
Ren turned back to him and scoffed. “You don't like me?” he asked as if the notion was unfathomable.
Monty nodded. “No, I don't. I don't like your attitude. I don't like your arrogance. I don't like how you don't know your
Ren snorted. “You're a Dom, why don't you make me behave, then.” He stuck his tongue out in a cheeky grin.
Monty sighed as he rose, towering over the boy by seven inches at six-two. Ren's eyes took a long drink of the man before
him that made his mouth water. Yes, he loved that corset on Master Ellis. Not many men, in his opinion, could pull that outfit
off, but this man owned it. He needed him to wear that all of the time. He couldn't wait to have Master Ellis' cock inside of him
and in his fantasies, the man would be fully dressed. Well, not all of the time. He dreamed about him naked, too.
“Move,” Monty said.
Ren took a step forward, almost so that their bodies were touching. He craned his head back to look up at the man looking
down at him. “Take me tonight instead.”
Monty grabbed Ren's angular, smooth chin between his finger and thumb. “Let this be the last time you approach me, boy.
You're not ready for a Dom, let alone, one of my caliber.”
Ren slapped his hand away and stepped back. “I know what I want.”
“This is the lesson I will teach you, then. You can't always get what you want,” Monty said, and then he stepped away from
Ren, leaving the public scene.
Ren's vision was as red as his cheeks as he watched the tapered back of the man of his jerk-off sessions getting further away.
He was so enraged his entire body shook. Once again, he’d been rejected, but what angered him more than anything was being
talked down to. Being told that he wasn't good enough. Bullshit, he always got his fucking way! He downed the rest of his drink
in a few gulps and then placed the glass on the table so hard it almost shattered. He'd had enough of the Scarlet-Fucking-Letter
for the night. Before leaving, he stopped and looked at the closed door to private room three. He wanted to kick the door down
if only to ruin the mood Master Ellis was having with that twink. But doing so would get him banned from the club. So, he held
his fiery temper in check and just stormed out with Sakura a few steps behind.
Inside the car, driving home, his mind raced with thoughts of revenge, and then he thought about how to get his way. No man
was ever out of his reach, let alone Master Ellis.
“Yes, sir?”
“Find out everything you can on that motherfucker! I have a lesson of my own I want to teach him,” Ren said as he glared out
the window.
“Yes, sir.”
Soon, you'll be mine, Master Ellis, Ren thought, and that made his frown morph into something even more sinister.
Chapter Three

Ajay Khanna

“A HHHH FUUCK,” AJAY MOANED as the tip of Tiny Tim's tongue swirled around his hole before plunging inside. He
let loose a breathy sigh, then took TT's cock down his throat just the way he knew TT loved it.
“Ngh,” TT grunted from the pleasure of the hot mouth working his cock.
Ajay pulled back and swirled his tongue around the head, then kissed it. TT had woken him up early before the siren went off
to get in a little “early bird special” as he called it. His body hummed with pleasure and it was becoming more difficult to
resist the full allure of TT. Every time they were intimate, he was losing his reserve. He yearned to feel Tiny Tim's cock inside
of him. He longed to feel the heat of TT's spunk as it filled him to the brim. He craved every inch of the man. He wanted what
he wasn't supposed to want. He took TT back into his mouth, sucking him with slow movements just the way he'd learned the
biker loved it. The two pleasured each other until their intense climaxes rocked them to their core. He swallowed the hot, salty
load that squirted into his mouth, savoring the most intimate essence of his man. Ajay enjoyed the way Tim shook during his
orgasm until the last drop. Afterward, they lay on the bed, panting and looking up at the top bunk.
“When are you going to let me get in that sweet ass of yours I just ate, baby?” TT asked.
“You keep eating it like that, soon,” Ajay joked, then he climbed off the bed and walked over to the sink to wet a washcloth.
Returning to the bed, he wiped off his drying spunk from TT's tattooed, muscular chest. He admired the ink that adorned his
man's powerful body. Ajay never thought he'd ever be into a man with this much body art, but here he was.
TT sat up and looked at him. “Are you still scared of it being painful?”
Ajay smiled at him, then tossed the washcloth into the sink. “That's a small part of it.”
TT's brows creased as his lips turned downward. “What do you mean? What else is holding you back?”
Ajay began to get dressed in his T-shirt and underwear. What he was going to wear to take a shower. “I'm just not ready to go
the full distance yet.” He walked over to TT, who was still sitting on the bed. He leaned down, kissing him, tongue and all. TT
grabbed both of his ass cheeks, giving them firm squeezes while their lips remained locked. When Ajay pulled back, he smiled.
“You're my first real relationship. I just need it to be the right time.”
When Tiny Tim told Ajay that he could wait, that he could take all the time he needed, he hadn't expected it to go this long.
He’d never had to wait months to have sex. But he was a man of his word. He'd said he'd wait until Ajay was ready, so that
was what he was going to do. He slapped the ass he dreamed of every night. “Well, I'm not going anywhere, baby. You're
Words Ajay needed to hear. He smiled and kissed him again before stepping back to give TT room to rise. TT dressed in the
same shorts and t-shirt combo and both men went to shower. After doing their morning routine, they joined Richie and Dragon
in the mess hall for breakfast.
“Keep your eyes out,” Dragon warned when they sat down.
“For what?” TT asked.
“You don't feel that vibe?” Dragon asked TT.
The giant man looked around to see if he could sense what Dragon had, and he did. He turned to face Dragon again and took
a bite of his breakfast. “Yeah, I peeped that shit.”
“What?” Ajay asked.
“Motherfuckers keep taking sly-ass, grimy glances our way,” Dragon said and continued to eat his food.
“What do you think is going on?” Richie asked.
“Whatever it is, we'll find out today,” TT said.
“Act normal,” Dragon instructed, then smiled at TT. “So, you two still playing footsie, or have you stepped into the big
Richie slapped Dragon's biceps. “Mind your own damn business. Why are you worried about their sex life?”
“Tell 'em, Richie. Mind your nosy ass business,” TT added.
Dragon laughed. “Better get it in while you can. When our boys leave us, our hands will be our best friends. I'm already
preparing my hand for these long months after my baby leaves me in a little while.” He'd been overjoyed when Richie informed
him that he was leaving earlier than expected. He'd miss his man, but he'd much rather Richie be free, than in his bed while in a
prison cell.
“Same for me,” Richie said. “I'll visit you every month, at least twice.”
“You better.” Dragon leaned over, kissing Richie. “That's why I'm going to fuck you every night until you're free.”
Richie smiled because that was exactly what he wanted.
Ajay looked at the two lovebirds in front of them and felt a bit envious of what they freely shared. He wanted that with Tim.
He sighed and began to eat the disgusting food, then swallowed and grunted. “I'm going to make us something better than this
tomorrow. I wish I had some curry.”
“We might be able to get you that or something close to it,” TT said.
“I hope so, I'll make something with the ramen noodles, summer sausage, and curry that will blow your mind,” Ajay said.
“I'll call my dad today to get that order in,” Dragon said.
The four men continued to chat and joke until it was time to leave. They dumped their trays and began shuffling out of the
mess hall. They may have seemed lackadaisical, but they were anything but.
“Get ready,” Dragon whispered between TT and Ajay as he slyly positioned Richie out of the way.
Ajay's muscles were tensed as he readied himself for a possible attack. He could feel his adrenaline pumping as fast as his
heart. His senses were alert, his reflexes were ready. He turned to look behind him and that was when he saw one of the men
who had attacked him in the shower shortly after he'd arrived come up on Dragon. Before he could say anything, he watched in
shock as the biker swiftly side-stepped the sharpened toothbrush that was aimed at him. Ajay was in awe of Dragon's skill
when he quickly countered by stepping behind the would-be assassin, breaking his neck with a precise twist that made an
audible snap.
“Holy Shit,” Ajay gasped at how slick it was. The crowd continued to move with the flow toward the open door. He felt
TT's hand on the small of his back, silently ushering him forward as if nothing happened.
“Watch your six,” Dragon said as he broke off with Richie at his side to head to his job.
“It's retaliation for what we did to Cherry Buster's gang,” TT whispered into Ajay's ear. “Keep your eyes out for any of those
shady fucks,” he said, then walked off like he'd normally would.
Ajay looked around but made sure he kept his expression neutral. He did notice that a few guards were starting to head
toward the back of the crowd and he wondered if the body had been discovered. He'd been impressed by the proficiency and
speed with which Dragon had killed the man. He knew that Dragon was the Lords of Chaos’ head enforcer, but this was the
first time he'd seen the man in action. He was lethal. Ajay had to focus on his surroundings and pretend like he didn't just see a
brutal scene. He went to his job in the library, but before he could get started, the blaring sound of the siren assaulted his ears,
announcing a lockdown.
Back inside his cell with TT, they could finally talk. “So, how long do you think this lockdown will be?” Ajay asked.
TT shrugged. “Probably one or two days, nothing more. They still don't know who left those bitches broken in the shower
that day, so they probably don't know who killed that asshole today. And trust me, they really don't care.”
“How did Dragon know about that guy?” Ajay asked.
TT smirked. “Because that motherfucker has eyes in the back of his head. He'd been monitoring them the whole time we
were eating breakfast. It's hard to get the jump on Dragon. His instincts are damn near superhuman.”
“I know he can kill efficiently,” Ajay said.
“It was us or the other guy and I say fuck the other guy.”
“Will they try another attempt?”
TT nodded. “Most likely. Resentment runs deep in this place. Sometimes that's all a motherfucker has is his desire to get
“So, what are you going to do?”
“I'm going to make sure the Lords are the last men standing.”
Ajay nodded because that was his plan as well.
Chapter Four

