Project Management CR

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Multiple cboice questions.

1) ro[ecLs cosL managemenL ls Lo calculaLe

a) CuallLy
b) 8udgeL
c) 1lme
d) Man hours
2) Whlch ls noL a pro[ecL cosL managemenL Lool?
a) SCurve
b) 1rade of 1rlangle
c) CanLL charL
3) Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a characLerlsLlc of pro[ecL
a) newness
b) 1emporary CrganlzaLlon
c) 8epeaLed AcLlvlLles
d) ab
4) MosL lmporLanL acLlvlLy by ro[ecL manager ln process managemenL ls
a CuallLy assurance
b SelecLlon of model
c 8lsk managemenL
d Ac
3) Cpen paradlgm ls a blend of
a Synchronous + closed paradlgm
b Cpen + closed paradlgm
c Closed + random paradlgm
d Ab
6) CrganlzaLlonal sLrucLures were suggesLed by
a !ohn 8eel
b ConsLanLlne
c 8lll CaLes
d SLeve !obes
7) MosL lmporLanL managemenL ls of
a ro[ecL
b rocess
c eople
d Ac
8) ln closed paradlgm Lhere are pro[ecLs whlch are
a new
b Complex
c Lxperlenced
d Ab
) lf you have a pro[ecL whlch ls of crlLlcal naLure Lhe you should use
a 8Au model
b WaLerfall
c lncremenLal
d Ab
10)80/20 rule ls
a araLo's prlnclple
b redlcLable lnbalance
c Ab
11)1o selecL Lhe rlghL people for Lhe rlghL [ob ls called

a) Crganlzlng
b) SLafflng
c) lannlng
d) ConLrolllng

12) vlslon of Lhe pro[ecL ls esLabllshed ln Lhe phase of

a) lnlLlaLlon
b) LxecuLlon
c) ConLrolllng
d) Closlng

13)Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL lnvolved ln sLafflng

a) 1alenL hunL
b) !ob maLchlng
c) 1eam organlzaLlon
d) 1eam balance

14)lL ls Lhe mlxLure of boLh closed and random paradlgm

a) Closed paradlgm
b) Cpen paradlgm
c) 8andom paradlgm
d) Synchronous paradlgm

13)A self organlzlng Leam LhaL has auLonomy Lo plan ls called

a) !ell Leam
b) Self moLlvaLed Leam
c) Aglle Leam

16)Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL an umbrella acLlvlLy

a) lannlng
b) ConLrolllng
c) 8lsk managemenL
d) CommunlcaLlon
17)1he process of forecasLlng ln advance ls called

a) lannlng
b) SLafflng
c) ConLrolllng
d) MonlLorlng

18)Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL Lhe pro[ecL phase

a) lnlLlaLlon
b) LxecuLlon
c) lnnovaLlon
d) Closlng

1)1he person who acL as lnLerface beLween cllenL and sofLware developmenL Leam ls

a) ro[ecL manager
b) racLlLloner
c) CusLomer
d) Senlor manager

20)1o meeL Lhe user requlremenLs ls called

a) 8lsk managemenL
b) CuallLy assurance
c) 8esource managemenL
d) uevelopmenL of fundamenLals
21)Whlch of Lhe followlng acLlvlLy ls noL lnvolved ln managemenL elghL acLlvlLles
a) SLafflng
b) ulrecLlng
c) ConLrolllng
d) LxecuLlon
22)Whlch of Lhe followlng facLors are lmporLanL for a pro[ecL managemenL LhaL Lhe pro[ecL should
be dellvered on
a) lace
b) 1lme
c) 8udgeL
d) 8 and C
23)A program provldes beneflLs of _______ Lo an organlzaLlon
a) SLraLeglc lmporLance
b) 1emporary lmporLance
c) ermanenL lmporLance
d) All
24)WhaL ls mosL lmporLanL among 4 's?
a) eople
b) roducL
c) rocess
d) ro[ecL
23)lollowlng ls noL lnvolved among Lhe caLegory of people?
a) Senlor manager
b) Sales man
c) Lnd users
d) racLlLloners
26)When Lhe slmllar Lype of pro[ecLs had been done by Lhe pro[ecL manager many Llmes Lhen he
choose followlng paradlgm
a) 8andom
b) Closed
c) Cpen
d) Synchronous
27)PorlzonLal communlcaLlon ls used ln whlch paradlgm?
a) 8andom
b) Closed
c) Cpen
d) Synchronous
28)Whlch Leam ls called as aglle Leam?
a) Self moLlvaLed
b) Self organlzlng
c) Self analyzlng
d) All
2)Llne of acLlon LhaL we followlng Lhe developmenL of Lhe sofLware
a) ro[ecL managemenL
b) rocess managemenL
c) Scope
d) none
30)uummy pro[ecL ls made and shown Lo Lhe end user 1hls Lechnlque ls used ln whlch model?
a) WaLer fall
b) 8apld model
c) lncremenLal
d) 8Au

1) ln Lrade of Lrlangle you can compromlse on quallLy
2) ro[ecL phases has dlfferenL Lypes of acLlvlLles
3) umbrella acLlvlLles are managerlal Lype of acLlvlLles
4) 1here are 80 requlremenLs ln pro[ecL whlch don'L effecL Lhe funcLlonallLy of pro[ecL
3) 80/20 rule ls also called predlcLable balance
6) !ell Leam ls selfmoLlvaLed Leam
7) Aglle Leam ls requlred for aglle sofLware developmenL
8) All are managers ln aglle Leam
) Closed paradlgm have verLlcal communlcaLlon
10)1here ls no dlfference beLween scope and ob[ecLlves
11)ApproprlaLe uLlllzaLlon of avallable resources ls called ManagemenL (1)
12) ro[ecL ls an ongolng acLlvlLy (l)
13) ro[ecL phases are also known as pro[ecL llfe cycle" (1)
14) SofLware pro[ecL managemenL ls more complex Lhan oLhers (1)
13) 1here are 3 Lypes of organlzaLlonal sLrucLures accordlng Lo consLanLlne (l)
16) A self moLlvaLed Leam ls called an Aglle Leam (l)
17) Cb[ecLlves and scope are Lhe same Lhlngs (l)
18) 1rade off Lrlangle and Scurve are used for cosL esLlmaLlon (1)
1) PorlzonLal communlcaLlon ls performed ln closed paradlgm (l)
20) racLlLloners speclfy Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe sofLware Lo be englneered (l)
21) 80/20 rule was organlzed by vllferdo pareLo
22) lf we cuL Lhe pro[ecL Lo half lL wlll save 80 of Lhe efforL
23) Cb[ecLlves are broder specLrum Lhen scope
24) CuallLy CosL and rellablllLy are Lhree facLors of Lhe Lrade of angel
23) Scurve says LhaL aL sLarLlng and endlng small amounL of lnvesLmenL ls requlred buL ln
mlddle a large amounL of lnvesLmenL ls needed
26) ln 18 a sLaLlsLlc was mad LhaL 26 pro[ecL was over budgeL
27) Manager avolds besL pracLlces ls Lhe cause of fallure of pro[ecL
28) A person referred as a moLlvaLed person lf he performs noL less Lhan hls Cod glfLed
ablllLles ln Lhe respecLlve fleld
2) lf you wanL Lo be exponenLlally beLLer be compeLlLlve
30) Applylng and appreclaLlng new ldeas ls called lnnovaLlon

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