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Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân

Facebook/ Youtube: Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân - Ôn Thi Tiếng Anh

Exercise: Choose the best answer
1. [NTL] The business world is highly ________, requiring constant innovation.
A. competitive B. competitively C. competition D. compete
2. [NTL] The fierce ________ in the job market motivates individuals to continuously improve
A. competitive B. competitively C. competition D. compete
3. [NTL] The ________ car market is growing rapidly due to environmental concerns.
A. electricity B. electrify C. electric D. electrically
4. [NTL] The power plant generates ________ from renewable energy sources.
A. electricity B. electrify C. electric D. electrically
5. [NTL] She is ________ for the opportunities she's been given.
A. thankful B. thankfulness C. thankfully D. thank
6. [NTL] Reading helps to ________ your understanding of different subjects.
A. deep B. deeply C. depth D. deepen
7. [NTL] I can't ________ which movie to watch tonight.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
8. [NTL] The new smartphone model is very ________ among consumers.
A. popularity B. popularize C. popularly D. popular
9. [NTL] The amusement park is a major ________ for families.
A. attract B. attractively C. attractive D. attraction
10. [NTL] Swimming in the open sea can be ________ without proper precautions.
A. dangerously B. danger C. endanger D. dangerous
11. [NTL] Each individual has a ________ perspective on the situation.
A. difference B. differently C. differ D. different
12. [NTL] The teacher was very ________ to each student's needs and questions.
A. attend B. attention C. attentively D. attentive
13. [NTL] The menu offers a ________ of dishes to cater to different tastes.
A. variety B. variously C. various D. vary
14. [NTL] The new app is quite ________ for tracking daily expenses.
A. use B. useful C. usefulness D. usefully
15. [NTL] His ________ advice guided me through a challenging project.
A. help B. helpfulness C. helpfully D. helpful
16. [NTL] She ________ to school every morning.
A. walks B. has walked C. will walk D. walk
17. [NTL] The sun ________ in the east.
A. will rise B. is rising C. has risen D. rises
18. [NTL] He ________ at the company up to now.
A. is working B. has worked C. worked D. works
19. [NTL] I ________ reading the book yet.
A. haven’t finished B. won’t finish C. don’t finish D. didn’t finish
20. [NTL] Over the past few months, Jake ________ his Spanish pronunciation diligently, aiming
to enhance his language skills.
A. has been practicing B. practiced C. had practiced D. will practice
21. [NTL] When I ________ at this house, he ________.
A. arrive/ will still sleep B. arrived/ was still sleeping
C. have arrived/ still sleeps D. had arrived/ still slept
22. [NTL] What ________ yesterday?
A. will you do B. have you done C. did you do D. are you doing
23. [NTL] ________ TV last night?
A. Do you watch B. Have you watched C. Did you watch D. Will you watch
“Chúng ta có thể làm được, đừng bỏ cuộc nhé” 1
Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân
Facebook/ Youtube: Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân - Ôn Thi Tiếng Anh
24. [NTL] She ________ born in 1980.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
25. [NTL] It was the first time I ________ such a beautiful girl.
A. have ever seen B. would ever see C. had ever seen D. will ever see
26. [NTL] What ________ at 6 p.m yesterday?
A. was you doing B. were you doing C. did you do D. would you do
27. [NTL] Before Alice ________ to sleep, she ________ her family.
A. had gone/ called B. went/ had called
C. had gone/ had called D. went/ called
28. [NTL] You don’t look well. You ________ see a doctor.
A. could B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. should
29. [NTL] You really ________ eat so much junk food. It's not good for your health.
A. could B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. should
30. [NTL] He's a skilled magician. I still ________ figure out how he performed that trick.
A. could B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. should
31. [NTL] You ________ disturb him during his work.
A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. won’t D. needn’t
32. [NTL] I feel a bit tired today. I ________ for fewer hours than I thought.
A. may sleep B. would sleep
C. would have slept D. may have slept
33. [NTL] If I had known there was a storm coming, I ________ at my friend's house.
A. may sleep B. would sleep
C. would have slept D. may have slept
34. [NTL] Alex painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He ________ a different color.
A. must have been choosing B. must have chosen
C. should have chosen D. may have chosen
35. [NTL] She ________ a good restaurant because everyone enjoyed the dinner.
A. must have been choosing B. must have chosen
C. should have chosen D. will have chosen
36. [NTL] The children ________ “thank you” to you when you gave them the gifts.
A. will have said B. would have said C. should say D. should have said
37. [NTL] The success of the project depends ________ careful planning.
A. on B. in C. to D. for
38. [NTL] She is excited ________ her upcoming vacation.
A. on B. to C. about D. through
39. [NTL] I always put my keys ________ the table when I come home, so I can easily find them
A. on B. at C. in D. with
40. [NTL] The company specializes ________ innovative technology solutions.
A. on B. at C. in D. with
41. [NTL] The city is renowned ________ its historical landmarks.
A. on B. to C. for D. with
42. [NTL] The scientists are researching solutions ________ climate change.
A. on B. to C. about D. through
43. [NTL] I am sorry ________ any inconvenience caused.
A. on B. for C. to D. with
44. [NTL] The novel is based ________ a true story.
A. on B. at C. in D. with
45. [NTL] She is anxious ________ the upcoming exam and has been studying diligently.
A. to B. at C. for D. about
46. [NTL] We were amazed ________ the breathtaking view from the mountaintop.
A. to B. at C. for D. about