Demir "Shadow Fox" Balik

T WO“When
did you say his plane landed?” Vito asked Demir, who was in the process of giving him updates about the Jade
Dragon Triad.
“Around ten this morning,” Demir said, reading the text off his cell phone. “Da Han and his wife, Mèng Yáo, along with their
Vanguard, Chen Yang.”
Vito took in the information because that meant the triad was making serious moves. Da Han had been living in Greenwich,
Connecticut, but now it would appear that he was setting up roots in Chicago.
“Do we have any updates on who killed his father two months ago?” Vito asked. It was something he'd taken great interest in,
considering the Triad was their enemy.
“Rumor is that the uncle did it. Pretty ruthless as Da Han was also attacked, and his bodyguard was killed trying to protect
him. Apparently, the uncle wanted to take out his brother and his successors and gain control over the triad. His uncle had his
own crew and that's who they're at war with now,” Demir said.
Vito nodded slowly. He couldn't ever imagine going after his brother and nephew like that. Their blood was thicker than
anything and betrayal of their oath and loyalty to each other would not go unpunished.
“That may explain why they're just now centering their attention on Chicago. They're positioning themselves just in case we
make moves against them. With me getting rid of the Mancini family, that gives us full control of the south side of the city.
Eventually, we're going to take over the whole city, Da Han knows that.” Vito said.
“He purchased a huge home in the Gold Coast neighborhood from the intel I have.”
“Not a bad idea to have a highly guarded compound like that. Of course, attacking them in one place may prove to be easier
or harder depending on how well-trained their people are,” Vito said.
Demir nodded. “I'll get the blueprints of his mansion.”
“Who's all living there?”
“His two brothers, wife, and children,” Demir said.
Vito cocked an eyebrow. “All of his children?”
Demir shook his head. “No. His youngest son, Ren Mujin, is living in Orlando now. He's attending the Hillary University of
Arts. But the information I have is that his father increased his security. Sakura Ishii is now in control of his detail.”
“What do we know about him?”
Demir flipped through files on his phone to the one he wanted. “Not all that much, to be honest. He's from the Saotome
Yakuza family, so it stands to reason that he is highly skilled. Not to be underestimated.”
“Da Han would send one of his best to protect his son,” Vito commented.
“We have eyes on them,” Demir assured him.
“Good. Alert me as soon as you learn anything,” Vito ordered.
“Well...” Demir began.
“What? Speak your mind.”
“I'm just wondering, maybe we should attack them now since they're dealing with their internal conflict,” Demir said. “This
is the perfect time to make our move.”
Vito shook his head. “If things were going smoother in New York, I'd jump all over it. But with our resources being drawn
there, we can't risk a war on two fronts. Two of the Five Families are giving Rico hell. Most of our people are there. The Jade
Dragon Triad also has their Yakuza connections... for now, we don't act until we have the opportunity.”
“Understood,” Demir said, then touched the earpod he had to answer the call. “I'll let him know,” he told the person on the
other end.
“What is it?” Vito asked.
“You have a visitor. Should I let her in?”
“Who is she?”
“Mrs. Caroline Harper.”
Vito frowned. “The widow of Lenwood Harper?”
Demir nodded.
Vito cocked an eyebrow. “What's this about?”
“A case of domestic abuse from what I gathered. She needs a favor.”
“Has she been scanned?” Vito asked.
Demir nodded. “She’s clean.”
Vito sighed, then nodded with an offhanded gesture.
Demir walked over to the door, opened it, and motioned for Mrs. Harper to come in. She was dressed in a pinstriped skirt
and button-up blouse with heels, pearls, and a fashionable hat. She was also wearing sunglasses, as if it was her way to
conceal her identity.
“Is everything okay?” Zindel asked as he sat behind the desk.
“Yes,” Demir answered, then closed the door once the woman entered Vito's office. “Please sit,” he said and gestured to one
of the chairs in front of Vito's desk.
Mrs. Harper sat down and removed her sunglasses, then focused her attention on Vito. “Thank you for seeing me, Mr.
“What can I do for you, Mrs. Harper?” Vito asked, cutting right to the chase.
She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. “I expect that this conversation will be kept private and isn't being
“Afraid of blackmail or betrayal, Mrs. Harper?” Vito asked.
“What I'm going to say could be used against me if you so wished. I want to make sure what we discuss will be in
confidence,” she said.
Vito scoffed. “You're speaking with a member of the Castiello family. To even question our integrity is an insult. But I'll
humor you. No, this room isn't bugged. You can speak freely, Mrs. Harper.”
“My intention isn't to insult you, Mr. Castiello. But in my position, I have to be careful, please understand.”
“Understood. Now, what is this about?” Vito asked again and tried to keep his patience in check.
Demir stood quietly in the corner of the room and watched the exchange between the two. He was also curious about why
someone like Mrs. Harper was here asking for a favor. The woman was in charge of several charities and the CEO of Harper
Corp, a multi-million-dollar corporation dealing in exports. She and her husband had built the company from the ground up and
he passed away two years ago, leaving her in charge. A woman who held herself in such high regard must be desperate to come
to the mafia for help. Sure, on the surface for legal purposes, the Castiello family were a corporation themselves. An empire, if
you will. But under all the glitz, glamour, and tax filings, they were one of the most ruthless criminal organizations in the world.
Demir listened on to see where this meeting was going.
“I want you to kill my daughter's husband,” Mrs. Harper said.
Interesting, Demir thought.
“It's going to cost you,” Vito replied.
“Do you want to know why?”
Vito shrugged. “Don't really care why. I'm sure you have your reasons. I only care about the details concerning how you want
it done and how you're going to pay.”
“I'm not a bad person,” Mrs. Harper said. “But he's been harming my daughter. I've tried to convince her that he's dangerous,
but she's so trusting. She loves him and believes that he loves her. I can't sway her.”
“And so?” Vito shifted in his seat, placing his elbows on the armrests, his fingers forming a steeple. “The details?”
Mrs. Harper cleared her throat. “He needs to die in a way that doesn't look like he's been murdered.”
“Accident or natural causes?” Vito asked.
“I want him to suffer, but I suppose natural causes. I don't want anyone else to be involved with his demise, so no accident,”
she said.
Demir figured he might be the one to carry out the hit if Vito wanted him to. There were others in the family who could do it.
Didn't seem like something that would require his level of expertise. Of course, if she had picked accidental death, he could
have carried it out in a way that would have resulted in only the target dying. Not everything had to be cutting the brakes of a
car, which he figured was the only idea Mrs. Harper had.
“When would you like this done?” Vito asked. He was strictly business.
“Sooner rather than later. He wants to take my daughter out of the country... taking her away from friends and family who
love her. That's how men like him keep control. I want him dead before the month is out,” Mrs. Harper said.
“So, that gives us plenty of time. Very well, now let's talk about financial compensation for my family's services,” Vito said.
“Half a million.”
Mrs. Harper's eyes widened. “A half a million dollars? Are you serious, just for a—don't you think that's rather expensive?”
“You want it cheap, then go somewhere else, and good luck with that. You want a professional to do the job and make sure
the mess doesn't end up on both of our doorsteps, you pay the price for quality. The price is non-negotiable.”
“He's not worth half a million dollars. I'm sorry I wasted your time, Mr. Castiello,” Mrs. Harper said as she rose. “Please,
forget that I came here.” She placed her sunglasses back on, then walked toward the door. Demir opened it and watched her
walk away with her nose in the air.
He laughed, then closed it. “I guess she figures she can kill him at a discount.”
Vito chuckled. “I don't give a fuck. She wants him dead for less. She takes the chance of hiring someone who will fuck up.
Makes no difference to me.” He rose and adjusted his suit. “Let's get something to eat.”
“Where?” Demir asked as he opened the door for Vito.
“Good choice,” Demir said.
“Minx, come,” Vito said as he stood in front of Zindel's desk.
“Just one minute. I'm almost done.” Zindel's fingers moved over the keyboard in a blur, and then he pressed the left click on
the mouse. “Done.”
“What were you doing?” Vito asked him.
Zindel smiled as he rose. “Just sent you the monthly reports for Desires. I'm going to take the rest of the day off.” He stepped
behind the desk wearing a pair of black leather pants Vito brought him that had a zipper going up the front and back, and a sheer
black shirt.
“That's what you wore to the office?” Vito asked him, but Demir could see the lust-filled smile on his best friend's face and
knew the mobster more than approved.
Zindel stood in front of Vito and did a twirl to show off the whole outfit. “Don't I look so good, baby?”
“Fuck,” Vito said under his breath as his gaze drank in the tempting beauty before him.
“You're looking at him like he's the one you want to eat and not a steak,” Demir teased.
Vito smiled and slapped Zindel's bubbled ass. “Who says I can't have both?”
Zindel giggled and waggled his ass for Vito's pleasure. “Where are we going to eat?”
“Valencia,” Vito replied. He took Zindel's leather jacket with the fancy zippers off the rack and helped him into it. He was
wearing a trench coat that went to his thighs, as was Demir. The weather was still low in temperatures, even though it was
Demir's phone began ringing, and he looked down, seeing that it was their assistant manager. He answered. “What's up?”
“Have you heard from Vinny?” Maurice asked.
“No, what's going on?” Demir asked.
“He hasn't shown up to work today. Hasn't called or anything. I've been trying to reach him, but haven't been able to,”
Maurice said.
Demir frowned because that wasn't like Vinny. “I'll look into it. Call me if you do get in contact with him.”
“Yes, sir.”
Demir ended the call and relayed the information to Vito, who frowned.
“Let's go over to his house,” Vito said.
“Can we go after we eat?” Zindel asked. “I mean, can't you just send someone over there?”
He could.
Vito sighed. “Fine. Demir, send Antonio over there to check on Vinny.”
“All right,” Demir said, then called the big man to give him the task.
“I'll get back to you as soon as I have something,” Antonio said.
“Good,” Demir hung up. He wondered how Antonio's relationship was going with Giovanni. Speaking of which, the mobster
had just stepped out of the men's bathroom. He froze when he saw Vito and Demir standing there with Zindel.
“I was just about to ask where you were. How can you be Zindel's bodyguard if you're not watching him?” Vito asked, his
gaze was as serious as his concern, making Giovanni stiffen.
“Stop,” Zindel said, slapping Vito's pec. “He'd just walked away to piss before you came out. And two guards on my team
are right outside that door. I'm safer than Fort Knox with the amount of security you have on me.”
Vito sighed and kissed Zindel. “You're never too safe as far as I'm concerned.”
“But I can be too hungry. Can we go eat now?” Zindel asked.
Vito chuckled and nodded, then led the way.
Giovanni followed in step beside Demir, and they made their way to the waiting car.
Demir listened as his boss and best friend conversed with his lover, Zindel. It would appear that he wasn't listening, but he
was even as he cut into his own steak, medium rare.
“Oh my god, they have the best crab cakes,” Zindel declared after he swallowed the first bite of a perfectly baked crab cake
he'd ordered.
Vito watched him as he licked his lips and smiled. He loved spoiling his minx. “Get more to go, then.”
“Oh, don't worry, I will. And I want another order of their shrimp scampi,” he said, then popped a shrimp into his mouth.
Vito chuckled as he cut into his steak, medium well.
Demir watched the two men as they ate, but his attention was focused on their surroundings, as always. Giovanni was doing
the same, even though both men were also enjoying their lunch. Before they could finish their meal, his cell began ringing. He
answered when he saw that it was Antonio calling him.
“What's up?”
“We've got a fucking problem. Vinny's dead,” Antonio informed him in his deep, gruff tone soaked in his Italian-American
Immediately, Demir placed his fork down, his back straightened. “What happened?”
“I came to his home, knocked and shit, but he didn't answer. So, I just broke in because I saw his car was in the driveway.”
“And his alarm didn't go off?” Demir asked.
“No, his security system was offline.”
That was extremely suspicious to Demir.
Antonio continued. “I searched and found him in the bathtub, dead. Looks like he electrocuted himself.”
“How the fuck did he do that?” Demir asked with a frown.
“What's wrong?” Vito asked him.
“Antonio found Vinny dead in the bathtub,” Demir told him in Italian, using their coded language.
“Was it a hit?” Vito asked in kind, then gestured for Demir to hand him his cell, which Demir did. “Tell me everything.”
Demir watched as Vito listened to the details and saw the serious expression on Vito's face. He wondered if Vinny had just
been sick or in an accident because he hadn't shown up to work. That just wasn't like Vinny at all, but being dead would
explain his absence.
“We're on our way,” Vito said, then hung up. “Fuck,” he hissed then handed Demir back his cell.
“Vinny's...” Zindel leaned over to whisper. “Dead?”
Vito nodded, then motioned for Demir to move, as the two guards had been sitting on the end of each booth. Both Demir and
Giovanni stood up while their charges climbed out of the booth.
“Damn, and I was really enjoying this meal,” Zindel said.
“Take the plate with you,” Vito said as he fished several bills out of his wallet just as their waitress approached.
Zindel put his jacket on and took his man's advice. He placed everything he wanted to eat on the plate. Then he snatched up
the glass of wine as well, draining it. He would have taken that too, but there was no place to put it in the car without it
spilling. But the plate of food piled up, he was going to take that. He wasn't above pulling such a stunt.
“I can get you some containers,” the waitress said as she took the money from Vito.
“We're leaving now,” Vito snapped, as he slipped on his coat. “The tip is included.” He'd more than paid for the meal,
dinnerware, and tip as far as he was concerned. He ushered Zindel toward the exit and Demir and Giovanni took their
positions with Giovanni in front and Demir in the back.
Once inside the car, Zindel continued to eat his lunch, balancing the plate on his lap, while Vito watched him. “I didn't
actually think you were going to take the whole plate of food.”
Zindel shrugged. “I'm hungry and why wouldn't I?”
Demir looked at Vito. “Do you think it was foul play?”
Vito gave Zindel one more incredulous look as he devoured his meal, then turned to Demir. “I need to see what he looks like.
I mean, according to Antonio, he was electrocuted by a fucking cell phone.”
“Yeah, he said that it was plugged into the wall, though,” Demir said, because that was what Antonio had managed to tell him
before he'd handed his phone over to Vito.
“Is Vinny that dumb?” Vito asked.
“No,” Demir replied. He didn't think the Made Man was stupid enough to be in the bathtub with his cell connected to a
power source. “Do you think it was the Triad? Or the Mancinis getting back at us?”
“I think I'll reserve judgment until I can see the scene on my own.”
Demir nodded and turned back around. They reached Vinny's home in twenty minutes.
“Stay here,” Vito told Zindel.
“I don't want to see a dead body anyway, even if it is Vinny's,” Zindel said.
“One of my men is dead, show some respect,” Vito snapped.
“And he's the one who made me whore for two years. Forgive me if I'm not shedding any tears,” Zindel retorted.
Demir watched the two men exchange words, but kept his mouth shut. He could see both points of view and by the way Vito
huffed, he could tell this round also went to Vito's Minx.
“We'll talk about this later,” Vito said, then closed the car door, leaving Zindel behind with Giovanni.
Chapter Five


