24) When To Use To & For + Test

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Reason or Motive

We can use ‘to + verb‘ or ‘for + noun / noun phrase‘ when giving a
reason or motive.
She studies hard to advance in her career.
He runs every day to improve his health.
She studies hard for career advancement.
He runs every day for improved health benefits.

To : Movement

To show movement or direction towards a place or destination.

She walked to the market.
The bird flew back to its nest.
Last year I went to Milan.

To : Receiver

To show the person who is receiving a action or object.

Please give these flowers to my mother.
The referee explained the rules to the players.
Can you throw that ball to me?

To : Link/Connection

To show links or connections between things.

I feel a strong connection to her.
They are related to each other.
She’s been married to Alex for 5 years.
To : Attachment

To show a physical connection between two things.

The caravan is attached to the car.
Please tie this tag to your bag.
The chewing gum is stuck to the chair.

To : Approximations
To refer to an approximate number.
There were about forty to fifty people at the meeting.
It’ll probably cost you £30 to £35.
Put it in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes.

To : Time

‘To‘ can mean ‘until‘ or ‘till‘.

Jane worked to 5:00pm and then went straight home.
We're going to wait to the end of the month.

With a start time and a finish time we use ‘from’... ‘to’...

She often works from dawn to dusk.
She played the piano from 10:00 to 12:00.

For : Benefit/Disadvantage

To show the benefits or disadvantage of something.

This food is beneficial for your health.
That smoke is harmful for the environment.
Daily walks are good for me.
Smoking is bad for you.
For : Function/Use

To show the function of an object or what it is used for.

(Followed by a gerund)
A keyboard is used for typing.
These glasses are for reading.
Money is for buying things.

For : Duration

To specify the length of time an action happens, or its duration.

I've lived in this city for ten years.
He worked there for a short period.
I’m going to wait for 15 minutes and then leave.

For : Replacement

Commonly used for things being exchanged or swapped.

I traded my old car for a new one.
Can I exchange this shirt for a different size?
She substituted honey for sugar in the recipe.

For : Support

To show support towards something that you agree with.

I always cheer for the smaller teams in competitions.
If you're not for the new law, you're against it.

For : Gratitude

To show thanks or gratitude towards someone or something.

Thank you for helping me move house.
He showed his gratitude for the support received from his family.
I'm thankful for every opportunity that comes my way.
For : Representation

When an action is done to represent someone or something els do

As a lawyer, I speak for my clients in court.
I may work for a large corporation, but my beliefs are my own.
Don’t speak for me. I can speak for myself!

For : Because

Not popular in spoken English, but useful in formal written English.

He felt upset, for he knew he was to blame.
Reading fiction is beneficial, for it can make us have more empathy.

Fill in the blanks using either ‘to‘ or ‘for‘.

1. I'm saving money _ _ _ _ _ a house.

2. This knife is _ _ _ _ cutting cheese.
3. I'm saving money _ _ _ _ _ buy a house.
4. She traded her old phone _ _ _ _ _ a newer model.
5. She talked _ _ _ _ _ her therapist about her anxiety.
6. He apologized _ _ _ _ _ his neighbour _ _ _ _ _ the noise.
7. She walked _ _ _ _ _ the park _ _ _ _ _ meet her friends.
8. I'm all _ _ _ _ _ supporting local businesses in our community.
9. I'm learning Spanish _ _ _ _ _ communicate with my colleagues.
10. They’ve been married _ _ _ _ _ each other _ _ _ _ _ over twenty years.
11. He gave a bouquet of flowers _ _ _ _ _ his mother _ _ _ _ _ her birthday.
12. He went _ _ _ _ _ the gym _ _ _ _ _ a workout before heading _ _ _ _ _ work.

1. for 2. for 3. to 4. for 5. to 6. to, for 7. to, to 8. for 9. to 10. to, for 11. to, for 12. to, for, to

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