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Class: Date:

Year 1, Term 2
End-of-term Test – Fict

The Rainbow

This is Tim. Tim can see a rainbow. He likes

the rainbow. Tim wants to find the end of it.

1 What does Tim want to find? Tick one box.

A the end of the day

B a friend

C a new toy

D the end of the rainbow


2 Which picture is a rainbow? Tick one box.

Tim runs to find the rainbow. He smiles and
sings a song. He is having a good day.

3 a) How does Tim feel? Write one word.


b) How do you know that Tim feels this


4 What does Tim do when he is running?
Tick one box.

A He smiles and jumps.

B He jumps and sings.

C He smiles and sings.

D He runs and jumps.


Tim cannot see the end of the rainbow.

“Where should I look next?” he thinks.

5 Did Tim find the end of the rainbow?
Tick one box.

yes no

6 What will Tim do next? Tick one box.

A He will look for the end of

the rainbow again.

B He will go home.

C He will eat some food.

D He will cry.

Tim jumps in the air. He cannot see the end of

the rainbow. He is sad.

7 How did Tim feel when he could not see
the end of the rainbow? Tick one box.

8 Choose a word to finish the sentence.

Tick one box.

Tim liked rainbow.

A big

B new

C the

D red

Tim sees his sister. “We can paint the rainbow,”
she says. They do it together. Tim is happy.

9 Write the numbers 1–3 to show the order

of the story.

10 Circle the correct spelling in bold to finish
the sentences.

Tim wants to see / cee the end of the


Tim painted wiv / with his sister.


11 Write a label for each picture.

Total for test = 16 marks

I got out of 16 marks

What went well

How to improve

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Q7: Jan Engel/Shutterstock
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