D EMIR FOLLOWED VITO INSIDE Vinny's home where Antonio had been patiently waiting. After greeting the boss,
Antonio led them to the bathroom where Vinny was naked in the water. His phone was submerged beside him, the cord still
connected, but you could see the damage that was done during the electrocution. With a surface inspection, Vinny's skin looked
slightly bloated and pale with discoloration. His eyes were open but empty. Both Vito and Demir looked around the bathroom,
taking in the entire scene. Demir walked out of the area as he slipped on his leather gloves to begin inspecting the adjacent
bedroom. He could hear Vito and Antonio talking in the background, but he focused his attention on looking for any kind of clue
that could explain what had happened.
He also checked the rest of the house and the security system for foul play. He noted that the system hadn't been rebooted
properly. It was still blinking, which meant it wasn't connected to the internet. It also meant that nothing was being monitored.
One of the reasons Demir understood why Vito never relied on technology to protect himself and his properties. Nothing could
replace human guards. Of course, that was something Vinny didn't want to shell out money for. He returned to the owner's suite.
Vito stepped out of the bathroom. “Find anything?”
Demir shook his head. “No. I'm going to shut off the power. I want to check that socket. It should have been GFCI grade since
it's in the bathroom.”
Vito nodded. “If it's faulty, that would explain what the fuck happened.”
“It would also explain why he felt comfortable charging his cell while in the bathtub anyway,” Antonio added.
“That is still stupid as fuck,” Vito commented.
“It's happened before, though, people have died doing that shit,” Antonio pointed out.
“We'll see.” Demir nodded and made his way through the house to the circuit breaker located in the garage, then turned off
the electricity in the bathroom. He rummaged through the tool cabinet, finding the ones he needed. He returned to the bedroom
where Antonio was sitting in the chair by the bed and Vito was leaning against the sink in the en-suite bathroom. Demir got to
work on the socket, making sure everything was unplugged first.
It took a few minutes with help from Antonio for Demir to discover that the socket was, in fact, faulty. “The socket had a
shortage in the wiring, which prevented the shut-off. That's why he got shocked,” Demir said.
“Fuck!” Vito cursed and looked at Vinny's corpse once again. “Antonio, take care of this.”
“Do you want me to handle it the usual way or call an ambulance since it was an accident?”
Demir knew what Vito would say. The route that would make them look legit. Also, Vinny had family who'd ask questions if
he just disappeared. Best to let them have closure when they could.
“Call the ambulance, let them handle it. That's why we pay taxes,” Vito said, then walked out of the bathroom.
Demir quickly put the socket back together and even plugged the phone back up. When they left, the electricity was turned
back on. Antonio stayed behind to handle the task he was given.
“What happened?” Zindel asked once they were back in the car.
“Accidental electrocution death,” Vito replied, his lips drawn flat, a wrinkle between his perfectly arched brows which
showed his disappointment.
“Damn, that's fucked up,” Zindel said.
“You don't care, you made that perfectly clear,” Vito replied with evident agitation in his voice. The stiffness in his shoulders
began to leave along with his tension. Now that he knew it was an accident and not a hit, he could relax.
“Did I say that I cared? No, I said that was 'fucked up'. But still, I'm sad that you've lost a man that you trusted. But that's all I
can give you,” Zindel said.
Demir watched the two men slyly in the rearview mirror and knew Vito wasn't angry at his minx, just the situation. He knew
that Vito respected Zindel's honesty—blunt as it was. “So, who are we going to get to run Desires?”
Vito leaned forward, kissed Zindel, and then looked at Demir. “Any suggestions?”
Demir snorted. “Not really. At least, not off the top of my head.”
“I have one, if I may make a suggestion, sir,” Giovanni said as he steered.
Vito cocked an eyebrow. “Oh? And who may that be? You?”
Giovanni shook his head. “No, boss. But I'm suggesting Antonio.”
Demir cocked an eyebrow. “Your boyfriend?”
“Must be some very good cock for you to be looking out for him like this,” Vito commented.
Giovanni huffed through the ribbing as he drove to their destination. “That has nothing to do with it. He's loyal and works
hard for you, boss. He can handle the business at Desires.”
“Why not suggest yourself?” Demir asked as he studied the handsome man.
“Because I like what I do now,” Giovanni said, then tossed Vito a glance through the mirror. “You gave me another chance
when you didn't have to, Mr. Castiello. And you're trusting me with Zindel’s protection. You put me in charge of his entire
security detail. I take my job seriously. But managing Desires, Antonio can handle the fuck out that. He's a Made Man because
he's family.”
Demir looked at Vito through the mirror again and could see the expression of admiration for Giovanni and Antonio, subtle,
though it was. He'd noticed it.
“What do you think, Demir?” Vito asked him.
“Antonio would be an excellent choice,” Demir said.
“I like that idea, too, in case anyone was going to ask for my opinion,” Zindel said.
Vito chuckled. “I wasn't planning to, but duly noted.”
Demir smirked.
“Are you sure nothing looked suspicious?” Vito asked Demir.
“No, freak accident, but those happen. Nothing was tampered with from what I could tell. Besides, he'll have an autopsy now
and if there is anything we missed, like if he was poisoned, then electrocuted, we'll know,” Demir said.
“Yes, that's what I'm thinking,” Vito agreed.
“Don't you have your own people who could do that?” Zindel asked.
“I do and they work for the city, where he's going. If there is anything concerning about his autopsy, I'll find out first,” Vito
“That's why you're not worried about the police and all that,” Zindel said.
“For this, no,” Vito stated.
Demir listened to their conversation and he was happy his best friend had someone he could be so open with. He thought
back to the days before Vito had accepted his feelings for Zindel and the little bastard had been flirting so hard, he made Demir
suspicious of his intentions. That day in the dressing room, just the two of them, after hearing Zindel tell him exactly what he
wanted from Vito, Demir knew he could be trusted. In fact, he was pretty sure Vito would be proposing soon with the way he
looked at Zindel. A man truly in love.
Speaking of relationships, he thought about his with Wolf. They hadn't been dating long, but every time they were together, he
felt at peace. There was just something about Wolf that made Demir want him even more. Their sex was explosive and Wolf
could handle the fact that he was a killer. He didn't have to hide who or what he was and that meant a lot to him.
The buzzing and vibration of his phone drew him from his thoughts. He pulled it out and looked at the screen. Speak of the
devil. He answered. “Hi,” he greeted.
“Did you get my text?” Wolf asked.
“I haven't checked.”
“Well, check.”
Demir huffed, but pulled his phone away to search his messages and saw one from Wolf. He clicked it open to see a photo of
Wolf's cock, hard and drooling, ready for him. “Fuck,” he hissed.
“Oooh, Wolf knows he has a big ol’ dick!” Zindel commented from behind.
Demir immediately switched screens and turned to face him, just to see Vito with a handful of Zindel's hair in his grip. The
younger man's head was pulled back and their faces were inches apart.
“You don't need to be looking at any other man's cock, Minx,” Vito snarled.
“I'm sorry I was so nosy, Boss-of-Me,” Zindel purred, then licked Vito's bottom lip and his man growled in lust.
“I've got something for you to be focused on,” Vito said, then he released Zindel's hair and began to undo his pants.
Demir turned back around, because there was no point in fussing at Zindel for looking over his shoulder. He put the phone
back to his ear. “So, what are you telling me with that photo?” he asked, knowing damn well what kind of message Wolf was
sending, but he liked to tease the biker.
“You need to get ready to ride it and suck it when I see your fine ass,” Wolf said.
“I'll be free later tonight. Are we meeting at your house or mine?”
Wolf scoffed. “Mine. We can fuck in my jacuzzi.”
“It's a date.”
“Oh, before I let you go, just thought you should know my guys spotted two members of that triad in our territory, claiming
they were just there for a meal. Nothing got out of hand, they were warned to stay on the north side or ask for our blessing—
which they ain't getting. I didn't go through hell getting rid of the fucking Devil's Regrets to deal with these bitches,” Wolf said.
“They're testing the waters,” Demir said.
“Who's... testing?” Vito asked between grunts of pleasure as Zindel's mouth sucked his rigid cock.
“Wolf spotted two bikers from the triad in his territory,” Demir said, then returned to his conversation to get more
Vito snarled as he continued to pump his hips into Zindel's face. “Put... it on... speaker.”
Demir did as he was told.
“Did you get... any more information... from them?” Vito asked through his labored breaths.
“What the fuck is going on with you?” Wolf asked.
“He's got his cock in Zindel's mouth,” Demir said. “Just answer him.”
Wolf snorted. “Damn, okay. To answer your question, no, they were warned. Then they left without causing trouble after they
got their meals. But I know when we're being scoped out. The north side's been run by the Jade Dragon Triad for the past
twenty years, that biker gang has always been on that side. This was a soft challenge as far as I'm concerned,” he said.
“We knew this was coming. They haven't declared full war—yet. They are just feeling us out. But keep your eyes open, their
boss just arrived in the city today,” Demir warned.
“Oh shit,” Wolf said with a snort. “Yeah, that tells me a lot. I'll make sure my guys stay on alert.”
“Ahhh fuck!” Vito belted out from the backseat, letting Demir know he'd just come.
“Dude, seriously,” Wolf snickered.
Demir laughed. “Oh, please don't tell me you're shy when it comes to hearing sex.”
“No, but damn, if I ain't getting any, I don't want to hear someone else getting some. Bustin' nuts all loud in my ear and shit,”
Wolf complained.
Demir laughed, then looked at Vito. “Is there anything you want to say to Wolf before I hang up?”
Vito turned to look at the man, still panting as Zindel tucked him back into his pants. He nodded. “What is your protocol... if
they do it again?” he asked between pants as Zindel zipped him up.
“Well, if they do it again after they'd been warned, especially since we've never had any run-ins with them before, I'll be left
with no choice but to take it as a challenge. Shit will kick off,” Wolf stated. “Question is, what will be your part in all of this?”
Vito ran his fingers through his hair as he gathered himself. Zindel was sitting beside him, attentively listening to the
conversation because it was his brother's club that was in question. “Well, that depends.”
“On what?” Wolf asked.
“On why they would be challenging you. I don't want to step on your toes if you're handling club business,” Vito said.
Wolf scoffed. “Apparently, your actions as the mafia are why my club is even being tested. So, this triad shit is your business
“If they come for you, and you want aid, the Castiello Family will back your play. Is that good enough? And I'm sure I can
count on you if the threat is reversed?” Vito asked.
“That's the plan we agreed to,” Wolf said.
“Then make sure to keep me up to date and we'll do the same,” Vito said, then motioned for Demir to end the call.
Demir switched the phone off speaker and put it to his ear. “Is that good for you?”
“A Lord never backs down, but no, babe, a war is not 'good for me'. The other chapters may not have to deal with this shit.”
“You have me.”
“If he allows it.”
“He will.”
“In any case, we can handle our own if it's bikers we're facing off with. But if the rest of their triad gets involved—”
“Then we will too. Trust me, we will control this whole city.”
“Fine. See your sexy ass tonight.”
Demir grinned, because he couldn't wait. “Later.” He ended the call.
“How's your relationship going with him?” Vito asked.
“The best I've ever had,” Demir answered.
Vito cocked an eyebrow. “I see. Very well. If he asked for your help to fight the gang that's making moves, I'll allow it—but
only if he asks.”
Demir smiled, because he knew why Vito was permitting him. “Thank you, Vito.”
Vito nodded, then looked at Zindel. “Is your cock hard, Minx?”
“Not after hearing that conversation, nope. Not anymore,” Zindel replied.
“Well, we'll just have to fix that.”
Giovanni pulled the car into the parking lot of Desires.
“It's going to have to wait,” Zindel said. “I have plans to go shopping after we drop you off.” He leaned over and kissed
Vito smirked. “Spending my money.” He ran a finger along the length of Zindel’s nose affectionately.
Zindel’s smile reached his eyes as his cheeks blushed. “As a kept man should.”
Vito laughed, then kissed his minx again.
Demir watched the two men from the mirror and couldn't wait until he was free to see Wolf. Oh, the things he was going to
do to that man.
Chapter Six

