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Dewi Kafanillah

Unit: Reading
Nomor Unit: 3
Judul Soal Graffiti
Level 3
Dewi Kafanillah
SMP/Bahasa Inggris

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1 Tuliskan solusi untuk soal ini! Answer below.

2 Tuliskan langkah-langkah berpikir Anda hingga Read the title.

mendapat solusi dari permasalahan ini!
Read the text.

Re-read thetext.

Find the main idea by making

question what who why how.

3 Identifikasi 4 fondasi CT yang Anda gunakan Abstraction; reading is

dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini! abstract process. I only
consider the important
information and omit the
other ones.

Question 3.1

The purpose of each of these letters is to: B. present an opinion about graffiti.

Question 3.2

To compare with advertisement that is placed in buildings, fences, park and benches.

Question 3.3

I agree with Helga. Graffiti is illegal and that makes it vandalism.

Unit: Mathematics
Nomor unit: 7
Judul soal: Speed of Racing Car
Level 3

Dewi Kafanillah
SMP/Bahasa Inggris
Speed of Racing Car

No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1 Tuliskan solusi untuk soal ini! Answer below.

2 Tuliskan langkah-langkah berpikir Anda hingga Read the instruction.

mendapat solusi dari permasalahan ini!
Read the diagram.

Read the question.

Go back to diagram.


3 Identifikasi 4 fondasi CT yang Anda gunakan Algorithm: step by step from

dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini! starting point.

Pattern recognition;
calculating means following
the rule of mathematics

Question 7.1

B. 1.5 km

Question 7.2

C. at about 1.3 km

Question 7.3

B. The speed of car is increasing

Question 7.4 B

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