“Chúng ta có thể làm được, đừng bỏ cuộc nhé” 2

Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân
Facebook/ Youtube: Thầy Nguyễn Thành Luân - Ôn Thi Tiếng Anh
47. [NTL] John was surprised ________ the unexpected kindness shown by his colleagues during
his birthday celebration.
A. to B. at C. for D. about
48. [NTL] Sarah was satisfied ________ the prompt service at the restaurant.
A. to B. about C. for D. with
49. [NTL] I became acquainted ________ my new neighbors when they moved in last week.
A. at B. on C. in D. with
50. [NTL] She was bored ________ the movie, so she decided to leave the cinema early.
A. with B. about C. in D. from
51. [NTL] They go to class ________ Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
A. at B. on C. in D. with
52. [NTL] Emily is entirely different ________ her sister.
A. for B. about C. in D. from
53. [NTL] He will be 21 years old ________ September 4, 2017.
A. for B. on C. in D. at
54. [NTL] The concert is set to take place ________ Friday night.
A. on B. at C. in D. by
55. [NTL] The movie is scheduled to premiere ________ December.
A. on B. at C. in D. by
56. [NTL] I would have visited you before if there ________ quite a lot of people in your house.
A. hadn’t B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. wasn’t
57. [NTL] If you had caught the bus, you ________ late for work.
A. wouldn’t have been B. would have been C. wouldn’t be D. would be
58. [NTL] If I ________, I would express my feelings.
A. asked B. would ask C. had been asked D. were asked
59. [NTL] If ________ as I told her, she would have succeeded.
A. she has done B. she had done C. she does D. she did
60. [NTL] Will you be angry if I ________ your pocket dictionary?
A. stole B. have stolen C. were to steal D. steal
61. [NTL] If I see him, I ________ him a gift.
A. give B. will give C. would give D. gave
62. [NTL] If I had a typewriter, I ________ it myself.
A. type B. will type C. would type D. typed
63. [NTL] If I had known that you were in the hospital, I ________ you.
A. visit B. will visit C. would visit D. would have visited
64. [NTL] You could make better progress if you ________ class regularly.
A. attend B. will attend C. would attend D. attended
65. [NTL] If I ________ his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
A. know B. will know C. knew D. have known
66. [NTL] She says if she _________ that the traffic lights were red she _________.
A. had realized/ would stop B. realized/ could have stopped
C. has realized/ stopped D. had realized/ would have stopped
67. [NTL] I am very thin. I think, if I _________ smoking, I might get fat.
A. stop B. had stopped C. will stop D. stopped
68. [NTL] If I _________ harder at school, I would have a better job now.
A. worked B. had worked C. work D. will work
69. [NTL] If I had learned to ski, I _________ on the slopes right now.
A. can be B. could be C. am D. was
70. [NTL] If we didn't trust him, we _________ him months ago.
A. will sack B. would sack
C. would have sacked D. sack

“Chúng ta có thể làm được, đừng bỏ cuộc nhé” 3

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