Da Han Mujin - The Dragonhead

Da Han, the Dragonhead of the Jade Dragon Triad, sat in his office with his Vanguard, Chen Yang, who was practically
his Second-in-Command. But more importantly, he was his strategist and advisor. Da Han was pushing fifty-six and Chen was
forty-seven. Both had stylish haircuts with a bit of gray mixed in with their straight, black hair. They were wearing three-piece
suits that were more expensive than some people's rent for a year. Time had been very kind to them as there were only a few
lines at the crease of their eyes and around their mouths. To many, they were handsome enough to be modeling the clothes and
cologne they wore.
“What are your updates on the Castiellos?” Da Han asked Chen, who was reading a text message on his cell. Chen had been
his father's Vanguard before he was murdered. The man was as loyal to the Triad as one could be. It was not only smart but
natural for him to keep his position under Da Han as his Right-Hand.
Chen sighed. “So far, they haven't attempted to make any moves on our territory here. They made quick work of the Mancini
family, but that wasn't hard to do. I'm pretty sure that's because of what's going down in New York. The head of their family is
taking on two of the Five Families, and from what I hear, the Torelli Family may be jumping in. They're stretched thin right
Da Han nodded. “Explains why they haven't attacked us yet. It's also the reason why we have to hold off for now. But I
moved here because I want them to know that taking us down won't be as easy for them as it was when they dealt with the
pathetic Mancinis.”
“Mr. Yeoh has been keeping us up-to-date with New York.”
Stephen Yeoh was the Triad's Incense Master, his main roles were handling the induction of new members, but more
importantly, he was a fixer and assassin. A man of many talents indeed. And he was currently in New York spying on the war
that was taking place. But he was alone and Rico wasn't. Now was not the time to attack. Especially not with Akane and his
wife at his side.
“Tell him to come home. I’d rather he finds my traitorous uncle right now,” Da-Han said.
“I'll let him know,” Chen said.
Da Han sighed. “You know, had I'd been here, I would have already taken over full control of this city. But my father just
wanted the north side.”
“Your father saw the wisdom in having more than one crime family in this city when it came to law enforcement,” Chen said,
his intense brown eyes studying Da Han. “Bloodshed gets their unwanted attention. As long as everyone lived in peace, your
father saw no need to get into feuds.”
Da Han tapped the top of his desk as he thought about what Chen had said. “Perhaps. That is what my father wanted.”
He took a deep breath, then rose from his chair and walked over to the window overlooking his backyard. He admired the
sprawling lawn with sculptured topiaries and lush gardens with colorful flowers blooming. Not to mention, the pool house that
could be entered from the patio or from inside the mansion. What caught his attention were the numerous armed guards
patrolling the grounds. He had to make sure his security was tight for multiple reasons. First things first, his uncle was surely
planning another attack on him and the family. He needed to kill him before another attempt on his life was made. His other
concerns were the Castiello family and Lords, who might try to make a move on them soon. In any case, times were more
dangerous than usual. Nothing he wasn't prepared for.
“So, what do you want?” Chen asked him.
Da Han leaned his head on the headrest of his chair, his eyes staring at the ornate ceiling of his office. He thought about his
situation and what his goals were, as he was always working toward achieving them.
He looked at Chen. “I want it all,” he said finally.
“And you shall have it,” said the sexy, sultry voice of his wife, Mèng Yáo.
Da Han turned to see that his other half had entered his office and had closed the door behind her. She was wearing a red
dress with a high collar and gold floral designs embroidered in the pattern. A traditional Chinese dress that fit all of her lovely
curves. Her black hair cascaded in waves down her back and draped over her shoulder. Her makeup enhanced her beautiful
features and made blood rush to Da Han's cock. She walked over to him and the two shared a kiss that encompassed all the
passion they had for each other.
“Taking on the Castiellos will not be easy,” Chen warned.
Da Han broke the kiss and turned to his Second-in-Command. “That is why we have to be smart. Take our time to see what
we're up against. It's not just the Castiellos we have to concern ourselves with. The Lords of Chaos MC has aligned themselves
with them in every city where they have a chapter. That means my son, Ren, could be in danger.”
“I will kill every child in that family if they harm my baby,” Mèng Yáo said.
Da Han kissed the back of her hand. “I'll never allow that to happen.” He released her hand and settled back down into his
chair while she placed her ass on his desk.
“What do you have planned?” Chen asked.
“Settling into the territory will immediately put the Castiellos on guard, as I'm sure my move here has them on alert.”
“As they should be,” Mèng Yáo said.
“They are, but it would be foolish to be the ones to make the first move when we don't know about all of the players, for one
thing. The other is that we can't risk being distracted or stretched thin because we're in a war with them when my uncle attacks.
We can't give him that kind of advantage,” Da Han said.
Chen nodded. “How is Tian Yu handling the fact that you're taking over the reins here?”
Da Han sighed and tapped his finger on his desktop. “He's reserved, but he knows he's not ready to lead a war of this
magnitude. Neither he nor Yufei are prepared. When the Castiellos were just dealing in pussy and gambling—-staying in their
lane—he could handle Chicago. The Mancinis kept to their territory, same for the Lords and the Regrets. All of that has
“Yufei is quite the hotheaded,” Chen said.
“He'll follow my orders,” Da Han said.
“Getting back to Ren, I know you sent Sakura, but should we bring him back home?” Mèng Yáo asked. Ren was her only
child with Da Han, though she was stepmother to Da Han's three other kids that he had with his first wife.
“No. Rather, I will be establishing roots there, and I have the perfect plan. I've been looking into an enterprise in Orlando.
There is a company that's about to go under and I've already put things into motion for a hostile takeover. The CEO has a
meeting set up with another interested party, but I plan to pay him a visit tonight to convince him that he needs to take my offer,”
Da Han said.
Chen nodded and cocked an eyebrow. “WP Holdings?”
Da Han smiled. “Bad business decisions landed him where he is—which is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy and losing
everything his family earned.” He shifted in his chair. “In any case, I'll have Li take over the control of that business and
establish himself with his own crew. His twin will be with him.”
“When you told me you wanted that company, I didn't see the big picture you did. Why didn't you tell me about this?” Mèng
Yáo asked her husband as she played with a silky strand of his hair, but made sure not to ruin his style.
“At the time I had been looking into that company, the Castiellos hadn't taken over the entire south side of Chicago. When I
first started looking at WP Holdings, it was just a sinking company I could purchase for less than what it once was worth. I just
had to wait it out. But since the Castiellos are making a play, being the owner of that company has another purpose,” Da Han
“When we go to war, we'll be hitting them in multiple locations where the two have joined forces,” Chen said with approval.
Mèng Yáo smiled. “My clever husband, to send Li there with his sister, Xiù, is brilliant.”
Da Han chuckled as his brown eyes raked up and down his wife's luscious body. “As if he'd go anywhere without his twin.”
“So, that's why you wanted me to arrange a flight for Florida tonight,” Chen asked. “You need to tell me everything, boss. I
don't need to be kept in the dark.”
Da Han turned to Chen and nodded. “It wasn't intentional. You worked under my father. I know he trusted you with his life.
I'm a bit more reserved than my father was.”
“Do you trust me?” Chen asked.
Da Han paused a few seconds before answering. “You wouldn't be sitting in front of me if I didn't. But understand, I will
confide in you if I need your input. But all decisions are mine from now on. My father ran the Triad in the way of old traditions.
I'm not my father. I'm in control of the Jade Dragon Triad and everyone, including you, will be on a need-to-know basis.”
Chen nodded. “Now, I know. I understand, sir.”
“Speaking of progress,” Mèng Yáo began, drawing both men's attention. “I have picked your new bodyguard.”
Da Han arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Tell me about him.”
“Jun De Valentino,” Mèng Yáo said.
Da Han cocked both eyebrows in surprise. “Interesting name. What's his background?”
“He's half Chinese, half Italian,” Mèng Yáo said.
Da-Han chuckled. “I see. And how does someone like him get mixed up with the likes of your father?”
Mèng Yáo smirked. “His father has been a very loyal member of my family. When my father heard about the attack and how
we lost Jung Lee, he sent Jun De as his replacement. It would mean a great deal to my father if you were to accept him.”
Da Han exhaled, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly. His muscles tensed and he had to remember to relax them. He wasn't all
that pleased that the head of the Saotome Yakuza was making demands on him. Sure, it was under the guise of accepting a gift,
but he knew if he were to refuse the new bodyguard, it would be considered an insult. The last thing he needed was to cut open
that old wound. The Jade Dragon Triad and Saotome Yakuza spent the better part of a year spilling each other's blood. It wasn't
until a treaty had been made between the two that ended their war. A Treaty of First Blood was made where the firstborn of
both families were joined in matrimony, bringing the organizations together. Mèng Yáo Saotome just so happened to be the
perfect wife for Da Han. Still, she had loyalties to her birth family, and those, Da Han couldn't ignore. Being in a union with the
Yakuza only made his Triad stronger.
Da Han sighed and resigned himself to accepting the man. “Have you met Jun De?” he asked.
Mèng Yáo nodded. “Of course. My father may have sent him, but I still grilled him. I won't trust anyone with our lives.” She
leaned over towards Da Han's ear to whisper. “And I believe you'll enjoy just how sexy he is.”
Da Han smirked at that, as he did enjoy the body of a beautiful man. “Is that so?”
Mèng Yáo winked. “And I can't wait to see you two together.”
Da Han chuckled. “Is he gay?”
“I didn't ask, but I'm curious to see how much fun we can have with him,” Mèng Yáo purred. “I believe he finds me
attractive. A woman knows these things.”
“But will he find me attractive?” Da Han asked.
“Does it matter? He's ours,” Mèng Yáo said as she ran a ruby red painted finger along her husband's masculine jawline.
Da Han grunted because he'd prefer to know, but then again, it could be fun to seduce a man to his bed. His first wife couldn't
handle the fact that he was bisexual, and though he never cheated on her, he did jerk off to bisexual and gay porn. Even that had
been too much for her and when they divorced, it set him free. Mèng Yáo not only was his soulmate because she was just as
ruthless as he was, but she also enjoyed seeing him with men. He never had to hold back with her.
“Is he here?” Da Han asked.
Mèng Yáo nodded. “He's waiting outside the office.”
“Bring him in.”
Chen took the initiative as he rose and made his way to the door, then opened it. “Come in,” he told Jun De. He stepped aside
to let a tall man standing at six-one enter the room. Jun De walked to the front of Da Han's desk, bowed, straightened, and then
stood still, hands folded before him. Chen Yang stood slightly behind the man, eyes watchful and ready to take action if need
“Mr. Mujin, it is my honor to serve you,” Jun De greeted with an Italian accent.
Da Han checked the man out. His mixed heritage was etched on his handsome features. Chinese and Italian and the accent
was simply the cherry on top. “You grew up in Italy?”
Jun De nodded. “Yes, sir. My father is CEO of the Saotome bank there.”
“The son of a banker,” Da Han began. “I find it difficult to believe that you're fit for this position.”
“I wasn't trained in financial business, sir,” Jun De said.
“Oh? And what were you trained for?”
“To kill, sir. To protect. To serve the Saotome Yakuza, however they see fit.”
Da Han stared at the man in silent judgment before responding. “And... have you killed?”
Jun De nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“How many?”
“Over ten organized hits, sir.”
Da Han pursed his lips as he let his eyes roam over the delectable man before him. He liked the fierceness of his light brown
eyes, the chiseled line of his jaw he held high. The man’s woodsy cologne acted as its own seduction, calling to Da Han’s
He trusted his wife had done her due diligence, but he needed to feel the man out for himself. “Are you in a relationship?”
Jun De shook his head. “No, sir.”
“Good. It's not wise for someone in your position to have those sorts of ties. Whether or not you'll measure up to my
standards is yet to be seen. But I have faith in my wife's intuition. Do not let me down,” Da Han warned.
Jun De bowed again. “I promise not to let you down, Mr. Mujin.”
“Good, wait outside,” Da Han commanded.
Jun De did as he was told, closing the door behind him.
Da Han looked at Chen. “What do you think about him?”
“He's a killer,” Chen said.
Da Han snorted and smiled. “Yes, I gathered that. Do you think he can measure up?”
“My father sent him. He wouldn't have if he didn't think he could. Remember, when I'm with you, he guards both of us. My
father wouldn't have sent anyone who couldn't handle the job,” Mèng Yáo said.
Da Han patted his wife's thigh. “Very well, my love.”
“Anyway, I want to know what you think of him?” she asked in a sultry tone.
Da Han snorted a little, then gave his wife a half smile, one of his dimples coming out to play. “He's hot. I want his mouth on
my cock, sucking the cum from my balls. Then I want to fuck him as he eats your pussy.”
“Do you think he's bisexual?” she asked, because those were her favorite pairings. Nothing gave her a thrill like two men
who wanted her as much as they wanted each other.
Da Han shrugged. “We'll find out.” The sound of his cell phone ringing disrupted the conversation. He looked at the screen
and smirked. “Our son,” he said before answering.
“Daddy,” Ren began in a tone that had Da Han rolling his eyes because he knew what was coming. “I need your help. But
before you get mad or whatever, hear me out, because what I'm going to suggest will help the family too. You're always getting
on me to contribute to the organization. Well, this is me stepping up.”
Da Han chuckled and placed his phone on speaker, because he wanted his wife and Chen to hear whatever nonsense was
going to come out of his bratty son's mouth. “Your mother and I are listening as well as Chen.”
“Hi, Mommy,” Ren said in an exuberant tone.
“Hello, baby,” Mèng Yáo replied. It was no secret that she spoiled her biological child, who was also their youngest. “Is
everything okay?”
“No, that's why I'm calling,” Ren whined.
“What's the matter, baby?” Mèng Yáo asked, her tone soft as she comforted her son.
Da Han frowned at his wife, but kept quiet to allow his son to speak.
“There's this guy I really, really want. I... I think I'm in love with him.”
“For fuck's sake,” Da Han cursed, his head going to his hand in exasperation.
Mèng Yáo leaned over, kissing his cheek, which was her way of keeping the peace between her husband and her son when
he was agitated with Ren. “Does he feel the same way about you?” she asked.
“He insulted me, Mommy. Every time I try to be nice to him. To get him to spend time with me, he acts like he's too good for
That piqued Da Han's interest, because no one was too fucking good for his offspring. “Who is this fool?”
“Daddy, his name is Montgomery William-Price.”
At the mention of the offender's name, Da Han arched both eyebrows, then looked at his wife and Chen. Well, well, wasn't
this convenient? “Go on.”
“He's this sexy Dom at this club I go to called Scarlet Letter. He goes by Master Ellis. I want him to be mine. No one is
better than me, anyway. But he has refused. So, I looked into him. He's about to be broke. Probably won't be able to afford to
even go to Scarlet Letter in the next three months, anyway.”
Da Han smiled because he could see the potential in his son for this kind of life. Ren had always claimed he wanted no part
of the Triad, choosing to walk the path of an artist instead. Animation was his thing. He wanted to know just how devious his
son could get. How manipulative. As far as he was concerned, this was promising.
“What are you getting at?” Da Han asked to see if his ideas and his son's aligned.
“Well, this is where the family can benefit,” Ren said. “His family's business is about to go under. We can offer to merge
with them or whatever, in exchange for making Montgomery marry me.”
Da Han frowned, but not because he didn't appreciate his son's plot. But he was curious if that's what his son truly wanted.
“You like this man that much?”
“Dad, Oh my god, he's everything!” Ren gushed and again, Da Han rolled his eyes.
“Don't be dramatic,” he commented.
“I'm not, I'm being honest. I want him so badly, I can't concentrate on anything else,” Ren protested.
“Are you sure it's not just because he refused your advances?” Da Han asked.
“No, I've been turned down before. I just had my bodyguards beat them up and I moved on. This is different. Montgomery is
different,” Ren said.
“Are you sure you want him this badly, baby? If your father and I agree to what you're asking, you'll be married to a man who
may give you trouble. Can you handle that?” Mèng Yáo asked.
“The hell he will. He'll be a faithful and loving husband to our son or he'll be dead,” Da Han said.
“I want him, momma. But there is just one, tiny issue,” Ren said.
“What is it?” Da Han asked.
Chen Yang sat in silence listening to everything so he could offer the best advice if asked. He was used to the Mujin men
having everything their way. It was his job and honor to make sure they got it.
“Well, my research showed that Montgomery is friends with someone named Richard Harrison, who was recently released
from prison.”
It did please Da Han that his son had done such thorough research on the man he claimed he wanted to marry. The name his
son mentioned didn't connect with him, though. “Who is this Richard Harrison, and why does he matter?”
“He's a prospecting member of the Lords of Chaos MC. He's dating one of their enforcers named Diego “Dragon” Murphy,”
Ren said. “Montgomery has been seen with Richard now that he's out, but my sources don't think he has any ties to the Lords
Now, the name Diego “Dragon' Murphy and the Lords did hold significance to everyone in the room. As soon as Vito
Castiello set foot in Chicago, Da Han put eyes on him and everyone he was associated with. No doubt, if this Montgomery
William-Price was friends with one of the Lords, that meant he could seek their aid. That would be a problem. That could
interfere with his plans to take over their company and it would certainly ruin his son's plans to get the man all to himself.
“Are you prepared to have this man now?” Da Han asked after mulling the information over in his mind.
“What do you mean?” Ren asked in his confusion.
“I mean, are you ready to claim this man as your own? To live with him?”
“Oh yes! I want him more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, daddy,” Ren pleaded.
“Then prepare to meet me at the airport tonight. We'll be arriving at seven,” Da Han said.
“All right, daddy. I'll pick you up.”
“I'll call you when we land,” Da Han said, then ended the call.
Mèng Yáo played with the long strands of her wavy black hair as she looked at her husband. “What are you thinking?”
“That my son has a head for this type of business. But apart from that, we need to get some contracts drawn up before we get
there. Dress stylishly, darling, we have a wedding to attend,” Da Han said.
Mèng Yáo smiled, then leaned forward, kissing her gorgeous husband. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Da Han said. He then contacted his son, Li, and daughter, Xiù, putting them on a three-way conference.
When they answered, he told them what he wanted. “We take off in a few hours.”
“Yes, dad,” they said.
Da Han had already spoken to them about his plans for them to move to Florida. Their belongings were already on the way.
So far, everything was going according to his design.
Chapter Seven


“K HANNA, YOUR LAWYER IS here to visit you,” called out one of the guards.
Ajay placed his cards on the table.
“Your lawyer? Think it's good news?” TT asked.
“Probably not. Every time he comes, it's always... 'I'm working on it',” Ajay said.
“Geez, it's just a bullet. Is TT's snoring so bad that you're trying to get out of here fast? You only have like what? Eight
months to go?” Dragon teased.
Ajay scoffed. “It's not even like that.”
“Leave my baby alone, jerk,” Tiny Tim told Dragon, who laughed.
“Don't look at my cards,” Ajay said with a grin.
“I'll play your hand,” TT offered, taking up the cards Ajay had sat down. He looked them over and frowned. “This is a shit
“Rummy ain't for amateurs,” Dragon teased.
“Well, I'm out already, which makes me a pro,” TT taunted.
“And if you want me to suck your huge cock tonight, you better make sure I win,” Ajay told TT.
“Well, if that ain't motivation,” TT commented.
Dragon barked out a laugh. “Look at Ajay playing hardball.”
“Damn right. I'll be back. Let me just see what he's here for,” Ajay said, then rose. TT slapped his ass, and he scoffed.
“Control yourself,” he teased.
“What's the fun in that?” TT said, then winked.
Ajay smiled, then made his way to the visiting room, the private one for client-lawyer confidentiality. Once he entered, his
heart sank when he saw who was sitting at the table waiting to see him. This was not about to be a good meeting.
“Please, have a seat,” Special Agent Kevin Bryar said, gesturing to the chair opposite him, his blue eyes on the guard who
was still lingering by the doorway.
Ajay remained standing, ignoring Kevin's command. The guard finally left the two men to their privacy.
“Anything new to report?” Special Agent Kevin Bryar asked.
Ajay sighed. “Not really.”
Kevin looked Ajay up and down as he stood up and approached him. “You... you look good. I miss you.” He reached out for
Ajay, but the other man took a step back. Kevin huffed. “Not this attitude again. How long are you going to hold a grudge
against me?”
“Where's Special Agent Markum?” Ajay asked.
“Sick, I'm standing in for him,” Kevin said, then raked his fingers through his blond hair. “Jesus, I was hoping you'd be happy
to see me after all this time.”
“That depends.”
Kevin cocked an eyebrow. “On what?”
“Did you sign the papers?”
“I'm never going to do that. You may be willing to give up on us, but I'm not.”
Ajay huffed. “Can we not have this conversation again? Not right now. We only have so much time,” he said, then took a seat.
Kevin grunted, a frown on his handsome face. He stared at Ajay for a few seconds, then sat down in his chair. The two
stared at each other in silence across the metal table.
“Is that all?” Ajay asked gruffly.
“I fucked up, I admit that.” Kevin looked away to gather his thoughts, then returned his blue gaze to Ajay. “You shouldn't have
taken this assignment. You know you did this just to spite me.”
Ajay rolled his eyes. “You think everything is about you. I did this because I'm a DEA agent with experience in the task. I
was asked to take the job, the timing was right—”
“Bullshit, the timing was right. You just took this job to run away from me. At least, admit that, Milan. You're being a fucking
coward,” Kevin said.
Ajay scoffed. “You've got a lot of nerve sitting there acting like I'm the one doing you wrong. We were done before I took
this assignment. How in the hell did you get them to let you take Markum's place?”
“I'm your husband and a Special Agent as well. I convinced them that I was the best choice. Besides, we make a great team,”
Kevin said.
“Made—past tense—and that was before you decided to fuck every pretty boy your dick got hard for,” Ajay snapped.
“It was just three—”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up,” Ajay snapped, cutting Kevin off. He closed his eyes to center himself, then opened them,
looking at the man who was currently making his blood boil. “Let's just stick to the case.”
“I'm not giving you a divorce,” Kevin said. “Not until we work this out.”
“Currently, I don't have anything new to report,” Ajay said, ignoring Kevin and moving on.
Agent Bryar huffed out his frustration. “Really? You've been in here four months and that's all that you can tell me?” he
asked, switching into cop mode.
Ajay leaned forward. “Listen, I'm still prospecting with them. They have me doing chores and shit. They don't trust me with
the actual functions of their club yet. These guys have been around for decades. You think they just let anyone in?”
Agent Kevin Bryar stared at Ajay, and the skepticism was apparent in his gaze. “What can you tell me about the murder that
went down here a few weeks ago? Did that have anything to do with what happened to you when you were attacked?”
Ajay shook his head. “I told you, I was attacked as part of their initiation process. A man has to prove that he can handle his
Kevin hissed. “Fucking barbarians,” he cursed under his breath.
“That's how they test men, separating the fighters from the cowards,” Ajay explained.
Kevin snorted and sat back, swirling a fingertip on the table as he looked at him. “You say that like you admire them.”
Ajay shook his head, because he didn't feel like dealing with Kevin's shit. “Just telling you why.”
“So, was what happened in the mess hall three weeks ago related?” Kevin asked.
“No, during my initiation, those guys were doing the Lords a solid by challenging me. I passed their hell week test. That was
the only way they'd let me prospect,” Ajay said.
“So, you can't tell me anything about the dead inmate that was killed in the mess hall?” Kevin sat back and knocked his
knuckles on the table. His gaze on Ajay was full of scrutiny.
“I heard they were friends of the inmates who were attacked in the shower a few months back. I guess they were trying to
start something, but it didn't work out,” Ajay said, telling only part of the truth. He did know everything about it and who'd
killed the inmate. Yet, he refused to give up that information. “Listen, my goal in here is to keep out of trouble, do what I'm told,
and earn their trust until I can get out and join the club. That's the only way the DEA is going to get everything they want. These
types of one-percent clubs survive on loyalty and secrecy. They aren't going to trust me, not this early, not unless I do something
for the club that warrants their trust.”
Agent Kevin Bryar cocked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”
“Commit a crime for their benefit. I mean, they're in here for drug trafficking. I can't keep my hands clean and get all of their
secrets just four months in,” Ajay pointed out.
Kevin snorted. “Are you sure that's the only thing standing in your way?”
“We knew going in this wasn't going to be easy. The Lords of Chaos know what the hell they're doing. You think I'm the one
who's going to unravel all of that while still in prison in less than four months?” Ajay said, applying logic to his question. “I'm
good, but I'm not that fucking good.”
Kevin sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I guess you're right. Just so you know, the higher-ups are getting anxious. We know they're
in bed with the fucking Castiellos,” he said, then pulled a file from his briefcase and began showing Ajay photos of the Lords
and Castiellos together in Chicago, New York, and Orlando. “As you can see, they are planning something big and we need to
know what. Not only that, but with the Castiellos pushing the Mancini family out of Chicago, they have garnered the interest of
the Jade Dragon Triad.” Kevin pointed to a tall, handsome Caucasian man in the photo wearing a suit and black shades. “That's
Rico Castiello, and for the past several months, he's been in a war with two—now three of the Five Families of New York.”
“Shit,” Ajay hissed as he looked at the numerous photos spread out before him.
“Tell me about it. The Triad has ties with the fucking Saotome Yakuza and the Castiellos are a powerhouse all on their own.
The Lords are the smallest fish in this ocean, and therefore, the best way to get on the inside.”
Ajay looked at him and nodded. He licked his lips. “Am I the only agent you have in the field?”
He shook his head. “Of course not, but that's on a need-to-know basis, as you know. It's just smart to keep all our agents
separated. But you each have your own jobs to do.”
“Just tell me if there's anyone else inside the Lords?”
“Not the Lords, that's your job.” Kevin leaned forward. “I'd prefer that you back out. Someone else could take over. We can
get you out of here.”
Ajay shook his head. “I've put in too much to pull out. Especially not just because you want me to.”
“Don't you see that I love you?” Kevin asked.
Ajay laughed, he couldn't help himself. “If you love me, let me go.”
“That's not how I prove my love,” Kevin said.
Ajay threw his head back and sighed heavily. He was going to have to contact his boss and demand they send Markum or
anyone else from now on. He looked at Kevin. “I'm only discussing the case, nothing else.”
Kevin scoffed. “Fine. So, how close are you to gaining their trust? I mean, you're bunking with one of their members all this
time. What is Tim Davis' position in the club?”
“Just a member, from what I know.”
“What about this Diego “Dragon” Murphy, their enforcer? Reports said that he was in the infirmary when our informant died.
We were that close to going to trial and then that shit happened. That can't be a coincidence. Do you know if he had anything to
do with that?”
Probably, Ajay thought. From what he'd gathered of Dragon, the man was a stone-cold killer. Ajay ran his fingers through his
thick, black hair. “If he did or didn't, they don't discuss that kind of thing around me. I'm telling you, loyalty is big with them.
Most clubs have a three-month, or even six-month prospecting period. The longest I've seen is nine months. But the Lords of
Chaos? They want you to prospect for a full year before you're even shown what's behind the curtain. At least let me get past
that six-month mark.”
“Is that it?” Kevin asked with a hint of suspicion.
Ajay frowned as he was annoyed by the question and what it insinuated. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Are you fucking one of them?”
Ajay shook his head in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
Kevin shrugged. “Had to ask. I mean, you're with them twenty-four-seven pretty much. And you're telling me you got jack shit
on them. One has to wonder.”
Ajay scoffed. “You're a piece of shit.”
“Hey, let's keep this professional. Isn't that what you wanted?”
“You're the one stepping over the line,” Ajay snapped.
Kevin shrugged. “Just making sure that you keep your fucking head straight in here, Agent Patel. Remember whose team
you're playing for, Milan.”
Ajay snarled. “This isn't my first time at the bat and I always hit a home run. Tell the brass to stop breathing down my neck.”
“Enough with the baseball references. Just know your limits in here, and remember who you belong to—both teams.”
Ajay just rose from his chair. “I thought you didn't want to use baseball references.”
“'Teams' is universal,” Kevin shot back.
“Whatever.” Ajay called to the guard, who let him out. He left and as he made his way back to Tiny Tim and Dragon, he was
conflicted. He just lied to his contact, his superior... and his husband. Granted, Kevin being his husband was just a word to
Ajay right at that point, but still. He'd never betrayed the DEA before, but he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth. Could he?
He saw the duo still playing cards as he approached and he had to put his game face back on. The one he'd been barely wearing
since the moment he let Tiny Tim suck him off, which was his first mistake. Sex was never on the table. Sex always
complicated things because it led to one feeling emotions. and now, emotions were what had him sinking into quicksand.
Fuck, Milan. What are you going to do?
Chapter Eight

Da Han

D Ahe'dHAN SAT COMFORTABLY on the soft cream-colored leather chair of his private jet as he looked over the documents
have William-Price sign. His wife was chatting with his daughter and his son was sitting in front of him, looking out
the window. His Vanguard was sitting in the back, reading a book, but his new bodyguard was sitting across from him. He
looked up from the papers to his son.
“Did you get a minister?” he asked Li.
His son was a perfect blend of Da Han and his first wife. Six feet, black hair, long bangs, shorter on the side. His brown
eyes were as keen as a hawk and his angular jaw and high cheekbones gave him a bone structure that was both pretty and
Li turned from the window at the sound of his father's voice and nodded. “I did. He'll be waiting upon our arrival.”
“Good.” Da Han slipped the documents back into their folder to keep them safe.
“What if he doesn't want to sell?” Li asked.
“He has one offer and that person isn't offering even close to what I will. That transaction was supposed to go down in two
days, but Howard will see everything my way. I'm not concerned about that. I've already put gears into motion to make sure I
get his company. My question is, do you feel confident with the position I'm giving you?”
Li nodded. “I'm confident that I can handle any task, dad. Besides, I'll have my twin.”
“And an army,” Da Han said.
Li smirked. “Then, I'll definitely have everything under control. We have a shipment that is scheduled for next month and
under their company name, it'll be much easier to get past customs.”
“That's why I must have this company,” Da Han said. He placed the folder he'd been holding on the table and turned to look
at his new bodyguard. He needed to get more familiar with the man. “Valentino,” he called the man's name.
Jun De turned to him. “Yes, sir?”
“Follow me.” Da Han rose and walked toward the back of the airplane where his bedroom was.
His wife watched his retreat, then excused herself to join her husband and their new bodyguard. Inside the room, Da Han
kicked off his shoes and sprawled on the bed. His wife joined him and both looked at Jun De as he stood at the foot of the bed,
hands clasped before him.
“Is there a problem, sir?” Jun De asked.
Da Han chuckled and Mèng Yáo leaned over, kissing her husband's cheek.
“What do you want to do with him, my darling?” she whispered into his ear.
“What do you know about my wife and I?” Da Han asked.
Jun De cleared his throat. “You're third generation Triad leader. Your father was recent—”
Da Han held his hand up, cutting the man off. “I'm sure you know all of that. I want to know if you're aware of any intimate
Jun De cleared his throat and nodded. “I only know what's been passed as rumors. I don't know if there is any truth to them,
“Oh? And what have you heard?” Mèng Yáo asked, a wicked smile on her beautiful face.
“It's not appropriate to speak of such things, ma'am.”
Da Han frowned. “When we ask you a question, you answer it. Honestly, Jun De, if you're going to work for us, you're going
to need to relax.”
He nodded. “Very well, sir. I've heard that your first wife left you because you were gay.”
Da Han half snorted, half laughed. Mèng Yáo giggled, then slid her hand slowly and seductively down the length of Da Han's
torso to his crotch. She grabbed her husband's clothed dick and began massaging his growing erection. Da Han kept his eyes on
the man, a smirk on his handsome face as he moaned from the pleasure.
Jun De tensed, his cheeks reddening a bit as he watched the married couple's bold sexual display.
“I assure you, Jun De, my husband is not gay,” Mèng Yáo said, then she unzipped Da Han's pants, slipping her hand inside to
caress his cock.
“Mmmmm,” Da Han moaned from the sensation of his wife's skillful fingers stroking his shaft. He continued to hold Jun De's
gaze the entire time, surveying the man's reaction. He smirked when he noticed the man didn't avert his eyes. That was
noteworthy. “The rumors are almost right. My first wife did leave me because she couldn't handle the fact that I also desired
men. Didn't matter that I'd never been with any the whole time I was with her. She was a weak woman, one who couldn't
appreciate my sacrifice as I remained loyal to her. When she left me, she freed me. Mèng Yáo is my true mate, the real love of
my life. She completely understands and accepts who I am, as you can see.”
Jun De's face was flushed with blood, his body felt hot as his own cock stirred. He'd heard several rumors about the couple
and one was proving true. “I understand, sir.”
“What else have you heard?” Da Han asked, then he began to pump his hips to match his wife's stroking. It pleased him to
see that Jun De was affected by what he was seeing. He let his eyes roam over the man and saw the cock between Jun De's legs
get harder as it tented his pants.
Jun De swallowed. “That you both enjoy having sex in public. That you enjoy killing together and sharing the same man.”
“Not rumors,” Mèng Yáo said, then pulled her husband's cock free. She leaned down, taking Da Han's cock into her mouth.
She ran her tongue along his hot, velvety flesh as it passed between her red lips.
Da Han released a long, shuddering moan in pleasure and arched on the bed, his gaze still on Jun De. He smiled when he
saw the man's body tense more as he tried to avert his gaze. “Don't look away.”
Jun De turned back to the couple having sex on the bed. “Your children are on board, sir.”
Da Han laughed. “Trust me, they already know how we are. My wife and I have been married for over twenty years.
Besides, they're out there, and we're in here.”
“But they'll hear, sir.”
“So? They're grown. Like I said, they knew what was going to happen as soon as we walked in here. Enough about them.
What I want to know is... do you want to suck my cock?” Da Han arched a brow as he gazed at the man with all of the lust he
“Sir, I'd like to keep this professional. I'm your bodyguard,” Jun De said.
Mèng Yáo pulled off Da Han's cock to laugh. Her feminine cackles a pure mockery to Jun De's words.
Da Han cocked an eyebrow. “Professional? Are you telling me that you can't protect me, my wife, and pleasure us at the
same time? Are you that pathetic?”
“He never answered your question, my love,” Mèng Yáo said.
Da Han smirked. “Yes, I did notice that.” He looked at Jun De expectantly. “Well?”
Jun De squared his shoulders. “No, sir... I do not wish to suck your cock.”
Da Han looked at his crotch, which told a different story. His keen gaze traveled back up to Jun De's. “I don't like liars,
Valentino. If you're willing to lie to my face, then I can't trust you. I would just as soon send you back to your father in Italy than
rely on you to protect me.”
Jun De stiffened then because he knew he'd messed up. He wasn't just dealing with the Jade Dragon Triad’s boss, but also the
heiress to the Saotome Yakuza. He cleared his throat and bowed his head. “I'm sorry, sir. I...” He paused because he had heard
the rumors, but didn't ever think he'd be in this predicament. He was there to kill their threats and take a bullet if need be. He
wasn't prepared to be invited into their bed.
“You're my boss, sir. It's just not wise to make our relationship this personal,” Jun De argued.
Da Han sighed and scooted to the edge of the bed, then rose, standing before Jun De. His cock was still hard and erect mere
inches from Jun De's own erection that was still hidden behind the zipper of his pants. “When I was younger, I wasn't allowed
to be who I was. Wasn't allowed to give into my desires. My father detested homosexuality and didn’t consider it manly. Then
when I got married, so did my wife.”
Jun De swallowed. He could feel the heat rising in his body as well as his desire for the man before him. He hated that his
cock had betrayed him, because this was a situation he would have wanted to avoid. He wasn't the kind to ever mix business
with pleasure. Especially not with his boss. “I'm sorry you went through that, sir.”
Da Han ran a finger down the length of Jun De's torso, down to the button of his pants. His eyes never left Jun De as he
worked his seduction. He tilted his head. “I live my life never denying myself anything I desire these days. If I see something or
someone I want, I go for them and I don't stop until I get it or them.”
“And you want me, sir?” Jun De asked.
“I want you on your knees with my cock in your mouth,” Da Han said.
“I must decline, sir.”
Something inside Da Han snapped at the blatant refusal. He was a man who didn't hear the word no. Especially not when he
was expecting to get his way. His temper spiked along with arousal. His expression turned cold as he grabbed Jun De's chin
and slammed him against the wall. He leaned closer. “Who the fuck do you think you are to decline my orders?” he snarled at
the man.
Mèng Yáo climbed off the bed and approached the two men, sliding up next to her husband. She reached down, grabbing Jun
De's erection, which had softened just a bit due to the rough treatment. “You're still hard. Mmmmmm,” She licked her lips.
“And impressive.” She groped his cock more, her fingers feeling the length and girth of his flesh beneath the fabric of his pants.
“You're big enough to please me and my husband.” She smiled and looked at her husband. “Think he knows what to do with all
of that, baby?”
Da Han's grip on Jun De's chin tightened. “I doubt it.” He released Jun De's face with a little shove. “If you don't suck me off
right now, when we get back to Chicago, I want you to pack your shit and go back home. I refuse to be denied.”
“And really, you can do both. Protect us and fuck us. Our last bodyguard did and my husband owes his life to him,” Mèng
Yáo said.
“Is that so? And how much did he mean to you?” Jun De asked, his eyes switching from husband to wife, then back to
Da Han reached up, grabbing a handful of Jun De's black hair, not hard, but possessively. He leaned forward and locked his
lips with the man who grunted in surprise. As he kissed Jun De, Mèng Yáo began to remove the man's cock from his pants,
which was now fully engorged. She lowered herself to her knees and slipped his cock between her lips, sucking him as her
husband's lips worked their magic on his.
Da Han’s kisses became more possessive as he slipped his tongue inside, staking his claim. He swallowed the moan of
pleasure that escaped Jun De as he was being seduced by both of them. Da Han's fingers began to undo Jun De's shirt, and he
started to slip the shirt and jacket off the man's shoulders, but before he could, Jun De broke away, scrambling from the duo, his
cock popping free from Mèng Yáo's skillful mouth.
“I can't,” he gasped.
Da Han walked over to him. “You can and you will.” With that, he grabbed the man by the back of his neck, then threw him
onto the bed before mounting him. “You want this... why are you lying to yourself?”
“It's not right,” Jun De protested.
Da Han snorted. “Who's to say what's right or wrong in this situation?” He leaned down, kissing Jun De's chin, jawline, then
neck. Slowly, he planted his claiming kisses on the other man's chest and stomach.
Jun De's chest heaved, his temperature rising to a fever pitch as Da Han moved lower, toward his drooling cock. A light
sheen of sweat glistened his skin and his cock ached to be in one of their holes. It was too much and his senses were going into
overload. He had to regain control of himself. Da Han's lips were driving him insane with sensation. It was true, he did find
both of them sexy, but could he be like their last bodyguard?
“Did you love him?” Jun De asked them.
Da Han paused right before taking Jun De's cock into his mouth. He sat up and looked down at the man whose face was flush
with desire. “Are you trying to kill the mood?”
Jun De shook his head as he looked at him. Mèng Yáo climbed back onto the bed, this time, she was only in her red lace bra
and panties. Da Han began to unbutton his own shirt, then slipped his off his shoulders revealing a slim body coiled with toned
muscles and chiseled abs. Mèng Yáo took Jun De's right hand and placed it on Da Han's chest. She then guided the man's hand
down her husband's torso, letting him feel all that sexiness she adored.
“Isn't he glorious?” she whispered into Jun De's ear.
“Yes,” Jun De said softly, almost absently as if he were in a trance as he stared at Da Han.
“Take him... You want him,” Mèng Yáo told Jun De.
Jun De licked his lips as he fingered Da Han's nipple, making the man gasp in pleasure. “Did you love him?” he asked the
couple once more.
Da Han huffed, then slapped his hand away from him before climbing out of the bed. He shoved his cock back into his pants,
zipping them up in his agitation. Mèng Yáo scoffed in her own disappointment as she climbed off the bed. She walked over to
her clothes and began to dress.
Jun De sat up and watched the couple. “Why does my question upset you, sir?”
Da Han scoffed. “Hardly the time to bring it up, don't you think?”
Jun De shook his head and scooted to the edge of the bed so he was looking directly up at Da Han. “I think we've proven that
I find you both attractive.” He gestured to his slowly wilting erection. “My body can't lie.”
“Your mouth can,” Da Han retorted.
“I won't anymore, sir. Still, why not answer my question?”
Da Han stood at the foot of the bed, buttoning his shirt. “I will have you. But I can see that you're not ready yet. You want to
know if we loved him? Yes, we did. As a friend. I was not in love with him if that's the answer you're looking for. I'm not
looking for that with you either. Sex is just sex between consenting adults.”
“You want me to be consenting?” Jun De asked as he began to button his shirt back up. His gaze never left Da Han.
“I'm many things, Mr. Valentino, but a rapist isn't one of them. Don't ever insult me like that again,” Da Han warned.
Jun De bowed his head. “I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to imply—”
“Didn't you?” Da Han asked, one eyebrow arched.
“You were both just very forceful,” Jun De replied, his gaze lowered in his embarrassment.
Da Han smirked, then grabbed Jun De's chin between his finger and thumb, and lifted his face back up to his. “You wanted
“Not on your terms.”
Mèng Yáo sneered. “This one is audacious.”
Da Han gave the man another look from head to toe, his gaze a mixture of lust and admiration. “He is.” He released Jun De's
chin and took a step back. “Get out.”
Jun De climbed off the bed. “Yes, sir,” he said with a bow and exited the bedroom.
Da Han sighed and collapsed on the bed, lying on his back. His wife sat beside him, stroking his thick, black hair. “Now I
want him even more than before.”
Mèng Yáo chuckled. “I know. We knew getting him into bed would be a long shot, or at least not this soon.”
Da Han smiled and nodded. “I just wanted to see how he'd react to our advances. He's prime, he wants it. Now, he just needs
a bit of coaxing.”
“I will bring him to his knees before you, my love,” Mèng Yáo promised.
He looked at his wife, then took her hand into his and kissed the back of it. “Tell me, did you approve of him beforehand?”
She nodded. “I had my pick out of five men that my father wanted to send to us. He is bisexual, professional, and absolutely
gorgeous. I knew right away that you'd want him.”
“I like him. He's courageous to stand up to us the way that he did. I find a little defiance to be sexy. It's going to be so much
more satisfying when I'm between his legs, shoving my cock inside of him while he's eating your pussy.”
Mèng Yáo giggled, then leaned down, kissing her husband. “I can't wait to see the look on his face when you do, my love.”
Da Han kissed his wife, then the two decided to discuss how they were going to handle their son's wedding.
Chapter Nine


“T HEY FLEW DOWN TO Florida this afternoon?” Vito asked as he rubbed a finger over his plump bottom lip.
Demir nodded. He'd just finished giving Vito the updates he'd received from their contacts. “I don't know why yet.”
Vito nodded. “In any case, I need to let Enzo know. Does Rico know?”
Demir shrugged. “You're the first person I've told.”
Vito nodded, then texted his brother and informed him of the update in their coded language. Rico replied, letting his brother
know he was already aware. But he wanted him to let his son know and the Lords.
Consider it done, Rico. Vito called Enzo first and waited for his nephew to answer.
“Hello, uncle,” Enzo said through the speakerphone, and like the men in his family, his voice was deep and as smooth as he
was lethal. He spoke with an Italian-American accent, which made Vito chuckle when he heard him.
“How are you doing down there?” Vito asked.
“Keeping busy. Everything is being handled,” Enzo said.
“Listen, this isn't a social call. I want to make you aware that Da Han Mujin and his people are heading down there to
Florida right now.”
“Thanks for the heads up. Does my dad know?”
“Of course. Nothing slips past your father,” Vito said proudly.
“I'll have eyes on them,” Enzo said.
Demir smirked and leaned closer to the phone. “How is Sergio doing?”
Enzo chuckled, a low rumble that flowed through the speaker. “He has revenge on his mind, that's for sure. His skills are
exceptional. He may give you a run for your money one day, Demir.”
“When I'm eighty, yeah, maybe,” Demir joked.
Vito laughed softly, then cleared his throat. “Keep me abreast of their actions. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact
Dasan of the Lords.”
“Speaking of them, can they hold their own?”
Vito looked at Demir since he was the one who had been in combat with the Lords. “Well?”
Demir smirked and nodded. “Yes, they are formidable. Especially their enforcers.”
“Hmmm, Akari said the same. Said they have a sniper on their team who's as good as you, Demir.”
To that, Demir cocked an eyebrow. “Is that so? What's his name?”
“Chico—well, at least that's his road name. Akari noted his efficiency when he carried out that task for dad while aiding
“I'm curious if this Chico is as good as I am,” Demir said with a playful smile.
“Are you prospecting?” Enzo asked him.
“I am.”
“They have you doing chores and errands? Shit like that?”
Demir could hear the humor in Enzo's voice and he rolled his eyes. “Next time I see you, I'm going to toss you over my
“I never bottom,” Enzo said, then sighed. “Listen, this was fun, but I have to go. Gotta meeting with the senator.”
Vito smiled. “We'll talk later.”
“Yes, bye, uncle. Later, Demir.” Enzo ended the call.
Demir sat back and sighed. “He's all grown up now.”
Vito nodded. “A true Castiello. Rico and Alessia couldn't be prouder... me either.”
Demir looked at his watch. “Mind if I cut out early?”
“Your duties to the Lords?” Vito asked.
Demir shook his head. “A date with Wolf.”
“You're leaving me unprotected for a date?” Vito teased.
“You have six bodyguards—all highly trained. I'm sure you'll be okay,” Demir retorted.
Vito scoffed but smirked. “You really like him, don't you?”
Demir smiled as he thought about Wolf, his cheeks blushing ever so slightly.
“Oh my god, you're unbearable when you're crushing and gushing like this,” Vito taunted.
“He's who I've been waiting for. It's been a very long time since I've been with anyone who... who make me feel the way that
he does,” Demir said, putting his honest feelings out there. He knew Vito would never mock him. His best friend was the only
one who knew of his past. That was why Vito knew that what he had with Wolf was truly something special. His heart felt like
it would burst whenever he thought about the big, sexy biker. He was well aware of how rare that feeling was for someone in
his world. It was something to be cherished.
Vito sighed with a chuckle. “Go on your date. I'll see you later.”
Demir rose and stretched. “I'll text.”
“Go, have fun.”
Demir smiled and then left to meet up with Wolf.
“I was hoping that when I got here you'd be dressed and ready to go,” Demir fussed as he looked at his man bent over the
engine components of his car, making adjustments.
“Just give me a minute and I'll be ready to go,” Wolf said as he tightened this and that.
“We have reservations for seven,” Demir said.
Wolf straightened and looked at him. He grabbed his towel and began wiping the oil from his hands. He smiled. “Damn, you
look so fucking good. I really don't want to go anywhere. I want to take you inside and eat your ass instead of a steak.”
“As wonderful as that sounds, and I certainly want that, I'm also very hungry,” Demir said.
Wolf laughed and nodded. “Fine. I guess I can finish fixing this tomorrow.” He closed the hood of his Charger, then walked
over to Demir and kissed the sexy assassin, tongue and all.
“Mmmm, that was nice,” Demir said, then planted another kiss on Wolf's full lips. After a few moments of indulging, he
pulled back and slapped Wolf's ass. “Get ready.”
“Okay, okay.” Wolf closed the garage door, then walked into his home through the backdoor with Demir following him to his
Demir sprawled on the bed while Wolf took a shower. He looked around and wondered just where they were going to live.
Would he move into Wolf's home, or would Wolf move into his? The thought came to him because his conversation with Vito
let him realize just how serious this relationship was to him. Living arrangements were definitely something they were going to
have to discuss.
While his man cleaned off the day's crud, he decided to look for a suit for Wolf to wear. Honi came trotting into the room and
rubbing himself along Demir's leg. He reached down, scratching the dog's ears just the way he knew the husky/wolf mix liked
“Who's a good boy?” Demir asked the panting dog. “That's right, you are.” He leaned forward, kissing Honi between his
eyes. He rubbed him a little bit longer, then went back to picking through Wolf's suits, finding one he loved.
Demir laid the black suit on the bed along with a white and black pinstripe shirt with a solid black collar. He found the
perfect shoes to match. He was wearing a simple suit with a gray cashmere turtleneck. They would make a handsome couple
for sure. Wolf came out of the bathroom, skin still glistening with water as he continued to towel off. The very sight of his man,
wet, muscular, tattooed, and naked nearly made Demir want to say to hell with their date. But the moment his stomach growled,
he knew they had to eat something.
“You know, I can order something in,” Wolf suggested as if he’d read Demir’s mind when he saw the look in his man’s eyes.
Demir licked his bottom lip and nodded. “Yes, let's do that,” he said, then began to undress.
“Fuck yeah,” Wolf said, then snatched off the towel from around his waist. He tossed that one and the other one he was
holding across the room and took Demir into his arms. Their kiss held all of the passion they felt for each other. Hands roamed
over flesh as they made out, claiming each other. Wolf pulled off Demir's pants, tossing them, then took Demir's cock into his
mouth, making his man moan and arch off the bed.
Wolf's mouth on him felt amazing and Demir gave in, leaving his inhibitions at the door every time he was in Wolf's
presence. He gripped Wolf's shoulder and had a handful of Wolf's hair entwined in his fingers as he writhed on the bed. Wolf
sucked and slurped Demir's erection, making sure he kept his man a mess as he held control. He knew it was what Demir
needed. He pulled back when he felt Demir get harder because he wasn't ready for him to cum yet.
Demir panted hard as he looked at Wolf with his vision blurred by his lust. “Why'd you stop?”
“Because you ain't ready to cum yet. I know what you need,” Wolf flirted.
Demir's pupils dilated as his desire spiked to another level. Wolf knew him well because he wanted his man's cock deep
inside of him. He was in the mood to be completely dominated.
“Yeah, that's what I know,” Wolf seduced, then grabbed Demir by the back of his head, kissing him hard, their lips crushing.
Demir moaned and Wolf growled before pulling away. “Yeah, you need this dick.”
“Please... yes... I need it,” Demir panted in his desperation.
“Grrrrr, Ooooh, I love when you beg,” Wolf said, then kissed Demir again. He climbed on the bed, lying on his back, his
cock standing at attention. He looked at Demir, then at his cock. “I want you to suck it, slob all over my dick, baby. Get me nice
and wet, then I want you to ride me hard.”
Demir smirked. “I thought you were going to eat my ass.”
Wolf smiled and beckoned with his finger.
Demir crawled up the length of his body, then leaned down, licking Wolf's lips with slow seduction.
“Fuck!” Wolf gasped, then kissed Demir as he slapped both cheeks. “Plant this beautiful ass on my face, baby.”
“Gladly,” Demir said, then turned around so he was sitting on Wolf's face. “Ahhhh, mmmmm,” he moaned as he felt Wolf's
tongue lapping and probing his hole. He lowered himself toward Wolf's hard cock and took the rigid flesh between his lips.
When he heard the deep rumble in Wolf's chest, he knew he had him right where he wanted him as he worshipped the biker's
The two men gave each other the magic of their mouths and before either of them could cum, Demir pulled away, turned, then
looked down at Wolf, whose lower face was slick with spit. “You made sure that I'm nice and wet for you.”
“That's the only way to eat ass, baby.”
Demir gave him a cheeky grin before straddling Wolf's hips. He made sure his back was facing his man to give Wolf the
perfect view of his ass as he sank deeper on Wolf's large cock. He moaned at the sensation of being stretched and filled to
capacity until he bottomed out.
“Jesus Christ,” Wolf grunted, then ran his hand down Demir's back and over his plump ass cheeks. “Yeah, work my dick,
baby. Ride me hard.” He rested his head on one arm to give him leverage as he watched Demir's hips rotate as his body
“Ah, ah, fuck,” Demir panted and moaned in pleasure as he rocked and swirled his hips over Wolf's cock. He braced himself
on Wolf's hairy thighs and made his cheeks bounce for Wolf's enjoyment.
“Yeah, look at that ass... so fucking pretty,” Wolf complimented between grunts of ecstasy. “It's all mine.” He slapped both of
them repeatedly, which drove Demir insane. “Fuck, gonna cum, baby.”
“Me... too,” Demir said as he began pumping his dick to match his hips. The pleasure rippled through him and he cried out,
head thrown back, eyes shut tight as hot jizz jetted from his dick all over the sheets and Wolf's legs.
“Ahhhh fuck! Fuck!” Wolf belted out as his orgasm shot through him with the force of a freight train. He shook from the
intensity of the pleasure as every muscle in his body went taut. Time stood still as they gave themselves over to their climaxes
and once the moment passed, Demir fell backward on Wolf's chest, breathing heavily. Wolf grabbed his face, turning it toward
him, and kissed his man. His Man. They devoured each other in the kiss before Wolf released him and allowed Demir to slide
off his cock and snuggle next to him.
They were silent, just catching their breaths after having some of the best sex in their entire lives. Demir's head rested on
Wolf's massive chest and he felt comfort in hearing Wolf's heart beating. He couldn't remember the last time he'd ever felt that
content. He smiled.
“I'm really hungry now,” Demir said.
Wolf laughed. “I never did get a chance to place that order.” He tapped Demir's shoulder and motioned for him to move and
he did. He climbed out of the bed and snatched up his cell from the dresser, then returned to Demir's side. “So, what are you in
the mood for?” he asked as he scrolled through a food-ordering app.
Demir looked at the options, then made his decision. “Chinese. I want Mongolian Chicken and Pork Fried Rice.”
Wolf cocked an eyebrow. “Funny. I thought you'd pick steak since we were going to a steakhouse tonight.”
Demir snickered. “I think I have had enough beef for tonight.”
Wolf laughed boisterously at that. “You can never have enough of this, baby.” He reached down and grabbed his limp cock,
then gave it a jiggle.
Demir winked. “No, I guess not.”
Wolf kissed him before placing an order for both of them. He ordered Beef Pepper Steak and House Fried Noodles, then sat
his phone aside. He just wanted to hold Demir and cherish what they had.
“Wolf?” Demir began.
“What, babe?”
“I love you,” Demir said.
Wolf's eyes widened and he looked at Demir. “You do?”
Demir nodded, then reached up, caressing Wolf's bearded jawline. “You don't have to say it back if you don't feel it. I know
Another random document with
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'Tell me, Messire,' she interposed irrelevantly, 'how old exactly is
Madame Jacqueline?'

'Not yet twenty,' he replied. 'But I do not see——'

'You will in a moment,' quoth she with a smile. 'Twenty, you said?'

'Not quite.'

'And beautiful, of course?'

'Ask the men of Hainault and of Flanders,' was his proud reply. 'They
will tell you how beautiful she is.'

'Twenty—not quite—and beautiful,' said Marguerite of Navarre slowly.

'And of a romantic turn of mind, shall we say, as young girls so often are?'

'Oh, as to that,' replied de Montigny with a puzzled frown, 'I dare swear
that she hath a romantic turn of mind. She certainly would not allow herself
to be offered up for sale like a bundle of goods. Therefore——'

'Easy, easy, Messire!' urged the Queen gently. 'I entreat you to reply to
my questions without choler. Are we not both striving to find a way out of
an impasse which might wreck the very welfare of your country and
Monseigneur d'Inchy's most cherished scheme?'

De Montigny sighed impatiently. 'You are right, Madame la Reyne,' he

said grudgingly. 'I pray you continue. I'll not lose my temper again. My
word on it.'

'You were about to assure me, Messire,' resumed Marguerite gently, 'that
Madame Jacqueline is as romantic as she is beautiful.'

'Jacqueline has been spoilt and adulated,' replied de Montigny,

determined to speak calmly. 'Poets have dedicated their verses to her.
Musicians have sung her praises——'

'And love-sick swains have died of love for her, or sighed impassioned
tirades beneath her casement-window,' concluded Marguerite, with a smile
which was so winning that, despite himself, after a moment or two, it found
a pale reflex in de Montigny's stern face.

'Who should know better than the Queen of Navarre,' he retorted, with a
crude effort at gallantry, 'the power which beauty wields over all men?'

'Very well, then, Messire,' quoth she gaily. 'Listen to my plan, for I swear
'tis a good one, since it will marry your pride to my brother's hesitation. I
propose that Monsieur le Duc d'Anjou shall first approach Madame
Jacqueline under an assumed name. She hath never seen him—he is totally
unknown in these parts; his incognito could therefore be easily kept up.'

'I don't quite understand,' muttered de Montigny with a frown.

'You will in a moment,' she rejoined. 'I propose, then, that Monsieur shall
enact a part—the part of an unknown and noble prince who hath become
secretly enamoured of Madame Jacqueline. I would suggest that he should
appear before her closely masked and begin his part by sighing dolefully
beneath her casement-window. Thus, at the outset, Madame Jacqueline,
being what she is—romantic and not yet twenty—will feel an interest in
this unknown swain. Her curiosity will be aroused, and she will not be loth
to grant him the interview for which he will have sighed and begged in all

'But that is sheer folly, Madame!' broke in de Montigny, who had been at
great pains to check his growing truculence.

'Folly?' she queried blandly. 'Why?'

'Because—because——' he argued gruffly.

'You promised on your honour, Messire,' she admonished gaily, 'that you
would not again lose your temper.'

'But the folly of it!'

'Again I ask you—why folly?'

'Jacqueline is not a foolish child. She is not like to be taken in by so
transparent a comedy.'

'It will not be transparent, Messire. Under my guidance the comedy will
be exceedingly well acted. Madame Jacqueline will never know that her
love-sick swain is the Duke of Anjou.'

'Then 'tis greater folly still!'

'Ah, that I swear it is not!' retorted Marguerite de Navarre hotly. 'Your

Jacqueline is not twenty—she is proud and beautiful and romantic. Well!
give her some romance and she'll thank you for it presently on her knees.'

'But——' protested de Montigny.

'Is not the whole thing simplicity in itself?' she broke in eagerly. 'The
fame of Madame Jacqueline's beauty hath spread far and wide; what more
rational than that a noble prince—too insignificant or too poor to enter the
lists for her hand—should choose a romantic method to approach her? After
all, what are we all striving for? That Monsieur shall see the lovely
Jacqueline without her knowing that he proposes to woo her. If, in addition
to that, we cause the two young people to fall in love with one another, we
shall have done well; whilst, on the other hand, if, after having seen her,
Monsieur retires from the candidature, the susceptibilities of the Flemish
nation and of Madame Jacqueline will have been safeguarded.'


'The unknown prince can vanish as mysteriously as he came. The story

can reach Madame Jacqueline's ear that he was found killed by some other
jealous swain outside her garden-gate.'

'Folly, Madame! Folly, I say!' protested de Montigny, perhaps a shade

less forcibly than he had done before.

'Nay, then, 'tis a blessed folly, Messire, which oft outweighs counsels of

'Ah! but me no more buts, Messire! Ye cannot bring forth one objection
which I cannot easily combat. Think on it! A romantic girl, whose life will
be brightened by this pretty adventure!'


'Perchance what?'

'She fall in love with the unknown swain.'

'So much the better, when she discovers he is her future lord.'

Then, as de Montigny really appeared to be struggling between consent

and refusal, and doubt, anger, contempt, irresolution were alternately
depicted in his rugged face, she continued persuasively:

'Think, Messire, how you safeguard your niece's feelings, her just pride,
her maidenly reserve. Monsieur le Duc d'Anjou will either himself fall
madly in love with Madame Jacqueline—in which case you will have added
the leaven of passion to the stodgy dough of matrimony—or else he'll
withdraw from the candidature, unknown, unsuspected; and the child will
only have one pleasant dream the more to add to her illusions.'

Montigny was yielding. Who could, indeed, resist for long the
insinuating tongue of Marguerite of Navarre, the eager glitter of her eyes,
the strength of her will and of her personality. The sober-minded, stiff-
necked and somewhat slow-witted Fleming felt himself literally swept off
his feet in this whirlpool of adventure and of intrigue, and his language was
not sufficiently glib to meet objection with objection, to parry or to thrust in
this unequal duel of wits. Perhaps—had he not desired so passionately the
alliance which he had been sent to conclude, had he been less firmly
convinced that a union with France would prove the salvation of his people
and of the country which he worshipped—he might have opposed an
obstinate and gruff refusal to Marguerite's subtle scheme. But as it was, his
resistance was soon disarmed; she even managed to conquer the irritation
which Monsieur's very personality had aroused in his mind.
'We have not yet heard,' he said at last, 'what Monseigneur le duc
d'Anjou hath to say on the matter.'

'Oh!' Monsieur hastened to say with mock sincerity, 'all that I have to say
is that throughout my life I have from time to time and on many a
momentous occasion, registered on oath that I would never be affianced to a
woman whom I had not previously learned to love.'

'You will own, Messire,' broke in Marguerite gently, 'that this is a

laudable sentiment.'

Nor did she think it desirable to let Messire de Montigny know that her
unreliable brother had vowed but half an hour ago that if a wife were thrust
upon him now he would, an he did not like her, repudiate her even at the
foot of the altar. Shifty and irresponsible in most things, she knew him well
enough to understand that in matters which affected himself and his desires,
he would prove dangerous, obstinate and cruel.

'On my soul!' added Monsieur with well-assumed earnestness, 'I do

assure you, Messire, that I knew nothing of my sister's project.'

'There was no time to put it before you, François,' rejoined Marguerite.

'It arose in my brain even while you parleyed together with Messire de
Montigny and seemed unable to come to an understanding.'

'Then what says Monseigneur now?' reiterated the Flemish lord curtly.

'Well!' drawled Monsieur in his usual indecisive way, 'I say—I say that

'François!' admonished Marguerite sharply.

He felt himself driven into a corner, from which procrastination would

no longer free him. In a manner the proposed adventure suited his
temperament, and in any case it would help to put off the final and
irrevocable decision. Therefore he was willing to fall in with it. Sentimental
dalliance was an art which he knew to his finger-tips, and there was much
in his sister's project which pleased his lazy, pulpy nature. To sigh beneath a
woman's window, to woo a woman's love with honeyed words beneath a
silken mask, to plan secret meetings and steal to lovers' trysts at dead of
night, had always been an absorbing occupation for this degenerate prince.
Now he felt de Montigny's stern gaze fixed upon him and his sister's
admonitions rang in his ears. He knew that he had worn her love and
patience almost to a breaking thread. He threw a final appealing look on
Gilles de Crohin, but the latter's glance of amusement appeared as an
encouragement. Well, Gilles would know! Gilles would appreciate! He, too,
loved masks and casement-windows and fair women, tearful with love.
Gilles also loved fighting, so he could do that, if any of it barred the way to
Monsieur's comfort and peace.

'François!' came once more, appealing yet severe, from Marguerite of


'What says Monseigneur?' reiterated de Montigny for the third time.

'I say that you have left me no choice, Messire,' quoth François due
d'Anjou at last. 'It shall be as my sister desires.'

What was said after this is not much to the point. Enough that de
Montigny yielded—very reluctantly, very slowly, be it admitted—but still,
he did yield, and Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, was triumphant because
she had got her way and because she would be allowed now to weave one
of those subtle and sentimental plots which was as the breath of life to her
inventive brain. She was also triumphant because she felt that nothing now
stood in the way of the ambitious plans which she had framed for her
favourite brother. She was triumphant because she felt the romance which
she had concocted for his benefit would end in substantial gain for him—a
richly-dowered wife and a sovereignty as rich as a crown. Then, at last,
when she had won Messire de Montigny over absolutely and completely
with her ready wit and her glib tongue, she extended a gracious hand to the
somewhat shamefaced Fleming. 'Ah, Messire!' she said. 'You little realize
how much you have done for your country this day!'

'I certainly have sacrificed my sanity and my better judgment,' he said

gruffly. But he did bend the knee, and kissed the delicately-perfumed hand.

'And Madame Jacqueline will be at Cambray?' she asked.

'She is at Cambray now,' he replied.

'Then Monsieur had best repair thither right away. You yourself will be
there, Messire?'

'Not I, alas, Madame!' he replied. 'After I have seen my brother and

d'Inchy and obtained their consent to this wild-cat scheme, I join the army
of the Prince of Orange at Utrecht.'

'But you'll see that my brother has a safe conduct and is sure of a
welcome from Monseigneur d'Inchy?'

'Oh! d'Inchy will consent and so will my brother. They will make
Monseigneur quite welcome,' rejoined de Montigny with a sigh. 'All of us
would do much, Madame, in order to bring about this alliance, on which we
have set our hearts.'

He was as wax now in the hands of this fascinating intriguer. In his heart
of hearts he knew that sober reflection would come anon; he knew that it
would take much persuasion ere his brother, and the other sober-minded
Flemings who ruled the destinies of a great nation and of a rich heiress,
would finally consent to these wild and romantic plans which had found
their origin in an imaginative woman's brain; he knew that, mayhap, when
he returned to Cambray, he would have to argue in his turn as the Queen of
Navarre had argued with him. But in the meanwhile, now that he had given
in, he was man enough and gentleman enough to fulfil his share of the
bargain loyally and completely.

'That's brave!' exclaimed Marguerite. 'And I entreat you, lose no time.

Monsieur could start for Cambray this night.'
'Would Monseigneur go alone?' queried de Montigny.

'No, no,' broke in the Duke fretfully. 'I could not go unattended. Think on
it, Messire! A prince of the house of France!'

'Monseigneur would not, I presume, enter Cambray incognito with a

retinue of men-at-arms,' retorted the other with a grim smile.

'No! not a retinue,' he rejoined unperturbed. 'I'll have Gilles with me and
a serving-man; that is all.'


'Gilles de Crohin, Sire de Froidmont,' interposed Marguerite, as with a

graceful gesture of the hand she indicated Gilles, who still stood silent and
impassive in the corner of the room. 'This gallant gentleman is devoted to
Monsieur's service and accompanies him wherever he goes.'

De Montigny's sharp, scrutinizing glance swept approvingly over Gilles

de Crohin's martial figure.

'Very well then, so be it,' he said. 'I will give a safe conduct to
Monseigneur under any name he will choose to assume, and one to Messire
Gilles de Crohin, Sire de Froidmont, who will travel as his equerry. Is that
what Madame la Reyne desires?'

'It is! It is!' cried Marguerite joyfully. 'Ah!' she added as she directed a
reproachful glance on her brother, 'dilatoriness is not a part of your method,
Messire de Montigny!'

'Mon Dieu, my good Margot!' quoth Monsieur tartly. 'You do not give
Messire sufficient time to breathe.'

'Who wants to breathe,' she retorted gaily, 'when the destinies of

kingdoms are at stake? The safe conducts, Messire! The safe conducts, I
entreat! Why not sign them here and now?'

She jumped up from her chair, eager, young, full of vitality. In a

moment, with her own dainty hands, she had placed ink-horn, sand, a quill,
a sheet of paper upon the table.

'The safe conduct, Messire!' she reiterated excitedly. 'I vow that I'll don
male attire and start for Cambray with my brother this night!'

And she would have done it, too, had not prudence dictated otherwise.
Her fine, clever face, however, was well known in this part of Belgium. She
had been at Cambray but a few weeks ago, moving heaven and earth and
stirring up those heavy Flemings to activity on behalf of her brother. But
she would have loved to be of that adventurous party. The conception of it
had been born in her brain; it was her thing, her creation, her child, and she
fretted at the thought that her brother's indolence, his shiftlessness and
indecision might even yet jeopardize these glorious projects which she had

'Sainte Vierge and chorus of angels, grant me patience!' she murmured as

she watched, frowning and fretful, the deliberate movements of M. de
Montigny. The Duc d'Anjou chortled quietly to himself. He loved to see his
impetuous sister fuming over the dilatoriness of another, and now he gave a
low cackle of delight when the Fleming first drew a chair slowly to the
table, then sat down and settled himself to write. He next took up the quill
pen, examined it, tested it on his thumb-nail, turned the sheet of paper over
and over. Obviously he was not very much used to rapid caligraphy, and
Marguerite's temper was oozing out of her very finger-tips as she watched
that quill pen travelling with ponderous slowness along the paper.

'In what name shall I make out the safe-conduct?' he asked presently.

'Oh, ye gods!' exclaimed Marguerite impatiently. 'Any name, Messire—

or leave the name in blank——'

'I cannot do that,' rejoined de Montigny deliberately. 'M. d'Inchy, who is

governor of the city and of the province, would not wish it. And since
Monseigneur desires to enter Cambray incognito——'

'Any name will do,' she retorted.

'Still, I must have one——'

'Then, in God's name, make out the safe-conduct in the name of
Monseigneur le Prince de Froidmont, travelling with his equerry Messire
Gilles de Crohin and with his serving-man. Will that satisfy Monseigneur le
Baron d'Inchy?'

De Montigny thought the matter over for a moment or two ere he

replied, wholly unperturbed, 'I think so.'

And thus did the document stand. A permit to enter the City of Cambray
was granted to Monseigneur le Prince de Froidmont, to his equerry Messire
Gilles de Crohin and to his serving-man, by Edmond, Sire de Montigny,
acting on behalf of Roger, Baron d'Inchy, governor of the province of
Cambrésis, and safe conduct was assured them on their way thither.[1]

[1] This document which Messire de Montigny made out and signed on
that memorable occasion is still preserved among the archives of the
City of Cambray. At any rate, it was still extant in the spring of 1914,
when the writer of this veracious chronicle was granted a sight of it.
Since then the hordes of the modern Huns have swept over the fair lands
of Belgium and France. They may have destroyed these archives as they
did so much of what had historical and romantic interest.

'Well! you have your wish, my dear sister,' was the Duc d'Anjou's sole
comment as he saw the look of impatience on Marguerite's fair face give
place to one of triumph and of joy.




When M. de Montigny—after much ponderous leavetaking—finally

took his departure, accompanied by Messire Gilles de Crohin, it is
positively averred that Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, forgot for a moment
her position and her dignity and danced around the narrow room like a child
who has had its way after much fighting and arguing. It is even said that she
dragged her dearly-loved François up from his chair and that, seizing both
his hands, she forced him to join her in a whirl which literally swept him off
his feet, raised a cloud of dust from the old wooden floor, and finally sent
him sprawling and dizzy, and thoroughly out of temper, up against the table,
from whence he poured a volley of abuse upon his devoted sister.

But I have oft marvelled if this story be true, for, of a truth, there was no
one there to witness these events, and Queen Margot herself never put them
on record. But there was Messire Gilles, and where he was at the moment I,
for one, cannot say. He did accompany Messire de Montigny as far as the
courtyard, and saw that noble Fleming ride off with an obviously heavy
heart, after what had only been a partially successful errand. We are not
going to suppose that Messire Gilles paused on his way back to the
apartments of his princely master in order to listen at the keyhole. He was
more like to have kicked open the door with scant ceremony and seen the
young Queen of Navarre dancing a rigadoon in the middle of the floor with
her reluctant brother. Certain it is, that anon he did stand there under the
lintel, coughing and spluttering as the dust caught in his throat, and
coughing so loudly, be it said, that the noise which he made drowned some
of Monsieur's most sanguinary expletives. The next moment he had once
more entered the room and closed the door behind him; and Marguerite
paused in her mad dance in order to clap her hands gleefully together.

'Ah, Messire Gilles!' she exclaimed excitedly. 'Is it not wonderful? Is it

not great? All arranged, and both Monsieur and that tiresome Fleming
satisfied! Is it not a triumph, I say?'
'A triumph, indeed, your Majesty!' replied Gilles with a grim smile. ''Tis
only our chief actor, methinks, who doth not look overjoyed.'

'I know,' rejoined Marguerite, with a sigh. 'But, then, Monsieur never
really looks pleased. So I entreat you, Messire, remain with him now and
make all arrangements for the journey to-morrow. Nay! 'twere far better you
started this very night, slept and rested at St. Quentin and arrived at
Cambray the day after to-morrow. I leave you with Messire Gilles,
François,' she added, turning to Monsieur who, ill-humoured and still
growling like a frowsy dog, was putting his rumpled toilet in order. 'Let him
make all arrangements for your journey. He is always of good counsel.'

'Good counsel!' muttered Monsieur. 'Good counsel! I am sick to death of

good counsels. Had I been left to myself——'

'Nothing would have happened, c'est entendu,' she riposted gaily. 'Nay!
you'll not damp my ardour again, François; and you cannot deny that I have
satisfied M. de Montigny whilst keeping my solemn promise to you. So I
leave you now with Messire Gilles. The way is prepared. And, remember,'
she added earnestly, 'that you are pledged to me as I was to you. I have
fulfilled my share of the bargain. If you fail me now, I will never look upon
your face again!'


As soon as Marguerite de Navarre had gone from the room, Gilles de

Crohin drew a folded missive from inside his doublet and handed it to

'Just came by messenger from Paris,' he said curtly.

Monsieur snatched eagerly at the missive. It had been carefully folded

into a tiny compass, tied with a shell-pink ribbon and sealed with mauve-
coloured wax. Monsieur broke the seal and read the letter. A flush—which
might have been one of pleasure, of excitement or of anger, or of all three
combined—spread over his face. He read the letter again, and a dark frown
appeared between his brows. Then he looked up into the face of the one
faithful friend whom his many treacheries had not driven from his side.

'Gilles,' he said dolefully, 'I cannot go to Cambray.'

'I thought as much, Monseigneur,' replied Gilles dryly. 'That letter is

from Madame de Marquette.'

'It is, my good Gilles,' sighed Monsieur. 'It is!' Then as Gilles said
nothing, he added fretfully: 'She had promised to let me know as soon as
Monsieur le Comte, her husband, would be absent from Paris.'

'Ah!' was Gilles' simple comment. 'And is M. le Comte de Marquette

absent from Paris at this moment?'

'Cooling his heels in the dungeons of Vincennes, my good Gilles,'

replied Monsieur lightly.

'Ah!' uttered Gilles once more; this time without any comment.

'Yes. I let His Majesty, my brother, know indirectly of certain doings of

Monsieur de Marquette. I have no doubt, therefore, that that estimable
worthy is incarcerated at Vincennes by now.'

'Under a false charge of conspiracy?'

'False? No!' retorted Monsieur. 'Doth he not conspire to keep his

charming wife a virtual prisoner in his own palace?'

'Therefore he is to be kept a real prisoner under a denunciation from

Monsieur le Duc d'Alençon and d'Anjou,' riposted Gilles dryly.

'Oh! not a denunciation, my good Gilles!' said Monsieur, wholly

unperturbed. 'I only gave His Majesty a hint that M. de Marquette was not
quite so faithful a subject as one would desire.'

'And the hint has landed M. de Marquette in Vincennes rightly enough.'

'Apparently,' concluded Monsieur placidly, as he held the delicately-
scented missive of Madame de Marquette to his nose. 'So you see, my good
Gilles,' he continued after a slight pause, 'how inconvenient it will be for me
to go a-wooing a ponderous Flemish wench just now. Madame de
Marquette is so dainty, so exquisite, so—so—what shall I say? ... What
would you do, now, Gilles?' he added, with a sudden change of tone, 'if you
were in my shoes?'

'Oh, I, Monseigneur,' quoth Gilles, with a careless shrug of the

shoulders. 'Not being a prince of the blood I would probably stick to my
promise and go and woo the Flemish wench at Cambray.'

'I believe you would, you dog!' retorted Monsieur with a yawn. 'And
then hurry back to Paris, eh, in order to console Madame de Marquette?'

'Possibly, Monseigneur,' concluded Gilles simply.

'Well, then, the only difference 'twixt you and me, my dear Gilles—that
is, 'twixt your moral sentiments and mine—is that I'll hie me first to console
Madame de Marquette, and having done that, I'll—I'll——'

'Gravely offend the most devoted of sisters, Queen Marguerite of

Navarre,' broke in Gilles quickly.

'Yes,' admitted Monsieur. 'I imagine that dear Margot will be in one of
her most fretting humours when she finds that I am half-way to Paris
instead of to Cambray. She hath vowed that if I fail her now in her schemes
she'll never look on my face again. And she won't—for at least six months,'
he added peevishly. 'Trust her for that! Margot is nothing if not obstinate!
And my chance of getting a rich wife and some rich provinces of these
accursed Netherlands will have vanished for ever. Ah, Gilles! my good
Gilles!' he concluded, with naïve induction. 'You see what comes of it, if a
man allows himself to be overruled by women!'

'Well!' retorted the other with a careless laugh. 'Meseems that

Monseigneur hath not much cause to quarrel with his fate this time. King of
the Netherlands!' he exclaimed, and gave a long, low whistle of
appreciation. ''Tis no small matter——'
'Bah!' rejoined Monsieur with a shrug of the shoulders. 'To be a king
among these dull-witted, slow-going Flemings is not altogether an enviable
existence. Would you care for it, Gilles?'

'Oh, I, Monseigneur?' riposted Gilles gaily. 'I have so few kingly


'Better to be Duc d'Alençon in Paris, eh, than King in Antwerp or in

Ghent? Brrr!' added Monsieur, with a mock shudder. 'Think of the Flemish
women, my good man!'

'I have thought of them, Monseigneur,' replied Gilles dryly, 'once or

twice since we came into Flanders.'

'Well! and what did you think of them?'

'That God has fashioned uglier ones.'


'In many places—even in Paris.'

'Not often, Gilles.'

'I'll grant that, Monseigneur, an you command.'

'Now this Jacqueline, for instance——'

'Madame Jacqueline, Monseigneur?'

'Yes!' And Monseigneur sighed. 'I have got to marry her, Gilles, if I wish
for the sovereignty of the Netherlands.'

'Messire de Montigny hath been at pains to tell us, Monseigneur, that

Madame Jacqueline is very beautiful—very beautiful, an it please you.'

'It would please me if she were beautiful. But have you ever seen a
beautiful Fleming, Gilles?'
Gilles de Crohin was silent.

'Have you, Gilles?' insisted the Duke.

'Yes, Monseigneur,' replied Gilles curtly. 'Once.'

'The devil you did! Where?'

'In the land of dreams, Monseigneur.'

'Then it could not have been Madame Jacqueline. She is reality, alas!
Ponderous reality, I fear! I have got to woo her, Gilles.'

'Yes, Monseigneur.'

'Under a mask and an assumed name.'

'No better way hath yet been found for wooing a wench.'

'I shall have to sing and sigh beneath a casement, and by the light of the
moon risk breaking my neck in trying to climb up to a window.'

''Twill not be the first time Monseigneur hath done any of these things,
and with a less worthy object to boot.'

'But this time, Gilles, I might be so much better employed in consoling

Madame de Marquette for the absence of her lord.'

'Whereas, now, Monseigneur will have to send word back by the

messenger—who, by the way, still waits below—that the denunciation
against M. de Marquette was an error, and that you desire his immediate

'Gilles!' retorted Monsieur coolly, 'have you become an idiot?'

'I didn't think so, Monseigneur.'

'Very well, then, do not talk as one. M. de Marquette cannot be better

occupied than in cooling his heels at Vincennes. I am going to Paris, Gilles,
in order to explain this to a charming grass-widow.'

'Yes, Monseigneur. When?'


'Monseigneur goes to Paris to-night?'

'Yes. I have said so.'

'And Monseigneur means it?'

'Mon Dieu! Of course I mean it! You don't suppose that I am going to
allow that exquisite Madame de Marquette to pine away in solitude, do

'But Madame Jacqueline, Monseigneur?' protested Gilles de Crohin. 'The

crown of the Netherlands——'

'Madame Jacqueline may go to the devil, Gilles, and the crown of the
Netherlands after her——'

'But, Madame la Reyne——!'

'Ah! that is another matter. My dear sister can go to the devil if she likes,
but I cannot send her thither. You must remain here and explain matters to
her, Gilles.'

'I, Monseigneur?' exclaimed Gilles, very much crestfallen at this


'Yes. Not to-night, of course. To-morrow morning. I shall be a long way

off by then—too far for her to run after me and bring me back like a
whipped schoolboy; which, I doubt not, she were quite capable of doing!
Once I get to Paris, I'll take care that she does not find me, and she'll have
to pacify these tiresome Flemings as best she can.'

Gilles de Crohin looked down for a moment or two on the sprawling

figure of the master whom he served—the long, loose limbs stretched out
lazily, the narrow shoulders decked in exquisite satin, the perfumed beard,
the delicate hands, the full, sensual lips and weak chin and jaw which
characterized this last descendant of the Valois. But not a line of his own
strong, rugged face betrayed just what he thought, and after a while he
resumed in his dry, quiet way:

'I doubt, Monseigneur, that the tiresome Flemings will allow themselves
to be pacified—nor will Madame la Reyne de Navarre, I'm thinking,' he
muttered under his bristling moustache.

'She must, and they must, my good Gilles,' riposted Monsieur airily; and,
with a wide gesture of his beringed hand, he appeared to wave aside all the
obstacles which threatened the even course of his path of pleasure.
'Mordieu, man! If you are going to raise difficulties——' he said.

'The difficulties are there, Monseigneur. I am not raising them.'

'Well, then, you will have to smoothe them down for me, that's all! What
do I pay you for?' he added roughly.

'I was not aware that Monseigneur was paying me for anything,' replied
Gilles good-humouredly; 'or had paid me anything these three years past.'

'Then why do you serve me, I wonder?'

'I have oft wondered, too!' rejoined Gilles calmly.

'My brother Henri would pay you better; so would my brother-in-law of


'That's just it, Monseigneur. Since there is not much fighting to do just
now, other princes would pay me for doing dirty work for them, no doubt.
But, being constituted as I am, if I have to do dirty work for any one I
would sooner not be paid for doing it. This may sound curious morality, but
so it is.'

The Duke laughed.

'Morality? From you, my good Gilles?'

'It does sound incongruous, does it not, Monseigneur?' said Gilles
placidly. 'A soldier of fortune, like myself, cannot of a truth afford to have
any morality. Mine consists in forgetting the many sins which I have
committed and leaving others to commit theirs in peace.'

'Admirable in sentiment, my friend,' concluded Monsieur, with a cynical

laugh. 'You will, therefore, leave me in peace to join Madame de Marquette,
if I wish?'

'How can I prevent it, Monseigneur?'

'You cannot. But you can serve me by conciliating my sister during my


'I will serve Monseigneur to the best of my ability.'

'Very well, then. I start for Paris this night.'

'So Monseigneur hath already deigned to say.'

'I will let my sister understand that you and I are starting for Cambray.
She will be overjoyed. You will ride with me as far as Noyon, and then
under cover of the darkness you will return hither.'

'Yes, Monseigneur?'

'To-morrow, during the forenoon—not too early, remember—you will

seek audience of Her Majesty and explain to her that unavoidable business
caused me to change my mind at the eleventh hour; that I have gone—
whither you know not—but that I shall return within a few weeks, or a few
months, as soon as I have tired of my present business, and that in the
meanwhile I adjure her, as she loves me, to keep those stodgy Flemings in a
good humour. You understand?'

'I understand, Monseigneur.'

'Of course, Madame Marguerite will fume and fret——'

'Of course.'
'She will also probably throw books, or a slipper, or a cushion at your

'Or the fire-irons, Monseigneur'

'But you won't mind that——'

'On the contrary, I shall enjoy it.'

'The more my sister frets the quicker will her choler be over.'

'The quicker, too, will the furniture of the hostel be smashed to pieces.'

'And when she hath calmed down, you and she can sit together quietly
and make plans for the conciliation of my future loyal Flemish subjects.'

'I shall greatly look forward to so peaceful a tête-à-tête.'

'Then, that's settled!' concluded Monsieur airily, as he finally rose from

his chair, yawned and stretched. 'Palsambleu! what a day of it I have had!
Own to it, my good Gilles, I have well deserved a holiday and the company
of Madame de Marquette after all this business and the scoldings and
objurgations of my impetuous sister!'

'I doubt not, Monseigneur,' responded Gilles dryly, 'that Fate will, as
usual, be kind and give you the full measure of your deserts.'

'Amen to that, my friend. Now, see to it that we get to horse within the
hour. I'll to my dear Margot and receive her embraces and her praises for
my readiness. And, remember,' he added warningly, just as Gilles, turning
on his heel, was striding towards the door, 'that you will have to impress it
upon Her Majesty most emphatically in your interview to-morrow that it
will be no use her trying to find out where I am. Madame de Marquette and
I will be beyond her reach. Between you and me, my good Gilles, I know of
a cosy nest where——'

But Gilles de Crohin was apparently no longer in a mood to listen

patiently to his Royal master's rigmarole.

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